
Dear SL . . .

Sep 29th, 2015
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  1. Dear Silver League,
  2. Honestly, I probably don't have much room to talk about the topics soon to be discussed, but the entire human race is a hypocritical pile of judgement, so I'll do it anyways.
  3. SL, I loved coming on to Ambercrest Chat when I first joined you. My life was fine then, and so was SL. People were kind, the powerful characters weren't abusive, and I got along with everyone fairly easily. Blight was kind enough to allow me to challenge his gym and eventually give me my first official gym badge. From there, I began to hone my skill and gain badges and friends along the way. Everything was great and I enjoyed every moment I was there. But then, SL changed. I can't pinpoint the exact date, but it was some time after I lost the Dragon Gym Race to Laz. The chat grew in toxicity levels. The League I began to lose its charm. Many members we loved left, and the League's dream of expansion began to backfire. But I stayed on SL because I didn't have anywhere else to go and I never noticed the negative things occurring around me. Then I became a popular gym leader and was loved by a lot of members. That led to me getting mod. I think it was soon after I began to notice the League's absurd levels of of hostility. The gym soon lost the fun I thought it had and the chat curved off of the path to greatness. After a while, Res and I decided to make an RP chat, which we called “Ze Place” so we wouldn't have a mass influx of SL members. It was a place where the few members could enjoy themselves and be free of the stressful SL for a few hours. But then . . . that lost its charm, too. I worried I was getting bored of SL. And, to be honest, I was. New friends came along, old ones left, and I was becoming more stressed and more emotionally unstable. Then, after I'd had enough, I made my little speech on the SL Skype group and sparked a long abandoned but ever-growing trail of gunpowder. But I couldn't bring myself to leave after my Skype call with Jem. I wish I had. I wish I had said all of this that night. I wish I had had the courage to say all of this to Jem while he was broken. But, out of all of my hindsight wishes, I wish I had faded away unnoticed. I wish I wasn't important to SL so no one would care about my departure. But I didn't. I was too loved. So I'll have to go against my own usual behavior and say these things, even if they have no effect whatsoever.
  5. -Jem, just because it's your dream doesn't mean it has to be exactly like you want it. You can't deny human nature, you can't deny our right to be ourselves, and you can't be the boss of everything.
  7. -You can't expect everyone to bend to your will.
  9. -Prioritize and accept help. You can't take on all of SL's responsibilities on your own. Allow others to assist you in your quest of making your dream a reality.
  11. -Accept that everyone has faith in you, but know that not all of your actions are the best for SL.
  13. I've changed sides during this chaos too many times. So I've decided to become a mediator. I just want, and all I've ever wanted, is for all of this chaos to stop. I want SL to go back to its old, friendly self. I want to want to stay. SL has stopped five or six suicides, but I'm sad to say it may have just caused one. Because of it, I think I'm going to work towards something else. My dream of being a YouTuber or a game designer have shifted to that of being a writer. I also wish to focus on school, so SL will be a secondary, if not nonexistent, priority. So I won't be on SL much. Because of this, I'd like this message to have an impact. A positive impact. If I hear of a negative impact or chain reaction, then I'll feel disappointed and sad. Not that my feelings matter, though. But I want my words to be remembered, not me. So please, friends, enemies, acquaintances, and everyone else. Help Jem in his quest. Don't be an obstacle. Be nice to everyone, help everyone, and remember this era of SL as one of improvement, not regression.
  15. ~With Hope, Alex T. Smith, Former Member of the Silver League
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