
Second Darkness Postgame: Session 130

Apr 4th, 2014
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  1. [15:39] <@Kjell> *****Second Darkness*****
  2. [15:39] <@Kjell> ~~~Postgame~~~
  3. [15:39] <@Kjell> -Session 130-
  4. [15:40] <@Kjell> The first month of Liri's existance got off to a rocky start, but between finding some allies to fill the gaps in their power hierarchy and undertaking some ambitious construction and recruitment projects, the future of the settlement is looking a bit more hopeful
  5. [15:47] <@Kjell> Compared to the rocky start, Liri has stabilized quite a bit over the month, with no real unrest to speak of. The city was consuming a fair bit, but the old saying goes that you have to spend money to make money (or other resources in the case of growing a new settlement).
  6. [16:01] <Kahree> With how well the settlement seems to be doing, Kahree designates the next task to building a farm and canal. With more industry, she hopes to better Liri's chance for the future.
  7. [16:02] <@Kjell> The process of digging a canal through the desert is hard and a bit on the costly side, and farming in the desert is not easy, but they can't live on just fish forever, and the inhabitants of Liri recognize their needs if the settlement was to thrive in the future.
  8. [16:03] * Kahree of course assists in building the farm with her lyre!
  9. [16:11] <@Kjell> Samaritha approaches Kahree with a suggestion. Considering her desire to teach the former slaves more, and to help them branch out what they could accomplish, she recommends building a library or similar structure, which they could potentially fill with books through their contacts in Iadara
  10. [16:16] * Kahree relays Samaritha's suggestion to the workers, commissioning a library for Liri.
  11. [16:17] <@Kjell> Once the library is constructed, Queen Telandia is more than happy to donate a fair amount of books in a few different languages for learning materials. Those inclined towards learning greatly appreciate this new asset.
  12. [16:22] * Kjell keeps the small militia in practise, but doesn't go out of his way to increase their force of arms lest he unintentionally instigate panic
  13. [16:22] <@Kjell> Liri seems to be doing alright under her previous decisions, so Kahree decides to leave her previous edicts in place.
  14. [16:25] * Kahree contributes another four hundred platinum to the treasury, wanting to make sure the kingdom is comfortable.
  15. [16:25] * Kjell decides to go ahead and donate another 100 platinum himself, but recommends that he and Kahree eventually stop making donations once the Kingdom has more going for it, so that it would be able to support itself without relying on them.
  16. [16:27] <@Kjell> *them personally
  17. [16:30] <@Kjell> Liri's productivity begins to pick up, and as a result the light taxation of its inhabitants does a good number for the Kingdom's treasury, while still leaving most of the proceeds in the hands of those who earned them.
  18. [16:38] <@Kjell> During that month, Kahree's promotions attract attention for Liri, but not all of it good. One of the lots in the burgeoning city becomes occupied by squatters. Escaped slaves, refugees and others unable to yet find housing or employment.
  19. [16:44] <@Kjell> The turn the city lot into a makeshift camp of shanties, tents and wagons
  20. [16:45] <Kahree> As soon as Kahree becomes aware of the issue, she heads out to the squatter's land. She's a tad surprised at how many of them there are... and as such, she needs to get their attention. Kahree unpacks her lyre and begins to play. She closes her eyes as she walks through the tented town, trying to draw out its people and gain their attention.
  21. [16:46] <@Kjell> The Squatters are all intrigued to see the city's ruler come out to see them, and eventually she has all of them watching her.
  22. [16:49] <@Kjell> The Squatters watch Kahree's performance with interest. Surely the ruler coming all the way down to see them herself had to mean something good, right? Especially considering she was trying to get their attention rather than having them evicted.
  23. [16:50] * Kahree ends her song as she opens her eyes, turning her attention to the squatters. "Those who have come to live in Liri, the former slaves, the oppressed-- those in need of hope," Kahree begins, "you will not need to wait long. I know you have faced much hardship, but please hold out, for our next building project will be homes for you all." She smiles. "Of course, we will need people to help in their construction, and you will be paid accordingly."
  24. [17:13] <@Kjell> The plot embeded squatters seem pleased that they will be given places to live, and give Kahree and Liri their praise.
  25. [17:15] <Kahree> Satisfied, Kahree departs.
  26. [17:19] <@Kjell> The day after Kahree's meeting with the Squatters, many of the residents of Liri are surprised by the appearance of a rare desert flower in front of Kyra's shrine to Sarenrae. The Priestess herself interprets this as a good omen from the Goddess; a literal flower at dawn.
  27. [17:20] <@Kjell> Word of this phenomenon quickly spreads through the settlement, and the people are quickly convinced the Goddess is showing them it as a sign of her favour for what the settlement stands for, and what it's been doing.
  28. [17:26] <@Kjell> Later that month, a small group of settlers lands on the same peninsula as Liri, although not within the same Hex that the city lies within. Whether it's a case of Liri's success inspiring them or an independent effort that coincided, they construct a mine of their own.
  29. [17:45] <@Kjell> At the start of the following month, the unrest that arose from the new settlers and their mine quiets down.
  30. [17:47] <@Kjell> Meanwhile, Kyra creates a scroll of Consecration at her shrine.
  31. [18:00] <@Kjell> -End Session-
  32. [18:00] <@Kjell> Rewards: Fill 4 Lots with buildings; 1600 Exp each
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