

Dec 17th, 2016
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  1. Odjit: So...... Your wifey is kinda messaging me. o-o
  2. MrScarletto: That explains why I got weird looks. o.O
  3. MrScarletto: About?
  4. Odjit: Mhms.
  5. Odjit: Well.
  6. Odjit: She first asked if I was talking to You again.
  7. Odjit: Of course, I said no and that I had only wished happy holiday since i thought she had me blocked since she was asking why I hadn't told her personally.
  8. Odjit: Says You've been acting shady.
  9. Odjit: And that she thought she saw my username in your messages when she walked out the door.
  10. MrScarletto: Pshhh. I just keep my shit private. But, I will be more careful. I didn't think she noticed.
  11. Odjit: Probs best, just delete up to when I said Happy Holidays, and say You ignored me.
  12. Odjit: -Shrugs.- I don't want to start any issues in Your relationship.
  13. MrScarletto: Lol. You won't. Sounds like I would, since I'm "shady."
  14. MrScarletto: Ah well. I was wondering why she didn't come to bed too. No nookie tonight for me. xD
  15. Odjit: z
  16. Odjit: I mean.
  17. Odjit: /me twirls around.
  18. Odjit: o3o
  19. Odjit: Don't gotta be that way.~
  20. MrScarletto: Welll...
  21. Odjit: Which, btw I can share the messages between her and me if You'd like to be sure im not trying to start stuffles. -Bites on her lower lip softly.- I knows my place.~
  22. MrScarletto: -Peeks over at her.-
  23. MrScarletto: Nah. I don't think you'd start anything. No worries.
  24. Odjit: I had Your backs and made sure all will go smoothly for You, Sir. -She'd glance over at Him eyes deeply gazing into His blushing.-
  25. MrScarletto: -Winks at her.- Thank you, kitten. Much appreciated.
  26. Odjit: -Squeals happily as she bit a bit harder on her lip.- Of course, anything for my You o3o
  27. Odjit: Heads up, she's heading to bed.~
  28. MrScarletto: Murr. ^_^ So, what was the something you wanted to tell me?
  29. MrScarletto: Oh.. shat.
  30. MrScarletto: -.-
  31. Odjit: v.v
  32. Odjit: Basically that I miss You and and and v.v I would love alone time with You of course when You can Sir.~ <3
  33. MrScarletto: Aw. I thought you were happy? And don't worry, I can just hop back to my phone but we'd have to be in a public room. >_>
  34. Odjit: Well, we can do that if You'd like, just send me an invite. I do need to grab more chase. And eh...I just...miss....being Dominated...I miss...just that thrilling and godamn so good sweet chills i'd feel when we'd have alone time.
  35. MrScarletto: Take your time, sweets. I'll switch over. -because Domination is the best.-
  36. Odjit: -Squeals.- <3333!
  37. MrScarletto: <3 ^_^
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