

Jul 1st, 2015
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  1. hello , today i will start a new tutorial about html and php , to create a smaaaall hhhh xD , a small social network , and after that we will create its android app , which means if we create an account using app we can connect with it (the account) using the website , let's start , ENJOY
  2. 1-The software that we need to create the website:
  3. -NotePad++
  4. -WAMPServer
  5. -and some web browser
  6. i have firefox,chrome, internet explorer,
  7. the download links are in the discription :)
  8. let's start a simple html login form ,
  9. create a folder name it project create a file : login.php
  10. open it with NotePad++
  11. insert the <html><head></head><body></body></html>
  12. in the head we will insert the title
  13. you can't launch php files directly by clicking
  14. like this
  15. we will put the folder "project" in the localhost folder
  16. this folder is in :
  17. C:\wamp\www
  18. so our project folder will be
  19. C:\wamp\www\project
  20. now open the browser
  21. and enter :
  22. localhost
  23. **if you have no result check your wamp server
  24. if the wampserver icon is GREEN
  25. this means that it is OK
  26. so the link to our page will be
  27. http://localhost/project/login.php
  28. the result is a white page named "Login"
  29. and that's the title
  30. now we will insert the <input>
  31. of course in <body></body>
  32. we start by addin form
  33. the result will be like
  34. <body>
  35. <form>
  36. <input>
  37. <input>
  38. <input>
  39. </form>
  40. </body>
  41. add the action and the method to the <form>
  42. <form action="" method="post">
  43. action is the page that we want to send the email and password to
  44. method is the method how to send them
  45. <input> the first input will be for the email adress
  46. so we will change it to
  47. <input name="email" type="email" placeholder="Enter your email here">
  49. the second input will be for the password
  50. <input name="pwd" type="password" placeholder="Your password">
  52. the third input is the submit button
  53. <input type="submit" value="Connect" name="submit">
  54. we add some <br> to go to the next line
  55. add a title <h1> right under the <body>
  57. <h1>Welcome</h1>
  59. in the next video we will create the register page
  60. after that we will add the php code to these two pages
  61. to do this we need to create our data base , see you in the next video
  62. bbye ;)
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