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Jul 20th, 2019
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  1. (17:48:50) Powehi had been shooed away by people wanting to use the table a while back, and before long, the hunt for a new spot turned into aimless wandering. The lack of food had left his head feeling empty and light and his limbs like lead weights. He was tired but he could not sleep, could not stop moving despite the way doing so would deplete him of his energy. He barely saw where he was going until, eventually, he happened upon a dilapidated clapboard house in the woods. The road passing by was not far, but far enough that one might miss the structure if they were not looking for it. Danny numbly examined it. Two stories and with a wrap-around porch, the style was better fitted for a southern setting. The white paint was heavily chipped and peeling and the narrow windows mostly broken. A few panes had survived and glimmered faintly where the grime had not built up too heavily.[c]
  2. (17:52:01) Powehi: Nature had reclaimed what once had been a lawn. Flying insects buzzed from the shelter of tall weeds, all of them prepared to rise up in a cloud with the first disturbance. Moss and vines covered the steps leading up to the porch where debris of life remained - Broken wicker chairs, broken plastic toys for children, rusted tools. A sunbleached toy car meant for a toddler to ride in was turned over and collecting water where countless mosquitos were breeding. The sky was red from a setting sun, further casting an eerie and heavy aura to the house. Everything was still and Danny held his breath.[e]
  4. (17:58:31) Zaye was out on a jog, finally getting a bit of downtime after a rather busy week at work. Caribou Coast seriously had a problem with its residents constantly going missing. He was starting to regret taking the temporary posting, because even though he loved his job, he was only human and needed time to recharge, too. The sunset was beautiful tonight, making his run all the more worth it. If he'd waited and grabbed supper first, he would have missed this. In the near distance, he spotted a house and a younger-looking fellow standing near it.
  6. (18:05:09) Trevor Kinzer might've been here for the cool photographs, or he could've been here for other reasons. In any case, he was here now, wearing jeans and converse despite the heat- seventy-five wasn't too bad, in his opinion; it could be a helluva lot worse. Still, his tshirt sleeves were rolled up; it was still hot, and he was still kind of sweating. Phone in hand, he made his way through the overgrown grass; a few burrs stuck to the bottom of his pants. ...As long as they weren't ticks, he was totally fine. He paused, seeing Danny, raising a hand in greeting- he didn't speak. At this very moment, it didn't feel entirely appropriate, for whatever reason; as if this place might've had ears. He glanced to Zaye out for a jog, noticing him, too.
  8. (18:09:50) Powehi: .Who could say how long Danny would have stared at that house had other people not arrived? The circle window situated where the attic should be held his attention longer than anything else had. Two different waves of thought grazed his own and his eyes lowered, vision blurring at first, then adjusted. He noticed Zaye first, as the man arrived before the other. Danny did not recognize him, but he knew Trevor. "Wonder what's inside," he mused, breaking the silence first. There was no need to speak quietly, yet he could not bring himself to use a normal voice. The place had a tomblike quality to it. Perhaps that was why.
  11. (18:15:59) Zaye caught another soul standing in the grass. Ah, it was Trevor. Their paths were crossing often of late, though he supposed it was a small island, so it made sense. He approached the two, hands on his hips as he caught his breath. "I must be going senile in my old age. I fly over the island daily but I don't think I've ever noticed this house from the sky."
  13. (18:20:56) Trevor Kinzer glanced to the house as Danny voice the question he was slightly wondering about, himself. "Definate history." Would Trevor be looking this house up later? Maaybe. It was always interesting, the random places one found just walking around, especially when they were like this. This place in particular reminded him of Chernobyl- lots of little things just left around. His gaze shifted to Zaye as he caught up. "You're only thirty-" That wasn't old! Says the almost-thirty-year-old, "And the trees probably cover it." He looked up at the sky, then back to the house, his gaze following Danny's to the attic window, too. "Do you hear anything?" He meant, did it seem like there was anyone inside. Hm. Could Danny hear the thoughts of spirits, too? That was a question for when there weren't any other people around, though if Danny was reading his thoughts right -now-, he'd be able to hear that question, anyway. Handy, if he was listening. His gaze dropped to Danny's to followup the silent quest
  14. (18:21:02) Trevor Kinzer >> question.
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