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Apr 22nd, 2019
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  1. Mira,
  3. I am writing you to express some concerns and grievances I have with our current situation. Before the storm, Isei and I were practically running things at the Rum Runners. While I do not wish to lead, I feel as if I and especially Isei have been, for lack of better words, neutered when it comes to what we are able to do. And its quite obvious that there is no respect for anyone but you and Bjorn from most of the newer crew. Just look at how I was questioned about how to build the galleon before it was ever sailed. I know some of this has been somewhat addressed however
  5. I expressed interest in treasure hunting and while maps are definitely needed and have been getting done there is definite lack of every other kind of treasure hunting. What good do these materials we go collect do us if we have no blueprints to craft? I believe only the morning people have been able or allowed to go out and hunt since Bjorn is up at those times. I am more than capable of hunting and have done so in the past quite successfully on my own. While I have no qualms with helping in other areas as I believe I have proven, I would like some of the other work to be left to the others and to start sailing out to hunt. To give you some perspective, I have already seen ships sailing with masterwork quality sails. We will eventually be out equipped if this keeps up.
  7. Bjorn... I am not happy about this at all. While I know you all have great history, I am beyond aggravated when it comes to the fact I have to technically report to someone who quite honestly abandoned us before the storm. I've sailed a war brig I built myself nearly every day I had it before the storm. I know well what the capabilities of a brigantine are and how to use it. I believe I taught Khaine how to command mutes side to side on the brigantine. While I have not been into battle.. with this crew, neither has anyone else here besides potentially some of the newer recruits. He does have quite the defensive knowledge and that I can get behind but otherwise he has left a sour taste in my mouth so to speak. Most of the other people around are not going to feel the same way because none of them were here before the storm.
  8. If we are going to start prepping people for the future it needs to begin now in terms of war and fighting. Mr. Redwind had an excellent idea and while it doesn't account for moving targets his idea of a firing range or test range for cannons and firearms may be something we should think about.
  10. I am impressed with how far the base has come however I believe it might be time to focus a little less on that and let the builders do what they need while the others go out and do what they need to do. If we continue to do everything as a giant group we are only limiting ourselves. While on this topic we need to consider a change to our ship lineup. We have a galleon, two cargo brigs, and two cargo schooners... I don't think this many cargo ships is necessary without more people. We have only managed to take out two vessels at a time so far. Which would also alleviate some space for ships capable of combat.
  12. About BlackWake, while they are seemingly friendly with us I have suspiscions not everything is as it seems. They stop by frequently yes, as neighbors, continually gaining information from us without much in terms of reciprocation. We need to be more guarded, friendly but more guarded. And that could go for any group that comes across us. I'm not saying go to war with everyone or ingore everyone but try to think abstractly about it. They act superior when they aren't and that is something that is a red flag in my eyes.
  13. Also, to go along with this, when they come by they stop to speak directly to you and pretty much only you. This needs to change if we are going to be neighbors they need to respect our heirarchy and speak to whoever is around. The captains, Isei and whomever else is in a command position should be enough for them when they come to speak to us. If you're around thats one thing but to drop by over and over to speak only to you seems out of touch with how things should be. And I'd imagine it would be the same if we went to speak to them. I wouldn't ask for Simon specifically, I'd ask for who is in command at the time and if they can't answer my questions or request then move to speak to Simon when available.
  15. About trade deals, setting up that failed trade with The Fatbeard people has me thinking we need to start getting signed contracts from companies for these trades. This way, when they do show up and we have used the resources for the trade or traded it to someone else we can show them "Well look at this note, says you'd be here at this time and this day and you were not." If we are to be feared as powerful pirate traders then this is a necessary step to take for us to have proof of these deals.
  17. I have not been totally truthful about my beginnings. I WAS a pirate, still am at heart, a free man if you will. While I've told people I was a chef for pirates and that's somewhat true, that wasn't my only position. I was also part of what I'd guess you'd call intelligence. But I was not free, I escaped, and my wife at the time was killed in the process. I won't let the same thing happen again..especially to Isei. Thats why I went to the trade meetings, thats part of the reason I am such a quiet individual. I want to see things as they are, and know the full story behind things. I have a great intuition about people, and their intentions...for example, Dusty,and Graves. I have not been wrong yet. And where do you think these ideas of trade docks being outside the port and such come from, the other suggestions I've made. It comes from experience.
  19. You do a wonderful job of listening to me and I appreciate that. And I hope that continues. I don't want to leave but I will if I feel less free than I did before the storm and especially before I met you, Isei and the Rum Runners.
  21. Loyal to the Rum Runners always, grateful for everything. Rum for one, Rum for all.
  23. Cordially,
  25. Antonio Amadeus
  26. Captain
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