
The Races of Beastfolk

Jul 14th, 2019
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  1. The beast folk, an interesting anomaly on the face of Fanksia. Everything from goat men, Draconoids, and even some species of merfolk are under the umbrella term of “Beast Folk”. These beings, despite being native to Fanksia, oddly usually show human characteristics, aside from their usual beastly morphology. Afflicted beings such as the “Were-beasts” are often mistaken for beast-folk. Beast folk have only a singular form, though can mutate through many processes, such as curses and mana oversaturation. Through rigorous studies of everything from the peaceful, fluffy Sheepfolk, to the prideful Draconoids, I have concluded several facts, as well as the opportunity to piece together several creation myths to build a hypothesis on their origins. Most beastfolk have the primary appearance of an elf or human, with secondary physical characteristics of their beast-kind. These secondary characteristics can range from semi-functional wings, ears, even to tails. Draconoids, for example, tend to have scales on their extremities, with wings, a tail, and horns atop their brows. They lack the ability to breathe fire, but retain the natural weaponry of claws and fangs, aside from the aforementioned horns. The Sheepfolk are primarily herbivorous, with a calm, content demeanor. They have incredibly soft, fluffy wool in lieu of clothing, and cloven hooves instead of feet. The males, in addition, have curved horns. Their peaceful demeanor is astounding. I personally witnessed an orc charge into a Sheepfolk village, and before I could draw my rifle, the calming aura of the Sheepfolk seemed to relax the brute’s mind. They gave him several mugs of ale, and proceeded to befriend him, before sending him on his way with a basket of freshly baked rolls. Very intriguing. When questioned about their actions I was simply told “Shep good at making frens.”
  3. I’m getting off track. On to my creation hypothesis. In all of the legends of the Beast Folk, there are several constants. An eclipse, earthquakes, and “lights in the sky”. All of these point towards a sudden surge of Mana in the ley lines of the planet, which could create new life, or even tear open rifts. Make of this what you will.
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