
Group 80: Session 2

Oct 3rd, 2013
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  1. [21:08] <~Radio|GM> ---The Coltifornia Campaign, Group 80---
  2. [21:08] <~Radio|GM> ---Session 2---
  3. [21:13] <~Radio|GM> When the West calls, ponies come. And come you did, to the once-mighty Golden Coast, in the fortress that had once been the gateway in what would promise new lives and new fortunes for all. It mattered little who you were – pony, buffalo, rhino, or otherwise – it mattered whether you had ambition. It mattered if you had drive and the will to be great.
  4. [21:13] <~Radio|GM> Do you have the will to be great?
  5. [21:14] <~Radio|GM> Where we stand now, we have a comfortable bed for the night, and a number of mysteries to come. You must now make the most of what you have, as the Coltifornians of old.
  6. [21:14] <~Radio|GM> ---Begin Session---
  7. [21:17] <~Radio|GM> Brookwind and Radiant_Fury have discovered a letter in the room of Fortune Finder, the sister of the mare who had gone missing. Chasseuse, Danger_Zone, and Radiant_Fury are in the hallway, on their way to their respective rooms in the Wooden Wing.
  8. [21:17] <~Radio|GM> The letter reads: "The nice game chess is going up. Where you lie, must there fly apples for all your wondrous life? Here, we say, are puppies watching intently.”
  9. [21:18] * Radiant_Fury scans the letter. She looks to Brookwind and nods. "We're dealing with somepony smart enough to develop a simple cypher. -Very- simple, but still sophisticated enough to discount most normal slavers."
  10. [21:20] * Brookwind nods, looking it over. "Hmmm, what do you make of it?"
  11. [21:20] * Radiant_Fury points to the lines of the text. "Read every other word. It says 'The Game Is Up. You Must Fly For Your Life. We Are Watching."
  12. [21:21] * Brookwind nods.
  13. [21:22] * Radiant_Fury waves a hoof around. "Which tells us a few things. It shows that whoever kidnapped her sent this letter to her, that whoever they are, they are literate, and that whoever they are, they were watching her while she was inside the city."
  14. [21:24] * Dumisani snorts and shrugs her massive shoulders. "We just going to bed?"
  15. [21:24] * Danger_Zone is still not sure if their job tomorrow will be very exciting, but there's always time later for the more exciting jobs! She might as well ease in, right? For now, a good night's sleep after a long day sounds nice.
  16. [21:25] * Chasseuse nods to Dumisani, then yawns. "Zat would be ze best... if we are to wake early to find zat dog."
  17. [21:26] * Dumisani nods. "Alright. Will see you at sunrise then."
  18. [21:27] * Brookwind nods. "Then we need to go around to some of her friends and ask them if they noticed any pony suspicious around her."
  19. [21:28] * Danger_Zone nods. "I don't know about you... but I've had a long day."
  20. [21:28] * Radiant_Fury stretches out, the leather on her catsuit creaking a little. "Perhaps... in the morning..." She gives a slight yawn.
  21. [21:29] <Dumisani> "Could keep going. Used to walking all day."
  22. [21:29] * Chasseuse smiles to both Danger_Zone and Dumisani. "Good night, to ze both of you," she says, with a turn, opening her door. A good day, considering. And a free place to stay! Chasseuse makes her way into her room, quick to snuggle under the bed covers for a night's rest.
  23. [21:29] <Brookwind> "Indeed." She nods in agreement, yawning herself
  24. [21:31] <~Radio|GM> The morning soon approaches. From their rooms, all party members can hear the bells toll from the courtyard, ringing six times. The morning air is chilly, the skies clear.
  25. [21:31] * Brookwind groans, sitting up. "Shit, six? I overslept."
  26. [21:33] * Radiant_Fury stretches herself awake from her spot on the bed. "Hardly..." She yawns again, making sure her flare guns are loaded before slowly rising. "There's no need to hurry. Her friends are probably just getting up, too."
  27. [21:34] * Brookwind hops up. "We should have been moving an hour ago. The longer we wait, the less likely she's still alive."
  28. [21:35] * Danger_Zone /would/ hear the bells... but she's busy rolling over and falling back to sleep. 'First thing in the morning' for her doesn't come for at /least/ another two hours.
  29. [21:35] * Dumisani shoulders her way through the bedroom door, wearing her freshly cleaned and polished armor and helmet.
  30. [21:35] * Radiant_Fury shakes her head a little. "Again, if nopony is awake, we can't get any answers. Busting into her friend's homes to interrogate them at five in the morning is -hardly- good detective work."
  31. [21:37] <Brookwind> "No but you get up early to review evidence."
  32. [21:37] * Chasseuse rolls over in bed and hops to the floor. As per her normal morning routine, her horn glows green, the light covering her coat with a light sheen, and making it clean. She takes in a deep breath. The morning air, the promises of a brighter tomorrow…
  33. [21:37] * Chasseuse smiles. Time to go. She opens her door, her horn glowing again as she levitates a mane brush out of her saddlebags. She waits in the hallway for her companions, brushing her mane.
  34. [21:38] * Dumisani trundles down the hallway, knocking heavily on both Chasseuse and Danger_Zone's doors. "Time to get up."
  35. [21:39] * Chasseuse is already out in the hallway, brushing her mane. She smiles, greeting Dumisani cheerily, "Good morning, Dumisani."
  36. [21:39] * Radiant_Fury floats the letter around. "Our single piece of evidence that we've already reviewed. Marvellous work, detective. I require coffee if we're going to continue this early in the morning." She rolls out of bed and on to the floor. Then out the door!
  37. [21:40] * Danger_Zone groans loudly, shouting a muffled "Go 'way!"
  38. [21:40] * Dumisani blinks a little at Chasseuse. "Oh... Didn't see you there. Bad eyes."
  39. [21:41] <~Radio|GM> All party members can see and hear one another, as they stand in the same hallway.
  40. [21:42] * Radiant_Fury looks up and down the hallway. She gives a slight wave to the pony she recognizes, Chasseuse, and heads towards the front desk.
  41. [21:42] * Chasseuse chuckles at Dumisani. "It is no problem..." Her eyes land on Radiant_Fury as she exits her room. "Good morning to you!" She returns the wave.
  42. [21:42] * Danger_Zone is definitely not in the hallway. She's ignoring the noises and trying to get more sleep.
  43. [21:43] * Dumisani turns her head to follow Chasseuse's gaze, then pounds louder on Danger_Zone's door
  44. [21:43] * Radiant_Fury trots over, her tail swishing from side to side absentmindedly. She eyes Dumisani curiously. That was a curious sight...
  45. [21:44] * Brookwind follows Radiant and gets coffee for herself as well.
  46. [21:45] * Dumisani leans get head closer to Radiant_Fury. "Hello." She says in a calm and steady, though gruff, tone
  47. [21:45] <~Radio|GM> At the front desk is the same mare from the previous night, eyes still riveted to the same novel she was reading before.
  48. [21:45] * Chasseuse returns her mane brush to her saddlebag as her mane is put, once again, in perfect order. She stands, joining Dumisani's side by Danger_Zone's door, and calls for the last pony, "It is time to wake up, Danger_Zone!"
  49. [21:45] <~Radio|GM> The courtyard outside is still in the wee hours of the morning, though ponies are still milling about. The kitchens are off to the northeastern corner of the fort.
  50. [21:46] * Radiant_Fury looks up at the rhino with the same curiosity. "And you talk... I must say, I've never seen anything quite like you before. If you'll excuse me, I'd like to pass." She says, stepping to the side and to the front desk.
  51. [21:47] * Danger_Zone groans even louder. "No s'not!" She yawns and rolls over again. "Lemme sleep..."
  52. [21:47] * Dumisani blinks... She nearly took up the entire hallway! "Mmm... Alright." She steps past so Radiant_Fury could get bye
  53. [21:49] * Brookwind trots around the rhino as well, bidding to her and Chasseuse.
  54. [21:50] * Radiant_Fury slips through the gap, trying not to touch... it. She taps the mare from last night on the shoulder. "Excuse me, Ms. I'm looking into the missing pony case, and I was wondering if you could tell me who gave this letter to Lucky Lantern."
  55. [21:51] * Dumisani does reach over sand pound even harder on Danger_Zone's door with her heavy hoof
  56. [21:52] <~Radio|GM> The mare looks up from her book and glances at the letter. "Psh. I don't know nuthin' about no letter. Ask Flax, she runs the place, she should know. Now go away, I want to finish my book."
  57. [21:53] * Radiant_Fury rolls her eyes a little. Was such rudeness even necessary? "I'll be sure to do that." It's a wonder this place gets business. "Is she awake?"
  58. [21:53] <~Radio|GM> As Dumisani pounds on the door, the solid wood remains firm, rattling her hoof a bit - and makes very little noise, at that. Whoever built this place certainly knew what they were doing.
  59. [21:54] * Chasseuse knocks against the door, trying to help Dumisani wake Danger_Zone. "Danger," she calls, "iz time to wake."
  60. [21:56] <~Radio|GM> The mare nods. "She should be. You'll find her in room 12."
  61. [21:57] * Radiant_Fury bows slightly. That's more like it. She turns tail and approaches the door.
  62. [21:57] * Brookwind nods, turning around and heading for room 12.
  63. [21:58] <~Radio|GM> Though the ponies outside fail to stir Danger_Zone from her slumber, a sudden, very loud crashing noise from right outside the window is more than enough to rouse her.
  64. [21:58] <~Radio|GM> From outside, Danger_Zone can hear voices speaking.
  65. [21:58] <~Radio|GM> "You idiot! I told you not to let go!"
  66. [21:58] <~Radio|GM> "But I thou-"
  67. [21:59] <~Radio|GM> The voice is interrupted by a loud *thunk*.
  68. [21:59] <~Radio|GM> "Ow! That hurt, you little-"
  69. [21:59] <~Radio|GM> Another *thunk*.
  70. [21:59] <~Radio|GM> "Owwww!"
  71. [21:59] <~Radio|GM> The noise, and that pleasant little exchange, is loud enough to wake Danger_Zone.
  72. [22:00] <~Radio|GM> At any rate, there's no ignoring that noise. Not even the great Danger_Zone can withstand that racket for long.
  73. [22:01] * Radiant_Fury coughs a little, knocking on the door to Flax's room. "Excuse me!"
  74. [22:03] <~Radio|GM> Radiant_Fury can hear some stirring from within, before the door opens and reveals Flaxseed standing there. Her red mane is even crazier than the night before, but she greets her with a friendly smile. "Oh, hello there! How can I help you?"
  75. [22:04] * Radiant_Fury produces the letter. "I'd like some more information about this. Was this letter delivered to Lucky Lantern's room, or is there a mail office in town where it coulf have come from?"
  76. [22:05] <~Radio|GM> Flax blinks. "Whoa whoa whoa, slow down. What's all this about?"
  77. [22:05] * Danger_Zone shouts loudly, "Oh, shut up! Fine, I get it! I'm up!" She rolls slowly out of bed and gets herself ready. She takes her sweet time about it, though.
  78. [22:06] * Chasseuse snickers, waiting by the door.
  79. [22:07] * Dumisani rolls her eyes.
  80. [22:07] * Radiant_Fury take a moment to explain the situation, making sure to talk nice and slow. "My... associate and I are investigating her disappearance. Her sister found this letter in her room, and we believe it to be a direct threat, posed from inside the city. Now, how did Lucky Lantern recieve this letter? Was it delivered to her room?"
  81. [22:07] <~Radio|GM> Flaxseed blinks. "Well...what makes you think it's a threat?"
  82. [22:09] * Radiant_Fury shows her the letter. "It's a coded cypher. If you read every other word, it spells out, very plainly, a threat."
  83. [22:11] <~Radio|GM> Flax blinks. " really weird." She hms, tapping a hoof to her chin. "I don't know who might have sent it, but I do remember there was another envelope just like that just lying in the middle of the hallway several night before she disappeared."
  84. [22:12] * Radiant_Fury 's face contorts in thought. "And where is it now?"
  85. [22:14] <~Radio|GM> "Well, it was just lying there, so I thought somepony might have dropped it. I left it with the other lost items in the drawer beneath the front desk, but..." She sighs. "Now that I remember, it /was/ really close to Lucky's room."
  86. [22:16] <Brookwind> "Where it's it now?" Brook asks.
  87. [22:17] * Radiant_Fury nods. "We'll check at the front desk. Thank you for your help. On a side note... do you know where I could find a good cup of coffee?"
  88. [22:18] <~Radio|GM> Flax nods. "Good luck. And as for coffee, the kitchens should have some."
  89. [22:19] * Radiant_Fury gives a slight smile. "Thank you, again." She returns to the front desk, and pokes the alternatingly rude and helpful innkeeper on the shoulder. "I'd like to see your lost and found."
  90. [22:20] * Chasseuse knocks on Danger_Zone's door again. "You said zat you were getting ready, yes?"
  91. [22:21] * Danger_Zone takes a good amount of time, before she finally opens the door and flutters her way into the hallway. "It's not even a decent time yet..."
  92. [22:22] * Dumisani snorts at Danger_Zone. "I said sunrise."
  93. [22:22] <~Radio|GM> The mare looks up. "Whaddya want the lost and found for? Ya lose somethin'?"
  94. [22:23] * Brookwind follows Radiant, feeling rather useless.
  95. [22:23] * Radiant_Fury sighs a little, adopting a stern face. "This is part of the investigation. A pony's life is at stake, so please. It's not important -why- I want it. Please just show me the lost and found."
  96. [22:23] * Chasseuse shrugs. "So zen why not breakfast, zen we look for ze dog. Does zat sound reasonable?"
  97. [22:23] <~Radio|GM> The mare rolls her eyes and backs away from the desk. "Help yourself."
  98. [22:24] * Radiant_Fury opens all the drawers with her magic and sifts through them.
  99. [22:26] * Danger_Zone rolls her eyes. "Screw sunrise... Breakfast would be nice!" She doesn't wait for Dumisani and Chasseuse to start moving. She flies down the hallway ahead of them, calling back, "Where do we eat?"
  100. [22:26] * Chasseuse follows after Danger_Zone!
  101. [22:27] * Dumisani snorts and follows them both
  102. [22:27] * Radiant_Fury wiggles a little as she sifts.
  103. [22:27] <~Radio|GM> Radiant_Fury can see a number of miscellaneous items - a few foal's toys, the remains of what was once a pistol magazine, and a single envelope.
  104. [22:27] <~Radio|GM> The ponies (and rhino) heading outside find theselves in the courtyard.
  105. [22:27] <Brookwind> Brook picks up the envelope.
  106. [22:27] * Radiant_Fury smiles a little, giving a happy wiggle as she floats the envelope in front of her eyes. Carefully opening it she- "Excuse me." She snorts.
  107. [22:28] * Chasseuse shrugs. "I am not sure." She looks to Dumisani. "Do you know where we might find food 'ere?"
  108. [22:28] <~Radio|GM> The envelope is unopened, still sealed with wax. Clearly, it never reached its intended recipient.
  109. [22:28] <Dumisani> "Come. I know place we can get food."
  110. [22:29] <TicTacPhone2> Brook raises her eyebrow at Radiant and opens the envelope herself, reading the letter inside.
  111. [22:29] * Radiant_Fury snatches it away. "I believe my magic is more suited to opening this without damaging it. Please let me-"
  112. [22:29] * Radiant_Fury nods firmly. "Excellent work, detective. It's a wonder this crime happened at all with you on the case."
  113. [22:30] * Chasseuse pivots on her hooves, following Dumisani.
  114. [22:30] <Brookwind> "Fuck you."
  115. [22:30] * Radiant_Fury growls a little. "Please leave, detective. Your assistance is no longer required."
  116. [22:31] <TicTacPhone2> "If you hadn't noticed, I was trying to help."
  117. [22:31] * Danger_Zone follows Dumisani as well.
  118. [22:31] * Dumisani trundles towards the building she'd found when she first got inside.
  119. [22:31] <~Radio|GM> The kitchens are in the northeast corner of the fort. An appetizing smell can still be smelled from the outside, just as last night.
  120. [22:31] * Radiant_Fury glares a little. "I hadn't noticed. Your help is neither appreciated, nor warranted."
  121. [22:34] * Dumisani licks her lips, her large gut rumbling eagerly
  122. [22:34] <Brookwind> "Maybe if you'd actually /let/ me help we could solve this that much faster."
  123. [22:35] * Radiant_Fury looks around for a moment. "I'm not following your logic here. If you would -kindly- leave, I would appreciate it more than you trying to help. I did not ask for your help, and I do not need it."
  124. [22:36] * Chasseuse smiles, trotting into the pleasant-smelling building.
  125. [22:38] <~Radio|GM> The interior of the kitchens is warm, a fire blazing merrily in the hearth. A number of mares wearing bonnets sit at a largish table, with a number of bowls and various foodstuffs. Some are kneading dough, others are cracking eggs, and still others are peeling those ever-present potatoes.
  126. [22:38] <~Radio|GM> One mare perks up at the sight of Dumisani. Dumi can recognize her as the mare who she generously tipped the previous night.
  127. [22:38] * Brookwind sighs. "Fine, whatever. Good luck, not like you'll need it."
  128. [22:38] <TicTacPhone2> Brook does that
  129. [22:39] * Dumisani smiles and trots over to the mare
  130. [22:39] <~Radio|GM> The mare waves, as she sits up and trots over to Dumisani, a bright smile onher face. "Why, good morning, miss!" She beams at the others. "You brought your friends, I see!"
  131. [22:39] * Radiant_Fury snatches the letter away from Brookwind and studies it carefully as she heads to the kitchen. "Thank you -very- much."
  132. [22:40] <Brookwind> Brook turns and trots calmly away, headed toward the bar.
  133. [22:41] <~Radio|GM> As Radiant_Fury trots on to the kitchens and examines the letter, she can see the most peculiar thing: The writing on the letter is different from the first. It was obviously written by another.
  134. [22:41] * Chasseuse checks her saddlebags for-- Right... No caps. At least she has noodles and dirty water. She sighs, trotting up to Dumisani's side. At the cheery attitude of the server, she smiles. "Good morning to you as well."
  135. [22:42] * Dumisani nods. "Yes. We need breakfast. And you cook well."
  136. [22:42] * Danger_Zone looks around the building. "So... this is the place then?"
  137. [22:42] * Radiant_Fury makes a note of this as she nudges the kitchen door open with her head. "Curious..." She mutters aloud.
  138. [22:43] <~Radio|GM> "I say, think now. They will know now what kindness is. We're going north on to be more vigilant. We meet and tonight we bridge gaps."
  139. [22:44] <~Radio|GM> Such is the text on the letter.
  140. [22:44] <~Radio|GM> The bonnet-laden mare smiles. "Oh, shucks. I don't cook /too/ well." She giggles lightly, as she nods at Chasseuse and Danger_Zone. "Yes, indeed, this is the Trotters Fort kitchen. Are you all looking for breakfast, then?"
  141. [22:45] * Chasseuse shuffles on her hooves. "I do not actually 'ave any caps... I do 'ave some dry noodles, and water." She shrugs. "Zat will be sufficient for me."
  142. [22:45] <~Radio|GM> Brookwind locates a small tavern on the southeast end of the fort. The sign over the door simply denotes the place as "The Hop".
  143. [22:45] * Radiant_Fury nods slowly. Second verse, same as the first. Perhaps this isn't a kidnapping... She looks up as she enters the kitchen.
  144. [22:46] <~Radio|GM> The kitchen mare blinks. " caps, you say?" She looks up to Dumisani. " were so kind to me, yesterday...I'm sure we have loaves to spare for all three of you..." She holds up a hoof as a gesture to wait, before heading to a door to the side. She promptly returns with three loaves, hoofing one to each.
  145. [22:47] <~Radio|GM> "These are a day old, but they're still good. Please take them."
  146. [22:47] * Danger_Zone gives a bit of a sigh, eyeing Chasseuse. "Why did you offer if you couldn't pay?" She taps her hoof, and glances at the kitchenmare. "Unless we can /somehow/ get a freebie."
  147. [22:47] * TicTacPhone2 trots inside, sighing. "Stuck up bitch." She mutters.
  148. [22:47] <TicTacPhone2> She looks around.
  149. [22:48] * Chasseuse shakes her head. "I was planning on eating from my rations, perhaps sharing..."
  150. [22:48] * Dumisani smiles at the mare. "How much?"
  151. [22:49] <~Radio|GM> The Hop is a small drinking establishment, lit only by a few candles scattered about an otherwise dusty room of wooden beams and adobe brick. Two others, both mares garbed in the leather armor of fort guards, sit at a corner booth to drink. Nopony seems to be manning the counter at present.
  152. [22:49] <~Radio|GM> The kitchen mare shakes her head. "Nothing. It would be a shame if I didn't repay your kindness somehow. I think feeding your friends will do, don't you?"
  153. [22:50] * Radiant_Fury trots a little further inside, nodding to Chasseuse and her bizarre cadre.
  154. [22:51] * Chasseuse waves again to Radiant_Fury before smiling at the kitchen mare. "Zat is most generous of you. Zank you, very much."
  155. [22:51] * Brook sighs, trotting over to the mares. "Hello."
  156. [22:52] * Dumisani smiles. "Thank you."
  157. [22:52] * Radiant_Fury 's leather squeaks as she sits nearby and looks over her letter. Bridges, huh?
  158. [22:53] <~Radio|GM> The mare smiles. "I need to return to my work...I hope we can talk again someday!" She takes her place amongst the others and begins to resume kneading dough.
  159. [22:54] * Radiant_Fury looks at the cooks. "Excuse me, I'd like a cup of coffee."
  160. [22:54] * Danger_Zone takes a big bite of the offered bread, and says, with mouth full, "Thanks!"
  161. [22:54] <~Radio|GM> One of the mares manning the potatoes comes over. "Coffee, you said? 10 caps."
  162. [22:55] * Radiant_Fury floats the mare her caps. "Here you are. Black."
  163. [22:57] <~Radio|GM> She takes the caps, comes back presently, and drops a mugful of it in front of Radiant_Fury, then leaves with another word.
  164. [22:58] * Dumisani stuffs the entire loaf into her mouth and starts to chew slowly, smiling and nodding in thanks to the cook
  165. [22:59] * Radiant_Fury takes a calm sip of the sweet elixir. Mon sucre~ She looks back to the letter, then to Chasseuse.
  166. [23:00] * Chasseuse nibbles on her own piece of bread, not noticing Radiant_Fury's gaze.
  167. [23:01] <~Radio|GM> The mares in the Hop notice Brook and nod briefly, before turning back to their drinks.
  168. [23:02] * Radiant_Fury shrugs a little taking another sip. She'd need to find this bridge, first. She didn't remember crossing one on the way here, so it wasn't to the south. Hmmmm...
  169. [23:04] * Chasseuse quirks her head at Radiant_Fury. "'Ow are you doing in your investigation?" She adds, after taking another small bite of bread. "I saw ze job posting zat you took."
  170. [23:05] * Radiant_Fury turns away from the letter again. "Progressing nicely. Did any of you," she nods to the other ponies (and rhino) seated at the table, "...cross over a bridge on your way here?"
  171. [23:06] * Chasseuse shakes her head. "I did not."
  172. [23:08] * Dumisani shakes her massive head
  173. [23:10] * Danger_Zone replies to Radiant_Fury with a loud, "Nope!" Her mouth is still full.
  174. [23:10] * Radiant_Fury furrows her brow. "Hmm. Well, looks like I'll have to do a little more investigating. Thank you, all of you." She says, bowing. "And thank you for the coffee." With that, she departs for Fortune Finder's guardpost.
  175. [23:11] * Chasseuse finishes off the last of her bread, then looks to Danger_Zone and Dumisani. "So, shall we begin our search?"
  176. [23:12] <~Radio|GM> Fortune Finder is at the South Wall, another bag of potato crisps at her side.
  177. [23:13] * Radiant_Fury makes a note to incinerate those at some point... But not now. She speaks up as she approaches. "There's been a development."
  178. [23:13] <Dumisani> "Yes. It's getting late in the morning."
  179. [23:15] <~Radio|GM> Fortune's ear swivels as she turns to look at Radiant_Fury. "'s you." She sighs. "What did you find?"
  180. [23:17] * Radiant_Fury isn't sure who Fortune was expecting to see. "We have two letters, one that appears to be a threat, and the other arranging a meeting. Could you recognize her hoofwriting if you saw it?"
  181. [23:17] <~Radio|GM> She hadn't been expecting anyone. She was just startled to hear a voice. "Let me see them."
  182. [23:18] * Radiant_Fury floats her both of her letters. She puts the more recent one on top.
  183. [23:18] * Chasseuse nudges Danger_Zone. "Ready to go, or no?"
  184. [23:19] <~Radio|GM> Fortune glances at the letters, then shakes her head. "I don't know anything. I'm sorry." She sighs. "But what do they mean? They still look like gibberish to me."
  185. [23:19] * Danger_Zone finishes off her bread and nods. "Where were we looking first, again?"
  186. [23:20] * Dumisani shrugs. "Just forest. All I know."
  187. [23:20] * Radiant_Fury points to the lines again. "It's coded. Read every other word."
  188. [23:20] <~Radio|GM> She reads the lines, and heaves a deep sigh. "So she was being threatened by somepony."
  189. [23:21] * Chasseuse shakes her head. "Flaxseed mentioned zat she was sniffing around ze main gate. We should search zere first, zen she mentioned ze Equestrian River."
  190. [23:22] * Radiant_Fury nods. "Somepony intelligent, and somepony who could keep tabs on her. Did... she have any enemies? Lovers? Past connections that would want to hurt her?"
  191. [23:24] * Danger_Zone nods. "Then what are we waiting for? Let's GO!" She jumps into the air, and flies off for the main gate.
  192. [23:26] * Chasseuse blinks. "Zen we are off!" She nudges Dumisani, then trots after Danger_Zone!
  193. [23:26] * Brookwind nods to the two mares, stepping over to them. "Excuse me, but may I ask you a few questions about Lucky."
  194. [23:27] <~Radio|GM> The main gate is where it always has been, still flanked by the two twin guards.
  195. [23:27] * Dumisani stumbles off towards the main gate.
  196. [23:28] <~Radio|GM> Fortune sighs. "None that I know of...she'd disappeared for a long time when she was younger, though. She came back two months later and wouldn't tell me what had happened. Maybe that's got something to do with it?" She cringes. "Gah...that's no help at all."
  197. [23:28] * Danger_Zone is a fast pegasus. She looks all around the main gate while she waits for Chasseuse and Dumisani.
  198. [23:28] <~Radio|GM> Thw twins do not look to Danger_Zone.
  199. [23:28] * Danger_Zone doesn't look to the stallions. She thinks they're really creepy.
  200. [23:29] <~Radio|GM> They are mares.
  201. [23:30] * Radiant_Fury nods a little. "Well, I could imagine that it would have something to do with it. The second note mentions a meeting place. Do you know many bridges around here."
  202. [23:31] * Dumisani comes up to the main gate, behind Chasseuse.
  203. [23:31] * Danger_Zone doesn't care whether they're mares or stallions. They're still creepy!
  204. [23:31] <Radiant_Fury> "Here?"
  205. [23:32] <~Radio|GM> Fortune nods. "There's one near not too far off. About half an hour's trot away, if you follow the Equestrian downstream, there's a place where it joins with the Foalsom River. There's an old bridge on the Equestrian right there."
  206. [23:33] * Chasseuse waves a hoof to the twins, trying to catch their attention. "'Ello! Can you point us in ze direction of ze Equestrian River?"
  207. [23:33] <~Radio|GM> The mares in the Hop look to Brookwind. "Lucky? The mare that went missing?"
  208. [23:33] * Radiant_Fury smiles a little. "Excellent. That's probably where this meeting took place... Thank you, Fortune. You've been an invaluable part of this investigation."
  209. [23:33] <~Radio|GM> The twins turn to Chasseuse.
  210. [23:33] <~Radio|GM> "The Equestrian River?"
  211. [23:33] <~Radio|GM> "Why do you..."
  212. [23:34] * Brookwind nods lighty. "Mhm. Do you know if there's anywhere she liked to hang out? Any hobbies she had?"
  213. [23:34] <~Radio|GM> "...ask us?"
  214. [23:34] * Danger_Zone twitches. "AAUGH. Stop that! One word answers only!"
  215. [23:34] <~Radio|GM> One of the mares in the hop hms. "Well, I dunno. Lucky did go out after dark from time to time, didn't she?" The other nods. "Yeah. Never figured out where, though."
  216. [23:35] <~Radio|GM> The twins lock their eyes on Danger_Zone now.
  217. [23:35] <~Radio|GM> "We're sorry..."
  218. [23:35] <~Radio|GM> "...but we cannot help ourselves."
  219. [23:35] <~Radio|GM> "We've been linked mentally..."
  220. [23:35] <~Radio|GM> "...ever since we were born."
  221. [23:35] <~Radio|GM> "What one of us knows..."
  222. [23:35] * Chasseuse rolls her eyes at Danger_Zone. "We are trying to find Flaxseed's dog. She mentioned zat he frequents along ze river."
  223. [23:35] <~Radio|GM> "...the other does as well."
  224. [23:35] * Brookwind nods lightly. "Is there anything you noticed about her when she came back? Distinct smells or looks?"
  225. [23:35] <~Radio|GM> The twins direct their attention back to Chasseuse.
  226. [23:36] <~Radio|GM> "Are you..."
  227. [23:36] * Radiant_Fury bows politely and makes for the mane gate.
  228. [23:36] * Danger_Zone glares. "One. Word. Answers!"
  229. [23:36] <~Radio|GM> "...looking for Sorrel?"
  230. [23:36] <~Radio|GM> They pointedly ignore Danger_Zone.
  231. [23:36] <~Radio|GM> The mares in the Hop both shake their heads in unison. "Although...she did come back soaking wet one time."
  232. [23:37] * Brookwind nods, writing it down. "What are the nearby sources of water?"
  233. [23:37] * Danger_Zone gives an annoyed sigh, and pushes her way out the gate. "We don't need to ask them. I'm gonna fly up and /look/."
  234. [23:37] * Chasseuse nods. "Yes, Sorrel."
  235. [23:38] <~Radio|GM> The twins reply.
  236. [23:38] <~Radio|GM> "We don't really know much about Sorrel..."
  237. [23:38] <~Radio|GM> "...but we did see him..."
  238. [23:38] <~Radio|GM> *her
  239. [23:38] <~Radio|GM> "...trundling off..."
  240. [23:39] <~Radio|GM> " the direction downstream the river..."
  241. [23:39] <~Radio|GM> "...the last time we saw her."
  242. [23:39] * Chasseuse raises an eyebrow. "Zen can you tell me which direction zat would be in?"
  243. [23:39] * Dumisani nods. "Alright."
  244. [23:39] <~Radio|GM> The first mare in the Hop replies. "There's the Equestrian, for sure. And the Foalsom river isn't too far away."
  245. [23:39] <~Radio|GM> The twins point and speak in unison. "That way."
  246. [23:39] * Danger_Zone very quickly flies up to have a look and see where the river is. Preferably FAR out of hearing range of those creepy twins!
  247. [23:40] * Radiant_Fury spots the large, imposing rhino at the gate without much trouble. It was starting to look like she was following them, wasn't it? Intercepting the twin's information, she trots past Chasseuse, Danger_Zone, and Dumisani and on to the road. "Thank you."
  248. [23:41] * Brookwind nods to the mares. "Can you point me in the right direction please?"
  249. [23:41] <~Radio|GM> One mare sits up and gestures for Brookwind to step outside so she can point her in the right direction.
  250. [23:41] * Brookwind does so!
  251. [23:42] * Chasseuse turns, following their pointing. "Zank you," she replies, beginning to trot in that direction. "Danger_Zone, Dumisani, zis way!" She pauses, for only a moment, and her horn glows as she casts a spell. Its glow is maintained, and she continues to trot... searching.
  252. [23:42] <~Radio|GM> Danger_Zone cannot see much in the morning haze beyond the banks of the Equestrian. What's more, she can hear the twins below. QUite clearly, at that.
  253. [23:43] * Dumisani blinks a bit at the unicorn and follows behind her.
  254. [23:43] <~Radio|GM> The mare from the tavern points around at the wals. "OK, so if you trot in.../that/ direction for about half an hour, you'll run into a spot where the Equestrian meets the Foalsom. Maybe that's a good place to start, 'cause it runs downstream that way."
  255. [23:44] * Brookwind nods. "Alright, thank you." She says to the mares. "You've been a great help." She says, before hopping into the air and taking off in the direction she had been pointed, flying quickly towards where the two rivers met.
  256. [23:45] * Radiant_Fury trots out in front at a quick pace. This case was as good as closed.
  257. [23:45] <~Radio|GM> Famous last words.
  258. [23:46] <~Radio|GM> Brookwind flies on, as the others continue to trot downstream. Chasseuse's spell yields no results whatsoever.
  259. [23:46] * Radiant_Fury glares at the green text. If it was a physical entity, it would undoubtably be on fire.
  260. [23:47] * Chasseuse 's horn falters, its light going out. She sighs. "Zat spell will not work..." She looks up to Danger_Zone. "Keep a lookout, any sign of ze dog!"
  261. [23:48] * Brookwind keeps on flying~
  262. [23:48] * Dumisani blinks. "Too bad we don't have something of the dog's. Could track her that way."
  263. [23:53] * Danger_Zone keeps a lookout for the dog as she flies... but the morning fog is brutal.
  264. [23:57] <~Radio|GM> Danger_Zone manages to expertly navigate the flying and reach their destination ahead of the rest. Brookwind arrives seconds afterwards, followed by Radiant_Fury and Chasseuse on the ground. DUmiani comes in last.
  265. [23:57] <~Radio|GM> There is no sign of the dog. Not yet.
  266. [23:57] * Brookwind lands, nodding to Danger_Zone. "Fancy to see you here."
  267. [23:58] * Danger_Zone eyes Brookwind as she lands, waiting for the other ponies to catch up. "Uhhh, who were you, again?"
  268. [23:58] * Radiant_Fury blinks a few times as she sees Brookwind on the bridge. Her horn lights and a circle of fire surrounds her horn. With a loud roar, she points at the detective. "YOU!"
  269. [23:58] * Brookwind holds out her hoof to Danger_Zone. "Detective Brookwind re- oh shit."
  270. [23:59] * Radiant_Fury skids to a halt, glaring. "Why are you here? Did I not make it clear that I wanted you to stopt his?"
  271. [23:59] * Chasseuse arrives on the scene to see Radiant pointing her flaming horn at Brookwind. She blinks. "Iz zere a problem 'ere?" Her telekinesis surrounds her sickle. Was this pegasus causing trouble?
  272. [00:00] * Brookwind replies calmly to Radiant_Fury. "You said you didn't want my help. I am no longer helping you, and am conducting my own separate investigation."
  273. [00:01] * Radiant_Fury glowers, the fire around her horn intensifying. "It sounds like you're trying to steal my bounty. I'm going to ask you to leave, again, before I do something impulsive."
  274. [00:01] <Brookwind> "I have no interest in taking your money."
  275. [00:02] <Radiant_Fury> "Then you'll have no problem walking away from this."
  276. [00:03] * Brookwind makes no move to indicate she's even going to draw a weapon. "No, I am not walking away from a case that may be endangering hundreds of lives."
  277. [00:05] * Danger_Zone rolls her eyes. "Get a room, you two." She flies back up once more, giving another look around for the dog.
  278. [00:05] * Radiant_Fury looks pretty angry. "How can you jump to such a ridiculous conclusion? No evidence suggests that. You're trying to justify yourself with this phoney sense of justice, but it's not fooling me. Just walk away and I won't burn off your mane."
  279. [00:07] * Chasseuse frowns. "Radiant_Fury, I zink you are overreacting..."
  280. [00:07] <Brookwind> "But, how do you not know that?" She shakes her head. "No, you can kill me, I don't care anymore. I'm getting too old for this shit." She turns her back to Radiant_Fury, looking around.
  281. [00:07] * Dumisani snorts as she walks up to the group. "What is going on?" She booms with her deep, gruff voice.
  282. [00:08] * Radiant_Fury ignores Chasseuse for the moment. "Your best response is 'how can you not know'? For shame, detective. If I pushed you off this bridge right now, you wouldn't do a thing to stop me?"
  283. [00:08] * Dumisani flicks her ears towards a point across the river. "I heard a dog."
  284. [00:09] * Brookwind shakes her head. "No." Then she flicks her ears. "Everyone quiet!" I heard something... She tilts her head, looking around. "Sounded like a dog, yeah." She nods to Dumisani. "Downstream."
  285. [00:09] * Dumisani shakes her head. "Across the river."
  286. [00:10] * Brookwind mmmms. "Check both places then?" She looks to Dumisani.
  287. [00:10] * Chasseuse nudges Radiant_Fury. This is not the kindness she's seen so far in these lands! She huffs, whispering to Radiant_Fury. "Regardless of who is wrong or right... just leave 'er be. Setting a pony on fire is not how you deal with an argument..."
  288. [00:10] * Radiant_Fury snorts. "To quote a detective I once knew, 'Fuck you.'" She says, trotting past Brookwind and on to the other side of the bridge. Specifically, she looks -under- the bridge.
  289. [00:11] * Dumisani shrugs and starts trudging /into/ the river, mumbling in Zwahili as she did so.
  290. [00:12] * Brookwind doesn't reply, looking curiously at Dumisani, before nodding to Chasseuse. "You were looking for the dog right?"
  291. [00:13] * Chasseuse nods. "Yes." She turns towards the mentioned direction of the barking. "Danger_Zone, do you see anything?"
  292. [00:14] <~Radio|GM> The Equestrian, in the early hours of the morning, is cold. Nonetheless, Dumisani makes it across with little difficulty.
  293. [00:14] * Brookwind nods, hmmming. "Interesting... it seems as if the two cases are connected." She looks over to where Dumisani had gone. "See anything over there?" She calls over to her.
  294. [00:15] * Dumisani snorts and shakes herself after stepping onto the opposite shore, then looking around.
  295. [00:15] * Radiant_Fury snorts. "Proximity does not imply correlation, detective!" She shouts as she begins to climb down the bank to the underside of the bridge.
  296. [00:15] * Danger_Zone can't see shit! "Nothing! You sure you heard something? I didn't hear a damn thing either!"
  297. [00:18] <Brookwind> "Yeah! I thought it was coming from further downstream though. Perhaps we should check there next?"
  298. [00:19] <Dumisani> "See nothing over here!" She bellows back
  299. [00:19] <~Radio|GM> Again, Brookwind hears the bark, and Chasseuse as well. No doubt about it; the barking is coming from downstream.
  300. [00:20] <~Radio|GM> Dumisani finds nothing of interest. Nothing at all.
  301. [00:20] * Radiant_Fury casts her Light spell as she searches underneath the bridge. Maybe that would help...
  302. [00:21] * Brookwind looks to Chasseuse, flicking her ears as she lofts into the air. "It's definitely coming from downstream."
  303. [00:21] * Chasseuse blinks. "Downstream." She points in the direction of the bark. "Danger_Zone, look over zere!"
  304. [00:22] * Chasseuse 's horn glows once more, the light dispersing in a small flash. As soon as her horn stops glowing, she starts to walk downstream.
  305. [00:22] * Danger_Zone is getting sick of this fog. She flaps her wings hard in an attempt to clear it enough to see!
  306. [00:22] * Chasseuse 's horn glows a second time, casting the spell over...
  307. [00:23] * Dumisani snorts and crosses over again, mumbling some more
  308. [00:24] <~Radio|GM> Danger_Zone manages to clear a small section of the fog. It is not nearly enough to clear it entirely up, but visibility does improve within a 40 yard radius.
  309. [00:25] * Brookwind looks up to Danger_Zone. "Thanks!"
  310. [00:25] <~Radio|GM> Chasseuse's spell does reveal another bark, coming from downstream, along with the sound of padding paws on gravel. She also hears something else...
  311. [00:25] * Danger_Zone takes the opportunity to look downstream for the dog!
  312. [00:26] * Chasseuse focuses, trying to discern what else she's hearing...
  313. [00:27] <~Radio|GM> Radiant_Fury finds nothing on this side of the bridge.
  314. [00:28] * Chasseuse looks downstream, stopping in her tracks. "Danger_Zone, somezing is coming zis way," she calls up, then looks to Brookwind. "... It does not sound like ze dog." She draws her knife, holding it tightly in her muzzle.
  315. [00:29] * Brookwind looks over at Chasseuse and nods, reaching into her trenchcoat and drawing her Rhino. "Let's find out what it is then."
  316. [00:29] * Radiant_Fury pulls out those letters again as she meanders to the other side of the river, provided it's navigable.
  317. [00:30] <~Radio|GM> The sound becomes clearer to the group as they listen in, like the sound of thin legs skittering on gravel, coming closer. In the fog, even with Danger_Zone's pegasus work, they cannot see the source of the noise.
  318. [00:30] <~Radio|GM> Radiant_Fury can hear the sound as well.
  319. [00:31] * Danger_Zone scowls. "Still nothing!"
  320. [00:31] * Radiant_Fury scrunches her muzzle and turns in that direction. "That could be the mare we're looking for..." She says softly. She slowly trots in that direction, stashing the letters.
  321. [00:31] * Brookwind lofts into the air, and flies towards the noise.
  322. [00:32] * Dumisani finally reached the rest of the group, blinking.
  323. [00:32] <~Radio|GM> Closer it comes, closer it comes...the skittering continues, it couldn't possibly be a pony, those legs are moving far too fast...
  324. [00:32] * Brookwind cocks her revolver back. "Hello?" She calls out.
  325. [00:37] <~Radio|GM> Brookwind sees them first. Monstrous creatures emerge from the fog into the clearing created by Danger_Zone's wings. There are three of them, enormous spider-like creatures with chitinous armor the color of cherries. Their eyes are yellow, a pair of fangs protruding from their mandibles, which click together hungrily.
  326. [00:38] <~Radio|GM> One lunges at Brookwind, who manages to evade the attack skillfully in midair. The noise is enough to draw the attention of the others.
  327. [00:38] <Brookwind> "What in the actual FUCK is that!?"
  328. [00:38] * Radiant_Fury snorts a little. "Kindling." She says, smirking.
  329. [00:39] <~Radio|GM> The creatures face the group and surround them, fangs and mandibles clicking away. The fight is imminent, and the payoffs uncertain...
  330. [00:39] <~Radio|GM> ---End Session 2---
  331. [00:42] <~Radio|GM> All party members gain 500 Exp.!
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