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a guest
Sep 3rd, 2019
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  1. [16:57:11 WARN]: Ambiguity between arguments [teleport, destination] and [teleport, targets] with inputs: [Player, 0123, @e, dd12be42-52a9-4a91-a8a1-11c01849e498]
  2. [16:57:11 WARN]: Ambiguity between arguments [teleport, location] and [teleport, destination] with inputs: [0.1 -0.5 .9, 0 0 0]
  3. [16:57:11 WARN]: Ambiguity between arguments [teleport, location] and [teleport, targets] with inputs: [0.1 -0.5 .9, 0 0 0]
  4. [16:57:11 WARN]: Ambiguity between arguments [teleport, targets] and [teleport, destination] with inputs: [Player, 0123, dd12be42-52a9-4a91-a8a1-11c01849e498]
  5. [16:57:11 WARN]: Ambiguity between arguments [teleport, targets, location] and [teleport, targets, destination] with inputs: [0.1 -0.5 .9, 0 0 0]
  6. [16:57:12 INFO]: Starting minecraft server version 1.14.4
  7. [16:57:12 INFO]: Loading properties
  8. [16:57:12 INFO]: Default game type: CREATIVE
  9. [16:57:12 INFO]: Generating keypair
  10. [16:57:12 INFO]: Starting Minecraft server on *:25565
  11. [16:57:12 INFO]: Using epoll channel type
  13. [16:57:13 WARN]: The server will make no attempt to authenticate usernames. Beware.
  14. [16:57:13 WARN]: While this makes the game possible to play without internet access, it also opens up the ability for hackers to connect with any username they choose.
  15. [16:57:13 WARN]: To change this, set "online-mode" to "true" in the file.
  16. [16:57:13 INFO]: Preparing level "world"
  17. [16:57:13 INFO]: Reloading ResourceManager: Default
  18. [16:57:14 INFO]: Loaded 6 recipes
  19. [16:57:15 INFO]: Loaded 811 advancements
  20. [16:57:15 INFO]: Preparing start region for dimension minecraft:overworld
  21. [16:57:22 INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
  22. [16:57:22 INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
  23. [16:57:22 INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
  24. [16:57:22 INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
  25. [16:57:22 INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
  26. [16:57:22 INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
  27. [16:57:22 INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
  28. [16:57:22 INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
  29. [16:57:22 INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
  30. [16:57:22 INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
  31. [16:57:22 INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
  32. [16:57:22 INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
  33. [16:57:22 INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
  34. [16:57:22 INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
  35. [16:57:24 INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
  36. [16:57:24 INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
  37. [16:57:24 INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
  38. [16:57:24 INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
  39. [16:57:25 INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
  40. [16:57:27 INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 83%
  41. [16:57:27 INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 83%
  42. [16:57:27 INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 83%
  43. [16:57:27 INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 83%
  44. [16:57:27 INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 83%
  45. [16:57:27 INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 83%
  46. [16:57:28 INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 83%
  47. [16:57:28 INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 83%
  48. [16:57:29 INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 86%
  49. [16:57:29 INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 89%
  50. [16:57:30 INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 93%
  51. [16:57:30 INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 98%
  52. [16:57:31 INFO]: Time elapsed: 15225 ms
  53. [16:57:31 INFO]: Done (17.875s)! For help, type "help"
  54. [17:00:52 INFO]: shinki[/] logged in with entity id 115 at (242.5, 69.0, 137.5)
  55. [17:00:52 INFO]: shinki joined the game
  56. [17:01:15 INFO]: shinki lost connection: Disconnected
  57. [17:01:15 INFO]: shinki left the game
  58. [17:02:03 INFO]: shinki[/] logged in with entity id 363 at (245.2777582759287, 79.0, 134.14791924973892)
  59. [17:02:03 INFO]: shinki joined the game
  60. [17:02:35 WARN]: Can't keep up! Is the server overloaded? Running 3969ms or 79 ticks behind
  61. [17:03:54 INFO]: shinki lost connection: Disconnected
  62. [17:03:54 INFO]: shinki left the game
  63. [17:04:05 INFO]: Made shinki a server operator
  64. [17:04:11 INFO]: shinki[/] logged in with entity id 844 at (299.8601371879463, 79.0, 83.16713161002794)
  65. [17:04:11 INFO]: shinki joined the game
  66. [17:05:06 INFO]: [shinki: Applied effect Speed to shinki]
  67. [17:07:06 INFO]: [shinki: Removed every effect from shinki]
  68. [17:07:38 WARN]: Can't keep up! Is the server overloaded? Running 3402ms or 68 ticks behind
  69. [17:08:42 INFO]: [shinki: Set the time to 1000]
  70. [17:11:04 INFO]: [shinki: Summoned new Armor Stand]
  71. [17:11:25 INFO]: [shinki: Summoned new Leash Knot]
  72. [17:11:38 INFO]: [shinki: Summoned new Thrown Bottle o' Enchanting]
  73. [17:11:40 INFO]: [shinki: Summoned new Thrown Bottle o' Enchanting]
  74. [17:11:58 INFO]: wizardtm011[/] logged in with entity id 2320 at (232.5, 67.0, 125.5)
  75. [17:11:58 INFO]: wizardtm011 joined the game
  76. [17:12:09 INFO]: <wizardtm011> hello
  77. [17:12:11 INFO]: [shinki: Teleported wizardtm011 to shinki]
  78. [17:12:18 INFO]: <shinki> HEEYYY <333
  79. [17:12:41 WARN]: Can't keep up! Is the server overloaded? Running 2968ms or 59 ticks behind
  80. [17:12:46 INFO]: <wizardtm011> hold up im helping mir joing
  81. [17:12:53 INFO]: [shinki: Teleported wizardtm011 to 99.5, 99.0, 99.5]
  82. [17:13:01 INFO]: [shinki: Teleported wizardtm011 to 5.5, 5.0, 5.5]
  83. [17:13:03 INFO]: [shinki: Teleported wizardtm011 to 99.5, 99.0, 99.5]
  84. [17:13:06 INFO]: [shinki: Teleported wizardtm011 to 5.5, 5.0, 5.5]
  85. [17:13:08 INFO]: [shinki: Teleported wizardtm011 to 99.5, 99.0, 99.5]
  86. [17:13:09 INFO]: [shinki: Teleported wizardtm011 to 5.5, 5.0, 5.5]
  87. [17:13:19 INFO]: [shinki: Teleported wizardtm011 to shinki]
  88. [17:13:25 INFO]: Tangerine[/] logged in with entity id 3464 at (230.5, 65.0, 118.5)
  89. [17:13:25 INFO]: Tangerine joined the game
  90. [17:13:35 INFO]: <wizardtm011> ayyyyyyooooooo
  91. [17:13:47 INFO]: [shinki: Applied effect Hunger to Tangerine]
  92. [17:13:59 INFO]: [shinki: Applied effect Blindness to Tangerine]
  93. [17:14:18 INFO]: <wizardtm011> what are we making
  94. [17:14:39 INFO]: wizardtm011 has made the advancement [Stone Age]
  95. [17:15:15 INFO]: [shinki: Gamerule announceAdvancements is now set to: false]
  96. [17:16:49 INFO]: <shinki> fruck
  97. [17:16:54 INFO]: <shinki> my tnt cannon isnt working
  98. [17:16:58 INFO]: <shinki> who are u people
  99. [17:17:06 INFO]: <shinki> i thought im playing w only mir
  100. [17:17:17 INFO]: <Tangerine> I'm stuck in a damn tree
  101. [17:17:18 WARN]: Fetching packet for removed entity atx['Air'/5130, l='world', x=356.44, y=62.71, z=100.56]
  102. [17:17:18 WARN]: Fetching packet for removed entity atx['Air'/5130, l='world', x=356.44, y=62.71, z=100.56]
  103. [17:17:24 INFO]: [shinki: Teleported Tangerine to shinki]
  104. [17:17:26 INFO]: <wizardtm011> yayyyyy
  105. [17:17:30 INFO]: <shinki> WHO IS WIZARD
  106. [17:17:44 WARN]: Can't keep up! Is the server overloaded? Running 2618ms or 52 ticks behind
  107. [17:17:53 INFO]: [shinki: Gamerule doTileDrops is now set to: false]
  108. [17:17:57 INFO]: <wizardtm011> i am
  109. [17:17:58 INFO]: <shinki> FRICK
  110. [17:18:03 INFO]: <shinki> I FORGOT TO TURN OFF TILE DROPS
  111. [17:18:05 INFO]: <shinki> rip
  112. [17:18:09 INFO]: <Tangerine> is Shinki Moody?
  113. [17:18:11 INFO]: <shinki> who is tangerine
  114. [17:18:12 INFO]: <wizardtm011> yes
  115. [17:18:20 INFO]: <Tangerine> aright cool
  116. [17:18:22 INFO]: <wizardtm011> this chat is so hilarious
  117. [17:18:25 INFO]: <shinki> tell me or else ill block u on messenger
  118. [17:18:29 INFO]: <Tangerine> I'm your mom bitchface
  119. [17:18:30 INFO]: [shinki: Set the time to 1000]
  120. [17:18:34 INFO]: <wizardtm011> yayyyyyyy
  121. [17:18:41 INFO]: <shinki> also
  122. [17:18:45 INFO]: <wizardtm011> im glad we go tthat settled
  123. [17:18:45 INFO]: <shinki> do u guys want op status
  124. [17:18:53 INFO]: <wizardtm011> what does that mean
  125. [17:18:54 INFO]: <Tangerine> ye
  126. [17:18:58 INFO]: <shinki> so u can run commands too
  127. [17:19:04 INFO]: [shinki: Made Tangerine a server operator]
  128. [17:19:05 INFO]: <Tangerine> actually nah
  129. [17:19:06 INFO]: [shinki: Made wizardtm011 a server operator]
  130. [17:19:11 INFO]: <wizardtm011> wooah
  131. [17:19:14 INFO]: <Tangerine> idk how to do shit with it
  132. [17:19:16 INFO]: Tangerine fell out of the world
  133. [17:19:16 INFO]: [shinki: Killed Tangerine]
  134. [17:19:21 INFO]: <wizardtm011> ripp
  135. [17:19:27 INFO]: wizardtm011 fell out of the world
  136. [17:19:27 INFO]: [wizardtm011: Killed wizardtm011]
  137. [17:19:28 INFO]: <Tangerine> bitch what
  138. [17:19:32 INFO]: <shinki> tthats what happens when u give me attitude
  139. [17:19:37 INFO]: <shinki> okay fr tho
  140. [17:19:43 INFO]: <shinki> this is an ugly ass jungle
  141. [17:19:50 INFO]: <shinki> lets go on our own for a but
  142. [17:19:51 INFO]: <wizardtm011> :((((
  143. [17:19:52 INFO]: <shinki> bit
  144. [17:19:58 INFO]: <Tangerine> where the fuck am I
  145. [17:19:59 INFO]: <shinki> until someone finds valid land
  146. [17:20:08 INFO]: <wizardtm011> like plains?
  147. [17:20:12 INFO]: <shinki> mmhmm
  148. [17:20:16 INFO]: <shinki> you guys want swiftness?
  149. [17:20:36 INFO]: [shinki: Applied effect Speed to 3 targets]
  150. [17:20:44 WARN]: Tangerine moved too quickly! -8.208711323204938,0.0,5.797312648418938
  151. [17:20:50 INFO]: [shinki: Removed every effect from 3 targets]
  152. [17:20:53 INFO]: <shinki> nvm that was dumb
  153. [17:20:59 INFO]: <wizardtm011> lmaooooo
  154. [17:21:20 INFO]: [wizardtm011: Teleported wizardtm011 to 208.5, 98.77145637808049, 1024.5]
  155. [17:21:24 WARN]: shinki moved too quickly! 2.280436906048635,0.0,10.068572200380117
  156. [17:21:24 WARN]: Tangerine moved too quickly! 9.432755297841567,0.0,4.299207681181201
  157. [17:21:24 WARN]: Can't keep up! Is the server overloaded? Running 4299ms or 85 ticks behind
  158. [17:21:24 INFO]: <shinki> holy shit
  159. [17:21:32 INFO]: <shinki> there are
  160. [17:21:34 INFO]: <shinki> turtles
  161. [17:21:40 INFO]: <wizardtm011> lmao you sound like a grandpa
  162. [17:21:44 INFO]: <Tangerine> oi oi i wanna see turtles
  163. [17:22:07 INFO]: [shinki: Set the time to 1000]
  164. [17:22:10 INFO]: <shinki> HOLY SHIT
  165. [17:22:13 INFO]: <shinki> DOLPHINSS
  166. [17:22:20 INFO]: <shinki> OH MY GOD
  167. [17:22:22 INFO]: <shinki> is that a
  168. [17:22:29 INFO]: <wizardtm011> moody just add a daylight sensor to a command block to make it day all the time
  169. [17:22:29 INFO]: <shinki> spruce tree??
  170. [17:22:37 INFO]: <shinki> okay
  171. [17:23:01 INFO]: [shinki: Gave 1 [Command Block] to shinki]
  172. [17:23:01 WARN]: Can't keep up! Is the server overloaded? Running 13276ms or 265 ticks behind
  173. [17:23:01 WARN]: wizardtm011 moved too quickly! -9.92028759418207,0.0,-1.389843751197759
  174. [17:23:01 INFO]: [shinki: Gave 1 [Command Block] to shinki]
  175. [17:23:13 INFO]: <wizardtm011> guys come here to me
  176. [17:23:18 INFO]: <Tangerine> h o w
  177. [17:23:22 INFO]: [shinki: Teleported Tangerine to wizardtm011]
  178. [17:23:26 INFO]: [shinki: Teleported shinki to wizardtm011]
  179. [17:23:42 INFO]: [shinki: Removed 36 items from player shinki]
  180. [17:23:57 INFO]: <Tangerine> t u r t l e
  181. [17:24:08 INFO]: <wizardtm011> the egss are so preetty
  182. [17:24:28 INFO]: <shinki> i hate you all
  183. [17:24:32 INFO]: <wizardtm011> yayyyyy
  184. [17:25:09 INFO]: <wizardtm011> WHYYYYYYY
  185. [17:25:14 INFO]: <wizardtm011> YOUUUU FOOOOL
  186. [17:25:21 INFO]: [shinki: Summoned new Ender Dragon]
  187. [17:25:27 WARN]: Fetching packet for removed entity atx['Seagrass'/10244, l='world', x=160.30, y=63.00, z=1010.81]
  188. [17:25:27 WARN]: Fetching packet for removed entity atx['Seagrass'/10244, l='world', x=160.30, y=63.00, z=1010.81]
  189. [17:25:27 WARN]: Fetching packet for removed entity atx['Seagrass'/10244, l='world', x=160.30, y=63.00, z=1010.81]
  190. [17:25:33 INFO]: <wizardtm011> NOOOOO NOT THE TURTLESSS
  191. [17:25:53 INFO]: [shinki: Gave 1 [Diamond] to Tangerine]
  192. [17:26:03 INFO]: <wizardtm011> i have subtitles on and now i cant see my screeen
  193. [17:26:03 INFO]: [shinki: Gave 1 [Diamond Sword] to Tangerine]
  194. [17:26:47 INFO]: shinki fell out of the world
  195. [17:26:47 INFO]: Tangerine fell out of the world
  196. [17:26:47 INFO]: wizardtm011 fell out of the world
  197. [17:26:47 INFO]: [wizardtm011: Killed 3 entities]
  198. [17:26:59 INFO]: <shinki> why
  199. [17:27:06 INFO]: <wizardtm011> im confused
  200. [17:27:07 INFO]: <shinki> where is mir
  201. [17:27:10 INFO]: <Tangerine> why did I die
  202. [17:27:21 INFO]: <shinki> ur sister killed us all
  203. [17:27:25 INFO]: <wizardtm011> hey look they have bamboo and pandas in this game
  204. [17:27:31 INFO]: <Tangerine> someone ples teleport me back
  205. [17:27:38 INFO]: <wizardtm011> :33333333333
  206. [17:27:51 INFO]: [wizardtm011: Teleported Tangerine to 208.5, 81.0, 1024.5]
  207. [17:27:54 INFO]: <shinki> is anyone still there
  208. [17:27:59 INFO]: [shinki: Teleported shinki to Tangerine]
  209. [17:27:59 INFO]: [wizardtm011: Teleported wizardtm011 to Tangerine]
  210. [17:28:05 WARN]: shinki moved too quickly! -9.907793355987081,0.0,3.0113933195779055
  211. [17:28:05 WARN]: Can't keep up! Is the server overloaded? Running 3571ms or 71 ticks behind
  212. [17:28:13 INFO]: [wizardtm011: Set spawn point to 202, 76, 1022 for wizardtm011]
  213. [17:28:54 INFO]: [wizardtm011: Killed 2 entities]
  214. [17:28:57 INFO]: [shinki: Killed 9 entities]
  215. [17:29:22 INFO]: [shinki: Killed 61 entities]
  216. [17:29:28 INFO]: <Tangerine> ONar
  217. [17:29:30 INFO]: <wizardtm011> :<<<<<
  218. [17:29:36 INFO]: [shinki: Killed 4 entities]
  219. [17:29:36 INFO]: <wizardtm011> yesssss
  220. [17:29:38 INFO]: <Tangerine> look
  221. [17:29:42 INFO]: <Tangerine> parrots
  222. [17:29:43 INFO]: [shinki: Killed Panda]
  223. [17:29:51 INFO]: <wizardtm011> Y E SSSSS
  224. [17:29:52 INFO]: <shinki> WHAT
  225. [17:29:54 INFO]: <shinki> THATS OMAR
  226. [17:29:58 INFO]: <shinki> I THOUGHT THAT WAS NADIA DA
  227. [17:30:02 INFO]: <Tangerine> LMAOOOO
  228. [17:30:06 INFO]: <shinki> HI OMAR !!!
  229. [17:30:15 INFO]: <wizardtm011> HELLLOW!!!!
  230. [17:30:23 INFO]: [shinki: Killed 9 entities]
  231. [17:30:27 INFO]: <Tangerine> Nadia's laughing her ass off next to me
  232. [17:30:28 INFO]: <wizardtm011> whyyyyyy
  233. [17:30:30 INFO]: [shinki: Killed 10 entities]
  234. [17:30:37 INFO]: <wizardtm011> why did youkill the parrotes
  235. [17:30:43 INFO]: <shinki> i am god
  236. [17:30:46 INFO]: <shinki> i am....
  237. [17:30:48 INFO]: <shinki> KIRA
  238. [17:30:54 INFO]: <shinki> ill take this raw potato
  239. [17:30:56 INFO]: <shinki> ... and
  240. [17:30:59 INFO]: <shinki> EAT IT
  241. [17:31:02 INFO]: <wizardtm011> lmaooo
  242. [17:31:20 WARN]: Tried to add entity minecraft:dragon_fireball but it was marked as removed already
  243. [17:31:22 WARN]: Tried to add entity minecraft:dragon_fireball but it was marked as removed already
  244. [17:31:30 INFO]: [shinki: Summoned new Husk]
  245. [17:31:40 INFO]: [shinki: Summoned new Ghast]
  246. [17:32:23 INFO]: <wizardtm011> bruh why the ghast
  247. [17:32:27 INFO]: [shinki: Set the time to 1000]
  248. [17:32:33 INFO]: <shinki> its sexy
  249. [17:32:36 INFO]: <shinki> wym
  250. [17:32:42 INFO]: <shinki> tOKAY
  251. [17:32:44 INFO]: <shinki> HERE
  252. [17:32:45 INFO]: <wizardtm011> use the seed to tame
  253. [17:32:47 INFO]: <shinki> SHALL BE OUR BASE
  254. [17:33:12 INFO]: <wizardtm011> :<<<<
  255. [17:33:14 INFO]: <shinki> where are all the villagers
  256. [17:33:24 INFO]: <shinki> omar
  257. [17:33:33 INFO]: <shinki> what did u do to all the villagers
  258. [17:33:56 INFO]: <wizardtm011> hey mir wanna see something
  259. [17:34:17 INFO]: <wizardtm011> come here
  260. [17:34:59 INFO]: <wizardtm011> MOODY NOOO
  261. [17:35:04 INFO]: <Tangerine> MOODY
  262. [17:35:08 INFO]: <wizardtm011> TTTTTT
  263. [17:35:14 INFO]: <shinki> youll never find me now
  264. [17:35:17 INFO]: <Tangerine> ..
  265. [17:35:17 INFO]: <wizardtm011> you killed best boi
  266. [17:35:51 INFO]: [shinki: Summoned new Area Effect Cloud]
  267. [17:36:37 INFO]: <wizardtm011> oh yeah wheres our base again
  268. [17:36:47 INFO]: [shinki: Summoned new Area Effect Cloud]
  269. [17:37:27 INFO]: <Tangerine> even minecraft moody is easy to read
  270. [17:37:30 INFO]: <Tangerine> wth
  271. [17:37:43 INFO]: <shinki> what does that even mean TT
  272. [17:37:47 INFO]: <wizardtm011> uh oh
  273. [17:37:48 INFO]: <shinki> i am most obscure boi
  274. [17:37:53 INFO]: <wizardtm011> lmao
  275. [17:37:56 INFO]: <shinki> no one can figure out what im thinking
  276. [17:38:00 INFO]: <shinki> im in the shadows
  277. [17:38:01 INFO]: <wizardtm011> this is proabably bad
  279. [17:38:06 INFO]: <shinki> contemplating my next move
  280. [17:38:15 INFO]: <Tangerine> IT'S SO
  281. [17:38:20 INFO]: <Tangerine> MODDY
  282. [17:38:40 INFO]: <wizardtm011> SNOW GOLEMS YESSS
  283. [17:38:59 INFO]: [wizardtm011: Gave 1 [Command Block] to wizardtm011]
  284. [17:39:15 INFO]: [shinki: Summoned new Guardian]
  285. [17:39:18 INFO]: [shinki: Summoned new Guardian]
  286. [17:39:18 INFO]: [shinki: Summoned new Guardian]
  287. [17:39:19 INFO]: [shinki: Summoned new Guardian]
  288. [17:39:34 INFO]: [shinki: Gave 1 [Command Block] to shinki]
  289. [17:39:44 INFO]: [wizardtm011: Summoned new Snow Golem]
  290. [17:39:46 INFO]: [wizardtm011: Summoned new Snow Golem]
  291. [17:39:47 INFO]: [wizardtm011: Summoned new Snow Golem]
  292. [17:39:49 INFO]: [wizardtm011: Summoned new Snow Golem]
  293. [17:39:50 INFO]: [wizardtm011: Summoned new Snow Golem]
  294. [17:40:20 INFO]: <wizardtm011> you guys wanna actually make a base?
  295. [17:41:02 INFO]: <Tangerine> NONE OF THE PARROTS LIKE ME AHHHHHH
  296. [17:41:12 INFO]: <wizardtm011> lmao hold the melon seeds
  297. [17:41:22 INFO]: <Tangerine> i tried
  298. [17:41:26 INFO]: <Tangerine> TT
  299. [17:41:28 INFO]: <wizardtm011> hmmm
  300. [17:41:59 INFO]: <wizardtm011> :0000
  301. [17:42:05 INFO]: <Tangerine> :000
  302. [17:42:07 INFO]: <wizardtm011> its on ur showlderrr
  303. [17:42:12 INFO]: <Tangerine> o shit
  304. [17:42:18 INFO]: <Tangerine> yayyyy
  305. [17:42:19 INFO]: <wizardtm011> howd you do that
  306. [17:42:20 INFO]: [shinki: Set the time to 1000]
  307. [17:42:30 INFO]: <Tangerine> you have like 2 on your shoulder the heck
  308. [17:42:35 INFO]: [shinki: Set own game mode to Spectator Mode]
  309. [17:42:38 INFO]: <wizardtm011> lamooooo
  310. [17:42:43 INFO]: <Tangerine> they all flocking to you
  311. [17:42:44 INFO]: <wizardtm011> moody what r u dioing
  312. [17:42:53 INFO]: <shinki> i see what u see
  313. [17:42:58 INFO]: <shinki> how do i exit
  314. [17:42:59 INFO]: <Tangerine> where'd he go
  315. [17:43:01 INFO]: <wizardtm011> mir i am afraid of moody
  316. [17:43:10 INFO]: <Tangerine> we all are
  317. [17:43:15 INFO]: <wizardtm011> hol shift moody
  318. [17:43:16 INFO]: <Tangerine> he has too much power
  319. [17:43:21 INFO]: <shinki> i did it
  320. [17:43:33 INFO]: <wizardtm011> moody has held a shit
  321. [17:43:51 INFO]: <wizardtm011> okii i feel like builidng something
  322. [17:43:52 INFO]: [shinki: Set own game mode to Creative Mode]
  323. [17:44:08 INFO]: <Tangerine> I wanna build too
  324. [17:45:29 INFO]: <Tangerine> f o x
  325. [17:45:39 INFO]: <wizardtm011> <3
  326. [17:46:07 INFO]: <wizardtm011> it kill chicke n
  327. [17:46:26 INFO]: <Tangerine> yeah they do that
  328. [17:46:31 INFO]: <wizardtm011> oh no now child
  329. [17:47:15 INFO]: <wizardtm011> wheres moody
  330. [17:48:10 INFO]: <wizardtm011> :ooo thats cool
  331. [17:48:18 INFO]: [shinki: Teleported shinki to Tangerine]
  332. [17:48:35 INFO]: <Tangerine> who gave the fox a sword
  333. [17:48:38 INFO]: <wizardtm011> mee
  334. [17:48:43 INFO]: <Tangerine> ofc
  335. [17:48:53 INFO]: <wizardtm011> isnt it adorable
  336. [17:49:31 INFO]: [shinki: Teleported Tangerine to shinki]
  337. [17:49:38 INFO]: Tangerine fell out of the world
  338. [17:49:50 INFO]: [shinki: Teleported wizardtm011 to shinki]
  339. [17:50:06 INFO]: <wizardtm011> woah theres cool caves here
  340. [17:50:07 INFO]: <Tangerine> moududur wttf
  341. [17:50:30 INFO]: [shinki: Set wizardtm011's game mode to Survival Mode]
  342. [17:50:36 INFO]: <wizardtm011> dammit
  343. [17:50:37 INFO]: wizardtm011 fell out of the world
  344. [17:50:37 INFO]: <shinki> okay
  345. [17:50:40 INFO]: <shinki> im sorry
  346. [17:50:51 INFO]: [shinki: Set wizardtm011's game mode to Creative Mode]
  347. [17:50:55 INFO]: [wizardtm011: Teleported Tangerine to wizardtm011]
  348. [17:51:09 INFO]: [shinki: Removed 12 items from player shinki]
  349. [17:51:14 INFO]: [shinki: Gave 1 [Torch] to shinki]
  350. [17:51:25 INFO]: <wizardtm011> how long are you guys goonna stay on
  351. [17:51:34 INFO]: <shinki> i might hop off soon
  352. [17:51:38 INFO]: <shinki> my mom got home
  353. [17:51:41 INFO]: <wizardtm011> dang
  354. [17:51:48 INFO]: <shinki> i can keep the server up tho
  355. [17:51:53 INFO]: <shinki> wait
  356. [17:51:55 INFO]: <shinki> WAIT
  357. [17:51:59 INFO]: <shinki> nvm
  358. [17:52:04 INFO]: <wizardtm011> ????
  359. [17:52:06 INFO]: <wizardtm011> i have to go namaz but i can play when i come home
  360. [17:52:10 INFO]: <shinki> i thought my raspi could host the server
  361. [17:52:12 INFO]: <shinki> but idts
  362. [17:52:22 INFO]: <Tangerine> aw
  363. [17:53:07 WARN]: shinki moved too quickly! 7.506886827413865,-1.0013359791121488,6.7650061133765576
  364. [17:53:07 WARN]: Can't keep up! Is the server overloaded? Running 2457ms or 49 ticks behind
  365. [17:53:18 INFO]: <wizardtm011> guys lets atleast buildsomething before we all sign off
  366. [17:53:23 INFO]: [wizardtm011: Set the time to 1000]
  367. [17:53:47 INFO]: <shinki> okay?
  368. [17:53:50 INFO]: <shinki> aw
  369. [17:54:42 INFO]: <shinki> just in case
  370. [17:55:05 INFO]: <wizardtm011> guys ima go but leave myself online
  371. [17:55:11 INFO]: <wizardtm011> be back in an hour
  372. [17:55:18 INFO]: <Tangerine> okayy
  373. [17:55:28 INFO]: <wizardtm011> ill still appear active btw
  374. [17:55:31 INFO]: <Tangerine> But idk if I'll be here in an hour
  375. [17:55:34 INFO]: <wizardtm011> basically afk
  376. [17:55:37 INFO]: <wizardtm011> hmmmm
  377. [17:55:42 INFO]: <wizardtm011> ill take my chances
  378. [17:55:52 INFO]: <shinki> omar
  379. [17:55:55 INFO]: <shinki> dont come near me
  380. [17:56:12 INFO]: <Tangerine> moody no
  381. [17:58:20 INFO]: <shinki> if anything blows up
  382. [17:58:26 INFO]: <shinki> mir has the flint and steel
  383. [17:58:32 INFO]: <shinki> so its probably her plan
  384. [17:58:58 INFO]: <Tangerine> n o
  385. [17:59:31 INFO]: <Tangerine> it was all moody
  386. [18:02:24 INFO]: <shinki> okay brb
  387. [18:02:26 INFO]: shinki lost connection: Disconnected
  388. [18:02:26 INFO]: shinki left the game
  389. [18:03:17 INFO]: shinki[/] logged in with entity id 17544 at (186.8312915034714, 80.16198102032192, 1052.41429248039)
  390. [18:03:17 INFO]: shinki joined the game
  391. [18:03:20 INFO]: shinki lost connection: Disconnected
  392. [18:03:20 INFO]: shinki left the game
  393. [18:03:48 INFO]: [Server] hewwo?
  394. [18:03:56 INFO]: [Server] dis is hewobwine
  395. [18:04:10 INFO]: [Server] ill suck ur cubic peepee if u dont give me diamonds
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