
Runt Uprising, Part 1

Sep 3rd, 2012
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  1. >Be Anon, the owner of Starsplash, a Pegasus runt
  2. >After Starsplash's parents abandoned him, you raised him
  3. >Of course, raising a runt presents some interesting challenges...
  4. "Starsplash! Time for lunch!"
  5. "Stawspwas hungy! Wuv daddeh!"
  6. >Starsplash loves you unconditionally
  7. >You read that runts crave attention because of being rejected
  8. >Sometimes they're clingy, but Starsplash seems content just making you happy
  9. >It's only been about a month since he was born, but he's already almost at full size
  10. >Of course, he's much smaller than a "normal" fluffy
  11. >Starsplash happily eats his carrots and oatmeal while you make a turkey sandwich
  12. "You know, Starsplash...daddy's gotta go on a very important trip soon."
  13. "Wah daddeh mean?"
  14. "I mean that I won't be here for about a week...but don't worry, I'll make sure you have some friends while I'm gone."
  15. >Starsplash's eyes grow wide and his little wings begin fluttering
  17. >You worry how the other fluffies will treat him
  18. >Three days later, you arrive at Marcus' petshop
  19. "Hey, Anon...long time no- say, is that the runt you were taking care of that one time when I-"
  20. >You cut him off before he mentions what you had him do
  21. "Yep. This is Starsplash. I was hoping you could watch him while I'm out of town on business."
  22. "Sure. We have a special daycare program for runts. Helps them socialize"
  23. >He leads you into the back and, surprisingly, there are about 15 or so runts happily playing in an enclosure
  24. >They all look perfectly...well, happy
  25. "Wow, this is perfect. I don't think this little guy's ever even seen another fluffy"
  26. "So I'll watch him for the week?"
  27. "You bet. I'll be back later with some stuff."
  28. >Really, you just want to say bye to Starsplash
  29. >You go home, let him play for a bit, and go back to Marcus' shop
  30. "Alright, man...I'll be back next Tuesday. Take good care of him"
  31. >You kneel down and hug Starsplash
  32. "See ya little guy. Daddy will be back soon."
  33. "Bye daddeh, Stawspwa wuv you..."
  34. >You leave the store and head home to grab everything you'll need
  35. >Suitcase, business shit, and an extra pair of socks
  36. >You are ready
  37. >You put your stuff in your car and head to the airport
  38. "Hm...hope Starsplash is gonna be okay..."
  39. >You realize that you've never been away from him. Ever
  40. >You even started working from home on some fancy website
  41. >Productivity tends to increase when pornography is allowed in the workplace
  42. >Just saying
  43. >You arrive at the airport and check your stuff in
  44. >You hate airports and flying
  45. >Mostly because you are usually next to the scary Arabic guy
  46. >There's always one
  47. >That, and the damn security checks take forever
  48. "Excuse me sir, you've been randomly selected for additional screening."
  49. "*sigh*...fine."
  50. "I'm going to have to ask you to follow me into this next room."
  51. >You follow the security officer into the room
  52. "Alright...now drop 'em and relax."
  53. >God damn it. You hate airports
  54. >You are Starsplash, Pegasus runt
  55. >Your daddy just went on a long trip for "work" but he'll be back
  56. "New fwend?"
  57. >The voice surprises you
  58. >You turn around and see a whole bunch of fluffies just like you
  59. "New fwends! My name Stawspwa! Who you?"
  60. >The fluffy in question is an Earth fluffy with light brown fur, a dark brown mane, and dark brown spots all over
  61. "Name is Cookeh. Daddeh say I wunt."
  62. >You think you've heard that word before, but it doesn't matter
  63. >These fluffies are just like you!
  64. "Pway baww?"
  65. "Fwuffy wan pway! Baww fun!"
  66. >You love your new friends
  67. >You spend the rest of the day playing with them
  68. >Soon, you get very sleepy
  69. >All your new friends waddle into the middle of your not-home
  70. "Wat new fwends do? Is sweepy time."
  71. "Wight. Sweepy wawm in fwuff piwe. New fwend can sweep in piwe if wan'"
  72. >You're a bit confused, but you decide to join their pile
  73. >You lay down between two other fluffies
  74. >You immediately begin to feel warm
  75. >Daddy was right, you love your new friends!
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