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Mar 21st, 2024
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  1. @Kopernicus
  2. {
  3. Body
  4. {
  5. name = Netis
  6. cacheFile = RevampedEeloo/Cache/Netis.bin
  7. identifier = RevampedEeloo/Netis
  8. Debug
  9. {
  10. exportMesh = true
  11. update = true
  12. }
  13. Template
  14. {
  15. name = Gilly
  16. removeAllPQSMods = true
  17. }
  18. Properties
  19. {
  20. description = Netis is the smallest Moon of Eeloo, It even orbits rather far away so it's kinda lonely. It may be a bit hard to land on because of it's small gravity but I believe in you!
  21. displayName = Netis^N
  22. radius = 9406
  23. mass = 5.98e+16
  24. geeASL = 0.0046
  25. initialRotation = 345
  26. tidallyLocked = True
  27. rotates = True
  28. rotationPeriod = 28255
  29. isHomeWorld = false
  30. biomeMap = RevampedEeloo/Textures/NetisBiomeMap.png
  31. timewarpAltitudeLimits = 0 8000 8000 8000 20000 40000 80000 100000
  32. ScienceValues
  33. {
  34. landedDataValue = 15 // Science multiplier for landed science.
  35. splashedDataValue = 1 // Science multiplier for splashed down science.
  36. flyingLowDataValue = 1 // Science multiplier for flying low science.
  37. flyingHighDataValue = 1 // Science multiplier for flying high science.
  38. inSpaceLowDataValue = 12 // Science multiplier for in space low science.
  39. inSpaceHighDataValue = 10 // Science multiplier for in space high science.
  40. recoveryValue = 10
  41. flyingAltitudeThreshold = 18000 // Altitude when "flying at <body>" transitions from/to "from <body>'s upper atmosphere"
  42. spaceAltitudeThreshold = 60000 // Altitude when "in space low" transitions from/to "in space high"
  43. }
  44. Biomes
  45. {
  46. Value
  47. {
  48. name = Lowlands // The name of this biome.
  49. displayName = Lowlands // The displayed name of the biome. Can be a localization tag.
  50. value = 0 // A value that gets multiplied with every amount of science that is returned in the biome.
  51. color = #4C4032 // The color of the biome on the biome map.
  52. }
  53. Value
  54. {
  55. name = Highlands // The name of this biome.
  56. displayName = Highlands // The displayed name of the biome. Can be a localization tag.
  57. value = 0 // A value that gets multiplied with every amount of science that is returned in the biome.
  58. color = #A08B78 // The color of the biome on the biome map.
  59. }
  60. Value
  61. {
  62. name = Slopes // The name of this biome.
  63. displayName = Slopes // The displayed name of the biome. Can be a localization tag.
  64. value = 0 // A value that gets multiplied with every amount of science that is returned in the biome.
  65. color = #3F2F21 // The color of the biome on the biome map.
  66. }
  67. Value
  68. {
  69. name = Peaks // The name of this biome.
  70. displayName = Peaks // The displayed name of the biome. Can be a localization tag.
  71. value = 0 // A value that gets multiplied with every amount of science that is returned in the biome.
  72. color = #DBBEA4 // The color of the biome on the biome map.
  73. }
  74. Value
  75. {
  76. name = Midlands // The name of this biome.
  77. displayName = Midlands // The displayed name of the biome. Can be a localization tag.
  78. value = 0 // A value that gets multiplied with every amount of science that is returned in the biome.
  79. color = #776759 // The color of the biome on the biome map.
  80. }
  81. }
  82. }
  83. Orbit
  84. {
  85. referenceBody = Eeloo // The body that this body is orbiting around.
  86. inclination = 0.242
  87. eccentricity = 0.005
  88. semiMajorAxis = 12800000
  89. longitudeOfAscendingNode = 297 // The position of the highest point on the orbit circle
  90. argumentOfPeriapsis = 1.58E-12
  91. meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0.899999976158142
  92. epoch = 0
  93. color = 0.635294139,0.494117647,0.431372553,0.501960814 // The color of the orbit line in the Tracking Station
  94. nodeColor = 0.635294139,0.494117647,0.431372553,0.501960814 // The color of the circle that marks the planets current position on the orbit
  95. }
  96. ScaledVersion
  97. {
  98. type = Vacuum
  99. fadeStart = 7000
  100. fadeEnd = 10000
  101. sphericalModel = False
  102. deferMesh = False
  103. invisible = False
  104. Material
  105. {
  106. color = 1,1,1,1
  107. specColor = 0,0,0,0
  108. shininess = 0
  109. texture = RevampedEeloo/Textures/
  110. mainTexScale = 1,1
  111. mainTexOffset = 0,0
  112. normals = RevampedEeloo/Textures/
  113. bumpMapScale = 1,1
  114. bumpMapOffset = 0,0
  115. opacity = 1
  116. resourceMapScale = 1,1
  117. resourceMapOffset = 0,0
  118. }
  119. }
  120. PQS
  121. {
  122. minLevel = 2
  123. maxLevel = 7
  124. minDetailDistance = 8
  125. maxQuadLengthsPerFrame = 0.03
  126. fadeStart = 10000
  127. fadeEnd = 40000
  128. deactivateAltitude = 180000
  129. mapMaxHeight = 9000
  130. materialType = AtmosphericTriplanarZoomRotation
  131. PhysicsMaterial
  132. {
  133. bounceCombine = Average
  134. frictionCombine = Maximum
  135. bounciness = 0
  136. staticFriction = 0.8
  137. dynamicFriction = 0.6
  138. }
  139. Material
  140. {
  141. factor = 10
  142. factorBlendWidth = 0.1
  143. factorRotation = 180
  144. saturation = 1.12
  145. contrast = 1
  146. tintColor = 1,1,1,0
  147. specularColor = 0.0509803928,0.0509803928,0.0509803928,0.200000003
  148. albedoBrightness = 2
  149. steepPower = 3
  150. steepTexStart = 6000
  151. steepTexEnd = 33000
  152. steepTex = BUILTIN/gillySteep_diffuse
  153. steepTexScale = 1,1
  154. steepTexOffset = 0,0
  155. steepBumpMap = BUILTIN/gillySteep_nrm
  156. steepBumpMapScale = 1,1
  157. steepBumpMapOffset = 0,0
  158. steepNearTiling = 15
  159. steepTiling = 63
  160. lowTexScale = 1,1
  161. lowTexOffset = 0,0
  162. lowTiling = 100000
  163. midTex = BUILTIN/gillyMedTerrain_diffuse
  164. midTexScale = 1,1
  165. midTexOffset = 0,0
  166. midTiling = 100000
  167. midBumpMap = BUILTIN/gillyMedTerrain_nrm
  168. midBumpMapScale = 1,1
  169. midBumpMapOffset = 0,0
  170. midBumpTiling = 100000
  171. highTex = BUILTIN/gillyHighTerrain
  172. highTexScale = 1,1
  173. highTexOffset = 0,0
  174. highTiling = 50000
  175. lowStart = 0
  176. lowEnd = 0
  177. highStart = 0.4
  178. highEnd = 0.7
  179. globalDensity = 1
  180. fogColorRampScale = 1,1
  181. fogColorRampOffset = 0,0
  182. planetOpacity = 1
  183. oceanFogDistance = 1000
  184. }
  185. FallbackMaterial
  186. {
  187. saturation = 1
  188. contrast = 1
  189. tintColor = 1,1,1,0
  190. texTiling = 80
  191. texPower = 0.75
  192. multiPower = 0.75
  193. groundTexStart = 0
  194. groundTexEnd = 20000
  195. multiFactor = 0.5
  196. mainTex = BUILTIN/RockyGround
  197. mainTexScale = 1,1
  198. mainTexOffset = 0,0
  199. planetOpacity = 1
  200. }
  201. Mods
  202. {
  203. VertexColorMap
  204. {
  205. map = RevampedEeloo/Textures/
  206. order = 9
  207. enabled = True
  208. name = _Color
  209. }
  210. VertexSimplexHeightAbsolute
  211. {
  212. deformity = 8000
  213. frequency = 0.5
  214. octaves = 3
  215. persistence = 0.5
  216. seed = 12
  217. order = 10
  218. enabled = True
  219. name = _Height
  220. }
  221. LandControl
  222. {
  223. altitudeBlend = 0
  224. altitudeFrequency = 1
  225. altitudeOctaves = 1
  226. altitudePersistance = 1
  227. altitudeSeed = 1
  228. createColors = False
  229. createScatter = True
  230. latitudeBlend = 0
  231. latitudeFrequency = 1
  232. latitudeOctaves = 1
  233. latitudePersistance = 1
  234. latitudeSeed = 1
  235. longitudeBlend = 0
  236. longitudeFrequency = 1
  237. longitudeOctaves = 1
  238. longitudePersistance = 1
  239. longitudeSeed = 1
  240. useHeightMap = False
  241. vHeightMax = 10000
  242. order = 999999
  243. enabled = True
  244. name = Scatter
  245. Scatters
  246. {
  247. Value
  248. {
  249. name = boulder
  250. materialType = BumpedDiffuse
  251. material = BUILTIN/gilly_scatter
  252. mesh = BUILTIN/boulder
  253. castShadows = True
  254. densityFactor = 1
  255. maxCache = 512
  256. maxCacheDelta = 32
  257. maxLevelOffset = 0
  258. maxScale = 3
  259. maxScatter = 20
  260. maxSpeed = 1000
  261. minScale = 0.5
  262. recieveShadows = True
  263. seed = 231123
  264. verticalOffset = 0
  265. instancing = False
  266. rotation = 0 360
  267. useBetterDensity = False
  268. spawnChance = 1
  269. ignoreDensityGameSetting = False
  270. densityVariance = -0.5 0.5
  271. delete = False
  272. Material
  273. {
  274. color = 1,1,1,1
  275. mainTex = BUILTIN/gillyScatter
  276. mainTexScale = 1,1
  277. mainTexOffset = 0,0
  278. bumpMap = BUILTIN/ikeScatterNRM
  279. bumpMapScale = 1,1
  280. bumpMapOffset = 0,0
  281. }
  282. }
  283. }
  284. LandClasses
  285. {
  286. Value
  287. {
  288. alterApparentHeight = 0
  289. alterRealHeight = 0
  290. color = 0,0,0,0
  291. coverageBlend = 0
  292. coverageFrequency = 1
  293. coverageOctaves = 1
  294. coveragePersistance = 1
  295. coverageSeed = 1
  296. name = Base
  297. latDelta = 1
  298. latitudeDouble = False
  299. lonDelta = 1
  300. minimumRealHeight = 0
  301. noiseBlend = 0
  302. noiseColor = 0,0,0,0
  303. noiseFrequency = 1
  304. noiseOctaves = 1
  305. noisePersistance = 1
  306. noiseSeed = 1
  307. delete = False
  308. altitudeRange
  309. {
  310. endEnd = 1
  311. endStart = 1
  312. startEnd = 0
  313. startStart = 0
  314. }
  315. latitudeDoubleRange
  316. {
  317. endEnd = 1
  318. endStart = 1
  319. startEnd = 0
  320. startStart = 0
  321. }
  322. latitudeRange
  323. {
  324. endEnd = 1
  325. endStart = 1
  326. startEnd = 0
  327. startStart = 0
  328. }
  329. longitudeRange
  330. {
  331. endEnd = 2
  332. endStart = 2
  333. startEnd = -1
  334. startStart = -1
  335. }
  336. Scatters
  337. {
  338. Value
  339. {
  340. density = 1
  341. scatterName = boulder
  342. delete = False
  343. }
  344. }
  345. }
  346. }
  347. }
  348. VertexHeightNoise
  349. {
  350. deformity = 250
  351. frequency = 5
  352. octaves = 5
  353. persistence = 0.5
  354. seed = 324512334
  355. noiseType = RiggedMultifractal
  356. mode = Low
  357. lacunarity = 2.5
  358. order = 19
  359. enabled = True
  360. name = _Height
  361. }
  362. AltitudeAlpha
  363. {
  364. atmosphereDepth = 8000
  365. invert = False
  366. order = 999999999
  367. enabled = True
  368. name = _Material_ModProjection
  369. }
  370. VertexHeightMap
  371. {
  372. map = RevampedEeloo/Textures/
  373. offset = 0
  374. deformity = 8650
  375. scaleDeformityByRadius = False
  376. order = 9
  377. enabled = True
  378. name = _Height
  379. }
  380. }
  381. }
  382. }
  383. }
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