
9/17/2020 Squid Update

Sep 17th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. Squid Update 9/17/2020
  3. Hi there :)
  5. It's been 2 months, and I figured I would at least update with what's been going on lately.
  7. TLDR if you want to be lazy and don't want to read the update=My plans for streams over the next month or two have come to a halt, so I need new ideas for speedruns, and life has been getting better with work and the class I'm taking. Definitely read a bit if you want to help with the speedrunning section stuff.
  10. So to begin, summer ended and I am now a building sub in an Elementary School until at least end of December. I'm super happy with this job, despite the COVID restrictions currently in place across the entire U.S. It's been going well, and it also pays decently well (for a teaching job LUL). For right now this is Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday but if cases are down in about 2 weeks, we will be going to every day with all the students, just like normal school. I feel fine with this as well. It's also been nice to see actual people in the world. I am not a very social person, but I definitely needed social interaction and being in a school again is a blast.
  12. Next, let's discuss streaming itself. SO THE PLAN WAS to speedrun 3d all star games, but it seems as though the games are a bit rough in terms of the controls, and general lack of update on specific things for speedrunning. So for now, I will NOT be running those games on the switch, despite the accessibility being very easy for me to get. If in the future I am interested, I can just load up SMS on my Wii, or go searching for an N64/SM64 cartridge to play myself. In the coming weeks, I have some ideas for speedrunning, but truly I am not sure what I want to start working on. I definitely would like to find a game that is much shorter than Sword and Shield in terms of speedruns, mainly because it's minimum 4 hours with or without setup for TAM's or just a regular run.
  14. For the current plans of speedruns, I would really like to push Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Bonus Tracks to top 20. Right now I'm ranked around 25-26, and have about another 30 seconds of timesave needed to make top 20. Once I do that, I'll probably be done with it for awhile.
  16. In all seriousness, if you have any ideas for runs that are SHORTER than 2 hours on average (the first few runs can obviously be longer because I'll be learning it), I would love some ideas. I have a list of runs, but nearly all of them are above that 2 hour mark. The main reason for this cutoff is so that I could actually practice runs/do multiple runs in one night if I have the time/reset 30 minutes in and have time to do another run if needed.
  18. *side note* forgot to say I'll occasionally be doing Cafe Mix, since I do enjoy running that and it's quick runs, plus I want to improve some of the times on the LB.
  20. Other than speedruns, I am unsure if anyone is still interested in WoW and me playing it on stream, but I'm down to play it on stream if people are interested. This also includes TFT if anyone is interested in that, as it's a new season and it seems to be super interesting :)
  22. Thank you for reading, that's about it from me. I'll probably stream either late tomorrow night or Saturday sometime, as I have plans tomorrow (aka Friday the 18th).
  24. -Squid :)
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