
Syndicate 3 + Medical Treatment

Dec 18th, 2019
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  1. [21:03] Zachary Retinea says, "Lights out."
  2. [21:05] Zachary tyr Drake says, "No sign of the assailant."
  3. [21:13] Zachary tyr Drake asks, "So, what do we do now?"
  4. [21:13] Zachary Retinea says, "Nothing really. We were about to set out on a patrol."
  5. [21:13] Zachary tyr Drake says, "Ah."
  6. [22:06] The calming of the night suppressed Zachary's stride through the darkness. As he guided his partner and himself through the forest he could see a illuminating bio-material veiling over a familiar silhouette.
  8. It was a blood Magi in an all too familiar outfit. What really gave it away was the gun. He remembered the man who played with his heart carried one.
  10. "Solon. You think this magi registered with the Order for his blood magic?" He would mock Raven.
  11. (Zachary Retinea)
  12. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  14. [22:12] Vasilios, still covered in blood after his fight with Cameo, turned to the two familiar faces. Of course, they didn't know the man under the mask. But he was covered in blood, carried that same revolver, and the same armor.
  16. For someone in a somber mood earlier...
  18. "Ah, you'll have to forgive me. My license is in my other pocket. Let me reach for it."
  20. (
  22. In an instant, the Revolver's in his hand and pointed at the two of them. There was no more time for delaying between the two of them, or of his own fate.
  24. It was time to fly among Ravens.
  26. "It's been a while. I'm a bit disappointed it's only the two of you, but you'll have to do."
  28. Bravado that seemed to flare up out of nowhere infected his demeanor and shined towards the two of them.
  29. (Vasilios Quinn)
  30. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  32. [22:12] He followed Zach on a reverse version of their route. Hoping for some action he stumbled upon a man that had evoked blood surrounding his body. The man adorned the same looking clothes as Raven.
  34. Solon laughs at Zach's remark. This time... Solon seems calm. He is no longer just shifting instantly into the animal that aims to kill all Syndicate. He does still have the blank eyes that look through the soul of anyone who opposes him.
  36. "I hope you do... I wouldn't want ya to get arrested." He added on to Zack's cocky joke.
  37. (Solon Tofusin )
  38. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  40. [22:13] Vasilios Quinn says, "One of you. Pick a side. Heads or tails. "
  41. [22:13] A coin is flicked between his hands as he awaits an answer.
  42. (Vasilios Quinn)
  43. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  45. [22:13] Zachary Retinea says, "Solon. You take the head, I'll go for the tail."
  46. [22:13] Solon Tofusin says, "Aye."
  47. [22:17] Zachary dashed with his greatsword out and encircled the Knave to get behind him. Flying through woodland his Azure energy would erupt and could be seen in the corner of Raven's eye. In front of him he could see Solon going straight at him.
  49. They would pincer him.
  51. "Now Solon!" Zachary would call out. An attempt to fight the blood magi together was made. This was quite the catch they'd make tonight.
  53. A dense mass of energy spiraled into the Azure Knights hands as he prepped his part of the attack.
  54. (Zachary Retinea)
  55. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  57. [22:23] Noticing Zach's movements Solon held his ground with the man rushing him. Drawing his blade, erupting into flames. A smile comes across his face. Perhaps he might be able to give him his first real injury.
  59. He takes his left hand off the hilt, making a snap like formation with his hand. He dashes at Raven with confidence. As well as not acting like an animal. A change for what most Syndicates might know his acts to be like.
  61. "Aye!" He responds to Zach.
  62. (Solon Tofusin )
  63. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  65. [22:23] The fools. They've seen him fight before; how did they not know that he could dissipate into blood? The visage of Vasilios faded into naught but red mist, fazing though Solon. Their pincer attack was doomed to fail.
  67. When he had reappeared, the pistol was pointed directly at the explosive knight's head. Surely, they didn't think that something so trivial would work on the Raven?
  69. "I have to say, you certainly haven't slacked off since our last encounter. How's the heart, Zachary?"
  71. Sure, the Arrhythmia he gave to him would be temporary, but it was still a taunt. But for that reason is why he went for Solon, first.
  73. When they last fought, Vasilios was near death. Fighting the four others had drained him of precious blood that supplied his body and his revolver. But with two targets? Things would be just fine.
  75. "Come on, Solon. I'm right over here."
  78. (Vasilios Quinn)
  79. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  81. [22:31] Zachary was already low to the ground. Before they could properly attack, Raven would dissipate near Solon. It was his fight for now.
  83. "My heart might have been weakened, but deep down it will will never give up!"
  85. The magi was rejuvenated and at his full power. This would be difficult. Sure over the year now things would be different...wouldn't it?
  87. "Solon don't give em' an inch! If he lays his hands on you his blood magic will eviscerate you!" He warned his partner.
  88. (Zachary Retinea)
  89. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  91. [22:34] The man disappeared before his very eyes. Its not at all surprising but what is... how cocky this man is. His first swing goes wide but that doesn't matter.
  93. Does he not remember Solon is a Explosion magi? He doesn't need to need to face his opponent to attack them.
  95. With the gun pointed to the back of Solon's head he laughs. "Did you forget how close you are to me?" His movements were shrouded to the man behind him. All one can here is a snap of his finger. Soon a loud explosion followed. A Pyroclastic cloud erupts from the aura around Solon. Possibly making him miss his first shot.
  97. "Lets dance, Raven." He says turning to face the man. Moving to attack.
  100. (Solon Tofusin )
  101. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  103. [22:41] ** Vasilios Quinn has inflicted an injury upon Solon Tofusin . ("Temporary Injury", "Temporary Injury", "Temporary", "Duration: Medium (4 days)") **
  104. [22:47] It was fortunate that Vasilios had to take on Solon first. He was the hardest of the pair, and at full strength he could match him better. The intensity of his flame were still there; maybe even a bit hotter since the last time they'd fought.
  106. But, Vasilios knew exactly how to fight him now. The moments when he'd build fire around him for a burst were noted, and by the time he'd explode Vasilios would safely be naught but mist.
  108. He took a more long-ranged approach to finishing him off. While he would rush forward and fire a barrage of blood and water bullets, the final strike would be a stray Blood-Crystal impaling his right hand.
  110. With a bit of blood magic, a rune was formed from the blood at the injury, forcing the spike to reform unless the rune was removed. Not enough to stay permanent, but enough to make the healing a bit more complicated.
  112. Wiping the sweat from his forehead, he turned to the one on the sidelines, point the gun at him with a mocking gesture.
  114. "That makes us even. Now, onto you."
  115. (Vasilios Quinn)
  116. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  118. [22:54] He was to sluggish... It was due to him not being ridiculously crazy. It was the first time hadn't gone full beast on a Syndicate member. All the work he just put into self preservation. Now out of the window.
  120. Solon knew what to do and how to handle the fight with ease. Though Raven had the upper hand. He didn't hold back. Solon's rage was subdued.
  122. The fight all around was close but he was still bested. Strike to his right hand creating a crystal of blood forced him to drop his weapon. He makes a grunting noise.
  124. "Fuck..." He falls to his knees not due to exhaustion but due to his innate rage. Even if he said no more. His face could let anyone know.
  125. (Solon Tofusin )
  126. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  128. [22:55] "Solon!"
  130. The Azure knight cried out at the sight of his friend being impaled. Now without hesitation, Zachary would be seen attempting to make a b-line for Raven.
  132. It was a farce itself. He wanted to lead the blood magi to think he was that stupid. He remembered their last encounter all too well.
  134. He brought that oversized blade from off his back an swept it around!
  136. The man would simply mist away, but Zachary had something for that. The spiraling mass of energy was tossed in his direction and scattered a small amount of the particles in the air.
  138. "Now you'll have to deal with me, Heretic!"
  139. (Zachary Retinea)
  140. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  142. [23:04] Claude vey Pelleaux whispers something.
  143. [23:05] Shanthi whispers something.
  144. [23:05] Claude vey Pelleaux whispers something.
  145. [23:16] Revenge.
  147. A dish best served next to your closest friend. Zachary let his emotions take hold and allowed them to take hold. The plumes of energy around him would erupt in an azure inferno. It was on a grander scale than energy magi wished they could call upon.
  149. His speed, his power and ferocity only grew as the battle was fought on. Zachary fought further and for those who fight harder are better known through history as the victor.
  151. The land was torn asunder as the Azure knight chased his prey, a maniacal expression and bloodshot eyes greeted Raven at each confrontation. He was no longer the wide eyed knight he felled a year ago. He had grown into a beast.
  153. Like all battles, Zachary needed to put an end to this one. That same trick Raven uses would be what fells him. A faรงade would suffice to catch him. The raging power he amass would be focused unto the earth to stagger those around. Should he mist away to avoid such an attack he would be met with a spiraling sphere of massive energy the likes of which not even Solon had scene compared to the others.
  155. "Hows this for a trick you bloody bastard!"
  157. The massive orb of energy would be pushed into the mass of mist and wisp it away as he threw it into the woodlands, decimating the landscape even several hundred meters away.
  158. (Zachary Retinea)
  159. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  161. [23:21] Shanthi whispers something.
  162. [23:24] A beast.
  164. His movements were far more rapid, and the amount of wounds that were piling up from the fight previously. He had improved, that is for sure.
  166. His preparation of a final attack was noted, and Vasilios had already begun to dissipate. But, his mist was moving towards the Energy Knight, not away. A nanosecond of the condensed energy is taken to the chest as he fades through the knight and past him, moving towards the treeline.
  168. "Very well. We're even all, after our last time. You've at least grown, so you're not as horribly boring. I must, however, take my leave from the rest of you."
  170. The mist flows across the land to places unknown. But what Vasilios knew is that Zachary had to take care of his friend, or he'd bleed out.
  171. (Vasilios Quinn)
  172. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  174. [23:25] Claude vey Pelleaux whispers something.
  175. [23:27] Marcus says, "I tell ya people odd but I get it naw"
  176. [23:29] Shrike says, "Aye, Adrielle."
  177. [23:29] Shrike says, "Help me convince your buddy that I'm not an orphanage burner."
  178. [23:29] Adrielle Solenne asks, "Huh..?"
  179. [23:29] Kneeling down, Shina pulls her sword off her back and holds it up, tilting her head as she mentally compares the swords. With a shrug she stands and puts it back on her back, smiling at Melrak.
  181. "Both good swords, but eh, mines a bit sharper, y'know. Still, might fetcha a nice price if yer willin' t'sell 'em?"
  182. (Shina Torra)
  183. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  185. [23:29] Zachary Retinea says, "Solon. Go get that patched up."
  186. [23:29] Annora Virelli says, "Yes, things are quiet now."
  187. [23:29] Solon Tofusin says, "Aye. I'll be back."
  188. [23:33] Such a tale caught her attention for sure.
  190. "Mm, it is a bit odd to invite someone to your house if you've just met. As far as people gathering around a cat druid.
  192. But I am glad you're both okay. Take a moment to sit and relax."
  193. (Elizabeth Wayne)
  194. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  196. [23:33] He nods his head once as goes to take a seat beside her on the bench. Alexis continues his deep and heavy breathing.
  198. "Thank the stars that Clancy was there," he mumbles.
  199. (Alexis)
  200. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  202. [23:34] Solon walks into the church looking for a medic. His calm stoic look makes it seem like its not to important. Well whatever he is here for.
  204. He is covered head to toe in blood, with blood oozing from his right hand. Where a large crystalized shard of blood resides.
  206. "May I receive some medical attention if you have any on staff?" He again states calmly.
  207. (Solon Tofusin )
  208. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  210. [23:34] Elizabeth Wayne exclaims, "Oh my!"
  211. [23:34] Elizabeth Wayne says, "Yes, come this way."
  212. [23:35] He looks up only to stare at this figure basically bathing in blood from head to toe.
  214. What the actual hell?
  216. Alexis's eyes widen. "What... What happened?!"
  217. (Alexis)
  218. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  220. [23:36] Clancy arced a brow, surprised to say the least.
  222. "Ser Solon, do you require a hand?" he asks.
  223. (Clancy Osshor)
  224. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  226. [23:36] Alexis says, "<Ser?>"
  227. [23:37] He looks over at the one on the bench. "I just fought a Syndicate blood magi. My partner and I got him but I got a tad wounded." He gives a smile.
  229. "I believe, these kind folk can handle it, Cadet. Thank you for your concern." He starts to follow the miss in front of him.
  230. (Solon Tofusin )
  231. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  233. [23:38] Alexis asks, "Are you going to treat him, Sister?"
  234. [23:39] The cadet nods.
  235. (Clancy Osshor)
  236. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  238. [23:39] Elizabeth Wayne says, "Mhm, I am. Come with me."
  239. [23:48] Wasting little time the Acolyte lead the way through the West Hall. As she went Elizabeth called over a few non-magi clergy. Who were given instructions and thusly went about them.
  241. It wasn't long before they reached the room desired. Once inside she'd gesture to the bed in the middle of the back wall.
  243. "Please have a seat. Remove your armor, weapons and cloak. The non-magi need to clean away the blood on your body. Leaving it to set will cause infection."
  245. Pausing there the woman went about removing her cloak, staff and hood. A non-magi clergy approached and took them before going on to set them somewhere in the room.
  247. Turning back to Solon, Elizabeth had her hands slightly risen. They were notably on fire, though it appeared very controlled.
  249. "As for your hand, I am going to have to remove that shard. The runes upon it are going to make the process difficult and extremely painful for you to experience.
  251. That said I can offer you three things for pain. As I only have three things for pain. The first being to render you unconscious. Your mind will keep you asleep so that your body does not react to the pain.
  253. The second being a bit of ointment and the third being a stick for you to bite upon."
  255. Pausing there the woman extinguished the flames about her hands. Though she kept them risen and slightly to the side.
  257. "The decision is yours Ser."
  258. (Elizabeth Wayne)
  259. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  261. [23:49] Zachary Retinea says, "It seems..he found help already, Yvel."
  262. [23:49] Yvel Endore says, "Seems that way."
  263. [23:50] Yvel waves towards Solon seeing that he'll be alright.
  264. (Yvel Endore)
  265. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  267. [23:50] Yvel Endore says, "No need for us to introude."
  268. [23:50] Alexis observes all of this quietly behind Elizabeth. He personally wanted to see this due to the fact that the teenager himself was an aspiring medic. What better way to learn that to experience one at work firsthand? Thus, he steps off to the side and watches on in silence. As this is occuring, a few more Knights venture into the room. He smiles warmly in their direction and nods his head.
  270. "Yes," he answers.
  272. "He has found help. Do you two also require assistance?"
  273. (Alexis)
  274. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  276. [23:50] Zachary Retinea says, "I could have some cuts and other things adressed if you could."
  277. [23:50] Yvel Endore says, "I came to check on Solon, And help if need bee."
  278. [23:50] Zachary Retinea says, "This blood is not mine however, it was the other guy's."
  279. [23:50] Yvel inspects Zachary. Then shakes his head.
  280. (Yvel Endore)
  281. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  283. [23:50] Yvel Endore says, "You'll heal."
  284. [23:51] Zachary Retinea says, "I could also sit in confession with her if that makes anyone feel better. I can /attone/."
  285. [23:51] Alexis says, "I heard the Syndicate attacked you all? I could perform basic things, like wrapping bandages around your cuts. ...Possibly. I'm not as good as Sister here. Nowhere near."
  286. [23:51] Alexis asks, "Confession?"
  287. [23:53] He takes a seat after being directed to the chosen location. Helping with what little he can to removed his armor with his left hand. He just relaxes back on the bed.
  289. "I'll endure the pain. No point wasting more medical supplies..." He says knowing the pain will be quite high. Though its not like it he hasn't been in horrible pain before.
  291. He gives them a nod for the go ahead, before taking the stick. Placing it within his mouth.
  292. (Solon Tofusin )
  293. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  295. [23:53] Zachary Retinea says, "I jest, nurse."
  296. [23:54] Zachary Retinea says, "I don't actually want to confess anything."
  297. [23:55] Alexis says, "Oh."
  298. [23:56] Yvel was happy to see Solon was getting treated and that he was in the hands of a skilled medic as well, It wasn't until he heard Solon speak that he got a bit annoyed.
  300. He'd walk over towards the bed and proceed to glare at the man, One of the more rare moments that Yvel got upset and boy did his entire mood change. Almost as if a wild beast had been let loose. He'd stare Solon dead in the face before he spoke. "Never say something so stupid again, You deserve to live, And you deserve to be healed. You are a Knight and you fought valiantly against an enemy. Do you see the armor you have on? Its a symbol to protect. And not only the people but yourself."
  302. Had he not been injured already Yvel would've probably punched him in the face, Yet he refrained from such harshness. "Never say anything like that again. All lives should be preserved, Especially those who risk it every day." He'd look towards Elizabeth and yet againhis entire mood changed back to his warmer self, He'd give her a smile and leave the rest of it to her, Moving towards Zach so they could let the Doctor do her work.
  304. "Lets be off Zachary."
  305. (Yvel Endore)
  306. [00:00] Zachary moved out with Yvel, but he had some last second words for Solon. With a half wry smile and a dimwitted expression he would raise a thumb to Solon.
  308. "You did great partner. Her? Drinks on me, gotta replace the blood you lost."
  310. He made an okay hand gesture towards Solon next.
  312. "It's gunna make you feel real nice."
  314. Then he pointed a finger at him.
  316. "Oh! And invite the doctor too! She seems like your type."
  318. He then winked, pivoted on his heel and followed Yvel out. Solon was his best mate and reserved the right to mess with him as such. However, he was serious about the drink.
  319. (Zachary Retinea)
  320. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  322. [00:01] As stated before, non-magi clergy entered the room. They carried various trays, tools, basins and so on. As Solon removed his armor and such the non-magi went to work.
  324. Cleaning the lingering blood about his frame. As well as cleaning his gear. When Solon refused any treatment for pain, well, Elizabeth simply nodded.
  326. "As you wish Ser."
  328. Pausing there she'd wait for the non-magi to finish their part of the job. Upon such she'd approach the bed. There she rose a single adjustable arm wrench. One that had a flat surface for the forearm to rest within.
  330. Taking his arm she placed it within the hold. There after the girl secured it down, tightly, with four leather bounds. To ensure he wouldn't suddenly react with a backhand or worse..
  332. That aside she leaned in closer to the wound. As Yvel spoke Elizabeth took that time to closely examine the wound for the fist proper time.
  334. "Mm, right."
  336. She stated then reachedfor a single set of long-tongs as well as a freshly sharpened scalpel. Lifting both tools, so that Solon could properly see them and not assume the worst, she'd speak.
  338. "Prepare yourself. The coming pain will likely be more extreme than you're expecting. When you're ready simply nod and I will begin."
  340. The Doctor said. She had kept her focus on her patient. She also kept an incredibly calm and collected demeanor. Despite the literal crystal of blood sticking in/out of Solons hand.
  341. (Elizabeth Wayne)
  342. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  344. [00:04] A sigh leaves Alexis's lips after hearing Solon's words. "Nothing is being wasted, Ser. Believe me," he says before Yvel went off on his spiel about the man deserving to live just as much as anyone else. A smile forms on his face yet again, much warmer this time around. It seems as if the Order cared about one another and it shedded a light, at least to Alexis, of their relationship.
  346. "How nice," he mutters. It was not out of envy, though.
  348. "He is in good hands. Worry not, Sers." Of course Zachary's remarks left him standing there stunned. How bold of him to say such things with Elizabeth herself standing right there and his companion in her grasp. Good thing, as far as he knew, Elizabeth possessed a heart of gold.
  350. "Uhmโ€ฆ Yes... She'll treat him fine."
  352. He turns to face her and realized that he's already missed plenty of important steps of the medical process. She already had her scalpel in her hand and was prepared to dive right into it. Admittedly, Alexis has been distracted by the other two Knights. "...I'd better keep paying attention," he mumbles before looking back at Zachary and Yvel leaving the room.
  354. They're given a bow. "Take care of yourselves. The world is getting more dangerous by the day. I pray that your travels are safe and the roads you travel even safer."
  355. (Alexis)
  356. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  358. [00:07] He continues to remain calm, but he takes the stick from his mouth before they continue. Leaning up slightly to look at Yvel through the crowd of non-magi assistants.
  360. "That not what I meant. I'm saying that my job is to protect and endure the hardships for others. Why would I be selfish enough to take medical supplies from others. The vows we took when becoming a knight were to act in selflessness. We can talk about this later..." He pauses his rant at his fellow knight. His tone didn't change he didn't want to get himself worked up. It would make the pain worse.
  362. With a smile to the nurse after Zachary's jest he would place the stick back in his mouth. Laying back. A faint sigh can be heard from his closed mouth.
  364. He nods to her.
  365. (Solon Tofusin )
  366. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  368. [00:09] Walking in as quietly as possible so as to not disturb anyone, he'd approach near Yvel and speak quietly;
  370. "How's he looking?"
  371. (Iskan Furthis)
  372. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  374. [00:09] Alexis says, "<Ah, another person.>"
  375. [00:09] Zachary Retinea says, "He'll be fiiine~"
  376. [00:09] Zachary Retinea says, "C'mon. We were just leaving."
  377. [00:22] Despite the conversation going on around her, she kept her demeanor. Calm and collected, kind and assuring. As she always was.
  379. When Solon nodded she did the same. Without a word the Acolyte fastened the tongs onto either side of the crystal. With her right hand, the one what held the scalpel, she set to cutting away the harsh bits.
  381. The first cut was made and thus a fair amount of blood oozed out. Per the runes the fresh blood attached itself to the crystal. Increasing its size and further more the pain increased.
  383. Still she did not falter! Nay, she kept cutting at the bits of harsh skin. That which was attached to the crystal. Just as she was half way through the Acolyte found the anchor point of the rune.
  385. There she squinted as her focused grew even more.
  387. Setting her scalpel to the side the Acolyte looked upon Solons face. Rather he'd make eye contact with her was irrelevant given she simply held it with him.
  389. "I'm going to sever the connection of mana circuits between the runes on the crystal and the ones in your hand. This .. this is going to very, very painful for you Ser."
  391. She stated but did not pause to give him time to brace. No.. that would make it far worse than it already was going to be. Instead of allowing such build up to happen, Elizabeth pressed her right index finger between the crystal and the harsh bit of the palm.
  393. As her finger tip connected to the anchor between the runes and Solons mana circuits she the real work began. There she concentrated a great deal of her own mana through her arm and out of her finger tip.
  395. The pain that followed was incredible. More than enough to render a non-magi crippled. Rather Solon would remain conscious was entirely up to his threshold for pain. Still, Elizabeth did not stop! No, she could not.
  397. That said the woman continued to press her mana into the anchor. Countering the flow between the crystal and Solons own mana circuits. This process took several minutes but eventually there was a crack in the crystal!!
  399. Followed quickly by a complete severing of the anchor between the runes and Solons circuits.
  401. If one had been following, they'd remember the tongs. Which were placed firmly around the crystal. As soon as the anchor was broken and the glow in the runes died, she heaved the crystal out of his palm!
  403. Following it came a spurt of blood, which turned into a steady oozing.
  405. Quickly did a non-magi clergy approach and take the tongs as well as the blood crystal. They took it somewhere out of the room, somewhere the other two did not know of. That aside, Elizabeth was quick to treat the inner palm.
  407. Scrubbing the harsh bits away as well as drying the blood and stopping anymore from flowing. At least for now. When that was finished she spread a topical ointment into the now caving hole in Solons palm. Luckily for the man he'd heal in time. Completely in fact.
  409. When it was all said and done the hand had been wrapped with two layers of gauze. The first having been lathered in ointment to ensure there was plenty of it. The second layer was a dry layer, simply holding the first one in place.
  411. As the final knot was secured around the gauze wraps, Elizabeth began to speak once more.
  413. "Rest."
  415. She said at first.
  417. "Rest is what you need Ser. Do not stress your hand or your wound will reopen. As well, focus raw mana through your arm and into your palm. Don't form it into anything, just allow it to focus within the circuits in your palm.
  419. Doing so will help your wound heal a bit faster. It will also help you regulate the pain. Do you have any questions for me?"
  421. She finally ended as she posed her question.
  422. (Elizabeth Wayne)
  423. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  425. [00:24] {Item} You drop Stir Fry.
  426. [00:28] Alexis stands by Elizabeth's side as an attentive self-proclaimed student is. He isn't sure what exactly she was doing since she didn't really explain anything towards him, but that only further proved how concentrated and honed in the woman herself was on performing the task! It wasn't as if he asked her for aid anyway, so he sort of shot himself in the foot there. The teenager peers over her shoulder and gathers as much as he could from the procedure.
  428. What made him wince, though, was the fact that she didn't even allow for the man to brace for the pain. It was just...done. Her severing the mana from the wound had to be painful, but it was also something he's never personally experienced before. All in all, this was a new experience for the Acolyte, one that he would not soon forget. Nor can he, given that he wished to one day treat others as Elizabeth currently is.
  430. Once the procedure is finally finished and done without a hitch, the teenager releases a sigh of relief.
  432. "That's good," he says as he held his right hand to his chest. "I don't know why I was holding my breath there---"
  434. Her instructions afterward cause his left brow to raise though. "Does that mean that he can't fight if he wishes to get better? I mean, I understand that should be the obvious thing to do, but..." Alexis scratches the back of his head. He wasn't sure what he was trying to ask her himself. "I don't know. I'm just...trying to make sense of what you just did to fix his problem," he confesses.
  435. (Alexis)
  436. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  438. [00:31] * You have been awarded 1 Roleplay Points! *
  439. [00:42] His gaze were locked with the movements of the lass tending to him. He steeled himself for each following movement. He was treating it like a combat situation, as he would attempt to counter what she did. Not with his movements but with his mana. Constantly moving around him.
  441. He would using his mana to release stress in certain areas where she worked. Making some of the actions much easier than most others surgeries. She did still have to apply a large amount of force. She didn't ever stop to give him a breather. This is what he was expecting. It truly would have been much more difficult to keep his calm over a long period of time.
  443. His grunts followed with each of her drastic actions. The stick would auditable start to crack. Regardless of the density of it. His heavier times of pain made him bite much harder into the stick. His body from time to time would erupt into flames. It wouldn't hurt the lass doctoring him but bed he was laying on was burned a bit.
  445. It was entirely spontaneous, to the non-magi that might still be in the room. They might have even panicked. It seemed that whenever the flames would rise he would calm back down. His expression would do the same. During the worst parts of the pain his stoic face would break. With his flames he would relax instantly regardless of what she was doing to Solon.
  447. After the procedure finished the stick now probably snapped or heavily damaged. A few extra tears of from the pain left his body. As he takes a deep breath....
  449. She was speaking to him but he just sat there for a while before responding. "Will do... Thanks." His voice was rugged as if he sounded exhausted. He gives a smile to the lass.
  450. (Solon Tofusin )
  451. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  453. [00:44] Alexis says, "<Poor man is in so much pain.>"
  454. [00:50] She hadn't minded that Alexis had watched her preform. If they could learn from it then she had no quarrel.
  456. As Alexis spoke Elizabeth nodded a few times. Though her eyes did not leaven her patient. Nay, she was observing him constantly.
  458. "If he wants his hand to completely heal he'll need to rest for at least a day. Not stressing his hand. The more he does so the longer it will take to heal fully."
  460. Pausing there she'd smile lightly as Alexis confessed their confusion.
  462. "It's alright. I can explain it later if you'd like."
  464. She stated instead of asked. Of course as Solon finally spoke the Acolyte nodded.
  466. "If you like you may rest in the Church. We'll see you to the East Hall. To a new bed.
  468. Though, if you'd rather get back to your superiors then you may do so. Just remember not to stress your hand."
  469. (Elizabeth Wayne)
  470. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  472. [00:53] He nods his head several times in excitement. "Yes, please!" he says, accepting her offer whole-heartedly. Of course he didn't realize it was more of a 'I will tell you later anyway'. Did it matter to Alexis? No, no it did not.
  474. He couldn't offer any advice on his end for the Knight. Elizabeth had taken care of him far better than anything he was currently capable of.
  475. (Alexis)
  476. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  478. [00:58] "I think I'll be find to go out on my own. Thank you miss." His smile continues.
  480. He shifts himself over to the right side of the bed. Gesturing a few of the other people in the room to assist him donning his armor. Afterwards some of them tried to hand him the Nyeshk sword he had, none of them were able to.
  482. That scene lighted his mood, before the possible rage of Yvel when he gets back. He had no idea why he's so angry. Its most likely different perspectives on things.
  484. He stands up and picks up his sword with his left hand as if it was a feather.
  486. He turns back to the two of them. "Best of luck with your learning lad." He seems back to normal, like this never happened. Just with the lack of use of his right hand at the moment.
  488. He starts to move to the door.
  489. (Solon Tofusin )
  490. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  492. [00:59] Elizabeth Wayne says, "Mm, be well Ser. Cosmos guide you."
  493. [00:59] Solon Tofusin says, "You too."
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