
Nav System App

Feb 8th, 2018
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  1. Key: Tairee
  3. Character Name:Dante
  5. Tech: Navigation System(Public)
  7. Race: Saiyan
  9. Resources: 1,000,000
  11. Restored to his prior position Dante stood before the men under his charge. Some reminded him of himself when he first joined before his exile. they were cocky and talkative believing what they did was right. Others reminded him of what he had learned to despise about his race. THey were always so prideful to the point of never accepting assistance from other races. That was how the original inhabitants from this planet came to their doom. The Plant race were executed after their usefulness had been used up. But that was before his time. Bow it seemed they were about to do the same to the Tuffle race. Most had already moved to the moon or underground.
  12. Addressing the men in front of him he made their mission known. Some of the more prideful questioned his right to order them. He gave that individual a look and asked him to come up. As the individual came up he charged his energy into his right hand. He didn't take well with insubordination. But this was his first day as the new captain of the guard. He noticed this Saiyan was a middle class Saiyan and he nodded. At least he wouldn't have to deal with backlash. As the man stood before him he looked to the rest of the Squad and put his hand on the man's shoulder and fired the beam. THe man while injured was still breathing and his arm was still attached. β€œThis man got lucky i am a bit rusty with attacks like that. So the energy dispersed around his arm leaving only that hole in his arm” he looked through the crowd before he continued. HE explained that this man got off lightly as his arm will heal and he will be stronger for it. After explaining his expectations and getting a better response he led them to an abandoned Tuffle city.
  14. They were on a simple raiding mission Recover any lingering technology from the Tuffle city. As they entered the city he remembered when he was with his tribe raiding this city. While it was far from their heavily fortified capital. It was certainly a stronghold in its own right. As his men moved throughout the city he headed to one of the areas he didn't raid due to its heavy protection during his time raiding the city. AS he walked through the city he began to see the reason it was so fortified. This seemed to be some sort of research wing and armory. With their technical prowess it shouldn't have been a surprise. But the further he trekked into the wing he found more technology. There was a bomb he was eyeing as it looked inactive but with most Tuffle technology he didn't need to understand it for it to kill him. There was even what looked to be prosthetics. But as he looked closer upon everything in the room he came to realize that the Tuffles didn't care. The abandoned everything in their cowardice. THere was one thing of interest that would probably work. Walking over to the final table he found a book and what appeared to be a sheet of glass with a metal back. Wires came out and as he touched it a menu came up with the name of the system. Apparently it was a navigation system for one of the ships the Tuffles had used initially to escape the planet. The ship probably was destroyed or never made. Looking around he picked up the piece of tech. It seems the king will be pleased with everything to come out of this especially if he finds a living Tuffle to make a ship.
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