
151 vermilion deathfly route

Sep 24th, 2017
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  1. Manip either 635e or 5e5e trainer ID
  2. (5e5e is faster to manip but loses half a second during the run)
  4. 10 balls
  5. 1 para heal
  7. 1 burn heal
  8. 1 rope
  10. For walking to Vermilion, go to column right of Saffron center, then 1 right when in Vermilion
  11. (If you are further left, you'll see a ghost town, don't be fooled)
  12. Center in Vermilion
  13. Manip deathfly on first trainer
  15. Talk to dux girl
  16. menu flash
  17. try to run from Missingno
  19. On death:
  20. Manip deathfly on same guy (toss 2 ropes during save menu)
  23. On run:
  24. Manip deathfly on guy way in top right (toss 2 ropes during save menu)
  27. Talk to dux girl
  28. swap slot 3 with slot 6 then gust spam missingno
  30. Deposit a pokeball, other slot 1/2 item and a 255 stack
  31. Toss ball, other slot 1/2 item and 253 ropes
  32. Open withdraw menu
  33. Swap, swap
  34. withdraw 1 from coin case j item
  35. withdraw 99 from masterball x0 below
  36. withdraw 1 from same stack (assuming 635e) (withdraw 6 with 5e5e)
  37. do rest of pc undeflow as normal using this masterball stack
  39. exit center, now in Celadon
  40. walk into other door
  42. sell top j stack
  43. buy:
  44. 93 revive
  45. 1 super potion
  46. 83 awakening
  47. 35 para heal
  48. 78 ice heal
  49. 99 burn heal
  50. 5 water
  51. 99 fire
  52. 3 fire
  53. 4 leaf
  54. 3 thunder
  55. 8 doll
  56. 1 hp up
  57. 1 calcium
  59. 1st underflow menu
  61. rope to calc
  62. hp up to badges
  63. rival j to soulbadge
  64. toss 5 from j x6
  65. bike to calc
  67. antidote to m balls
  68. revive to TM43
  69. set options
  70. toss options
  71. badges j to warping
  72. candies to HM04
  73. toss 2 from mapID
  74. walk
  75. teach fly
  76. swap candies to badges
  77. candies to ropes
  78. toss a rope
  79. toss j stack above
  81. toss unwanted j stack
  82. super repel to candies
  83. toss 27 candies
  84. super repel to 9f, to ID balls, to roaming para, to north connection
  86. power plant:
  87. hyper potion to j to town map
  88. toss all but 1 hypers
  89. masterball to candy stack
  90. walk up 1, right 4, catch voltorb
  92. walk left 2, swap voltorb to front, walk down 1 and get encounters
  94. thunderstone pika
  95. swap masterballs with helix
  96. potion with town map
  97. master balls to HM04, toss all but 10
  98. swap Old amber to TID 2
  99. para heals in TID to revive
  100. catch zapdos
  102. swap fire stones up
  103. swap dolls for top old amber
  104. toss 6 max elixir
  105. swap dolls to warping
  107. swap moon stones for para heal, then CANCEL with ice heal in mansion
  109. swap leaf stone into badges during ivysaur LG, this breaks the machoke, zubat and geodude manips
  110. new zubat is nopal, a a resses asap
  111. new geodude is pal, 2 start
  112. new machoke is nopal, stringbuffer, start on save tile, 1st step
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