

Sep 29th, 2017
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  1. // unknowndefine __SIZE_TYPE__ unsigned int
  2. // unknowndefine __PTRDIFF_TYPE__ int
  3. // unknowndefine __WCHAR_TYPE__ unsigned int
  4. // unknowndefine __WINT_TYPE__ unsigned int
  5. // unknowndefine __INTMAX_TYPE__ long long int
  6. // unknowndefine __UINTMAX_TYPE__ long long unsigned int
  7. // unknowndefine __CHAR16_TYPE__ short unsigned int
  8. // unknowndefine __CHAR32_TYPE__ unsigned int
  9. // unknowndefine __SIG_ATOMIC_TYPE__ int
  10. // unknowndefine __INT8_TYPE__ signed char
  11. // unknowndefine __INT16_TYPE__ short int
  12. // unknowndefine __INT32_TYPE__ int
  13. // unknowndefine __INT64_TYPE__ long long int
  14. // unknowndefine __UINT8_TYPE__ unsigned char
  15. // unknowndefine __UINT16_TYPE__ short unsigned int
  16. // unknowndefine __UINT32_TYPE__ unsigned int
  17. // unknowndefine __UINT64_TYPE__ long long unsigned int
  18. // unknowndefine __INT_LEAST8_TYPE__ signed char
  19. // unknowndefine __INT_LEAST16_TYPE__ short int
  20. // unknowndefine __INT_LEAST32_TYPE__ int
  21. // unknowndefine __INT_LEAST64_TYPE__ long long int
  22. // unknowndefine __UINT_LEAST8_TYPE__ unsigned char
  23. // unknowndefine __UINT_LEAST16_TYPE__ short unsigned int
  24. // unknowndefine __UINT_LEAST32_TYPE__ unsigned int
  25. // unknowndefine __UINT_LEAST64_TYPE__ long long unsigned int
  26. // unknowndefine __INT_FAST8_TYPE__ signed char
  27. // unknowndefine __INT_FAST16_TYPE__ int
  28. // unknowndefine __INT_FAST32_TYPE__ int
  29. // unknowndefine __INT_FAST64_TYPE__ long long int
  30. // unknowndefine __UINT_FAST8_TYPE__ unsigned char
  31. // unknowndefine __UINT_FAST16_TYPE__ unsigned int
  32. // unknowndefine __UINT_FAST32_TYPE__ unsigned int
  33. // unknowndefine __UINT_FAST64_TYPE__ long long unsigned int
  34. // unknowndefine __INTPTR_TYPE__ int
  35. // unknowndefine __UINTPTR_TYPE__ unsigned int
  36. // unknowndefine __DBL_MAX__ ((double)1.1)
  37. // unknowndefine __DBL_MIN__ ((double)1.1)
  38. // unknowndefine __DBL_EPSILON__ ((double)1.1)
  39. // unknowndefine __DBL_DENORM_MIN__ ((double)1.1)
  40. // unknowndefine __FLT32X_MAX__ 1.7976931348623157e+308F32x
  41. // unknowndefine __FLT32X_MIN__ 2.2250738585072014e-308F32x
  42. // unknowndefine __FLT32X_EPSILON__ 2.2204460492503131e-16F32x
  43. // unknowndefine __FLT32X_DENORM_MIN__ 4.9406564584124654e-324F32x
  44. // unknowndefine __SFRACT_MIN__ (-0.5HR-0.5HR)
  45. // unknowndefine __SFRACT_MAX__ 0X7FP-7HR
  46. // unknowndefine __SFRACT_EPSILON__ 0x1P-7HR
  47. // unknowndefine __USFRACT_MIN__ 0.0UHR
  48. // unknowndefine __USFRACT_MAX__ 0XFFP-8UHR
  49. // unknowndefine __USFRACT_EPSILON__ 0x1P-8UHR
  50. // unknowndefine __FRACT_MIN__ (-0.5R-0.5R)
  51. // unknowndefine __FRACT_MAX__ 0X7FFFP-15R
  52. // unknowndefine __FRACT_EPSILON__ 0x1P-15R
  53. // unknowndefine __UFRACT_MIN__ 0.0UR
  54. // unknowndefine __UFRACT_MAX__ 0XFFFFP-16UR
  55. // unknowndefine __UFRACT_EPSILON__ 0x1P-16UR
  56. // unknowndefine __LFRACT_MIN__ (-0.5LR-0.5LR)
  57. // unknowndefine __LFRACT_MAX__ 0X7FFFFFFFP-31LR
  58. // unknowndefine __LFRACT_EPSILON__ 0x1P-31LR
  59. // unknowndefine __ULFRACT_MIN__ 0.0ULR
  60. // unknowndefine __ULFRACT_MAX__ 0XFFFFFFFFP-32ULR
  61. // unknowndefine __ULFRACT_EPSILON__ 0x1P-32ULR
  62. // unknowndefine __LLFRACT_MIN__ (-0.5LLR-0.5LLR)
  63. // unknowndefine __LLFRACT_MAX__ 0X7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFP-63LLR
  64. // unknowndefine __LLFRACT_EPSILON__ 0x1P-63LLR
  65. // unknowndefine __ULLFRACT_MIN__ 0.0ULLR
  66. // unknowndefine __ULLFRACT_MAX__ 0XFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFP-64ULLR
  67. // unknowndefine __ULLFRACT_EPSILON__ 0x1P-64ULLR
  68. // unknowndefine __SACCUM_MIN__ (-0X1P7HK-0X1P7HK)
  69. // unknowndefine __SACCUM_MAX__ 0X7FFFP-7HK
  70. // unknowndefine __SACCUM_EPSILON__ 0x1P-7HK
  71. // unknowndefine __USACCUM_MIN__ 0.0UHK
  72. // unknowndefine __USACCUM_MAX__ 0XFFFFP-8UHK
  73. // unknowndefine __USACCUM_EPSILON__ 0x1P-8UHK
  74. // unknowndefine __ACCUM_MIN__ (-0X1P15K-0X1P15K)
  75. // unknowndefine __ACCUM_MAX__ 0X7FFFFFFFP-15K
  76. // unknowndefine __ACCUM_EPSILON__ 0x1P-15K
  77. // unknowndefine __UACCUM_MIN__ 0.0UK
  78. // unknowndefine __UACCUM_MAX__ 0XFFFFFFFFP-16UK
  79. // unknowndefine __UACCUM_EPSILON__ 0x1P-16UK
  80. // unknowndefine __LACCUM_MIN__ (-0X1P31LK-0X1P31LK)
  81. // unknowndefine __LACCUM_MAX__ 0X7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFP-31LK
  82. // unknowndefine __LACCUM_EPSILON__ 0x1P-31LK
  83. // unknowndefine __ULACCUM_MIN__ 0.0ULK
  84. // unknowndefine __ULACCUM_MAX__ 0XFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFP-32ULK
  85. // unknowndefine __ULACCUM_EPSILON__ 0x1P-32ULK
  86. // unknowndefine __LLACCUM_MIN__ (-0X1P31LLK-0X1P31LLK)
  87. // unknowndefine __LLACCUM_MAX__ 0X7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFP-31LLK
  88. // unknowndefine __LLACCUM_EPSILON__ 0x1P-31LLK
  89. // unknowndefine __ULLACCUM_MIN__ 0.0ULLK
  90. // unknowndefine __ULLACCUM_MAX__ 0XFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFP-32ULLK
  91. // unknowndefine __ULLACCUM_EPSILON__ 0x1P-32ULLK
  92. // unknowndefine NULL ((void *)0)
  93. // unknowndefine __LEAF , __leaf__
  94. // unknowndefine __LEAF_ATTR __attribute__ ((__leaf__))
  95. // unknowndefine __THROW __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ __LEAF))
  96. // unknowndefine __THROWNL __attribute__ ((__nothrow__))
  97. // unknowndefine __ptr_t void *
  98. // unknowndefine __long_double_t long double
  99. // unknowndefine __flexarr []
  100. // unknowndefine __attribute_malloc__ __attribute__ ((__malloc__))
  101. // unknowndefine __attribute_pure__ __attribute__ ((__pure__))
  102. // unknowndefine __attribute_const__ __attribute__((__const__))
  103. // unknowndefine __attribute_used__ __attribute__ ((__used__))
  104. // unknowndefine __attribute_noinline__ __attribute__ ((__noinline__))
  105. // unknowndefine __attribute_deprecated__ __attribute__ ((__deprecated__))
  106. // unknowndefine __attribute_warn_unused_result__ __attribute__ ((__warn_unused_result__))
  107. // unknowndefine __always_inline __inline __attribute__ ((__always_inline__))
  108. // unknowndefine __extern_inline extern __inline __attribute__ ((__gnu_inline__))
  109. // unknowndefine __extern_always_inline extern __always_inline __attribute__ ((__gnu_inline__, __artificial__))
  110. // unknowndefine __restrict_arr __restrict
  111. // unknowndefine __S16_TYPE short int
  112. // unknowndefine __U16_TYPE unsigned short int
  113. // unknowndefine __S32_TYPE int
  114. // unknowndefine __U32_TYPE unsigned int
  115. // unknowndefine __SLONGWORD_TYPE long int
  116. // unknowndefine __ULONGWORD_TYPE unsigned long int
  117. // unknowndefine __SQUAD_TYPE __quad_t
  118. // unknowndefine __UQUAD_TYPE __u_quad_t
  119. // unknowndefine __SWORD_TYPE int
  120. // unknowndefine __UWORD_TYPE unsigned int
  121. // unknowndefine __SLONG32_TYPE long int
  122. // unknowndefine __ULONG32_TYPE unsigned long int
  123. // unknowndefine __S64_TYPE __quad_t
  124. // unknowndefine __U64_TYPE __u_quad_t
  125. // unknowndefine __STD_TYPE __extension__ typedef
  126. // unknowndefine __DEV_T_TYPE __UQUAD_TYPE
  127. // unknowndefine __UID_T_TYPE __U32_TYPE
  128. // unknowndefine __GID_T_TYPE __U32_TYPE
  129. // unknowndefine __INO_T_TYPE __ULONGWORD_TYPE
  130. // unknowndefine __INO64_T_TYPE __UQUAD_TYPE
  131. // unknowndefine __MODE_T_TYPE __U32_TYPE
  132. // unknowndefine __NLINK_T_TYPE __UWORD_TYPE
  133. // unknowndefine __OFF_T_TYPE __SLONGWORD_TYPE
  134. // unknowndefine __OFF64_T_TYPE __SQUAD_TYPE
  135. // unknowndefine __PID_T_TYPE __S32_TYPE
  136. // unknowndefine __RLIM_T_TYPE __ULONGWORD_TYPE
  137. // unknowndefine __RLIM64_T_TYPE __UQUAD_TYPE
  138. // unknowndefine __BLKCNT_T_TYPE __SLONGWORD_TYPE
  139. // unknowndefine __BLKCNT64_T_TYPE __SQUAD_TYPE
  140. // unknowndefine __FSBLKCNT_T_TYPE __ULONGWORD_TYPE
  141. // unknowndefine __FSBLKCNT64_T_TYPE __UQUAD_TYPE
  142. // unknowndefine __FSFILCNT_T_TYPE __ULONGWORD_TYPE
  143. // unknowndefine __FSFILCNT64_T_TYPE __UQUAD_TYPE
  144. // unknowndefine __ID_T_TYPE __U32_TYPE
  145. // unknowndefine __CLOCK_T_TYPE __SLONGWORD_TYPE
  146. // unknowndefine __TIME_T_TYPE __SLONGWORD_TYPE
  147. // unknowndefine __USECONDS_T_TYPE __U32_TYPE
  148. // unknowndefine __SUSECONDS_T_TYPE __SLONGWORD_TYPE
  149. // unknowndefine __DADDR_T_TYPE __S32_TYPE
  150. // unknowndefine __SWBLK_T_TYPE __SLONGWORD_TYPE
  151. // unknowndefine __KEY_T_TYPE __S32_TYPE
  152. // unknowndefine __CLOCKID_T_TYPE __S32_TYPE
  153. // unknowndefine __TIMER_T_TYPE void *
  154. // unknowndefine __BLKSIZE_T_TYPE __SLONGWORD_TYPE
  155. // unknowndefine __FSID_T_TYPE struct { int __val[2]; }
  156. // unknowndefine __SSIZE_T_TYPE __SWORD_TYPE
  157. // unknowndefine NULL ((void *)0)
  158. // unknowndefine _SIGSET_NWORDS (64 / (8 * sizeof (unsigned long)))
  159. // unknowndefine __NFDBITS (8 * sizeof (__fd_mask))
  160. // unknowndefine NFDBITS __NFDBITS
  161. // unknowndefine d_fileno d_ino
  162. // unknowndefine DT_UNKNOWN DT_UNKNOWN
  163. // unknowndefine DT_FIFO DT_FIFO
  164. // unknowndefine DT_CHR DT_CHR
  165. // unknowndefine DT_DIR DT_DIR
  166. // unknowndefine DT_BLK DT_BLK
  167. // unknowndefine DT_REG DT_REG
  168. // unknowndefine DT_LNK DT_LNK
  169. // unknowndefine DT_SOCK DT_SOCK
  170. // unknowndefine DT_WHT DT_WHT
  171. // unknowndefine SSIZE_MAX LONG_MAX
  172. // unknowndefine NULL ((void *)0)
  173. // unknowndefine errno (*__errno_location ())
  174. // unknowndefine F_GETLK F_GETLK64
  175. // unknowndefine F_SETLK F_SETLK64
  176. // unknowndefine F_SETLKW F_SETLKW64
  177. // unknowndefine st_atime st_atim.tv_sec
  178. // unknowndefine st_mtime st_mtim.tv_sec
  179. // unknowndefine st_ctime st_ctim.tv_sec
  180. // unknowndefine _EXTERN_INLINE __extern_inline
  181. // unknowndefine SIGCLD SIGCHLD
  182. // unknowndefine SIGPOLL SIGIO
  183. // unknowndefine SIG_ERR ((__sighandler_t) -1)
  184. // unknowndefine SIG_DFL ((__sighandler_t) 0)
  185. // unknowndefine SIG_IGN ((__sighandler_t) 1)
  186. // unknowndefine SIG_HOLD ((__sighandler_t) 2)
  187. // unknowndefine SIGRTMIN (__libc_current_sigrtmin())
  188. // unknowndefine SIGRTMAX (__libc_current_sigrtmax())
  189. // unknowndefine __SI_PAD_SIZE ((__SI_MAX_SIZE / sizeof (int)) - 3)
  190. // unknowndefine si_pid _sifields._kill.si_pid
  191. // unknowndefine si_uid _sifields._kill.si_uid
  192. // unknowndefine si_timerid _sifields._timer.si_tid
  193. // unknowndefine si_overrun _sifields._timer.si_overrun
  194. // unknowndefine si_status _sifields._sigchld.si_status
  195. // unknowndefine si_utime _sifields._sigchld.si_utime
  196. // unknowndefine si_stime _sifields._sigchld.si_stime
  197. // unknowndefine si_value _sifields._rt.si_sigval
  198. // unknowndefine si_int _sifields._rt.si_sigval.sival_int
  199. // unknowndefine si_ptr _sifields._rt.si_sigval.sival_ptr
  200. // unknowndefine si_addr _sifields._sigfault.si_addr
  201. // unknowndefine si_band _sifields._sigpoll.si_band
  202. // unknowndefine si_fd _sifields._sigpoll.si_fd
  203. // unknowndefine si_call_addr _sifields._sigsys._call_addr
  204. // unknowndefine si_syscall _sifields._sigsys._syscall
  205. // unknowndefine si_arch _sifields._sigsys._arch
  206. // unknowndefine SI_ASYNCNL SI_ASYNCNL
  207. // unknowndefine SI_TKILL SI_TKILL
  208. // unknowndefine SI_SIGIO SI_SIGIO
  209. // unknowndefine SI_ASYNCIO SI_ASYNCIO
  210. // unknowndefine SI_MESGQ SI_MESGQ
  211. // unknowndefine SI_TIMER SI_TIMER
  212. // unknowndefine SI_QUEUE SI_QUEUE
  213. // unknowndefine SI_USER SI_USER
  214. // unknowndefine SI_KERNEL SI_KERNEL
  215. // unknowndefine ILL_ILLOPC ILL_ILLOPC
  216. // unknowndefine ILL_ILLOPN ILL_ILLOPN
  217. // unknowndefine ILL_ILLADR ILL_ILLADR
  218. // unknowndefine ILL_ILLTRP ILL_ILLTRP
  219. // unknowndefine ILL_PRVOPC ILL_PRVOPC
  220. // unknowndefine ILL_PRVREG ILL_PRVREG
  221. // unknowndefine ILL_COPROC ILL_COPROC
  222. // unknowndefine ILL_BADSTK ILL_BADSTK
  223. // unknowndefine FPE_INTDIV FPE_INTDIV
  224. // unknowndefine FPE_INTOVF FPE_INTOVF
  225. // unknowndefine FPE_FLTDIV FPE_FLTDIV
  226. // unknowndefine FPE_FLTOVF FPE_FLTOVF
  227. // unknowndefine FPE_FLTUND FPE_FLTUND
  228. // unknowndefine FPE_FLTRES FPE_FLTRES
  229. // unknowndefine FPE_FLTINV FPE_FLTINV
  230. // unknowndefine FPE_FLTSUB FPE_FLTSUB
  231. // unknowndefine SEGV_MAPERR SEGV_MAPERR
  232. // unknowndefine SEGV_ACCERR SEGV_ACCERR
  233. // unknowndefine BUS_ADRALN BUS_ADRALN
  234. // unknowndefine BUS_ADRERR BUS_ADRERR
  235. // unknowndefine BUS_OBJERR BUS_OBJERR
  236. // unknowndefine TRAP_BRKPT TRAP_BRKPT
  237. // unknowndefine TRAP_TRACE TRAP_TRACE
  238. // unknowndefine CLD_EXITED CLD_EXITED
  239. // unknowndefine CLD_KILLED CLD_KILLED
  240. // unknowndefine CLD_DUMPED CLD_DUMPED
  241. // unknowndefine CLD_TRAPPED CLD_TRAPPED
  242. // unknowndefine CLD_STOPPED CLD_STOPPED
  243. // unknowndefine CLD_CONTINUED CLD_CONTINUED
  244. // unknowndefine POLL_IN POLL_IN
  245. // unknowndefine POLL_OUT POLL_OUT
  246. // unknowndefine POLL_MSG POLL_MSG
  247. // unknowndefine POLL_ERR POLL_ERR
  248. // unknowndefine POLL_PRI POLL_PRI
  249. // unknowndefine POLL_HUP POLL_HUP
  250. // unknowndefine __SIGEV_PAD_SIZE ((__SIGEV_MAX_SIZE / sizeof (int)) - 3)
  251. // unknowndefine sigev_notify_function _sigev_un._sigev_thread._function
  252. // unknowndefine sigev_notify_attributes _sigev_un._sigev_thread._attribute
  253. // unknowndefine SIGEV_SIGNAL SIGEV_SIGNAL
  254. // unknowndefine SIGEV_NONE SIGEV_NONE
  255. // unknowndefine SIGEV_THREAD SIGEV_THREAD
  256. // unknowndefine SIGEV_THREAD_ID SIGEV_THREAD_ID
  257. // unknowndefine sa_handler __sigaction_handler.sa_handler
  258. // unknowndefine sa_sigaction __sigaction_handler.sa_sigaction
  259. // unknowndefine sv_onstack sv_flags
  260. // unknowndefine sigcontext_struct sigcontext
  261. // unknowndefine NULL ((void *)0)
  262. // unknowndefine SS_ONSTACK SS_ONSTACK
  263. // unknowndefine SS_DISABLE SS_DISABLE
  264. // unknowndefine ITIMER_REAL ITIMER_REAL
  265. // unknowndefine ITIMER_VIRTUAL ITIMER_VIRTUAL
  266. // unknowndefine ITIMER_PROF ITIMER_PROF
  267. // unknowndefine ELF_NGREG (sizeof (struct user_regs) / sizeof(elf_greg_t))
  268. // unknowndefine R0 R0
  269. // unknowndefine R1 R1
  270. // unknowndefine R2 R2
  271. // unknowndefine R3 R3
  272. // unknowndefine R4 R4
  273. // unknowndefine R5 R5
  274. // unknowndefine R6 R6
  275. // unknowndefine R7 R7
  276. // unknowndefine R8 R8
  277. // unknowndefine R9 R9
  278. // unknowndefine R10 R10
  279. // unknowndefine R11 R11
  280. // unknowndefine R12 R12
  281. // unknowndefine R13 R13
  282. // unknowndefine R14 R14
  283. // unknowndefine R15 R15
  284. // unknowndefine INT64_MIN (-__INT64_C(9223372036854775807)-1)
  285. // unknowndefine INT64_MAX (__INT64_C(9223372036854775807))
  286. // unknowndefine UINT64_MAX (__UINT64_C(18446744073709551615))
  287. // unknowndefine INT_LEAST64_MIN (-__INT64_C(9223372036854775807)-1)
  288. // unknowndefine INT_LEAST64_MAX (__INT64_C(9223372036854775807))
  289. // unknowndefine UINT_LEAST64_MAX (__UINT64_C(18446744073709551615))
  290. // unknowndefine INT_FAST64_MIN (-__INT64_C(9223372036854775807)-1)
  291. // unknowndefine INT_FAST64_MAX (__INT64_C(9223372036854775807))
  292. // unknowndefine UINT_FAST64_MAX (__UINT64_C(18446744073709551615))
  293. // unknowndefine INTMAX_MIN (-__INT64_C(9223372036854775807)-1)
  294. // unknowndefine INTMAX_MAX (__INT64_C(9223372036854775807))
  295. // unknowndefine UINTMAX_MAX (__UINT64_C(18446744073709551615))
  296. // unknowndefine NULL ((void *)0)
  297. // unknowndefine NULL ((void *)0)
  298. // unknowndefine LLONG_MIN (-LLONG_MAX-1)
  299. // unknowndefine NL_MSGMAX INT_MAX
  300. // unknowndefine NL_NMAX INT_MAX
  301. // unknowndefine NL_SETMAX INT_MAX
  302. // unknowndefine NL_TEXTMAX INT_MAX
  303. // unknowndefine SCHAR_MIN (-SCHAR_MAX - 1)
  304. // unknowndefine SHRT_MIN (-SHRT_MAX - 1)
  305. // unknowndefine INT_MIN (-INT_MAX - 1)
  306. // unknowndefine LONG_MIN (-LONG_MAX - 1L)
  307. // unknowndefine LONG_LONG_MIN (-LONG_LONG_MAX - 1LL)
  308. // unknowndefine SOCK_STREAM SOCK_STREAM
  309. // unknowndefine SOCK_DGRAM SOCK_DGRAM
  310. // unknowndefine SOCK_RAW SOCK_RAW
  311. // unknowndefine SOCK_RDM SOCK_RDM
  312. // unknowndefine SOCK_SEQPACKET SOCK_SEQPACKET
  313. // unknowndefine SOCK_DCCP SOCK_DCCP
  314. // unknowndefine SOCK_PACKET SOCK_PACKET
  315. // unknowndefine SOCK_CLOEXEC SOCK_CLOEXEC
  316. // unknowndefine SOCK_NONBLOCK SOCK_NONBLOCK
  317. // unknowndefine __SOCKADDR_COMMON_SIZE (sizeof (unsigned short int))
  318. // unknowndefine __ss_aligntype __uint32_t
  319. // unknowndefine _SS_PADSIZE (_SS_SIZE - (2 * sizeof (__ss_aligntype)))
  320. // unknowndefine MSG_OOB MSG_OOB
  321. // unknowndefine MSG_PEEK MSG_PEEK
  322. // unknowndefine MSG_DONTROUTE MSG_DONTROUTE
  323. // unknowndefine MSG_TRYHARD MSG_DONTROUTE
  324. // unknowndefine MSG_CTRUNC MSG_CTRUNC
  325. // unknowndefine MSG_PROXY MSG_PROXY
  326. // unknowndefine MSG_TRUNC MSG_TRUNC
  327. // unknowndefine MSG_DONTWAIT MSG_DONTWAIT
  328. // unknowndefine MSG_EOR MSG_EOR
  329. // unknowndefine MSG_WAITALL MSG_WAITALL
  330. // unknowndefine MSG_FIN MSG_FIN
  331. // unknowndefine MSG_SYN MSG_SYN
  332. // unknowndefine MSG_CONFIRM MSG_CONFIRM
  333. // unknowndefine MSG_RST MSG_RST
  334. // unknowndefine MSG_ERRQUEUE MSG_ERRQUEUE
  335. // unknowndefine MSG_NOSIGNAL MSG_NOSIGNAL
  336. // unknowndefine MSG_MORE MSG_MORE
  337. // unknowndefine MSG_WAITFORONE MSG_WAITFORONE
  338. // unknowndefine MSG_CMSG_CLOEXEC MSG_CMSG_CLOEXEC
  339. // unknowndefine SCM_RIGHTS SCM_RIGHTS
  341. // unknowndefine SHUT_RD SHUT_RD
  342. // unknowndefine SHUT_WR SHUT_WR
  343. // unknowndefine SHUT_RDWR SHUT_RDWR
  344. // unknowndefine __SOCKADDR_ALLTYPES __SOCKADDR_ONETYPE (sockaddr) __SOCKADDR_ONETYPE (sockaddr_at) __SOCKADDR_ONETYPE (sockaddr_ax25) __SOCKADDR_ONETYPE (sockaddr_dl) __SOCKADDR_ONETYPE (sockaddr_eon) __SOCKADDR_ONETYPE (sockaddr_in) __SOCKADDR_ONETYPE (sockaddr_in6) __SOCKADDR_ONETYPE (sockaddr_inarp) __SOCKADDR_ONETYPE (sockaddr_ipx) __SOCKADDR_ONETYPE (sockaddr_iso) __SOCKADDR_ONETYPE (sockaddr_ns) __SOCKADDR_ONETYPE (sockaddr_un) __SOCKADDR_ONETYPE (sockaddr_x25)
  345. // unknowndefine IPPROTO_IP IPPROTO_IP
  347. // unknowndefine IPPROTO_ICMP IPPROTO_ICMP
  348. // unknowndefine IPPROTO_IGMP IPPROTO_IGMP
  349. // unknowndefine IPPROTO_IPIP IPPROTO_IPIP
  350. // unknowndefine IPPROTO_TCP IPPROTO_TCP
  351. // unknowndefine IPPROTO_EGP IPPROTO_EGP
  352. // unknowndefine IPPROTO_PUP IPPROTO_PUP
  353. // unknowndefine IPPROTO_UDP IPPROTO_UDP
  354. // unknowndefine IPPROTO_IDP IPPROTO_IDP
  355. // unknowndefine IPPROTO_TP IPPROTO_TP
  356. // unknowndefine IPPROTO_DCCP IPPROTO_DCCP
  357. // unknowndefine IPPROTO_IPV6 IPPROTO_IPV6
  360. // unknowndefine IPPROTO_RSVP IPPROTO_RSVP
  361. // unknowndefine IPPROTO_GRE IPPROTO_GRE
  362. // unknowndefine IPPROTO_ESP IPPROTO_ESP
  363. // unknowndefine IPPROTO_AH IPPROTO_AH
  364. // unknowndefine IPPROTO_ICMPV6 IPPROTO_ICMPV6
  365. // unknowndefine IPPROTO_NONE IPPROTO_NONE
  367. // unknowndefine IPPROTO_MTP IPPROTO_MTP
  368. // unknowndefine IPPROTO_ENCAP IPPROTO_ENCAP
  369. // unknowndefine IPPROTO_PIM IPPROTO_PIM
  370. // unknowndefine IPPROTO_COMP IPPROTO_COMP
  371. // unknowndefine IPPROTO_SCTP IPPROTO_SCTP
  372. // unknowndefine IPPROTO_MH IPPROTO_MH
  374. // unknowndefine IPPROTO_RAW IPPROTO_RAW
  375. // unknowndefine INADDR_ANY ((in_addr_t) 0x00000000)
  376. // unknowndefine INADDR_BROADCAST ((in_addr_t) 0xffffffff)
  377. // unknowndefine INADDR_NONE ((in_addr_t) 0xffffffff)
  378. // unknowndefine INADDR_LOOPBACK ((in_addr_t) 0x7f000001)
  379. // unknowndefine INADDR_UNSPEC_GROUP ((in_addr_t) 0xe0000000)
  380. // unknowndefine INADDR_ALLHOSTS_GROUP ((in_addr_t) 0xe0000001)
  381. // unknowndefine INADDR_ALLRTRS_GROUP ((in_addr_t) 0xe0000002)
  382. // unknowndefine INADDR_MAX_LOCAL_GROUP ((in_addr_t) 0xe00000ff)
  383. // unknowndefine s6_addr __in6_u.__u6_addr8
  384. // unknowndefine s6_addr16 __in6_u.__u6_addr16
  385. // unknowndefine s6_addr32 __in6_u.__u6_addr32
  386. // unknowndefine IN6ADDR_ANY_INIT { { { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 } } }
  387. // unknowndefine IN6ADDR_LOOPBACK_INIT { { { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1 } } }
  388. // unknowndefine IP_RECVRETOPTS IP_RETOPTS
  389. // unknowndefine SCM_SRCRT IPV6_RXSRCRT
  390. // unknowndefine NULL ((void *)0)
  391. // unknowndefine __NFDBITS (8 * sizeof(unsigned long))
  392. // unknowndefine __FDSET_LONGS (__FD_SETSIZE/__NFDBITS)
  393. // unknowndefine __aligned_u64 __u64 __attribute__((aligned(8)))
  394. // unknowndefine __aligned_be64 __be64 __attribute__((aligned(8)))
  395. // unknowndefine __aligned_le64 __le64 __attribute__((aligned(8)))
  396. // unknowndefine arp_hrd ea_hdr.ar_hrd
  397. // unknowndefine arp_pro ea_hdr.ar_pro
  398. // unknowndefine arp_hln ea_hdr.ar_hln
  399. // unknowndefine arp_pln ea_hdr.ar_pln
  400. // unknowndefine arp_op ea_hdr.ar_op
  401. // unknowndefine TCGETS2 _IOR('T',0x2A, struct termios2)
  402. // unknowndefine TCSETS2 _IOW('T',0x2B, struct termios2)
  403. // unknowndefine TCSETSW2 _IOW('T',0x2C, struct termios2)
  404. // unknowndefine TCSETSF2 _IOW('T',0x2D, struct termios2)
  405. // unknowndefine TIOCGPTN _IOR('T',0x30, unsigned int)
  406. // unknowndefine TIOCSPTLCK _IOW('T',0x31, int)
  407. // unknowndefine TIOCSIG _IOW('T',0x36, int)
  409. // unknowndefine TTYDEF_OFLAG (OPOST | ONLCR | XTABS)
  411. // unknowndefine TTYDEF_CFLAG (CREAD | CS7 | PARENB | HUPCL)
  412. // unknowndefine TTYDEF_SPEED (B9600)
  413. // unknowndefine CEOF CTRL('d')
  414. // unknowndefine CEOL '\0'
  415. // unknowndefine CINTR CTRL('c')
  416. // unknowndefine CSTATUS '\0'
  417. // unknowndefine CKILL CTRL('u')
  418. // unknowndefine CSUSP CTRL('z')
  419. // unknowndefine CDSUSP CTRL('y')
  420. // unknowndefine CSTART CTRL('q')
  421. // unknowndefine CSTOP CTRL('s')
  422. // unknowndefine CLNEXT CTRL('v')
  423. // unknowndefine CDISCARD CTRL('o')
  424. // unknowndefine CWERASE CTRL('w')
  425. // unknowndefine CREPRINT CTRL('r')
  426. // unknowndefine CEOT CEOF
  427. // unknowndefine CBRK CEOL
  428. // unknowndefine CRPRNT CREPRINT
  429. // unknowndefine CFLUSH CDISCARD
  430. // unknowndefine _IOT_termios _IOT (_IOTS (cflag_t), 4, _IOTS (cc_t), NCCS, _IOTS (speed_t), 2)
  431. // unknowndefine __NR_time __NR_time
  432. // unknowndefine SYS_time __NR_time
  433. // unknowndefine __NR_umount __NR_umount
  434. // unknowndefine SYS_umount __NR_umount
  435. // unknowndefine __NR_stime __NR_stime
  436. // unknowndefine SYS_stime __NR_stime
  437. // unknowndefine __NR_alarm __NR_alarm
  438. // unknowndefine SYS_alarm __NR_alarm
  439. // unknowndefine __NR_utime __NR_utime
  440. // unknowndefine SYS_utime __NR_utime
  441. // unknowndefine __NR_getrlimit __NR_getrlimit
  442. // unknowndefine SYS_getrlimit __NR_getrlimit
  443. // unknowndefine __NR_select __NR_select
  444. // unknowndefine SYS_select __NR_select
  445. // unknowndefine __NR_readdir __NR_readdir
  446. // unknowndefine SYS_readdir __NR_readdir
  447. // unknowndefine __NR_mmap __NR_mmap
  448. // unknowndefine SYS_mmap __NR_mmap
  449. // unknowndefine __NR_socketcall __NR_socketcall
  450. // unknowndefine SYS_socketcall __NR_socketcall
  451. // unknowndefine __NR_syscall __NR_syscall
  452. // unknowndefine SYS_syscall __NR_syscall
  453. // unknowndefine __NR_ipc __NR_ipc
  454. // unknowndefine SYS_ipc __NR_ipc
  455. // unknowndefine EPOLL_CLOEXEC EPOLL_CLOEXEC
  456. // unknowndefine EPOLL_NONBLOCK EPOLL_NONBLOCK
  457. // unknowndefine EPOLLIN EPOLLIN
  458. // unknowndefine EPOLLPRI EPOLLPRI
  459. // unknowndefine EPOLLOUT EPOLLOUT
  460. // unknowndefine EPOLLRDNORM EPOLLRDNORM
  461. // unknowndefine EPOLLRDBAND EPOLLRDBAND
  462. // unknowndefine EPOLLWRNORM EPOLLWRNORM
  463. // unknowndefine EPOLLWRBAND EPOLLWRBAND
  464. // unknowndefine EPOLLMSG EPOLLMSG
  465. // unknowndefine EPOLLERR EPOLLERR
  466. // unknowndefine EPOLLHUP EPOLLHUP
  467. // unknowndefine EPOLLRDHUP EPOLLRDHUP
  468. // unknowndefine EPOLLONESHOT EPOLLONESHOT
  469. // unknowndefine EPOLLET EPOLLET
  470. // unknowndefine NULL ((void *)0)
  471. // unknowndefine MAP_FAILED ((void *) -1)
  472. // unknowndefine PT_TRACE_ME PTRACE_TRACEME
  473. // unknowndefine PT_READ_I PTRACE_PEEKTEXT
  474. // unknowndefine PT_READ_D PTRACE_PEEKDATA
  475. // unknowndefine PT_READ_U PTRACE_PEEKUSER
  476. // unknowndefine PT_WRITE_I PTRACE_POKETEXT
  477. // unknowndefine PT_WRITE_D PTRACE_POKEDATA
  478. // unknowndefine PT_WRITE_U PTRACE_POKEUSER
  479. // unknowndefine PT_CONTINUE PTRACE_CONT
  480. // unknowndefine PT_KILL PTRACE_KILL
  481. // unknowndefine PT_STEP PTRACE_SINGLESTEP
  482. // unknowndefine PT_GETREGS PTRACE_GETREGS
  483. // unknowndefine PT_SETREGS PTRACE_SETREGS
  484. // unknowndefine PT_GETFPREGS PTRACE_GETFPREGS
  485. // unknowndefine PT_SETFPREGS PTRACE_SETFPREGS
  486. // unknowndefine PT_ATTACH PTRACE_ATTACH
  487. // unknowndefine PT_DETACH PTRACE_DETACH
  490. // unknowndefine PT_SYSCALL PTRACE_SYSCALL
  497. // unknowndefine PTRACE_SEIZE PTRACE_SEIZE
  499. // unknowndefine RLIMIT_CPU RLIMIT_CPU
  500. // unknowndefine RLIMIT_FSIZE RLIMIT_FSIZE
  501. // unknowndefine RLIMIT_DATA RLIMIT_DATA
  502. // unknowndefine RLIMIT_STACK RLIMIT_STACK
  503. // unknowndefine RLIMIT_CORE RLIMIT_CORE
  504. // unknowndefine RLIMIT_RSS __RLIMIT_RSS
  505. // unknowndefine RLIMIT_NOFILE RLIMIT_NOFILE
  506. // unknowndefine RLIMIT_OFILE __RLIMIT_OFILE
  507. // unknowndefine RLIMIT_AS RLIMIT_AS
  508. // unknowndefine RLIMIT_NPROC __RLIMIT_NPROC
  509. // unknowndefine RLIMIT_MEMLOCK __RLIMIT_MEMLOCK
  510. // unknowndefine RLIMIT_LOCKS __RLIMIT_LOCKS
  512. // unknowndefine RLIMIT_MSGQUEUE __RLIMIT_MSGQUEUE
  513. // unknowndefine RLIMIT_NICE __RLIMIT_NICE
  514. // unknowndefine RLIMIT_RTPRIO __RLIMIT_RTPRIO
  515. // unknowndefine RLIMIT_NLIMITS __RLIMIT_NLIMITS
  516. // unknowndefine RLIM_NLIMITS __RLIM_NLIMITS
  517. // unknowndefine RUSAGE_SELF RUSAGE_SELF
  519. // unknowndefine PRIO_PROCESS PRIO_PROCESS
  520. // unknowndefine PRIO_PGRP PRIO_PGRP
  521. // unknowndefine PRIO_USER PRIO_USER
  522. // unknowndefine __WAIT_STATUS_DEFN int *
  523. // unknowndefine w_termsig __wait_terminated.__w_termsig
  524. // unknowndefine w_coredump __wait_terminated.__w_coredump
  525. // unknowndefine w_retcode __wait_terminated.__w_retcode
  526. // unknowndefine w_stopsig __wait_stopped.__w_stopsig
  527. // unknowndefine w_stopval __wait_stopped.__w_stopval
  528. // unknowndefine NULL ((void *)0)
  529. // unknowndefine NULL ((void *)0)
  530. // unknowndefine _POSIX_VDISABLE '\0'
  531. // unknowndefine NULL ((void *)0)
  532. // unknowndefine _PC_LINK_MAX _PC_LINK_MAX
  533. // unknowndefine _PC_MAX_CANON _PC_MAX_CANON
  534. // unknowndefine _PC_MAX_INPUT _PC_MAX_INPUT
  535. // unknowndefine _PC_NAME_MAX _PC_NAME_MAX
  536. // unknowndefine _PC_PATH_MAX _PC_PATH_MAX
  537. // unknowndefine _PC_PIPE_BUF _PC_PIPE_BUF
  539. // unknowndefine _PC_NO_TRUNC _PC_NO_TRUNC
  540. // unknowndefine _PC_VDISABLE _PC_VDISABLE
  541. // unknowndefine _PC_SYNC_IO _PC_SYNC_IO
  542. // unknowndefine _PC_ASYNC_IO _PC_ASYNC_IO
  543. // unknowndefine _PC_PRIO_IO _PC_PRIO_IO
  544. // unknowndefine _PC_SOCK_MAXBUF _PC_SOCK_MAXBUF
  545. // unknowndefine _PC_FILESIZEBITS _PC_FILESIZEBITS
  546. // unknowndefine _PC_REC_INCR_XFER_SIZE _PC_REC_INCR_XFER_SIZE
  547. // unknowndefine _PC_REC_MAX_XFER_SIZE _PC_REC_MAX_XFER_SIZE
  548. // unknowndefine _PC_REC_MIN_XFER_SIZE _PC_REC_MIN_XFER_SIZE
  549. // unknowndefine _PC_REC_XFER_ALIGN _PC_REC_XFER_ALIGN
  550. // unknowndefine _PC_ALLOC_SIZE_MIN _PC_ALLOC_SIZE_MIN
  551. // unknowndefine _PC_SYMLINK_MAX _PC_SYMLINK_MAX
  552. // unknowndefine _PC_2_SYMLINKS _PC_2_SYMLINKS
  553. // unknowndefine _SC_ARG_MAX _SC_ARG_MAX
  554. // unknowndefine _SC_CHILD_MAX _SC_CHILD_MAX
  555. // unknowndefine _SC_CLK_TCK _SC_CLK_TCK
  556. // unknowndefine _SC_NGROUPS_MAX _SC_NGROUPS_MAX
  557. // unknowndefine _SC_OPEN_MAX _SC_OPEN_MAX
  558. // unknowndefine _SC_STREAM_MAX _SC_STREAM_MAX
  559. // unknowndefine _SC_TZNAME_MAX _SC_TZNAME_MAX
  560. // unknowndefine _SC_JOB_CONTROL _SC_JOB_CONTROL
  561. // unknowndefine _SC_SAVED_IDS _SC_SAVED_IDS
  564. // unknowndefine _SC_TIMERS _SC_TIMERS
  566. // unknowndefine _SC_PRIORITIZED_IO _SC_PRIORITIZED_IO
  568. // unknowndefine _SC_FSYNC _SC_FSYNC
  569. // unknowndefine _SC_MAPPED_FILES _SC_MAPPED_FILES
  570. // unknowndefine _SC_MEMLOCK _SC_MEMLOCK
  571. // unknowndefine _SC_MEMLOCK_RANGE _SC_MEMLOCK_RANGE
  574. // unknowndefine _SC_SEMAPHORES _SC_SEMAPHORES
  576. // unknowndefine _SC_AIO_LISTIO_MAX _SC_AIO_LISTIO_MAX
  577. // unknowndefine _SC_AIO_MAX _SC_AIO_MAX
  578. // unknowndefine _SC_AIO_PRIO_DELTA_MAX _SC_AIO_PRIO_DELTA_MAX
  579. // unknowndefine _SC_DELAYTIMER_MAX _SC_DELAYTIMER_MAX
  580. // unknowndefine _SC_MQ_OPEN_MAX _SC_MQ_OPEN_MAX
  581. // unknowndefine _SC_MQ_PRIO_MAX _SC_MQ_PRIO_MAX
  582. // unknowndefine _SC_VERSION _SC_VERSION
  583. // unknowndefine _SC_PAGESIZE _SC_PAGESIZE
  584. // unknowndefine _SC_PAGE_SIZE _SC_PAGESIZE
  585. // unknowndefine _SC_RTSIG_MAX _SC_RTSIG_MAX
  586. // unknowndefine _SC_SEM_NSEMS_MAX _SC_SEM_NSEMS_MAX
  587. // unknowndefine _SC_SEM_VALUE_MAX _SC_SEM_VALUE_MAX
  588. // unknowndefine _SC_SIGQUEUE_MAX _SC_SIGQUEUE_MAX
  589. // unknowndefine _SC_TIMER_MAX _SC_TIMER_MAX
  590. // unknowndefine _SC_BC_BASE_MAX _SC_BC_BASE_MAX
  591. // unknowndefine _SC_BC_DIM_MAX _SC_BC_DIM_MAX
  592. // unknowndefine _SC_BC_SCALE_MAX _SC_BC_SCALE_MAX
  593. // unknowndefine _SC_BC_STRING_MAX _SC_BC_STRING_MAX
  594. // unknowndefine _SC_COLL_WEIGHTS_MAX _SC_COLL_WEIGHTS_MAX
  595. // unknowndefine _SC_EQUIV_CLASS_MAX _SC_EQUIV_CLASS_MAX
  596. // unknowndefine _SC_EXPR_NEST_MAX _SC_EXPR_NEST_MAX
  597. // unknowndefine _SC_LINE_MAX _SC_LINE_MAX
  598. // unknowndefine _SC_RE_DUP_MAX _SC_RE_DUP_MAX
  600. // unknowndefine _SC_2_VERSION _SC_2_VERSION
  601. // unknowndefine _SC_2_C_BIND _SC_2_C_BIND
  602. // unknowndefine _SC_2_C_DEV _SC_2_C_DEV
  603. // unknowndefine _SC_2_FORT_DEV _SC_2_FORT_DEV
  604. // unknowndefine _SC_2_FORT_RUN _SC_2_FORT_RUN
  605. // unknowndefine _SC_2_SW_DEV _SC_2_SW_DEV
  606. // unknowndefine _SC_2_LOCALEDEF _SC_2_LOCALEDEF
  607. // unknowndefine _SC_PII _SC_PII
  608. // unknowndefine _SC_PII_XTI _SC_PII_XTI
  609. // unknowndefine _SC_PII_SOCKET _SC_PII_SOCKET
  610. // unknowndefine _SC_PII_INTERNET _SC_PII_INTERNET
  611. // unknowndefine _SC_PII_OSI _SC_PII_OSI
  612. // unknowndefine _SC_POLL _SC_POLL
  613. // unknowndefine _SC_SELECT _SC_SELECT
  614. // unknowndefine _SC_UIO_MAXIOV _SC_UIO_MAXIOV
  615. // unknowndefine _SC_IOV_MAX _SC_IOV_MAX
  618. // unknowndefine _SC_PII_OSI_COTS _SC_PII_OSI_COTS
  619. // unknowndefine _SC_PII_OSI_CLTS _SC_PII_OSI_CLTS
  620. // unknowndefine _SC_PII_OSI_M _SC_PII_OSI_M
  621. // unknowndefine _SC_T_IOV_MAX _SC_T_IOV_MAX
  622. // unknowndefine _SC_THREADS _SC_THREADS
  624. // unknowndefine _SC_GETGR_R_SIZE_MAX _SC_GETGR_R_SIZE_MAX
  625. // unknowndefine _SC_GETPW_R_SIZE_MAX _SC_GETPW_R_SIZE_MAX
  626. // unknowndefine _SC_LOGIN_NAME_MAX _SC_LOGIN_NAME_MAX
  627. // unknowndefine _SC_TTY_NAME_MAX _SC_TTY_NAME_MAX
  629. // unknowndefine _SC_THREAD_KEYS_MAX _SC_THREAD_KEYS_MAX
  630. // unknowndefine _SC_THREAD_STACK_MIN _SC_THREAD_STACK_MIN
  640. // unknowndefine _SC_PHYS_PAGES _SC_PHYS_PAGES
  641. // unknowndefine _SC_AVPHYS_PAGES _SC_AVPHYS_PAGES
  642. // unknowndefine _SC_ATEXIT_MAX _SC_ATEXIT_MAX
  643. // unknowndefine _SC_PASS_MAX _SC_PASS_MAX
  644. // unknowndefine _SC_XOPEN_VERSION _SC_XOPEN_VERSION
  646. // unknowndefine _SC_XOPEN_UNIX _SC_XOPEN_UNIX
  647. // unknowndefine _SC_XOPEN_CRYPT _SC_XOPEN_CRYPT
  648. // unknowndefine _SC_XOPEN_ENH_I18N _SC_XOPEN_ENH_I18N
  649. // unknowndefine _SC_XOPEN_SHM _SC_XOPEN_SHM
  650. // unknowndefine _SC_2_CHAR_TERM _SC_2_CHAR_TERM
  651. // unknowndefine _SC_2_C_VERSION _SC_2_C_VERSION
  652. // unknowndefine _SC_2_UPE _SC_2_UPE
  653. // unknowndefine _SC_XOPEN_XPG2 _SC_XOPEN_XPG2
  654. // unknowndefine _SC_XOPEN_XPG3 _SC_XOPEN_XPG3
  655. // unknowndefine _SC_XOPEN_XPG4 _SC_XOPEN_XPG4
  656. // unknowndefine _SC_CHAR_BIT _SC_CHAR_BIT
  657. // unknowndefine _SC_CHAR_MAX _SC_CHAR_MAX
  658. // unknowndefine _SC_CHAR_MIN _SC_CHAR_MIN
  659. // unknowndefine _SC_INT_MAX _SC_INT_MAX
  660. // unknowndefine _SC_INT_MIN _SC_INT_MIN
  661. // unknowndefine _SC_LONG_BIT _SC_LONG_BIT
  662. // unknowndefine _SC_WORD_BIT _SC_WORD_BIT
  663. // unknowndefine _SC_MB_LEN_MAX _SC_MB_LEN_MAX
  664. // unknowndefine _SC_NZERO _SC_NZERO
  665. // unknowndefine _SC_SSIZE_MAX _SC_SSIZE_MAX
  666. // unknowndefine _SC_SCHAR_MAX _SC_SCHAR_MAX
  667. // unknowndefine _SC_SCHAR_MIN _SC_SCHAR_MIN
  668. // unknowndefine _SC_SHRT_MAX _SC_SHRT_MAX
  669. // unknowndefine _SC_SHRT_MIN _SC_SHRT_MIN
  670. // unknowndefine _SC_UCHAR_MAX _SC_UCHAR_MAX
  671. // unknowndefine _SC_UINT_MAX _SC_UINT_MAX
  672. // unknowndefine _SC_ULONG_MAX _SC_ULONG_MAX
  673. // unknowndefine _SC_USHRT_MAX _SC_USHRT_MAX
  674. // unknowndefine _SC_NL_ARGMAX _SC_NL_ARGMAX
  675. // unknowndefine _SC_NL_LANGMAX _SC_NL_LANGMAX
  676. // unknowndefine _SC_NL_MSGMAX _SC_NL_MSGMAX
  677. // unknowndefine _SC_NL_NMAX _SC_NL_NMAX
  678. // unknowndefine _SC_NL_SETMAX _SC_NL_SETMAX
  679. // unknowndefine _SC_NL_TEXTMAX _SC_NL_TEXTMAX
  680. // unknowndefine _SC_XBS5_ILP32_OFF32 _SC_XBS5_ILP32_OFF32
  681. // unknowndefine _SC_XBS5_ILP32_OFFBIG _SC_XBS5_ILP32_OFFBIG
  682. // unknowndefine _SC_XBS5_LP64_OFF64 _SC_XBS5_LP64_OFF64
  683. // unknowndefine _SC_XBS5_LPBIG_OFFBIG _SC_XBS5_LPBIG_OFFBIG
  684. // unknowndefine _SC_XOPEN_LEGACY _SC_XOPEN_LEGACY
  685. // unknowndefine _SC_XOPEN_REALTIME _SC_XOPEN_REALTIME
  687. // unknowndefine _SC_ADVISORY_INFO _SC_ADVISORY_INFO
  688. // unknowndefine _SC_BARRIERS _SC_BARRIERS
  689. // unknowndefine _SC_BASE _SC_BASE
  690. // unknowndefine _SC_C_LANG_SUPPORT _SC_C_LANG_SUPPORT
  691. // unknowndefine _SC_C_LANG_SUPPORT_R _SC_C_LANG_SUPPORT_R
  693. // unknowndefine _SC_CPUTIME _SC_CPUTIME
  694. // unknowndefine _SC_THREAD_CPUTIME _SC_THREAD_CPUTIME
  695. // unknowndefine _SC_DEVICE_IO _SC_DEVICE_IO
  698. // unknowndefine _SC_FD_MGMT _SC_FD_MGMT
  699. // unknowndefine _SC_FIFO _SC_FIFO
  700. // unknowndefine _SC_PIPE _SC_PIPE
  702. // unknowndefine _SC_FILE_LOCKING _SC_FILE_LOCKING
  703. // unknowndefine _SC_FILE_SYSTEM _SC_FILE_SYSTEM
  705. // unknowndefine _SC_MULTI_PROCESS _SC_MULTI_PROCESS
  706. // unknowndefine _SC_SINGLE_PROCESS _SC_SINGLE_PROCESS
  707. // unknowndefine _SC_NETWORKING _SC_NETWORKING
  709. // unknowndefine _SC_SPIN_LOCKS _SC_SPIN_LOCKS
  710. // unknowndefine _SC_REGEXP _SC_REGEXP
  711. // unknowndefine _SC_REGEX_VERSION _SC_REGEX_VERSION
  712. // unknowndefine _SC_SHELL _SC_SHELL
  713. // unknowndefine _SC_SIGNALS _SC_SIGNALS
  714. // unknowndefine _SC_SPAWN _SC_SPAWN
  719. // unknowndefine _SC_TIMEOUTS _SC_TIMEOUTS
  721. // unknowndefine _SC_USER_GROUPS _SC_USER_GROUPS
  722. // unknowndefine _SC_USER_GROUPS_R _SC_USER_GROUPS_R
  723. // unknowndefine _SC_2_PBS _SC_2_PBS
  724. // unknowndefine _SC_2_PBS_ACCOUNTING _SC_2_PBS_ACCOUNTING
  725. // unknowndefine _SC_2_PBS_LOCATE _SC_2_PBS_LOCATE
  726. // unknowndefine _SC_2_PBS_MESSAGE _SC_2_PBS_MESSAGE
  727. // unknowndefine _SC_2_PBS_TRACK _SC_2_PBS_TRACK
  728. // unknowndefine _SC_SYMLOOP_MAX _SC_SYMLOOP_MAX
  729. // unknowndefine _SC_STREAMS _SC_STREAMS
  730. // unknowndefine _SC_2_PBS_CHECKPOINT _SC_2_PBS_CHECKPOINT
  731. // unknowndefine _SC_V6_ILP32_OFF32 _SC_V6_ILP32_OFF32
  732. // unknowndefine _SC_V6_ILP32_OFFBIG _SC_V6_ILP32_OFFBIG
  733. // unknowndefine _SC_V6_LP64_OFF64 _SC_V6_LP64_OFF64
  734. // unknowndefine _SC_V6_LPBIG_OFFBIG _SC_V6_LPBIG_OFFBIG
  735. // unknowndefine _SC_HOST_NAME_MAX _SC_HOST_NAME_MAX
  736. // unknowndefine _SC_TRACE _SC_TRACE
  738. // unknowndefine _SC_TRACE_INHERIT _SC_TRACE_INHERIT
  739. // unknowndefine _SC_TRACE_LOG _SC_TRACE_LOG
  740. // unknowndefine _SC_LEVEL1_ICACHE_SIZE _SC_LEVEL1_ICACHE_SIZE
  743. // unknowndefine _SC_LEVEL1_DCACHE_SIZE _SC_LEVEL1_DCACHE_SIZE
  746. // unknowndefine _SC_LEVEL2_CACHE_SIZE _SC_LEVEL2_CACHE_SIZE
  747. // unknowndefine _SC_LEVEL2_CACHE_ASSOC _SC_LEVEL2_CACHE_ASSOC
  749. // unknowndefine _SC_LEVEL3_CACHE_SIZE _SC_LEVEL3_CACHE_SIZE
  750. // unknowndefine _SC_LEVEL3_CACHE_ASSOC _SC_LEVEL3_CACHE_ASSOC
  752. // unknowndefine _SC_LEVEL4_CACHE_SIZE _SC_LEVEL4_CACHE_SIZE
  753. // unknowndefine _SC_LEVEL4_CACHE_ASSOC _SC_LEVEL4_CACHE_ASSOC
  755. // unknowndefine _SC_IPV6 _SC_IPV6
  756. // unknowndefine _SC_RAW_SOCKETS _SC_RAW_SOCKETS
  757. // unknowndefine _SC_V7_ILP32_OFF32 _SC_V7_ILP32_OFF32
  758. // unknowndefine _SC_V7_ILP32_OFFBIG _SC_V7_ILP32_OFFBIG
  759. // unknowndefine _SC_V7_LP64_OFF64 _SC_V7_LP64_OFF64
  760. // unknowndefine _SC_V7_LPBIG_OFFBIG _SC_V7_LPBIG_OFFBIG
  761. // unknowndefine _SC_SS_REPL_MAX _SC_SS_REPL_MAX
  763. // unknowndefine _SC_TRACE_NAME_MAX _SC_TRACE_NAME_MAX
  764. // unknowndefine _SC_TRACE_SYS_MAX _SC_TRACE_SYS_MAX
  766. // unknowndefine _SC_XOPEN_STREAMS _SC_XOPEN_STREAMS
  769. // unknowndefine _CS_PATH _CS_PATH
  772. // unknowndefine _CS_GNU_LIBC_VERSION _CS_GNU_LIBC_VERSION
  778. // unknowndefine _CS_LFS_CFLAGS _CS_LFS_CFLAGS
  779. // unknowndefine _CS_LFS_LDFLAGS _CS_LFS_LDFLAGS
  780. // unknowndefine _CS_LFS_LIBS _CS_LFS_LIBS
  781. // unknowndefine _CS_LFS_LINTFLAGS _CS_LFS_LINTFLAGS
  782. // unknowndefine _CS_LFS64_CFLAGS _CS_LFS64_CFLAGS
  783. // unknowndefine _CS_LFS64_LDFLAGS _CS_LFS64_LDFLAGS
  784. // unknowndefine _CS_LFS64_LIBS _CS_LFS64_LIBS
  785. // unknowndefine _CS_LFS64_LINTFLAGS _CS_LFS64_LINTFLAGS
  786. // unknowndefine _CS_XBS5_ILP32_OFF32_CFLAGS _CS_XBS5_ILP32_OFF32_CFLAGS
  787. // unknowndefine _CS_XBS5_ILP32_OFF32_LDFLAGS _CS_XBS5_ILP32_OFF32_LDFLAGS
  788. // unknowndefine _CS_XBS5_ILP32_OFF32_LIBS _CS_XBS5_ILP32_OFF32_LIBS
  789. // unknowndefine _CS_XBS5_ILP32_OFF32_LINTFLAGS _CS_XBS5_ILP32_OFF32_LINTFLAGS
  790. // unknowndefine _CS_XBS5_ILP32_OFFBIG_CFLAGS _CS_XBS5_ILP32_OFFBIG_CFLAGS
  792. // unknowndefine _CS_XBS5_ILP32_OFFBIG_LIBS _CS_XBS5_ILP32_OFFBIG_LIBS
  794. // unknowndefine _CS_XBS5_LP64_OFF64_CFLAGS _CS_XBS5_LP64_OFF64_CFLAGS
  795. // unknowndefine _CS_XBS5_LP64_OFF64_LDFLAGS _CS_XBS5_LP64_OFF64_LDFLAGS
  796. // unknowndefine _CS_XBS5_LP64_OFF64_LIBS _CS_XBS5_LP64_OFF64_LIBS
  797. // unknowndefine _CS_XBS5_LP64_OFF64_LINTFLAGS _CS_XBS5_LP64_OFF64_LINTFLAGS
  802. // unknowndefine _CS_POSIX_V6_ILP32_OFF32_CFLAGS _CS_POSIX_V6_ILP32_OFF32_CFLAGS
  803. // unknowndefine _CS_POSIX_V6_ILP32_OFF32_LDFLAGS _CS_POSIX_V6_ILP32_OFF32_LDFLAGS
  804. // unknowndefine _CS_POSIX_V6_ILP32_OFF32_LIBS _CS_POSIX_V6_ILP32_OFF32_LIBS
  805. // unknowndefine _CS_POSIX_V6_ILP32_OFF32_LINTFLAGS _CS_POSIX_V6_ILP32_OFF32_LINTFLAGS
  808. // unknowndefine _CS_POSIX_V6_ILP32_OFFBIG_LIBS _CS_POSIX_V6_ILP32_OFFBIG_LIBS
  810. // unknowndefine _CS_POSIX_V6_LP64_OFF64_CFLAGS _CS_POSIX_V6_LP64_OFF64_CFLAGS
  811. // unknowndefine _CS_POSIX_V6_LP64_OFF64_LDFLAGS _CS_POSIX_V6_LP64_OFF64_LDFLAGS
  812. // unknowndefine _CS_POSIX_V6_LP64_OFF64_LIBS _CS_POSIX_V6_LP64_OFF64_LIBS
  813. // unknowndefine _CS_POSIX_V6_LP64_OFF64_LINTFLAGS _CS_POSIX_V6_LP64_OFF64_LINTFLAGS
  818. // unknowndefine _CS_POSIX_V7_ILP32_OFF32_CFLAGS _CS_POSIX_V7_ILP32_OFF32_CFLAGS
  819. // unknowndefine _CS_POSIX_V7_ILP32_OFF32_LDFLAGS _CS_POSIX_V7_ILP32_OFF32_LDFLAGS
  820. // unknowndefine _CS_POSIX_V7_ILP32_OFF32_LIBS _CS_POSIX_V7_ILP32_OFF32_LIBS
  821. // unknowndefine _CS_POSIX_V7_ILP32_OFF32_LINTFLAGS _CS_POSIX_V7_ILP32_OFF32_LINTFLAGS
  824. // unknowndefine _CS_POSIX_V7_ILP32_OFFBIG_LIBS _CS_POSIX_V7_ILP32_OFFBIG_LIBS
  826. // unknowndefine _CS_POSIX_V7_LP64_OFF64_CFLAGS _CS_POSIX_V7_LP64_OFF64_CFLAGS
  827. // unknowndefine _CS_POSIX_V7_LP64_OFF64_LDFLAGS _CS_POSIX_V7_LP64_OFF64_LDFLAGS
  828. // unknowndefine _CS_POSIX_V7_LP64_OFF64_LIBS _CS_POSIX_V7_LP64_OFF64_LIBS
  829. // unknowndefine _CS_POSIX_V7_LP64_OFF64_LINTFLAGS _CS_POSIX_V7_LP64_OFF64_LINTFLAGS
  834. // unknowndefine h_errno (*__h_errno_location ())
  835. // unknowndefine h_addr h_addr_list[0]
  836. // unknowndefine NULL ((void *)0)
  837. // unknowndefine NULL ((void *)0)
  838. // unknowndefine NULL ((void *)0)
  839. // unknowndefine _K_SS_ALIGNSIZE (__alignof__ (struct sockaddr *))
  840. // unknowndefine NLMSG_HDRLEN ((int) NLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(struct nlmsghdr)))
  841. // unknowndefine NLA_HDRLEN ((int) NLA_ALIGN(sizeof(struct nlattr)))
  842. // unknowndefine IFA_MAX (__IFA_MAX - 1)
  843. // unknowndefine TUNSETNOCSUM _IOW('T', 200, int)
  844. // unknowndefine TUNSETDEBUG _IOW('T', 201, int)
  845. // unknowndefine TUNSETIFF _IOW('T', 202, int)
  846. // unknowndefine TUNSETPERSIST _IOW('T', 203, int)
  847. // unknowndefine TUNSETOWNER _IOW('T', 204, int)
  848. // unknowndefine TUNSETLINK _IOW('T', 205, int)
  849. // unknowndefine TUNSETGROUP _IOW('T', 206, int)
  850. // unknowndefine TUNGETFEATURES _IOR('T', 207, unsigned int)
  851. // unknowndefine TUNSETOFFLOAD _IOW('T', 208, unsigned int)
  852. // unknowndefine TUNSETTXFILTER _IOW('T', 209, unsigned int)
  853. // unknowndefine TUNGETIFF _IOR('T', 210, unsigned int)
  854. // unknowndefine TUNGETSNDBUF _IOR('T', 211, int)
  855. // unknowndefine TUNSETSNDBUF _IOW('T', 212, int)
  856. // unknowndefine TUNATTACHFILTER _IOW('T', 213, struct sock_fprog)
  857. // unknowndefine TUNDETACHFILTER _IOW('T', 214, struct sock_fprog)
  858. // unknowndefine TUNGETVNETHDRSZ _IOR('T', 215, int)
  859. // unknowndefine TUNSETVNETHDRSZ _IOW('T', 216, int)
  860. // unknowndefine IFLA_COST IFLA_COST
  861. // unknowndefine IFLA_PRIORITY IFLA_PRIORITY
  862. // unknowndefine IFLA_MASTER IFLA_MASTER
  863. // unknowndefine IFLA_WIRELESS IFLA_WIRELESS
  864. // unknowndefine IFLA_PROTINFO IFLA_PROTINFO
  865. // unknowndefine IFLA_TXQLEN IFLA_TXQLEN
  866. // unknowndefine IFLA_MAP IFLA_MAP
  867. // unknowndefine IFLA_WEIGHT IFLA_WEIGHT
  868. // unknowndefine IFLA_LINKINFO IFLA_LINKINFO
  869. // unknowndefine IFLA_MAX (__IFLA_MAX - 1)
  870. // unknowndefine IFLA_INET6_MAX (__IFLA_INET6_MAX - 1)
  871. // unknowndefine IFLA_INFO_MAX (__IFLA_INFO_MAX - 1)
  872. // unknowndefine IFLA_VLAN_MAX (__IFLA_VLAN_MAX - 1)
  873. // unknowndefine IFLA_VLAN_QOS_MAX (__IFLA_VLAN_QOS_MAX - 1)
  874. // unknowndefine IFLA_MACVLAN_MAX (__IFLA_MACVLAN_MAX - 1)
  875. // unknowndefine IFLA_VF_INFO_MAX (__IFLA_VF_INFO_MAX - 1)
  876. // unknowndefine IFLA_VF_MAX (__IFLA_VF_MAX - 1)
  877. // unknowndefine IFLA_VF_PORT_MAX (__IFLA_VF_PORT_MAX - 1)
  878. // unknowndefine IFLA_PORT_MAX (__IFLA_PORT_MAX - 1)
  879. // unknowndefine NDA_MAX (__NDA_MAX - 1)
  880. // unknowndefine NDTPA_MAX (__NDTPA_MAX - 1)
  881. // unknowndefine NDTA_MAX (__NDTA_MAX - 1)
  882. // unknowndefine RTM_BASE RTM_BASE
  883. // unknowndefine RTM_NEWLINK RTM_NEWLINK
  884. // unknowndefine RTM_DELLINK RTM_DELLINK
  885. // unknowndefine RTM_GETLINK RTM_GETLINK
  886. // unknowndefine RTM_SETLINK RTM_SETLINK
  887. // unknowndefine RTM_NEWADDR RTM_NEWADDR
  888. // unknowndefine RTM_DELADDR RTM_DELADDR
  889. // unknowndefine RTM_GETADDR RTM_GETADDR
  890. // unknowndefine RTM_NEWROUTE RTM_NEWROUTE
  891. // unknowndefine RTM_DELROUTE RTM_DELROUTE
  892. // unknowndefine RTM_GETROUTE RTM_GETROUTE
  893. // unknowndefine RTM_NEWNEIGH RTM_NEWNEIGH
  894. // unknowndefine RTM_DELNEIGH RTM_DELNEIGH
  895. // unknowndefine RTM_GETNEIGH RTM_GETNEIGH
  896. // unknowndefine RTM_NEWRULE RTM_NEWRULE
  897. // unknowndefine RTM_DELRULE RTM_DELRULE
  898. // unknowndefine RTM_GETRULE RTM_GETRULE
  899. // unknowndefine RTM_NEWQDISC RTM_NEWQDISC
  900. // unknowndefine RTM_DELQDISC RTM_DELQDISC
  901. // unknowndefine RTM_GETQDISC RTM_GETQDISC
  902. // unknowndefine RTM_NEWTCLASS RTM_NEWTCLASS
  903. // unknowndefine RTM_DELTCLASS RTM_DELTCLASS
  904. // unknowndefine RTM_GETTCLASS RTM_GETTCLASS
  905. // unknowndefine RTM_NEWTFILTER RTM_NEWTFILTER
  906. // unknowndefine RTM_DELTFILTER RTM_DELTFILTER
  907. // unknowndefine RTM_GETTFILTER RTM_GETTFILTER
  908. // unknowndefine RTM_NEWACTION RTM_NEWACTION
  909. // unknowndefine RTM_DELACTION RTM_DELACTION
  910. // unknowndefine RTM_GETACTION RTM_GETACTION
  911. // unknowndefine RTM_NEWPREFIX RTM_NEWPREFIX
  913. // unknowndefine RTM_GETANYCAST RTM_GETANYCAST
  921. // unknowndefine RTM_GETDCB RTM_GETDCB
  922. // unknowndefine RTM_SETDCB RTM_SETDCB
  923. // unknowndefine RTM_MAX (((__RTM_MAX + 3) & ~3) - 1)
  924. // unknowndefine RTM_NR_MSGTYPES (RTM_MAX + 1 - RTM_BASE)
  925. // unknowndefine RTM_NR_FAMILIES (RTM_NR_MSGTYPES >> 2)
  926. // unknowndefine RTN_MAX (__RTN_MAX - 1)
  927. // unknowndefine RTA_MAX (__RTA_MAX - 1)
  928. // unknowndefine RTAX_UNSPEC RTAX_UNSPEC
  929. // unknowndefine RTAX_LOCK RTAX_LOCK
  930. // unknowndefine RTAX_MTU RTAX_MTU
  931. // unknowndefine RTAX_WINDOW RTAX_WINDOW
  932. // unknowndefine RTAX_RTT RTAX_RTT
  933. // unknowndefine RTAX_RTTVAR RTAX_RTTVAR
  934. // unknowndefine RTAX_SSTHRESH RTAX_SSTHRESH
  935. // unknowndefine RTAX_CWND RTAX_CWND
  936. // unknowndefine RTAX_ADVMSS RTAX_ADVMSS
  938. // unknowndefine RTAX_HOPLIMIT RTAX_HOPLIMIT
  939. // unknowndefine RTAX_INITCWND RTAX_INITCWND
  940. // unknowndefine RTAX_FEATURES RTAX_FEATURES
  941. // unknowndefine RTAX_RTO_MIN RTAX_RTO_MIN
  942. // unknowndefine RTAX_INITRWND RTAX_INITRWND
  943. // unknowndefine RTAX_MAX (__RTAX_MAX - 1)
  944. // unknowndefine PREFIX_MAX (__PREFIX_MAX - 1)
  945. // unknowndefine TCA_MAX (__TCA_MAX - 1)
  946. // unknowndefine NDUSEROPT_MAX (__NDUSEROPT_MAX - 1)
  947. // unknowndefine RTNLGRP_NONE RTNLGRP_NONE
  948. // unknowndefine RTNLGRP_LINK RTNLGRP_LINK
  949. // unknowndefine RTNLGRP_NOTIFY RTNLGRP_NOTIFY
  950. // unknowndefine RTNLGRP_NEIGH RTNLGRP_NEIGH
  951. // unknowndefine RTNLGRP_TC RTNLGRP_TC
  954. // unknowndefine RTNLGRP_IPV4_ROUTE RTNLGRP_IPV4_ROUTE
  955. // unknowndefine RTNLGRP_IPV4_RULE RTNLGRP_IPV4_RULE
  958. // unknowndefine RTNLGRP_IPV6_ROUTE RTNLGRP_IPV6_ROUTE
  960. // unknowndefine RTNLGRP_DECnet_IFADDR RTNLGRP_DECnet_IFADDR
  961. // unknowndefine RTNLGRP_DECnet_ROUTE RTNLGRP_DECnet_ROUTE
  962. // unknowndefine RTNLGRP_DECnet_RULE RTNLGRP_DECnet_RULE
  964. // unknowndefine RTNLGRP_IPV6_RULE RTNLGRP_IPV6_RULE
  968. // unknowndefine RTNLGRP_MAX (__RTNLGRP_MAX - 1)
  969. // unknowndefine IFF_UP IFF_UP
  970. // unknowndefine IFF_BROADCAST IFF_BROADCAST
  971. // unknowndefine IFF_DEBUG IFF_DEBUG
  972. // unknowndefine IFF_LOOPBACK IFF_LOOPBACK
  974. // unknowndefine IFF_NOTRAILERS IFF_NOTRAILERS
  975. // unknowndefine IFF_RUNNING IFF_RUNNING
  976. // unknowndefine IFF_NOARP IFF_NOARP
  977. // unknowndefine IFF_PROMISC IFF_PROMISC
  978. // unknowndefine IFF_ALLMULTI IFF_ALLMULTI
  979. // unknowndefine IFF_MASTER IFF_MASTER
  980. // unknowndefine IFF_SLAVE IFF_SLAVE
  981. // unknowndefine IFF_MULTICAST IFF_MULTICAST
  982. // unknowndefine IFF_PORTSEL IFF_PORTSEL
  983. // unknowndefine IFF_AUTOMEDIA IFF_AUTOMEDIA
  984. // unknowndefine IFF_DYNAMIC IFF_DYNAMIC
  985. // unknowndefine ifa_broadaddr ifa_ifu.ifu_broadaddr
  986. // unknowndefine ifa_dstaddr ifa_ifu.ifu_dstaddr
  987. // unknowndefine ifr_name ifr_ifrn.ifrn_name
  988. // unknowndefine ifr_hwaddr ifr_ifru.ifru_hwaddr
  989. // unknowndefine ifr_addr ifr_ifru.ifru_addr
  990. // unknowndefine ifr_dstaddr ifr_ifru.ifru_dstaddr
  991. // unknowndefine ifr_broadaddr ifr_ifru.ifru_broadaddr
  992. // unknowndefine ifr_netmask ifr_ifru.ifru_netmask
  993. // unknowndefine ifr_flags ifr_ifru.ifru_flags
  994. // unknowndefine ifr_metric ifr_ifru.ifru_ivalue
  995. // unknowndefine ifr_mtu ifr_ifru.ifru_mtu
  996. // unknowndefine ifr_map ifr_ifru.ifru_map
  997. // unknowndefine ifr_slave ifr_ifru.ifru_slave
  998. // unknowndefine ifr_data ifr_ifru.ifru_data
  999. // unknowndefine ifr_ifindex ifr_ifru.ifru_ivalue
  1000. // unknowndefine ifr_bandwidth ifr_ifru.ifru_ivalue
  1001. // unknowndefine ifr_qlen ifr_ifru.ifru_ivalue
  1002. // unknowndefine ifr_newname ifr_ifru.ifru_newname
  1003. // unknowndefine _IOT_ifreq _IOT(_IOTS(char),IFNAMSIZ,_IOTS(char),16,0,0)
  1004. // unknowndefine _IOT_ifreq_short _IOT(_IOTS(char),IFNAMSIZ,_IOTS(short),1,0,0)
  1005. // unknowndefine _IOT_ifreq_int _IOT(_IOTS(char),IFNAMSIZ,_IOTS(int),1,0,0)
  1006. // unknowndefine ifc_buf ifc_ifcu.ifcu_buf
  1007. // unknowndefine ifc_req ifc_ifcu.ifcu_req
  1008. // unknowndefine _IOT_ifconf _IOT(_IOTS(struct ifconf),1,0,0,0,0)
  1009. // unknowndefine rt_mss rt_mtu
  1010. // unknowndefine RTMSG_ACK NLMSG_ACK
  1011. // unknowndefine MS_RDONLY MS_RDONLY
  1012. // unknowndefine MS_NOSUID MS_NOSUID
  1013. // unknowndefine MS_NODEV MS_NODEV
  1014. // unknowndefine MS_NOEXEC MS_NOEXEC
  1015. // unknowndefine MS_SYNCHRONOUS MS_SYNCHRONOUS
  1016. // unknowndefine MS_REMOUNT MS_REMOUNT
  1017. // unknowndefine MS_MANDLOCK MS_MANDLOCK
  1018. // unknowndefine MS_DIRSYNC MS_DIRSYNC
  1019. // unknowndefine MS_NOATIME MS_NOATIME
  1020. // unknowndefine MS_NODIRATIME MS_NODIRATIME
  1021. // unknowndefine MS_BIND MS_BIND
  1022. // unknowndefine MS_MOVE MS_MOVE
  1023. // unknowndefine MS_REC MS_REC
  1024. // unknowndefine MS_SILENT MS_SILENT
  1025. // unknowndefine MS_POSIXACL MS_POSIXACL
  1026. // unknowndefine MS_UNBINDABLE MS_UNBINDABLE
  1027. // unknowndefine MS_PRIVATE MS_PRIVATE
  1028. // unknowndefine MS_SLAVE MS_SLAVE
  1029. // unknowndefine MS_SHARED MS_SHARED
  1030. // unknowndefine MS_RELATIME MS_RELATIME
  1031. // unknowndefine MS_KERNMOUNT MS_KERNMOUNT
  1032. // unknowndefine MS_I_VERSION MS_I_VERSION
  1033. // unknowndefine MS_STRICTATIME MS_STRICTATIME
  1034. // unknowndefine MS_ACTIVE MS_ACTIVE
  1035. // unknowndefine MS_NOUSER MS_NOUSER
  1037. // unknowndefine BLKROSET _IO(0x12, 93)
  1038. // unknowndefine BLKROGET _IO(0x12, 94)
  1039. // unknowndefine BLKRRPART _IO(0x12, 95)
  1040. // unknowndefine BLKGETSIZE _IO(0x12, 96)
  1041. // unknowndefine BLKFLSBUF _IO(0x12, 97)
  1042. // unknowndefine BLKRASET _IO(0x12, 98)
  1043. // unknowndefine BLKRAGET _IO(0x12, 99)
  1044. // unknowndefine BLKFRASET _IO(0x12,100)
  1045. // unknowndefine BLKFRAGET _IO(0x12,101)
  1046. // unknowndefine BLKSECTSET _IO(0x12,102)
  1047. // unknowndefine BLKSECTGET _IO(0x12,103)
  1048. // unknowndefine BLKSSZGET _IO(0x12,104)
  1049. // unknowndefine BLKBSZGET _IOR(0x12,112,size_t)
  1050. // unknowndefine BLKBSZSET _IOW(0x12,113,size_t)
  1051. // unknowndefine BLKGETSIZE64 _IOR(0x12,114,size_t)
  1052. // unknowndefine MNT_FORCE MNT_FORCE
  1053. // unknowndefine MNT_DETACH MNT_DETACH
  1054. // unknowndefine MNT_EXPIRE MNT_EXPIRE
  1055. // unknowndefine UMOUNT_NOFOLLOW UMOUNT_NOFOLLOW
  1056. // unknowndefine REQ_WRITE (1 << __REQ_WRITE)
  1057. // unknowndefine REQ_FAILFAST_DEV (1 << __REQ_FAILFAST_DEV)
  1059. // unknowndefine REQ_FAILFAST_DRIVER (1 << __REQ_FAILFAST_DRIVER)
  1060. // unknowndefine REQ_HARDBARRIER (1 << __REQ_HARDBARRIER)
  1061. // unknowndefine REQ_SYNC (1 << __REQ_SYNC)
  1062. // unknowndefine REQ_META (1 << __REQ_META)
  1063. // unknowndefine REQ_DISCARD (1 << __REQ_DISCARD)
  1064. // unknowndefine REQ_NOIDLE (1 << __REQ_NOIDLE)
  1067. // unknowndefine REQ_UNPLUG (1 << __REQ_UNPLUG)
  1068. // unknowndefine REQ_RAHEAD (1 << __REQ_RAHEAD)
  1069. // unknowndefine REQ_SORTED (1 << __REQ_SORTED)
  1070. // unknowndefine REQ_SOFTBARRIER (1 << __REQ_SOFTBARRIER)
  1071. // unknowndefine REQ_FUA (1 << __REQ_FUA)
  1072. // unknowndefine REQ_NOMERGE (1 << __REQ_NOMERGE)
  1073. // unknowndefine REQ_STARTED (1 << __REQ_STARTED)
  1074. // unknowndefine REQ_DONTPREP (1 << __REQ_DONTPREP)
  1075. // unknowndefine REQ_QUEUED (1 << __REQ_QUEUED)
  1076. // unknowndefine REQ_ELVPRIV (1 << __REQ_ELVPRIV)
  1077. // unknowndefine REQ_FAILED (1 << __REQ_FAILED)
  1078. // unknowndefine REQ_QUIET (1 << __REQ_QUIET)
  1079. // unknowndefine REQ_PREEMPT (1 << __REQ_PREEMPT)
  1080. // unknowndefine REQ_ORDERED_COLOR (1 << __REQ_ORDERED_COLOR)
  1081. // unknowndefine REQ_ALLOCED (1 << __REQ_ALLOCED)
  1082. // unknowndefine REQ_COPY_USER (1 << __REQ_COPY_USER)
  1083. // unknowndefine REQ_INTEGRITY (1 << __REQ_INTEGRITY)
  1084. // unknowndefine REQ_FLUSH (1 << __REQ_FLUSH)
  1085. // unknowndefine REQ_IO_STAT (1 << __REQ_IO_STAT)
  1086. // unknowndefine REQ_MIXED_MERGE (1 << __REQ_MIXED_MERGE)
  1087. // unknowndefine REQ_SECURE (1 << __REQ_SECURE)
  1088. // unknowndefine FMODE_READ ((fmode_t)0x1)
  1089. // unknowndefine FMODE_WRITE ((fmode_t)0x2)
  1090. // unknowndefine FMODE_LSEEK ((fmode_t)0x4)
  1091. // unknowndefine FMODE_PREAD ((fmode_t)0x8)
  1092. // unknowndefine FMODE_PWRITE ((fmode_t)0x10)
  1093. // unknowndefine FMODE_EXEC ((fmode_t)0x20)
  1094. // unknowndefine FMODE_NDELAY ((fmode_t)0x40)
  1095. // unknowndefine FMODE_EXCL ((fmode_t)0x80)
  1096. // unknowndefine FMODE_WRITE_IOCTL ((fmode_t)0x100)
  1097. // unknowndefine FMODE_NOCMTIME ((fmode_t)0x800)
  1098. // unknowndefine FMODE_RANDOM ((fmode_t)0x1000)
  1099. // unknowndefine FMODE_NONOTIFY ((fmode_t)0x1000000)
  1100. // unknowndefine RW_MASK REQ_WRITE
  1101. // unknowndefine RWA_MASK REQ_RAHEAD
  1102. // unknowndefine WRITE RW_MASK
  1103. // unknowndefine READA RWA_MASK
  1104. // unknowndefine READ_SYNC (READ | REQ_SYNC | REQ_UNPLUG)
  1105. // unknowndefine READ_META (READ | REQ_META)
  1106. // unknowndefine WRITE_SYNC_PLUG (WRITE | REQ_SYNC | REQ_NOIDLE)
  1107. // unknowndefine WRITE_SYNC (WRITE | REQ_SYNC | REQ_NOIDLE | REQ_UNPLUG)
  1108. // unknowndefine WRITE_ODIRECT_PLUG (WRITE | REQ_SYNC)
  1109. // unknowndefine WRITE_META (WRITE | REQ_META)
  1111. // unknowndefine DISCARD_NOBARRIER (WRITE | REQ_DISCARD)
  1114. // unknowndefine BLKROSET _IO(0x12,93)
  1115. // unknowndefine BLKROGET _IO(0x12,94)
  1116. // unknowndefine BLKRRPART _IO(0x12,95)
  1117. // unknowndefine BLKGETSIZE _IO(0x12,96)
  1118. // unknowndefine BLKFLSBUF _IO(0x12,97)
  1119. // unknowndefine BLKRASET _IO(0x12,98)
  1120. // unknowndefine BLKRAGET _IO(0x12,99)
  1121. // unknowndefine BLKFRASET _IO(0x12,100)
  1122. // unknowndefine BLKFRAGET _IO(0x12,101)
  1123. // unknowndefine BLKSECTSET _IO(0x12,102)
  1124. // unknowndefine BLKSECTGET _IO(0x12,103)
  1125. // unknowndefine BLKSSZGET _IO(0x12,104)
  1126. // unknowndefine BLKBSZGET _IOR(0x12,112,size_t)
  1127. // unknowndefine BLKBSZSET _IOW(0x12,113,size_t)
  1128. // unknowndefine BLKGETSIZE64 _IOR(0x12,114,size_t)
  1129. // unknowndefine BLKTRACESETUP _IOWR(0x12,115,struct blk_user_trace_setup)
  1130. // unknowndefine BLKTRACESTART _IO(0x12,116)
  1131. // unknowndefine BLKTRACESTOP _IO(0x12,117)
  1132. // unknowndefine BLKTRACETEARDOWN _IO(0x12,118)
  1133. // unknowndefine BLKDISCARD _IO(0x12,119)
  1134. // unknowndefine BLKIOMIN _IO(0x12,120)
  1135. // unknowndefine BLKIOOPT _IO(0x12,121)
  1136. // unknowndefine BLKALIGNOFF _IO(0x12,122)
  1137. // unknowndefine BLKPBSZGET _IO(0x12,123)
  1138. // unknowndefine BLKDISCARDZEROES _IO(0x12,124)
  1139. // unknowndefine BLKSECDISCARD _IO(0x12,125)
  1140. // unknowndefine FIBMAP _IO(0x00,1)
  1141. // unknowndefine FIGETBSZ _IO(0x00,2)
  1142. // unknowndefine FIFREEZE _IOWR('X', 119, int)
  1143. // unknowndefine FITHAW _IOWR('X', 120, int)
  1144. // unknowndefine FS_IOC_GETFLAGS _IOR('f', 1, long)
  1145. // unknowndefine FS_IOC_SETFLAGS _IOW('f', 2, long)
  1146. // unknowndefine FS_IOC_GETVERSION _IOR('v', 1, long)
  1147. // unknowndefine FS_IOC_SETVERSION _IOW('v', 2, long)
  1148. // unknowndefine FS_IOC_FIEMAP _IOWR('f', 11, struct fiemap)
  1149. // unknowndefine FS_IOC32_GETFLAGS _IOR('f', 1, int)
  1150. // unknowndefine FS_IOC32_SETFLAGS _IOW('f', 2, int)
  1151. // unknowndefine FS_IOC32_GETVERSION _IOR('v', 1, int)
  1152. // unknowndefine FS_IOC32_SETVERSION _IOW('v', 2, int)
  1153. // unknowndefine IN_CLOEXEC IN_CLOEXEC
  1154. // unknowndefine IN_NONBLOCK IN_NONBLOCK
  1155. // unknowndefine PRId64 __PRI64_PREFIX "d"
  1156. // unknowndefine PRIdLEAST64 __PRI64_PREFIX "d"
  1157. // unknowndefine PRIdFAST16 __PRIPTR_PREFIX "d"
  1158. // unknowndefine PRIdFAST32 __PRIPTR_PREFIX "d"
  1159. // unknowndefine PRIdFAST64 __PRI64_PREFIX "d"
  1160. // unknowndefine PRIi64 __PRI64_PREFIX "i"
  1161. // unknowndefine PRIiLEAST64 __PRI64_PREFIX "i"
  1162. // unknowndefine PRIiFAST16 __PRIPTR_PREFIX "i"
  1163. // unknowndefine PRIiFAST32 __PRIPTR_PREFIX "i"
  1164. // unknowndefine PRIiFAST64 __PRI64_PREFIX "i"
  1165. // unknowndefine PRIo64 __PRI64_PREFIX "o"
  1166. // unknowndefine PRIoLEAST64 __PRI64_PREFIX "o"
  1167. // unknowndefine PRIoFAST16 __PRIPTR_PREFIX "o"
  1168. // unknowndefine PRIoFAST32 __PRIPTR_PREFIX "o"
  1169. // unknowndefine PRIoFAST64 __PRI64_PREFIX "o"
  1170. // unknowndefine PRIu64 __PRI64_PREFIX "u"
  1171. // unknowndefine PRIuLEAST64 __PRI64_PREFIX "u"
  1172. // unknowndefine PRIuFAST16 __PRIPTR_PREFIX "u"
  1173. // unknowndefine PRIuFAST32 __PRIPTR_PREFIX "u"
  1174. // unknowndefine PRIuFAST64 __PRI64_PREFIX "u"
  1175. // unknowndefine PRIx64 __PRI64_PREFIX "x"
  1176. // unknowndefine PRIxLEAST64 __PRI64_PREFIX "x"
  1177. // unknowndefine PRIxFAST16 __PRIPTR_PREFIX "x"
  1178. // unknowndefine PRIxFAST32 __PRIPTR_PREFIX "x"
  1179. // unknowndefine PRIxFAST64 __PRI64_PREFIX "x"
  1180. // unknowndefine PRIX64 __PRI64_PREFIX "X"
  1181. // unknowndefine PRIXLEAST64 __PRI64_PREFIX "X"
  1182. // unknowndefine PRIXFAST16 __PRIPTR_PREFIX "X"
  1183. // unknowndefine PRIXFAST32 __PRIPTR_PREFIX "X"
  1184. // unknowndefine PRIXFAST64 __PRI64_PREFIX "X"
  1185. // unknowndefine PRIdMAX __PRI64_PREFIX "d"
  1186. // unknowndefine PRIiMAX __PRI64_PREFIX "i"
  1187. // unknowndefine PRIoMAX __PRI64_PREFIX "o"
  1188. // unknowndefine PRIuMAX __PRI64_PREFIX "u"
  1189. // unknowndefine PRIxMAX __PRI64_PREFIX "x"
  1190. // unknowndefine PRIXMAX __PRI64_PREFIX "X"
  1191. // unknowndefine PRIdPTR __PRIPTR_PREFIX "d"
  1192. // unknowndefine PRIiPTR __PRIPTR_PREFIX "i"
  1193. // unknowndefine PRIoPTR __PRIPTR_PREFIX "o"
  1194. // unknowndefine PRIuPTR __PRIPTR_PREFIX "u"
  1195. // unknowndefine PRIxPTR __PRIPTR_PREFIX "x"
  1196. // unknowndefine PRIXPTR __PRIPTR_PREFIX "X"
  1197. // unknowndefine SCNd64 __PRI64_PREFIX "d"
  1198. // unknowndefine SCNdLEAST64 __PRI64_PREFIX "d"
  1199. // unknowndefine SCNdFAST16 __PRIPTR_PREFIX "d"
  1200. // unknowndefine SCNdFAST32 __PRIPTR_PREFIX "d"
  1201. // unknowndefine SCNdFAST64 __PRI64_PREFIX "d"
  1202. // unknowndefine SCNi64 __PRI64_PREFIX "i"
  1203. // unknowndefine SCNiLEAST64 __PRI64_PREFIX "i"
  1204. // unknowndefine SCNiFAST16 __PRIPTR_PREFIX "i"
  1205. // unknowndefine SCNiFAST32 __PRIPTR_PREFIX "i"
  1206. // unknowndefine SCNiFAST64 __PRI64_PREFIX "i"
  1207. // unknowndefine SCNu64 __PRI64_PREFIX "u"
  1208. // unknowndefine SCNuLEAST64 __PRI64_PREFIX "u"
  1209. // unknowndefine SCNuFAST16 __PRIPTR_PREFIX "u"
  1210. // unknowndefine SCNuFAST32 __PRIPTR_PREFIX "u"
  1211. // unknowndefine SCNuFAST64 __PRI64_PREFIX "u"
  1212. // unknowndefine SCNo64 __PRI64_PREFIX "o"
  1213. // unknowndefine SCNoLEAST64 __PRI64_PREFIX "o"
  1214. // unknowndefine SCNoFAST16 __PRIPTR_PREFIX "o"
  1215. // unknowndefine SCNoFAST32 __PRIPTR_PREFIX "o"
  1216. // unknowndefine SCNoFAST64 __PRI64_PREFIX "o"
  1217. // unknowndefine SCNx64 __PRI64_PREFIX "x"
  1218. // unknowndefine SCNxLEAST64 __PRI64_PREFIX "x"
  1219. // unknowndefine SCNxFAST16 __PRIPTR_PREFIX "x"
  1220. // unknowndefine SCNxFAST32 __PRIPTR_PREFIX "x"
  1221. // unknowndefine SCNxFAST64 __PRI64_PREFIX "x"
  1222. // unknowndefine SCNdMAX __PRI64_PREFIX "d"
  1223. // unknowndefine SCNiMAX __PRI64_PREFIX "i"
  1224. // unknowndefine SCNoMAX __PRI64_PREFIX "o"
  1225. // unknowndefine SCNuMAX __PRI64_PREFIX "u"
  1226. // unknowndefine SCNxMAX __PRI64_PREFIX "x"
  1227. // unknowndefine SCNdPTR __PRIPTR_PREFIX "d"
  1228. // unknowndefine SCNiPTR __PRIPTR_PREFIX "i"
  1229. // unknowndefine SCNoPTR __PRIPTR_PREFIX "o"
  1230. // unknowndefine SCNuPTR __PRIPTR_PREFIX "u"
  1231. // unknowndefine SCNxPTR __PRIPTR_PREFIX "x"
  1232. // unknowndefine icmp6_data32 icmp6_dataun.icmp6_un_data32
  1233. // unknowndefine icmp6_data16 icmp6_dataun.icmp6_un_data16
  1234. // unknowndefine icmp6_data8 icmp6_dataun.icmp6_un_data8
  1235. // unknowndefine icmp6_pptr icmp6_data32[0]
  1236. // unknowndefine icmp6_mtu icmp6_data32[0]
  1237. // unknowndefine icmp6_id icmp6_data16[0]
  1238. // unknowndefine icmp6_seq icmp6_data16[1]
  1239. // unknowndefine icmp6_maxdelay icmp6_data16[0]
  1240. // unknowndefine nd_rs_type nd_rs_hdr.icmp6_type
  1241. // unknowndefine nd_rs_code nd_rs_hdr.icmp6_code
  1242. // unknowndefine nd_rs_cksum nd_rs_hdr.icmp6_cksum
  1243. // unknowndefine nd_rs_reserved nd_rs_hdr.icmp6_data32[0]
  1244. // unknowndefine nd_ra_type nd_ra_hdr.icmp6_type
  1245. // unknowndefine nd_ra_code nd_ra_hdr.icmp6_code
  1246. // unknowndefine nd_ra_cksum nd_ra_hdr.icmp6_cksum
  1247. // unknowndefine nd_ra_curhoplimit nd_ra_hdr.icmp6_data8[0]
  1248. // unknowndefine nd_ra_flags_reserved nd_ra_hdr.icmp6_data8[1]
  1249. // unknowndefine nd_ra_router_lifetime nd_ra_hdr.icmp6_data16[1]
  1250. // unknowndefine nd_ns_type nd_ns_hdr.icmp6_type
  1251. // unknowndefine nd_ns_code nd_ns_hdr.icmp6_code
  1252. // unknowndefine nd_ns_cksum nd_ns_hdr.icmp6_cksum
  1253. // unknowndefine nd_ns_reserved nd_ns_hdr.icmp6_data32[0]
  1254. // unknowndefine nd_na_type nd_na_hdr.icmp6_type
  1255. // unknowndefine nd_na_code nd_na_hdr.icmp6_code
  1256. // unknowndefine nd_na_cksum nd_na_hdr.icmp6_cksum
  1257. // unknowndefine nd_na_flags_reserved nd_na_hdr.icmp6_data32[0]
  1258. // unknowndefine nd_rd_type nd_rd_hdr.icmp6_type
  1259. // unknowndefine nd_rd_code nd_rd_hdr.icmp6_code
  1260. // unknowndefine nd_rd_cksum nd_rd_hdr.icmp6_cksum
  1261. // unknowndefine nd_rd_reserved nd_rd_hdr.icmp6_data32[0]
  1262. // unknowndefine mld_type mld_icmp6_hdr.icmp6_type
  1263. // unknowndefine mld_code mld_icmp6_hdr.icmp6_code
  1264. // unknowndefine mld_cksum mld_icmp6_hdr.icmp6_cksum
  1265. // unknowndefine mld_maxdelay mld_icmp6_hdr.icmp6_data16[0]
  1266. // unknowndefine mld_reserved mld_icmp6_hdr.icmp6_data16[1]
  1267. // unknowndefine rr_type rr_hdr.icmp6_type
  1268. // unknowndefine rr_code rr_hdr.icmp6_code
  1269. // unknowndefine rr_cksum rr_hdr.icmp6_cksum
  1270. // unknowndefine rr_seqnum rr_hdr.icmp6_data32[0]
  1271. // unknowndefine NULL ((void *)0)
  1272. // unknowndefine __NCPUBITS (8 * sizeof (__cpu_mask))
  1273. // unknowndefine NULL ((void *)0)
  1274. // unknowndefine MB_CUR_MAX (_stdlib_mb_cur_max ())
  1275. // unknowndefine NULL ((void *)0)
  1276. // unknowndefine sched_priority __sched_priority
  1277. // unknowndefine SEM_FAILED ((sem_t *) 0)
  1278. // unknowndefine FFI_EXTRA_CIF_FIELDS int vfp_used; unsigned short vfp_reg_free, vfp_nargs; signed char vfp_args[16]
  1279. // unknowndefine ffi_type_uchar ffi_type_uint8
  1280. // unknowndefine ffi_type_schar ffi_type_sint8
  1281. // unknowndefine ffi_type_ushort ffi_type_uint16
  1282. // unknowndefine ffi_type_sshort ffi_type_sint16
  1283. // unknowndefine ffi_type_uint ffi_type_uint32
  1284. // unknowndefine ffi_type_sint ffi_type_sint32
  1285. // unknowndefine ffi_type_ulong ffi_type_uint32
  1286. // unknowndefine ffi_type_slong ffi_type_sint32
  1287. // unknowndefine FFI_EXTERN extern
  1288. // unknowndefine ffi_type_longdouble ffi_type_double
  1289. // unknowndefine ffi_type_complex_longdouble ffi_type_complex_double
  1290. type _ptrdiff_t int32
  1291. type _size_t uint32
  1292. type _wchar_t uint32
  1293. type ___u_char uint8
  1294. type ___u_short uint16
  1295. type ___u_int uint32
  1296. type ___u_long uint32
  1297. type ___int8_t int8
  1298. type ___uint8_t uint8
  1299. type ___int16_t int16
  1300. type ___uint16_t uint16
  1301. type ___int32_t int32
  1302. type ___uint32_t uint32
  1303. type ___int64_t int64
  1304. type ___uint64_t uint64
  1305. type ___quad_t int64
  1306. type ___u_quad_t uint64
  1307. type ___dev_t uint64
  1308. type ___uid_t uint32
  1309. type ___gid_t uint32
  1310. type ___ino_t uint32
  1311. type ___ino64_t uint64
  1312. type ___mode_t uint32
  1313. type ___nlink_t uint32
  1314. type ___off_t int32
  1315. type ___off64_t int64
  1316. type ___pid_t int32
  1317. type ___fsid_t struct { __val [1+1]int32; }
  1318. const _sizeof___fsid_t = 8
  1319. type ___clock_t int32
  1320. type ___rlim_t uint32
  1321. type ___rlim64_t uint64
  1322. type ___id_t uint32
  1323. type ___time_t int32
  1324. type ___useconds_t uint32
  1325. type ___suseconds_t int32
  1326. type ___daddr_t int32
  1327. type ___swblk_t int32
  1328. type ___key_t int32
  1329. type ___clockid_t int32
  1330. type ___timer_t *byte
  1331. type ___blksize_t int32
  1332. type ___blkcnt_t int32
  1333. type ___blkcnt64_t int64
  1334. type ___fsblkcnt_t uint32
  1335. type ___fsblkcnt64_t uint64
  1336. type ___fsfilcnt_t uint32
  1337. type ___fsfilcnt64_t uint64
  1338. type ___ssize_t int32
  1339. type ___loff_t int64
  1340. type ___qaddr_t *int64
  1341. type ___caddr_t *uint8
  1342. type ___t_scalar_t int32
  1343. type ___t_uscalar_t uint32
  1344. type ___intptr_t int32
  1345. type ___socklen_t uint32
  1346. type _u_char uint8
  1347. type _u_short uint16
  1348. type _u_int uint32
  1349. type _u_long uint32
  1350. type _quad_t int64
  1351. type _u_quad_t uint64
  1352. type _fsid_t struct { __val [1+1]int32; }
  1353. const _sizeof_fsid_t = 8
  1354. type _loff_t int64
  1355. type _ino_t uint64
  1356. type _ino64_t uint64
  1357. type _dev_t uint64
  1358. type _gid_t uint32
  1359. type _mode_t uint32
  1360. type _nlink_t uint32
  1361. type _uid_t uint32
  1362. type _off_t int64
  1363. type _off64_t int64
  1364. type _pid_t int32
  1365. type _id_t uint32
  1366. type _ssize_t int32
  1367. type _daddr_t int32
  1368. type _caddr_t *uint8
  1369. type _key_t int32
  1370. type _clock_t int32
  1371. type _time_t int32
  1372. type _clockid_t int32
  1373. type _timer_t *byte
  1374. type _useconds_t uint32
  1375. type _suseconds_t int32
  1376. type _ulong uint32
  1377. type _ushort uint16
  1378. type _uint uint32
  1379. type _int8_t int8
  1380. type _int16_t int16
  1381. type _int32_t int32
  1382. type _int64_t int64
  1383. type _u_int8_t uint8
  1384. type _u_int16_t uint16
  1385. type _u_int32_t uint32
  1386. type _u_int64_t uint64
  1387. type _register_t int32
  1388. type ___sig_atomic_t int32
  1389. type ___sigset_t struct { __val [1+1]uint32; }
  1390. const _sizeof___sigset_t = 8
  1391. type _sigset_t struct { __val [1+1]uint32; }
  1392. const _sizeof_sigset_t = 8
  1393. type _timespec struct { tv_sec int32; tv_nsec int32; }
  1394. const _sizeof_timespec = 8
  1395. type _timeval struct { tv_sec int32; tv_usec int32; }
  1396. const _sizeof_timeval = 8
  1397. type ___fd_mask int32
  1398. type _fd_set struct { fds_bits [31+1]int32; }
  1399. const _sizeof_fd_set = 128
  1400. type _fd_mask int32
  1401. func _select (int32, *_fd_set, *_fd_set, *_fd_set, *_timeval) int32 __asm__("select")
  1402. func _pselect (int32, *_fd_set, *_fd_set, *_fd_set, *_timespec, *___sigset_t) int32 __asm__("pselect")
  1403. func _gnu_dev_major (uint64) uint32 __asm__("gnu_dev_major")
  1404. func _gnu_dev_minor (uint64) uint32 __asm__("gnu_dev_minor")
  1405. func _gnu_dev_makedev (uint32, uint32) uint64 __asm__("gnu_dev_makedev")
  1406. type _blksize_t int32
  1407. type _blkcnt_t int64
  1408. type _fsblkcnt_t uint64
  1409. type _fsfilcnt_t uint64
  1410. type _blkcnt64_t int64
  1411. type _fsblkcnt64_t uint64
  1412. type _fsfilcnt64_t uint64
  1413. type _pthread_t uint32
  1414. type _pthread_attr_t struct { __size [35+1]uint8; Godump_0_align [0]int32; }
  1415. const _sizeof_pthread_attr_t = 36
  1416. type ___pthread_internal_slist struct { __next *___pthread_internal_slist; }
  1417. const _sizeof___pthread_internal_slist = 4
  1418. type ___pthread_slist_t struct { __next *___pthread_internal_slist; }
  1419. const _sizeof___pthread_slist_t = 4
  1420. type ___pthread_mutex_s struct { __lock int32; __count uint32; __owner int32; __kind int32; __nusers uint32; __spins int32; }
  1421. const _sizeof___pthread_mutex_s = 24
  1422. type _pthread_mutex_t struct { __data ___pthread_mutex_s; }
  1423. const _sizeof_pthread_mutex_t = 24
  1424. type _pthread_mutexattr_t struct { __size [3+1]uint8; Godump_0_align [0]int32; }
  1425. const _sizeof_pthread_mutexattr_t = 4
  1426. type _pthread_cond_t struct { __data struct { __lock int32; __futex uint32; __total_seq uint64; __wakeup_seq uint64; __woken_seq uint64; __mutex *byte; __nwaiters uint32; __broadcast_seq uint32; Godump_0_pad [4]byte; }; }
  1427. const _sizeof_pthread_cond_t = 48
  1428. type _pthread_condattr_t struct { __size [3+1]uint8; Godump_0_align [0]int32; }
  1429. const _sizeof_pthread_condattr_t = 4
  1430. type _pthread_key_t uint32
  1431. type _pthread_once_t int32
  1432. type _pthread_rwlock_t struct { __data struct { __lock int32; __nr_readers uint32; __readers_wakeup uint32; __writer_wakeup uint32; __nr_readers_queued uint32; __nr_writers_queued uint32; __flags uint8; __shared uint8; __pad1 uint8; __pad2 uint8; __writer int32; }; }
  1433. const _sizeof_pthread_rwlock_t = 32
  1434. type _pthread_rwlockattr_t struct { __size [7+1]uint8; Godump_0_align [0]int32; }
  1435. const _sizeof_pthread_rwlockattr_t = 8
  1436. type _pthread_spinlock_t int32
  1437. type _pthread_barrier_t struct { __size [19+1]uint8; Godump_0_align [0]int32; }
  1438. const _sizeof_pthread_barrier_t = 20
  1439. type _pthread_barrierattr_t struct { __size [3+1]uint8; Godump_0_align [0]int32; }
  1440. const _sizeof_pthread_barrierattr_t = 4
  1441. type _dirent struct { d_ino uint64; d_off int64; d_reclen uint16; d_type uint8; d_name [255+1]uint8; Godump_0_pad [5]byte; }
  1442. const _sizeof_dirent = 280
  1443. type _dirent64 struct { d_ino uint64; d_off int64; d_reclen uint16; d_type uint8; d_name [255+1]uint8; Godump_0_pad [5]byte; }
  1444. const _sizeof_dirent64 = 280
  1445. type _DIR struct { }
  1446. func _opendir (*uint8) *_DIR __asm__("opendir")
  1447. func _fdopendir (int32) *_DIR __asm__("fdopendir")
  1448. func _closedir (*_DIR) int32 __asm__("closedir")
  1449. func _readdir (*_DIR) *_dirent __asm__("*readdir64")
  1450. func _readdir64 (*_DIR) *_dirent64 __asm__("readdir64")
  1451. func _readdir_r (*_DIR, *_dirent, **_dirent) int32 __asm__("*readdir64_r")
  1452. func _readdir64_r (*_DIR, *_dirent64, **_dirent64) int32 __asm__("readdir64_r")
  1453. func _rewinddir (*_DIR) __asm__("rewinddir")
  1454. func _seekdir (*_DIR, int32) __asm__("seekdir")
  1455. func _telldir (*_DIR) int32 __asm__("telldir")
  1456. func _dirfd (*_DIR) int32 __asm__("dirfd")
  1457. func _scandir (*uint8, ***_dirent, func(*_dirent) int32, func(**_dirent, **_dirent) int32) int32 __asm__("*scandir64")
  1458. func _scandir64 (*uint8, ***_dirent64, func(*_dirent64) int32, func(**_dirent64, **_dirent64) int32) int32 __asm__("scandir64")
  1459. func _alphasort (**_dirent, **_dirent) int32 __asm__("*alphasort64")
  1460. func _alphasort64 (**_dirent64, **_dirent64) int32 __asm__("alphasort64")
  1461. func _versionsort (**_dirent, **_dirent) int32 __asm__("*versionsort64")
  1462. func _versionsort64 (**_dirent64, **_dirent64) int32 __asm__("versionsort64")
  1463. func ___errno_location () *int32 __asm__("__errno_location")
  1464. var _program_invocation_name *uint8
  1465. var _program_invocation_short_name *uint8
  1466. type _error_t int32
  1467. type _iovec struct { iov_base *byte; iov_len uint32; }
  1468. const _sizeof_iovec = 8
  1469. type _flock struct { l_type int16; l_whence int16; l_start int64; l_len int64; l_pid int32; Godump_0_pad [4]byte; }
  1470. const _sizeof_flock = 32
  1471. type _flock64 struct { l_type int16; l_whence int16; l_start int64; l_len int64; l_pid int32; Godump_0_pad [4]byte; }
  1472. const _sizeof_flock64 = 32
  1473. func _readahead (int32, int64, uint32) int32 __asm__("readahead")
  1474. func _sync_file_range (int32, int64, int64, uint32) int32 __asm__("sync_file_range")
  1475. func _vmsplice (int32, *_iovec, uint32, uint32) int32 __asm__("vmsplice")
  1476. func _splice (int32, *int64, int32, *int64, uint32, uint32) int32 __asm__("splice")
  1477. func _tee (int32, int32, uint32, uint32) int32 __asm__("tee")
  1478. type _stat struct { st_dev uint64; __pad1 uint32; __st_ino uint32; st_mode uint32; st_nlink uint32; st_uid uint32; st_gid uint32; st_rdev uint64; __pad2 uint32; st_size int64; st_blksize int32; st_blocks int64; st_atim _timespec; st_mtim _timespec; st_ctim _timespec; st_ino uint64; }
  1479. const _sizeof_stat = 104
  1480. type _stat64 struct { st_dev uint64; __pad1 uint32; __st_ino uint32; st_mode uint32; st_nlink uint32; st_uid uint32; st_gid uint32; st_rdev uint64; __pad2 uint32; st_size int64; st_blksize int32; st_blocks int64; st_atim _timespec; st_mtim _timespec; st_ctim _timespec; st_ino uint64; }
  1481. const _sizeof_stat64 = 104
  1482. func _stat (*uint8, *_stat) int32 __asm__("*stat64")
  1483. func _fstat (int32, *_stat) int32 __asm__("*fstat64")
  1484. func _stat64 (*uint8, *_stat64) int32 __asm__("stat64")
  1485. func _fstat64 (int32, *_stat64) int32 __asm__("fstat64")
  1486. func _fstatat (int32, *uint8, *_stat, int32) int32 __asm__("*fstatat64")
  1487. func _fstatat64 (int32, *uint8, *_stat64, int32) int32 __asm__("fstatat64")
  1488. func _lstat (*uint8, *_stat) int32 __asm__("*lstat64")
  1489. func _lstat64 (*uint8, *_stat64) int32 __asm__("lstat64")
  1490. func _chmod (*uint8, uint32) int32 __asm__("chmod")
  1491. func _fchmod (int32, uint32) int32 __asm__("fchmod")
  1492. func _fchmodat (int32, *uint8, uint32, int32) int32 __asm__("fchmodat")
  1493. func _umask (uint32) uint32 __asm__("umask")
  1494. func _mkdir (*uint8, uint32) int32 __asm__("mkdir")
  1495. func _mkdirat (int32, *uint8, uint32) int32 __asm__("mkdirat")
  1496. func _mknod (*uint8, uint32, uint64) int32 __asm__("mknod")
  1497. func _mknodat (int32, *uint8, uint32, uint64) int32 __asm__("mknodat")
  1498. func _mkfifo (*uint8, uint32) int32 __asm__("mkfifo")
  1499. func _mkfifoat (int32, *uint8, uint32) int32 __asm__("mkfifoat")
  1500. func _utimensat (int32, *uint8, *_timespec, int32) int32 __asm__("utimensat")
  1501. func _futimens (int32, *_timespec) int32 __asm__("futimens")
  1502. func _fcntl (int32, int32, ...interface{}) int32 __asm__("*fcntl64")
  1503. func _fcntl64 (int32, int32, ...interface{}) int32 __asm__("fcntl64")
  1504. func _open (*uint8, int32, ...interface{}) int32 __asm__("*open64")
  1505. func _open64 (*uint8, int32, ...interface{}) int32 __asm__("open64")
  1506. func _openat (int32, *uint8, int32, ...interface{}) int32 __asm__("*openat64")
  1507. func _openat64 (int32, *uint8, int32, ...interface{}) int32 __asm__("openat64")
  1508. func _creat (*uint8, uint32) int32 __asm__("*creat64")
  1509. func _creat64 (*uint8, uint32) int32 __asm__("creat64")
  1510. func _lockf (int32, int32, int64) int32 __asm__("*lockf64")
  1511. func _lockf64 (int32, int32, int64) int32 __asm__("lockf64")
  1512. func _posix_fadvise (int32, int64, int64, int32) int32 __asm__("*posix_fadvise64")
  1513. func _posix_fadvise64 (int32, int64, int64, int32) int32 __asm__("posix_fadvise64")
  1514. func _posix_fallocate (int32, int64, int64) int32 __asm__("*posix_fallocate64")
  1515. func _posix_fallocate64 (int32, int64, int64) int32 __asm__("posix_fallocate64")
  1516. func _fallocate (int32, int32, int64, int64) int32 __asm__("*fallocate64")
  1517. func _fallocate64 (int32, int32, int64, int64) int32 __asm__("fallocate64")
  1518. func ___sigismember (*___sigset_t, int32) int32 __asm__("__sigismember")
  1519. func ___sigaddset (*___sigset_t, int32) __asm__("__sigaddset")
  1520. func ___sigdelset (*___sigset_t, int32) __asm__("__sigdelset")
  1521. type _sig_atomic_t int32
  1522. type _sigval struct { sival_int int32; }
  1523. const _sizeof_sigval = 4
  1524. type _sigval_t struct { sival_int int32; }
  1525. const _sizeof_sigval_t = 4
  1526. type _siginfo struct { si_signo int32; si_errno int32; si_code int32; _sifields struct { _pad [28+1]int32; }; }
  1527. const _sizeof_siginfo = 128
  1528. type _siginfo_t struct { si_signo int32; si_errno int32; si_code int32; _sifields struct { _pad [28+1]int32; }; }
  1529. const _sizeof_siginfo_t = 128
  1530. type _sigevent struct { sigev_value _sigval_t; sigev_signo int32; sigev_notify int32; _sigev_un struct { _pad [12+1]int32; }; }
  1531. const _sizeof_sigevent = 64
  1532. type _sigevent_t struct { sigev_value _sigval_t; sigev_signo int32; sigev_notify int32; _sigev_un struct { _pad [12+1]int32; }; }
  1533. const _sizeof_sigevent_t = 64
  1534. type ___sighandler_t func(int32)
  1535. func _signal (int32, ___sighandler_t) ___sighandler_t __asm__("signal")
  1536. func _bsd_signal (int32, ___sighandler_t) ___sighandler_t __asm__("bsd_signal")
  1537. func _kill (int32, int32) int32 __asm__("kill")
  1538. func _killpg (int32, int32) int32 __asm__("killpg")
  1539. func _raise (int32) int32 __asm__("raise")
  1540. func _psignal (int32, *uint8) __asm__("psignal")
  1541. func _sigpause (int32) int32 __asm__("sigpause")
  1542. type _sighandler_t func(int32)
  1543. type _sig_t func(int32)
  1544. func _sigemptyset (*_sigset_t) int32 __asm__("sigemptyset")
  1545. func _sigfillset (*_sigset_t) int32 __asm__("sigfillset")
  1546. func _sigaddset (*_sigset_t, int32) int32 __asm__("sigaddset")
  1547. func _sigdelset (*_sigset_t, int32) int32 __asm__("sigdelset")
  1548. func _sigismember (*_sigset_t, int32) int32 __asm__("sigismember")
  1549. func _sigisemptyset (*_sigset_t) int32 __asm__("sigisemptyset")
  1550. func _sigandset (*_sigset_t, *_sigset_t, *_sigset_t) int32 __asm__("sigandset")
  1551. func _sigorset (*_sigset_t, *_sigset_t, *_sigset_t) int32 __asm__("sigorset")
  1552. type _sigaction struct { __sigaction_handler struct { sa_handler ___sighandler_t; }; sa_flags uint32; sa_restorer func(); sa_mask _sigset_t; }
  1553. const _sizeof_sigaction = 20
  1554. func _sigprocmask (int32, *_sigset_t, *_sigset_t) int32 __asm__("sigprocmask")
  1555. func _sigsuspend (*_sigset_t) int32 __asm__("sigsuspend")
  1556. func _sigaction (int32, *_sigaction, *_sigaction) int32 __asm__("sigaction")
  1557. func _sigpending (*_sigset_t) int32 __asm__("sigpending")
  1558. func _sigwait (*_sigset_t, *int32) int32 __asm__("sigwait")
  1559. func _sigwaitinfo (*_sigset_t, *_siginfo_t) int32 __asm__("sigwaitinfo")
  1560. func _sigtimedwait (*_sigset_t, *_siginfo_t, *_timespec) int32 __asm__("sigtimedwait")
  1561. func _sigqueue (int32, int32, struct { sival_int int32; }) int32 __asm__("sigqueue")
  1562. type _sigvec struct { sv_handler ___sighandler_t; sv_mask int32; sv_flags int32; }
  1563. const _sizeof_sigvec = 12
  1564. type _sigcontext struct { trap_no uint32; error_code uint32; oldmask uint32; arm_r0 uint32; arm_r1 uint32; arm_r2 uint32; arm_r3 uint32; arm_r4 uint32; arm_r5 uint32; arm_r6 uint32; arm_r7 uint32; arm_r8 uint32; arm_r9 uint32; arm_r10 uint32; arm_fp uint32; arm_ip uint32; arm_sp uint32; arm_lr uint32; arm_pc uint32; arm_cpsr uint32; fault_address uint32; }
  1565. const _sizeof_sigcontext = 84
  1566. func _siginterrupt (int32, int32) int32 __asm__("siginterrupt")
  1567. type _sigstack struct { ss_sp *byte; ss_onstack int32; }
  1568. const _sizeof_sigstack = 8
  1569. type _sigaltstack struct { ss_sp *byte; ss_flags int32; ss_size uint32; }
  1570. const _sizeof_sigaltstack = 12
  1571. type _stack_t struct { ss_sp *byte; ss_flags int32; ss_size uint32; }
  1572. const _sizeof_stack_t = 12
  1573. func _sigaltstack (*_sigaltstack, *_sigaltstack) int32 __asm__("sigaltstack")
  1574. func _sighold (int32) int32 __asm__("sighold")
  1575. func _sigrelse (int32) int32 __asm__("sigrelse")
  1576. func _sigignore (int32) int32 __asm__("sigignore")
  1577. func _sigset (int32, ___sighandler_t) ___sighandler_t __asm__("sigset")
  1578. func _pthread_sigmask (int32, *___sigset_t, *___sigset_t) int32 __asm__("pthread_sigmask")
  1579. func _pthread_kill (uint32, int32) int32 __asm__("pthread_kill")
  1580. func _pthread_sigqueue (uint32, int32, _sigval) int32 __asm__("pthread_sigqueue")
  1581. func ___libc_current_sigrtmin () int32 __asm__("__libc_current_sigrtmin")
  1582. func ___libc_current_sigrtmax () int32 __asm__("__libc_current_sigrtmax")
  1583. type _timezone struct { tz_minuteswest int32; tz_dsttime int32; }
  1584. const _sizeof_timezone = 8
  1585. type ___timezone_ptr_t *_timezone
  1586. func _gettimeofday (*_timeval, ___timezone_ptr_t) int32 __asm__("gettimeofday")
  1587. func _settimeofday (*_timeval, *_timezone) int32 __asm__("settimeofday")
  1588. func _adjtime (*_timeval, *_timeval) int32 __asm__("adjtime")
  1589. type _itimerval struct { it_interval _timeval; it_value _timeval; }
  1590. const _sizeof_itimerval = 16
  1591. type ___itimer_which_t uint32
  1592. func _getitimer (uint32, *_itimerval) int32 __asm__("getitimer")
  1593. func _setitimer (uint32, *_itimerval, *_itimerval) int32 __asm__("setitimer")
  1594. func _utimes (*uint8, *_timeval) int32 __asm__("utimes")
  1595. func _lutimes (*uint8, *_timeval) int32 __asm__("lutimes")
  1596. func _futimesat (int32, *uint8, *_timeval) int32 __asm__("futimesat")
  1597. type _fp_reg struct { Godump_0_pad [8]byte; mantissa0 uint32; }
  1598. const _sizeof_fp_reg = 12
  1599. type _user_fpregs struct { fpregs [7+1]_fp_reg; fpsr uint32; fpcr uint32; ftype [7+1]uint8; init_flag uint32; }
  1600. const _sizeof_user_fpregs = 116
  1601. type _user_regs struct { uregs [17+1]uint32; }
  1602. const _sizeof_user_regs = 72
  1603. type _user struct { regs _user_regs; u_fpvalid int32; u_tsize uint32; u_dsize uint32; u_ssize uint32; start_code uint32; start_stack uint32; signal int32; reserved int32; u_ar0 *_user_regs; magic uint32; u_comm [31+1]uint8; u_debugreg [7+1]int32; u_fp _user_fpregs; u_fp0 *_user_fpregs; }
  1604. const _sizeof_user = 296
  1605. type _elf_greg_t uint32
  1606. type _elf_gregset_t [17+1]uint32
  1607. type _elf_fpregset_t struct { fpregs [7+1]_fp_reg; fpsr uint32; fpcr uint32; ftype [7+1]uint8; init_flag uint32; }
  1608. const _sizeof_elf_fpregset_t = 116
  1609. type _elf_siginfo struct { si_signo int32; si_code int32; si_errno int32; }
  1610. const _sizeof_elf_siginfo = 12
  1611. type _elf_prstatus struct { pr_info _elf_siginfo; pr_cursig int16; pr_sigpend uint32; pr_sighold uint32; pr_pid int32; pr_ppid int32; pr_pgrp int32; pr_sid int32; pr_utime _timeval; pr_stime _timeval; pr_cutime _timeval; pr_cstime _timeval; pr_reg _elf_gregset_t; pr_fpvalid int32; }
  1612. const _sizeof_elf_prstatus = 148
  1613. type _elf_prpsinfo struct { pr_state uint8; pr_sname uint8; pr_zomb uint8; pr_nice uint8; pr_flag uint32; pr_uid uint16; pr_gid uint16; pr_pid int32; pr_ppid int32; pr_pgrp int32; pr_sid int32; pr_fname [15+1]uint8; pr_psargs [79+1]uint8; }
  1614. const _sizeof_elf_prpsinfo = 124
  1615. type _psaddr_t *byte
  1616. type _prgregset_t [17+1]uint32
  1617. type _prfpregset_t struct { fpregs [7+1]_fp_reg; fpsr uint32; fpcr uint32; ftype [7+1]uint8; init_flag uint32; }
  1618. const _sizeof_prfpregset_t = 116
  1619. type _lwpid_t int32
  1620. type _prstatus_t struct { pr_info _elf_siginfo; pr_cursig int16; pr_sigpend uint32; pr_sighold uint32; pr_pid int32; pr_ppid int32; pr_pgrp int32; pr_sid int32; pr_utime _timeval; pr_stime _timeval; pr_cutime _timeval; pr_cstime _timeval; pr_reg _elf_gregset_t; pr_fpvalid int32; }
  1621. const _sizeof_prstatus_t = 148
  1622. type _prpsinfo_t struct { pr_state uint8; pr_sname uint8; pr_zomb uint8; pr_nice uint8; pr_flag uint32; pr_uid uint16; pr_gid uint16; pr_pid int32; pr_ppid int32; pr_pgrp int32; pr_sid int32; pr_fname [15+1]uint8; pr_psargs [79+1]uint8; }
  1623. const _sizeof_prpsinfo_t = 124
  1624. type _greg_t int32
  1625. type _gregset_t [17+1]uint32
  1626. type _fpregset_t struct { fpregs [7+1]_fp_reg; fpsr uint32; fpcr uint32; ftype [7+1]uint8; init_flag uint32; }
  1627. const _sizeof_fpregset_t = 116
  1628. type _mcontext_t struct { trap_no uint32; error_code uint32; oldmask uint32; arm_r0 uint32; arm_r1 uint32; arm_r2 uint32; arm_r3 uint32; arm_r4 uint32; arm_r5 uint32; arm_r6 uint32; arm_r7 uint32; arm_r8 uint32; arm_r9 uint32; arm_r10 uint32; arm_fp uint32; arm_ip uint32; arm_sp uint32; arm_lr uint32; arm_pc uint32; arm_cpsr uint32; fault_address uint32; }
  1629. const _sizeof_mcontext_t = 84
  1630. type _ucontext struct { uc_flags uint32; uc_link *_ucontext; uc_stack _stack_t; uc_mcontext _mcontext_t; uc_sigmask ___sigset_t; uc_regspace [127+1]uint32; }
  1631. const _sizeof_ucontext = 624
  1632. type _ucontext_t struct { uc_flags uint32; uc_link *_ucontext; uc_stack _stack_t; uc_mcontext _mcontext_t; uc_sigmask ___sigset_t; uc_regspace [127+1]uint32; }
  1633. const _sizeof_ucontext_t = 624
  1634. func _getcontext (*_ucontext_t) int32 __asm__("getcontext")
  1635. func _setcontext (*_ucontext_t) int32 __asm__("setcontext")
  1636. func _swapcontext (*_ucontext_t, *_ucontext_t) int32 __asm__("swapcontext")
  1637. func _makecontext (*_ucontext_t, func(), int32, ...interface{}) __asm__("makecontext")
  1638. type _uint8_t uint8
  1639. type _uint16_t uint16
  1640. type _uint32_t uint32
  1641. type _uint64_t uint64
  1642. type _int_least8_t int8
  1643. type _int_least16_t int16
  1644. type _int_least32_t int32
  1645. type _int_least64_t int64
  1646. type _uint_least8_t uint8
  1647. type _uint_least16_t uint16
  1648. type _uint_least32_t uint32
  1649. type _uint_least64_t uint64
  1650. type _int_fast8_t int8
  1651. type _int_fast16_t int32
  1652. type _int_fast32_t int32
  1653. type _int_fast64_t int64
  1654. type _uint_fast8_t uint8
  1655. type _uint_fast16_t uint32
  1656. type _uint_fast32_t uint32
  1657. type _uint_fast64_t uint64
  1658. type _intptr_t int32
  1659. type _uintptr_t uint32
  1660. type _intmax_t int64
  1661. type _uintmax_t uint64
  1662. func _readv (int32, *_iovec, int32) int32 __asm__("readv")
  1663. func _writev (int32, *_iovec, int32) int32 __asm__("writev")
  1664. func _preadv (int32, *_iovec, int32, int32) int32 __asm__("preadv")
  1665. func _pwritev (int32, *_iovec, int32, int32) int32 __asm__("pwritev")
  1666. type _socklen_t uint32
  1667. type _sa_family_t uint16
  1668. type _sockaddr struct { sa_family uint16; sa_data [13+1]uint8; }
  1669. const _sizeof_sockaddr = 16
  1670. type _sockaddr_storage struct { ss_family uint16; __ss_align uint32; __ss_padding [119+1]uint8; }
  1671. const _sizeof_sockaddr_storage = 128
  1672. type _msghdr struct { msg_name *byte; msg_namelen uint32; msg_iov *_iovec; msg_iovlen int32; msg_control *byte; msg_controllen uint32; msg_flags int32; }
  1673. const _sizeof_msghdr = 28
  1674. type _cmsghdr struct { cmsg_len uint32; cmsg_level int32; cmsg_type int32; __cmsg_data [0]uint8; }
  1675. const _sizeof_cmsghdr = 12
  1676. func ___cmsg_nxthdr (*_msghdr, *_cmsghdr) *_cmsghdr __asm__("__cmsg_nxthdr")
  1677. type _ucred struct { pid int32; uid uint32; gid uint32; }
  1678. const _sizeof_ucred = 12
  1679. type _linger struct { l_onoff int32; l_linger int32; }
  1680. const _sizeof_linger = 8
  1681. type _osockaddr struct { sa_family uint16; sa_data [13+1]uint8; }
  1682. const _sizeof_osockaddr = 16
  1683. type ___SOCKADDR_ARG struct { __sockaddr__ *_sockaddr; }
  1684. const _sizeof___SOCKADDR_ARG = 4
  1685. type ___CONST_SOCKADDR_ARG struct { __sockaddr__ *_sockaddr; }
  1686. const _sizeof___CONST_SOCKADDR_ARG = 4
  1687. func _socket (int32, int32, int32) int32 __asm__("socket")
  1688. func _socketpair (int32, int32, int32, *int32) int32 __asm__("socketpair")
  1689. func _bind (int32, ___CONST_SOCKADDR_ARG, uint32) int32 __asm__("bind")
  1690. func _getsockname (int32, ___SOCKADDR_ARG, *uint32) int32 __asm__("getsockname")
  1691. func _connect (int32, ___CONST_SOCKADDR_ARG, uint32) int32 __asm__("connect")
  1692. func _getpeername (int32, ___SOCKADDR_ARG, *uint32) int32 __asm__("getpeername")
  1693. func _send (int32, *byte, uint32, int32) int32 __asm__("send")
  1694. func _recv (int32, *byte, uint32, int32) int32 __asm__("recv")
  1695. func _sendto (int32, *byte, uint32, int32, ___CONST_SOCKADDR_ARG, uint32) int32 __asm__("sendto")
  1696. func _recvfrom (int32, *byte, uint32, int32, ___SOCKADDR_ARG, *uint32) int32 __asm__("recvfrom")
  1697. func _sendmsg (int32, *_msghdr, int32) int32 __asm__("sendmsg")
  1698. func _recvmsg (int32, *_msghdr, int32) int32 __asm__("recvmsg")
  1699. func _getsockopt (int32, int32, int32, *byte, *uint32) int32 __asm__("getsockopt")
  1700. func _setsockopt (int32, int32, int32, *byte, uint32) int32 __asm__("setsockopt")
  1701. func _listen (int32, int32) int32 __asm__("listen")
  1702. func _accept (int32, ___SOCKADDR_ARG, *uint32) int32 __asm__("accept")
  1703. func _accept4 (int32, ___SOCKADDR_ARG, *uint32, int32) int32 __asm__("accept4")
  1704. func _shutdown (int32, int32) int32 __asm__("shutdown")
  1705. func _isfdtype (int32, int32) int32 __asm__("isfdtype")
  1706. type _in_port_t uint16
  1707. type _in_addr_t uint32
  1708. type _in_addr struct { s_addr uint32; }
  1709. const _sizeof_in_addr = 4
  1710. type _in6_addr struct { __in6_u struct { __u6_addr8 [15+1]uint8; Godump_0_align [0]int32; }; }
  1711. const _sizeof_in6_addr = 16
  1712. var _in6addr_any _in6_addr
  1713. var _in6addr_loopback _in6_addr
  1714. type _sockaddr_in struct { sin_family uint16; sin_port uint16; sin_addr _in_addr; sin_zero [7+1]uint8; }
  1715. const _sizeof_sockaddr_in = 16
  1716. type _sockaddr_in6 struct { sin6_family uint16; sin6_port uint16; sin6_flowinfo uint32; sin6_addr _in6_addr; sin6_scope_id uint32; }
  1717. const _sizeof_sockaddr_in6 = 28
  1718. type _ip_mreq struct { imr_multiaddr _in_addr; imr_interface _in_addr; }
  1719. const _sizeof_ip_mreq = 8
  1720. type _ip_mreq_source struct { imr_multiaddr _in_addr; imr_interface _in_addr; imr_sourceaddr _in_addr; }
  1721. const _sizeof_ip_mreq_source = 12
  1722. type _ipv6_mreq struct { ipv6mr_multiaddr _in6_addr; ipv6mr_interface uint32; }
  1723. const _sizeof_ipv6_mreq = 20
  1724. type _group_req struct { gr_interface uint32; gr_group _sockaddr_storage; }
  1725. const _sizeof_group_req = 132
  1726. type _group_source_req struct { gsr_interface uint32; gsr_group _sockaddr_storage; gsr_source _sockaddr_storage; }
  1727. const _sizeof_group_source_req = 260
  1728. type _ip_msfilter struct { imsf_multiaddr _in_addr; imsf_interface _in_addr; imsf_fmode uint32; imsf_numsrc uint32; imsf_slist [0+1]_in_addr; }
  1729. const _sizeof_ip_msfilter = 20
  1730. type _group_filter struct { gf_interface uint32; gf_group _sockaddr_storage; gf_fmode uint32; gf_numsrc uint32; gf_slist [0+1]_sockaddr_storage; }
  1731. const _sizeof_group_filter = 268
  1732. type _ip_opts struct { ip_dst _in_addr; ip_opts [39+1]uint8; }
  1733. const _sizeof_ip_opts = 44
  1734. type _ip_mreqn struct { imr_multiaddr _in_addr; imr_address _in_addr; imr_ifindex int32; }
  1735. const _sizeof_ip_mreqn = 12
  1736. type _in_pktinfo struct { ipi_ifindex int32; ipi_spec_dst _in_addr; ipi_addr _in_addr; }
  1737. const _sizeof_in_pktinfo = 12
  1738. func _ntohl (uint32) uint32 __asm__("ntohl")
  1739. func _ntohs (uint16) uint16 __asm__("ntohs")
  1740. func _htonl (uint32) uint32 __asm__("htonl")
  1741. func _htons (uint16) uint16 __asm__("htons")
  1742. func _bindresvport (int32, *_sockaddr_in) int32 __asm__("bindresvport")
  1743. type _in6_pktinfo struct { ipi6_addr _in6_addr; ipi6_ifindex uint32; }
  1744. const _sizeof_in6_pktinfo = 20
  1745. type _ip6_mtuinfo struct { ip6m_addr _sockaddr_in6; ip6m_mtu uint32; }
  1746. const _sizeof_ip6_mtuinfo = 32
  1747. type _tcp_seq uint32
  1748. type _tcphdr struct { th_sport uint16; th_dport uint16; th_seq uint32; th_ack uint32; Godump_0_pad [1]byte; th_flags uint8; th_win uint16; th_sum uint16; th_urp uint16; Godump_1_align [0]int32; }
  1749. const _sizeof_tcphdr = 20
  1750. type _tcp_info struct { tcpi_state uint8; tcpi_ca_state uint8; tcpi_retransmits uint8; tcpi_probes uint8; tcpi_backoff uint8; tcpi_options uint8; tcpi_rto uint32; tcpi_ato uint32; tcpi_snd_mss uint32; tcpi_rcv_mss uint32; tcpi_unacked uint32; tcpi_sacked uint32; tcpi_lost uint32; tcpi_retrans uint32; tcpi_fackets uint32; tcpi_last_data_sent uint32; tcpi_last_ack_sent uint32; tcpi_last_data_recv uint32; tcpi_last_ack_recv uint32; tcpi_pmtu uint32; tcpi_rcv_ssthresh uint32; tcpi_rtt uint32; tcpi_rttvar uint32; tcpi_snd_ssthresh uint32; tcpi_snd_cwnd uint32; tcpi_advmss uint32; tcpi_reordering uint32; tcpi_rcv_rtt uint32; tcpi_rcv_space uint32; tcpi_total_retrans uint32; }
  1751. const _sizeof_tcp_info = 104
  1752. type _tcp_md5sig struct { tcpm_addr _sockaddr_storage; __tcpm_pad1 uint16; tcpm_keylen uint16; __tcpm_pad2 uint32; tcpm_key [79+1]uint8; }
  1753. const _sizeof_tcp_md5sig = 216
  1754. type _timestamp struct { len uint8; ptr uint8; data [8+1]uint32; }
  1755. const _sizeof_timestamp = 40
  1756. type _iphdr struct { Godump_0_pad [1]byte; tos uint8; tot_len uint16; id uint16; frag_off uint16; ttl uint8; protocol uint8; check uint16; saddr uint32; daddr uint32; }
  1757. const _sizeof_iphdr = 20
  1758. type _ip struct { Godump_0_pad [1]byte; ip_tos uint8; ip_len uint16; ip_id uint16; ip_off uint16; ip_ttl uint8; ip_p uint8; ip_sum uint16; ip_src _in_addr; ip_dst _in_addr; }
  1759. const _sizeof_ip = 20
  1760. type _ip_timestamp struct { ipt_code uint8; ipt_len uint8; ipt_ptr uint8; data [8+1]uint32; }
  1761. const _sizeof_ip_timestamp = 40
  1762. type ___s8 int8
  1763. type ___u8 uint8
  1764. type ___s16 int16
  1765. type ___u16 uint16
  1766. type ___s32 int32
  1767. type ___u32 uint32
  1768. type ___s64 int64
  1769. type ___u64 uint64
  1770. type _umode_t uint16
  1771. type ___kernel_fd_set struct { fds_bits [31+1]uint32; }
  1772. const _sizeof___kernel_fd_set = 128
  1773. type ___kernel_sighandler_t func(int32)
  1774. type ___kernel_key_t int32
  1775. type ___kernel_mqd_t int32
  1776. type ___kernel_ino_t uint32
  1777. type ___kernel_mode_t uint16
  1778. type ___kernel_nlink_t uint16
  1779. type ___kernel_off_t int32
  1780. type ___kernel_pid_t int32
  1781. type ___kernel_ipc_pid_t uint16
  1782. type ___kernel_uid_t uint16
  1783. type ___kernel_gid_t uint16
  1784. type ___kernel_size_t uint32
  1785. type ___kernel_ssize_t int32
  1786. type ___kernel_ptrdiff_t int32
  1787. type ___kernel_time_t int32
  1788. type ___kernel_suseconds_t int32
  1789. type ___kernel_clock_t int32
  1790. type ___kernel_timer_t int32
  1791. type ___kernel_clockid_t int32
  1792. type ___kernel_daddr_t int32
  1793. type ___kernel_caddr_t *uint8
  1794. type ___kernel_uid16_t uint16
  1795. type ___kernel_gid16_t uint16
  1796. type ___kernel_uid32_t uint32
  1797. type ___kernel_gid32_t uint32
  1798. type ___kernel_old_uid_t uint16
  1799. type ___kernel_old_gid_t uint16
  1800. type ___kernel_old_dev_t uint16
  1801. type ___kernel_loff_t int64
  1802. type ___kernel_fsid_t struct { val [1+1]int32; }
  1803. const _sizeof___kernel_fsid_t = 8
  1804. type ___le16 uint16
  1805. type ___be16 uint16
  1806. type ___le32 uint32
  1807. type ___be32 uint32
  1808. type ___le64 uint64
  1809. type ___be64 uint64
  1810. type ___sum16 uint16
  1811. type ___wsum uint32
  1812. type _ethhdr struct { h_dest [5+1]uint8; h_source [5+1]uint8; h_proto uint16; }
  1813. const _sizeof_ethhdr = 14
  1814. type _ether_addr struct { ether_addr_octet [5+1]uint8; }
  1815. const _sizeof_ether_addr = 6
  1816. type _ether_header struct { ether_dhost [5+1]uint8; ether_shost [5+1]uint8; ether_type uint16; }
  1817. const _sizeof_ether_header = 14
  1818. type _arphdr struct { ar_hrd uint16; ar_pro uint16; ar_hln uint8; ar_pln uint8; ar_op uint16; }
  1819. const _sizeof_arphdr = 8
  1820. type _arpreq struct { arp_pa _sockaddr; arp_ha _sockaddr; arp_flags int32; arp_netmask _sockaddr; arp_dev [15+1]uint8; }
  1821. const _sizeof_arpreq = 68
  1822. type _arpreq_old struct { arp_pa _sockaddr; arp_ha _sockaddr; arp_flags int32; arp_netmask _sockaddr; }
  1823. const _sizeof_arpreq_old = 52
  1824. type _arpd_request struct { req uint16; ip uint32; dev uint32; stamp uint32; updated uint32; ha [6+1]uint8; Godump_0_pad [1]byte; }
  1825. const _sizeof_arpd_request = 28
  1826. type _ether_arp struct { ea_hdr _arphdr; arp_sha [5+1]uint8; arp_spa [3+1]uint8; arp_tha [5+1]uint8; arp_tpa [3+1]uint8; }
  1827. const _sizeof_ether_arp = 28
  1828. type _winsize struct { ws_row uint16; ws_col uint16; ws_xpixel uint16; ws_ypixel uint16; }
  1829. const _sizeof_winsize = 8
  1830. type _termio struct { c_iflag uint16; c_oflag uint16; c_cflag uint16; c_lflag uint16; c_line uint8; c_cc [7+1]uint8; Godump_0_pad [1]byte; }
  1831. const _sizeof_termio = 18
  1832. func _ioctl (int32, uint32, ...interface{}) int32 __asm__("ioctl")
  1833. type _cc_t uint8
  1834. type _speed_t uint32
  1835. type _tcflag_t uint32
  1836. type _termios struct { c_iflag uint32; c_oflag uint32; c_cflag uint32; c_lflag uint32; c_line uint8; c_cc [31+1]uint8; c_ispeed uint32; c_ospeed uint32; }
  1837. const _sizeof_termios = 60
  1838. func _cfgetospeed (*_termios) uint32 __asm__("cfgetospeed")
  1839. func _cfgetispeed (*_termios) uint32 __asm__("cfgetispeed")
  1840. func _cfsetospeed (*_termios, uint32) int32 __asm__("cfsetospeed")
  1841. func _cfsetispeed (*_termios, uint32) int32 __asm__("cfsetispeed")
  1842. func _cfsetspeed (*_termios, uint32) int32 __asm__("cfsetspeed")
  1843. func _tcgetattr (int32, *_termios) int32 __asm__("tcgetattr")
  1844. func _tcsetattr (int32, int32, *_termios) int32 __asm__("tcsetattr")
  1845. func _cfmakeraw (*_termios) __asm__("cfmakeraw")
  1846. func _tcsendbreak (int32, int32) int32 __asm__("tcsendbreak")
  1847. func _tcdrain (int32) int32 __asm__("tcdrain")
  1848. func _tcflush (int32, int32) int32 __asm__("tcflush")
  1849. func _tcflow (int32, int32) int32 __asm__("tcflow")
  1850. func _tcgetsid (int32) int32 __asm__("tcgetsid")
  1851. type _epoll_data struct { ptr *byte; Godump_0_pad [4]byte; Godump_1_align [0]int64; }
  1852. const _sizeof_epoll_data = 8
  1853. type _epoll_data_t struct { ptr *byte; Godump_0_pad [4]byte; Godump_1_align [0]int64; }
  1854. const _sizeof_epoll_data_t = 8
  1855. type _epoll_event struct { events uint32; data _epoll_data_t; }
  1856. const _sizeof_epoll_event = 16
  1857. func _epoll_create (int32) int32 __asm__("epoll_create")
  1858. func _epoll_create1 (int32) int32 __asm__("epoll_create1")
  1859. func _epoll_ctl (int32, int32, int32, *_epoll_event) int32 __asm__("epoll_ctl")
  1860. func _epoll_wait (int32, *_epoll_event, int32, int32) int32 __asm__("epoll_wait")
  1861. func _epoll_pwait (int32, *_epoll_event, int32, int32, *___sigset_t) int32 __asm__("epoll_pwait")
  1862. func _flock (int32, int32) int32 __asm__("flock")
  1863. func _mmap (*byte, uint32, int32, int32, int32, int64) *byte __asm__("*mmap64")
  1864. func _mmap64 (*byte, uint32, int32, int32, int32, int64) *byte __asm__("mmap64")
  1865. func _munmap (*byte, uint32) int32 __asm__("munmap")
  1866. func _mprotect (*byte, uint32, int32) int32 __asm__("mprotect")
  1867. func _msync (*byte, uint32, int32) int32 __asm__("msync")
  1868. func _madvise (*byte, uint32, int32) int32 __asm__("madvise")
  1869. func _posix_madvise (*byte, uint32, int32) int32 __asm__("posix_madvise")
  1870. func _mlock (*byte, uint32) int32 __asm__("mlock")
  1871. func _munlock (*byte, uint32) int32 __asm__("munlock")
  1872. func _mlockall (int32) int32 __asm__("mlockall")
  1873. func _munlockall () int32 __asm__("munlockall")
  1874. func _mincore (*byte, uint32, *uint8) int32 __asm__("mincore")
  1875. func _mremap (*byte, uint32, uint32, int32, ...interface{}) *byte __asm__("mremap")
  1876. func _remap_file_pages (*byte, uint32, int32, uint32, int32) int32 __asm__("remap_file_pages")
  1877. func _shm_open (*uint8, int32, uint32) int32 __asm__("shm_open")
  1878. func _shm_unlink (*uint8) int32 __asm__("shm_unlink")
  1879. func _prctl (int32, ...interface{}) int32 __asm__("prctl")
  1880. func _ptrace (uint32, ...interface{}) int32 __asm__("ptrace")
  1881. type _rlim_t uint64
  1882. type _rlim64_t uint64
  1883. type _rlimit struct { rlim_cur uint64; rlim_max uint64; }
  1884. const _sizeof_rlimit = 16
  1885. type _rlimit64 struct { rlim_cur uint64; rlim_max uint64; }
  1886. const _sizeof_rlimit64 = 16
  1887. type _rusage struct { ru_utime _timeval; ru_stime _timeval; ru_maxrss int32; ru_ixrss int32; ru_idrss int32; ru_isrss int32; ru_minflt int32; ru_majflt int32; ru_nswap int32; ru_inblock int32; ru_oublock int32; ru_msgsnd int32; ru_msgrcv int32; ru_nsignals int32; ru_nvcsw int32; ru_nivcsw int32; }
  1888. const _sizeof_rusage = 72
  1889. type ___rlimit_resource_t uint32
  1890. type ___rusage_who_t int32
  1891. type ___priority_which_t uint32
  1892. func _getrlimit (uint32, *_rlimit) int32 __asm__("*getrlimit64")
  1893. func _getrlimit64 (uint32, *_rlimit64) int32 __asm__("getrlimit64")
  1894. func _setrlimit (uint32, *_rlimit) int32 __asm__("*setrlimit64")
  1895. func _setrlimit64 (uint32, *_rlimit64) int32 __asm__("setrlimit64")
  1896. func _getrusage (int32, *_rusage) int32 __asm__("getrusage")
  1897. func _getpriority (uint32, uint32) int32 __asm__("getpriority")
  1898. func _setpriority (uint32, uint32, int32) int32 __asm__("setpriority")
  1899. type _tms struct { tms_utime int32; tms_stime int32; tms_cutime int32; tms_cstime int32; }
  1900. const _sizeof_tms = 16
  1901. func _times (*_tms) int32 __asm__("times")
  1902. type ___WAIT_STATUS struct { __uptr *_wait; }
  1903. const _sizeof___WAIT_STATUS = 4
  1904. type _wait struct { w_status int32; }
  1905. const _sizeof_wait = 4
  1906. type _idtype_t uint32
  1907. func _wait (___WAIT_STATUS) int32 __asm__("wait")
  1908. func _waitpid (int32, *int32, int32) int32 __asm__("waitpid")
  1909. func _waitid (uint32, uint32, *_siginfo_t, int32) int32 __asm__("waitid")
  1910. func _wait3 (___WAIT_STATUS, int32, *_rusage) int32 __asm__("wait3")
  1911. func _wait4 (int32, ___WAIT_STATUS, int32, *_rusage) int32 __asm__("wait4")
  1912. type _sockaddr_un struct { sun_family uint16; sun_path [107+1]uint8; }
  1913. const _sizeof_sockaddr_un = 110
  1914. func _memcpy (*byte, *byte, uint32) *byte __asm__("memcpy")
  1915. func _memmove (*byte, *byte, uint32) *byte __asm__("memmove")
  1916. func _memccpy (*byte, *byte, int32, uint32) *byte __asm__("memccpy")
  1917. func _memset (*byte, int32, uint32) *byte __asm__("memset")
  1918. func _memcmp (*byte, *byte, uint32) int32 __asm__("memcmp")
  1919. func _memchr (*byte, int32, uint32) *byte __asm__("memchr")
  1920. func _rawmemchr (*byte, int32) *byte __asm__("rawmemchr")
  1921. func _memrchr (*byte, int32, uint32) *byte __asm__("memrchr")
  1922. func _strcpy (*uint8, *uint8) *uint8 __asm__("strcpy")
  1923. func _strncpy (*uint8, *uint8, uint32) *uint8 __asm__("strncpy")
  1924. func _strcat (*uint8, *uint8) *uint8 __asm__("strcat")
  1925. func _strncat (*uint8, *uint8, uint32) *uint8 __asm__("strncat")
  1926. func _strcmp (*uint8, *uint8) int32 __asm__("strcmp")
  1927. func _strncmp (*uint8, *uint8, uint32) int32 __asm__("strncmp")
  1928. func _strcoll (*uint8, *uint8) int32 __asm__("strcoll")
  1929. func _strxfrm (*uint8, *uint8, uint32) uint32 __asm__("strxfrm")
  1930. type ___locale_t *struct { }
  1931. type _locale_t *___uclibc_locale_struct
  1932. func _strcoll_l (*uint8, *uint8, ___locale_t) int32 __asm__("strcoll_l")
  1933. func _strxfrm_l (*uint8, *uint8, uint32, ___locale_t) uint32 __asm__("strxfrm_l")
  1934. func _strdup (*uint8) *uint8 __asm__("strdup")
  1935. func _strndup (*uint8, uint32) *uint8 __asm__("strndup")
  1936. func _strchr (*uint8, int32) *uint8 __asm__("strchr")
  1937. func _strrchr (*uint8, int32) *uint8 __asm__("strrchr")
  1938. func _strchrnul (*uint8, int32) *uint8 __asm__("strchrnul")
  1939. func _strcspn (*uint8, *uint8) uint32 __asm__("strcspn")
  1940. func _strspn (*uint8, *uint8) uint32 __asm__("strspn")
  1941. func _strpbrk (*uint8, *uint8) *uint8 __asm__("strpbrk")
  1942. func _strstr (*uint8, *uint8) *uint8 __asm__("strstr")
  1943. func _strtok (*uint8, *uint8) *uint8 __asm__("strtok")
  1944. func _strtok_r (*uint8, *uint8, **uint8) *uint8 __asm__("strtok_r")
  1945. func _strcasestr (*uint8, *uint8) *uint8 __asm__("strcasestr")
  1946. func _memmem (*byte, uint32, *byte, uint32) *byte __asm__("memmem")
  1947. func _mempcpy (*byte, *byte, uint32) *byte __asm__("mempcpy")
  1948. func _strlen (*uint8) uint32 __asm__("strlen")
  1949. func _strnlen (*uint8, uint32) uint32 __asm__("strnlen")
  1950. func _strerror (int32) *uint8 __asm__("strerror")
  1951. func ___glibc_strerror_r (int32, *uint8, uint32) *uint8 __asm__("__glibc_strerror_r")
  1952. func _strerror_r (int32, *uint8, uint32) *uint8 __asm__("*__glibc_strerror_r")
  1953. func _bcopy (*byte, *byte, uint32) __asm__("bcopy")
  1954. func _bzero (*byte, uint32) __asm__("bzero")
  1955. func _bcmp (*byte, *byte, uint32) int32 __asm__("bcmp")
  1956. func _index (*uint8, int32) *uint8 __asm__("index")
  1957. func _rindex (*uint8, int32) *uint8 __asm__("rindex")
  1958. func _ffs (int32) int32 __asm__("ffs")
  1959. func _ffsl (int32) int32 __asm__("ffsl")
  1960. func _ffsll (int64) int32 __asm__("ffsll")
  1961. func _strcasecmp (*uint8, *uint8) int32 __asm__("strcasecmp")
  1962. func _strncasecmp (*uint8, *uint8, uint32) int32 __asm__("strncasecmp")
  1963. func _strcasecmp_l (*uint8, *uint8, ___locale_t) int32 __asm__("strcasecmp_l")
  1964. func _strncasecmp_l (*uint8, *uint8, uint32, ___locale_t) int32 __asm__("strncasecmp_l")
  1965. func _strsep (**uint8, *uint8) *uint8 __asm__("strsep")
  1966. func _strsignal (int32) *uint8 __asm__("strsignal")
  1967. func _stpcpy (*uint8, *uint8) *uint8 __asm__("stpcpy")
  1968. func _stpncpy (*uint8, *uint8, uint32) *uint8 __asm__("stpncpy")
  1969. func _strverscmp (*uint8, *uint8) int32 __asm__("strverscmp")
  1970. func _basename (*uint8) *uint8 __asm__("basename")
  1971. func _strlcat (*uint8, *uint8, uint32) uint32 __asm__("strlcat")
  1972. func _strlcpy (*uint8, *uint8, uint32) uint32 __asm__("strlcpy")
  1973. type _utsname struct { sysname [64+1]uint8; nodename [64+1]uint8; release [64+1]uint8; version [64+1]uint8; machine [64+1]uint8; domainname [64+1]uint8; }
  1974. const _sizeof_utsname = 390
  1975. func _uname (*_utsname) int32 __asm__("uname")
  1976. type _tm struct { tm_sec int32; tm_min int32; tm_hour int32; tm_mday int32; tm_mon int32; tm_year int32; tm_wday int32; tm_yday int32; tm_isdst int32; tm_gmtoff int32; tm_zone *uint8; }
  1977. const _sizeof_tm = 44
  1978. type _itimerspec struct { it_interval _timespec; it_value _timespec; }
  1979. const _sizeof_itimerspec = 16
  1980. func _clock () int32 __asm__("clock")
  1981. func _time (*int32) int32 __asm__("time")
  1982. func _difftime (int32, int32) float64 __asm__("difftime")
  1983. func _mktime (*_tm) int32 __asm__("mktime")
  1984. func _strftime (*uint8, uint32, *uint8, *_tm) uint32 __asm__("strftime")
  1985. func _strptime (*uint8, *uint8, *_tm) *uint8 __asm__("strptime")
  1986. func _strftime_l (*uint8, uint32, *uint8, *_tm, ___locale_t) uint32 __asm__("strftime_l")
  1987. func _strptime_l (*uint8, *uint8, *_tm, ___locale_t) *uint8 __asm__("strptime_l")
  1988. func _gmtime (*int32) *_tm __asm__("gmtime")
  1989. func _localtime (*int32) *_tm __asm__("localtime")
  1990. func _gmtime_r (*int32, *_tm) *_tm __asm__("gmtime_r")
  1991. func _localtime_r (*int32, *_tm) *_tm __asm__("localtime_r")
  1992. func _asctime (*_tm) *uint8 __asm__("asctime")
  1993. func _ctime (*int32) *uint8 __asm__("ctime")
  1994. func _asctime_r (*_tm, *uint8) *uint8 __asm__("asctime_r")
  1995. func _ctime_r (*int32, *uint8) *uint8 __asm__("ctime_r")
  1996. var _tzname [1+1]*uint8
  1997. func _tzset () __asm__("tzset")
  1998. var _daylight int32
  1999. // var _timezone int32
  2000. func _stime (*int32) int32 __asm__("stime")
  2001. func _timegm (*_tm) int32 __asm__("timegm")
  2002. func _timelocal (*_tm) int32 __asm__("timelocal")
  2003. func _dysize (int32) int32 __asm__("dysize")
  2004. func _nanosleep (*_timespec, *_timespec) int32 __asm__("nanosleep")
  2005. func _clock_getres (int32, *_timespec) int32 __asm__("clock_getres")
  2006. func _clock_gettime (int32, *_timespec) int32 __asm__("clock_gettime")
  2007. func _clock_settime (int32, *_timespec) int32 __asm__("clock_settime")
  2008. func _clock_nanosleep (int32, int32, *_timespec, *_timespec) int32 __asm__("clock_nanosleep")
  2009. func _clock_getcpuclockid (int32, *int32) int32 __asm__("clock_getcpuclockid")
  2010. func _timer_create (int32, *_sigevent, *_timer_t) int32 __asm__("timer_create")
  2011. func _timer_delete (_timer_t) int32 __asm__("timer_delete")
  2012. func _timer_settime (_timer_t, int32, *_itimerspec, *_itimerspec) int32 __asm__("timer_settime")
  2013. func _timer_gettime (_timer_t, *_itimerspec) int32 __asm__("timer_gettime")
  2014. func _timer_getoverrun (_timer_t) int32 __asm__("timer_getoverrun")
  2015. func _access (*uint8, int32) int32 __asm__("access")
  2016. func _euidaccess (*uint8, int32) int32 __asm__("euidaccess")
  2017. func _eaccess (*uint8, int32) int32 __asm__("eaccess")
  2018. func _faccessat (int32, *uint8, int32, int32) int32 __asm__("faccessat")
  2019. func _lseek (int32, int64, int32) int64 __asm__("*lseek64")
  2020. func _lseek64 (int32, int64, int32) int64 __asm__("lseek64")
  2021. func _close (int32) int32 __asm__("close")
  2022. func _read (int32, *byte, uint32) int32 __asm__("read")
  2023. func _write (int32, *byte, uint32) int32 __asm__("write")
  2024. func _pread (int32, *byte, uint32, int64) int32 __asm__("*pread64")
  2025. func _pwrite (int32, *byte, uint32, int64) int32 __asm__("*pwrite64")
  2026. func _pread64 (int32, *byte, uint32, int64) int32 __asm__("pread64")
  2027. func _pwrite64 (int32, *byte, uint32, int64) int32 __asm__("pwrite64")
  2028. func _pipe (*int32) int32 __asm__("pipe")
  2029. func _pipe2 (*int32, int32) int32 __asm__("pipe2")
  2030. func _alarm (uint32) uint32 __asm__("alarm")
  2031. func _sleep (uint32) uint32 __asm__("sleep")
  2032. func _ualarm (uint32, uint32) uint32 __asm__("ualarm")
  2033. func _usleep (uint32) int32 __asm__("usleep")
  2034. func _pause () int32 __asm__("pause")
  2035. func _chown (*uint8, uint32, uint32) int32 __asm__("chown")
  2036. func _fchown (int32, uint32, uint32) int32 __asm__("fchown")
  2037. func _lchown (*uint8, uint32, uint32) int32 __asm__("lchown")
  2038. func _fchownat (int32, *uint8, uint32, uint32, int32) int32 __asm__("fchownat")
  2039. func _chdir (*uint8) int32 __asm__("chdir")
  2040. func _fchdir (int32) int32 __asm__("fchdir")
  2041. func _getcwd (*uint8, uint32) *uint8 __asm__("getcwd")
  2042. func _get_current_dir_name () *uint8 __asm__("get_current_dir_name")
  2043. func _dup (int32) int32 __asm__("dup")
  2044. func _dup2 (int32, int32) int32 __asm__("dup2")
  2045. func _dup3 (int32, int32, int32) int32 __asm__("dup3")
  2046. var ___environ **uint8
  2047. var _environ **uint8
  2048. func _execve (*uint8, **uint8, **uint8) int32 __asm__("execve")
  2049. func _execv (*uint8, **uint8) int32 __asm__("execv")
  2050. func _execle (*uint8, *uint8, ...interface{}) int32 __asm__("execle")
  2051. func _execl (*uint8, *uint8, ...interface{}) int32 __asm__("execl")
  2052. func _execvp (*uint8, **uint8) int32 __asm__("execvp")
  2053. func _execlp (*uint8, *uint8, ...interface{}) int32 __asm__("execlp")
  2054. func _execvpe (*uint8, **uint8, **uint8) int32 __asm__("execvpe")
  2055. func _nice (int32) int32 __asm__("nice")
  2056. func __exit (int32) __asm__("_exit")
  2057. func _pathconf (*uint8, int32) int32 __asm__("pathconf")
  2058. func _fpathconf (int32, int32) int32 __asm__("fpathconf")
  2059. func _sysconf (int32) int32 __asm__("sysconf")
  2060. func _confstr (int32, *uint8, uint32) uint32 __asm__("confstr")
  2061. func _getpid () int32 __asm__("getpid")
  2062. func _getppid () int32 __asm__("getppid")
  2063. func _getpgrp () int32 __asm__("getpgrp")
  2064. func ___getpgid (int32) int32 __asm__("__getpgid")
  2065. func _getpgid (int32) int32 __asm__("getpgid")
  2066. func _setpgid (int32, int32) int32 __asm__("setpgid")
  2067. func _setpgrp () int32 __asm__("setpgrp")
  2068. func _setsid () int32 __asm__("setsid")
  2069. func _getsid (int32) int32 __asm__("getsid")
  2070. func _getuid () uint32 __asm__("getuid")
  2071. func _geteuid () uint32 __asm__("geteuid")
  2072. func _getgid () uint32 __asm__("getgid")
  2073. func _getegid () uint32 __asm__("getegid")
  2074. func _getgroups (int32, *uint32) int32 __asm__("getgroups")
  2075. func _setuid (uint32) int32 __asm__("setuid")
  2076. func _setreuid (uint32, uint32) int32 __asm__("setreuid")
  2077. func _seteuid (uint32) int32 __asm__("seteuid")
  2078. func _setgid (uint32) int32 __asm__("setgid")
  2079. func _setregid (uint32, uint32) int32 __asm__("setregid")
  2080. func _setegid (uint32) int32 __asm__("setegid")
  2081. func _getresuid (*uint32, *uint32, *uint32) int32 __asm__("getresuid")
  2082. func _getresgid (*uint32, *uint32, *uint32) int32 __asm__("getresgid")
  2083. func _setresuid (uint32, uint32, uint32) int32 __asm__("setresuid")
  2084. func _setresgid (uint32, uint32, uint32) int32 __asm__("setresgid")
  2085. func _fork () int32 __asm__("fork")
  2086. func _vfork () int32 __asm__("vfork")
  2087. func _ttyname (int32) *uint8 __asm__("ttyname")
  2088. func _ttyname_r (int32, *uint8, uint32) int32 __asm__("ttyname_r")
  2089. func _isatty (int32) int32 __asm__("isatty")
  2090. func _link (*uint8, *uint8) int32 __asm__("link")
  2091. func _linkat (int32, *uint8, int32, *uint8, int32) int32 __asm__("linkat")
  2092. func _symlink (*uint8, *uint8) int32 __asm__("symlink")
  2093. func _readlink (*uint8, *uint8, uint32) int32 __asm__("readlink")
  2094. func _symlinkat (*uint8, int32, *uint8) int32 __asm__("symlinkat")
  2095. func _readlinkat (int32, *uint8, *uint8, uint32) int32 __asm__("readlinkat")
  2096. func _unlink (*uint8) int32 __asm__("unlink")
  2097. func _unlinkat (int32, *uint8, int32) int32 __asm__("unlinkat")
  2098. func _rmdir (*uint8) int32 __asm__("rmdir")
  2099. func _tcgetpgrp (int32) int32 __asm__("tcgetpgrp")
  2100. func _tcsetpgrp (int32, int32) int32 __asm__("tcsetpgrp")
  2101. func _getlogin () *uint8 __asm__("getlogin")
  2102. func _getlogin_r (*uint8, uint32) int32 __asm__("getlogin_r")
  2103. var _optarg *uint8
  2104. var _optind int32
  2105. var _opterr int32
  2106. var _optopt int32
  2107. func _getopt (int32, **uint8, *uint8) int32 __asm__("getopt")
  2108. func _gethostname (*uint8, uint32) int32 __asm__("gethostname")
  2109. func _sethostname (*uint8, uint32) int32 __asm__("sethostname")
  2110. func _sethostid (int32) int32 __asm__("sethostid")
  2111. func _getdomainname (*uint8, uint32) int32 __asm__("getdomainname")
  2112. func _setdomainname (*uint8, uint32) int32 __asm__("setdomainname")
  2113. func _vhangup () int32 __asm__("vhangup")
  2114. func _acct (*uint8) int32 __asm__("acct")
  2115. func _getusershell () *uint8 __asm__("getusershell")
  2116. func _endusershell () __asm__("endusershell")
  2117. func _setusershell () __asm__("setusershell")
  2118. func _daemon (int32, int32) int32 __asm__("daemon")
  2119. func _chroot (*uint8) int32 __asm__("chroot")
  2120. func _getpass (*uint8) *uint8 __asm__("getpass")
  2121. func _fsync (int32) int32 __asm__("fsync")
  2122. func _syncfs (int32) int32 __asm__("syncfs")
  2123. func _gethostid () int32 __asm__("gethostid")
  2124. func _sync () __asm__("sync")
  2125. func _getpagesize () int32 __asm__("getpagesize")
  2126. func _getdtablesize () int32 __asm__("getdtablesize")
  2127. func _truncate (*uint8, int64) int32 __asm__("*truncate64")
  2128. func _truncate64 (*uint8, int64) int32 __asm__("truncate64")
  2129. func _ftruncate (int32, int64) int32 __asm__("*ftruncate64")
  2130. func _ftruncate64 (int32, int64) int32 __asm__("ftruncate64")
  2131. func _brk (*byte) int32 __asm__("brk")
  2132. func _sbrk (int32) *byte __asm__("sbrk")
  2133. func _syscall (int32, ...interface{}) int32 __asm__("syscall")
  2134. var __pe_secure int32
  2135. func _issetugid () int32 __asm__("issetugid")
  2136. func _fdatasync (int32) int32 __asm__("fdatasync")
  2137. func _crypt (*uint8, *uint8) *uint8 __asm__("crypt")
  2138. func _encrypt (*uint8, int32) __asm__("encrypt")
  2139. func _swab (*byte, *byte, int32) __asm__("swab")
  2140. type _netent struct { n_name *uint8; n_aliases **uint8; n_addrtype int32; n_net uint32; }
  2141. const _sizeof_netent = 16
  2142. func ___h_errno_location () *int32 __asm__("__h_errno_location")
  2143. func _herror (*uint8) __asm__("herror")
  2144. func _hstrerror (int32) *uint8 __asm__("hstrerror")
  2145. type _hostent struct { h_name *uint8; h_aliases **uint8; h_addrtype int32; h_length int32; h_addr_list **uint8; }
  2146. const _sizeof_hostent = 20
  2147. func _sethostent (int32) __asm__("sethostent")
  2148. func _endhostent () __asm__("endhostent")
  2149. func _gethostent () *_hostent __asm__("gethostent")
  2150. func _gethostbyaddr (*byte, uint32, int32) *_hostent __asm__("gethostbyaddr")
  2151. func _gethostbyname (*uint8) *_hostent __asm__("gethostbyname")
  2152. func _gethostbyname2 (*uint8, int32) *_hostent __asm__("gethostbyname2")
  2153. func _gethostent_r (*_hostent, *uint8, uint32, **_hostent, *int32) int32 __asm__("gethostent_r")
  2154. func _gethostbyaddr_r (*byte, uint32, int32, *_hostent, *uint8, uint32, **_hostent, *int32) int32 __asm__("gethostbyaddr_r")
  2155. func _gethostbyname_r (*uint8, *_hostent, *uint8, uint32, **_hostent, *int32) int32 __asm__("gethostbyname_r")
  2156. func _gethostbyname2_r (*uint8, int32, *_hostent, *uint8, uint32, **_hostent, *int32) int32 __asm__("gethostbyname2_r")
  2157. func _setnetent (int32) __asm__("setnetent")
  2158. func _endnetent () __asm__("endnetent")
  2159. func _getnetent () *_netent __asm__("getnetent")
  2160. func _getnetbyaddr (uint32, int32) *_netent __asm__("getnetbyaddr")
  2161. func _getnetbyname (*uint8) *_netent __asm__("getnetbyname")
  2162. func _getnetent_r (*_netent, *uint8, uint32, **_netent, *int32) int32 __asm__("getnetent_r")
  2163. func _getnetbyaddr_r (uint32, int32, *_netent, *uint8, uint32, **_netent, *int32) int32 __asm__("getnetbyaddr_r")
  2164. func _getnetbyname_r (*uint8, *_netent, *uint8, uint32, **_netent, *int32) int32 __asm__("getnetbyname_r")
  2165. type _servent struct { s_name *uint8; s_aliases **uint8; s_port int32; s_proto *uint8; }
  2166. const _sizeof_servent = 16
  2167. func _setservent (int32) __asm__("setservent")
  2168. func _endservent () __asm__("endservent")
  2169. func _getservent () *_servent __asm__("getservent")
  2170. func _getservbyname (*uint8, *uint8) *_servent __asm__("getservbyname")
  2171. func _getservbyport (int32, *uint8) *_servent __asm__("getservbyport")
  2172. func _getservent_r (*_servent, *uint8, uint32, **_servent) int32 __asm__("getservent_r")
  2173. func _getservbyname_r (*uint8, *uint8, *_servent, *uint8, uint32, **_servent) int32 __asm__("getservbyname_r")
  2174. func _getservbyport_r (int32, *uint8, *_servent, *uint8, uint32, **_servent) int32 __asm__("getservbyport_r")
  2175. type _protoent struct { p_name *uint8; p_aliases **uint8; p_proto int32; }
  2176. const _sizeof_protoent = 12
  2177. func _setprotoent (int32) __asm__("setprotoent")
  2178. func _endprotoent () __asm__("endprotoent")
  2179. func _getprotoent () *_protoent __asm__("getprotoent")
  2180. func _getprotobyname (*uint8) *_protoent __asm__("getprotobyname")
  2181. func _getprotobynumber (int32) *_protoent __asm__("getprotobynumber")
  2182. func _getprotoent_r (*_protoent, *uint8, uint32, **_protoent) int32 __asm__("getprotoent_r")
  2183. func _getprotobyname_r (*uint8, *_protoent, *uint8, uint32, **_protoent) int32 __asm__("getprotobyname_r")
  2184. func _getprotobynumber_r (int32, *_protoent, *uint8, uint32, **_protoent) int32 __asm__("getprotobynumber_r")
  2185. func _ruserpass (*uint8, **uint8, **uint8) int32 __asm__("ruserpass")
  2186. func _rcmd (**uint8, uint16, *uint8, *uint8, *uint8, *int32) int32 __asm__("rcmd")
  2187. func _rexec (**uint8, int32, *uint8, *uint8, *uint8, *int32) int32 __asm__("rexec")
  2188. func _rexec_af (**uint8, int32, *uint8, *uint8, *uint8, *int32, uint16) int32 __asm__("rexec_af")
  2189. func _ruserok (*uint8, int32, *uint8, *uint8) int32 __asm__("ruserok")
  2190. func _rresvport (*int32) int32 __asm__("rresvport")
  2191. type _addrinfo struct { ai_flags int32; ai_family int32; ai_socktype int32; ai_protocol int32; ai_addrlen uint32; ai_addr *_sockaddr; ai_canonname *uint8; ai_next *_addrinfo; }
  2192. const _sizeof_addrinfo = 32
  2193. func _getaddrinfo (*uint8, *uint8, *_addrinfo, **_addrinfo) int32 __asm__("getaddrinfo")
  2194. func _freeaddrinfo (*_addrinfo) __asm__("freeaddrinfo")
  2195. func _gai_strerror (int32) *uint8 __asm__("gai_strerror")
  2196. func _getnameinfo (*_sockaddr, uint32, *uint8, uint32, *uint8, uint32, uint32) int32 __asm__("getnameinfo")
  2197. type _passwd struct { pw_name *uint8; pw_passwd *uint8; pw_uid uint32; pw_gid uint32; pw_gecos *uint8; pw_dir *uint8; pw_shell *uint8; }
  2198. const _sizeof_passwd = 28
  2199. type _FILE struct { }
  2200. func _setpwent () __asm__("setpwent")
  2201. func _endpwent () __asm__("endpwent")
  2202. func _getpwent () *_passwd __asm__("getpwent")
  2203. func _fgetpwent (*_FILE) *_passwd __asm__("fgetpwent")
  2204. func _putpwent (*_passwd, *_FILE) int32 __asm__("putpwent")
  2205. func _getpwuid (uint32) *_passwd __asm__("getpwuid")
  2206. func _getpwnam (*uint8) *_passwd __asm__("getpwnam")
  2207. func _getpwent_r (*_passwd, *uint8, uint32, **_passwd) int32 __asm__("getpwent_r")
  2208. func _getpwuid_r (uint32, *_passwd, *uint8, uint32, **_passwd) int32 __asm__("getpwuid_r")
  2209. func _getpwnam_r (*uint8, *_passwd, *uint8, uint32, **_passwd) int32 __asm__("getpwnam_r")
  2210. func _fgetpwent_r (*_FILE, *_passwd, *uint8, uint32, **_passwd) int32 __asm__("fgetpwent_r")
  2211. func _getpw (uint32, *uint8) int32 __asm__("getpw")
  2212. type _group struct { gr_name *uint8; gr_passwd *uint8; gr_gid uint32; gr_mem **uint8; }
  2213. const _sizeof_group = 16
  2214. func _setgrent () __asm__("setgrent")
  2215. func _endgrent () __asm__("endgrent")
  2216. func _getgrent () *_group __asm__("getgrent")
  2217. func _fgetgrent (*_FILE) *_group __asm__("fgetgrent")
  2218. func _putgrent (*_group, *_FILE) int32 __asm__("putgrent")
  2219. func _getgrgid (uint32) *_group __asm__("getgrgid")
  2220. func _getgrnam (*uint8) *_group __asm__("getgrnam")
  2221. func _getgrent_r (*_group, *uint8, uint32, **_group) int32 __asm__("getgrent_r")
  2222. func _getgrgid_r (uint32, *_group, *uint8, uint32, **_group) int32 __asm__("getgrgid_r")
  2223. func _getgrnam_r (*uint8, *_group, *uint8, uint32, **_group) int32 __asm__("getgrnam_r")
  2224. func _fgetgrent_r (*_FILE, *_group, *uint8, uint32, **_group) int32 __asm__("fgetgrent_r")
  2225. func _getgrouplist (*uint8, uint32, *uint32, *int32) int32 __asm__("getgrouplist")
  2226. func _setgroups (uint32, *uint32) int32 __asm__("setgroups")
  2227. func _initgroups (*uint8, uint32) int32 __asm__("initgroups")
  2228. type _sock_filter struct { code uint16; jt uint8; jf uint8; k uint32; }
  2229. const _sizeof_sock_filter = 8
  2230. type _sock_fprog struct { len uint16; filter *_sock_filter; }
  2231. const _sizeof_sock_fprog = 8
  2232. type ___kernel_sockaddr_storage struct { ss_family uint16; __data [125+1]uint8; Godump_0_align [0]int32; }
  2233. const _sizeof___kernel_sockaddr_storage = 128
  2234. type _sockaddr_nl struct { nl_family uint16; nl_pad uint16; nl_pid uint32; nl_groups uint32; }
  2235. const _sizeof_sockaddr_nl = 12
  2236. type _nlmsghdr struct { nlmsg_len uint32; nlmsg_type uint16; nlmsg_flags uint16; nlmsg_seq uint32; nlmsg_pid uint32; }
  2237. const _sizeof_nlmsghdr = 16
  2238. type _nlmsgerr struct { error int32; msg _nlmsghdr; }
  2239. const _sizeof_nlmsgerr = 20
  2240. type _nl_pktinfo struct { group uint32; }
  2241. const _sizeof_nl_pktinfo = 4
  2242. type _nlattr struct { nla_len uint16; nla_type uint16; }
  2243. const _sizeof_nlattr = 4
  2244. type _ifaddrmsg struct { ifa_family uint8; ifa_prefixlen uint8; ifa_flags uint8; ifa_scope uint8; ifa_index uint32; }
  2245. const _sizeof_ifaddrmsg = 8
  2246. type _ifa_cacheinfo struct { ifa_prefered uint32; ifa_valid uint32; cstamp uint32; tstamp uint32; }
  2247. const _sizeof_ifa_cacheinfo = 16
  2248. type _tun_pi struct { flags uint16; proto uint16; }
  2249. const _sizeof_tun_pi = 4
  2250. type _tun_filter struct { flags uint16; count uint16; addr [0][5+1]uint8; }
  2251. const _sizeof_tun_filter = 4
  2252. type _rtnl_link_stats struct { rx_packets uint32; tx_packets uint32; rx_bytes uint32; tx_bytes uint32; rx_errors uint32; tx_errors uint32; rx_dropped uint32; tx_dropped uint32; multicast uint32; collisions uint32; rx_length_errors uint32; rx_over_errors uint32; rx_crc_errors uint32; rx_frame_errors uint32; rx_fifo_errors uint32; rx_missed_errors uint32; tx_aborted_errors uint32; tx_carrier_errors uint32; tx_fifo_errors uint32; tx_heartbeat_errors uint32; tx_window_errors uint32; rx_compressed uint32; tx_compressed uint32; }
  2253. const _sizeof_rtnl_link_stats = 92
  2254. type _rtnl_link_stats64 struct { rx_packets uint64; tx_packets uint64; rx_bytes uint64; tx_bytes uint64; rx_errors uint64; tx_errors uint64; rx_dropped uint64; tx_dropped uint64; multicast uint64; collisions uint64; rx_length_errors uint64; rx_over_errors uint64; rx_crc_errors uint64; rx_frame_errors uint64; rx_fifo_errors uint64; rx_missed_errors uint64; tx_aborted_errors uint64; tx_carrier_errors uint64; tx_fifo_errors uint64; tx_heartbeat_errors uint64; tx_window_errors uint64; rx_compressed uint64; tx_compressed uint64; }
  2255. const _sizeof_rtnl_link_stats64 = 184
  2256. type _rtnl_link_ifmap struct { mem_start uint64; mem_end uint64; base_addr uint64; irq uint16; dma uint8; port uint8; Godump_0_pad [4]byte; }
  2257. const _sizeof_rtnl_link_ifmap = 32
  2258. type _ifla_cacheinfo struct { max_reasm_len uint32; tstamp uint32; reachable_time uint32; retrans_time uint32; }
  2259. const _sizeof_ifla_cacheinfo = 16
  2260. type _ifla_vlan_flags struct { flags uint32; mask uint32; }
  2261. const _sizeof_ifla_vlan_flags = 8
  2262. type _ifla_vlan_qos_mapping struct { from uint32; to uint32; }
  2263. const _sizeof_ifla_vlan_qos_mapping = 8
  2264. type _ifla_vf_mac struct { vf uint32; mac [31+1]uint8; }
  2265. const _sizeof_ifla_vf_mac = 36
  2266. type _ifla_vf_vlan struct { vf uint32; vlan uint32; qos uint32; }
  2267. const _sizeof_ifla_vf_vlan = 12
  2268. type _ifla_vf_tx_rate struct { vf uint32; rate uint32; }
  2269. const _sizeof_ifla_vf_tx_rate = 8
  2270. type _ifla_vf_info struct { vf uint32; mac [31+1]uint8; vlan uint32; qos uint32; tx_rate uint32; }
  2271. const _sizeof_ifla_vf_info = 48
  2272. type _ifla_port_vsi struct { vsi_mgr_id uint8; vsi_type_id [2+1]uint8; vsi_type_version uint8; pad [2+1]uint8; }
  2273. const _sizeof_ifla_port_vsi = 8
  2274. type _ndmsg struct { ndm_family uint8; ndm_pad1 uint8; ndm_pad2 uint16; ndm_ifindex int32; ndm_state uint16; ndm_flags uint8; ndm_type uint8; }
  2275. const _sizeof_ndmsg = 12
  2276. type _nda_cacheinfo struct { ndm_confirmed uint32; ndm_used uint32; ndm_updated uint32; ndm_refcnt uint32; }
  2277. const _sizeof_nda_cacheinfo = 16
  2278. type _ndt_stats struct { ndts_allocs uint64; ndts_destroys uint64; ndts_hash_grows uint64; ndts_res_failed uint64; ndts_lookups uint64; ndts_hits uint64; ndts_rcv_probes_mcast uint64; ndts_rcv_probes_ucast uint64; ndts_periodic_gc_runs uint64; ndts_forced_gc_runs uint64; }
  2279. const _sizeof_ndt_stats = 80
  2280. type _ndtmsg struct { ndtm_family uint8; ndtm_pad1 uint8; ndtm_pad2 uint16; }
  2281. const _sizeof_ndtmsg = 4
  2282. type _ndt_config struct { ndtc_key_len uint16; ndtc_entry_size uint16; ndtc_entries uint32; ndtc_last_flush uint32; ndtc_last_rand uint32; ndtc_hash_rnd uint32; ndtc_hash_mask uint32; ndtc_hash_chain_gc uint32; ndtc_proxy_qlen uint32; }
  2283. const _sizeof_ndt_config = 32
  2284. type _rtattr struct { rta_len uint16; rta_type uint16; }
  2285. const _sizeof_rtattr = 4
  2286. type _rtmsg struct { rtm_family uint8; rtm_dst_len uint8; rtm_src_len uint8; rtm_tos uint8; rtm_table uint8; rtm_protocol uint8; rtm_scope uint8; rtm_type uint8; rtm_flags uint32; }
  2287. const _sizeof_rtmsg = 12
  2288. type _rtnexthop struct { rtnh_len uint16; rtnh_flags uint8; rtnh_hops uint8; rtnh_ifindex int32; }
  2289. const _sizeof_rtnexthop = 8
  2290. type _rta_cacheinfo struct { rta_clntref uint32; rta_lastuse uint32; rta_expires int32; rta_error uint32; rta_used uint32; rta_id uint32; rta_ts uint32; rta_tsage uint32; }
  2291. const _sizeof_rta_cacheinfo = 32
  2292. type _rta_session struct { proto uint8; pad1 uint8; pad2 uint16; u struct { ports struct { sport uint16; dport uint16; }; Godump_0_align [0]int32; }; }
  2293. const _sizeof_rta_session = 8
  2294. type _rtgenmsg struct { rtgen_family uint8; }
  2295. const _sizeof_rtgenmsg = 1
  2296. type _ifinfomsg struct { ifi_family uint8; __ifi_pad uint8; ifi_type uint16; ifi_index int32; ifi_flags uint32; ifi_change uint32; }
  2297. const _sizeof_ifinfomsg = 16
  2298. type _prefixmsg struct { prefix_family uint8; prefix_pad1 uint8; prefix_pad2 uint16; prefix_ifindex int32; prefix_type uint8; prefix_len uint8; prefix_flags uint8; prefix_pad3 uint8; }
  2299. const _sizeof_prefixmsg = 12
  2300. type _prefix_cacheinfo struct { preferred_time uint32; valid_time uint32; }
  2301. const _sizeof_prefix_cacheinfo = 8
  2302. type _tcmsg struct { tcm_family uint8; tcm__pad1 uint8; tcm__pad2 uint16; tcm_ifindex int32; tcm_handle uint32; tcm_parent uint32; tcm_info uint32; }
  2303. const _sizeof_tcmsg = 20
  2304. type _nduseroptmsg struct { nduseropt_family uint8; nduseropt_pad1 uint8; nduseropt_opts_len uint16; nduseropt_ifindex int32; nduseropt_icmp_type uint8; nduseropt_icmp_code uint8; nduseropt_pad2 uint16; nduseropt_pad3 uint32; }
  2305. const _sizeof_nduseroptmsg = 16
  2306. type _tcamsg struct { tca_family uint8; tca__pad1 uint8; tca__pad2 uint16; }
  2307. const _sizeof_tcamsg = 4
  2308. type _if_nameindex struct { if_index uint32; if_name *uint8; }
  2309. const _sizeof_if_nameindex = 8
  2310. type _ifaddr struct { ifa_addr _sockaddr; ifa_ifu struct { ifu_broadaddr _sockaddr; }; ifa_ifp *_iface; ifa_next *_ifaddr; }
  2311. const _sizeof_ifaddr = 40
  2312. type _ifmap struct { mem_start uint32; mem_end uint32; base_addr uint16; irq uint8; dma uint8; port uint8; Godump_0_pad [3]byte; }
  2313. const _sizeof_ifmap = 16
  2314. type _ifreq struct { ifr_ifrn struct { ifrn_name [15+1]uint8; }; ifr_ifru struct { ifru_addr _sockaddr; Godump_0_align [0]int32; }; }
  2315. const _sizeof_ifreq = 32
  2316. type _ifconf struct { ifc_len int32; ifc_ifcu struct { ifcu_buf ___caddr_t; }; }
  2317. const _sizeof_ifconf = 8
  2318. func _if_nametoindex (*uint8) uint32 __asm__("if_nametoindex")
  2319. func _if_indextoname (uint32, *uint8) *uint8 __asm__("if_indextoname")
  2320. func _if_nameindex () *_if_nameindex __asm__("if_nameindex")
  2321. func _if_freenameindex (*_if_nameindex) __asm__("if_freenameindex")
  2322. type _rtentry struct { rt_pad1 uint32; rt_dst _sockaddr; rt_gateway _sockaddr; rt_genmask _sockaddr; rt_flags uint16; rt_pad2 int16; rt_pad3 uint32; rt_tos uint8; rt_class uint8; rt_pad4 int16; rt_metric int16; rt_dev *uint8; rt_mtu uint32; rt_window uint32; rt_irtt uint16; Godump_0_pad [2]byte; }
  2323. const _sizeof_rtentry = 84
  2324. type _in6_rtmsg struct { rtmsg_dst _in6_addr; rtmsg_src _in6_addr; rtmsg_gateway _in6_addr; rtmsg_type uint32; rtmsg_dst_len uint16; rtmsg_src_len uint16; rtmsg_metric uint32; rtmsg_info uint32; rtmsg_flags uint32; rtmsg_ifindex int32; }
  2325. const _sizeof_in6_rtmsg = 72
  2326. type _sockaddr_ll struct { sll_family uint16; sll_protocol uint16; sll_ifindex int32; sll_hatype uint16; sll_pkttype uint8; sll_halen uint8; sll_addr [7+1]uint8; }
  2327. const _sizeof_sockaddr_ll = 20
  2328. type _packet_mreq struct { mr_ifindex int32; mr_type uint16; mr_alen uint16; mr_address [7+1]uint8; }
  2329. const _sizeof_packet_mreq = 16
  2330. func _mount (*uint8, *uint8, *uint8, uint32, *byte) int32 __asm__("mount")
  2331. func _umount (*uint8) int32 __asm__("umount")
  2332. func _umount2 (*uint8, int32) int32 __asm__("umount2")
  2333. type _statfs struct { f_type int32; f_bsize int32; f_blocks uint64; f_bfree uint64; f_bavail uint64; f_files uint64; f_ffree uint64; f_fsid ___fsid_t; f_namelen int32; f_frsize int32; f_spare [4+1]int32; Godump_0_pad [4]byte; }
  2334. const _sizeof_statfs = 88
  2335. type _statfs64 struct { f_type int32; f_bsize int32; f_blocks uint64; f_bfree uint64; f_bavail uint64; f_files uint64; f_ffree uint64; f_fsid ___fsid_t; f_namelen int32; f_frsize int32; f_spare [4+1]int32; Godump_0_pad [4]byte; }
  2336. const _sizeof_statfs64 = 88
  2337. func _statfs (*uint8, *_statfs) int32 __asm__("*statfs64")
  2338. func _statfs64 (*uint8, *_statfs64) int32 __asm__("statfs64")
  2339. func _fstatfs (int32, *_statfs) int32 __asm__("*fstatfs64")
  2340. func _fstatfs64 (int32, *_statfs64) int32 __asm__("fstatfs64")
  2341. type _ntptimeval struct { time _timeval; maxerror int32; esterror int32; tai int32; }
  2342. const _sizeof_ntptimeval = 20
  2343. type _timex struct { modes uint32; offset int32; freq int32; maxerror int32; esterror int32; status int32; constant int32; precision int32; tolerance int32; time _timeval; tick int32; ppsfreq int32; jitter int32; shift int32; stabil int32; jitcnt int32; calcnt int32; errcnt int32; stbcnt int32; tai int32; Godump_0 int32; Godump_1 int32; Godump_2 int32; Godump_3 int32; Godump_4 int32; Godump_5 int32; Godump_6 int32; Godump_7 int32; Godump_8 int32; Godump_9 int32; Godump_10 int32; Godump_11 int32; }
  2344. const _sizeof_timex = 132
  2345. func ___adjtimex (*_timex) int32 __asm__("__adjtimex")
  2346. func _adjtimex (*_timex) int32 __asm__("adjtimex")
  2347. func _clock_adjtime (int32, *_timex) int32 __asm__("clock_adjtime")
  2348. type _sysinfo struct { uptime int32; loads [2+1]uint32; totalram uint32; freeram uint32; sharedram uint32; bufferram uint32; totalswap uint32; freeswap uint32; procs uint16; pad uint16; totalhigh uint32; freehigh uint32; mem_unit uint32; _f [7+1]uint8; }
  2349. const _sizeof_sysinfo = 64
  2350. func _sysinfo (*_sysinfo) int32 __asm__("sysinfo")
  2351. func _get_phys_pages () int32 __asm__("get_phys_pages")
  2352. func _get_avphys_pages () int32 __asm__("get_avphys_pages")
  2353. type _utimbuf struct { actime int32; modtime int32; }
  2354. const _sizeof_utimbuf = 8
  2355. func _utime (*uint8, *_utimbuf) int32 __asm__("utime")
  2356. type _files_stat_struct struct { nr_files int32; nr_free_files int32; max_files int32; }
  2357. const _sizeof_files_stat_struct = 12
  2358. type _inodes_stat_t struct { nr_inodes int32; nr_unused int32; dummy [4+1]int32; }
  2359. const _sizeof_inodes_stat_t = 28
  2360. type _inotify_event struct { wd int32; mask uint32; cookie uint32; len uint32; name [0]uint8; }
  2361. const _sizeof_inotify_event = 16
  2362. func _inotify_init () int32 __asm__("inotify_init")
  2363. func _inotify_init1 (int32) int32 __asm__("inotify_init1")
  2364. func _inotify_add_watch (int32, *uint8, uint32) int32 __asm__("inotify_add_watch")
  2365. func _inotify_rm_watch (int32, int32) int32 __asm__("inotify_rm_watch")
  2366. type ___gwchar_t uint32
  2367. type _imaxdiv_t struct { quot int64; rem int64; }
  2368. const _sizeof_imaxdiv_t = 16
  2369. func _imaxabs (int64) int64 __asm__("imaxabs")
  2370. func _imaxdiv (int64, int64) _imaxdiv_t __asm__("imaxdiv")
  2371. func _strtoimax (*uint8, **uint8, int32) int64 __asm__("strtoimax")
  2372. func _strtoumax (*uint8, **uint8, int32) uint64 __asm__("strtoumax")
  2373. func _wcstoimax (*uint32, **uint32, int32) int64 __asm__("wcstoimax")
  2374. func _wcstoumax (*uint32, **uint32, int32) uint64 __asm__("wcstoumax")
  2375. type _icmp6_filter struct { icmp6_filt [7+1]uint32; }
  2376. const _sizeof_icmp6_filter = 32
  2377. type _icmp6_hdr struct { icmp6_type uint8; icmp6_code uint8; icmp6_cksum uint16; icmp6_dataun struct { icmp6_un_data32 [0+1]uint32; }; }
  2378. const _sizeof_icmp6_hdr = 8
  2379. type _nd_router_solicit struct { nd_rs_hdr _icmp6_hdr; }
  2380. const _sizeof_nd_router_solicit = 8
  2381. type _nd_router_advert struct { nd_ra_hdr _icmp6_hdr; nd_ra_reachable uint32; nd_ra_retransmit uint32; }
  2382. const _sizeof_nd_router_advert = 16
  2383. type _nd_neighbor_solicit struct { nd_ns_hdr _icmp6_hdr; nd_ns_target _in6_addr; }
  2384. const _sizeof_nd_neighbor_solicit = 24
  2385. type _nd_neighbor_advert struct { nd_na_hdr _icmp6_hdr; nd_na_target _in6_addr; }
  2386. const _sizeof_nd_neighbor_advert = 24
  2387. type _nd_redirect struct { nd_rd_hdr _icmp6_hdr; nd_rd_target _in6_addr; nd_rd_dst _in6_addr; }
  2388. const _sizeof_nd_redirect = 40
  2389. type _nd_opt_hdr struct { nd_opt_type uint8; nd_opt_len uint8; }
  2390. const _sizeof_nd_opt_hdr = 2
  2391. type _nd_opt_prefix_info struct { nd_opt_pi_type uint8; nd_opt_pi_len uint8; nd_opt_pi_prefix_len uint8; nd_opt_pi_flags_reserved uint8; nd_opt_pi_valid_time uint32; nd_opt_pi_preferred_time uint32; nd_opt_pi_reserved2 uint32; nd_opt_pi_prefix _in6_addr; }
  2392. const _sizeof_nd_opt_prefix_info = 32
  2393. type _nd_opt_rd_hdr struct { nd_opt_rh_type uint8; nd_opt_rh_len uint8; nd_opt_rh_reserved1 uint16; nd_opt_rh_reserved2 uint32; }
  2394. const _sizeof_nd_opt_rd_hdr = 8
  2395. type _nd_opt_mtu struct { nd_opt_mtu_type uint8; nd_opt_mtu_len uint8; nd_opt_mtu_reserved uint16; nd_opt_mtu_mtu uint32; }
  2396. const _sizeof_nd_opt_mtu = 8
  2397. type _mld_hdr struct { mld_icmp6_hdr _icmp6_hdr; mld_addr _in6_addr; }
  2398. const _sizeof_mld_hdr = 24
  2399. type _icmp6_router_renum struct { rr_hdr _icmp6_hdr; rr_segnum uint8; rr_flags uint8; rr_maxdelay uint16; rr_reserved uint32; }
  2400. const _sizeof_icmp6_router_renum = 16
  2401. type _rr_pco_match struct { rpm_code uint8; rpm_len uint8; rpm_ordinal uint8; rpm_matchlen uint8; rpm_minlen uint8; rpm_maxlen uint8; rpm_reserved uint16; rpm_prefix _in6_addr; }
  2402. const _sizeof_rr_pco_match = 24
  2403. type _rr_pco_use struct { rpu_uselen uint8; rpu_keeplen uint8; rpu_ramask uint8; rpu_raflags uint8; rpu_vltime uint32; rpu_pltime uint32; rpu_flags uint32; rpu_prefix _in6_addr; }
  2404. const _sizeof_rr_pco_use = 32
  2405. type _rr_result struct { rrr_flags uint16; rrr_ordinal uint8; rrr_matchedlen uint8; rrr_ifid uint32; rrr_prefix _in6_addr; }
  2406. const _sizeof_rr_result = 24
  2407. type _nd_opt_adv_interval struct { nd_opt_adv_interval_type uint8; nd_opt_adv_interval_len uint8; nd_opt_adv_interval_reserved uint16; nd_opt_adv_interval_ival uint32; }
  2408. const _sizeof_nd_opt_adv_interval = 8
  2409. type _nd_opt_home_agent_info struct { nd_opt_home_agent_info_type uint8; nd_opt_home_agent_info_len uint8; nd_opt_home_agent_info_reserved uint16; nd_opt_home_agent_info_preference uint16; nd_opt_home_agent_info_lifetime uint16; }
  2410. const _sizeof_nd_opt_home_agent_info = 8
  2411. type _sched_param struct { __sched_priority int32; }
  2412. const _sizeof_sched_param = 4
  2413. func _clone (func(*byte) int32, *byte, int32, *byte, ...interface{}) int32 __asm__("clone")
  2414. func _unshare (int32) int32 __asm__("unshare")
  2415. func _sched_getcpu () int32 __asm__("sched_getcpu")
  2416. func _setns (int32, int32) int32 __asm__("setns")
  2417. type ___sched_param struct { __sched_priority int32; }
  2418. const _sizeof___sched_param = 4
  2419. type _div_t struct { quot int32; rem int32; }
  2420. const _sizeof_div_t = 8
  2421. type _ldiv_t struct { quot int32; rem int32; }
  2422. const _sizeof_ldiv_t = 8
  2423. type _lldiv_t struct { quot int64; rem int64; }
  2424. const _sizeof_lldiv_t = 16
  2425. func __stdlib_mb_cur_max () uint32 __asm__("_stdlib_mb_cur_max")
  2426. func _atof (*uint8) float64 __asm__("atof")
  2427. func _atoi (*uint8) int32 __asm__("atoi")
  2428. func _atol (*uint8) int32 __asm__("atol")
  2429. func _atoll (*uint8) int64 __asm__("atoll")
  2430. func _strtod (*uint8, **uint8) float64 __asm__("strtod")
  2431. func _strtof (*uint8, **uint8) float32 __asm__("strtof")
  2432. func _strtold (*uint8, **uint8) float64 __asm__("strtold")
  2433. func _strtol (*uint8, **uint8, int32) int32 __asm__("strtol")
  2434. func _strtoul (*uint8, **uint8, int32) uint32 __asm__("strtoul")
  2435. func _strtoq (*uint8, **uint8, int32) int64 __asm__("strtoq")
  2436. func _strtouq (*uint8, **uint8, int32) uint64 __asm__("strtouq")
  2437. func _strtoll (*uint8, **uint8, int32) int64 __asm__("strtoll")
  2438. func _strtoull (*uint8, **uint8, int32) uint64 __asm__("strtoull")
  2439. func _strtol_l (*uint8, **uint8, int32, ___locale_t) int32 __asm__("strtol_l")
  2440. func _strtoul_l (*uint8, **uint8, int32, ___locale_t) uint32 __asm__("strtoul_l")
  2441. func _strtoll_l (*uint8, **uint8, int32, ___locale_t) int64 __asm__("strtoll_l")
  2442. func _strtoull_l (*uint8, **uint8, int32, ___locale_t) uint64 __asm__("strtoull_l")
  2443. func _strtod_l (*uint8, **uint8, ___locale_t) float64 __asm__("strtod_l")
  2444. func _strtof_l (*uint8, **uint8, ___locale_t) float32 __asm__("strtof_l")
  2445. func _strtold_l (*uint8, **uint8, ___locale_t) float64 __asm__("strtold_l")
  2446. func _l64a (int32) *uint8 __asm__("l64a")
  2447. func _a64l (*uint8) int32 __asm__("a64l")
  2448. func _random () int32 __asm__("random")
  2449. func _srandom (uint32) __asm__("srandom")
  2450. func _initstate (uint32, *uint8, uint32) *uint8 __asm__("initstate")
  2451. func _setstate (*uint8) *uint8 __asm__("setstate")
  2452. type _random_data struct { fptr *int32; rptr *int32; state *int32; rand_type int8; rand_deg int8; rand_sep int8; end_ptr *int32; }
  2453. const _sizeof_random_data = 20
  2454. func _random_r (*_random_data, *int32) int32 __asm__("random_r")
  2455. func _srandom_r (uint32, *_random_data) int32 __asm__("srandom_r")
  2456. func _initstate_r (uint32, *uint8, uint32, *_random_data) int32 __asm__("initstate_r")
  2457. func _setstate_r (*uint8, *_random_data) int32 __asm__("setstate_r")
  2458. func _rand () int32 __asm__("rand")
  2459. func _srand (uint32) __asm__("srand")
  2460. func _rand_r (*uint32) int32 __asm__("rand_r")
  2461. func _drand48 () float64 __asm__("drand48")
  2462. func _erand48 (*uint16) float64 __asm__("erand48")
  2463. func _lrand48 () int32 __asm__("lrand48")
  2464. func _nrand48 (*uint16) int32 __asm__("nrand48")
  2465. func _mrand48 () int32 __asm__("mrand48")
  2466. func _jrand48 (*uint16) int32 __asm__("jrand48")
  2467. func _srand48 (int32) __asm__("srand48")
  2468. func _seed48 (*uint16) *uint16 __asm__("seed48")
  2469. func _lcong48 (*uint16) __asm__("lcong48")
  2470. type _drand48_data struct { __x [2+1]uint16; __old_x [2+1]uint16; __c uint16; __init uint16; __a uint64; }
  2471. const _sizeof_drand48_data = 24
  2472. func _drand48_r (*_drand48_data, *float64) int32 __asm__("drand48_r")
  2473. func _erand48_r (*uint16, *_drand48_data, *float64) int32 __asm__("erand48_r")
  2474. func _lrand48_r (*_drand48_data, *int32) int32 __asm__("lrand48_r")
  2475. func _nrand48_r (*uint16, *_drand48_data, *int32) int32 __asm__("nrand48_r")
  2476. func _mrand48_r (*_drand48_data, *int32) int32 __asm__("mrand48_r")
  2477. func _jrand48_r (*uint16, *_drand48_data, *int32) int32 __asm__("jrand48_r")
  2478. func _srand48_r (int32, *_drand48_data) int32 __asm__("srand48_r")
  2479. func _seed48_r (*uint16, *_drand48_data) int32 __asm__("seed48_r")
  2480. func _lcong48_r (*uint16, *_drand48_data) int32 __asm__("lcong48_r")
  2481. func _malloc (uint32) *byte __asm__("malloc")
  2482. func _calloc (uint32, uint32) *byte __asm__("calloc")
  2483. func _realloc (*byte, uint32) *byte __asm__("realloc")
  2484. func _free (*byte) __asm__("free")
  2485. func _alloca (uint32) *byte __asm__("alloca")
  2486. func _valloc (uint32) *byte __asm__("valloc")
  2487. func _posix_memalign (**byte, uint32, uint32) int32 __asm__("posix_memalign")
  2488. func _aligned_alloc (uint32, uint32) *byte __asm__("aligned_alloc")
  2489. func _abort () __asm__("abort")
  2490. func _atexit (func()) int32 __asm__("atexit")
  2491. func _on_exit (func(int32, *byte), *byte) int32 __asm__("on_exit")
  2492. func _exit (int32) __asm__("exit")
  2493. func __Exit (int32) __asm__("_Exit")
  2494. func _getenv (*uint8) *uint8 __asm__("getenv")
  2495. func _secure_getenv (*uint8) *uint8 __asm__("secure_getenv")
  2496. func _putenv (*uint8) int32 __asm__("putenv")
  2497. func _setenv (*uint8, *uint8, int32) int32 __asm__("setenv")
  2498. func _unsetenv (*uint8) int32 __asm__("unsetenv")
  2499. func _clearenv () int32 __asm__("clearenv")
  2500. func _mktemp (*uint8) *uint8 __asm__("mktemp")
  2501. func _mkstemp (*uint8) int32 __asm__("*mkstemp64")
  2502. func _mkstemp64 (*uint8) int32 __asm__("mkstemp64")
  2503. func _mktemps (*uint8, int32) *uint8 __asm__("mktemps")
  2504. func _mkstemps (*uint8, int32) int32 __asm__("*mkstemps64")
  2505. func _mkstemps64 (*uint8, int32) int32 __asm__("mkstemps64")
  2506. func _mkdtemp (*uint8) *uint8 __asm__("mkdtemp")
  2507. func _mkostemp (*uint8, int32) int32 __asm__("*mkostemp64")
  2508. func _mkostemp64 (*uint8, int32) int32 __asm__("mkostemp64")
  2509. func _mkostemps (*uint8, int32, int32) int32 __asm__("*mkostemps64")
  2510. func _mkostemps64 (*uint8, int32, int32) int32 __asm__("mkostemps64")
  2511. func _system (*uint8) int32 __asm__("system")
  2512. func _canonicalize_file_name (*uint8) *uint8 __asm__("canonicalize_file_name")
  2513. func _realpath (*uint8, *uint8) *uint8 __asm__("realpath")
  2514. type ___compar_fn_t func(*byte, *byte) int32
  2515. type _comparison_fn_t func(*byte, *byte) int32
  2516. type ___compar_d_fn_t func(*byte, *byte, *byte) int32
  2517. func _bsearch (*byte, *byte, uint32, uint32, ___compar_fn_t) *byte __asm__("bsearch")
  2518. func _qsort (*byte, uint32, uint32, ___compar_fn_t) __asm__("qsort")
  2519. func _qsort_r (*byte, uint32, uint32, ___compar_d_fn_t, *byte) __asm__("qsort_r")
  2520. func _abs (int32) int32 __asm__("abs")
  2521. func _labs (int32) int32 __asm__("labs")
  2522. func _llabs (int64) int64 __asm__("llabs")
  2523. func _div (int32, int32) _div_t __asm__("div")
  2524. func _ldiv (int32, int32) _ldiv_t __asm__("ldiv")
  2525. func _lldiv (int64, int64) _lldiv_t __asm__("lldiv")
  2526. func _gcvt (float64, int32, *uint8) *uint8 __asm__("gcvt")
  2527. func _mblen (*uint8, uint32) int32 __asm__("mblen")
  2528. func _mbtowc (*uint32, *uint8, uint32) int32 __asm__("mbtowc")
  2529. func _wctomb (*uint8, uint32) int32 __asm__("wctomb")
  2530. func _mbstowcs (*uint32, *uint8, uint32) uint32 __asm__("mbstowcs")
  2531. func _wcstombs (*uint8, *uint32, uint32) uint32 __asm__("wcstombs")
  2532. func _rpmatch (*uint8) int32 __asm__("rpmatch")
  2533. func _getsubopt (**uint8, **uint8, **uint8) int32 __asm__("getsubopt")
  2534. func _setkey (*uint8) __asm__("setkey")
  2535. func _posix_openpt (int32) int32 __asm__("posix_openpt")
  2536. func _grantpt (int32) int32 __asm__("grantpt")
  2537. func _unlockpt (int32) int32 __asm__("unlockpt")
  2538. func _ptsname (int32) *uint8 __asm__("ptsname")
  2539. func _ptsname_r (int32, *uint8, uint32) int32 __asm__("ptsname_r")
  2540. func _getpt () int32 __asm__("getpt")
  2541. type ___cpu_mask uint32
  2542. type _cpu_set_t struct { __bits [31+1]uint32; }
  2543. const _sizeof_cpu_set_t = 128
  2544. func ___sched_cpucount (uint32, *_cpu_set_t) int32 __asm__("__sched_cpucount")
  2545. func _sched_setparam (int32, *_sched_param) int32 __asm__("sched_setparam")
  2546. func _sched_getparam (int32, *_sched_param) int32 __asm__("sched_getparam")
  2547. func _sched_setscheduler (int32, int32, *_sched_param) int32 __asm__("sched_setscheduler")
  2548. func _sched_getscheduler (int32) int32 __asm__("sched_getscheduler")
  2549. func _sched_yield () int32 __asm__("sched_yield")
  2550. func _sched_get_priority_max (int32) int32 __asm__("sched_get_priority_max")
  2551. func _sched_get_priority_min (int32) int32 __asm__("sched_get_priority_min")
  2552. func _sched_rr_get_interval (int32, *_timespec) int32 __asm__("sched_rr_get_interval")
  2553. func _sched_setaffinity (int32, uint32, *_cpu_set_t) int32 __asm__("sched_setaffinity")
  2554. func _sched_getaffinity (int32, uint32, *_cpu_set_t) int32 __asm__("sched_getaffinity")
  2555. type _sem_t struct { __size [15+1]uint8; Godump_0_align [0]int32; }
  2556. const _sizeof_sem_t = 16
  2557. func _sem_init (*_sem_t, int32, uint32) int32 __asm__("sem_init")
  2558. func _sem_destroy (*_sem_t) int32 __asm__("sem_destroy")
  2559. func _sem_open (*uint8, int32, ...interface{}) *_sem_t __asm__("sem_open")
  2560. func _sem_close (*_sem_t) int32 __asm__("sem_close")
  2561. func _sem_unlink (*uint8) int32 __asm__("sem_unlink")
  2562. func _sem_wait (*_sem_t) int32 __asm__("sem_wait")
  2563. func _sem_timedwait (*_sem_t, *_timespec) int32 __asm__("sem_timedwait")
  2564. func _sem_trywait (*_sem_t) int32 __asm__("sem_trywait")
  2565. func _sem_post (*_sem_t) int32 __asm__("sem_post")
  2566. func _sem_getvalue (*_sem_t, *int32) int32 __asm__("sem_getvalue")
  2567. type _ffi_arg uint32
  2568. type _ffi_sarg int32
  2569. type _ffi_abi uint32
  2570. type __ffi_type struct { size uint32; alignment uint16; _type uint16; elements **__ffi_type; }
  2571. const _sizeof__ffi_type = 12
  2572. type _ffi_type struct { size uint32; alignment uint16; _type uint16; elements **__ffi_type; }
  2573. const _sizeof_ffi_type = 12
  2574. var _ffi_type_void _ffi_type
  2575. var _ffi_type_uint8 _ffi_type
  2576. var _ffi_type_sint8 _ffi_type
  2577. var _ffi_type_uint16 _ffi_type
  2578. var _ffi_type_sint16 _ffi_type
  2579. var _ffi_type_uint32 _ffi_type
  2580. var _ffi_type_sint32 _ffi_type
  2581. var _ffi_type_uint64 _ffi_type
  2582. var _ffi_type_sint64 _ffi_type
  2583. var _ffi_type_float _ffi_type
  2584. var _ffi_type_double _ffi_type
  2585. var _ffi_type_pointer _ffi_type
  2586. var _ffi_type_complex_float _ffi_type
  2587. var _ffi_type_complex_double _ffi_type
  2588. type _ffi_status uint32
  2589. type _FFI_TYPE uint32
  2590. type _ffi_cif struct { abi uint32; nargs uint32; arg_types **_ffi_type; rtype *_ffi_type; bytes uint32; flags uint32; vfp_used int32; vfp_reg_free uint16; vfp_nargs uint16; vfp_args [15+1]int8; }
  2591. const _sizeof_ffi_cif = 48
  2592. func _ffi_prep_cif_core (*_ffi_cif, uint32, uint32, uint32, uint32, *_ffi_type, **_ffi_type) uint32 __asm__("ffi_prep_cif_core")
  2593. type _ffi_raw struct { sint int32; }
  2594. const _sizeof_ffi_raw = 4
  2595. type _ffi_java_raw struct { sint int32; }
  2596. const _sizeof_ffi_java_raw = 4
  2597. func _ffi_raw_call (*_ffi_cif, func(), *byte, *_ffi_raw) __asm__("ffi_raw_call")
  2598. func _ffi_ptrarray_to_raw (*_ffi_cif, **byte, *_ffi_raw) __asm__("ffi_ptrarray_to_raw")
  2599. func _ffi_raw_to_ptrarray (*_ffi_cif, *_ffi_raw, **byte) __asm__("ffi_raw_to_ptrarray")
  2600. func _ffi_raw_size (*_ffi_cif) uint32 __asm__("ffi_raw_size")
  2601. func _ffi_java_raw_call (*_ffi_cif, func(), *byte, *_ffi_java_raw) __asm__("ffi_java_raw_call")
  2602. func _ffi_java_ptrarray_to_raw (*_ffi_cif, **byte, *_ffi_java_raw) __asm__("ffi_java_ptrarray_to_raw")
  2603. func _ffi_java_raw_to_ptrarray (*_ffi_cif, *_ffi_java_raw, **byte) __asm__("ffi_java_raw_to_ptrarray")
  2604. func _ffi_java_raw_size (*_ffi_cif) uint32 __asm__("ffi_java_raw_size")
  2605. type _ffi_closure struct { tramp [11+1]uint8; cif *_ffi_cif; fun func(*_ffi_cif, *byte, **byte, *byte); user_data *byte; Godump_0_align [0]int64; }
  2606. const _sizeof_ffi_closure = 24
  2607. func _ffi_closure_alloc (uint32, **byte) *byte __asm__("ffi_closure_alloc")
  2608. func _ffi_closure_free (*byte) __asm__("ffi_closure_free")
  2609. func _ffi_prep_closure (*_ffi_closure, *_ffi_cif, func(*_ffi_cif, *byte, **byte, *byte), *byte) uint32 __asm__("ffi_prep_closure")
  2610. func _ffi_prep_closure_loc (*_ffi_closure, *_ffi_cif, func(*_ffi_cif, *byte, **byte, *byte), *byte, *byte) uint32 __asm__("ffi_prep_closure_loc")
  2611. type _ffi_raw_closure struct { tramp [11+1]uint8; cif *_ffi_cif; translate_args func(*_ffi_cif, *byte, **byte, *byte); this_closure *byte; fun func(*_ffi_cif, *byte, *_ffi_raw, *byte); user_data *byte; }
  2612. const _sizeof_ffi_raw_closure = 32
  2613. type _ffi_java_raw_closure struct { tramp [11+1]uint8; cif *_ffi_cif; translate_args func(*_ffi_cif, *byte, **byte, *byte); this_closure *byte; fun func(*_ffi_cif, *byte, *_ffi_java_raw, *byte); user_data *byte; }
  2614. const _sizeof_ffi_java_raw_closure = 32
  2615. func _ffi_prep_raw_closure (*_ffi_raw_closure, *_ffi_cif, func(*_ffi_cif, *byte, *_ffi_raw, *byte), *byte) uint32 __asm__("ffi_prep_raw_closure")
  2616. func _ffi_prep_raw_closure_loc (*_ffi_raw_closure, *_ffi_cif, func(*_ffi_cif, *byte, *_ffi_raw, *byte), *byte, *byte) uint32 __asm__("ffi_prep_raw_closure_loc")
  2617. func _ffi_prep_java_raw_closure (*_ffi_java_raw_closure, *_ffi_cif, func(*_ffi_cif, *byte, *_ffi_java_raw, *byte), *byte) uint32 __asm__("ffi_prep_java_raw_closure")
  2618. func _ffi_prep_java_raw_closure_loc (*_ffi_java_raw_closure, *_ffi_cif, func(*_ffi_cif, *byte, *_ffi_java_raw, *byte), *byte, *byte) uint32 __asm__("ffi_prep_java_raw_closure_loc")
  2619. type _ffi_go_closure struct { tramp *byte; cif *_ffi_cif; fun func(*_ffi_cif, *byte, **byte, *byte); }
  2620. const _sizeof_ffi_go_closure = 12
  2621. func _ffi_prep_go_closure (*_ffi_go_closure, *_ffi_cif, func(*_ffi_cif, *byte, **byte, *byte)) uint32 __asm__("ffi_prep_go_closure")
  2622. func _ffi_call_go (*_ffi_cif, func(), *byte, **byte, *byte) __asm__("ffi_call_go")
  2623. func _ffi_prep_cif (*_ffi_cif, uint32, uint32, *_ffi_type, **_ffi_type) uint32 __asm__("ffi_prep_cif")
  2624. func _ffi_prep_cif_var (*_ffi_cif, uint32, uint32, uint32, *_ffi_type, **_ffi_type) uint32 __asm__("ffi_prep_cif_var")
  2625. func _ffi_call (*_ffi_cif, func(), *byte, **byte) __asm__("ffi_call")
  2626. const _WNOHANG = 1
  2627. const __PC_REC_MIN_XFER_SIZE = 16
  2628. const _INT_LEAST16_MIN = (-32767-1)
  2629. const _SYS_uselib = ___NR_uselib
  2630. const ___UCLIBC_HAS_WORDEXP__ = 1
  2631. const _IPPROTO_TP = 29
  2632. const _TCP_COOKIE_TRANSACTIONS = 15
  2633. const ___UCLIBC_HAS_FOPEN_EXCLUSIVE_MODE__ = 1
  2634. const _AIO_PRIO_DELTA_MAX = 20
  2635. const ___FLT64_MIN_10_EXP__ = (-307)
  2636. const __PC_PATH_MAX = 4
  2637. const _INT_FAST8_MIN = (-128)
  2639. const _B115200 = 0010002
  2640. const ___FLT64_MANT_DIG__ = 53
  2641. const ___CHAR_BIT__ = 8
  2642. const ___NR_fsync = (0 +118)
  2643. const __SC_LEVEL4_CACHE_SIZE = 197
  2644. const _PTRACE_EVENT_EXEC = 4
  2645. const _S_SWAPFILE = 256
  2646. const _IPPORT_SUPDUP = 95
  2647. const _SYS_ftruncate = ___NR_ftruncate
  2648. const _TIOCSPGRP_val = 21520
  2649. const ___NR_mremap = (0 +163)
  2650. const ___REQ_MIXED_MERGE = 28
  2651. const ___NR_lsetxattr = (0 +227)
  2652. const _LOCK_NB = 4
  2653. const _ATF_COM = 0x02
  2654. const _MAP_FILE = 0
  2655. const ___DEC64_MIN__ = 1E-383
  2656. const _INT_LEAST32_MIN = (-2147483647-1)
  2657. const _SIGEV_NONE = 1
  2658. const _RTM_NEWPREFIX = 52
  2659. const _SYS_mknodat = ___NR_mknodat
  2660. const __POSIX_BARRIERS = 200809
  2661. const _IP_RF = 0x8000
  2662. const _ETH_P_PPPTALK = 0x0010
  2663. const _DT_CHR = 2
  2664. const ___FLT_MAX_EXP__ = 128
  2665. const ___NR_pciconfig_write = (0 +273)
  2666. const ___NR_setsid = (0 + 66)
  2667. const __XOPEN_XPG2 = 1
  2668. const _IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_LOOP = 1
  2669. const __XOPEN_XPG4 = 1
  2670. const ___NR_getresgid = (0 +171)
  2671. const _BPF_JGE = 0x30
  2672. const _FFI_VFP = 2
  2673. const _TCPI_OPT_ECN = 8
  2674. const _ETXTBSY = 26
  2675. const _PR_FP_EXC_SW_ENABLE = 0x80
  2676. const _NLA_HDRLEN_val = 4
  2677. const _HAVE_SYS_EPOLL_H = 1
  2678. const _DELAYTIMER_MAX = 2147483647
  2679. const _PACKET_MR_ALLMULTI = 2
  2680. const _CLD_TRAPPED = 4
  2681. const _TCP_REPAIR_OPTIONS = 22
  2682. const _FS_RENAME_DOES_D_MOVE = 32768
  2683. const __POSIX_AIO_MAX = 1
  2684. const _FNONBLOCK = _O_NONBLOCK
  2685. const ___ARM_ARCH_ISA_ARM = 1
  2686. const _ATF_PERM = 0x04
  2687. const _EH_FRAME_FLAGS = "aw"
  2688. const _O_APPEND = 02000
  2689. const __SC_TYPED_MEMORY_OBJECTS = 165
  2691. const __PC_REC_MAX_XFER_SIZE = 15
  2692. const ___NR_mount = (0 + 21)
  2693. const __IOC_TYPEBITS = 8
  2694. const _SOCK_DGRAM = 2
  2695. const _MOD_OFFSET = _ADJ_OFFSET
  2696. const _IFLA_MAP = 14
  2697. const _EL2NSYNC = 45
  2698. const _IPTOS_LOWCOST = 0x02
  2699. const _SYS_munlock = ___NR_munlock
  2700. const _TH_ACK = 0x10
  2701. const __SC_BARRIERS = 133
  2702. const ___NR_inotify_rm_watch = (0 +318)
  2703. const _RTM_DELACTION = 49
  2704. const _XTABS = 0014000
  2705. const _HAVE_SYS_SYSCALL_H = 1
  2706. const ___NR_connect = (0 +283)
  2707. const _FS_IMAGIC_FL = 0x00002000
  2708. const _SYS_nice = ___NR_nice
  2709. const _TIOCGICOUNT = 0x545D
  2710. const _SYS_statfs = ___NR_statfs
  2712. const _IN_ATTRIB = 0x00000004
  2713. const _IFF_ONE_QUEUE = 0x2000
  2714. const _IPPORT_CMDSERVER = 514
  2715. const _PF_MAX = 40
  2716. const _RT_CLASS_MAX = 255
  2717. const _IPPROTO_IPV6 = 41
  2718. const _RTM_GETDCB = 78
  2719. const _SIOCSIFBR = 0x8941
  2720. const _HAVE_UNLINKAT = 1
  2721. const ___INT_LEAST8_MAX__ = 0x7f
  2722. const ___DEC128_MANT_DIG__ = 34
  2723. const _MAP_SHARED = 0x01
  2724. const _EUSERS = 87
  2725. const _MAXTC = 6
  2726. const __SC_EXPR_NEST_MAX = 42
  2727. const _PF_NETLINK = 16
  2728. const ___DECIMAL_DIG__ = 17
  2730. const _POSIX_MADV_NORMAL = 0
  2731. const _ARPHRD_IEEE80211_PRISM = 802
  2732. const _RTMSG_CONTROL = 0x40
  2733. const _LINUX_REBOOT_MAGIC2C = 537993216
  2734. const _MNT_DETACH = 2
  2735. const _IPTOS_ECN_NOT_ECT = 0x00
  2736. const _SS_ONSTACK = 1
  2737. const _IOC_IN = (__IOC_WRITE << __IOC_DIRSHIFT)
  2738. const ___UCLIBC_HAS_STDIO_BUFSIZ_4096__ = 1
  2739. const _MREMAP_MAYMOVE = 1
  2740. const _PORT_REQUEST_ASSOCIATE = 2
  2741. const _F_GETLK64 = 12
  2742. const _RTPROT_UNSPEC = 0
  2743. const _PARODD = 0001000
  2744. const ___NR_kexec_load = (0 +347)
  2745. const _SYS_swapoff = ___NR_swapoff
  2746. const ___STDC_UTF_32__ = 1
  2747. const _RT_TABLE_LOCAL = 255
  2748. const ___INT8_MAX__ = 0x7f
  2749. const _ETH_P_ARCNET = 0x001A
  2750. const _FD_SETSIZE = ___FD_SETSIZE
  2751. const _MSG_EOR = 128
  2752. const __NET_IF_ARP_H = 1
  2753. const _RTM_F_CLONED = 0x200
  2754. const _IPPROTO_NONE = 59
  2755. const _EPROTO = 71
  2756. const __IOC_NRSHIFT = 0
  2757. const _F_EXLCK = 4
  2758. const ___NR_clone = (0 +120)
  2759. const ___NR_ptrace = (0 + 26)
  2760. const ___UCLIBC_HAS_ADVANCED_REALTIME__ = 1
  2761. const __POSIX_V7_LPBIG_OFFBIG = -1
  2762. const _HAVE_ACOSL = 1
  2763. const _RTMGRP_IPV6_PREFIX = 0x20000
  2764. const _ARPHRD_IEEE80211_RADIOTAP = 803
  2765. const __CS_XBS5_ILP32_OFFBIG_LINTFLAGS = 1107
  2766. const ___LDSO_PRELOAD_ENV_SUPPORT__ = 1
  2767. const ___UACCUM_IBIT__ = 16
  2768. const __SC_OPEN_MAX = 4
  2769. const ___USA_FBIT__ = 16
  2770. const __SC_2_SW_DEV = 51
  2771. const _NLM_F_ACK = 4
  2772. const _SCNd8 = "hhd"
  2774. const ___REQ_FAILFAST_DEV = 1
  2775. const _SIOCGRARP = 0x8961
  2776. const _IFLA_VF_PORTS = 24
  2777. const _CERASE = 0177
  2778. const ___NR_setpgid = (0 + 57)
  2779. const _RTF_INTERFACE = 0x40000000
  2780. const _PRIoFAST8 = "o"
  2781. const ___defined_schedparam = 1
  2782. const _NLM_F_DUMP = (_NLM_F_ROOT|_NLM_F_MATCH)
  2783. const _BRKINT = 0000002
  2784. const _SOL_SOCKET = 1
  2785. const __CS_POSIX_V7_ILP32_OFFBIG_LDFLAGS = 1137
  2786. const _IFLA_PRIORITY = 9
  2787. const _ITIMER_REAL = 0
  2788. const _TCFLSH = 0x540B
  2789. const _SYS_getresuid32 = ___NR_getresuid32
  2790. const ___NR_sched_getaffinity = (0 +242)
  2791. const _IPPROTO_UDPLITE = 136
  2792. const ___USE_BSD = 1
  2793. const _MSG_CMSG_CLOEXEC = 1073741824
  2794. const _ENOENT = 2
  2795. const _RT_TABLE_MAIN = 254
  2796. const _IPTOS_ECN_ECT1 = 0x01
  2797. const _LOCK_WRITE = 128
  2798. const _IPOPT_TS_PRESPEC = 3
  2799. const _PTRACE_EVENT_EXIT = 6
  2800. const _XATTR_NAME_MAX = 255
  2801. const __POSIX_LOGIN_NAME_MAX = 9
  2802. const ___S_IFLNK = 0120000
  2803. const _IFF_ALLMULTI = 512
  2804. const _FFI_TYPE_POINTER = 14
  2805. const _ENOPKG = 65
  2806. const ___ATOMIC_RELAXED = 0
  2807. const _SYS_getsockopt = ___NR_getsockopt
  2808. const _VTDLY = 0040000
  2809. const ___NR_timer_delete = (0 +261)
  2810. const _RTN_UNSPEC = 0
  2811. const _SO_SNDTIMEO = 21
  2812. const _AF_UNSPEC = _PF_UNSPEC
  2813. const _TIOCSERSETMULTI = 0x545B
  2814. const _ARPHRD_FCPL = 786
  2815. const _LOCK_RW = 192
  2816. const __SC_ARG_MAX = 0
  2817. const _ARPHRD_FCPP = 784
  2818. const ___USE_XOPEN = 1
  2819. const _IPOPT_SEC = _IPOPT_SECURITY
  2820. const _IFLA_TXQLEN = 13
  2821. const _SYS_umount2 = ___NR_umount2
  2822. const ___COMPAT_ATEXIT__ = 1
  2823. const _CLOCK_REALTIME_COARSE = 5
  2824. const _IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP = 35
  2825. const _ETH_ZLEN = 60
  2826. const _CLONE_PTRACE = 0x00002000
  2827. const _PROT_NONE = 0x0
  2828. const _LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_RESTART = 0x01234567
  2829. const _MAX_INPUT = 255
  2830. const _SEL_EX = 4
  2831. const __SC_TIMERS = 11
  2832. const _UIO_MAXIOV = 1024
  2833. const __SC_TRACE_SYS_MAX = 244
  2834. const _PARMRK = 0000010
  2835. const _PTRACE_POKEDATA = 5
  2836. const _ENXIO = 6
  2837. const __SC_XOPEN_XPG4 = 100
  2838. const ___FRACT_IBIT__ = 0
  2839. const __XOPEN_LEGACY = 1
  2840. const _ETH_P_TRAILER = 0x001C
  2841. const _SOL_TCP = 6
  2842. const _ADJ_MICRO = 0x1000
  2843. const _NDTA_THRESH1 = 2
  2844. const _SYS_sched_yield = ___NR_sched_yield
  2845. const _NDTA_THRESH2 = 3
  2846. const _SYS_sigpending = ___NR_sigpending
  2847. const _NDTA_THRESH3 = 4
  2848. const _LOCK_SH = 1
  2849. const ___UCLIBC_BUILD_NOEXECSTACK__ = 1
  2850. const _SEM_VALUE_MAX = (2147483647)
  2851. const ___NR_getuid = (0 + 24)
  2852. const _BS1 = 0020000
  2853. const _ARPHRD_ETHER = 1
  2854. const __STDLIB_H = 1
  2855. const __POSIX_POLL = 1
  2856. const _HOST_NAME_MAX = 64
  2857. const __CS_POSIX_V6_LPBIG_OFFBIG_LINTFLAGS = 1131
  2858. const _F_SETPIPE_SZ = 1031
  2859. const ___UINT16_MAX__ = 0xffff
  2860. const ___REQ_PREEMPT = 21
  2861. const _SYS_fremovexattr = ___NR_fremovexattr
  2862. const _FFI_TYPE_UINT16 = 7
  2863. const __SYS_WAIT_H = 1
  2864. const _MSG_DONTROUTE = 4
  2865. const _SYS_fsetxattr = ___NR_fsetxattr
  2866. const ___NR_exit = (0 + 1)
  2867. const _BPF_H = 0x08
  2868. const _PR_SET_SECCOMP = 22
  2869. const _ETH_P_DIAG = 0x6005
  2870. const _LOGIN_NAME_MAX = 256
  2871. const _S_IRWXO = (_S_IRWXG >> 3)
  2872. const _ATF_NETMASK = 0x20
  2873. const _ARPHRD_INFINIBAND = 32
  2874. const __IOC_WRITE = 1
  2875. const _TIOCEXCL = 0x540C
  2876. const ___NR_setgid32 = (0 +214)
  2877. const _CLONE_NEWUSER = 0x10000000
  2878. const _SYS_prctl = ___NR_prctl
  2879. const _IP_TRANSPARENT = 19
  2880. const _RTAX_INITRWND = 14
  2881. const ___NR_fanotify_mark = (0 +368)
  2882. const _IFF_POINTOPOINT = 16
  2883. const _CHAR_MAX = _UCHAR_MAX
  2884. const _STA_INS = 0x0010
  2885. const ___UCLIBC_HAS_GLIBC_CUSTOM_STREAMS__ = 1
  2886. const _SIOCGIFMETRIC = 0x891d
  2887. const _ONLRET = 0000040
  2888. const _RTAX_RTTVAR = 5
  2889. const _RTPROT_XORP = 14
  2890. const ___FLT_MIN_EXP__ = (-125)
  2891. const _NUD_DELAY = 0x08
  2892. const ___SA_IBIT__ = 16
  2893. const _IPPORT_ECHO = 7
  2894. const ___NR_clock_getres = (0 +264)
  2895. const _MCAST_UNBLOCK_SOURCE = 44
  2896. const __SC_THREAD_KEYS_MAX = 74
  2897. const _ITIMER_VIRTUAL = 1
  2898. const _PRIiLEAST8 = "i"
  2899. const _ETH_P_CUST = 0x6006
  2900. const _SYS_setresuid = ___NR_setresuid
  2901. const _SHRT_MAX = ___SHRT_MAX__
  2902. const __STAT_VER_LINUX_OLD = 1
  2903. const ___S_IFCHR = 0020000
  2904. const _CMSPAR = 010000000000
  2905. const _ARPHRD_VOID = 0xFFFF
  2906. const ___NR_listxattr = (0 +232)
  2907. const _SYS_sigreturn = ___NR_sigreturn
  2908. const __IOC_NRMASK = ((1 << __IOC_NRBITS)-1)
  2909. const _IOCSIZE_SHIFT = (__IOC_SIZESHIFT)
  2910. const _BPF_S_LD_MEM = 32
  2911. const _EAGAIN = 11
  2912. const ___FLT_MAX_10_EXP__ = 38
  2913. const _IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP = 19
  2914. const ___NR_getpgid = (0 +132)
  2915. const _SCNxLEAST8 = "hhx"
  2916. const _SO_PRIORITY = 12
  2917. const _MSG_DONTWAIT = 64
  2918. const ___GCC_ATOMIC_WCHAR_T_LOCK_FREE = 2
  2919. const _EINTR = 4
  2920. const _RTF_NOPMTUDISC = 0x4000
  2921. const _RTPROT_STATIC = 4
  2922. const _IFA_LABEL = 3
  2923. const _SO_PROTOCOL = 38
  2924. const ___NR_readahead = (0 +225)
  2925. const _TH_SYN = 0x02
  2926. const _MAY_OPEN = 32
  2927. const _SIOCGIFPFLAGS = 0x8935
  2928. const __SYS_STATFS_H = 1
  2929. const ___STDC__ = 1
  2930. const ___DEC128_MAX__ = 9.999999999999999999999999999999999E6144
  2931. const _RTM_SETLINK = 19
  2932. const _FFI_OK = 0
  2933. const _ND_ROUTER_SOLICIT = 133
  2934. const ___NR_pciconfig_iobase = (0 +271)
  2935. const _LOCK_UN = 8
  2936. const _SYS_tee = ___NR_tee
  2937. const _FPE_FLTSUB = 8
  2938. const _MSG_WAITFORONE = 65536
  2939. const __PC_ALLOC_SIZE_MIN = 18
  2940. const _SIGILL = 4
  2941. const _NI_NUMERICSERV = 2
  2942. const _PF_ISDN = 34
  2944. const _IPTOS_TOS_MASK = 0x1E
  2945. const __SC_NL_LANGMAX = 120
  2946. const ___NR_chmod = (0 + 15)
  2947. const _STDOUT_FILENO = 1
  2948. const _RTF_MSS = _RTF_MTU
  2949. const ___NR_mq_getsetattr = (0 +279)
  2950. const _SYS_listen = ___NR_listen
  2951. const _TCP_THIN_DUPACK = 17
  2952. const _IPOPT_DEBMEAS = 0x40
  2953. const _ETH_P_DSA = 0x001B
  2954. const ___SIZEOF_DOUBLE__ = 8
  2955. const _EMULTIHOP = 72
  2956. const __POSIX_QLIMIT = 1
  2957. const ___ARM_ARCH = 7
  2958. const _RTM_GETQDISC = 38
  2959. const _IFF_LOOPBACK = 8
  2960. const _SYS_getpgrp = ___NR_getpgrp
  2961. const _STA_MODE = 0x4000
  2962. const _SA_ONSTACK = 0x08000000
  2963. const _BPF_S_ALU_DIV_K = 31
  2964. const ___NR_shmctl = (0 +308)
  2965. const __MKNOD_VER = 0
  2966. const __SC_ADVISORY_INFO = 132
  2967. const _SYS_getdents64 = ___NR_getdents64
  2968. const ___NR_close = (0 + 6)
  2969. const _FS_BTREE_FL = 0x00001000
  2970. const _MSG_RST = 4096
  2971. const __SC_REALTIME_SIGNALS = 9
  2973. const _FS_IMMUTABLE_FL = 0x00000010
  2974. const _TCP_INFO = 11
  2975. const ___NR_mknodat = (0 +324)
  2976. const _SCNi8 = "hhi"
  2977. const _BPF_S_LDX_MEM = 33
  2978. const _SO_PEERNAME = 28
  2979. const ___DBL_MIN_10_EXP__ = (-307)
  2980. const ___BIT_TYPES_DEFINED__ = 1
  2981. const _SIGKILL = 9
  2982. const __DIRENT_H = 1
  2983. const ___DEC128_MIN_EXP__ = (-6142)
  2984. const _RTA_CACHEINFO = 12
  2985. const ___NR_SYSCALL_BASE = 0
  2986. const _BPF_S_MISC_TAX = 29
  2987. const __POSIX_SPORADIC_SERVER = -1
  2988. const ___NR_setrlimit = (0 + 75)
  2989. const _MSG_CONFIRM = 2048
  2990. const __SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN = 84
  2991. const _MCAST_JOIN_GROUP = 42
  2992. const _EOVERFLOW = 75
  2993. const _MADV_WILLNEED = 3
  2994. const _ARPHRD_HIPPI = 780
  2995. const _NSIG = __NSIG
  2996. const _AF_ROUTE = _PF_ROUTE
  2997. const _SIOCGSTAMPNS = 0x8907
  2998. const _BPF_S_RET_K = 0
  2999. const _IPV6_RECVDSTOPTS = 58
  3000. const _TIOCMSET = 0x5418
  3001. const _NETLINK_KOBJECT_UEVENT = 15
  3002. const ___LDSO_RUNPATH__ = 1
  3003. const _IP_MULTICAST_LOOP = 34
  3004. const ___USE_FILE_OFFSET64 = 1
  3005. const ___REQ_FAILFAST_DRIVER = 3
  3006. const ___UINT_FAST64_MAX__ = 0xffffffffffffffff
  3007. const ___NR_rt_sigqueueinfo = (0 +178)
  3008. const _NDTPA_RETRANS_TIME = 5
  3009. const __POSIX_THREAD_PRIO_INHERIT = 200809
  3010. const ___NR_setresgid32 = (0 +210)
  3011. const __SC_LEVEL1_ICACHE_LINESIZE = 187
  3012. const ___NR_msync = (0 +144)
  3013. const _FF0 = 0000000
  3014. const _FF1 = 0100000
  3015. const _ETH_P_ATMFATE = 0x8884
  3016. const ___NR_bind = (0 +282)
  3017. const _IPOPT_SECUR_RESTR = 0xaf13
  3018. const _BPF_S_STX = 35
  3019. const _PTRACE_GETFPXREGS = 18
  3020. const _SYS_getpriority = ___NR_getpriority
  3021. const _HAVE_PIPE2 = 1
  3022. const ___NR_clock_settime = (0 +262)
  3023. const ___NR_munlock = (0 +151)
  3024. const _RTM_GETLINK = 18
  3025. const _SO_OOBINLINE = 10
  3026. const _PRIO_PGRP = 1
  3027. const _RTNL_FAMILY_IPMR = 128
  3028. const _ENOTSUP = _EOPNOTSUPP
  3029. const _NETLINK_UNUSED = 1
  3030. const _ICMP6_RR_PCOUSE_FLAGS_DECRVLTIME = 0x80
  3031. const _HAVE_SYS_SOCKET_H = 1
  3032. const _SYS_set_robust_list = ___NR_set_robust_list
  3033. const _CLOCK_MONOTONIC_COARSE = 6
  3034. const __CS_XBS5_LPBIG_OFFBIG_CFLAGS = 1112
  3035. const _SYS_lchown32 = ___NR_lchown32
  3036. const _SYS_accept = ___NR_accept
  3037. const _IPOPT_MINOFF = 4
  3038. const _SYS_pciconfig_read = ___NR_pciconfig_read
  3039. const ___UCLIBC_LINUX_SPECIFIC__ = 1
  3040. const _SIGEV_SIGNAL = 0
  3041. const _SYS_rt_sigsuspend = ___NR_rt_sigsuspend
  3042. const _RTM_NEWNEIGH = 28
  3043. const ___INT_LEAST64_WIDTH__ = 64
  3044. const _SYS_getpeername = ___NR_getpeername
  3045. const ___NR_chdir = (0 + 12)
  3046. const ___NR_exit_group = (0 +248)
  3047. const ___POSIX2_THIS_VERSION = 200809
  3048. const _NL0 = 0000000
  3049. const __SC_2_C_VERSION = 96
  3050. const _ARPHRD_SLIP6 = 258
  3051. const _SYS_getegid = ___NR_getegid
  3052. const ___LC_TIME = 3
  3053. const _SIGTSTP = 20
  3054. const _NDUSEROPT_SRCADDR = 1
  3055. const _IN_CLASSC_HOST = (0xffffffff & ^_IN_CLASSC_NET)
  3056. const _CHAR_BIT = ___CHAR_BIT__
  3057. const _SIOCGIFINDEX = 0x8933
  3058. const ___LDSO_SAFE_RUNPATH__ = 1
  3059. const _RTAX_UNSPEC = 0
  3060. const ___LDBL_HAS_DENORM__ = 1
  3061. const _SIGIOT = 6
  3062. const _ETH_P_SLOW = 0x8809
  3063. const ___NR_vfork = (0 +190)
  3064. const _IFLA_VF_VLAN = 2
  3065. const ___NR_swapoff = (0 +115)
  3066. const _AT_SYMLINK_FOLLOW = 0x400
  3067. const _PR_MCE_KILL_LATE = 0
  3069. const __CS_XBS5_ILP32_OFFBIG_LDFLAGS = 1105
  3070. const __SC_NGROUPS_MAX = 3
  3071. const _FPE_INTOVF = 2
  3072. const _ILL_ILLOPC = 1
  3073. const _N_SYNC_PPP = 14
  3074. const __MKNOD_VER_LINUX = 1
  3075. const _TUNSETTXFILTER_val = 1074025681
  3076. const _ILL_ILLOPN = 2
  3077. const _LOCK_READ = 64
  3078. const ___UACCUM_FBIT__ = 16
  3079. const ___NL_ITEM_CATEGORY_SHIFT = 8
  3080. const _SOL_X25 = 262
  3081. const _IPTOS_LOWDELAY = 0x10
  3082. const __SYS_IOCTL_H = 1
  3083. const _SYS_getsid = ___NR_getsid
  3084. const ___S_IFSOCK = 0140000
  3085. const ___lldiv_t_defined = 1
  3086. const _FFI_TRAMPOLINE_SIZE = 12
  3087. const _UIO_FASTIOV = 8
  3089. const _SA_STACK = _SA_ONSTACK
  3090. const __SC_SEM_NSEMS_MAX = 32
  3091. const _IFA_ANYCAST = 5
  3092. const _NUD_PROBE = 0x10
  3093. const _SYS_sync_file_range2 = ___NR_sync_file_range2
  3094. const _PTRACE_PEEKUSER = 3
  3095. const _ICMP6_TIME_EXCEED_TRANSIT = 0
  3096. const __SC_PRIORITY_SCHEDULING = 10
  3097. const __CS_POSIX_V7_ILP32_OFFBIG_LIBS = 1138
  3098. const _SYS_readlinkat = ___NR_readlinkat
  3099. const _S_IEXEC = _S_IXUSR
  3100. const __BITS_TIME_H = 1
  3101. const ___NR_setgroups32 = (0 +206)
  3102. const ___SIZEOF_PTHREAD_RWLOCK_T = 32
  3103. const ___RLIMIT_LOCKS = 10
  3104. const _TH_URG = 0x20
  3105. const _O_SYNC = 010000
  3106. const __SYS_UIO_H = 1
  3107. const _IGNCR = 0000200
  3108. const ___INTPTR_WIDTH__ = 32
  3109. const __CS_POSIX_V7_LP64_OFF64_CFLAGS = 1140
  3110. const _BUS_OBJERR = 3
  3111. const _SHUT_RD = 0
  3112. const _TCP_CONGESTION = 13
  3113. const _NLM_F_ROOT = 0x100
  3114. const _SYS_setregid32 = ___NR_setregid32
  3115. const _EBADRQC = 56
  3116. const _SYS_msgctl = ___NR_msgctl
  3117. const _BPF_MEMWORDS = 16
  3118. const _RTNLGRP_ND_USEROPT = 20
  3119. const _ATF_DONTPUB = 0x40
  3120. const ___NR_shutdown = (0 +293)
  3121. const __SC_INT_MAX = 104
  3122. const ___NR_setuid = (0 + 23)
  3123. const _HUPCL = 0002000
  3124. const _AF_RDS = _PF_RDS
  3125. const _PR_SET_TIMERSLACK = 29
  3126. const _CLONE_SIGHAND = 0x00000800
  3127. const _SCNu16 = "hu"
  3128. const ___NR_dup2 = (0 + 63)
  3129. const ___NR_dup3 = (0 +358)
  3130. const __POSIX_THREAD_PRIO_PROTECT = 200809
  3131. const ___UCLIBC_HAS___PROGNAME__ = 1
  3132. const ___NR_sched_getscheduler = (0 +157)
  3133. const __SC_XOPEN_CRYPT = 92
  3134. const _RTM_NEWROUTE = 24
  3135. const _RTA_ALIGNTO = 4
  3136. const _PRIdLEAST16 = "d"
  3137. const _IN_ISDIR = 0x40000000
  3138. const ___NR_send = (0 +289)
  3139. const _IPPORT_EFSSERVER = 520
  3140. const _AF_IEEE802154 = _PF_IEEE802154
  3141. const _SYS_signalfd4 = ___NR_signalfd4
  3142. const _TCP_MD5SIG_MAXKEYLEN = 80
  3143. const ___NL_ITEM_INDEX_MASK = 0xff
  3144. const _SO_TIMESTAMPING = 37
  3145. const _MS_RDONLY = 1
  3146. const _SKF_NET_OFF = (-0x100000)
  3147. const ___FRACT_FBIT__ = 15
  3148. const _SYS_access = ___NR_access
  3149. const __SC_V6_LPBIG_OFFBIG = 179
  3150. const _IPOPT_RESERVED1 = 0x20
  3151. const _IPOPT_RESERVED2 = 0x60
  3152. const _MS_STRICTATIME = 16777216
  3153. const ___NR_clock_gettime = (0 +263)
  3154. const ___UCLIBC_CTOR_DTOR__ = 1
  3155. const ___NR_semtimedop = (0 +312)
  3156. const _BPF_S_ALU_OR_X = 12
  3157. const _IFLA_VF_INFO_UNSPEC = 0
  3159. const ___DEC32_MIN_EXP__ = (-94)
  3160. const _HAVE_SYS_PRCTL_H = 1
  3162. const _BLOCK_SIZE_BITS = 10
  3163. const _ECONNRESET = 104
  3164. const ___DBL_DECIMAL_DIG__ = 17
  3165. const _HAVE_OPENAT = 1
  3166. const _TUN_PKT_STRIP = 0x0001
  3167. const _VSTOP = 9
  3168. const ___LDBL_MIN_10_EXP__ = (-307)
  3169. const _IPTOS_DSCP_AF12 = 0x30
  3170. const _IPTOS_DSCP_AF13 = 0x38
  3171. const ___NR_recvmmsg = (0 +365)
  3172. const ___USE_XOPEN2K8 = 1
  3173. const _PR_FP_EXC_DIV = 0x010000
  3174. const _CLONE_DETACHED = 0x00400000
  3175. const _SYS_get_robust_list = ___NR_get_robust_list
  3176. const _EPOLLWRBAND = 512
  3177. const __POSIX_TIMERS = 200809
  3178. const _ARPHRD_ASH = 781
  3179. const __XOPEN_IOV_MAX = __POSIX_UIO_MAXIOV
  3180. const _SYS_mq_notify = ___NR_mq_notify
  3181. const _IFF_UP = 1
  3182. const _IPPROTO_FRAGMENT = 44
  3183. const _SCNiLEAST16 = "hi"
  3184. const _FS_NOTAIL_FL = 0x00008000
  3185. const _ICMP6_DST_UNREACH_ADDR = 3
  3186. const _POSIX_FADV_NORMAL = 0
  3187. const _CHAR_MIN = 0
  3188. const _INT8_MAX = (127)
  3189. const _MADV_SEQUENTIAL = 2
  3190. const _F_WRLCK = 1
  3191. const _IP_PMTUDISC_WANT = 1
  3192. const ___SOFTFP__ = 1
  3193. const _B230400 = 0010003
  3194. const __NET_ROUTE_H = 1
  3195. const _HAVE_ACCEPT4 = 1
  3196. const _RPM_PCO_SETGLOBAL = 3
  3197. const _ENOBUFS = 105
  3198. const ___SHRT_WIDTH__ = 16
  3199. const _RT_CLASS_UNSPEC = 0
  3200. const _IPTOS_DSCP_AF21 = 0x48
  3201. const _IPTOS_DSCP_AF22 = 0x50
  3202. const _IPTOS_DSCP_AF23 = 0x58
  3203. const ___FLT32X_MAX_10_EXP__ = 308
  3204. const ___UCLIBC_HAS_PROFILING__ = 1
  3205. const ___W_CONTINUED = 0xffff
  3206. const _SCNo8 = "hho"
  3207. const _SYS_ioprio_set = ___NR_ioprio_set
  3208. const ___NR_gettimeofday = (0 + 78)
  3209. const _PTRACE_CONT = 7
  3210. const ___NR_umount2 = (0 + 52)
  3211. const _PRIdLEAST32 = "d"
  3212. const _NETLINK_XFRM = 6
  3213. const _TCA_UNSPEC = 0
  3214. const _ETH_P_8021Q = 0x8100
  3215. const _BPF_S_ALU_DIV_X = 8
  3216. const _EPOLLRDBAND = 128
  3217. const _SYS_umask = ___NR_umask
  3218. const _NLM_F_ECHO = 8
  3219. const _SYS_recvmsg = ___NR_recvmsg
  3220. const ___NR_sched_get_priority_min = (0 +160)
  3221. const ___NR_lstat64 = (0 +196)
  3222. const _IFF_DEBUG = 4
  3223. const _RTAX_INITCWND = 11
  3224. const __BITS_UCLIBC_POSIX_OPT_H = 1
  3225. const ___UCLIBC_HAS_EPOLL__ = 1
  3226. const _NDTPA_REFCNT = 2
  3227. const _SIG_SETMASK = 2
  3228. const _SOL_ICMPV6 = 58
  3229. const _SCNx32 = "x"
  3230. const _TCP_MSS = 512
  3231. const _CR2 = 0002000
  3232. const _CR3 = 0003000
  3233. const _SYS_lseek = ___NR_lseek
  3234. const __FILE_OFFSET_BITS = 64
  3235. const __SC_COLL_WEIGHTS_MAX = 40
  3236. const __SC_THREAD_CPUTIME = 139
  3238. const _IN_UNMOUNT = 0x00002000
  3239. const _IPTOS_DSCP_AF31 = 0x68
  3240. const _IPTOS_DSCP_AF32 = 0x70
  3241. const _IPTOS_DSCP_AF33 = 0x78
  3242. const ___GCC_HAVE_SYNC_COMPARE_AND_SWAP_1 = 1
  3243. const _PTRACE_GETEVENTMSG = 16897
  3244. const _LOCK_MAND = 32
  3245. const _NETLINK_USERSOCK = 2
  3246. const _IFLA_LINKINFO = 18
  3247. const __POSIX_THREAD_ROBUST_PRIO_INHERIT = 200809
  3248. const _SYS_pread64 = ___NR_pread64
  3249. const _PRIoLEAST16 = "o"
  3250. const _BPF_S_LD_W_IND = 22
  3251. const _SCNiLEAST32 = "i"
  3252. const _SYS_semctl = ___NR_semctl
  3253. const __POSIX_NGROUPS_MAX = 8
  3254. const _B4000000 = 0010017
  3256. const _CREAD = 0000200
  3257. const _ETH_P_PPP_MP = 0x0008
  3258. const ___FLT32X_DECIMAL_DIG__ = 17
  3259. const _TCSETS_val = 21506
  3260. const ___DBL_MAX_EXP__ = 1024
  3261. const ___UCLIBC_SUBLEVEL__ = 26
  3262. const ___NR_geteuid32 = (0 +201)
  3263. const _IP_UNBLOCK_SOURCE = 37
  3264. const ___NR_utimensat = (0 +348)
  3265. const _PRIX16 = "X"
  3266. const _AF_LOCAL = _PF_LOCAL
  3267. const _MAY_WRITE = 2
  3269. const ___NR_getpgrp = (0 + 65)
  3270. const ___NR_rt_sigtimedwait = (0 +177)
  3271. const __CS_POSIX_V6_ILP32_OFFBIG_LDFLAGS = 1121
  3272. const _PTRACE_PEEKDATA = 2
  3273. const _PTRACE_SYSCALL = 24
  3274. const _SCNu32 = "u"
  3275. const _LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_SW_SUSPEND = 0xD000FCE2
  3276. const _O_DIRECTORY = 040000
  3277. const _ETHERTYPE_SPRITE = 0x0500
  3278. const _SOCK_RAW = 3
  3279. const _ARPHRD_FRAD = 770
  3280. const _IPTOS_DSCP_AF41 = 0x88
  3281. const _IPTOS_DSCP_AF42 = 0x90
  3282. const _IPTOS_DSCP_AF43 = 0x98
  3283. const _TIOCSPGRP = 0x5410
  3284. const _ND_OPT_REDIRECTED_HEADER = 4
  3285. const _CLOCKS_PER_SEC = 1000000
  3287. const _IPOPT_TIMESTAMP = _IPOPT_TS
  3288. const _MAY_APPEND = 8
  3289. const ___UTA_FBIT__ = 64
  3290. const _WORD_BIT = 32
  3291. const _TCA_STATS = 3
  3292. const _N_SLIP = 1
  3293. const _POLL_IN = 1
  3294. const __SC_BC_STRING_MAX = 39
  3295. const _RTAX_FEATURE_SACK = 0x00000002
  3296. const __XOPEN_SOURCE = 700
  3297. const __ATFILE_SOURCE = 1
  3298. const _PTRACE_EVENT_VFORK_DONE = 5
  3299. const _PRIxLEAST8 = "x"
  3300. const _ELNRNG = 48
  3301. const __POSIX_AIO_LISTIO_MAX = 2
  3302. const ___NR_madvise = (0 +220)
  3303. const _RTA_MARK = 16
  3304. const ___INT32_MAX__ = 0x7fffffff
  3305. const _NAME_MAX = 255
  3306. const __SC_LOGIN_NAME_MAX = 71
  3307. const _F_ULOCK = 0
  3308. const __UTIME_H = 1
  3309. const _TIOCM_DSR = 0x100
  3310. const _EPERM = 1
  3311. const _MS_NODIRATIME = 2048
  3312. const __TERMIOS_H = 1
  3313. const ___INTMAX_WIDTH__ = 64
  3314. const _BPF_S_RET_A = 1
  3315. const _SYS_rt_sigpending = ___NR_rt_sigpending
  3316. const _IFLA_MASTER = 10
  3317. const _EOPNOTSUPP = 95
  3318. const _CS5 = 0000000
  3319. const _CS6 = 0000020
  3321. const __SC_GETPW_R_SIZE_MAX = 70
  3322. const _IP_RECVERR = 11
  3323. const _HAVE_SINL = 1
  3324. const _IFLA_BROADCAST = 2
  3325. const __CS_POSIX_V7_ILP32_OFFBIG_CFLAGS = 1136
  3326. const _VTIME = 5
  3327. const __CS_LFS64_LINTFLAGS = 1007
  3328. const ___SIZEOF_PTHREAD_COND_COMPAT_T = 12
  3329. const _PRIoLEAST32 = "o"
  3330. const _PRIO_USER = 2
  3331. const ___UINT_LEAST64_MAX__ = 0xffffffffffffffff
  3332. const _FS_TOPDIR_FL = 0x00020000
  3333. const ___timespec_defined = 1
  3334. const _NDTPA_GC_STALETIME = 6
  3335. const ___INT_FAST32_MAX__ = 0x7fffffff
  3336. const __XBS5_LPBIG_OFFBIG = -1
  3337. const _SIOCDELMULTI = 0x8932
  3338. const ___TARGET_ARCH__ = "arm"
  3339. const ___LDBL_DENORM_MIN__ = 1.1
  3340. const _PF_UNSPEC = 0
  3341. const _IPPROTO_EGP = 8
  3342. const _TIOCM_RTS = 0x004
  3343. const _F_GETOWN = 9
  3344. const _TCPOPT_SACK_PERMITTED = 4
  3345. const __SC_THREAD_ATTR_STACKSIZE = 78
  3346. const __POSIX_V7_LP64_OFF64 = -1
  3347. const _PF_IEEE802154 = 36
  3348. const _ELIBMAX = 82
  3349. const _B4800 = 0000014
  3350. const _IPPROTO_ENCAP = 98
  3351. const _IPV6_2292HOPOPTS = 3
  3352. const ___NETINET_IP_H = 1
  3353. const _SKF_AD_PKTTYPE = 4
  3354. const __SC_MEMORY_PROTECTION = 19
  3355. const ___UCLIBC_HAS_UTMPX__ = 1
  3356. const _TCA_STATS2 = 7
  3357. const _ULLONG_MAX = (_LLONG_MAX * 2 + 1)
  3358. const _BPF_JA = 0x00
  3359. const ___NR_nanosleep = (0 +162)
  3360. const _BPF_MAJOR_VERSION = 1
  3361. const ___NR_getegid = (0 + 50)
  3362. const _PF_IUCV = 32
  3363. const _MAP_NORESERVE = 0x04000
  3364. const __POSIX_V6_ILP32_OFFBIG = 1
  3365. const _IFF_TAP = 0x0002
  3366. const _PRIu8 = "u"
  3367. const _TUNGETIFF_val = 2147767506
  3368. const _RTNLGRP_IPV6_IFINFO = 12
  3369. const _FS_DIRTY_FL = 0x00000100
  3370. const ___NR_fallocate = (0 +352)
  3371. const ___NR_set_mempolicy = (0 +321)
  3372. const _MAY_READ = 4
  3373. const _FS_ECOMPR_FL = 0x00000800
  3374. const _RTPROT_KERNEL = 2
  3375. const ___UCLIBC_HAS_GNU_GLOB__ = 1
  3376. const _ETH_P_SCA = 0x6007
  3377. const ___USE_SVID = 1
  3378. const ___FLT_MANT_DIG__ = 24
  3379. const ___NR_fstat = (0 +108)
  3380. const _NETLINK_INET_DIAG = 4
  3381. const _NETLINK_SCSITRANSPORT = 18
  3382. const _SI_QUEUE = -1
  3383. const ___NR_pipe = (0 + 42)
  3384. const _SA_NOCLDWAIT = 2
  3385. const _B200 = 0000006
  3386. const __POSIX_DELAYTIMER_MAX = 32
  3387. const _PR_SET_ENDIAN = 20
  3388. const _SYS_epoll_pwait = ___NR_epoll_pwait
  3389. const _ETH_P_LOCALTALK = 0x0009
  3390. const _PRIiFAST8 = "i"
  3391. const _SEEK_END = 2
  3392. const _SYS_timer_delete = ___NR_timer_delete
  3393. const _RLIM_INFINITY = 0xffffffffffffffff
  3394. const __SYS_PROCFS_H = 1
  3395. const _RTNLGRP_PHONET_ROUTE = 22
  3396. const __ISOC11_SOURCE = 1
  3397. const _SIGXCPU = 24
  3398. const _RTN_NAT = 10
  3399. const ___LDBL_MAX__ = 1.1
  3400. const _UINT_LEAST8_MAX = (255)
  3401. const _POSIX_FADV_SEQUENTIAL = 2
  3402. const _RTN_XRESOLVE = 11
  3403. const _unix = 1
  3404. const _SIZE_MAX = (4294967295)
  3405. const _STA_DEL = 0x0020
  3406. const _MB_LEN_MAX = 16
  3407. const _CIBAUD = 002003600000
  3408. const ___clockid_t_defined = 1
  3409. const __CS_POSIX_V7_LPBIG_OFFBIG_LINTFLAGS = 1147
  3410. const _AI_NUMERICHOST = 0x0004
  3411. const _PRIX32 = "X"
  3412. const _IPTOS_ECN_CE = 0x03
  3413. const ___REQ_SORTED = 11
  3415. const ___NR_getrusage = (0 + 77)
  3416. const _NUD_REACHABLE = 0x02
  3417. const ___NR_uselib = (0 + 86)
  3418. const _DN_ACCESS = 0x00000001
  3419. const __SIGSET_H_types = 1
  3420. const _TCP_LINGER2 = 8
  3421. const __SC_INT_MIN = 105
  3422. const _ETIME = 62
  3423. const __POSIX_SYMLINK_MAX = 255
  3424. const _IFLA_PORT_RESPONSE = 7
  3425. const _BPF_S_JMP_JGT_K = 41
  3426. const _RE_DUP_MAX = (0x7fff)
  3427. const _SYS_set_tid_address = ___NR_set_tid_address
  3428. const _B19200 = 0000016
  3429. const _IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_TTL = 1
  3430. const ___SIG_ATOMIC_MIN__ = (-___SIG_ATOMIC_MAX__ - 1)
  3431. const _IPPROTO_RAW = 255
  3432. const _SYS_getresuid = ___NR_getresuid
  3433. const _RTA_SRC = 2
  3434. const _IPV6_PMTUDISC_DO = 2
  3435. const _BPF_LD = 0x00
  3436. const _SA_NOCLDSTOP = 1
  3437. const _NLA_F_NESTED = (1 << 15)
  3438. const _ENAVAIL = 119
  3439. const _TIOCSER_TEMT = 0x01
  3440. const _OPOST = 0000001
  3441. const _W_OK = 2
  3442. const _IPOPT_RA = 148
  3443. const ___ctype_encoding_8_bit = 2
  3444. const _ETHERTYPE_IPX = 0x8137
  3445. const _BPF_S_ALU_SUB_K = 4
  3446. const __SC_V6_LP64_OFF64 = 178
  3447. const ___ULLACCUM_IBIT__ = 32
  3448. const _PR_GET_NAME = 16
  3449. const ___IFLA_VF_PORT_MAX = 2
  3450. const _SIOCGIFBR = 0x8940
  3451. const _IN_ONESHOT = 0x80000000
  3452. const _SYS_adjtimex = ___NR_adjtimex
  3453. const ___ARCH_ANY_ENDIAN__ = 1
  3454. const _IPOPT_RR = 7
  3455. const ___NR_sigprocmask = (0 +126)
  3456. const ___CPU_SETSIZE = 1024
  3457. const _PR_SET_NAME = 15
  3458. const _VQUIT = 1
  3459. const _IFF_RUNNING = 64
  3460. const _S_APPEND = 4
  3461. const _IPTOS_CLASS_CS3 = 0x60
  3462. const _RTF_ADDRCONF = 0x00040000
  3463. const _ETH_P_EDSA = 0xDADA
  3464. const _IPTOS_CLASS_CS6 = 0xc0
  3465. const _ICMP6_TIME_EXCEEDED = 3
  3466. const ___NR_setfsgid = (0 +139)
  3467. const _SIOCDELDLCI = 0x8981
  3468. const ___ARM_NR_set_tls = ((0 +0x0f0000)+5)
  3469. const _SIOCGARP = 0x8954
  3470. const _BPF_S_ALU_SUB_X = 5
  3471. const _RTF_DEFAULT = 0x00010000
  3472. const _SYS_mq_open = ___NR_mq_open
  3473. const _SYS_clock_getres = ___NR_clock_getres
  3474. const _MQ_PRIO_MAX = 32768
  3475. const __SC_CHAR_MAX = 102
  3476. const ___NR_arm_sync_file_range = (0 +341)
  3477. const __STAT_VER_LINUX = 3
  3478. const ___REQ_NOMERGE = 14
  3479. const _ENOTNAM = 118
  3480. const _TIOCPKT_FLUSHWRITE = 2
  3481. const _HAVE_FACCESSAT = 1
  3482. const ___DBL_MIN_EXP__ = (-1021)
  3484. const _SCNiLEAST8 = "hhi"
  3485. const _IPV6_PMTUDISC_PROBE = 3
  3486. const ___UCLIBC_HAS_SOFT_FLOAT__ = 1
  3487. const _PTRACE_SEIZE_DEVEL = 2147483648
  3488. const _LONG_LONG_MAX = ___LONG_LONG_MAX__
  3489. const _INT8_MIN = (-128)
  3490. const ___NR_write = (0 + 4)
  3491. const ___S_IFBLK = 0060000
  3492. const _SCHED_FIFO = 1
  3493. const __PATH_HEQUIV = "/etc/hosts.equiv"
  3494. const ___DQ_IBIT__ = 0
  3495. const __PC_SYNC_IO = 9
  3496. const ___have_sigval_t = 1
  3497. const ___NR_recvmsg = (0 +297)
  3498. const _FASYNC = _O_ASYNC
  3499. const _RTMGRP_IPV6_MROUTE = 0x200
  3500. const _EPOLL_CTL_ADD = 1
  3501. const __CS_POSIX_V7_ILP32_OFF32_LINTFLAGS = 1135
  3502. const _PTRACE_SINGLESTEP = 9
  3503. const _IFLA_LINK = 5
  3504. const _HAVE_SYNC_BOOL_COMPARE_AND_SWAP_8 = 1
  3505. const _BPF_S_JMP_JSET_K = 43
  3506. const _SYS_msgrcv = ___NR_msgrcv
  3507. const ___NR_msgctl = (0 +304)
  3508. const _HAVE_RENAMEAT = 1
  3509. const _SYS_epoll_create = ___NR_epoll_create
  3510. const _EPOLLIN = 1
  3511. const __BITS_POSIX_OPT_H = 1
  3512. const _BPF_S_JMP_JSET_X = 44
  3513. const _TCP_MAX_WINSHIFT = 14
  3514. const ___NR_linkat = (0 +330)
  3515. const _RTMGRP_DECnet_IFADDR = 0x1000
  3516. const _PRIo32 = "o"
  3517. const _AF_AX25 = _PF_AX25
  3518. const _INTPTR_MAX = (2147483647)
  3519. const _ARPHRD_EUI64 = 27
  3520. const _RTA_GATEWAY = 5
  3521. const ___NR_truncate = (0 + 92)
  3522. const _PTRACE_POKEUSER = 6
  3523. const __POSIX_CHOWN_RESTRICTED = 0
  3524. const _AF_ATMSVC = _PF_ATMSVC
  3525. const _ESTALE = 116
  3526. const _SYS_getdents = ___NR_getdents
  3527. const _SO_DOMAIN = 39
  3528. const _S_ISVTX = ___S_ISVTX
  3529. const _RTF_DYNAMIC = 0x0010
  3530. const ___RLIM_NLIMITS = 15
  3531. const _IPOPT_TS = 68
  3532. const __SC_SHRT_MAX = 113
  3533. const _SA_SIGINFO = 4
  3534. const __TIME_H = 1
  3535. const _SYS_getuid = ___NR_getuid
  3536. const _IPV6_PMTUDISC_WANT = 1
  3537. const __SC_2_PBS_MESSAGE = 171
  3538. const _IPPROTO_UDP = 17
  3539. const _SYS_wait4 = ___NR_wait4
  3540. const _BPF_K = 0x00
  3541. const _ENOTUNIQ = 76
  3542. const _ND_OPT_HOME_AGENT_INFO = 8
  3543. const _NI_NAMEREQD = 8
  3544. const _IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS = 18
  3545. const _LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_POWER_OFF = 0x4321FEDC
  3546. const _ENOSR = 63
  3547. const _PR_GET_TIMING = 13
  3548. const __POSIX_C_SOURCE = 200809
  3549. const _N_STRIP = 4
  3550. const _HAVE_MINCORE = 1
  3551. const ___SIZEOF_PTHREAD_MUTEXATTR_T = 4
  3552. const _B576000 = 0010006
  3553. const _SEEK_SET = 0
  3554. const _BPF_OR = 0x40
  3555. const _PF_ROUTE = _PF_NETLINK
  3556. const ___FLT64_MIN_EXP__ = (-1021)
  3557. const ___ARCH_HAS_UCONTEXT__ = 1
  3558. const __CS_POSIX_V6_ILP32_OFF32_CFLAGS = 1116
  3559. const _N_IRDA = 11
  3560. const _IPV6_RTHDR_STRICT = 1
  3561. const _PACKET_RECV_OUTPUT = 3
  3562. const _MADV_DONTNEED = 4
  3563. const _ND_REDIRECT = 137
  3564. const _IPPROTO_ROUTING = 43
  3565. const __POSIX_THREAD_CPUTIME = 0
  3566. const ___UCLIBC_HAS_SHA256_CRYPT_IMPL__ = 1
  3567. const ___FLT32_MAX_10_EXP__ = 38
  3568. const _BPF_MUL = 0x20
  3569. const _TUN_TUN_DEV = 0x0001
  3570. const _IP_PMTUDISC_PROBE = 3
  3571. const _SYS_sysfs = ___NR_sysfs
  3573. const _HAVE_ASINL = 1
  3574. const ___NR_ftruncate64 = (0 +194)
  3575. const ___NR_pciconfig_read = (0 +272)
  3576. const _NLM_F_ATOMIC = 0x400
  3577. const _F_LOCK = 1
  3578. const _ICMP6_PARAMPROB_HEADER = 0
  3579. const _ETH_P_IEEE802154 = 0x00F6
  3580. const _SIOCGIFHWADDR = 0x8927
  3581. const _SYS_semget = ___NR_semget
  3582. const _RTN_BLACKHOLE = 6
  3583. const _ADJ_MAXERROR = 0x0004
  3584. const _AF_INET6 = _PF_INET6
  3585. const _BPF_S_ALU_ADD_X = 3
  3586. const _ADJ_FREQUENCY = 0x0002
  3587. const _HAVE_REMOVEXATTR = 1
  3588. const ___ARM_PCS = 1
  3589. const _EISCONN = 106
  3590. const ___WNOTHREAD = 0x20000000
  3591. const _ETH_P_LOOP = 0x0060
  3592. const _VEOL = 11
  3593. const _SYS_setgroups32 = ___NR_setgroups32
  3594. const _RTF_ALLONLINK = 0x00020000
  3595. const _RTNLGRP_DECnet_RULE = 16
  3596. const _ECHOCTL = 0001000
  3597. const _IUCLC = 0001000
  3598. const _HAVE_SEM_TIMEDWAIT = 1
  3599. const _MAP_STACK = 0x20000
  3600. const _SYS_personality = ___NR_personality
  3601. const __POSIX_MONOTONIC_CLOCK = 0
  3602. const _UTIME_OMIT = ((1 << 30) - 2)
  3603. const ___NR_setuid32 = (0 +213)
  3604. const _PR_FP_EXC_INV = 0x100000
  3605. const _ETHERTYPE_VLAN = 0x8100
  3606. const _RTPROT_GATED = 8
  3607. const _MS_MOVE = 8192
  3608. const _PR_SET_TSC = 26
  3609. const _IFF_AUTOMEDIA = 16384
  3610. const ___USE_FORTIFY_LEVEL = 0
  3611. const _EBFONT = 59
  3612. const ___NDTA_MAX = 9
  3613. const ___SIZEOF_LONG_LONG__ = 8
  3614. const _IPV6_PMTUDISC_DONT = 0
  3615. const _O_CLOEXEC = 02000000
  3616. const _SKF_AD_MARK = 20
  3617. const _IFF_SLAVE = 2048
  3618. const ___STDC_UTF_16__ = 1
  3619. const _FALLOC_FL_PUNCH_HOLE = 2
  3620. const _ARPHRD_NETROM = 0
  3621. const ___LDBL_DIG__ = 15
  3622. const __SC_USER_GROUPS = 166
  3623. const __UNISTD_H = 1
  3624. const _TCP_MAXWIN = 65535
  3625. const _FS_NODUMP_FL = 0x00000040
  3626. const _TIOCSLCKTRMIOS = 0x5457
  3627. const _SKF_AD_MAX = 32
  3628. const _NETLINK_SELINUX = 7
  3629. const _NETLINK_ISCSI = 8
  3630. const _R11 = 11
  3631. const _O_NDELAY = _O_NONBLOCK
  3632. const _EPOLLPRI = 2
  3633. const ___UCLIBC_HAS_SSP__ = 1
  3634. const _EAI_FAIL = -4
  3635. const __SC_MEMLOCK_RANGE = 18
  3636. const ___NR_io_submit = (0 +246)
  3637. const _READ = 0
  3638. const _N_SMSBLOCK = 12
  3639. const _TCPI_OPT_SACK = 2
  3640. const _TIOCGETD = 0x5424
  3641. const __SC_2_C_DEV = 48
  3642. const _SYS_usr26 = ___ARM_NR_usr26
  3643. const _CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID = 3
  3644. const __SC_CHAR_BIT = 101
  3645. const _SA_RESETHAND = 0x80000000
  3646. const _ADJ_STATUS = 0x0010
  3647. const ___LDBL_HAS_QUIET_NAN__ = 1
  3648. const _ATF_MAGIC = 0x80
  3650. const __SYS_USER_H = 1
  3651. const _RTMGRP_IPV6_ROUTE = 0x400
  3652. const _B3000000 = 0010015
  3653. const ___LDSO_LDD_SUPPORT__ = 1
  3654. const _MS_MGC_VAL = 0xC0ED0000
  3655. const _ADJ_ESTERROR = 0x0008
  3656. const ___NR_recvfrom = (0 +292)
  3657. const _ETH_P_DNA_DL = 0x6001
  3658. const ___NDA_MAX = 5
  3659. const ___NR_setgroups = (0 + 81)
  3660. const _WAIT_ANY = (-1)
  3661. const ___ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__ = 4321
  3662. const _ARPHRD_X25 = 271
  3663. const _LLONG_MAX = ___LONG_LONG_MAX__
  3664. const __CS_LFS_CFLAGS = 1000
  3665. const __SC_V7_LPBIG_OFFBIG = 240
  3666. const _ARPHRD_ECONET = 782
  3667. const ___GNUC_STDC_INLINE__ = 1
  3668. const _MS_PRIVATE = 262144
  3669. const _SCHED_RESET_ON_FORK = 0x40000000
  3671. const _PR_GET_DUMPABLE = 3
  3672. const __SC_RE_DUP_MAX = 44
  3673. const _SYS_preadv = ___NR_preadv
  3675. const ___APCS_32__ = 1
  3676. const ___UCLIBC_HAS_GNU_GETSUBOPT__ = 1
  3677. const __SC_PII_INTERNET = 56
  3678. const _SYS_usr32 = ___ARM_NR_usr32
  3679. const __SYS_INOTIFY_H = 1
  3680. const ___IFLA_PORT_MAX = 8
  3681. const _BUS_ADRERR = 2
  3682. const _RTM_NEWADDR = 20
  3683. const _TIOCMIWAIT = 0x545C
  3684. const _SYS_sched_setscheduler = ___NR_sched_setscheduler
  3685. const _HAVE_SYS_SYSINFO_H = 1
  3686. const ___NR_stat = (0 +106)
  3687. const _VEOF = 4
  3688. const ___UCLIBC_DYNAMIC_ATEXIT__ = 1
  3689. const __SC_2_VERSION = 46
  3690. const _HAVE_DL_ITERATE_PHDR = 1
  3691. const _SYS_init_module = ___NR_init_module
  3692. const __POSIX_MQ_OPEN_MAX = 8
  3693. const _SYS_lgetxattr = ___NR_lgetxattr
  3694. const _SYS_rmdir = ___NR_rmdir
  3695. const _ETHERTYPE_AARP = 0x80F3
  3696. const _PACKAGE_TARNAME = "libgo"
  3697. const _INT_LEAST8_MAX = (127)
  3699. const _IFA_F_OPTIMISTIC = 0x04
  3700. const _NDTPA_UNSPEC = 0
  3701. const ___NR_pselect6 = (0 +335)
  3702. const _F_GETSIG = 11
  3703. const ___FLT64_HAS_INFINITY__ = 1
  3704. const _S_IWOTH = (_S_IWGRP >> 3)
  3705. const _INPCK = 0000020
  3706. const _NDTPA_APP_PROBES = 9
  3707. const __POSIX_SYNCHRONIZED_IO = 200809
  3708. const ___NR_setxattr = (0 +226)
  3709. const ___FLT32_HAS_INFINITY__ = 1
  3710. const _PR_GET_TSC = 25
  3711. const _BPF_IMM = 0x00
  3712. const ___UCLIBC_SUPPORT_AI_ADDRCONFIG__ = 1
  3713. const ___NR_epoll_create = (0 +250)
  3714. const _IPTOS_RELIABILITY = 0x04
  3715. const ___IFLA_MAX = 26
  3717. const _SYS_shmat = ___NR_shmat
  3718. const _SIOCSIFBRDADDR = 0x891a
  3719. const ___UINTPTR_MAX__ = 0xffffffff
  3720. const ___NR_chown = (0 +182)
  3721. const ___NR_fanotify_init = (0 +367)
  3722. const _AT_NO_AUTOMOUNT = 0x800
  3723. const ___NR_epoll_create1 = (0 +357)
  3724. const _SYS_setresgid = ___NR_setresgid
  3725. const _N_PROFIBUS_FDL = 10
  3726. const _ICMP6_RR_FLAGS_REQRESULT = 0x40
  3727. const _epoll_data_offset = 8
  3728. const _SYS_timer_getoverrun = ___NR_timer_getoverrun
  3729. const ___NR_fremovexattr = (0 +237)
  3730. const _IFA_F_SECONDARY = 0x01
  3731. const __SC_JOB_CONTROL = 7
  3732. const ___NR_move_pages = (0 +344)
  3733. const _INET6_ADDRSTRLEN = 46
  3734. const _RT_SCOPE_LINK = 253
  3735. const _IPPROTO_DCCP = 33
  3736. const _S_IRGRP = (_S_IRUSR >> 3)
  3737. const _IPTOS_DSCP_AF11 = 0x28
  3738. const ___REQ_FAILFAST_TRANSPORT = 2
  3739. const _SOL_IRDA = 266
  3740. const _HAVE_UNSHARE = 1
  3741. const ___NR_listen = (0 +284)
  3742. const _SCNxLEAST16 = "hx"
  3743. const ___NR_setresuid32 = (0 +208)
  3744. const _PR_MCE_KILL_GET = 34
  3745. const _TUN_F_CSUM = 0x01
  3746. const ___FLT32X_MAX_EXP__ = 1024
  3747. const _AF_PACKET = _PF_PACKET
  3748. const ___REQ_WRITE = 0
  3750. const ___ULLACCUM_FBIT__ = 32
  3751. const _TCP_QUICKACK = 12
  3752. const _EFBIG = 27
  3753. const __SC_2_C_BIND = 47
  3754. const _IPTOS_CLASS_CS0 = 0x00
  3755. const _IPTOS_CLASS_CS1 = 0x20
  3756. const _IPTOS_CLASS_CS2 = 0x40
  3757. const _SYS_fsync = ___NR_fsync
  3758. const _IPTOS_CLASS_CS4 = 0x80
  3759. const _IPTOS_CLASS_CS5 = 0xa0
  3761. const _IPTOS_CLASS_CS7 = 0xe0
  3762. const _LINUX_REBOOT_MAGIC2A = 85072278
  3763. const _PR_MCE_KILL_CLEAR = 0
  3764. const _LINUX_REBOOT_MAGIC2B = 369367448
  3765. const _EXDEV = 18
  3766. const _NUD_INCOMPLETE = 0x01
  3767. const ___ULACCUM_IBIT__ = 32
  3768. const _PTRACE_SETSIGINFO = 16899
  3769. const _EL3HLT = 46
  3770. const _SYS_fanotify_mark = ___NR_fanotify_mark
  3771. const __POSIX_NAME_MAX = 14
  3772. const ___NR_timer_getoverrun = (0 +260)
  3773. const _SIOCDEVPRIVATE = 0x89F0
  3774. const _IPV6_TCLASS = 67
  3775. const _NDTA_PARMS = 6
  3776. const _AF_X25 = _PF_X25
  3777. const _BSDLY = 0020000
  3778. const _BPF_IND = 0x40
  3779. const ___UCLIBC_HAS_ERRNO_MESSAGES__ = 1
  3780. const __SC_CHAR_MIN = 103
  3781. const ___USFRACT_IBIT__ = 0
  3782. const _ICMP6_RR_RESULT_FLAGS_OOB = 0x0200
  3783. const __SC_THREAD_ROBUST_PRIO_PROTECT = 248
  3784. const ___NR_mq_open = (0 +274)
  3785. const _IFF_MASTER = 1024
  3786. const _IFLA_INET6_MCAST = 4
  3787. const _SYS_gettimeofday = ___NR_gettimeofday
  3788. const ___NR_accept = (0 +285)
  3789. const __POSIX_MESSAGE_PASSING = 200809
  3790. const ___PTRDIFF_MAX__ = 0x7fffffff
  3791. const _SI_KERNEL = 128
  3792. const __SC_BC_BASE_MAX = 36
  3793. const _TUNSETIFF_val = 1074025674
  3794. const _SV_ONSTACK = (1 << 0)
  3795. const _PTRACE_LISTEN = 16904
  3796. const _ARPHRD_CSLIP = 257
  3797. const _PR_FP_EXC_OVF = 0x020000
  3798. const ___DQ_FBIT__ = 63
  3799. const ___NR_socketpair = (0 +288)
  3800. const _BPF_S_LD_IMM = 25
  3801. const _CLD_DUMPED = 3
  3802. const _O_NOATIME = 01000000
  3803. const _SYS_pciconfig_iobase = ___NR_pciconfig_iobase
  3804. const _RTMGRP_TC = 8
  3805. const _EACCES = 13
  3806. const __POSIX_MAX_CANON = 255
  3807. const _RTPROT_ZEBRA = 11
  3808. const __POSIX_THREAD_THREADS_MAX = 64
  3809. const _CLOCK_BOOTTIME = 7
  3810. const _CQUIT = 034
  3811. const __SC_XOPEN_VERSION = 89
  3812. const ___INT16_MAX__ = 0x7fff
  3813. const ___NR_io_cancel = (0 +247)
  3814. const __SYS_CDEFS_H = 1
  3815. const _SCNxLEAST32 = "x"
  3816. const _ETH_P_MOBITEX = 0x0015
  3817. const _FS_INDEX_FL = 0x00001000
  3818. const _SI_TIMER = -2
  3819. const _ENOKEY = 126
  3820. const _ARPHRD_CSLIP6 = 259
  3821. const ___WINT_MIN__ = 0
  3822. const ___S_IFREG = 0100000
  3823. const _INTPTR_MIN = (-2147483647-1)
  3824. const _DT_REG = 8
  3825. const __CS_LFS_LINTFLAGS = 1003
  3826. const _PR_SET_SECUREBITS = 28
  3827. const ___UCLIBC_HAS_GNU_GETOPT__ = 1
  3828. const _SV_INTERRUPT = (1 << 1)
  3829. const _PF_LOCAL = 1
  3830. const _ENOTSOCK = 88
  3831. const _S_IFMT = ___S_IFMT
  3833. const _SYS_splice = ___NR_splice
  3834. const __SC_SHRT_MIN = 114
  3835. const _ARPHRD_LAPB = 516
  3836. const _CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW = 4
  3837. const _MCAST_EXCLUDE = 0
  3838. const _SIOCSIFMTU = 0x8922
  3839. const _SIOCDELRT = 0x890C
  3840. const _RTA_FLOW = 11
  3841. const _SIOCGIFCONF = 0x8912
  3842. const _FS_SECRM_FL = 0x00000001
  3843. const ___INT_FAST32_WIDTH__ = 32
  3844. const __PC_MAX_CANON = 1
  3845. const _FIOCLEX = 0x5451
  3846. const ___INT_FAST16_MAX__ = 0x7fffffff
  3847. const _SYS_mlockall = ___NR_mlockall
  3848. const _MS_BIND = 4096
  3849. const _ARPOP_InREQUEST = 8
  3850. const _SIZEOF_VOID_P = 4
  3851. const ___UCLIBC_HAS_IPV4__ = 1
  3852. const _SIOCGIFNETMASK = 0x891b
  3853. const _SCHED_BATCH = 3
  3854. const _FS_REVAL_DOT = 16384
  3855. const _ARPHRD_SLIP = 256
  3856. const _MS_RELATIME = 2097152
  3857. const _RUSAGE_SELF = 0
  3858. const ___RLIMIT_NICE = 13
  3859. const _SO_ATTACH_FILTER = 26
  3860. const _ETH_P_TIPC = 0x88CA
  3861. const _IFA_F_HOMEADDRESS = 0x10
  3862. const _SKF_LL_OFF = (-0x200000)
  3863. const _RTF_THROW = 0x2000
  3864. const ___NR_fgetxattr = (0 +231)
  3865. const ___SIZEOF_WINT_T__ = 4
  3866. const _SYS_madvise = ___NR_madvise
  3867. const _STA_FREQHOLD = 0x0080
  3868. const __PATH_NETWORKS = "/etc/networks"
  3869. const _NCCS = 32
  3870. const __SC_V6_ILP32_OFF32 = 176
  3871. const _CLD_EXITED = 1
  3872. const _ETOOMANYREFS = 109
  3873. const _TUN_TAP_DEV = 0x0002
  3874. const ___NR_fstatfs64 = (0 +267)
  3875. const _RLIMIT_CORE = 4
  3876. const _SYS_keyctl = ___NR_keyctl
  3877. const _SYS_sigsuspend = ___NR_sigsuspend
  3878. const ___NR_flistxattr = (0 +234)
  3879. const ___LLFRACT_IBIT__ = 0
  3880. const _SYS_setgid = ___NR_setgid
  3881. const ___REQ_RAHEAD = 10
  3882. const __SC_WORD_BIT = 107
  3883. const __SYS_TIMES_H = 1
  3884. const _SYS_clone = ___NR_clone
  3885. const _IN_CLASSB_NSHIFT = 16
  3886. const _NDTPA_PROXY_QLEN = 14
  3887. const _PRIi16 = "i"
  3888. const _STA_PLL = 0x0001
  3889. const _BPF_S_JMP_JGE_X = 40
  3890. const ___NR_symlinkat = (0 +331)
  3891. const _HAVE_FUTIMESAT = 1
  3892. const ___PDP_ENDIAN = 3412
  3893. const _PTHREAD_KEYS_MAX = 1024
  3894. const __POSIX_V7_ILP32_OFFBIG = 1
  3895. const ___UINTMAX_MAX__ = 0xffffffffffffffff
  3896. const _IFLA_WEIGHT = 15
  3897. const _IPV6_XFRM_POLICY = 35
  3898. const ___NR_access = (0 + 33)
  3899. const ___UCLIBC_SUSV2_LEGACY__ = 1
  3900. const _RTMGRP_IPV6_IFADDR = 0x100
  3901. const ___NR_link = (0 + 9)
  3902. const _S_SYNC = 1
  3903. const _TUNSETDEBUG_val = 1074025673
  3904. const ___SCHAR_MAX__ = 0x7f
  3905. const _RTNLGRP_DECnet_ROUTE = 15
  3906. const _AF_IPX = _PF_IPX
  3907. const _MS_BORN = (1<<29)
  3908. const _RTM_DELTCLASS = 41
  3909. const _BPF_S_ALU_RSH_X = 16
  3910. const _EROFS = 30
  3911. const _SO_NO_CHECK = 11
  3912. const __XOPEN_SHM = 1
  3913. const _ARPHRD_LOCALTLK = 773
  3914. const __SC_DEVICE_SPECIFIC_R = 142
  3915. const __SC_SELECT = 59
  3916. const ___IFA_MAX = 8
  3917. const _SYS_faccessat = ___NR_faccessat
  3918. const _CSTOPB = 0000100
  3919. const _TCA_XSTATS = 4
  3920. const _UINT_MAX = (_INT_MAX * 2 + 1)
  3921. const _PR_TIMING_STATISTICAL = 0
  3922. const _SCNdFAST8 = "hhd"
  3923. const _MAXTTL = 255
  3924. const _EAI_NODATA = -5
  3925. const _TCP_CA_CWR = 2
  3926. const _IXON = 0002000
  3927. const ___NR_setpriority = (0 + 97)
  3928. const __PATH_SERVICES = "/etc/services"
  3929. const _AF_UNIX = _PF_UNIX
  3930. const _ETH_P_HDLC = 0x0019
  3931. const _RTPROT_BIRD = 12
  3932. const _ARPHRD_HWX25 = 272
  3933. const ___ARM_FEATURE_UNALIGNED = 1
  3934. const _RTM_GETADDR = 22
  3935. const _TCION = 3
  3936. const _AF_KEY = _PF_KEY
  3937. const _SYS_fchmodat = ___NR_fchmodat
  3938. const _TIOCNOTTY = 0x5422
  3939. const _NLM_F_APPEND = 0x800
  3940. const _SYS_clock_settime = ___NR_clock_settime
  3941. const _IP_PKTOPTIONS = 9
  3942. const ___FLT64_DECIMAL_DIG__ = 17
  3943. const _IPTOS_DSCP_MASK = 0xfc
  3944. const _RT_SCOPE_UNIVERSE = 0
  3945. const _CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID = 2
  3946. const ___LC_CTYPE = 0
  3947. const _PR_FP_EXC_DISABLED = 0
  3948. const _SIGEV_THREAD_ID = 4
  3949. const _MAX_LINKS = 32
  3950. const _RTF_BROADCAST = 0x10000000
  3951. const __SC_READER_WRITER_LOCKS = 153
  3952. const __SC_AIO_PRIO_DELTA_MAX = 25
  3953. const _ARPHRD_FCFABRIC = 787
  3954. const _CLONE_PARENT_SETTID = 0x00100000
  3955. const _RTM_NEWRULE = 32
  3956. const _IFF_NOTRAILERS = 32
  3957. const _IFLA_PORT_INSTANCE_UUID = 4
  3958. const _PRIi32 = "i"
  3959. const _TIME_ERROR = 5
  3960. const ___NR_read = (0 + 3)
  3961. const _VEOL2 = 16
  3962. const _ETHERTYPE_NTRAILER = 16
  3963. const __SC_MONOTONIC_CLOCK = 149
  3964. const ___UCLIBC_HAS_SHADOW__ = 1
  3965. const _HAVE_AS_X86_PCREL = 1
  3966. const _SYS_setpriority = ___NR_setpriority
  3967. const ___ARM_NR_usr32 = ((0 +0x0f0000)+4)
  3968. const _ENOTRECOVERABLE = 131
  3969. const _LLONG_MIN = (-_LLONG_MAX - 1)
  3970. const _AF_CAIF = _PF_CAIF
  3971. const _SOL_IPV6 = 41
  3972. const _BPF_S_LDX_IMM = 28
  3973. const ___LDBL_MANT_DIG__ = 53
  3974. const _FFI_TYPE_SINT8 = 6
  3975. const ___NR_waitid = (0 +280)
  3976. const _IXANY = 0004000
  3977. const _SYS_sched_setaffinity = ___NR_sched_setaffinity
  3978. const _POLL_ERR = 4
  3979. const _F_RDLCK = 0
  3980. const _SYS_rt_sigprocmask = ___NR_rt_sigprocmask
  3981. const _AT_FDCWD = -100
  3982. const _IPPORT_FINGER = 79
  3983. const _SYS_pipe2 = ___NR_pipe2
  3984. const ___REQ_ORDERED_COLOR = 22
  3985. const _TUNSETNOCSUM_val = 1074025672
  3986. const __CS_GNU_LIBPTHREAD_VERSION = 3
  3987. const ___NETPACKET_PACKET_H = 1
  3988. const _TCSADRAIN = 1
  3989. const _LONG_MAX = ___LONG_MAX__
  3990. const _PRId16 = "d"
  3991. const _IPV6_V6ONLY = 26
  3992. const ___UCLIBC_HAS_NETWORK_SUPPORT__ = 1
  3993. const _RTNLGRP_NOP4 = 17
  3994. const __SC_XOPEN_XCU_VERSION = 90
  3995. const _INT_LEAST8_MIN = (-128)
  3996. const _SIGIO = 29
  3997. const ___NR_sigsuspend = (0 + 72)
  3998. const __PC_FILESIZEBITS = 13
  3999. const _TIOCGPGRP = 0x540F
  4000. const ___FLT32X_MIN_EXP__ = (-1021)
  4001. const _TIOCGWINSZ_val = 21523
  4002. const ___UCLIBC_HAS_CRYPT_IMPL__ = 1
  4003. const _ETH_P_ATMMPOA = 0x884c
  4004. const _HAVE_STRINGS_H = 1
  4005. const _DN_CREATE = 0x00000004
  4006. const ___SQ_IBIT__ = 0
  4007. const __POSIX_ASYNCHRONOUS_IO = 200809
  4008. const __CS_LFS_LIBS = 1002
  4009. const _PACKET_MR_PROMISC = 1
  4010. const ___FLT64_MAX__ = 1.7976931348623157e+30864
  4011. const ___USE_ISOC11 = 1
  4012. const _S_NOQUOTA = 32
  4013. const _TCSBRK = 0x5409
  4014. const ___PTRDIFF_WIDTH__ = 32
  4015. const ___UCLIBC_HAS_RESOLVER_SUPPORT__ = 1
  4016. const _SYS_clock_nanosleep = ___NR_clock_nanosleep
  4017. const ___STDC_ISO_10646__ = 200009
  4018. const _EISNAM = 120
  4019. const ___ULFRACT_IBIT__ = 0
  4020. const __SC_LEVEL4_CACHE_LINESIZE = 199
  4021. const _IP_PMTUDISC_DO = 2
  4022. const __SC_THREADS = 67
  4023. const _IP_PKTINFO = 8
  4024. const _O_RSYNC = _O_SYNC
  4025. const _SPLICE_F_NONBLOCK = 2
  4026. const _CLONE_CHILD_CLEARTID = 0x00200000
  4027. const _HAVE_OFF64_T = 1
  4028. const __SC_FILE_SYSTEM = 148
  4029. const _CHARCLASS_NAME_MAX = 2048
  4030. const __SC_LEVEL1_DCACHE_ASSOC = 189
  4031. const __SC_2_CHAR_TERM = 95
  4032. const __SC_LEVEL2_CACHE_ASSOC = 192
  4033. const _NDTA_UNSPEC = 0
  4034. const ___UCLIBC_HAS_THREADS_NATIVE__ = 1
  4035. const __POSIX_THREADS = 200809
  4036. const __SC_DEVICE_IO = 140
  4037. const _RTAX_REORDERING = 9
  4038. const _PF_ATMSVC = 20
  4039. const _NSS_BUFLEN_GROUP = 1024
  4040. const _PR_TSC_SIGSEGV = 2
  4041. const ___NR_semctl = (0 +300)
  4042. const _MLD_LISTENER_REPORT = 131
  4043. const __SC_PII_OSI_M = 65
  4044. const _MS_NOSUID = 2
  4045. const _MSG_ERRQUEUE = 8192
  4046. const _ARPHRD_IEEE802154 = 804
  4047. const _TIOCPKT = 0x5420
  4048. const _ESRCH = 3
  4049. const _EKEYREVOKED = 128
  4050. const ___NR_recv = (0 +291)
  4051. const _ATF_USETRAILERS = 0x10
  4052. const _IN_MOVE_SELF = 0x00000800
  4053. const ___SIG_ATOMIC_WIDTH__ = 32
  4054. const __SC_SYSTEM_DATABASE_R = 163
  4055. const _RTA_SESSION = 13
  4056. const _PACKAGE_VERSION = "version-unused"
  4057. const ___DEC128_SUBNORMAL_MIN__ = 0.000000000000000000000000000000001E-6143
  4058. const _B2000000 = 0010013
  4059. const _SYS_chmod = ___NR_chmod
  4060. const ___UINT_LEAST8_MAX__ = 0xff
  4061. const ___INT_FAST16_WIDTH__ = 32
  4062. const _SYS_eventfd2 = ___NR_eventfd2
  4063. const _SIGBUS = 7
  4064. const ___TA_IBIT__ = 64
  4065. const _TCGETS_val = 21505
  4066. const _NLM_F_REQUEST = 1
  4067. const _EPOLLMSG = 1024
  4068. const _HAVE_INOTIFY_INIT = 1
  4069. const _PR_SET_KEEPCAPS = 8
  4070. const _PR_ENDIAN_BIG = 0
  4071. const _IPPORT_LOGINSERVER = 513
  4072. const _SYS_clock_gettime = ___NR_clock_gettime
  4073. const _MSG_TRYHARD = 4
  4074. const _SYS_close = ___NR_close
  4075. const _PR_SET_UNALIGN = 6
  4076. const ___NR_mq_timedreceive = (0 +277)
  4077. const __NSIG = 65
  4079. const _ENOTTY = 25
  4080. const ___NR_sendfile64 = (0 +239)
  4081. const _RTA_PRIORITY = 6
  4082. const _ETH_P_LAT = 0x6004
  4083. const _FFI_NATIVE_RAW_API = 0
  4084. const _ETHER_ADDR_LEN = _ETH_ALEN
  4085. const _FPE_FLTRES = 6
  4086. const _FS_RESERVED_FL = 0x80000000
  4087. const __SC_FIFO = 144
  4088. const _EPOLLOUT = 4
  4089. const _ADJ_TIMECONST = 0x0020
  4090. const _PTRACE_INTERRUPT = 16903
  4091. const _VKILL = 3
  4092. const _RTMGRP_DECnet_ROUTE = 0x4000
  4093. const _SO_ACCEPTCONN = 30
  4094. const _NDA_PROBES = 4
  4095. const _IFLA_VF_TX_RATE = 3
  4096. const __POSIX_TIMER_MAX = 32
  4097. const ___NR_mknod = (0 + 14)
  4098. const _MS_SLAVE = 524288
  4099. const _IP_MULTICAST_TTL = 33
  4100. const _SEL_IN = 1
  4101. const ___WALL = 0x40000000
  4102. const _NLMSG_ERROR = 0x2
  4103. const __SC_TRACE = 181
  4104. const _SYS_vmsplice = ___NR_vmsplice
  4105. const _TCP_SYNCNT = 7
  4106. const _RT_SCOPE_SITE = 200
  4107. const _CLONE_NEWNS = 0x00020000
  4109. const _IPPORT_TTYLINK = 87
  4110. const ___NR_sched_rr_get_interval = (0 +161)
  4111. const _POLL_PRI = 5
  4112. const _IPV6_2292PKTINFO = 2
  4113. const _AI_ALL = 0x0010
  4114. const _ETH_P_FCOE = 0x8906
  4115. const ___NR_adjtimex = (0 +124)
  4116. const _BYTE_ORDER = ___BYTE_ORDER
  4117. const ___FLT_DENORM_MIN__ = 1.1
  4118. const _ECHOPRT = 0002000
  4119. const ___ARM_ARCH_7A__ = 1
  4120. const __CS_POSIX_V7_ILP32_OFF32_CFLAGS = 1132
  4121. const _F_SHLCK = 8
  4122. const _ETIMEDOUT = 110
  4123. const __SC_FILE_LOCKING = 147
  4124. const _SYS_msync = ___NR_msync
  4125. const _ETH_P_1588 = 0x88F7
  4126. const __SC_PASS_MAX = 88
  4127. const _FLUSHO = 0010000
  4128. const _SYS_lstat = ___NR_lstat
  4129. const ___NR_mbind = (0 +319)
  4130. const _ARPHRD_IRDA = 783
  4131. const _EPIPE = 32
  4132. const ___FLT32X_HAS_DENORM__ = 1
  4133. const _STA_FLL = 0x0008
  4134. const _ICMP6_RR_FLAGS_TEST = 0x80
  4135. const __SC_XOPEN_XPG3 = 99
  4136. const _IFF_TUN = 0x0001
  4137. const __SC_PII_OSI_CLTS = 64
  4138. const _HAVE_INOTIFY_ADD_WATCH = 1
  4139. const __CS_XBS5_ILP32_OFF32_LINTFLAGS = 1103
  4140. const ___FLT_EVAL_METHOD_TS_18661_3__ = 0
  4141. const _ND_NA_FLAG_ROUTER = 0x00000080
  4142. const _MADV_NORMAL = 0
  4143. const _PRId32 = "d"
  4144. const ___have_siginfo_t = 1
  4145. const _HAVE_EXPL = 1
  4146. const _IP_RETOPTS = 7
  4147. const _IP_MULTICAST_IF = 32
  4149. const _N_PPP = 3
  4150. const _IFLA_PORT_UNSPEC = 0
  4151. const _PF_INET6 = 10
  4152. const _SYS_chdir = ___NR_chdir
  4153. const _PTRACE_EVENT_VFORK = 2
  4154. const _SO_RCVTIMEO = 20
  4155. const ___NR_times = (0 + 43)
  4156. const __POSIX_UIO_MAXIOV = 16
  4157. const _IP_TOS = 1
  4158. const __SC_2_PBS_LOCATE = 170
  4159. const _NLMSG_NOOP = 0x1
  4160. const _TUNSETSNDBUF_val = 1074025684
  4161. const _ARPD_UPDATE = 0x01
  4162. const __IOC_DIRMASK = ((1 << __IOC_DIRBITS)-1)
  4163. const _RTM_GETNEIGH = 30
  4164. const _SYS_capset = ___NR_capset
  4165. const _ICMP6_ROUTER_RENUMBERING = 138
  4166. const ___GNU_LIBRARY__ = 6
  4167. const _RLIMIT_DATA = 2
  4168. const _PR_GET_FPEXC = 11
  4169. const _PR_CAPBSET_READ = 23
  4170. const _TCP_MD5SIG = 14
  4171. const _LONG_BIT = 32
  4172. const ___PREFIX_MAX = 3
  4173. const _TCSAFLUSH = 2
  4174. const _EPOLLWRNORM = 256
  4175. const __SC_SEMAPHORES = 21
  4176. const _IPV6_RTHDRDSTOPTS = 55
  4177. const _NI_NOFQDN = 4
  4178. const _PTRACE_TRACEME = 0
  4179. const ___INT_LEAST16_MAX__ = 0x7fff
  4180. const _FFI_CLOSURES = 1
  4181. const ___LLFRACT_FBIT__ = 63
  4182. const _SIOCADDRT = 0x890B
  4183. const _TCGETA = 0x5405
  4184. const _IFLA_MTU = 4
  4185. const __CS_POSIX_V7_ILP32_OFFBIG_LINTFLAGS = 1139
  4186. const ___SIZEOF_PTHREAD_COND_T = 48
  4187. const ___S_IFIFO = 0010000
  4188. const ___PRI64_PREFIX = "ll"
  4189. const _SYS__llseek = ___NR__llseek
  4190. const _SIOCSPGRP = 0x8902
  4191. const ___NR_lchown32 = (0 +198)
  4192. const _IPPORT_TELNET = 23
  4193. const _TCGETS = 0x5401
  4194. const _TIOCSCTTY_val = 21518
  4195. const _SEL_OUT = 2
  4196. const _NO_RECOVERY = 3
  4197. const _RTAX_LOCK = 1
  4198. const _ETH_P_DNA_RC = 0x6002
  4199. const _IPPROTO_PIM = 103
  4200. const _SI_LOAD_SHIFT = 16
  4201. const _PROT_READ = 0x1
  4202. const _PTRACE_SEIZE = 16902
  4203. const _RTF_CACHE = 0x01000000
  4204. const ___NR_kill = (0 + 37)
  4205. const _ICMP6_ECHO_REQUEST = 128
  4206. const _EXIT_SUCCESS = 0
  4207. const __SYS_TYPES_H = 1
  4208. const _ETH_P_DNA_RT = 0x6003
  4209. const __SC_MEMLOCK = 17
  4210. const _SKF_AD_PROTOCOL = 0
  4211. const _BPF_A = 0x10
  4212. const _BPF_B = 0x10
  4213. const _PTRACE_O_TRACECLONE = 8
  4214. const _PF_INET = 2
  4215. const _ARPHRD_PIMREG = 779
  4216. const _SIG_ATOMIC_MIN = (-2147483647-1)
  4217. const ___GCC_HAVE_SYNC_COMPARE_AND_SWAP_2 = 1
  4218. const ___GCC_HAVE_SYNC_COMPARE_AND_SWAP_4 = 1
  4219. const _SIOCGIFFLAGS = 0x8913
  4220. const ___GCC_HAVE_SYNC_COMPARE_AND_SWAP_8 = 1
  4221. const _FS_APPEND_FL = 0x00000020
  4222. const _RTAX_CWND = 7
  4223. const __POSIX2_C_BIND = ___POSIX2_THIS_VERSION
  4224. const __XOPEN_REALTIME_THREADS = 1
  4225. const __SC_UIO_MAXIOV = 60
  4226. const _BPF_W = 0x00
  4227. const _BPF_X = 0x08
  4228. const ___INT_MAX__ = 0x7fffffff
  4229. const _TCPOLEN_TIMESTAMP = 10
  4230. const _ETH_P_CAIF = 0x00F7
  4231. const _SYS_inotify_init = ___NR_inotify_init
  4232. const _EPOLLRDHUP = 8192
  4233. const ___REQ_SOFTBARRIER = 12
  4234. const _TIOCSRS485 = 0x542F
  4235. const _SYS_BASE = ___ARM_NR_BASE
  4236. const ___SIZEOF_PTHREAD_RWLOCKATTR_T = 8
  4237. const ___LDBL_DECIMAL_DIG__ = 17
  4238. const _HAVE_ATANL = 1
  4239. const ___ATOMIC_CONSUME = 1
  4240. const ___NR_msgget = (0 +303)
  4241. const __SC_LEVEL2_CACHE_LINESIZE = 193
  4242. const ___NR_getsockopt = (0 +295)
  4243. const _PTRDIFF_MIN = (-2147483647-1)
  4244. const __ALLOCA_H = 1
  4245. const _BPF_S_LD_H_ABS = 19
  4246. const __SC_SPORADIC_SERVER = 160
  4247. const _SCNu8 = "hhu"
  4248. const __SC_THREAD_ROBUST_PRIO_INHERIT = 247
  4249. const _IP_RECVTOS = 13
  4250. const _PF_NETBEUI = 13
  4251. const ___ARCH_HAS_DEPRECATED_SYSCALLS__ = 1
  4252. const _IP_MAX_MEMBERSHIPS = 20
  4253. const _AI_CANONNAME = 0x0002
  4254. const ___NR_mlockall = (0 +152)
  4255. const __POSIX_SELECT = 1
  4256. const _SKF_AD_HATYPE = 28
  4257. const ___NR_pipe2 = (0 +359)
  4258. const _CLONE_CHILD_SETTID = 0x01000000
  4259. const ___UCLIBC_HAS_TZ_FILE_READ_MANY__ = 1
  4260. const __CS_XBS5_LPBIG_OFFBIG_LDFLAGS = 1113
  4261. const _IPV6_NEXTHOP = 9
  4262. const _RTCF_DOREDIRECT = 0x01000000
  4263. const __SC_PII = 53
  4264. const ___ULLFRACT_IBIT__ = 0
  4265. const _PF_PACKET = 17
  4266. const _SYS_futimesat = ___NR_futimesat
  4268. const _ARPHRD_IPGRE = 778
  4269. const __SC_SHELL = 157
  4270. const _HAVE_LOGL = 1
  4272. const ___USE_POSIX2 = 1
  4273. const _ENOMEM = 12
  4274. const ___REQ_STARTED = 15
  4275. const _IN_CLASSA_NET = 0xff000000
  4276. const _ESRMNT = 69
  4277. const _IPV6_LEAVE_ANYCAST = 28
  4278. const _ENOTEMPTY = 39
  4279. const ___ACCUM_IBIT__ = 16
  4280. const _PTRACE_GETSIGINFO = 16898
  4281. const __IOC_NRBITS = 8
  4282. const _PIPE_BUF = 4096
  4283. const _AF_ISDN = _PF_ISDN
  4284. const _FFI_64_BIT_MAX = 9223372036854775807
  4285. const ___NR_sigpending = (0 + 73)
  4286. const _SYS_getitimer = ___NR_getitimer
  4287. const _NDTA_NAME = 1
  4288. const _ARPHRD_NONE = 0xFFFE
  4289. const _SYS_getsockname = ___NR_getsockname
  4290. const _TCP_SYN_SENT = 2
  4291. const _RTNLGRP_IPV4_RULE = 8
  4292. const ___REQ_QUIET = 20
  4293. const _TUN_TYPE_MASK = 0x000f
  4294. const _O_PATH = 010000000
  4295. const _TIME_BAD = _TIME_ERROR
  4296. const _SYS_sched_getparam = ___NR_sched_getparam
  4297. const _RTF_FLOW = 0x02000000
  4298. const _SYS_set_mempolicy = ___NR_set_mempolicy
  4299. const ___RTNLGRP_MAX = 23
  4300. const _WCONTINUED = 8
  4301. const ___time_t_defined = 1
  4302. const _B600 = 0000010
  4303. const _ARPHRD_BIF = 775
  4304. const _O_DSYNC = _O_SYNC
  4305. const ___NR_msgrcv = (0 +302)
  4306. const _RTPROT_RA = 9
  4307. const _FS_FL_USER_MODIFIABLE = 0x000380FF
  4308. const _IFLA_VLAN_QOS_UNSPEC = 0
  4309. const _SYS_arm_fadvise64_64 = ___NR_arm_fadvise64_64
  4310. const _RTM_DELROUTE = 25
  4311. const _SCHED_RR = 2
  4312. const ___UCLIBC_HAS_IPV6__ = 1
  4313. const _IFLA_PORT_REQUEST = 6
  4314. const ___NR_lseek = (0 + 19)
  4315. const _PACKET_LOOPBACK = 5
  4316. const ___GCC_ATOMIC_CHAR_LOCK_FREE = 2
  4317. const ___SQ_FBIT__ = 31
  4318. const _SYS_fdatasync = ___NR_fdatasync
  4319. const _SIOCGIFMAP = 0x8970
  4320. const _IPPORT_SYSTAT = 11
  4321. const _FFI_TYPE_SINT16 = 8
  4322. const _SIOCSARP = 0x8955
  4323. const _SYS_prlimit64 = ___NR_prlimit64
  4324. const ___DEC32_MIN__ = 1E-95
  4325. const _NLM_F_REPLACE = 0x100
  4326. const _TIOCOUTQ = 0x5411
  4327. const ___HQ_IBIT__ = 0
  4328. const _SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WAIT_BEFORE = 1
  4329. const _PR_FP_EXC_UND = 0x040000
  4330. const _PACKAGE_BUGREPORT = ""
  4331. const _IPV6_2292DSTOPTS = 4
  4332. const _IFLA_PORT_HOST_UUID = 5
  4333. const _SYS_timerfd_settime = ___NR_timerfd_settime
  4334. const ___NR_sigaction = (0 + 67)
  4335. const ___ULFRACT_FBIT__ = 32
  4336. const _PRIiLEAST16 = "i"
  4337. const _TCA_STAB = 8
  4338. const ___USE_ISOC95 = 1
  4339. const __HAVE_STRUCT_TERMIOS_C_OSPEED = 1
  4340. const ___ARM_FEATURE_LDREX = 15
  4341. const ___USE_ISOC99 = 1
  4342. const _EAI_OVERFLOW = -12
  4343. const __CS_POSIX_V6_ILP32_OFFBIG_CFLAGS = 1120
  4344. const ___DEVEL_PREFIX__ = "/opt"
  4345. const __XBS5_ILP32_OFFBIG = 1
  4346. const _TCP_CLOSE = 7
  4347. const _RTNL_FAMILY_MAX = 129
  4348. const _ARPHRD_CHAOS = 5
  4349. const ___FLT32_MANT_DIG__ = 24
  4350. const ___IFLA_VF_INFO_MAX = 2
  4351. const ___SIZEOF_LONG__ = 4
  4352. const __STAT_VER = 0
  4353. const _POLL_MSG = 3
  4354. const _SYS_swapon = ___NR_swapon
  4356. const ___USQ_IBIT__ = 0
  4357. const _R3 = 3
  4358. const _IP_TTL = 2
  4359. const __XOPEN_XCU_VERSION = 4
  4360. const _MAY_CHDIR = 64
  4361. const _SYS_rt_sigqueueinfo = ___NR_rt_sigqueueinfo
  4362. const ___NR_timer_settime = (0 +258)
  4363. const ___UCLIBC_BUILD_SSP__ = 1
  4364. const __SYS_RESOURCE_H = 1
  4366. const _RTA_DST = 1
  4367. const ___STDC_IEC_559__ = 1
  4368. const _AF_NETROM = _PF_NETROM
  4369. const _IPTOS_THROUGHPUT = 0x08
  4370. const _CLOCK_BOOTTIME_ALARM = 9
  4371. const _IFLA_MACVLAN_MODE = 1
  4372. const _S_IWRITE = _S_IWUSR
  4373. const __CS_POSIX_V6_LP64_OFF64_CFLAGS = 1124
  4374. const _ETH_P_TR_802_2 = 0x0011
  4375. const _TIOCM_DTR = 0x002
  4376. const __SC_USER_GROUPS_R = 167
  4377. const ___TA_FBIT__ = 63
  4378. const _ETH_P_ALL = 0x0003
  4379. const ___RLIMIT_RSS = 5
  4380. const _O_DIRECT = 0200000
  4381. const _TUN_ONE_QUEUE = 0x0080
  4382. const ___NR_rt_sigaction = (0 +174)
  4383. const _SIGSTKFLT = 16
  4384. const _PRIO_PROCESS = 0
  4385. const ___NR_semget = (0 +299)
  4386. const _MS_KERNMOUNT = 4194304
  4387. const _L_INCR = 1
  4388. const _RTM_NEWACTION = 48
  4389. const _EAFNOSUPPORT = 97
  4390. const _TUN_FLT_ALLMULTI = 0x0001
  4391. const ___SI_MAX_SIZE = 128
  4392. const _IFLA_COST = 8
  4393. const _NLMSG_DONE = 0x3
  4394. const ___NR_statfs = (0 + 99)
  4395. const __CS_POSIX_V6_ILP32_OFFBIG_LIBS = 1122
  4396. const ___NR_getdents64 = (0 +217)
  4397. const _HAVE_INOTIFY_INIT1 = 1
  4398. const _AI_V4MAPPED = 0x0008
  4399. const ___NR_epoll_ctl = (0 +251)
  4400. const _SYS_fstat64 = ___NR_fstat64
  4401. const _FFI_TYPE_INT = 1
  4403. const _SS_DISABLE = 2
  4404. const _ETH_P_CAN = 0x000C
  4406. const ___UTA_IBIT__ = 64
  4407. const ___FLT_EVAL_METHOD__ = 0
  4408. const ___NR_semop = (0 +298)
  4409. const _IN_LOOPBACKNET = 127
  4410. const ___ARCH_HAS_MMU__ = 1
  4411. const _ETH_P_MPLS_MC = 0x8848
  4412. const _SYS_accept4 = ___NR_accept4
  4413. const _RTF_MTU = 0x0040
  4414. const ___UCLIBC_EXTRA_CFLAGS__ = ""
  4415. const _IFA_ADDRESS = 1
  4416. const _TCA_ACT_TAB = 1
  4417. const _ICMP6_RR_PCOUSE_FLAGS_DECRPLTIME = 0x40
  4418. const _NDTPA_PROXY_DELAY = 13
  4419. const ___RLIMIT_NPROC = 6
  4420. const __IOC_NONE = 0
  4422. const _MOD_TAI = _ADJ_TAI
  4423. const _PROT_GROWSDOWN = 0x01000000
  4424. const _EBADMSG = 74
  4425. const _MAP_POPULATE = 0x08000
  4426. const _FPE_FLTUND = 5
  4427. const _TIME_DEL = 2
  4428. const _STA_PPSWANDER = 0x0400
  4429. const _UINT16_MAX = (65535)
  4430. const _NL_LANGMAX = __POSIX2_LINE_MAX
  4431. const _RTA_PREFSRC = 7
  4432. const ___LDSO_LD_LIBRARY_PATH__ = 1
  4433. const _SYS_mkdir = ___NR_mkdir
  4434. const ___NR_io_getevents = (0 +245)
  4435. const _FFI_DEFAULT_ABI = 1
  4436. const _SYS_rename = ___NR_rename
  4437. const _IP_RECVTTL = 12
  4438. const ___NR_getresgid32 = (0 +211)
  4439. const _PTRACE_PEEKTEXT = 1
  4440. const _TCPOPT_SACK = 5
  4441. const _AF_ECONET = _PF_ECONET
  4442. const _TCA_RATE = 5
  4443. const __XOPEN_ENH_I18N = 1
  4444. const __SC_2_FORT_RUN = 50
  4445. const ___NDTPA_MAX = 16
  4446. const _IFLA_NUM_VF = 21
  4447. const _SYS_ftruncate64 = ___NR_ftruncate64
  4448. const _IPOPT_NOP = 1
  4449. const _IFNAMSIZ = _IF_NAMESIZE
  4450. const _SYS_vhangup = ___NR_vhangup
  4451. const _SIGTRAP = 5
  4452. const _SYS_timerfd_gettime = ___NR_timerfd_gettime
  4453. const _BIG_ENDIAN = ___BIG_ENDIAN
  4454. const _RTMGRP_IPV4_ROUTE = 0x40
  4455. const _B1000000 = 0010010
  4456. const _SYS_getcpu = ___NR_getcpu
  4457. const __SC_TRACE_USER_EVENT_MAX = 245
  4458. const _FFI_TYPE_SINT32 = 10
  4459. const ___RLIMIT_OFILE = 7
  4460. const _SIOCGIFMEM = 0x891f
  4461. const _HAVE_SYS_SELECT_H = 1
  4462. const _O_WRONLY = 01
  4463. const _BPF_S_ALU_AND_K = 9
  4464. const ___NR_preadv = (0 +361)
  4465. const _SYS_acct = ___NR_acct
  4466. const _DN_RENAME = 0x00000010
  4467. const _SYS_setreuid = ___NR_setreuid
  4468. const _EALREADY = 114
  4469. const _NDTPA_QUEUE_LEN = 8
  4470. const _TUN_PERSIST = 0x0100
  4471. const __SC_LEVEL3_CACHE_SIZE = 194
  4472. const _ILL_PRVOPC = 5
  4473. const _RTNLGRP_IPV6_ROUTE = 11
  4474. const ___NR_timer_gettime = (0 +259)
  4475. const _ETH_P_AOE = 0x88A2
  4476. const ___NR_getgroups = (0 + 80)
  4477. const _FIOQSIZE = 0x545E
  4478. const _IPOPT_CONTROL = 0x00
  4479. const _MS_NOATIME = 1024
  4480. const _MSG_OOB = 1
  4481. const ___NR_perf_event_open = (0 +364)
  4482. const _FFI_BAD_ABI = 2
  4483. const ___NR_get_mempolicy = (0 +320)
  4484. const _MCL_CURRENT = 1
  4485. const _IP_XFRM_POLICY = 17
  4486. const ___SIZEOF_SHORT__ = 2
  4487. const _SYS_fstat = ___NR_fstat
  4488. const _BPF_S_LD_B_IND = 24
  4489. const _IFLA_VFINFO_LIST = 22
  4490. const __SC_CPUTIME = 138
  4491. const _S_DIRSYNC = 64
  4492. const _AT_REMOVEDIR = 0x200
  4493. const _TIOCSWINSZ = 0x5414
  4494. const ___FLT32_HAS_DENORM__ = 1
  4495. const _O_NONBLOCK = 04000
  4496. const _MCAST_LEAVE_SOURCE_GROUP = 47
  4497. const ___PTHREADS_DEBUG_SUPPORT__ = 1
  4498. const _IPPORT_NETSTAT = 15
  4499. const _IPOPT_LSRR = 131
  4500. const ___UCLIBC_HAS_NFTW__ = 1
  4501. const _PR_GET_PDEATHSIG = 2
  4502. const _SYS_symlink = ___NR_symlink
  4503. const ___DEC64_MANT_DIG__ = 16
  4504. const _IPPORT_USERRESERVED = 5000
  4505. const __SC_SYMLOOP_MAX = 173
  4506. const __GRP_H = 1
  4507. const ___NR_delete_module = (0 +129)
  4508. const _SYS_sendto = ___NR_sendto
  4509. const _IFLA_VLAN_QOS_MAPPING = 1
  4510. const _EEXIST = 17
  4511. const _SIGTERM = 15
  4512. const __CS_XBS5_LPBIG_OFFBIG_LIBS = 1114
  4513. const _RAND_MAX = 2147483647
  4514. const __SYS_UCONTEXT_H = 1
  4515. const ___NR_readlinkat = (0 +332)
  4516. const _VLNEXT = 15
  4517. const _POSIX_MADV_WILLNEED = 3
  4518. const _TUN_F_TSO4 = 0x02
  4519. const __SC_GETGR_R_SIZE_MAX = 69
  4520. const _TUN_F_TSO6 = 0x04
  4521. const _AF_CAN = _PF_CAN
  4522. const ___NR_rt_sigprocmask = (0 +175)
  4523. const ___NR_ppoll = (0 +336)
  4524. const ___NR_flock = (0 +143)
  4525. const _CLONE_PARENT = 0x00008000
  4526. const ___UCLIBC_HAS_PTY__ = 1
  4527. const _POSIX_MADV_SEQUENTIAL = 2
  4528. const _SYS_sethostname = ___NR_sethostname
  4529. const _SYS_vserver = ___NR_vserver
  4530. const ___ARM_NR_BASE = (0 +0x0f0000)
  4531. const _MNT_EXPIRE = 4
  4532. const _EAI_NONAME = -2
  4533. const ___NR_setregid32 = (0 +204)
  4534. const _ICMP6_INFOMSG_MASK = 0x80
  4535. const _HAVE_SYS_USER_H = 1
  4536. const _SYS_readahead = ___NR_readahead
  4537. const _IFLA_STATS64 = 23
  4538. const __SC_UINT_MAX = 116
  4539. const _RTPROT_NTK = 15
  4540. const _EAI_FAMILY = -6
  4541. const ___USE_LARGEFILE = 1
  4542. const ___SIZE_MAX__ = 0xffffffff
  4543. const ___UCLIBC_HAS_CRYPT__ = 1
  4544. const _MAP_UNINITIALIZED = 0x4000000
  4545. const _RTNH_F_PERVASIVE = 2
  4546. const _SO_TIMESTAMP = 29
  4548. const ___IFLA_MACVLAN_MAX = 2
  4549. const _IPTOS_ECN_MASK = 0x03
  4550. const _B500000 = 0010005
  4551. const ___NR_getgroups32 = (0 +205)
  4552. const ___INT_LEAST32_WIDTH__ = 32
  4553. const _SIOCSIFLINK = 0x8911
  4554. const ___REQ_HARDBARRIER = 4
  4555. const __SC_XBS5_LP64_OFF64 = 127
  4556. const __LARGEFILE64_SOURCE = 1
  4557. const _SO_DONTROUTE = 5
  4558. const __SC_TRACE_EVENT_FILTER = 182
  4559. const _MS_DIRSYNC = 128
  4560. const _STDERR_FILENO = 2
  4561. const ___ACCUM_FBIT__ = 15
  4562. const _NDTPA_BASE_REACHABLE_TIME = 4
  4563. const _SOCK_SEQPACKET = 5
  4564. const _PF_SNA = 22
  4565. const ___REQ_META = 6
  4566. const _SO_PASSSEC = 34
  4567. const _IGNPAR = 0000004
  4568. const _SYS_ugetrlimit = ___NR_ugetrlimit
  4569. const _NOFLSH = 0000200
  4570. const _SYS_syslog = ___NR_syslog
  4571. const _SYS_io_getevents = ___NR_io_getevents
  4572. const _BPF_S_LDX_W_LEN = 26
  4573. const _HAVE_LINUX_IF_ADDR_H = 1
  4574. const _O_CREAT = 0100
  4575. const _ENODEV = 19
  4576. const ___FLT32_HAS_QUIET_NAN__ = 1
  4577. const _TIOCGPGRP_val = 21519
  4578. const _SCNuLEAST16 = "hu"
  4579. const ___NR_poll = (0 +168)
  4580. const __SC_THREAD_PRIO_INHERIT = 80
  4581. const ___HA_IBIT__ = 8
  4582. const _NET_MAJOR = 36
  4583. const _SYS_write = ___NR_write
  4584. const _SYS_fanotify_init = ___NR_fanotify_init
  4585. const _ETH_P_ARP = 0x0806
  4586. const _BPF_S_LD_B_ABS = 20
  4587. const _ECHOE = 0000020
  4588. const _IPOPT_TS_TSANDADDR = 1
  4589. const _SO_PEERCRED = 17
  4590. const _PRIuFAST8 = "u"
  4591. const __SC_2_PBS_CHECKPOINT = 175
  4592. const _ECHOK = 0000040
  4593. const __INTTYPES_H = 1
  4594. const _IPV6_JOIN_ANYCAST = 27
  4595. const _EAI_INPROGRESS = -100
  4596. const ___NR_setreuid32 = (0 +203)
  4597. const _RTNH_ALIGNTO = 4
  4598. const _IPOPT_SID = _IPOPT_SATID
  4599. const _ND_OPT_TARGET_LINKADDR = 2
  4600. const _TCSBRKP = 0x5425
  4601. const _FFI_FIRST_ABI = 0
  4602. const _NETLINK_ECRYPTFS = 19
  4603. const ___UCLIBC_HAS_HEXADECIMAL_FLOATS__ = 1
  4604. const _IP_ROUTER_ALERT = 5
  4605. const ___NR_splice = (0 +340)
  4606. const ___NR_keyctl = (0 +311)
  4607. const ___ARM_SIZEOF_WCHAR_T = 4
  4608. const _TRAP_BRKPT = 1
  4609. const __SC_BC_SCALE_MAX = 38
  4610. const __SC_NETWORKING = 152
  4611. const ___ATOMIC_RELEASE = 3
  4612. const _IFLA_VF_UNSPEC = 0
  4613. const ___NR_fchmodat = (0 +333)
  4614. const _RTF_HOST = 0x0004
  4615. const __CS_POSIX_V7_ILP32_OFF32_LIBS = 1134
  4616. const ___REQ_DISCARD = 7
  4617. const _FS_NOCOMP_FL = 0x00000400
  4619. const _BPF_JEQ = 0x10
  4620. const _FFI_TYPE_UINT32 = 9
  4621. const _SYS_inotify_add_watch = ___NR_inotify_add_watch
  4622. const __PC_NO_TRUNC = 7
  4623. const _SYS_epoll_create1 = ___NR_epoll_create1
  4624. const _RTF_MULTICAST = 0x20000000
  4625. const _IPV6_MULTICAST_IF = 17
  4626. const ___USQ_FBIT__ = 32
  4627. const _HAVE_LOG10L = 1
  4628. const ___UCLIBC_BUILD_MINIMAL_LOCALE__ = 1
  4629. const __CS_LFS64_LIBS = 1006
  4630. const ___FLT64_MAX_10_EXP__ = 308
  4631. const _SYS_dup = ___NR_dup
  4632. const _ARPHRD_IEEE802154_PHY = 805
  4633. const ___NR_io_setup = (0 +243)
  4634. const __POSIX_ADVISORY_INFO = 200809
  4635. const _PACKET_HOST = 0
  4636. const _ARPHRD_DLCI = 15
  4637. const ___NR_pivot_root = (0 +218)
  4638. const __CS_LFS64_CFLAGS = 1004
  4639. const __SYS_PRCTL_H = 1
  4640. const ___REQ_NOIDLE = 8
  4641. const ___RLIMIT_RTPRIO = 14
  4642. const _CLOCK_MONOTONIC = 1
  4643. const ___UINT_FAST32_MAX__ = 0xffffffff
  4644. const _ETH_P_FIP = 0x8914
  4645. const _SYS_fchown32 = ___NR_fchown32
  4646. const _OCRNL = 0000010
  4647. const ___NR_setgid = (0 + 46)
  4648. const _IFF_VNET_HDR = 0x4000
  4649. const _SCNuLEAST32 = "u"
  4650. const _PRIxLEAST16 = "x"
  4651. const ___NR_ioprio_set = (0 +314)
  4652. const __SEMAPHORE_H = 1
  4653. const _RTF_STATIC = 0x0400
  4654. const _PR_ENDIAN_PPC_LITTLE = 2
  4655. const _TUNSETVNETHDRSZ_val = 1074025688
  4656. const ___LDBL_MIN__ = 1.1
  4657. const ___DEC32_MAX__ = 9.999999E96
  4658. const ___INTPTR_MAX__ = 0x7fffffff
  4659. const ___FILE_defined = 1
  4660. const _MOD_NANO = _ADJ_NANO
  4661. const ___FLT32_EPSILON__ = 1.1920928955078125e-732
  4662. const _PROT_EXEC = 0x4
  4663. const _IFLA_VF_PORT_UNSPEC = 0
  4664. const _SCHED_OTHER = 0
  4666. const ___NR_getdents = (0 +141)
  4667. const _ETH_P_WCCP = 0x883E
  4668. const _ARPHRD_RAWHDLC = 518
  4669. const _CLD_STOPPED = 5
  4670. const ___UCLIBC_HAS_LFS__ = 1
  4671. const _AF_IUCV = _PF_IUCV
  4672. const _RTNLGRP_NOP2 = 14
  4673. const _FFI_TYPE_SINT64 = 12
  4674. const __SC_THREAD_PRIO_PROTECT = 81
  4675. const ___OPTIMIZE__ = 1
  4676. const _EDOM = 33
  4677. const _SYS_sched_getscheduler = ___NR_sched_getscheduler
  4678. const _EXTA = _B19200
  4679. const _EXTB = _B38400
  4680. const _SYS_perf_event_open = ___NR_perf_event_open
  4681. const ___FD_SETSIZE = 1024
  4682. const ___NR_fstat64 = (0 +197)
  4683. const _TTY_NAME_MAX = 32
  4684. const __POSIX_RE_DUP_MAX = 255
  4685. const ___LC_MONETARY = 2
  4686. const _IPV6_RECVHOPOPTS = 53
  4687. const _NETLINK_BROADCAST_ERROR = 4
  4688. const ___FLOAT_WORD_ORDER = ___BYTE_ORDER
  4689. const __SC_UCHAR_MAX = 115
  4690. const _ETH_P_MPLS_UC = 0x8847
  4692. const _BPF_JGT = 0x20
  4694. const ___NR_shmdt = (0 +306)
  4695. const _SYS_getcwd = ___NR_getcwd
  4696. const _IP_BLOCK_SOURCE = 38
  4697. const _ECHRNG = 44
  4698. const _EAI_SYSTEM = -11
  4699. const ___NR_request_key = (0 +310)
  4700. const __SC_LEVEL3_CACHE_ASSOC = 195
  4701. const _PRIX8 = "X"
  4702. const _HAVE_TEE = 1
  4703. const _HAVE_CONFIG_H = 1
  4704. const _IPV6_2292RTHDR = 5
  4705. const __POSIX_CLOCK_SELECTION = 200809
  4706. const _TCOOFF = 0
  4707. const _AI_PASSIVE = 0x0001
  4708. const _SYS_ppoll = ___NR_ppoll
  4709. const _S_IFLNK = ___S_IFLNK
  4710. const ___REQ_NR_BITS = 30
  4711. const _DT_SOCK = 12
  4712. const _IFLA_UNSPEC = 0
  4713. const _LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_KEXEC = 0x45584543
  4714. const _IFLA_LINKMODE = 17
  4715. const __SC_USHRT_MAX = 118
  4716. const _SO_BSDCOMPAT = 14
  4717. const __K_SS_MAXSIZE = 128
  4718. const _RTCF_VALVE = 0x00200000
  4719. const _HAVE_MEMORY_H = 1
  4720. const _HAVE_NETINET_IF_ETHER_H = 1
  4721. const _POSIX_FADV_RANDOM = 1
  4722. const _AF_MAX = _PF_MAX
  4723. const _HAVE_EXPM1L = 1
  4724. const _____gwchar_t_defined = 1
  4725. const ___DO_C99_MATH__ = 1
  4726. const _IPPROTO_ICMPV6 = 58
  4727. const _SYS_reboot = ___NR_reboot
  4728. const _ADJ_OFFSET_SS_READ = 0xa001
  4729. const _ICMP6_PARAM_PROB = 4
  4730. const _ETH_P_IEEEPUPAT = 0x0a01
  4731. const _NLA_F_NET_BYTEORDER = (1 << 14)
  4732. const _LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_RESTART2 = 0xA1B2C3D4
  4733. const _RTAX_RTO_MIN = 13
  4734. const __SYS_UTSNAME_H = 1
  4735. const _NETLINK_PKTINFO = 3
  4736. const _FPE_FLTINV = 7
  4737. const ___NR_removexattr = (0 +235)
  4738. const _F_NOTIFY = 1026
  4739. const _MS_INVALIDATE = 2
  4740. const ___REQ_DONTPREP = 16
  4741. const _BPF_S_ALU_ADD_K = 2
  4742. const _RTN_MULTICAST = 5
  4743. const _SIOCPROTOPRIVATE = 0x89E0
  4744. const ___NR_vhangup = (0 +111)
  4745. const _CLONE_UNTRACED = 0x00800000
  4746. const _IFA_F_PERMANENT = 0x80
  4747. const _IP_MAXPACKET = 65535
  4748. const _IPOPT_EOL = 0
  4749. const _EDEADLOCK = _EDEADLK
  4750. const _SYS_getpid = ___NR_getpid
  4751. const _ETHERTYPE_LOOPBACK = 0x9000
  4752. const _SIGFPE = 8
  4753. const _ELIBSCN = 81
  4754. const ___DEC64_EPSILON__ = 1E-15
  4755. const _INT16_MAX = (32767)
  4756. const _SIOCSIFNAME = 0x8923
  4757. const ___FLT32_DENORM_MIN__ = 1.4012984643248171e-4532
  4758. const _SIGVTALRM = 26
  4759. const __SC_NZERO = 109
  4760. const ___NR_pause = (0 + 29)
  4761. const _EPOLLRDNORM = 64
  4762. const _HAVE_LISTXATTR = 1
  4763. const __CS_XBS5_ILP32_OFFBIG_CFLAGS = 1104
  4764. const _NLM_F_EXCL = 0x200
  4765. const ___INT_LEAST16_WIDTH__ = 16
  4766. const __SC_T_IOV_MAX = 66
  4767. const ___DEC128_EPSILON__ = 1E-33
  4768. const _RTM_NEWTCLASS = 40
  4769. const _SIOCGIFCOUNT = 0x8938
  4770. const _N_X25 = 6
  4771. const __BITS_SIGTHREAD_H = 1
  4772. const _SIOCGIFSLAVE = 0x8929
  4773. const __SC_CLK_TCK = 2
  4774. const _O_RDWR = 02
  4775. const ___KERNEL_HEADERS__ = "/home/jenkins/Optware-ng/buildroot-armeabi-ng/toolchain/buildroot-2017.08/output/build/linux-headers-"
  4776. const _S_IRWXG = (_S_IRWXU >> 3)
  4777. const _HAVE_FCHOWNAT = 1
  4778. const _MS_REMOUNT = 32
  4779. const _SOL_DECNET = 261
  4780. const _SO_DETACH_FILTER = 27
  4781. const _HAVE_UTIME_H = 1
  4782. const _IN_CLASSB_MAX = 65536
  4783. const __SC_AIO_MAX = 24
  4784. const ___GXX_ABI_VERSION = 1011
  4785. const _ENOMSG = 42
  4786. const _PR_GET_ENDIAN = 19
  4787. const _MAXNAMLEN = _NAME_MAX
  4788. const ___DEC32_MAX_EXP__ = 97
  4789. const _HAVE_SYSCALL_H = 1
  4790. const _HAVE_SYS_PTRACE_H = 1
  4791. const _SYS_geteuid = ___NR_geteuid
  4792. const ___UCLIBC_HAS_FNMATCH__ = 1
  4793. const __SC_PIPE = 145
  4794. const ___ARM_NR_breakpoint = ((0 +0x0f0000)+1)
  4795. const ___LDBL_HAS_INFINITY__ = 1
  4796. const _SYS_mq_unlink = ___NR_mq_unlink
  4797. const __LFS_ASYNCHRONOUS_IO = 1
  4798. const ___SIZEOF_PTHREAD_ATTR_T = 36
  4799. const ___NR_sync_file_range2 = (0 +341)
  4800. const _NDTPA_IFINDEX = 1
  4801. const ___NR_symlink = (0 + 83)
  4802. const _ERANGE = 34
  4803. const _IP_HDRINCL = 3
  4804. const _WCHAR_MAX = ___WCHAR_MAX
  4805. const _TCP_CA_Recovery = 3
  4806. const _TIOCSCTTY = 0x540E
  4807. const _EPOLLERR = 8
  4808. const _SYS_chown = ___NR_chown
  4809. const _TAB0 = 0000000
  4810. const _TAB1 = 0004000
  4811. const _TAB2 = 0010000
  4812. const _TAB3 = 0014000
  4813. const _TH_RST = 0x04
  4814. const _PTRACE_O_TRACEFORK = 2
  4815. const ___NR_sched_get_priority_max = (0 +159)
  4816. const ___NR_sched_getparam = (0 +155)
  4817. const _RTNETLINK_HAVE_PEERINFO = 1
  4818. const __LFS_LARGEFILE = 1
  4819. const ___FLT64_HAS_QUIET_NAN__ = 1
  4820. const ___NR_setitimer = (0 +104)
  4821. const _MOD_MICRO = _ADJ_MICRO
  4822. const _SYS_getegid32 = ___NR_getegid32
  4823. const _IN_CLASSA_HOST = (0xffffffff & ^_IN_CLASSA_NET)
  4824. const _O_NOFOLLOW = 0100000
  4825. const _BPF_ABS = 0x20
  4826. const _RTMGRP_LINK = 1
  4827. const ___NR_vserver = (0 +313)
  4828. const _TIOCSBRK = 0x5427
  4829. const ___GLIBC__ = 2
  4830. const _HAVE_SYNC_ADD_AND_FETCH_8 = 1
  4831. const _ND_RA_FLAG_MANAGED = 0x80
  4832. const _INT_LEAST16_MAX = (32767)
  4833. const ___NR_sched_setscheduler = (0 +156)
  4834. const __UCONTEXT_H = 1
  4835. const _SYS_rt_tgsigqueueinfo = ___NR_rt_tgsigqueueinfo
  4836. const _PR_FP_EXC_PRECISE = 3
  4837. const _SYS_sync = ___NR_sync
  4838. const _EKEYEXPIRED = 127
  4839. const _HAVE_STDINT_H = 1
  4840. const _ICANON = 0000002
  4841. const _NETLINK_UNCONNECTED = 0
  4842. const _IUTF8 = 0040000
  4843. const _BPF_AND = 0x50
  4844. const _MS_SILENT = 32768
  4845. const ___ARM_FEATURE_DSP = 1
  4846. const __SC_ATEXIT_MAX = 87
  4847. const _SOCK_RDM = 4
  4848. const ___NR_sync = (0 + 36)
  4849. const __SC_MQ_PRIO_MAX = 28
  4850. const __NETINET_TCP_H = 1
  4851. const _RTCF_NAT = 0x00800000
  4852. const _ND_NA_FLAG_OVERRIDE = 0x00000020
  4853. const _HAVE_STDLIB_H = 1
  4854. const __SC_THREAD_THREADS_MAX = 76
  4855. const __SC_SINGLE_PROCESS = 151
  4856. const _IFF_DYNAMIC = 32768
  4857. const __LIBC_LIMITS_H_ = 1
  4858. const _IN_DONT_FOLLOW = 0x02000000
  4859. const ___UCLIBC_HAS_STRING_GENERIC_OPT__ = 1
  4860. const __POSIX_STREAM_MAX = 8
  4861. const _SYS_mq_getsetattr = ___NR_mq_getsetattr
  4862. const ___QQ_IBIT__ = 0
  4863. const _INET_ADDRSTRLEN = 16
  4864. const ___IFLA_VF_MAX = 4
  4865. const _PR_FP_EXC_ASYNC = 2
  4866. const _TIOCSERCONFIG = 0x5453
  4867. const _MCAST_MSFILTER = 48
  4868. const _EDEADLK = 35
  4869. const _IPPORT_TFTP = 69
  4870. const _SIOCGSTAMP = 0x8906
  4871. const __CS_POSIX_V7_LPBIG_OFFBIG_LIBS = 1146
  4872. const _FFI_SIZEOF_ARG = 4
  4873. const ___NR_mlock = (0 +150)
  4874. const ___GCC_ATOMIC_LONG_LOCK_FREE = 2
  4875. const _ETHER_TYPE_LEN = 2
  4876. const _HAVE_TANL = 1
  4877. const ___HA_FBIT__ = 7
  4878. const __POSIX_SAVED_IDS = 1
  4879. const _BPF_STX = 0x03
  4880. const _SIOCGIFNAME = 0x8910
  4881. const _PRIdLEAST8 = "d"
  4882. const _LOCALE_STRING_SIZE = (2 * ___LC_ALL + 2)
  4883. const _BPF_MEM = 0x60
  4884. const _ND_NEIGHBOR_ADVERT = 136
  4885. const __POSIX_CHILD_MAX = 25
  4886. const ___INT_LEAST64_MAX__ = 0x7fffffffffffffff
  4887. const _BPF_ADD = 0x00
  4889. const _IPPORT_RJE = 77
  4890. const _SI_TKILL = -6
  4891. const ___GCC_ATOMIC_BOOL_LOCK_FREE = 2
  4892. const _SYS_NMLN = __UTSNAME_LENGTH
  4893. const _ISIG = 0000001
  4894. const ___OPTIMIZE_SIZE__ = 1
  4895. const _IPV6_MTU_DISCOVER = 23
  4896. const _IFLA_WIRELESS = 11
  4897. const __POSIX_MAPPED_FILES = 200809
  4898. const _RTM_NEWNDUSEROPT = 68
  4900. const _R10 = 10
  4901. const ___NR_sigaltstack = (0 +186)
  4902. const _R12 = 12
  4903. const _R13 = 13
  4904. const _R14 = 14
  4905. const _EAI_AGAIN = -3
  4906. const __POSIX_JOB_CONTROL = 1
  4907. const _SCNi16 = "hi"
  4908. const _BPF_SUB = 0x10
  4909. const _PRIx16 = "x"
  4910. const __HAVE_STRUCT_TERMIOS_C_ISPEED = 1
  4911. const _NUD_FAILED = 0x20
  4912. const ___UHA_IBIT__ = 8
  4913. const _EMSGSIZE = 90
  4914. const _FAPPEND = _O_APPEND
  4915. const ___USE_POSIX = 1
  4916. const _TIOCINQ = _FIONREAD
  4917. const _SI_USER = 0
  4918. const ___ARCH_WANTS_LITTLE_ENDIAN__ = 1
  4919. const ___DO_XSI_MATH__ = 1
  4920. const _PR_FPEMU_SIGFPE = 2
  4921. const _ARPHRD_FDDI = 774
  4922. const _SEGV_MAPERR = 1
  4923. const _RTA_MP_ALGO = 14
  4924. const _BPF_JMP = 0x05
  4925. const _SYS_rt_sigaction = ___NR_rt_sigaction
  4926. const _HAVE_NET_IF_H = 1
  4927. const _RTNLGRP_DECnet_IFADDR = 13
  4928. const _RTCF_LOG = 0x02000000
  4929. const _DT_BLK = 6
  4930. const ___NR_capset = (0 +185)
  4931. const __SC_PII_OSI = 57
  4932. const _UMOUNT_NOFOLLOW = 8
  4933. const _PF_ECONET = 19
  4934. const _RT_TABLE_MAX = 4294967295
  4935. const _B460800 = 0010004
  4936. const __CS_XBS5_LP64_OFF64_LDFLAGS = 1109
  4937. const _PRIiLEAST32 = "i"
  4938. const _HAVE_SYS_FILE_H = 1
  4940. const _PF_FILE = _PF_LOCAL
  4941. const _SYS_lsetxattr = ___NR_lsetxattr
  4942. const _ECHILD = 10
  4943. const ___FINITE_MATH_ONLY__ = 0
  4945. const ___NR_settimeofday = (0 + 79)
  4946. const _PACKET_MR_MULTICAST = 0
  4947. const _SYS_unshare = ___NR_unshare
  4948. const ___UCLIBC_HAS_UTMP__ = 1
  4949. const ___UCLIBC_HAS_GETOPT_LONG__ = 1
  4950. const _ADJ_OFFSET_SINGLESHOT = 0x8001
  4951. const _SYS_setfsgid32 = ___NR_setfsgid32
  4952. const __POSIX2_BC_DIM_MAX = 2048
  4953. const _ETH_P_802_2 = 0x0004
  4954. const _ETH_P_802_3 = 0x0001
  4955. const _TCPOPT_WINDOW = 3
  4956. const _TIOCMBIS = 0x5416
  4957. const ___USE_XOPEN2K = 1
  4958. const _IPV6_HOPLIMIT = 52
  4959. const _SYS_setsockopt = ___NR_setsockopt
  4960. const _SYS_getresgid = ___NR_getresgid
  4961. const _ETH_P_PAE = 0x888E
  4962. const _PACKET_STATISTICS = 6
  4963. const ___UINT8_MAX__ = 0xff
  4964. const _IP_MINTTL = 21
  4965. const _LINE_MAX = __POSIX2_LINE_MAX
  4966. const ___UCLIBC_HAS_SOCKET__ = 1
  4967. const ___DBL_MAX_10_EXP__ = 308
  4968. const _MOD_STATUS = _ADJ_STATUS
  4969. const _PR_ENDIAN_LITTLE = 1
  4970. const _NETLINK_NETFILTER = 12
  4971. const __SC_C_LANG_SUPPORT_R = 136
  4972. const _ETH_P_PAUSE = 0x8808
  4973. const ___UCLIBC_HAS_THREADS__ = 1
  4974. const _SYS_unlinkat = ___NR_unlinkat
  4975. const _IN_CLASSB_NET = 0xffff0000
  4976. const _SCNd32 = "d"
  4977. const _SIGPWR = 30
  4978. const ___REQ_SECURE = 29
  4979. const ___FLT32_MAX_EXP__ = 128
  4980. const _SPLICE_F_MORE = 4
  4981. const __STDINT_H = 1
  4982. const _TIOCMGET = 0x5415
  4983. const _NDTPA_ANYCAST_DELAY = 12
  4984. const _PRIx32 = "x"
  4985. const ___WCHAR_MAX__ = 0xffffffff
  4986. const _IOC_INOUT = ((__IOC_WRITE|__IOC_READ) << __IOC_DIRSHIFT)
  4987. const _EFAULT = 14
  4988. const ___LFRACT_IBIT__ = 0
  4989. const _PR_CAPBSET_DROP = 24
  4990. const _IFLA_VLAN_UNSPEC = 0
  4991. const _RTM_GETNEIGHTBL = 66
  4992. const _IFF_MULTICAST = 4096
  4994. const _SO_DEBUG = 1
  4995. const _INT_FAST32_MAX = (2147483647)
  4996. const _MADV_RANDOM = 1
  4997. const _DN_MODIFY = 0x00000002
  4998. const __SC_NL_MSGMAX = 121
  4999. const _SYS_getgid32 = ___NR_getgid32
  5000. const ___NR_tee = (0 +342)
  5001. const _RTA_IIF = 3
  5002. const _ICRNL = 0000400
  5003. const ___FORCE_OPTIONS_FOR_ARCH__ = 1
  5004. const _S_IWUSR = ___S_IWRITE
  5005. const _SYS_dup2 = ___NR_dup2
  5006. const _SYS_dup3 = ___NR_dup3
  5007. const _NETLINK_NFLOG = 5
  5008. const _PRIXLEAST8 = "X"
  5009. const ___ARM_FEATURE_SIMD32 = 1
  5010. const _SYS_linkat = ___NR_linkat
  5011. const ___DBL_HAS_INFINITY__ = 1
  5012. const _IPTOS_CLASS_MASK = 0xe0
  5014. const _HAVE_LINUX_IF_ETHER_H = 1
  5015. const __CS_V7_WIDTH_RESTRICTED_ENVS = 5
  5016. const _ARPHRD_PPP = 512
  5017. const _SI_ASYNCNL = -60
  5018. const _SYS_epoll_wait = ___NR_epoll_wait
  5019. const ___FLT64_EPSILON__ = 2.2204460492503131e-1664
  5020. const _SIOCGIFMTU = 0x8921
  5021. const __SCHED_H = 1
  5022. const _IPOPT_SECUR_EFTO = 0x789a
  5023. const ___NR_shmat = (0 +305)
  5024. const _IFF_TUN_EXCL = 0x8000
  5025. const ___DEC64_MAX_EXP__ = 385
  5026. const _RTAX_HOPLIMIT = 10
  5027. const _MAP_LOCKED = 0x02000
  5028. const _BPF_LDX = 0x01
  5029. const _TIOCCONS = 0x541D
  5030. const _FFDLY = 0100000
  5031. const _NL1 = 0000400
  5032. const _MOD_CLKB = _ADJ_TICK
  5033. const _ENETDOWN = 100
  5034. const _AF_IRDA = _PF_IRDA
  5035. const _MCAST_LEAVE_GROUP = 45
  5036. const _RTNLGRP_IPV6_MROUTE = 10
  5038. const _PF_IRDA = 23
  5039. const ___DEC128_MAX_EXP__ = 6145
  5040. const _IEXTEN = 0100000
  5041. const _IPPORT_ROUTESERVER = 520
  5042. const _SYS_mount = ___NR_mount
  5043. const __CS_XBS5_ILP32_OFFBIG_LIBS = 1106
  5044. const _NI_DGRAM = 16
  5045. const _INT16_MIN = (-32767-1)
  5046. const __XOPEN_CRYPT = 1
  5047. const _RTF_POLICY = 0x04000000
  5048. const _IPOPT_SSRR = 137
  5049. const _NTF_ROUTER = 0x80
  5050. const ___UCLIBC_MAX_ATEXIT = _INT_MAX
  5051. const _SCNxFAST8 = "hhx"
  5052. const _DT_WHT = 14
  5053. const _SIOCDIFADDR = 0x8936
  5054. const _EBADFD = 77
  5055. const _IP_MSS = 576
  5056. const _SYS_getgid = ___NR_getgid
  5057. const _TIOCNXCL = 0x540D
  5058. const ___SHRT_MAX__ = 0x7fff
  5059. const _MAX_IPOPTLEN = 40
  5060. const _BPF_LEN = 0x80
  5062. const _B2400 = 0000013
  5063. const _EL2HLT = 51
  5064. const _WAIT_MYPGRP = 0
  5065. const ___NR_ftruncate = (0 + 93)
  5066. const _IPPROTO_SCTP = 132
  5067. const _SYS_munlockall = ___NR_munlockall
  5068. const _RLIMIT_AS = 9
  5069. const ___SFRACT_FBIT__ = 7
  5070. const _INT32_MIN = (-2147483647-1)
  5071. const _IP_OFFMASK = 0x1fff
  5072. const _ILL_COPROC = 7
  5073. const _PACKAGE_URL = ""
  5074. const _SYS_readlink = ___NR_readlink
  5075. const _RTMSG_NEWRULE = 0x31
  5076. const __SC_NL_NMAX = 122
  5077. const ___NR_fcntl = (0 + 55)
  5078. const _BPF_S_JMP_JEQ_K = 37
  5079. const __POSIX_THREAD_PROCESS_SHARED = 200809
  5080. const _FNDELAY = _O_NDELAY
  5081. const _PRIuLEAST16 = "u"
  5082. const _RTF_GATEWAY = 0x0002
  5083. const _IP_ORIGDSTADDR = 20
  5084. const _SYS_link = ___NR_link
  5086. const _RTM_DELLINK = 17
  5087. const _IPTOS_DSCP_EF = 0xb8
  5088. const _SCNo16 = "ho"
  5089. const _L_XTND = 2
  5090. const __POSIX_SEMAPHORES = 200809
  5091. const __IOC_TYPEMASK = ((1 << __IOC_TYPEBITS)-1)
  5092. const _ICMP6_FILTER_BLOCK = 1
  5093. const ___FLT_HAS_INFINITY__ = 1
  5094. const ___LONG_WIDTH__ = 32
  5095. const _HAVE_NET_IF_ARP_H = 1
  5096. const __NET_IF_H = 1
  5097. const _TIOCSTI = 0x5412
  5098. const _SYS_sendfile = ___NR_sendfile
  5099. const ___NR_swapon = (0 + 87)
  5100. const _INLCR = 0000100
  5101. const _S_IFREG = ___S_IFREG
  5102. const _POSIX_MADV_DONTNEED = 4
  5103. const _TUNGETVNETHDRSZ_val = 2147767511
  5104. const ___USE_UNIX98 = 1
  5105. const _FS_REQUIRES_DEV = 1
  5106. const ___ldiv_t_defined = 1
  5107. const _SHUT_WR = 1
  5108. const _ECONNREFUSED = 111
  5109. const ___ARM_SIZEOF_MINIMAL_ENUM = 4
  5111. const _PF_ALG = 38
  5112. const ___IFLA_INFO_MAX = 4
  5113. const __SC_POLL = 58
  5114. const ___IFLA_INET6_MAX = 7
  5115. const __CS_POSIX_V7_LP64_OFF64_LINTFLAGS = 1143
  5116. const _PORT_PROFILE_MAX = 40
  5117. const _BC_DIM_MAX = __POSIX2_BC_DIM_MAX
  5118. const _NUD_STALE = 0x04
  5119. const _NETLINK_FIB_LOOKUP = 10
  5120. const _RTM_BASE = 16
  5121. const _PF_SECURITY = 14
  5122. const _SPLICE_F_MOVE = 1
  5123. const _HAVE_SYNC_BOOL_COMPARE_AND_SWAP_4 = 1
  5124. const _SIGSTKSZ = 8192
  5125. const _CR0 = 0000000
  5126. const _CR1 = 0001000
  5127. const ___WCHAR_WIDTH__ = 32
  5128. const ___INT_FAST8_WIDTH__ = 8
  5129. const ___NR_truncate64 = (0 +193)
  5130. const __SC_REGEXP = 155
  5131. const ___FLT32X_DIG__ = 15
  5132. const ___LC_MESSAGES = 5
  5133. const __ENDIAN_H = 1
  5134. const _TCP_FIN_WAIT2 = 5
  5135. const _NDTA_STATS = 7
  5136. const ___NR_getresuid32 = (0 +209)
  5137. const _MAY_ACCESS = 16
  5138. const __POSIX_V6_LP64_OFF64 = -1
  5140. const ___SIZEOF_FLOAT__ = 4
  5141. const _PF_CAN = 29
  5142. const _RTF_LOCAL = 0x80000000
  5143. const _NLMSG_ALIGNTO = 4
  5144. const ___UINT_FAST16_MAX__ = 0xffffffff
  5145. const _FFI_BAD_TYPEDEF = 1
  5146. const ___SIZEOF_POINTER__ = 4
  5147. const __SC_SPAWN = 159
  5148. const _SYS_tgkill = ___NR_tgkill
  5149. const _XCASE = 0000004
  5150. const ___ARM_FEATURE_QBIT = 1
  5151. const _B57600 = 0010001
  5152. const __CS_POSIX_V7_ILP32_OFF32_LDFLAGS = 1133
  5153. const _RTPROT_BOOT = 3
  5154. const _TCPOPT_TIMESTAMP = 8
  5155. const ___QQ_FBIT__ = 7
  5156. const _EINPROGRESS = 115
  5157. const _IN_CLASSC_NSHIFT = 8
  5159. const _IFLA_ADDRESS = 1
  5160. const _FS_BINARY_MOUNTDATA = 2
  5161. const __POSIX2_EXPR_NEST_MAX = 32
  5162. const _SYS_renameat = ___NR_renameat
  5163. const _EAI_SOCKTYPE = -7
  5164. const __POSIX2_SW_DEV = ___POSIX2_THIS_VERSION
  5165. const _TCSANOW = 0
  5166. const _SYS_signalfd = ___NR_signalfd
  5167. const _CS7 = 0000040
  5168. const _CS8 = 0000060
  5169. const _IPPORT_TIMESERVER = 37
  5170. const ___USACCUM_IBIT__ = 8
  5171. const _AF_ATMPVC = _PF_ATMPVC
  5172. const _RTMGRP_IPV4_IFADDR = 0x10
  5173. const _SYS_recvfrom = ___NR_recvfrom
  5174. const _SYS_ioprio_get = ___NR_ioprio_get
  5175. const _S_IXGRP = (_S_IXUSR >> 3)
  5176. const _SYS_mknod = ___NR_mknod
  5177. const ___THUMB_INTERWORK__ = 1
  5178. const _SYS_utimes = ___NR_utimes
  5179. const __SC_XOPEN_ENH_I18N = 93
  5180. const ___UCLIBC_HAS_OBSOLETE_BSD_SIGNAL__ = 1
  5181. const ___ARM_FEATURE_SAT = 1
  5182. const _SIGTTIN = 21
  5183. const _IPPROTO_ESP = 50
  5184. const _SKF_AD_NLATTR = 12
  5185. const _EAI_MEMORY = -10
  5186. const _SYS_listxattr = ___NR_listxattr
  5187. const _ARPOP_NAK = 10
  5188. const _BPF_JSET = 0x40
  5189. const _N_TTY = 0
  5190. const ___UQQ_IBIT__ = 0
  5192. const ___FLT32_MIN_EXP__ = (-125)
  5193. const __LFS64_LARGEFILE = 1
  5194. const _TUNDETACHFILTER_val = 1074287830
  5195. const __CS_POSIX_V6_ILP32_OFF32_LINTFLAGS = 1119
  5196. const ___NR_rename = (0 + 38)
  5197. const _TCIOFLUSH = 2
  5198. const _S_ISUID = ___S_ISUID
  5199. const _VSTART = 8
  5200. const ___ARM_NR_cacheflush = ((0 +0x0f0000)+2)
  5201. const ___VERSION__ = "7.2.0"
  5202. const _BPF_ALU = 0x04
  5203. const __POSIX_SSIZE_MAX = 32767
  5204. const ___LC_COLLATE = 4
  5205. const _HAVE_UNSETENV = 1
  5206. const ___unix__ = 1
  5207. const ___UHA_FBIT__ = 8
  5208. const _SYS_openat = ___NR_openat
  5209. const __SYS_TIMEX_H = 1
  5210. const _LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_CAD_OFF = 0x00000000
  5211. const _ELF_PRARGSZ = (80)
  5212. const _SIGUSR2 = 12
  5213. const _HAVE_SYS_STAT_H = 1
  5214. const _HAVE_FALLOCATE = 1
  5215. const ___NR_unshare = (0 +337)
  5216. const ___REQ_QUEUED = 17
  5217. const _SYS_rt_sigtimedwait = ___NR_rt_sigtimedwait
  5218. const ___NR_tkill = (0 +238)
  5219. const _R2 = 2
  5220. const _IPOPT_TS_TSONLY = 0
  5221. const _HAVE_LINUX_RTNETLINK_H = 1
  5222. const _PRIo16 = "o"
  5223. const _R4 = 4
  5224. const ___NR_getcpu = (0 +345)
  5225. const _AF_DECnet = _PF_DECnet
  5226. const _PACKAGE_NAME = "package-unused"
  5227. const __SC_XOPEN_UNIX = 91
  5228. const ___ARMEL__ = 1
  5229. const _EAI_CANCELED = -101
  5230. const ___NR_readv = (0 +145)
  5231. const __POSIX2_RE_DUP_MAX = 255
  5232. const ___UCLIBC_HAS_GETPT__ = 1
  5233. const ___UCLIBC_BUILD_NOW__ = 1
  5234. const ___UCLIBC_SUSV3_LEGACY__ = 1
  5235. const _ND_NA_FLAG_SOLICITED = 0x00000040
  5236. const _B50 = 0000001
  5237. const _EAI_ADDRFAMILY = -9
  5238. const _TUNGETFEATURES_val = 2147767503
  5239. const ___NR_vmsplice = (0 +343)
  5240. const ___NR_uname = (0 +122)
  5241. const _SYS_times = ___NR_times
  5242. const _RTM_F_PREFIX = 0x800
  5243. const _SEEK_CUR = 1
  5244. const __PC_PIPE_BUF = 5
  5245. const _SYS_timer_settime = ___NR_timer_settime
  5246. const _PF_LLC = 26
  5247. const _TCAA_MAX = 1
  5248. const _IP_OPTIONS = 4
  5249. const ___WARNINGS__ = "-Wall"
  5250. const __POSIX_RTSIG_MAX = 8
  5251. const _TIME_INS = 1
  5252. const _EISDIR = 21
  5253. const __BITS_TYPES_H = 1
  5254. const __SYS_SOCKET_H = 1
  5255. const ___NR_fsetxattr = (0 +228)
  5256. const _EIO = 5
  5257. const _IPPROTO_HOPOPTS = 0
  5258. const __BITS_POSIX2_LIM_H = 1
  5259. const _IFLA_PORT_VF = 1
  5260. const _IFF_NOARP = 128
  5262. const _EREMOTE = 66
  5263. const _SYS_pciconfig_write = ___NR_pciconfig_write
  5264. const ___FLT64_MIN__ = 2.2250738585072014e-30864
  5265. const _ND_OPT_RTR_ADV_INTERVAL = 7
  5266. const _SYS_pipe = ___NR_pipe
  5267. const _S_NOCMTIME = 128
  5268. const _PTRACE_ATTACH = 16
  5269. const _STA_PPSERROR = 0x0800
  5270. const _EREMOTEIO = 121
  5271. const _INT_FAST16_MIN = (-2147483647-1)
  5272. const _HAVE_LINUX_FILTER_H = 1
  5273. const _EIDRM = 43
  5274. const __CS_V6_WIDTH_RESTRICTED_ENVS = 1
  5275. const ___TARGET_arm__ = 1
  5276. const __CS_POSIX_V6_ILP32_OFF32_LIBS = 1118
  5277. const _TCOON = 1
  5278. const _F_DUPFD = 0
  5279. const _SYS_setrlimit = ___NR_setrlimit
  5280. const _FPE_INTDIV = 1
  5281. const ___LLACCUM_IBIT__ = 32
  5282. const ___NR_sendto = (0 +290)
  5283. const _NETLINK_ROUTE = 0
  5284. const _PTRACE_KILL = 8
  5285. const _NETDB_SUCCESS = 0
  5286. const _F_SETFD = 2
  5287. const _HAVE_MKDIRAT = 1
  5288. const ___LFRACT_FBIT__ = 31
  5289. const __SC_HOST_NAME_MAX = 180
  5290. const _NLDLY = 0000400
  5291. const _ADJ_TICK = 0x4000
  5292. const __SC_THREAD_SPORADIC_SERVER = 161
  5293. const _F_SETFL = 4
  5294. const __CS_POSIX_V7_LP64_OFF64_LDFLAGS = 1141
  5295. const ___NR_setresuid = (0 +164)
  5296. const ___DEC64_MIN_EXP__ = (-382)
  5297. const _L_SET = 0
  5298. const _SO_SNDLOWAT = 19
  5299. const _SIOCSIFTXQLEN = 0x8943
  5300. const _SO_TIMESTAMPNS = 35
  5301. const _INT_FAST32_MIN = (-2147483647-1)
  5302. const _SO_BINDTODEVICE = 25
  5303. const _SYS_setresgid32 = ___NR_setresgid32
  5304. const _SKF_AD_NLATTR_NEST = 16
  5305. const _RTA_TABLE = 15
  5306. const _SIOCDRARP = 0x8960
  5307. const _ICMP6_DST_UNREACH_NOPORT = 4
  5308. const _P_PID = 1
  5310. const __POSIX_MEMLOCK_RANGE = 200809
  5311. const ___NR_stat64 = (0 +195)
  5312. const _SOCK_CLOEXEC = 524288
  5313. const ___FLT_MAX__ = 1.1
  5314. const _POSIX_FADV_NOREUSE = 5
  5315. const _PORT_VDP_RESPONSE_SUCCESS = 0
  5316. const _PTRACE_O_TRACEEXEC = 16
  5317. const _ETHERTYPE_IP = 0x0800
  5318. const _ETH_P_SNAP = 0x0005
  5319. const ___SIZEOF_PTHREAD_BARRIER_T = 20
  5320. const _SYS_quotactl = ___NR_quotactl
  5321. const _PTRACE_O_TRACEVFORKDONE = 32
  5322. const _ETHERMTU = _ETH_DATA_LEN
  5323. const _POSIX_FADV_DONTNEED = 4
  5324. const _F_GETLEASE = 1025
  5325. const __SC_LEVEL4_CACHE_ASSOC = 198
  5326. const _PTRACE_O_TRACESYSGOOD = 1
  5327. const _SO_PASSCRED = 16
  5328. const _RTF_UP = 0x0001
  5329. const ___UNIX98PTY_ONLY__ = 1
  5330. const _NGROUPS_MAX = 65536
  5331. const _FIOSETOWN = 0x8901
  5332. const __POSIX_V7_ILP32_OFF32 = 1
  5333. const __SC_PII_OSI_COTS = 63
  5334. const _SIOCDARP = 0x8953
  5335. const _UINTPTR_MAX = (4294967295)
  5336. const _EPOLL_CTL_DEL = 2
  5337. const _ETH_P_WAN_PPP = 0x0007
  5338. const _IN_EXCL_UNLINK = 0x04000000
  5339. const _MS_I_VERSION = 8388608
  5340. const _O_EXCL = 0200
  5341. const _BPF_NEG = 0x80
  5342. const ___NR_sigreturn = (0 +119)
  5343. const _IPV6_RXHOPOPTS = _IPV6_HOPOPTS
  5344. const __CS_XBS5_ILP32_OFF32_LDFLAGS = 1101
  5345. const _R15 = 15
  5346. const _SKF_AD_IFINDEX = 8
  5347. const _MS_ACTIVE = 1073741824
  5348. const _PR_MCE_KILL = 33
  5349. const _RPM_PCO_CHANGE = 2
  5350. const ___NR_rt_sigreturn = (0 +173)
  5351. const _IPOPT_END = _IPOPT_EOL
  5352. const ___GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__ = 0
  5353. const ___NR_getitimer = (0 +105)
  5354. const ___SIZEOF_INT__ = 4
  5355. const ___INT_FAST64_MAX__ = 0x7fffffffffffffff
  5356. const _NDTPA_UCAST_PROBES = 10
  5357. const __XBS5_LP64_OFF64 = -1
  5358. const _SIGALRM = 14
  5359. const _RTN_THROW = 9
  5360. const __SC_2_FORT_DEV = 49
  5361. const ___NR_syslog = (0 +103)
  5362. const __CS_POSIX_V6_LPBIG_OFFBIG_CFLAGS = 1128
  5363. const ___GCC_ATOMIC_SHORT_LOCK_FREE = 2
  5364. const _TIOCNOTTY_val = 21538
  5365. const _AF_PHONET = _PF_PHONET
  5366. const _MS_SYNCHRONOUS = 16
  5367. const _ETH_FCS_LEN = 4
  5368. const _SCNuFAST8 = "hhu"
  5369. const ___NR_ioctl = (0 + 54)
  5370. const _AI_NUMERICSERV = 0x0400
  5371. const _PR_TSC_ENABLE = 1
  5372. const _SCHED_IDLE = 5
  5373. const ___UCLIBC_HAS_TM_EXTENSIONS__ = 1
  5375. const ___NR_getpriority = (0 + 96)
  5376. const _EAI_INTR = -104
  5377. const ___LONG_LONG_MAX__ = 0x7fffffffffffffff
  5378. const _RTM_NEWNEIGHTBL = 64
  5379. const _TCP_QUEUE_SEQ = 21
  5380. const _IFA_UNSPEC = 0
  5382. const _SYS_delete_module = ___NR_delete_module
  5383. const _IPV6_RTHDR = 57
  5384. const _ECOMM = 70
  5385. const _SYS_timer_gettime = ___NR_timer_gettime
  5386. const __CS_POSIX_V6_ILP32_OFFBIG_LINTFLAGS = 1123
  5387. const _IN_MOVE = (_IN_MOVED_FROM | _IN_MOVED_TO)
  5389. const _N_AX25 = 5
  5390. const _BPF_MINOR_VERSION = 1
  5391. const _VWERASE = 14
  5392. const _PF_TIPC = 30
  5393. const _ELIBACC = 79
  5394. const _IPOPT_SECUR_UNCLASS = 0x0000
  5395. const __POSIX_SHARED_MEMORY_OBJECTS = 200809
  5396. const _ARPHRD_IPDDP = 777
  5397. const _PF_ASH = 18
  5398. const ___NR_getpeername = (0 +287)
  5399. const _IPV6_RECVERR = 25
  5400. const _TCSETAF = 0x5408
  5401. const _RTA_PROTOINFO = 10
  5402. const ___UCLIBC_HAS_REALTIME__ = 1
  5403. const _B75 = 0000002
  5404. const _F_GETPIPE_SZ = 1032
  5405. const _IOV_MAX = 1024
  5406. const _TIME_OOP = 3
  5407. const _SYS_open = ___NR_open
  5408. const __SYS_MOUNT_H = 1
  5409. const _PR_TASK_PERF_EVENTS_ENABLE = 32
  5410. const _IPPROTO_PUP = 12
  5411. const _ARPHRD_ROSE = 270
  5412. const _SYS_inotify_rm_watch = ___NR_inotify_rm_watch
  5413. const _TCSETAW = 0x5407
  5414. const __SC_XBS5_ILP32_OFF32 = 125
  5415. const _FFI_TYPE_UINT8 = 5
  5416. const _LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_CAD_ON = 0x89ABCDEF
  5417. const _PR_SET_DUMPABLE = 4
  5418. const _ETH_P_ECONET = 0x0018
  5419. const _SYS_shmctl = ___NR_shmctl
  5420. const _MS_SHARED = 1048576
  5421. const _HAVE_SYS_STATFS_H = 1
  5422. const _TIOCGRS485 = 0x542E
  5423. const _IPV6_RECVPKTINFO = 49
  5424. const _HAVE_LINUX_REBOOT_H = 1
  5425. const _TCP_NODELAY = 1
  5426. const _PREFIX_ADDRESS = 1
  5427. const _RPM_PCO_ADD = 1
  5428. const _TCPOPT_MAXSEG = 2
  5429. const _SYS_sched_getaffinity = ___NR_sched_getaffinity
  5430. const __REENTRANT = 1
  5432. const ___CROSS_COMPILER_PREFIX__ = "/home/jenkins/Optware-ng/buildroot-armeabi-ng/toolchain/buildroot-2017.08/output/host/bin/arm-buildroot-linux-uclibcgnueabi-"
  5433. const _EMFILE = 24
  5434. const __SC_XOPEN_REALTIME = 130
  5435. const _ILL_ILLADR = 3
  5436. const _TH_PUSH = 0x08
  5437. const _BPF_S_ALU_OR_K = 11
  5438. const _CLD_KILLED = 2
  5439. const _SIGTTOU = 22
  5440. const _TUNSETGROUP_val = 1074025678
  5441. const __SC_MB_LEN_MAX = 108
  5442. const ___UINT64_MAX__ = 0xffffffffffffffff
  5443. const ___REQ_FAILED = 19
  5444. const _PTRACE_GETFPREGS = 14
  5445. const _RLIMIT_NOFILE = 7
  5446. const _NDTA_CONFIG = 5
  5447. const __POSIX_MEMORY_PROTECTION = 200809
  5448. const __SC_REGEX_VERSION = 156
  5449. const _IFLA_INET6_ICMP6STATS = 6
  5450. const __NETDB_H = 1
  5451. const _FIOASYNC = 0x5452
  5452. const ___S_ISGID = 02000
  5453. const _MS_VERBOSE = 32768
  5454. const _NDTA_GC_INTERVAL = 8
  5455. const _ETH_P_IRDA = 0x0017
  5456. const ___UCLIBC_HAS_SHA512_CRYPT_IMPL__ = 1
  5457. const ___SIZEOF_SIZE_T__ = 4
  5458. const _SYS_pwritev = ___NR_pwritev
  5459. const ___GCC_ATOMIC_POINTER_LOCK_FREE = 2
  5460. const __SC_C_LANG_SUPPORT = 135
  5461. const _MS_NODEV = 4
  5462. const _HAVE_LOFF_T = 1
  5463. const __POSIX_HIWAT = __POSIX_PIPE_BUF
  5464. const __BITS_BYTESWAP_H = 1
  5465. const _F_TEST = 3
  5466. const _MREMAP_FIXED = 2
  5467. const _MAX_ADDR_LEN = 7
  5468. const __SC_LONG_BIT = 106
  5469. const _ONOCR = 0000020
  5470. const _SI_MESGQ = -3
  5471. const _PRIdFAST8 = "d"
  5472. const _MSG_MORE = 32768
  5473. const _CBAUD = 0010017
  5474. const _SYS_setfsuid = ___NR_setfsuid
  5475. const __SC_MAPPED_FILES = 16
  5477. const _ND_RA_FLAG_OTHER = 0x40
  5478. const _TRAP_TRACE = 2
  5479. const __SC_RAW_SOCKETS = 236
  5480. const __POSIX_REGEXP = 1
  5481. const _ETH_P_X25 = 0x0805
  5482. const _PF_NFC = 39
  5483. const _S_IFIFO = ___S_IFIFO
  5484. const _EAI_NOTCANCELED = -102
  5485. const _PTRACE_O_TRACEEXIT = 64
  5487. const _IFLA_INET6_STATS = 3
  5489. const _SYS_pwrite64 = ___NR_pwrite64
  5490. const _RTF_WINDOW = 0x0080
  5491. const _ARPOP_REQUEST = 1
  5492. const _RTNLGRP_IPV4_MROUTE = 6
  5493. const ___USACCUM_FBIT__ = 8
  5494. const _NO_ADDRESS = _NO_DATA
  5495. const _SYS_fchownat = ___NR_fchownat
  5496. const ___NR_getcwd = (0 +183)
  5497. const _ND_OPT_PI_FLAG_ONLINK = 0x80
  5498. const _IPOPT_OLEN = 1
  5499. const _SYS_fchmod = ___NR_fchmod
  5500. const __SC_BC_DIM_MAX = 37
  5501. const _SYS_semop = ___NR_semop
  5502. const _B9600 = 0000015
  5503. const _EBADSLT = 57
  5504. const ___UQQ_FBIT__ = 8
  5505. const _ETHERTYPE_REVARP = 0x8035
  5506. const _HAVE_EPOLL_CREATE1 = 1
  5507. const ___DA_FBIT__ = 31
  5508. const ___GNUC__ = 7
  5509. const _SCNdLEAST8 = "hhd"
  5510. const __POSIX2_CHARCLASS_NAME_MAX = 14
  5511. const _HAVE_SYS_INOTIFY_H = 1
  5512. const ___S_IFDIR = 0040000
  5513. const _CLONE_THREAD = 0x00010000
  5514. const _MS_POSIXACL = 65536
  5515. const _PATH_MAX = 4096
  5516. const ___NR_reboot = (0 + 88)
  5517. const _SOL_IP = 0
  5518. const _TUN_F_UFO = 0x10
  5519. const ___FLT64_HAS_DENORM__ = 1
  5521. const ___NR_nice = (0 + 34)
  5522. const _SOL_AAL = 265
  5523. const _SYS_settimeofday = ___NR_settimeofday
  5524. const _IPPROTO_IDP = 22
  5525. const __SC_2_LOCALEDEF = 52
  5526. const _AF_INET = _PF_INET
  5527. const ___NR_lremovexattr = (0 +236)
  5528. const ___NR_getuid32 = (0 +199)
  5529. const _IPOPT_NOOP = _IPOPT_NOP
  5530. const _RTMSG_NEWDEVICE = 0x11
  5531. const _HAVE_SETXATTR = 1
  5532. const __CS_V5_WIDTH_RESTRICTED_ENVS = 4
  5533. const _S_IFSOCK = ___S_IFSOCK
  5534. const ___NR_signalfd4 = (0 +355)
  5535. const __ISOC99_SOURCE = 1
  5536. const ___LC_ALL = 6
  5537. const _SYS_stat64 = ___NR_stat64
  5538. const ___FLT_DIG__ = 6
  5539. const ___NR_getpid = (0 + 20)
  5540. const _SYS__newselect = ___NR__newselect
  5541. const __SC_XOPEN_XPG2 = 98
  5542. const _PRIxLEAST32 = "x"
  5543. const _B110 = 0000003
  5544. const _TCP_REPAIR_QUEUE = 20
  5545. const _RTNLGRP_IPV4_IFADDR = 5
  5546. const _BPF_S_LD_W_LEN = 21
  5547. const _IFLA_INFO_UNSPEC = 0
  5548. const ___SIZE_WIDTH__ = 32
  5549. const ___LLACCUM_FBIT__ = 31
  5550. const __POSIX_TTY_NAME_MAX = 9
  5551. const _BPF_S_LDX_B_MSH = 27
  5552. const ___UCLIBC_HAS_STDIO_GETC_MACRO__ = 1
  5553. const _SYS_geteuid32 = ___NR_geteuid32
  5554. const _SYS_utimensat = ___NR_utimensat
  5555. const ___USFRACT_FBIT__ = 8
  5556. const _TUNSETOWNER_val = 1074025676
  5557. const _PTHREAD_STACK_MIN = 16384
  5558. const _SIGPROF = 27
  5559. const __SC_LINE_MAX = 43
  5560. const ___SIGEV_MAX_SIZE = 64
  5561. const _HAVE_SETENV = 1
  5562. const __SC_SYSTEM_DATABASE = 162
  5563. const _SYS_timer_create = ___NR_timer_create
  5564. const ___ARM_ARCH_PROFILE = 65
  5565. const __PC_LINK_MAX = 0
  5566. const ___NR_mmap2 = (0 +192)
  5567. const ___UINT_LEAST32_MAX__ = 0xffffffff
  5568. const ___NR_mq_notify = (0 +278)
  5569. const _IPPORT_DAYTIME = 13
  5570. const _SYS_stat = ___NR_stat
  5571. const _PARENB = 0000400
  5572. const _FALLOC_FL_KEEP_SIZE = 1
  5573. const ___FLT32_MIN__ = 1.1754943508222875e-3832
  5574. const _RTNLGRP_NOTIFY = 2
  5575. const _MADV_HWPOISON = 100
  5576. const _SYS_breakpoint = ___ARM_NR_breakpoint
  5577. const ___NR_rt_tgsigqueueinfo = (0 +363)
  5578. const ___UCLIBC_HAS_CTYPE_SIGNED__ = 1
  5579. const _SYS_setdomainname = ___NR_setdomainname
  5580. const _IPPROTO_ICMP = 1
  5581. const ___NR_futex = (0 +240)
  5582. const __SC_XOPEN_STREAMS = 246
  5583. const _SYS_setreuid32 = ___NR_setreuid32
  5584. const _IPOPT_SECURITY = 130
  5585. const __PC_NAME_MAX = 3
  5586. const _SIGCONT = 18
  5587. const _SYS_fchdir = ___NR_fchdir
  5588. const ___ARM_EABI__ = 1
  5589. const __SC_V6_ILP32_OFFBIG = 177
  5590. const _MAX_CANON = 255
  5591. const _ETHER_CRC_LEN = 4
  5592. const ___UCLIBC_HAS_XATTR__ = 1
  5593. const _NTF_PROXY = 0x08
  5594. const _BOTHER = 0010000
  5595. const ___VFP_FP__ = 1
  5596. const _BPF_S_ALU_MUL_X = 7
  5597. const _S_IROTH = (_S_IRGRP >> 3)
  5598. const _IPPROTO_GRE = 47
  5599. const _WEXITED = 4
  5600. const __SC_SHARED_MEMORY_OBJECTS = 22
  5601. const _EPOLLHUP = 16
  5602. const _LT_OBJDIR = ".libs/"
  5603. const ___RTAX_MAX = 15
  5604. const _BPF_LSH = 0x60
  5605. const _TCPOLEN_SACK_PERMITTED = 2
  5606. const ___NR_setreuid = (0 + 70)
  5607. const __SC_2_PBS = 168
  5608. const _SIOCSIFFLAGS = 0x8914
  5609. const ___DEC128_MIN__ = 1E-6143
  5610. const _BPF_MAXINSNS = 4096
  5611. const _ADJ_OFFSET = 0x0001
  5612. const _IFLA_INET6_UNSPEC = 0
  5613. const _IPPROTO_TCP = 6
  5614. const _TIOCM_CD = _TIOCM_CAR
  5615. const _B134 = 0000004
  5616. const _SYS_flock = ___NR_flock
  5617. const _HAVE_NETPACKET_PACKET_H = 1
  5618. const _MSG_FIN = 512
  5619. const _OFILL = 0000100
  5620. const ___UCLIBC_HAS_BSD_ERR__ = 1
  5622. const _HAVE_SYNC_FILE_RANGE = 1
  5623. const _IFA_LOCAL = 2
  5624. const _ND_OPT_PI_FLAG_RADDR = 0x20
  5625. const _TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT = 9
  5626. const _MCAST_JOIN_SOURCE_GROUP = 46
  5627. const _SYS_request_key = ___NR_request_key
  5628. const _ICMP6_PACKET_TOO_BIG = 2
  5629. const __CS_POSIX_V6_LPBIG_OFFBIG_LDFLAGS = 1129
  5630. const _EAI_BADFLAGS = -1
  5631. const __CS_XBS5_LPBIG_OFFBIG_LINTFLAGS = 1115
  5632. const _UTIME_NOW = ((1 << 30) - 1)
  5633. const __STRUCT_TIMEVAL = 1
  5634. const __POSIX_MAX_INPUT = 255
  5635. const _ETH_DATA_LEN = 1500
  5636. const ___RLIMIT_SIGPENDING = 11
  5637. const _SYS_io_destroy = ___NR_io_destroy
  5638. const _ICMP6_DST_UNREACH = 1
  5639. const _ETH_P_PPP_DISC = 0x8863
  5640. const _TCPOLEN_MAXSEG = 4
  5641. const ___FLT_MIN_10_EXP__ = (-37)
  5642. const _ARPOP_RREPLY = 4
  5643. const _IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS = 16
  5644. const _NETLINK_NO_ENOBUFS = 5
  5645. const _BPF_S_ALU_MUL_K = 6
  5646. const _FFI_SYSV = 1
  5647. const ___FLT32_MAX__ = 3.4028234663852886e+3832
  5648. const _SYS_timerfd_create = ___NR_timerfd_create
  5649. const _IN_MOVED_TO = 0x00000080
  5650. const _SYS_gettid = ___NR_gettid
  5651. const __POSIX_IPV6 = 200809
  5652. const _SYS_lchown = ___NR_lchown
  5653. const _SYS_fallocate = ___NR_fallocate
  5654. const _AF_WANPIPE = _PF_WANPIPE
  5655. const _SYS_getuid32 = ___NR_getuid32
  5656. const _TCP_THIN_LINEAR_TIMEOUTS = 16
  5657. const ___NR_setdomainname = (0 +121)
  5658. const ___NR_restart_syscall = (0 + 0)
  5659. const _ETHERTYPE_PUP = 0x0200
  5660. const __BITS_POSIX1_LIM_H = 1
  5661. const _CSIZE = 0000060
  5662. const _IFA_F_DADFAILED = 0x08
  5663. const _SCNx8 = "hhx"
  5664. const _CSIGNAL = 0x000000ff
  5665. const ___NR_accept4 = (0 +366)
  5666. const _NI_NUMERICHOST = 1
  5667. const _MAP_GROWSDOWN = 0x00100
  5668. const __IOC_SIZEBITS = 14
  5669. const _IFLA_VF_MAC = 1
  5670. const _NDTPA_LOCKTIME = 15
  5671. const _IFLA_VF_PORT = 1
  5672. const _UCHAR_MAX = (_SCHAR_MAX * 2 + 1)
  5673. const _ETH_P_IPV6 = 0x86DD
  5674. const _ETH_P_AARP = 0x80F3
  5675. const _SYS_setfsuid32 = ___NR_setfsuid32
  5676. const _BPF_S_LD_W_ABS = 18
  5677. const _SYS_sched_setparam = ___NR_sched_setparam
  5678. const _ATF_PUBL = 0x08
  5679. const _WCOREFLAG = ___WCOREFLAG
  5680. const _TIOCGWINSZ = 0x5413
  5681. const _PRIi8 = "i"
  5682. const _ARPHRD_LOOPBACK = 772
  5683. const ___GCC_IEC_559_COMPLEX = 0
  5684. const _SO_BROADCAST = 6
  5685. const ___GLIBC_MINOR__ = 2
  5686. const __SC_STREAMS = 174
  5687. const _PR_SET_TIMING = 14
  5688. const ___ULACCUM_FBIT__ = 32
  5689. const ___DBL_MANT_DIG__ = 53
  5690. const _B150 = 0000005
  5691. const _POSIX_FADV_WILLNEED = 3
  5692. const ___LDSO_RUNPATH_OF_EXECUTABLE__ = 1
  5693. const _PF_ATMPVC = 8
  5694. const ___UDQ_FBIT__ = 64
  5695. const _IN_CLASSC_NET = 0xffffff00
  5696. const ___UCLIBC_HAS_GLOB__ = 1
  5697. const _TCPOPT_EOL = 0
  5698. const ___REQ_INTEGRITY = 25
  5699. const _FS_HAS_SUBTYPE = 4
  5700. const __CS_POSIX_V7_LP64_OFF64_LIBS = 1142
  5701. const _ETH_P_PUPAT = 0x0201
  5702. const _SYS_getrusage = ___NR_getrusage
  5703. const ___RTA_MAX = 17
  5704. const _IFLA_PORT_PROFILE = 2
  5705. const _IN_MOVED_FROM = 0x00000040
  5707. const _IPV6_LEAVE_GROUP = 21
  5708. const _SYS_unlink = ___NR_unlink
  5709. const _HAVE_STRSIGNAL = 1
  5710. const __PC_CHOWN_RESTRICTED = 6
  5711. const __SC_XOPEN_REALTIME_THREADS = 131
  5712. const ___NR_sched_yield = (0 +158)
  5713. const _O_FSYNC = _O_SYNC
  5714. const _IN_MASK_ADD = 0x20000000
  5715. const _PACKET_OUTGOING = 4
  5717. const _TUN_NO_PI = 0x0040
  5718. const _IPV6_2292HOPLIMIT = 8
  5719. const __SC_IPV6 = 235
  5720. const _TCP_ESTABLISHED = 1
  5721. const _ARPHRD_ARCNET = 7
  5722. const _TIOCSERSWILD = 0x5455
  5723. const _ETH_P_PUP = 0x0200
  5725. const _SIGEV_THREAD = 2
  5726. const _IP_RECVOPTS = 6
  5727. const ___NR_mkdir = (0 + 39)
  5728. const _PF_DECnet = 12
  5729. const _TIOCM_CAR = 0x040
  5730. const _SYS_shmget = ___NR_shmget
  5731. const _SYS_sigprocmask = ___NR_sigprocmask
  5732. const ___NR_eventfd2 = (0 +356)
  5733. const _RTM_DELADDRLABEL = 73
  5734. const _BPF_S_ALU_NEG = 17
  5735. const _R_OK = 4
  5736. const _BPF_S_JMP_JGE_K = 39
  5737. const _SIOCGIFENCAP = 0x8925
  5738. const ___NR_unlinkat = (0 +328)
  5739. const _MS_ASYNC = 1
  5740. const __IOC_READ = 2
  5741. const _BLOCK_SIZE = (1<<_BLOCK_SIZE_BITS)
  5742. const ___NR_set_robust_list = (0 +338)
  5743. const _ELIBEXEC = 83
  5744. const _WCHAR_MIN = ___WCHAR_MIN
  5745. const _BC_SCALE_MAX = __POSIX2_BC_SCALE_MAX
  5746. const _MSG_CTRUNC = 8
  5747. const _MSG_SYN = 1024
  5748. const _HAVE_LINUX_NETLINK_H = 1
  5749. const _HAVE_SPLICE = 1
  5750. const _INR_OPEN = 1024
  5751. const _FPE_FLTDIV = 3
  5752. const __XOPEN_VERSION = 700
  5753. const __CS_XBS5_ILP32_OFF32_LIBS = 1102
  5754. const _RTNLGRP_NEIGH = 3
  5755. const __CS_POSIX_V6_ILP32_OFF32_LDFLAGS = 1117
  5756. const __STAT_VER_KERNEL = 1
  5757. const _TCPOPT_NOP = 1
  5758. const _ICMP6_RR_RESULT_FLAGS_FORBIDDEN = 0x0100
  5759. const __POSIX_NO_TRUNC = 1
  5760. const _PROT_WRITE = 0x2
  5761. const ___NR_epoll_pwait = (0 +346)
  5762. const _ARPHRD_SIT = 776
  5763. const __SC_SAVED_IDS = 8
  5764. const ___RLIMIT_MEMLOCK = 8
  5765. const _SYS_lookup_dcookie = ___NR_lookup_dcookie
  5766. const ___ORDER_LITTLE_ENDIAN__ = 1234
  5767. const _BPF_MISC = 0x07
  5768. const _TCPOLEN_WINDOW = 3
  5769. const ___GCC_ATOMIC_CHAR16_T_LOCK_FREE = 2
  5770. const __POSIX_THREAD_KEYS_MAX = 128
  5771. const _SV_RESETHAND = (1 << 2)
  5772. const _AT_EMPTY_PATH = 0x1000
  5773. const ___UCLIBC_HAS_STDIO_PUTC_MACRO__ = 1
  5774. const _HAVE_INOTIFY_RM_WATCH = 1
  5775. const __SC_STREAM_MAX = 5
  5776. const _EMEDIUMTYPE = 124
  5777. const _STA_CLK = 0x8000
  5779. const ___FLT64_DENORM_MIN__ = 4.9406564584124654e-32464
  5780. const _RLIM64_INFINITY = 0xffffffffffffffff
  5781. const ___UCLIBC_HAS_LIBICONV__ = 1
  5782. const _RTAX_FEATURE_TIMESTAMP = 0x00000004
  5783. const _INT32_MAX = (2147483647)
  5784. const _ETHERTYPE_IPV6 = 0x86dd
  5785. const _MACVLAN_MODE_PRIVATE = 1
  5786. const ___NR_fchown32 = (0 +207)
  5787. const _O_RDONLY = 00
  5788. const ___NR_getresuid = (0 +165)
  5789. const _PTRACE_EVENT_CLONE = 3
  5790. const _TCIFLUSH = 0
  5791. const _CRDLY = 0003000
  5792. const _FS_NOATIME_FL = 0x00000080
  5793. const __SC_ULONG_MAX = 117
  5795. const _SYS_shmdt = ___NR_shmdt
  5796. const ___NR_open = (0 + 5)
  5797. const _TIME_OK = 0
  5798. const _BPF_TXA = 0x80
  5799. const __SC_CHILD_MAX = 1
  5800. const _SYS_add_key = ___NR_add_key
  5801. const _STDC_HEADERS = 1
  5802. const _MAP_ANONYMOUS = 0x20
  5803. const _TCP_FIN_WAIT1 = 4
  5804. const _VINTR = 0
  5805. const _MINSIGSTKSZ = 2048
  5806. const _RTMGRP_IPV4_RULE = 0x80
  5807. const _MADV_MERGEABLE = 12
  5808. const _HAVE_NETINET_ICMP6_H = 1
  5809. const _CPU_SETSIZE = ___CPU_SETSIZE
  5810. const _IPVERSION = 4
  5811. const _TIOCCBRK = 0x5428
  5812. const ___UCLIBC_HAS_FLOATS__ = 1
  5813. const __SC_TRACE_EVENT_NAME_MAX = 242
  5814. const _SIGINT = 2
  5815. const _SYS_fork = ___NR_fork
  5816. const _ETHERTYPE_TRAIL = 0x1000
  5817. const _CLONE_FS = 0x00000200
  5818. const _SIOCGIFTXQLEN = 0x8942
  5819. const __POSIX_FSYNC = 200809
  5820. const _SYS_getxattr = ___NR_getxattr
  5821. const _SIOCSIFADDR = 0x8916
  5822. const _SYS_mprotect = ___NR_mprotect
  5823. const _SYS_brk = ___NR_brk
  5824. const __POSIX_OPEN_MAX = 20
  5825. const ___REQ_IO_STAT = 27
  5826. const _SYS_pivot_root = ___NR_pivot_root
  5827. const _BPF_DIV = 0x30
  5828. const _IPV6_AUTHHDR = 10
  5829. const _MSG_TRUNC = 32
  5830. const _SYS_statfs64 = ___NR_statfs64
  5831. const __POSIX2_CHAR_TERM = 200809
  5832. const _SIGABRT = 6
  5833. const _SYS_read = ___NR_read
  5834. const _NETLINK_CONNECTED = 1
  5835. const _FS_EXTENT_FL = 0x00080000
  5836. const ___MALLOC_STANDARD__ = 1
  5837. const _SYS_llistxattr = ___NR_llistxattr
  5838. const _ETH_ALEN = 6
  5839. const ___NR_getgid = (0 + 47)
  5840. const _TCA_KIND = 1
  5841. const _MCL_FUTURE = 2
  5842. const ___DBL_HAS_DENORM__ = 1
  5843. const _TCP_LAST_ACK = 9
  5844. const _HAVE_LOG1PL = 1
  5845. const _RT_SCOPE_HOST = 254
  5846. const _RTMSG_DELRULE = 0x32
  5847. const _IPPROTO_MAX = 256
  5848. const ___UCLIBC_HAS_COMPAT_RES_STATE__ = 1
  5849. const _AT_EACCESS = 0x200
  5850. const _SYS_pause = ___NR_pause
  5851. const _IFLA_OPERSTATE = 16
  5852. const _ND_OPT_PREFIX_INFORMATION = 3
  5853. const _SIGURG = 23
  5854. const _SIGSEGV = 11
  5855. const __SC_TIMER_MAX = 35
  5856. const _ND_RA_FLAG_HOME_AGENT = 0x20
  5857. const __SC_SCHAR_MIN = 112
  5859. const ___FLT32_DIG__ = 6
  5860. const _PF_PHONET = 35
  5861. const _RTPROT_REDIRECT = 1
  5862. const _IN_DELETE_SELF = 0x00000400
  5863. const _TUN_READQ_SIZE = 500
  5864. const ___NR_fstatat64 = (0 +327)
  5865. const _IP_ADD_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP = 39
  5867. const _ENOTBLK = 15
  5868. const ___HAVE_SHARED__ = 1
  5869. const ___UCLIBC_HAS_TZ_CACHING__ = 1
  5870. const _VSUSP = 10
  5871. const _SOCK_DCCP = 6
  5872. const _HAVE_DLFCN_H = 1
  5873. const _ETHER_HDR_LEN = _ETH_HLEN
  5874. const _TUNSETLINK_val = 1074025677
  5875. const ___STDC_IEC_559_COMPLEX__ = 1
  5876. const __SVID_SOURCE = 1
  5877. const _ENOPROTOOPT = 92
  5878. const _RTAX_FEATURES = 12
  5879. const _SIOCSIFMAP = 0x8971
  5880. const ___UCLIBC_HAS_PRINTF_M_SPEC__ = 1
  5881. const ___NR_get_robust_list = (0 +339)
  5882. const _FPE_FLTOVF = 4
  5883. const _HAVE_WAIT4 = 1
  5884. const __SC_AVPHYS_PAGES = 86
  5885. const _ILL_BADSTK = 8
  5886. const _PR_MCE_KILL_DEFAULT = 2
  5887. const _ARPHRD_EETHER = 2
  5888. const _SIGHUP = 1
  5889. const _PTRACE_O_TRACEVFORK = 4
  5890. const _ENOSPC = 28
  5891. const _VDISCARD = 13
  5892. const _RTMGRP_NOTIFY = 2
  5893. const ___INT_WIDTH__ = 32
  5894. const ___TQ_IBIT__ = 0
  5895. const _RTPROT_DHCP = 16
  5896. const ___NR_tgkill = (0 +268)
  5897. const _EDOTDOT = 73
  5898. const _SIGPIPE = 13
  5899. const _EPOLLONESHOT = 1073741824
  5900. const _MAP_ANON = _MAP_ANONYMOUS
  5901. const _IPTTLDEC = 1
  5902. const ___USE_POSIX199309 = 1
  5903. const _PRIo8 = "o"
  5904. const __CS_XBS5_LP64_OFF64_LIBS = 1110
  5905. const _SO_KEEPALIVE = 9
  5906. const _SYS_rt_sigreturn = ___NR_rt_sigreturn
  5907. const _ICMP6_RR_PCOUSE_RAFLAGS_AUTO = 0x10
  5908. const _AF_NETLINK = _PF_NETLINK
  5909. const _ND_OPT_PI_FLAG_AUTO = 0x40
  5910. const _IPV6_ADDRFORM = 1
  5911. const _TIME_WAIT = 4
  5912. const _NETLINK_FIREWALL = 3
  5913. const _EHOSTDOWN = 112
  5914. const _IN_CLOSE_NOWRITE = 0x00000010
  5915. const _NETLINK_DNRTMSG = 14
  5916. const _IPV6_RECVHOPLIMIT = 51
  5917. const _TIOCGSOFTCAR = 0x5419
  5918. const ___UDA_FBIT__ = 32
  5919. const _SYS_ustat = ___NR_ustat
  5920. const _SYS_io_submit = ___NR_io_submit
  5921. const _SOMAXCONN = 128
  5922. const _SYS_recv = ___NR_recv
  5923. const ___FLT32X_MIN_10_EXP__ = (-307)
  5924. const _SYS_writev = ___NR_writev
  5925. const ___NR_lgetxattr = (0 +230)
  5926. const _SCM_RIGHTS = 1
  5927. const _FFI_TYPE_STRUCT = 13
  5928. const _SIOCGIFDSTADDR = 0x8917
  5929. const _FS_COMPRBLK_FL = 0x00000200
  5930. const _MADV_REMOVE = 9
  5931. const _EADV = 68
  5932. const _TUN_FASYNC = 0x0010
  5933. const __SC_MESSAGE_PASSING = 20
  5934. const _MS_MANDLOCK = 64
  5936. const _RTNL_FAMILY_IP6MR = 129
  5937. const _SYS_fstatat64 = ___NR_fstatat64
  5938. const _DN_MULTISHOT = 0x80000000
  5939. const _B1200 = 0000011
  5940. const _EWOULDBLOCK = _EAGAIN
  5941. const _SCNx16 = "hx"
  5942. const _NLM_F_MATCH = 0x200
  5943. const _ARPHRD_AX25 = 3
  5944. const __POSIX_PRIORITY_SCHEDULING = 200809
  5945. const _RTF_NOFORWARD = 0x1000
  5946. const _F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC = 1030
  5947. const _ECANCELED = 125
  5948. const __PC_SOCK_MAXBUF = 12
  5949. const _B300 = 0000007
  5950. const _IMAXBEL = 0020000
  5951. const _RUSAGE_CHILDREN = -1
  5952. const _ENODATA = 61
  5953. const _AF_PPPOX = _PF_PPPOX
  5954. const _HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H = 1
  5955. const _BPF_MSH = 0xa0
  5956. const _HAVE_GETXATTR = 1
  5957. const _SIOCGIFADDR = 0x8915
  5958. const _NDA_DST = 1
  5959. const ___NR_OABI_SYSCALL_BASE = 0x900000
  5960. const _TIOCM_LE = 0x001
  5961. const _SCNoFAST8 = "hho"
  5962. const _ARPHRD_SKIP = 771
  5963. const ___DEC32_SUBNORMAL_MIN__ = 0.000001E-95
  5964. const ___LITTLE_ENDIAN = 1234
  5965. const __POSIX_REALTIME_SIGNALS = 200809
  5966. const _SYS_msgget = ___NR_msgget
  5967. const _HAVE_ATAN2L = 1
  5968. const _ICMP6_RR_FLAGS_SPECSITE = 0x10
  5969. const __FCNTL_H = 1
  5970. const ___NR_utimes = (0 +269)
  5971. const _S_IMMUTABLE = 8
  5972. const _UINT8_MAX = (255)
  5973. const _SIGSTOP = 19
  5974. const _ARPOP_RREQUEST = 3
  5975. const _IFLA_PORT_VSI_TYPE = 3
  5976. const __POSIX_PRIORITIZED_IO = 200809
  5977. const _NO_DATA = 4
  5978. const _RTCF_MASQ = 0x00400000
  5979. const _HAVE_AS_X86_64_UNWIND_SECTION_TYPE = 1
  5980. const ___NR_ugetrlimit = (0 +191)
  5981. const _SYS_mlock = ___NR_mlock
  5982. const __FEATURES_H = 1
  5983. const _SYS_kexec_load = ___NR_kexec_load
  5984. const _EPROTOTYPE = 91
  5985. const _NZERO = 20
  5986. const _SIOCSIFNETMASK = 0x891c
  5987. const ___REQ_FLUSH = 26
  5988. const ___UCLIBC_HAS_LONG_DOUBLE_MATH__ = 1
  5989. const ___NR_personality = (0 +136)
  5990. const _SYS_get_mempolicy = ___NR_get_mempolicy
  5991. const _EILSEQ = 84
  5992. const _SYS_setregid = ___NR_setregid
  5993. const _SOCK_STREAM = 1
  5994. const _PR_GET_SECCOMP = 21
  5995. const _ETH_HLEN = 14
  5996. const _SCM_CREDENTIALS = 2
  5997. const ___USE_LARGEFILE64 = 1
  5998. const __NETINET_IN_H = 1
  5999. const __SC_LEVEL1_DCACHE_LINESIZE = 190
  6000. const _EDQUOT = 122
  6001. const ___HARDWIRED_ABSPATH__ = 1
  6002. const ___S_IREAD = 0400
  6003. const _F_GETFD = 1
  6004. const _ARPHRD_DDCMP = 517
  6005. const _RLIMIT_CPU = 0
  6006. const _F_GETFL = 3
  6007. const _IPOPT_COPY = 0x80
  6008. const _IPV6_CHECKSUM = 7
  6009. const _ETH_P_PPP_SES = 0x8864
  6010. const ___MULTILIB_DIR__ = "lib"
  6011. const __SC_LEVEL1_DCACHE_SIZE = 188
  6012. const _TUNGETSNDBUF_val = 2147767507
  6013. const _RLIMIT_STACK = 3
  6014. const _ETH_P_TEB = 0x6558
  6015. const _CBAUDEX = 0010000
  6016. const _LINUX_REBOOT_MAGIC1 = 0xfee1dead
  6017. const _LINUX_REBOOT_MAGIC2 = 672274793
  6018. const _PF_BRIDGE = 7
  6019. const ___NR__llseek = (0 +140)
  6021. const _SCNoLEAST8 = "hho"
  6022. const __SC_PII_SOCKET = 55
  6023. const _ARPHRD_IEEE802 = 6
  6024. const _SYS_mq_timedreceive = ___NR_mq_timedreceive
  6025. const _ELOOP = 40
  6026. const _RTNLGRP_PHONET_IFADDR = 21
  6027. const _SYS_setresuid32 = ___NR_setresuid32
  6029. const ___BYTE_ORDER = ___LITTLE_ENDIAN
  6030. const _TCPI_OPT_TIMESTAMPS = 1
  6031. const ___TCA_MAX = 9
  6032. const _RTA_METRICS = 8
  6033. const _SYS_fcntl64 = ___NR_fcntl64
  6034. const __SC_IOV_MAX = 60
  6035. const _SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WAIT_AFTER = 4
  6036. const __POSIX_MQ_PRIO_MAX = 32
  6037. const __POSIX_VERSION = 200809
  6038. const _HOST_NOT_FOUND = 1
  6039. const ___RLIMIT_NLIMITS = 15
  6040. const _TIOCPKT_IOCTL = 64
  6042. const ___INT_FAST8_MAX__ = 0x7f
  6043. const _SYS_chroot = ___NR_chroot
  6044. const ___UFRACT_IBIT__ = 0
  6045. const _EPROTONOSUPPORT = 93
  6046. const _IPPORT_RESERVED = 1024
  6047. const _IN_ONLYDIR = 0x01000000
  6048. const ___WINT_WIDTH__ = 32
  6049. const ___UCLIBC_HAS_CONTEXT_FUNCS__ = 1
  6050. const __POSIX_PIPE_BUF = 512
  6051. const _IPOPT_SECUR_SECRET = 0xd788
  6053. const _PORT_SELF_VF = -1
  6054. const ___RTM_MAX = 80
  6055. const _IPOPT_SECUR_CONFID = 0xf135
  6056. const _ESPIPE = 29
  6057. const _AF_SNA = _PF_SNA
  6058. const __SYS_MMAN_H = 1
  6059. const _S_DEAD = 16
  6060. const _UINT_FAST8_MAX = (255)
  6061. const _STA_NANO = 0x2000
  6062. const _O_LARGEFILE = 0400000
  6063. const ___NR_sched_setaffinity = (0 +241)
  6064. const _ISTRIP = 0000040
  6065. const _TIOCPKT_START = 8
  6066. const _SO_LINGER = 13
  6067. const ___UINT_LEAST16_MAX__ = 0xffff
  6068. const _OLCUC = 0000002
  6069. const _PR_GET_TIMERSLACK = 30
  6070. const ___NR_lstat = (0 +107)
  6071. const __POSIX_SYMLOOP_MAX = 8
  6072. const ___DBL_DIG__ = 15
  6073. const __CS_XBS5_LP64_OFF64_LINTFLAGS = 1111
  6074. const _RTN_UNREACHABLE = 7
  6075. const __CS_POSIX_V6_LP64_OFF64_LDFLAGS = 1125
  6076. const ___DEC64_MAX__ = 9.999999999999999E384
  6077. const __POSIX_THREAD_ATTR_STACKSIZE = 200809
  6078. const _HAVE_NETINET_IP_H = 1
  6079. const _IFHWADDRLEN = 6
  6080. const _TCSETSF = 0x5404
  6081. const ___USE_GNU = 1
  6082. const _RTM_GETROUTE = 26
  6083. const ___LDSO_SEARCH_INTERP_PATH__ = 1
  6084. const _PRId8 = "d"
  6085. const ___WCHAR_MAX = (2147483647)
  6086. const __SC_SSIZE_MAX = 110
  6087. const _IP_UNICAST_IF = 50
  6088. const _SO_RCVBUFFORCE = 33
  6089. const _SYS_nfsservctl = ___NR_nfsservctl
  6090. const ___NR_arm_fadvise64_64 = (0 +270)
  6091. const _IPV6_PKTINFO = 50
  6092. const _SYS_lremovexattr = ___NR_lremovexattr
  6093. const _TCSETSW = 0x5403
  6094. const ___ARM_FEATURE_CLZ = 1
  6095. const __SC_V7_ILP32_OFF32 = 237
  6096. const _SYS_io_cancel = ___NR_io_cancel
  6097. const _IPPROTO_IPIP = 4
  6098. const _linux = 1
  6099. const _WNOWAIT = 0x01000000
  6100. const _RTA_MULTIPATH = 9
  6101. const _IPV6_RECVRTHDR = 56
  6102. const _TCP_CA_Open = 0
  6103. const __SC_LEVEL3_CACHE_LINESIZE = 196
  6104. const _LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_HALT = 0xCDEF0123
  6105. const _ICMP6_FILTER = 1
  6106. const _HAVE_NET_ROUTE_H = 1
  6107. const _RTN_BROADCAST = 3
  6108. const _ENFILE = 23
  6109. const ___UCLIBC_HAS_GNU_ERROR__ = 1
  6110. const __IOC_SIZEMASK = ((1 << __IOC_SIZEBITS)-1)
  6111. const _IP_IPSEC_POLICY = 16
  6112. const _SO_MARK = 36
  6113. const _MAP_PRIVATE = 0x02
  6114. const __PC_REC_XFER_ALIGN = 17
  6115. const __BITS_TYPESIZES_H = 1
  6117. const ___NR_add_key = (0 +309)
  6118. const ___SIG_ATOMIC_MAX__ = 0x7fffffff
  6119. const _P_PGID = 2
  6120. const _EAI_SERVICE = -8
  6121. const _R0 = 0
  6122. const _R1 = 1
  6123. const _IN_CREATE = 0x00000100
  6124. const _ICMP6_ECHO_REPLY = 129
  6125. const _SCNdLEAST16 = "hd"
  6126. const _R5 = 5
  6127. const _R6 = 6
  6128. const _R7 = 7
  6129. const _R8 = 8
  6130. const _R9 = 9
  6131. const _AF_ROSE = _PF_ROSE
  6132. const _SCNd16 = "hd"
  6133. const __SC_PII_INTERNET_DGRAM = 62
  6134. const _HAVE_MKNODAT = 1
  6135. const _NDA_UNSPEC = 0
  6136. const _SYS_socket = ___NR_socket
  6137. const _SIOCRTMSG = 0x890D
  6138. const _PREFIX_CACHEINFO = 2
  6139. const __ERRNO_H = 1
  6140. const _PF_APPLETALK = 5
  6141. const __SC_NL_TEXTMAX = 124
  6142. const _SYS_capget = ___NR_capget
  6143. const _PORT_PROFILE_RESPONSE_ERROR = 261
  6144. const _RTM_DELQDISC = 37
  6145. const _TCP_CLOSE_WAIT = 8
  6146. const ___NR_brk = (0 + 45)
  6147. const _ENAMETOOLONG = 36
  6148. const __SC_TTY_NAME_MAX = 72
  6149. const _EPOLL_NONBLOCK = 2048
  6150. const ___NR_execve = (0 + 11)
  6151. const _SYS_fgetxattr = ___NR_fgetxattr
  6152. const _IFLA_INET6_FLAGS = 1
  6153. const _ICMP6_RR_FLAGS_PREVDONE = 0x08
  6154. const ___NR_mq_timedsend = (0 +276)
  6155. const __STRING_H = 1
  6156. const _RTN_UNICAST = 1
  6158. const ___NR_set_tid_address = (0 +256)
  6159. const _STDIN_FILENO = 0
  6160. const ___NR_getgid32 = (0 +200)
  6161. const ___NR_timerfd_create = (0 +350)
  6162. const ___linux__ = 1
  6163. const _PR_FP_EXC_RES = 0x080000
  6164. const __CS_POSIX_V6_LPBIG_OFFBIG_LIBS = 1130
  6165. const _ICMP6_FILTER_PASS = 2
  6166. const _SA_RESTART = 0x10000000
  6167. const _TIOCGLCKTRMIOS = 0x5456
  6168. const __SC_PRIORITIZED_IO = 13
  6169. const _CLONE_NEWIPC = 0x08000000
  6170. const _USE_LIBFFI = 1
  6171. const _SA_ONESHOT = _SA_RESETHAND
  6172. const _IFLA_IFALIAS = 20
  6173. const _STA_CLOCKERR = 0x1000
  6175. const __SC_XOPEN_SHM = 94
  6176. const ___PRAGMA_REDEFINE_EXTNAME = 1
  6177. const __SC_RTSIG_MAX = 31
  6178. const _SIGWINCH = 28
  6179. const _ND_NEIGHBOR_SOLICIT = 135
  6180. const _SYS_symlinkat = ___NR_symlinkat
  6181. const _IFA_F_TENTATIVE = 0x40
  6182. const _IPV6_RECVTCLASS = 66
  6183. const ___FLT32X_HAS_QUIET_NAN__ = 1
  6184. const _PORT_VDP_RESPONSE_OUT_OF_SYNC = 6
  6185. const _PF_NETROM = 6
  6186. const ___NR_creat = (0 + 8)
  6187. const _STA_PPSTIME = 0x0004
  6188. const _ARPD_LOOKUP = 0x02
  6189. const _MAY_EXEC = 1
  6190. const _SIOCSIFSLAVE = 0x8930
  6191. const _ENOSTR = 60
  6192. const _MACVLAN_MODE_VEPA = 2
  6193. const ___NR_sched_setparam = (0 +154)
  6194. const ___CHAR_UNSIGNED__ = 1
  6195. const _EXIT_FAILURE = 1
  6196. const _SA_NODEFER = 0x40000000
  6197. const _NLMSG_MIN_TYPE = 0x10
  6198. const _TIOCM_RI = _TIOCM_RNG
  6199. const _IPTOS_ECN_ECT0 = 0x02
  6200. const _SYS_fcntl = ___NR_fcntl
  6201. const _SIOCSIFMEM = 0x8920
  6202. const __BITS_UIO_H = 1
  6203. const _RTN_LOCAL = 2
  6204. const _TUNSETOFFLOAD_val = 1074025680
  6205. const ___SACCUM_IBIT__ = 8
  6207. const _RT_SCOPE_NOWHERE = 255
  6208. const _SCNoLEAST16 = "ho"
  6209. const ___FLT32_DECIMAL_DIG__ = 9
  6210. const _FFI_TYPE_UINT64 = 11
  6211. const _PF_CAIF = 37
  6212. const _CLONE_SETTLS = 0x00080000
  6213. const ___DEC64_SUBNORMAL_MIN__ = 0.000000000000001E-383
  6214. const ___S_ISUID = 04000
  6215. const _NETLINK_DROP_MEMBERSHIP = 2
  6216. const ___TQ_FBIT__ = 127
  6217. const ___NR_inotify_init = (0 +316)
  6218. const _IFLA_INFO_KIND = 1
  6219. const ___NR_timerfd_settime = (0 +353)
  6220. const _AF_NETBEUI = _PF_NETBEUI
  6221. const _TUN_VNET_HDR = 0x0200
  6222. const _SKF_AD_OFF = (-0x1000)
  6223. const ___DEC32_MANT_DIG__ = 7
  6224. const _BMAP_IOCTL = 1
  6225. const _SA_NOMASK = _SA_NODEFER
  6226. const _MAP_EXECUTABLE = 0x01000
  6227. const _STA_UNSYNC = 0x0040
  6228. const _ENOTDIR = 20
  6229. const _EINVAL = 22
  6230. const _RTM_NEWTFILTER = 44
  6231. const _RTM_GETTFILTER = 46
  6232. const _IP_FREEBIND = 15
  6233. const _IN_CLASSA_MAX = 128
  6234. const __XLOCALE_H = 1
  6235. const _EPOLL_CLOEXEC = 524288
  6236. const _NETLINK_GENERIC = 16
  6237. const _PACKET_OTHERHOST = 3
  6238. const ___FLT64_DIG__ = 15
  6239. const _ARPHRD_IEEE802_TR = 800
  6240. const _PACKET_BROADCAST = 1
  6241. const _TCIOFF = 2
  6242. const _RT_TABLE_UNSPEC = 0
  6243. const __SC_ASYNCHRONOUS_IO = 12
  6244. const _ND_ROUTER_ADVERT = 134
  6245. const _PACKET_DROP_MEMBERSHIP = 2
  6246. const _IN_CLOSE_WRITE = 0x00000008
  6247. const ___DOPIC__ = 1
  6248. const ___STDC_HOSTED__ = 1
  6249. const _NETLINK_CONNECTOR = 11
  6250. const _TIOCM_SR = 0x010
  6251. const ___NR_readlink = (0 + 85)
  6252. const _TIOCM_ST = 0x008
  6253. const ___UTQ_IBIT__ = 0
  6254. const _TCOFLUSH = 1
  6255. const _SIOCATMARK = 0x8905
  6256. const __SC_LEVEL2_CACHE_SIZE = 191
  6257. const _FFI_TYPE_DOUBLE = 3
  6258. const _SIOCGIFBRDADDR = 0x8919
  6259. const _RTM_GETACTION = 50
  6260. const _SOL_ATM = 264
  6261. const __SC_TZNAME_MAX = 6
  6262. const ___WCHAR_MIN__ = 0
  6263. const __SC_XBS5_LPBIG_OFFBIG = 128
  6265. const _IPPORT_SMTP = 25
  6266. const _SYS_fchown = ___NR_fchown
  6267. const _IF_NAMESIZE = 16
  6268. const _EBADE = 52
  6269. const _EBADF = 9
  6270. const ___UINT_FAST8_MAX__ = 0xff
  6271. const _SYS_fstatfs = ___NR_fstatfs
  6272. const _ECHOKE = 0004000
  6273. const _HAVE_SYS_UTSNAME_H = 1
  6274. const _PRIx8 = "x"
  6275. const _B3500000 = 0010016
  6276. const ___NR_sendfile = (0 +187)
  6277. const ___NR_fchownat = (0 +325)
  6278. const _EBADR = 53
  6279. const __SC_LEVEL1_ICACHE_SIZE = 185
  6280. const _SIGCHLD = 17
  6281. const ___NR_fork = (0 + 2)
  6282. const ___ARM_32BIT_STATE = 1
  6283. const _AF_FILE = _PF_FILE
  6284. const _CLOCK_REALTIME_ALARM = 8
  6285. const __SC_THREAD_STACK_MIN = 75
  6286. const __XOPEN_UNIX = 1
  6287. const _EHOSTUNREACH = 113
  6289. const _S_BLKSIZE = 512
  6290. const ___unix = 1
  6291. const ___NR_fchmod = (0 + 94)
  6292. const ___UCLIBC_BUILD_RELRO__ = 1
  6293. const _SCNoLEAST32 = "o"
  6294. const _EL3RST = 47
  6295. const _IPPROTO_DSTOPTS = 60
  6296. const ___ctype_encoding_utf8 = 1
  6297. const _CRTSCTS = 020000000000
  6298. const _NDTPA_MCAST_PROBES = 11
  6299. const _IFLA_NET_NS_PID = 19
  6300. const _SIOCSIFHWADDR = 0x8924
  6301. const ___UCLIBC_MAJOR__ = 1
  6302. const _TCP_FASTOPEN = 23
  6303. const _PENDIN = 0040000
  6304. const ___DEC_EVAL_METHOD__ = 2
  6305. const _TIOCPKT_DOSTOP = 32
  6306. const _DT_LNK = 10
  6307. const ___FLT32_MIN_10_EXP__ = (-37)
  6308. const __MKNOD_VER_SVR4 = 2
  6309. const _ENOLCK = 37
  6310. const _SYS_sched_rr_get_interval = ___NR_sched_rr_get_interval
  6311. const _AF_RXRPC = _PF_RXRPC
  6312. const _PR_GET_UNALIGN = 5
  6313. const _IN_CLASSB_HOST = (0xffffffff & ^_IN_CLASSB_NET)
  6314. const __BSD_SOURCE = 1
  6315. const _NSS_BUFLEN_PASSWD = 1024
  6316. const __SC_THREAD_SAFE_FUNCTIONS = 68
  6317. const _ELIBBAD = 80
  6318. const _IPV6_RXDSTOPTS = _IPV6_DSTOPTS
  6319. const ___NR_faccessat = (0 +334)
  6320. const __SC_XOPEN_LEGACY = 129
  6321. const _RTF_NONEXTHOP = 0x00200000
  6322. const __BITS_WCHAR_H = 1
  6323. const _PR_SET_PDEATHSIG = 1
  6324. const _IFLA_VLAN_INGRESS_QOS = 4
  6325. const _MS_NOEXEC = 8
  6326. const _SYS_exit_group = ___NR_exit_group
  6327. const ___CONFIG_ARM_EABI__ = 1
  6328. const _RTNLGRP_IPV6_PREFIX = 18
  6329. const _N_HDLC = 13
  6330. const __SC_THREAD_ATTR_STACKADDR = 77
  6331. const _ETH_P_IPX = 0x8137
  6332. const _PRIuLEAST32 = "u"
  6333. const ___DA_IBIT__ = 32
  6334. const _SIGUSR1 = 10
  6335. const ___NR_renameat = (0 +329)
  6336. const _TIOCSIG_val = 1074025526
  6337. const __PATH_NSSWITCH_CONF = "/etc/nsswitch.conf"
  6338. const __SC_THREAD_PROCESS_SHARED = 82
  6339. const ___REQ_ELVPRIV = 18
  6340. const _STA_PPSJITTER = 0x0200
  6341. const ___NR_signalfd = (0 +349)
  6342. const _SO_PEERSEC = 31
  6343. const ___linux = 1
  6344. const _NTF_USE = 0x01
  6345. const ___BIG_ENDIAN = 4321
  6346. const _PREFIX_UNSPEC = 0
  6347. const _SEGV_ACCERR = 2
  6348. const _SCNo32 = "o"
  6349. const ___INT64_MAX__ = 0x7fffffffffffffff
  6350. const _RTMGRP_IPV6_IFINFO = 0x800
  6351. const _SYS_readv = ___NR_readv
  6352. const _PF_RDS = 21
  6353. const _IPV6_DSTOPTS = 59
  6354. const __SYS_PTRACE_H = 1
  6355. const _BPF_S_ALU_RSH_K = 15
  6356. const _POSIX_MADV_RANDOM = 1
  6357. const _RTM_F_NOTIFY = 0x100
  6358. const ___NR_fcntl64 = (0 +221)
  6359. const _IFF_BROADCAST = 2
  6360. const _IPOPT_SATID = 136
  6361. const _TIOCMBIC = 0x5417
  6362. const ___ARM_NR_usr26 = ((0 +0x0f0000)+3)
  6363. const _SYS_uname = ___NR_uname
  6364. const ___UFRACT_FBIT__ = 16
  6365. const _MCAST_INCLUDE = 1
  6366. const _PR_TASK_PERF_EVENTS_DISABLE = 31
  6367. const _IP_MTU_DISCOVER = 10
  6368. const __SYSCALL_H = 1
  6369. const _ESTRPIPE = 86
  6370. const __POSIX2_LINE_MAX = 2048
  6371. const _TCA_OPTIONS = 2
  6372. const _ENOLINK = 67
  6373. const _FFI_GO_CLOSURES = 1
  6374. const _VSWTC = 7
  6375. const _SA_INTERRUPT = 0x20000000
  6376. const ___DBL_HAS_QUIET_NAN__ = 1
  6377. const _ARPOP_InREPLY = 9
  6378. const _SYS_sendmsg = ___NR_sendmsg
  6379. const _RTMSG_DELROUTE = 0x22
  6380. const _TIOCGSID = 0x5429
  6381. const __POSIX_LINK_MAX = 8
  6382. const _N_MOUSE = 2
  6383. const ___NR_fchdir = (0 +133)
  6384. const ___have_sigevent_t = 1
  6385. const ___UCLIBC_USE_NETLINK__ = 1
  6386. const _PTRACE_SETREGSET = 16901
  6387. const _IN_NONBLOCK = 2048
  6388. const ___NR_inotify_init1 = (0 +360)
  6389. const _FFI_TYPE_VOID = 0
  6390. const _FD_CLOEXEC = 1
  6391. const ___NR_setsockopt = (0 +294)
  6392. const _ECHONL = 0000100
  6393. const ___MAX_BAUD = _B4000000
  6394. const __PATH_PROTOCOLS = "/etc/protocols"
  6395. const _RTNLGRP_IPV4_ROUTE = 7
  6396. const ___UCLIBC_HAS_LIBINTL__ = 1
  6397. const _CLONE_NEWUTS = 0x04000000
  6398. const _SYS_semtimedop = ___NR_semtimedop
  6399. const _ETH_P_PHONET = 0x00F5
  6400. const __PWD_H = 1
  6401. const __POSIX_SHELL = 1
  6402. const _S_NOATIME = 2
  6403. const _MNT_FORCE = 1
  6404. const ___WCHAR_MIN = (-2147483647 - 1)
  6405. const _NETDB_INTERNAL = -1
  6406. const ___USE_MISC = 1
  6407. const _PRIO_MAX = 20
  6408. const _PTRACE_SETFPXREGS = 19
  6409. const _ETHERTYPE_ARP = 0x0806
  6410. const __POSIX_TIMEOUTS = 200809
  6411. const __SC_SCHAR_MAX = 111
  6412. const _MLD_LISTENER_QUERY = 130
  6413. const _SPLICE_F_GIFT = 8
  6414. const ___BYTE_ORDER__ = ___ORDER_LITTLE_ENDIAN__
  6415. const ___IFLA_VLAN_QOS_MAX = 2
  6416. const ___NR_setfsgid32 = (0 +216)
  6417. const ___LACCUM_IBIT__ = 32
  6418. const _SYS_setgroups = ___NR_setgroups
  6419. const _BPF_S_JMP_JEQ_X = 38
  6420. const _IFF_PROMISC = 256
  6421. const ___ARCH_USE_MMU__ = 1
  6422. const _PRIXLEAST16 = "X"
  6423. const _TH_FIN = 0x01
  6424. const _SYS_setgid32 = ___NR_setgid32
  6425. const _RTM_GETADDRLABEL = 74
  6426. const ___SIGRTMAX = (__NSIG - 1)
  6427. const _ERESTART = 85
  6428. const __SC_V7_ILP32_OFFBIG = 238
  6429. const __PC_ASYNC_IO = 10
  6430. const _MADV_DOFORK = 11
  6431. const ___SFRACT_IBIT__ = 0
  6432. const ___error_t_defined = 1
  6433. const __SS_SIZE = 128
  6434. const _NGREG = 18
  6435. const _TCP_CLOSING = 11
  6436. const _SYS_truncate64 = ___NR_truncate64
  6437. const _RTF_XRESOLVE = 0x0800
  6438. const _BPF_RET = 0x06
  6439. const _HAVE_STRERROR_R = 1
  6440. const __SC_NL_SETMAX = 123
  6441. const __SYS_SYSMACROS_H = 1
  6442. const _NDA_CACHEINFO = 3
  6443. const _CLONE_VM = 0x00000100
  6444. const __IOC_DIRBITS = 2
  6445. const _WUNTRACED = 2
  6446. const _PR_MCE_KILL_SET = 1
  6447. const _SKF_AD_QUEUE = 24
  6448. const ___NR_lchown = (0 + 16)
  6449. const ___FLOAT_WORD_ORDER__ = ___ORDER_LITTLE_ENDIAN__
  6450. const __POSIX_SIGQUEUE_MAX = 32
  6451. const ___USE_REENTRANT = 1
  6452. const ___SIZEOF_SEM_T = 16
  6453. const _XATTR_SIZE_MAX = 65536
  6454. const ___NR_epoll_wait = (0 +252)
  6455. const _SYS_epoll_ctl = ___NR_epoll_ctl
  6456. const _TCPI_OPT_WSCALE = 4
  6457. const __SC_LEVEL1_ICACHE_ASSOC = 186
  6458. const _IPV6_RTHDR_LOOSE = 0
  6459. const _SYS_sched_get_priority_max = ___NR_sched_get_priority_max
  6460. const _IPPORT_BIFFUDP = 512
  6461. const _FIONREAD = 0x541B
  6462. const _MLD_LISTENER_REDUCTION = 132
  6463. const _TIOCSERGWILD = 0x5454
  6464. const _EKEYREJECTED = 129
  6465. const _TIOCSERGETMULTI = 0x545A
  6466. const _SO_ERROR = 4
  6467. const _MAP_NONBLOCK = 0x10000
  6468. const _TABDLY = 0014000
  6469. const ___GNUC_MINOR__ = 2
  6470. const _HAVE_SEMAPHORE_H = 1
  6471. const _SIG_UNBLOCK = 1
  6472. const ___NR_prctl = (0 +172)
  6473. const _IPPORT_DISCARD = 9
  6474. const ___NR_quotactl = (0 +131)
  6475. const __CS_XBS5_LP64_OFF64_CFLAGS = 1108
  6476. const _SYS_ioctl = ___NR_ioctl
  6477. const _RTAX_FEATURE_ECN = 0x00000001
  6478. const _SYS_poll = ___NR_poll
  6480. const _IPV6_2292PKTOPTIONS = 6
  6481. const _TIOCM_CTS = 0x020
  6482. const _PTRDIFF_MAX = (2147483647)
  6483. const _P_ALL = 0
  6484. const ___UCLIBC_HAS_LIBUTIL__ = 1
  6485. const _SYS_msgsnd = ___NR_msgsnd
  6486. const ___S_IEXEC = 0100
  6487. const __SC_DELAYTIMER_MAX = 26
  6488. const _SYS_exit = ___NR_exit
  6489. const _SYS_restart_syscall = ___NR_restart_syscall
  6490. const _PRIXLEAST32 = "X"
  6491. const _SIGSYS = 31
  6492. const ___UCLIBC_HAS_STDIO_FUTEXES__ = 1
  6493. const _EUCLEAN = 117
  6494. const _PR_SET_FPEMU = 10
  6495. const _ETH_P_ATALK = 0x809B
  6496. const _RTF_REINSTATE = 0x0008
  6497. const ___USE_POSIX199506 = 1
  6498. const _SYS_nanosleep = ___NR_nanosleep
  6499. const _IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP = 36
  6500. const _WINT_MAX = (4294967295)
  6501. const _ECONNABORTED = 103
  6502. const _HAVE_STRING_H = 1
  6503. const _FS_DIRSYNC_FL = 0x00010000
  6504. const ___SACCUM_FBIT__ = 7
  6505. const __SC_TIMEOUTS = 164
  6506. const ___INT_LEAST32_MAX__ = 0x7fffffff
  6508. const _IPPORT_MTP = 57
  6509. const ___NR_unlink = (0 + 10)
  6511. const _UINT_LEAST16_MAX = (65535)
  6512. const ___NR_geteuid = (0 + 49)
  6513. const _S_IWGRP = (_S_IWUSR >> 3)
  6514. const _SYS_mkdirat = ___NR_mkdirat
  6515. const _TIOCPKT_DATA = 0
  6516. const _RTCF_DIRECTSRC = 0x04000000
  6517. const _DN_DELETE = 0x00000008
  6518. const _ADJ_TAI = 0x0080
  6519. const _NDUSEROPT_UNSPEC = 0
  6521. const _NR_FILE = 8192
  6522. const _PF_PPPOX = 24
  6523. const _TUNSETPERSIST_val = 1074025675
  6524. const _SO_RCVBUF = 8
  6525. const __SC_XBS5_ILP32_OFFBIG = 126
  6526. const ___LC_NUMERIC = 1
  6527. const ___SIZEOF_PTHREAD_CONDATTR_T = 4
  6528. const _N_HCI = 15
  6529. const _PRIuLEAST8 = "u"
  6530. const _USHRT_MAX = (_SHRT_MAX * 2 + 1)
  6531. const _RT_CLASS_LOCAL = 255
  6532. const _FIOGETOWN = 0x8903
  6533. const ___NR_shmget = (0 +307)
  6534. const ___UCLIBC_CLK_TCK_CONST = 100
  6535. const _SOCK_NONBLOCK = 2048
  6536. const _UINT_LEAST32_MAX = (4294967295)
  6537. const _SIGXFSZ = 25
  6538. const _IFLA_PROTINFO = 12
  6539. const ___NR_munlockall = (0 +153)
  6540. const _IP_MULTICAST_ALL = 49
  6541. const _ECHO = 0000010
  6542. const ___arm__ = 1
  6543. const ___UTQ_FBIT__ = 128
  6544. const _ETHERTYPE_AT = 0x809B
  6545. const _SCHAR_MAX = ___SCHAR_MAX__
  6546. const ___UCLIBC_HAS_WCHAR__ = 1
  6547. const _NDTPA_REACHABLE_TIME = 3
  6548. const _NLM_F_MULTI = 2
  6549. const ___REQ_COPY_USER = 24
  6550. const _SYS_mremap = ___NR_mremap
  6551. const __BYTESWAP_H = 1
  6552. const _SYS_bdflush = ___NR_bdflush
  6553. const _SIOCSIFDSTADDR = 0x8918
  6554. const _VREPRINT = 12
  6555. const _SYS_send = ___NR_send
  6556. const _IFLA_QDISC = 6
  6557. const ___ELF__ = 1
  6558. const _IN_OPEN = 0x00000020
  6559. const _IFF_NO_PI = 0x1000
  6560. const _ETH_P_CONTROL = 0x0016
  6561. const _DT_FIFO = 1
  6562. const _SCNiFAST8 = "hhi"
  6563. const _TIOCSETD = 0x5423
  6564. const _PTRACE_O_MASK = 255
  6565. const _IPOPT_OFFSET = 2
  6566. const ___NR_fstatfs = (0 +100)
  6568. const __BITS_PTHREADTYPES_H = 1
  6569. const _IPPROTO_IGMP = 2
  6570. const _SYS_sysinfo = ___NR_sysinfo
  6571. const __SYS_EPOLL_H = 1
  6572. const _NUD_NONE = 0x00
  6573. const _OFDEL = 0000200
  6574. const __PC_PRIO_IO = 11
  6575. const ___FLT_MIN__ = 1.1
  6576. const _CLONE_NEWNET = 0x40000000
  6577. const _RTA_OIF = 4
  6578. const _SI_SIGIO = -5
  6579. const __XOPEN_REALTIME = 1
  6580. const _PRIu16 = "u"
  6581. const _ND_OPT_SOURCE_LINKADDR = 1
  6582. const _IFA_F_DEPRECATED = 0x20
  6583. const _RTNH_F_DEAD = 1
  6584. const ___GCC_ATOMIC_TEST_AND_SET_TRUEVAL = 1
  6585. const _PTRACE_GETREGS = 12
  6586. const _RT_CLASS_MAIN = 254
  6587. const _F_OK = 0
  6588. const _RTPROT_MRT = 10
  6589. const _IPPROTO_AH = 51
  6590. const __SC_NL_ARGMAX = 119
  6591. const _IFA_MULTICAST = 7
  6592. const _IPOPT_SECUR_TOPSECRET = 0x6bc5
  6593. const ___S_IWRITE = 0200
  6594. const _ENOTCONN = 107
  6595. const _RTF_REJECT = 0x0200
  6596. const __CS_POSIX_V7_LPBIG_OFFBIG_LDFLAGS = 1145
  6597. const ___S_IFMT = 0170000
  6598. const __SC_PAGESIZE = 30
  6599. const _ARPHRD_CISCO = 513
  6600. const _BPF_S_LD_H_IND = 23
  6601. const __CS_POSIX_V6_LP64_OFF64_LINTFLAGS = 1127
  6602. const __SC_NPROCESSORS_CONF = 83
  6603. const _IFF_PORTSEL = 8192
  6604. const _BPF_S_ALU_AND_X = 10
  6605. const _IFA_CACHEINFO = 6
  6606. const _SYS_sigaction = ___NR_sigaction
  6607. const _O_NOCTTY = 0400
  6608. const _CLONE_IO = 0x80000000
  6609. const _SIOCSIFHWBROADCAST = 0x8937
  6610. const _ARPHRD_ADAPT = 264
  6611. const __CS_GNU_LIBC_VERSION = 2
  6612. const _NLM_F_CREATE = 0x400
  6613. const _RT_CLASS_DEFAULT = 253
  6614. const ___NR_setfsuid = (0 +138)
  6615. const _ENOSYS = 38
  6616. const _RTM_GETMULTICAST = 58
  6617. const _ETHER_MIN_LEN = (_ETH_ZLEN + _ETHER_CRC_LEN)
  6618. const _EPOLL_CTL_MOD = 3
  6619. const _FIONBIO = 0x5421
  6620. const __SC_PII_XTI = 54
  6621. const __POSIX2_C_DEV = ___POSIX2_THIS_VERSION
  6622. const _AF_ALG = _PF_ALG
  6623. const _SO_RCVLOWAT = 18
  6624. const ___UCLIBC_SUSV4_LEGACY__ = 1
  6625. const _IPPORT_WHOSERVER = 513
  6626. const _HAVE_SYS_MMAN_H = 1
  6627. const ___NR_pwrite64 = (0 +181)
  6628. const _RTNLGRP_NONE = 0
  6629. const _FS_SYNC_FL = 0x00000008
  6630. const _CLONE_FILES = 0x00000400
  6631. const _MSG_WAITALL = 256
  6632. const _B38400 = 0000017
  6633. const ___NR_sendmsg = (0 +296)
  6634. const _RTF_NAT = 0x08000000
  6635. const ___NR_getsid = (0 +147)
  6636. const ___NR_ioprio_get = (0 +315)
  6637. const _MS_REC = 16384
  6638. const _ICMP6_RR_FLAGS_FORCEAPPLY = 0x20
  6639. const _IPPORT_EXECSERVER = 512
  6640. const _RTAX_WINDOW = 3
  6641. const _PDP_ENDIAN = ___PDP_ENDIAN
  6642. const ___LONG_MAX__ = 0x7fffffff
  6643. const _PR_MCE_KILL_EARLY = 1
  6644. const _NETLINK_AUDIT = 9
  6645. const _ICMP6_FILTER_BLOCKOTHERS = 3
  6646. const __SC_SPIN_LOCKS = 154
  6647. const _RTM_GETTCLASS = 42
  6648. const _AI_ADDRCONFIG = 0x0020
  6649. const _TCP_LISTEN = 10
  6650. const _MADV_UNMERGEABLE = 13
  6651. const ___UDA_IBIT__ = 32
  6652. const _SYS_shutdown = ___NR_shutdown
  6653. const __POSIX2_BC_STRING_MAX = 1000
  6654. const _N_R3964 = 9
  6655. const _EXFULL = 54
  6656. const __POSIX_RAW_SOCKETS = 200809
  6657. const _EBUSY = 16
  6658. const _B2500000 = 0010014
  6659. const ___NR_getsockname = (0 +286)
  6660. const _PRIXFAST8 = "X"
  6661. const _SYS_tkill = ___NR_tkill
  6663. const _CTIME = 0
  6664. const ___FLT32X_HAS_INFINITY__ = 1
  6665. const _EUNATCH = 49
  6666. const __SC_2_PBS_ACCOUNTING = 169
  6667. const _SYS_mmap2 = ___NR_mmap2
  6669. const _IPPORT_WHOIS = 43
  6670. const _ICMP6_FILTER_PASSONLY = 4
  6671. const _NLA_ALIGNTO = 4
  6672. const _ENOMEDIUM = 123
  6673. const __GNU_SOURCE = 1
  6674. const _SYS_ptrace = ___NR_ptrace
  6675. const ___UCLIBC_GRP_BUFFER_SIZE__ = 256
  6676. const _E2BIG = 7
  6677. const __XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED = 1
  6678. const ___UCLIBC_HAS_SIGNUM_MESSAGES__ = 1
  6679. const _SYS_lstat64 = ___NR_lstat64
  6680. const ___NR_writev = (0 +146)
  6681. const _SYS_futex = ___NR_futex
  6682. const _IN_DELETE = 0x00000200
  6683. const _MSG_PROXY = 16
  6684. const ___RUNTIME_PREFIX__ = "/opt"
  6685. const _S_IXUSR = ___S_IEXEC
  6686. const __SYS_SELECT_H = 1
  6687. const ___NR_inotify_add_watch = (0 +317)
  6688. const ___NR_openat = (0 +322)
  6689. const ___NR_fdatasync = (0 +148)
  6690. const _F_SETLEASE = 1024
  6691. const ___UCLIBC_PWD_BUFFER_SIZE__ = 256
  6692. const ___BITS_PER_LONG = 32
  6693. const _PRIO_MIN = -20
  6694. const ___NR_prlimit64 = (0 +369)
  6695. const _RTM_DELTFILTER = 45
  6696. const __POSIX_SOURCE = 1
  6697. const ___NETINET_IF_ETHER_H = 1
  6698. const _BPF_S_ALU_LSH_K = 13
  6699. const _SYS_recvmmsg = ___NR_recvmmsg
  6700. const _HAVE_SCHED_H = 1
  6701. const _ETH_P_RARP = 0x8035
  6702. const ___ORDER_PDP_ENDIAN__ = 3412
  6703. const __POSIX_SEM_NSEMS_MAX = 256
  6704. const ___LDBL_EPSILON__ = 1.1
  6705. const ___clock_t_defined = 1
  6706. const _MAP_TYPE = 0x0f
  6707. const ___LACCUM_FBIT__ = 31
  6708. const ___USE_XOPEN_EXTENDED = 1
  6709. const _BPF_S_ALU_LSH_X = 14
  6710. const _ICMP6_PARAMPROB_OPTION = 2
  6711. const _TCP_REPAIR = 19
  6712. const _IFLA_VLAN_FLAGS = 2
  6713. const ___NR_dup = (0 + 41)
  6714. const _AF_TIPC = _PF_TIPC
  6715. const _RTM_SETNEIGHTBL = 67
  6716. const ___NR_futimesat = (0 +326)
  6717. const _HAVE_UNISTD_H = 1
  6718. const _S_IRWXU = (___S_IREAD|___S_IWRITE|___S_IEXEC)
  6720. const ___SIGRTMIN = 32
  6721. const _SYS__sysctl = ___NR__sysctl
  6722. const _ENETUNREACH = 101
  6723. const _SYS_mq_timedsend = ___NR_mq_timedsend
  6724. const _TIOCSERGETLSR = 0x5459
  6725. const _RLIMIT_FSIZE = 1
  6727. const _BPF_TAX = 0x00
  6728. const __SC_SYNCHRONIZED_IO = 14
  6729. const _S_PRIVATE = 512
  6730. const ___RTN_MAX = 12
  6731. const __SC_V7_LP64_OFF64 = 239
  6732. const _ND_OPT_MTU = 5
  6733. const _PRIoLEAST8 = "o"
  6734. const __SC_EQUIV_CLASS_MAX = 41
  6735. const __POSIX_CLOCKRES_MIN = 20000000
  6736. const ___GCC_ATOMIC_INT_LOCK_FREE = 2
  6737. const ___HQ_FBIT__ = 15
  6738. const _IP_DROP_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP = 40
  6739. const _SEEK_MAX = _SEEK_END
  6740. const _ARPHRD_METRICOM = 23
  6741. const _IFLA_VLAN_EGRESS_QOS = 3
  6742. const ___NR_clock_nanosleep = (0 +265)
  6743. const _PR_UNALIGN_NOPRINT = 1
  6744. const ___UDQ_IBIT__ = 0
  6745. const _S_ISGID = ___S_ISGID
  6746. const _IPV6_RTHDR_TYPE_0 = 0
  6747. const ___UCLIBC__ = 1
  6748. const __STAT_VER_SVR4 = 2
  6749. const _FS_UNRM_FL = 0x00000002
  6750. const __POSIX_THREAD_SAFE_FUNCTIONS = 200809
  6751. const _PR_FP_EXC_NONRECOV = 1
  6752. const __BITS_UCLIBC_LOCAL_LIM_H = 1
  6753. const _IGNBRK = 0000001
  6754. const ___HAVE_DOT_CONFIG__ = 1
  6755. const _SYS_sched_get_priority_min = ___NR_sched_get_priority_min
  6756. const _N_MASC = 8
  6757. const _IPV6_IPSEC_POLICY = 34
  6758. const _IP_MTU = 14
  6759. const _AF_LLC = _PF_LLC
  6760. const _SIGUNUSED = 31
  6761. const _SIOCSRARP = 0x8962
  6762. const _SYS_getresgid32 = ___NR_getresgid32
  6763. const _SO_SNDBUFFORCE = 32
  6764. const ___WCLONE = 0x80000000
  6765. const ___FLT_HAS_DENORM__ = 1
  6766. const _IPPORT_NAMESERVER = 42
  6767. const __POSIX_THREAD_ATTR_STACKADDR = 200809
  6768. const _IP_MSFILTER = 41
  6769. const ___UHQ_IBIT__ = 0
  6770. const _RTM_SETDCB = 79
  6771. const _RTMSG_DELDEVICE = 0x12
  6772. const _ICMP6_RR_PCOUSE_RAFLAGS_ONLINK = 0x20
  6773. const _SIOCGPGRP = 0x8904
  6774. const __CS_LFS64_LDFLAGS = 1005
  6775. const __LFS64_ASYNCHRONOUS_IO = 1
  6776. const _HAVE_LINUX_IF_TUN_H = 1
  6777. const _ARPHRD_APPLETLK = 8
  6778. const _PR_GET_SECUREBITS = 27
  6779. const _CMIN = 1
  6780. const ___NR_pread64 = (0 +180)
  6781. const ___GCC_ATOMIC_CHAR32_T_LOCK_FREE = 2
  6782. const _IFLA_VF_INFO = 1
  6783. const ___ATOMIC_SEQ_CST = 5
  6784. const _ULONG_MAX = (_LONG_MAX * 2 + 1)
  6785. const _TIOCSERGSTRUCT = 0x5458
  6786. const ___UCLIBC_BUILD_MINIMAL_LOCALES__ = " af_ZA am_ET ar_AE ar_BH ar_DZ ar_EG ar_IN ar_IQ ar_JO ar_KW ar_LB ar_LY ar_MA ar_OM ar_QA ar_SA ar_SD ar_SY ar_TN ar_YE az_AZ be_BY bg_BG bn_BD bn_IN br_FR bs_BA ca_ES cs_CZ cy_GB da_DK de_AT de_BE de_CH de_DE de_LU el_GR en_AU en_BW en_CA en_DK en_GB en_HK en_IE en_IN en_NZ en_PH en_SG en_US en_ZA en_ZW eo_EO es_AR es_BO es_CL es_CO es_CR es_DO es_EC es_ES es_GT es_HN es_MX es_NI es_PA es_PE es_PR es_PY es_SV es_US es_UY es_VE et_EE eu_ES fa_IR fi_FI fo_FO fr_BE fr_CA fr_CH fr_FR fr_LU ga_IE gd_GB gl_ES gv_GB he_IL hi_IN hr_HR hu_HU hy_AM id_ID is_IS it_CH it_IT iw_IL ja_JP ka_GE kl_GL ko_KR kw_GB lt_LT lv_LV mi_NZ mk_MK mr_IN ms_MY mt_MT nl_BE nl_NL nn_NO no_NO oc_FR pl_PL pt_BR pt_PT ro_RO ru_RU ru_UA se_NO sk_SK sl_SI sq_AL sr_YU sv_FI sv_SE ta_IN te_IN tg_TJ th_TH ti_ER ti_ET tl_PH tr_TR tt_RU uk_UA ur_PK uz_UZ vi_VN wa_BE yi_US zh_CN zh_HK zh_SG zh_TW"
  6787. const _S_IFBLK = ___S_IFBLK
  6788. const _SIOCADDDLCI = 0x8980
  6789. const ___LDBL_MAX_EXP__ = 1024
  6790. const __LFS64_STDIO = 1
  6791. const __SYS_UN_H = 1
  6792. const _BPF_S_JMP_JGT_X = 42
  6793. const _EREMCHG = 78
  6794. const _NETLINK_ADD_MEMBERSHIP = 1
  6796. const ___NR_umask = (0 + 60)
  6797. const _WINT_MIN = (0)
  6798. const __POSIX_MEMLOCK = 200809
  6799. const __SC_CHARCLASS_NAME_MAX = 45
  6800. const __POSIX_READER_WRITER_LOCKS = 200809
  6801. const __XOPEN_XPG3 = 1
  6802. const __SC_TRACE_INHERIT = 183
  6803. const _IXOFF = 0010000
  6804. const _MS_NOUSER = -2147483648
  6805. const ___BIGGEST_ALIGNMENT__ = 8
  6806. const _ETH_P_DDCMP = 0x0006
  6807. const ___NR_rt_sigsuspend = (0 +179)
  6808. const _X_OK = 1
  6809. const _O_ASYNC = 020000
  6810. const _TIOCLINUX = 0x541C
  6811. const _NUD_NOARP = 0x40
  6812. const _S_IFDIR = ___S_IFDIR
  6813. const __XBS5_ILP32_OFF32 = 1
  6814. const ___ATOMIC_ACQUIRE = 2
  6815. const _N_6PACK = 7
  6816. const _IP_DF = 0x4000
  6817. const _IPOPT_OPTVAL = 0
  6818. const __PATH_HOSTS = "/etc/hosts"
  6819. const ___NR_eventfd = (0 +351)
  6820. const _SO_SNDBUF = 7
  6821. const _SYS_cacheflush = ___ARM_NR_cacheflush
  6822. const ___NR_mkdirat = (0 +323)
  6823. const _DT_UNKNOWN = 0
  6824. const _IFLA_VLAN_ID = 1
  6825. const __SC_PII_INTERNET_STREAM = 61
  6826. const _F_SETOWN = 8
  6827. const __CS_POSIX_V6_LP64_OFF64_LIBS = 1126
  6828. const _TIOCSSERIAL = 0x541F
  6829. const _ENONET = 64
  6830. const _ARPHRD_ATM = 19
  6831. const ___TARGET_SUBARCH__ = ""
  6832. const ___NR_setresgid = (0 +170)
  6833. const _SYS_munmap = ___NR_munmap
  6834. const __CS_PATH = 0
  6835. const ___INTMAX_MAX__ = 0x7fffffffffffffff
  6836. const ___NR_chroot = (0 + 61)
  6837. const ___UCLIBC_MINOR__ = 0
  6838. const _ETH_FRAME_LEN = 1514
  6839. const _PTRACE_EVENT_FORK = 1
  6840. const ___UCLIBC_HAS_FTW__ = 1
  6841. const _VMIN = 6
  6842. const _CLOCK_REALTIME = 0
  6843. const ___UCLIBC_HAS_LOCALE__ = 1
  6844. const __PC_REC_INCR_XFER_SIZE = 14
  6845. const _SYS_setsid = ___NR_setsid
  6846. const __SC_2_PBS_TRACK = 172
  6847. const _ARPD_FLUSH = 0x03
  6848. const ___UCLIBC_HAS_REGEX__ = 1
  6849. const _TRY_AGAIN = 2
  6850. const __SYS_SYSINFO_H = 1
  6851. const ___INT_LEAST8_WIDTH__ = 8
  6852. const _ARPHRD_IEEE1394 = 24
  6853. const _IN_ACCESS = 0x00000001
  6854. const _IFLA_IFNAME = 3
  6855. const _TCP_USER_TIMEOUT = 18
  6856. const _ARPHRD_IEEE80211 = 801
  6857. const _B1152000 = 0010011
  6858. const _PF_BLUETOOTH = 31
  6859. const _TUN_F_TSO_ECN = 0x08
  6860. const _TIOCSWINSZ_val = 21524
  6861. const _EAI_ALLDONE = -103
  6862. const ___LDBL_MAX_10_EXP__ = 308
  6863. const _RTF_IRTT = 0x0100
  6864. const _SYS_fstatfs64 = ___NR_fstatfs64
  6865. const _RTN_PROHIBIT = 8
  6866. const _UINT_FAST32_MAX = (4294967295)
  6867. const ___NR_bdflush = (0 +134)
  6868. const __SYS_FILE_H = 1
  6869. const _IFLA_INET6_CONF = 2
  6870. const _CLOCAL = 0004000
  6871. const _TIOCPKT_NOSTOP = 16
  6872. const _COLL_WEIGHTS_MAX = 255
  6873. const _O_TRUNC = 01000
  6874. const ___NR_sethostname = (0 + 74)
  6875. const _FIONCLEX = 0x5450
  6876. const _PF_AX25 = 3
  6877. const ___ATOMIC_ACQ_REL = 4
  6878. const ___NR_sysinfo = (0 +116)
  6879. const _MADV_DONTFORK = 10
  6880. const _IPV6_ROUTER_ALERT = 22
  6881. const _RTM_GETANYCAST = 62
  6882. const __SC_VERSION = 29
  6883. const ___SIZEOF_WCHAR_T__ = 4
  6884. const _TIOCPKT_FLUSHREAD = 1
  6885. const _SYS_getgroups32 = ___NR_getgroups32
  6886. const _SYS_set_tls = ___ARM_NR_set_tls
  6887. const _RTM_DELNEIGH = 29
  6888. const ___STDC_VERSION__ = 199901
  6889. const _ITIMER_PROF = 2
  6890. const _PORT_UUID_MAX = 16
  6891. const ___LONG_LONG_WIDTH__ = 64
  6892. const _AF_ASH = _PF_ASH
  6893. const _IP_PMTUDISC_DONT = 0
  6894. const _HAVE_SYNC_FETCH_AND_ADD_4 = 1
  6895. const _IPV6_JOIN_GROUP = 20
  6896. const ___UCLIBC_HAS_CTYPE_CHECKED__ = 1
  6897. const _RTNLGRP_IPV6_IFADDR = 9
  6898. const ___UCLIBC_HAS_SYSLOG__ = 1
  6899. const ___SIZEOF_PTHREAD_MUTEX_T = 24
  6900. const _SO_TYPE = 3
  6901. const ___IFLA_VLAN_MAX = 5
  6902. const _CLONE_VFORK = 0x00004000
  6903. const _IPPROTO_IP = 0
  6904. const _ENOEXEC = 8
  6905. const _PTRACE_GETREGSET = 16900
  6906. const _PR_SET_FPEXC = 12
  6907. const _TCP_WINDOW_CLAMP = 10
  6908. const _SO_RXQ_OVFL = 40
  6909. const _SYS_vfork = ___NR_vfork
  6910. const _IN_CLOEXEC = 524288
  6911. const _TCA_FCNT = 6
  6912. const __SC_SEM_VALUE_MAX = 33
  6913. const __NETINET_ICMP6_H = 1
  6914. const ___ARM_ARCH_ISA_THUMB = 2
  6915. const ___RLIMIT_MSGQUEUE = 12
  6916. const _IPPROTO_COMP = 108
  6917. const _PACKET_RX_RING = 5
  6918. const ___S_ISVTX = 01000
  6919. const _EADDRNOTAVAIL = 99
  6920. const ___UCLIBC_BSD_SPECIFIC__ = 1
  6921. const _ETH_P_IP = 0x0800
  6922. const _SYS_waitid = ___NR_waitid
  6923. const _MSG_NOSIGNAL = 16384
  6924. const _SCOPE_DELIMITER = '%'
  6925. const ___NR_ustat = (0 + 62)
  6926. const ___NR_socket = (0 +281)
  6927. const ___NET_ETHERNET_H = 1
  6928. const _SYS_io_setup = ___NR_io_setup
  6929. const _S_IRUSR = ___S_IREAD
  6930. const _IPV6_MTU = 24
  6931. const _FS_JOURNAL_DATA_FL = 0x00004000
  6932. const ___NR_capget = (0 +184)
  6933. const _RTN_ANYCAST = 4
  6934. const _POLL_HUP = 6
  6935. const _HAVE_GETIPINFO = 1
  6936. const _MS_UNBINDABLE = 131072
  6937. const _PACKET_MULTICAST = 2
  6938. const __POSIX_SPIN_LOCKS = 200809
  6939. const ___REQ_SYNC = 5
  6940. const __POSIX_V6_LPBIG_OFFBIG = -1
  6941. const _ARPHRD_FCAL = 785
  6942. const _S_IFCHR = ___S_IFCHR
  6943. const _HAVE_LINUX_FS_H = 1
  6944. const _MCAST_BLOCK_SOURCE = 43
  6945. const _SYS_getgroups = ___NR_getgroups
  6946. const ___UCLIBC_HAS_GLIBC_CUSTOM_PRINTF__ = 1
  6947. const _UINT32_MAX = (4294967295)
  6948. const _IN_Q_OVERFLOW = 0x00004000
  6949. const ___USE_ANSI = 1
  6950. const _IFLA_INET6_CACHEINFO = 5
  6951. const _TIMER_ABSTIME = 1
  6952. const _MAP_FIXED = 0x10
  6953. const __SC_CLOCK_SELECTION = 137
  6954. const _HAVE_FCHMODAT = 1
  6955. const __CS_POSIX_V7_LPBIG_OFFBIG_CFLAGS = 1144
  6956. const _CLONE_SYSVSEM = 0x00040000
  6957. const _TCP_TIME_WAIT = 6
  6958. const _BPF_ST = 0x02
  6959. const __POSIX_V6_ILP32_OFF32 = 1
  6960. const _AF_SECURITY = _PF_SECURITY
  6961. const _PF_X25 = 9
  6962. const _ESOCKTNOSUPPORT = 94
  6963. const _TIOCGSERIAL = 0x541E
  6964. const _SYS_mbind = ___NR_mbind
  6965. const _IFA_BROADCAST = 4
  6966. const _BPF_RSH = 0x70
  6967. const __POSIX_ASYNC_IO = 1
  6968. const _CLD_CONTINUED = 6
  6969. const __SC_FILE_ATTRIBUTES = 146
  6970. const __POSIX_SEM_VALUE_MAX = 32767
  6971. const __SC_FD_MGMT = 143
  6972. const ___timer_t_defined = 1
  6973. const __POSIX_HOST_NAME_MAX = 255
  6974. const __SC_SIGQUEUE_MAX = 34
  6975. const _IOC_OUT = (__IOC_READ << __IOC_DIRSHIFT)
  6976. const _EMLINK = 31
  6977. const ___WCOREFLAG = 0x80
  6978. const _ERFKILL = 132
  6979. const __UTSNAME_LENGTH = 65
  6980. const _SIG_BLOCK = 0
  6981. const _SYS_mincore = ___NR_mincore
  6982. const _AF_NFC = _PF_NFC
  6983. const ___REQ_ALLOCED = 23
  6984. const _SYS_getppid = ___NR_getppid
  6985. const _RTM_NEWQDISC = 36
  6986. const _IPOPT_SECUR_MMMM = 0xbc4d
  6987. const ___NR_getxattr = (0 +229)
  6988. const _PR_FPEMU_NOPRINT = 1
  6989. const _NDA_LLADDR = 2
  6990. const _SYS_chown32 = ___NR_chown32
  6991. const ___NR_mprotect = (0 +125)
  6992. const _SHUT_RDWR = 2
  6993. const _SIOCSIFMETRIC = 0x891e
  6994. const _MAP_DENYWRITE = 0x00800
  6995. const _SI_ASYNCIO = -4
  6996. const ___NR_statfs64 = (0 +266)
  6997. const _RTA_UNSPEC = 0
  6998. const ___NR__newselect = (0 +142)
  6999. const ___GCC_IEC_559 = 0
  7000. const _RTF_LINKRT = 0x00100000
  7001. const _SYS_move_pages = ___NR_move_pages
  7002. const _HAVE_LDEXPL = 1
  7003. const ___NR_mq_unlink = (0 +275)
  7004. const _FS_DIRECTIO_FL = 0x00100000
  7005. const _MACVLAN_MODE_BRIDGE = 4
  7006. const _DT_DIR = 4
  7007. const _STA_PPSSIGNAL = 0x0100
  7008. const _SYS_setfsgid = ___NR_setfsgid
  7009. const _HAVE_OPEN64 = 1
  7010. const _SYS_bind = ___NR_bind
  7011. const __SC_DEVICE_SPECIFIC = 141
  7012. const _IPFRAGTTL = 60
  7013. const _PTRAVE_EVENT_SECCOMP = 7
  7014. const ___INT_FAST64_WIDTH__ = 64
  7015. const _BUS_ADRALN = 1
  7016. const _SOL_RAW = 255
  7017. const _LOCK_EX = 2
  7018. const ___NR_munmap = (0 + 91)
  7019. const ___GCC_ATOMIC_LLONG_LOCK_FREE = 2
  7020. const __SC_PHYS_PAGES = 85
  7021. const ___ULLFRACT_FBIT__ = 64
  7022. const _SYS_remap_file_pages = ___NR_remap_file_pages
  7023. const _MS_SYNC = 4
  7024. const _F_UNLCK = 2
  7025. const _PR_GET_FPEMU = 9
  7026. const ___NR_remap_file_pages = (0 +253)
  7027. const _IPOPT_NUMBER_MASK = 0x1f
  7028. const _SYS_setuid = ___NR_setuid
  7029. const _IP_PASSSEC = 18
  7030. const _SYS_socketpair = ___NR_socketpair
  7031. const _ENOANO = 55
  7032. const _SYS_kill = ___NR_kill
  7033. const _RTMSG_AR_FAILED = 0x51
  7034. const ___UCLIBC_HAS_STRING_ARCH_OPT__ = 1
  7035. const _ARPOP_REPLY = 2
  7036. const _INT_FAST8_MAX = (127)
  7037. const ___NR__sysctl = (0 +149)
  7038. const ___UCLIBC_HAS_CTYPE_TABLES__ = 1
  7039. const _IN_MODIFY = 0x00000002
  7040. const _SIGQUIT = 3
  7041. const _TCP_CORK = 3
  7042. const _SYS_removexattr = ___NR_removexattr
  7043. const ___FLT_EPSILON__ = 1.1
  7044. const ___UINT32_MAX__ = 0xffffffff
  7045. const ___NR_fchown = (0 + 95)
  7046. const _RTNLGRP_LINK = 1
  7047. const __SC_TRACE_LOG = 184
  7048. const _TCP_KEEPINTVL = 5
  7049. const _PR_GET_KEEPCAPS = 7
  7050. const _INT_LEAST32_MAX = (2147483647)
  7051. const ___LDBL_MIN_EXP__ = (-1021)
  7052. const _SCNi32 = "i"
  7053. const _RTAX_FEATURE_ALLFRAG = 0x00000008
  7054. const _RTF_MODIFIED = 0x0020
  7055. const _IN_IGNORED = 0x00008000
  7056. const _BC_BASE_MAX = __POSIX2_BC_BASE_MAX
  7057. const _BPF_S_MISC_TXA = 30
  7058. const _IPPROTO_MH = 135
  7059. const __SC_BASE = 134
  7060. const ___UCLIBC_HAS_XLOCALE__ = 1
  7061. const _SYS_arm_sync_file_range = ___NR_arm_sync_file_range
  7062. const _ESHUTDOWN = 108
  7063. const _SOL_PACKET = 263
  7064. const ___NR_init_module = (0 +128)
  7065. const _PTRACE_O_TRACESECCOMP = 128
  7066. const __SC_SS_REPL_MAX = 241
  7067. const _SYS_truncate = ___NR_truncate
  7068. const __SC_MULTI_PROCESS = 150
  7069. const _B1500000 = 0010012
  7070. const ___NR_pwritev = (0 +362)
  7071. const _SO_REUSEADDR = 2
  7072. const _NCC = 8
  7073. const _TCP_CA_Loss = 4
  7074. const _MS_MGC_MSK = 0xffff0000
  7075. const _S_IXOTH = (_S_IXGRP >> 3)
  7076. const _ILL_PRVREG = 6
  7077. const ___FLT32X_MANT_DIG__ = 53
  7078. const _SCNuLEAST8 = "hhu"
  7079. const ___UHQ_FBIT__ = 16
  7080. const _BPF_S_JMP_JA = 36
  7082. const ___NR_nfsservctl = (0 +169)
  7083. const _NDTPA_DELAY_PROBE_TIME = 7
  7084. const _ARPHRD_RSRVD = 260
  7085. const __POSIX2_BC_BASE_MAX = 99
  7086. const _BPF_S_ST = 34
  7087. const _PACKET_ADD_MEMBERSHIP = 1
  7088. const ___NR_rt_sigpending = (0 +176)
  7089. const _SYS_execve = ___NR_execve
  7090. const _ETH_P_BPQ = 0x08FF
  7091. const _TCP_TIMESTAMP = 24
  7092. const _SIOCSIFPFLAGS = 0x8934
  7093. const _RTM_NEWLINK = 16
  7094. const _IFLA_INFO_XSTATS = 3
  7095. const __POSIX_CPUTIME = 0
  7096. const _PACKET_FASTROUTE = 6
  7097. const _PTRACE_SETOPTIONS = 16896
  7098. const _PF_IPX = 4
  7099. const _NUD_PERMANENT = 0x80
  7100. const ___NR_io_destroy = (0 +244)
  7101. const _RTAX_RTT = 4
  7102. const ___REQ_UNPLUG = 9
  7103. const ___NR_gettid = (0 +224)
  7104. const _SYS_connect = ___NR_connect
  7105. const _TCSETA = 0x5406
  7106. const _PACKAGE_STRING = "package-unused version-unused"
  7107. const _FFSYNC = _O_FSYNC
  7108. const __POSIX2_BC_SCALE_MAX = 99
  7109. const _PTRACE_POKETEXT = 4
  7110. const _ETH_P_DEC = 0x6000
  7111. const _SYS_flistxattr = ___NR_flistxattr
  7112. const _NLMSG_OVERRUN = 0x4
  7113. const _NETLINK_IP6_FW = 13
  7114. const _RTM_GETRULE = 34
  7115. const _TCSETS = 0x5402
  7116. const _RTM_F_EQUALIZE = 0x400
  7117. const _HAVE_DUP3 = 1
  7118. const _TIOCSPTLCK_val = 1074025521
  7119. const __SC_FSYNC = 15
  7120. const _IPOPT_CLASS_MASK = 0x60
  7121. const __BITS_SOCKADDR_H = 1
  7122. const _SYS_setitimer = ___NR_setitimer
  7123. const __SC_AIO_LISTIO_MAX = 23
  7124. const _AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW = 0x100
  7125. const _PRIu32 = "u"
  7126. const _HAVE_SYS_VFS_H = 1
  7127. const _PF_KEY = 15
  7128. const _MSG_PEEK = 2
  7129. const _FFI_TYPE_FLOAT = 2
  7130. const ___UCLIBC_HAS_TZ_FILE__ = 1
  7131. const ___NR_wait4 = (0 +114)
  7132. const ___FLT64_MAX_EXP__ = 1024
  7133. const _IPPROTO_RSVP = 46
  7134. const _ONLCR = 0000004
  7135. const _ARPHRD_TUNNEL = 768
  7136. const ___SIZEOF_PTRDIFF_T__ = 4
  7137. const _TCP_KEEPCNT = 6
  7138. const ___NR_setfsuid32 = (0 +215)
  7139. const _TCP_SYN_RECV = 3
  7140. const ___SA_FBIT__ = 15
  7141. const _TUNATTACHFILTER_val = 1074287829
  7142. const _RTNLGRP_TC = 4
  7143. const _ADJ_NANO = 0x2000
  7144. const _SYS_eventfd = ___NR_eventfd
  7145. const __SC_TRACE_NAME_MAX = 243
  7146. const _SYS_setuid32 = ___NR_setuid32
  7147. const __CS_LFS_LDFLAGS = 1001
  7149. const ___NR_setregid = (0 + 71)
  7150. const _EOWNERDEAD = 130
  7151. const _RT_TABLE_COMPAT = 252
  7152. const _TIOCGPTN_val = 2147767344
  7153. const _VERASE = 2
  7154. const _RTSIG_MAX = 32
  7155. const ___SIZEOF_LONG_DOUBLE__ = 8
  7156. const _VT0 = 0000000
  7157. const _VT1 = 0040000
  7158. const _INT_FAST16_MAX = (2147483647)
  7159. const ___NR_sysfs = (0 +135)
  7160. const __POSIX_TZNAME_MAX = 6
  7161. const _SIOCSIFENCAP = 0x8926
  7162. const _TCP_CA_Disorder = 1
  7163. const ___WORDSIZE = 32
  7164. const _IP_MF = 0x2000
  7165. const _PROT_GROWSUP = 0x02000000
  7166. const _RTF_ADDRCLASSMASK = 0xF8000000
  7167. const __SC_2_UPE = 97
  7168. const _ARPHRD_PRONET = 4
  7169. const _B921600 = 0010007
  7170. const _EADDRINUSE = 98
  7171. const ___USA_IBIT__ = 16
  7172. const _FS_FL_USER_VISIBLE = 0x0003DFFF
  7173. const ___ASSUME_DEVPTS__ = 1
  7174. const ___NR_timerfd_gettime = (0 +354)
  7175. const _CLONE_NEWPID = 0x20000000
  7176. const _RTNLGRP_IPV6_RULE = 19
  7177. const _INT_MAX = ___INT_MAX__
  7178. const _PF_ROSE = 11
  7179. const _IFLA_PORT_SELF = 25
  7180. const _B0 = 0000000
  7181. const __SYS_STAT_H = 1
  7182. const _FS_COMPR_FL = 0x00000004
  7183. const ___UCLIBC_TZ_FILE_PATH__ = "/etc/TZ"
  7184. const _F_SETSIG = 10
  7185. const _WSTOPPED = 2
  7186. const __PC_VDISABLE = 8
  7187. const __SC_MQ_OPEN_MAX = 27
  7188. const ___ctype_encoding_7_bit = 0
  7189. const _RTM_NEWADDRLABEL = 72
  7190. const _SOCK_PACKET = 10
  7191. const __SIGSET_H_fns = 1
  7192. const _RTMGRP_NEIGH = 4
  7193. const _IFLA_STATS = 7
  7194. const _PF_WANPIPE = 25
  7195. const _RTM_DELADDR = 21
  7196. const _RTAX_ADVMSS = 8
  7197. const _IPV6_HOPOPTS = 54
  7198. const _HAVE_STRUCT_EXCEPTION = 1
  7199. const _RTPROT_DNROUTED = 13
  7200. const _SYS_setpgid = ___NR_setpgid
  7201. const _SIOCADDMULTI = 0x8931
  7202. const _ICMP6_DST_UNREACH_ADMIN = 1
  7203. const _RTMSG_NEWROUTE = 0x21
  7204. const _FFI_TYPE_COMPLEX = 15
  7205. const _HAVE_COSL = 1
  7206. const _NI_MAXHOST = 1025
  7207. const _HAVE_SYS_MOUNT_H = 1
  7208. const _ULONG_LONG_MAX = (_LONG_LONG_MAX * 2 + 1)
  7209. const _IPDEFTTL = 64
  7210. const _RTAX_MTU = 2
  7211. const _ENETRESET = 102
  7212. const ___FLT_HAS_QUIET_NAN__ = 1
  7213. const _SIG_ATOMIC_MAX = (2147483647)
  7214. const _STA_PPSFREQ = 0x0002
  7215. const _TCXONC = 0x540A
  7216. const _AF_BRIDGE = _PF_BRIDGE
  7217. const _PR_TIMING_TIMESTAMP = 1
  7218. const ___NR_getegid32 = (0 +202)
  7219. const _ILL_ILLTRP = 4
  7221. const ___NDUSEROPT_MAX = 2
  7222. const _SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WRITE = 2
  7223. const _TUN_NOCHECKSUM = 0x0020
  7224. const __POSIX2_COLL_WEIGHTS_MAX = 2
  7225. const __XOPEN_LIM_H = 1
  7226. const _ENOCSI = 50
  7227. const _PTRACE_DETACH = 17
  7228. const _XATTR_LIST_MAX = 65536
  7229. const ___UCLIBC_HAS_TLS__ = 1
  7230. const _RTMGRP_IPV4_MROUTE = 0x20
  7231. const ___REQ_FUA = 13
  7232. const _SYS_pselect6 = ___NR_pselect6
  7233. const _TOSTOP = 0000400
  7234. const _TIOCPKT_STOP = 4
  7235. const __SC_SIGNALS = 158
  7236. const _SYS_setxattr = ___NR_setxattr
  7237. const ___ARCH_LITTLE_ENDIAN__ = 1
  7238. const _IFA_F_NODAD = 0x02
  7239. const __LARGEFILE_SOURCE = 1
  7240. const ___WINT_MAX__ = 0xffffffff
  7241. const _EPFNOSUPPORT = 96
  7242. const _SYS_sigaltstack = ___NR_sigaltstack
  7243. const _SCNdLEAST32 = "d"
  7244. const _IP_PMTUDISC = 10
  7245. const _RTNH_F_ONLINK = 4
  7246. const ___NR_lookup_dcookie = (0 +249)
  7247. const ___NR_mincore = (0 +219)
  7248. const _ARPHRD_TUNNEL6 = 769
  7249. const _IFLA_INFO_DATA = 2
  7250. const _UINT_FAST16_MAX = (4294967295)
  7251. const __PC_2_SYMLINKS = 20
  7252. const _ICMP6_DST_UNREACH_NOROUTE = 0
  7253. const _DN_ATTRIB = 0x00000020
  7254. const _PTRACE_SETREGS = 13
  7255. const _TCP_MAXSEG = 2
  7256. const _RTM_DELRULE = 33
  7257. const ___NR_chown32 = (0 +212)
  7258. const _SYS_inotify_init1 = ___NR_inotify_init1
  7259. const ___NR_acct = (0 + 51)
  7260. const _IFLA_MACVLAN_UNSPEC = 0
  7261. const _POLL_OUT = 2
  7262. const _PR_UNALIGN_SIGBUS = 2
  7263. const _F_TLOCK = 2
  7264. const _PF_RXRPC = 33
  7265. const _TCP_KEEPIDLE = 4
  7266. const ___NR_msgsnd = (0 +301)
  7267. const ___NR_llistxattr = (0 +233)
  7268. const __CS_XBS5_ILP32_OFF32_CFLAGS = 1100
  7269. const _O_ACCMODE = 0003
  7270. const _TIOCM_RNG = 0x080
  7271. const _RTAX_SSTHRESH = 6
  7272. const _IPPORT_FTP = 21
  7273. const ___NR_rmdir = (0 + 40)
  7274. const _ETH_P_AX25 = 0x0002
  7275. const _HAVE_INTTYPES_H = 1
  7276. const _EDESTADDRREQ = 89
  7277. const __PC_MAX_INPUT = 2
  7278. const _NI_MAXSERV = 32
  7279. const _ARPHRD_HDLC = _ARPHRD_CISCO
  7280. const _PF_UNIX = _PF_LOCAL
  7281. const _SYS_creat = ___NR_creat
  7282. const ___NR_getppid = (0 + 64)
  7283. const _FFI_LAST_ABI = 3
  7284. const _ETH_P_IEEEPUP = 0x0a00
  7285. const _HAVE_SYS_TIMEX_H = 1
  7286. const ___FLT_DECIMAL_DIG__ = 9
  7287. const ___NR_timer_create = (0 +257)
  7288. const _SYS_getpgid = ___NR_getpgid
  7289. const _B1800 = 0000012
  7290. const _BS0 = 0000000
  7291. const _TIOCSSOFTCAR = 0x541A
  7292. const __SYS_TIME_H = 1
  7293. const __POSIX_ARG_MAX = 4096
  7294. const ___SCHAR_WIDTH__ = 8
  7295. const ___FLT_RADIX__ = 2
  7298. const ___DEC32_EPSILON__ = 1E-6
  7299. const _EPOLLET = 2147483648
  7300. const _F_SETLKW64 = 14
  7301. const ___USE_ATFILE = 1
  7302. const _S_IREAD = _S_IRUSR
  7303. const _PTRACE_SETFPREGS = 15
  7304. const _SYS_sendfile64 = ___NR_sendfile64
  7305. const _HAVE_UTIMENSAT = 1
  7306. const __PC_SYMLINK_MAX = 19
  7307. const _F_SETLK64 = 13
  7308. const __POSIX_PATH_MAX = 256
  7309. const _IN_CLASSA_NSHIFT = 24
  7310. const _PRIxFAST8 = "x"
  7311. const _RT_TABLE_DEFAULT = 253
  7312. const _IPPROTO_MTP = 92
  7313. type _iface struct {}
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