
Template - Ruleset

Nov 27th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. /vp/ Monotype Tournament BD SP edition!
  2. Rule set and format could potentially change based on any discussion that may take place.
  4. There are several rules that apply to this tournament.
  5. (1). Participants register and use only 6 Pokémon for the entire tournament. The 6 Pokemon must share one common type, allocated by the trainer. No changes are permitted for your team once the tournament begins, this include moves held items and EVs.
  6. (2). Legendary Pokémon*, Ultra Beasts and Tapus are unable to participate in this tournament. No exceptions.
  7. (3). All matches will be conducted in Single Format, using Flat Rules (6v6).
  8. (4). This tournament is played in a swiss style format over multiple rounds to determine the leaders for each type. Once the leadsers are established the tournament enters into an elimination style finals bracket.
  9. (5). If some sort of dispute occurs, you should bring it up with Monoman on discord. (DISCORD HANDLE)
  10. (6). If your match doesn't get played in time, it will result in a loss for both players. After several tournaments it has been decided that there is absolutely no flexibility on battles not being played. If you can provide some evidence of contact more than once you'll be given a pass. If you can’t organise 10-20 minutes with your partner in a week you are likely to continue to do this throughout the tournament. Appropriate scores will be assigned to these players based on the situation.
  11. (7). Handle disconnects how you want. If it comes to an argument, then the disconnected round is handled as a draw. Frequent disconnects by a challenger may result in disqualification, or may be penalised with a single elimination! At least the same leads are expected from a disconnect that was within a developed game, but come to a mutual decision before you replay.
  12. (8). You will need to make space on your Vs. Recorder so that your battle videos can be displayed with the records each round. VIDEOS MUST BE RECORDED AND POSTED IN YOUR MATCH REPORTS. Recorded videos will be checked upon if there are any discrepancies regarding Pokémon or item changes between rounds.
  13. *Legendary Pokemon are listed here:
  16. FINALS
  17. Finals will be played in a elimination bracket with the bracket being generated from the top players from each pool.
  18. The bracket will played made up of the top X (depends on player numbers) players of any type. The player who makes their way through the bracket and wins the grandfinals, will be named the champion!
  19. The gym leader positions will be offered to the player of each type who made it the furthest or had the best record. A player that may not have made it into the finals bracket can still be the representative of their type, assuming they had the best record in the group rounds. A playoff match will be played for any ties if both players would like the position.
  23. Both Challengers should submit a report of the results from their battles with battle videos included to ensure that the results received are correct. Don’t be afraid to report any issues with the battles if there are any problems. Make sure that the opponent and their type is mentioned in your report, to ensure that results are easily interpreted.
  25. P.S. Have fun!
  27. Registration Form :
  28. Team Submission Form:
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