
bbg pc

Nov 30th, 2014
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  1. RikBloodFire: hai mom
  2. xXMissHeartlessXx: mom have you seen dads profile
  3. HarperRayneCreed: hey bbg and lil one
  4. HarperRayneCreed: and yea seen it
  5. xXMissHeartlessXx: ...
  6. xXMissHeartlessXx: are you going to do anything....
  7. xXMissHeartlessXx: .-.
  8. xXMissHeartlessXx: im pissed off kail fucking banned me from every single room she owns
  9. xXMissHeartlessXx: she dont even fucking know me
  10. xXMissHeartlessXx: and dad is being a fucking whore.
  11. xXMissHeartlessXx: -.-
  12. xXMissHeartlessXx: im sorry mom but he has no right to do this to you
  13. xXMissHeartlessXx: if he really loves you it should be your damn name on that profile and not her fucking trashy ass
  14. RikBloodFire: agreed...
  15. xXMissHeartlessXx: -.-
  16. HarperRayneCreed: he was trashed when he did that to his profile
  17. HarperRayneCreed: i knows
  18. xXMissHeartlessXx: idc
  19. RikBloodFire: good
  20. xXMissHeartlessXx: HE NEEDS TO DIE
  21. xXMissHeartlessXx: -.-
  22. RikBloodFire: ehrmehgerd theres a girl in our raid group
  23. xXMissHeartlessXx: I usally stay calm but this is stupid
  24. HarperRayneCreed: :(
  25. xXMissHeartlessXx: you dont play with people
  26. RikBloodFire: *hugs mom tight and nuzzles*
  27. xXMissHeartlessXx: even if it is just a game
  28. xXMissHeartlessXx: im mad as hell now.
  29. RikBloodFire: me too
  30. HarperRayneCreed: but this not just a game bbg coz ppl have feelings
  31. RikBloodFire: mhm
  32. xXMissHeartlessXx: mom he is slowly destroying your
  33. xXMissHeartlessXx: s
  34. xXMissHeartlessXx: while he is being a whore
  35. xXMissHeartlessXx: This is when I would say fuck it and make him choose
  36. xXMissHeartlessXx: -.-
  37. HarperRayneCreed: ive been up half the night/day dealing with this so im a bit meh atm
  38. xXMissHeartlessXx: bad enough he destroyed bros relationship and kicked him out
  39. xXMissHeartlessXx: now yours?
  40. xXMissHeartlessXx: Are you really going to let him hurt you?
  41. xXMissHeartlessXx: ._>
  42. HarperRayneCreed: i still love him tho :/
  43. xXMissHeartlessXx: I know you do
  44. xXMissHeartlessXx: Sounds like me with my ex
  45. xXMissHeartlessXx: I loved him
  46. xXMissHeartlessXx: I had to choose
  47. xXMissHeartlessXx: him or my old bf
  48. RikBloodFire: mom its not worth it...
  49. xXMissHeartlessXx: I picked my old bf
  50. xXMissHeartlessXx: guess what
  51. xXMissHeartlessXx: my ex just told me yesterday he has a date today
  52. xXMissHeartlessXx: I was crushed because I still loved him
  53. xXMissHeartlessXx: Then I noticed it's not worth the hurt...
  54. RikBloodFire: he's got a crush on kail and he doesnt care who he has to hurt to ahve her
  55. RikBloodFire: christ i berated me because i loved her
  56. xXMissHeartlessXx: I mean ffs
  57. xXMissHeartlessXx: he is in her room right now
  58. xXMissHeartlessXx: she banned me from that one too
  59. xXMissHeartlessXx: -.-
  60. xXMissHeartlessXx: you know what
  61. xXMissHeartlessXx: fuck this
  62. HarperRayneCreed: me and him are alot more complecated than it looks
  63. xXMissHeartlessXx: I'll talk to him later
  64. xXMissHeartlessXx: If I get kicked out mom I am sorry
  65. xXMissHeartlessXx: and now my ex just texted me
  66. xXMissHeartlessXx: -.-
  67. xXMissHeartlessXx: UGHHHHHHHH
  68. HarperRayneCreed: bbg im banned from all her rooms too i had to go in there on one of my alts to talk to him
  69. xXMissHeartlessXx: I JUST FUCKING WOKE UPPPP
  70. xXMissHeartlessXx: OMG
  71. xXMissHeartlessXx: MT ALT ACCS
  72. RikBloodFire: mom he's not good for you... seriously.
  73. xXMissHeartlessXx: >:D
  74. xXMissHeartlessXx: i'm so smart
  75. xXMissHeartlessXx: ;')
  76. HarperRayneCreed: me just woke up too
  77. HarperRayneCreed: bbg hes asleep so no point saying anything to him yet
  78. xXMissHeartlessXx: do I remember my alt accs....
  79. xXMissHeartlessXx: -thinks-
  80. xXMissHeartlessXx: they are my noob accs
  81. xXMissHeartlessXx: xP
  82. xXMissHeartlessXx: I have 4 accs lol
  83. xXMissHeartlessXx: imma go sign into them and check them out
  84. xXMissHeartlessXx: xDDD
  85. xXMissHeartlessXx: been a super long time
  86. HarperRayneCreed: bbg did u see wot i said about him being asleep
  87. xXMissHeartlessXx: mhm
  88. xXMissHeartlessXx: im just checking them out
  89. xXMissHeartlessXx: xD
  90. HarperRayneCreed: oks bbg
  91. HarperRayneCreed: wot you doing rik
  92. RikBloodFire: destiny raid
  93. HarperRayneCreed: kool
  94. xXMissHeartlessXx: I just added one of my friends from 2 years ago back x3
  95. xXMissHeartlessXx: hope she gets on soon :D
  96. HarperRayneCreed: kool
  97. xXMissHeartlessXx: .------. I just need to die.
  98. HarperRayneCreed: ohh why
  99. xXMissHeartlessXx: my ex..
  100. xXMissHeartlessXx: the girl he is dating is the chick he had a crush on while we dated
  101. xXMissHeartlessXx: :D
  102. xXMissHeartlessXx: I need to take my meds before I get too depressed to come out of depression.
  103. HarperRayneCreed: fucking ass
  104. RikBloodFire: hm?
  105. xXMissHeartlessXx: and I cant find my meds
  107. xXMissHeartlessXx: -facepalm-
  108. HarperRayneCreed: ohh shit
  109. xXMissHeartlessXx: so yeah if I get depressed you guys know why
  110. xXMissHeartlessXx: I just need my music.
  111. xXMissHeartlessXx: I will be fine.
  112. HarperRayneCreed: -hugs bbg tightly- its oks i understand
  113. xXMissHeartlessXx: why do I have to have feelings for 2 guys
  114. xXMissHeartlessXx: why can it not just be simple
  115. HarperRayneCreed: i hear you on that one bbg
  116. xXMissHeartlessXx: already bad enough he told me he had a date
  117. xXMissHeartlessXx: like less then a week after breaking up
  118. xXMissHeartlessXx: like wth
  119. xXMissHeartlessXx: >-<
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