
Dash goes flying with Rarity

Apr 30th, 2016
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  1. >The warm sun was overhead, the cool wind was blowing, and the streets of Ponyville were bustling.
  2. >But you don't have time to take in the scenery, you were a mare on a mission.
  3. >You were zooming through the streets, dodging angry ponies and other obstacles left and right.
  4. >You were headed over to Raritys boutique, and you had to get there fast.
  5. >"No, faster then fast, Rainbow Dash fast!"
  6. >You had been performing your signature awesomely amazing routine for Spike in the park, when your authentic Wonderbolts trainee flight suit got a tear in it.
  7. >"Just couldn't hold up to my amazingness, I guess."
  8. >You immediately took off toward Raritys place, and you were almost at your destination.
  9. >You preformed one more daring stunt for your adoring fans, where ever they were, before landing with a slide at Raritys door.
  10. "Alright! I think that was a new record!"
  11. >Remembering your task, you push open the door to the boutique, and it opens with a creak.
  12. >The inside of the shop looks lonely, completely uninhabited.
  13. >"That's weird, this place is usually packed by now."
  14. >Investigating further, you call out to her through the dark.
  15. "Rarity? Where are you?"
  16. >You think about your flight suit and it's lame tear.
  17. "We have an emergency, I need your help."
  18. >Deciding she must not be here right now, you turn to go out the door, when a sound catches you attention.
  19. >It sounds like...crying?
  20. >You make your way through the shop towards the sound, careful not to make any of your own.
  21. >You arrive at the source of the noise, which appears to be Raritys bed room.
  22. >Edging the door open, you peak inside and see Rarity, hunched over her desk crying.
  23. >Forgetting all tacktfulness, you bust in through the door with a slam.
  24. >Tempted to show her your flight suit and it's tear immediately, you decide that comforting her first was a better idea.
  25. "What's wrong this time Rarity?"
  26. >After recovering from her initial heart attack from you busting in, she resumes sobbing, leaning on you for support.
  27. >You put on a scowl and tap your hoof impatiently.
  28. >"Oh Rainbow Dash, why me, why me?!"
  29. >You throw your head back in exasperation.
  30. "Uuuggg what wrong this time Rarity?"
  31. >She speaks through sobs, her tears messing up your awesome mane.
  32. >"Why, why did this happen to me, why did I have to be born a unicorn?
  33. "What are you talking about now Rarity? Did some stallion turn you down again?"
  34. >She lifts her head and scowls at you before resuming her dramatics.
  35. >"Oh Rainbow Dash, ever since I had those wings, I can't think of anything else but taking flight once again. Why, why were they taken from me?!"
  36. >Alright, you can't take anymore of this. You have a flight suit on life support, and this is super lame.
  37. "Look Rarity, if you want to fly again, why don't you just ask Twilight? Doesn't she still have that spell or something?"
  38. >"I've thought of that darling, but I don't want to go up by myself. I'm afraid of falling again."
  39. "Well then why don't you ask some pegasi to take you up there?"
  40. >Her head perks up at this.
  41. >"Splendid idea darling, when do you want to leave?"
  42. "Wait, I-I didn't mea-"
  43. >She looks on the verge of tears again, and you definitely don't want that.
  44. >You let out a huge groan, letting her know just how lame this was.
  45. "Finnnee, but if I do this you have to fix my flight suit, alright?"
  46. >She wraps you up in a big hug.
  47. >"Of course darling, consider it done!"
  48. "Alright alright, it's no big deal Rarity. Just meet me at the park later this afternoon, alright?"
  49. >A few hours later you were standing in a field in the park.
  50. >On the horizon you could see Rarity walking towards you with Twilight by her side.
  51. >They reach your position, Rarity already flaunting a new set of wings.
  52. >"Well darling, what do you think? Divine aren't they?"
  53. >She strikes a pose, flaunting her wings.
  54. "Yea, they're... great. You ready to go or what?"
  55. >Twilight fills you in on the details of the spell and how long it will last for.
  56. >After a few more poses, Rarity is finally ready to take off.
  57. >Assuming the stance, side by side, the two of you burst into the air, leaving to world behi-
  58. "Rarity?"
  59. >You look back down and see your friend slowly climbing through the air.
  60. >You hover down next to her, urging her along.
  61. "Come on, can't you go any faster then this?"
  62. >"A lady always takes her time, and is always graceful in doing so."
  63. "Graceful? More like lame."
  64. >You mutter to yourself with a scowl, folding your arms as you laze along in the sky.
  65. >Once the two of you reach the right altitude, she breaks off slightly and tries a few moves.
  66. "Come on Rarity, that's filly stuff. Can't you do something at least a little awesome?"
  67. >Apparently lost in her own world, she doesn't answer, floating around like a leaf in the wind.
  68. >She's sooooo slowwww, you can't take it anymore.
  69. >You grab her by the hoof, and drag her up higher.
  70. >"Rainbow Dash, what are we doing? We're awfully high up."
  71. "Come on, I wanna show you something. Don't be a chicken, you got me, the awesomest mare ever to catch you."
  72. >The two of you climb higher and higher, until at last you break the cloud level.
  73. >Raritys mouth hangs open, completely at awe.
  74. >The sun was setting on the clouds, and the landscape was breathtaking.
  75. "Well what do you think? Pretty awesome, huh?"
  76. >"Rainbow, I..."
  77. "Speachless huh? I have that effect on ponies."
  78. >It was your turn to be suprised when she wraps you in another hug.
  79. >"Thanks you Dash, this is amazing."
  80. >You slowly and lightly return the embrace.
  81. >Hugs arnt so bad, all the time.
  82. "Don't forget about my suit though."
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