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a guest
Aug 25th, 2019
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  1. Log uploaded on Wednesday, August 14, 2019, 2:09:46 AM
  2. Loaded mods:
  3. Core: (no assemblies)
  4. Pick Up And Haul: 0Harmony(, IHoldMultipleThings(av:,fv:, PickUpAndHaul(av:,fv:
  5. HugsLib[ov:6.1.3]: 0Harmony(, HugsLib(av:,fv:6.1.3)
  6. Giddy-up! Core[ov:1.1.6]: GiddyUpCore(
  7. Turret Collection: (no assemblies)
  8. Giddy-up! Caravan[ov:1.1.0]: DependencyChecker(, GiddyUpCaravan(
  9. RunAndGun[ov:1.1.2]: RunAndGun(
  10. Giddy-up! Ride and Roll[ov:1.2.0]: DependencyChecker(, GiddyUpRideAndRoll(
  11. Vanilla Weapons Expanded: 0Harmony(, CompOversizedWeapon(, ExplosiveTrailsEffect(1.0.7140.31563), NoCamShake(, SmokingGun(, Submunition(, OPToxic(
  12. Questionable Ethics Enhanced: 0Harmony(, QuestionableEthicsEnhanced(
  13. Magical Menagerie: 0Harmony(, AlphaAnimalRangeUnlocker(1.0.6985.20208), AnimalBehavioursAndEvents(, ModCheck(
  14. Xeva FB Pack: (no assemblies)
  15. Xeva's Rimhair: (no assemblies)
  16. Xeva Faction: (no assemblies)
  17. Repair Workbench: RepairBench(
  18. Mercenaries For Me: 0Harmony(, MercenariesForMe(
  20. Active Harmony patches:
  21. ArmorUtility.ApplyArmor: (no patches)
  22. Building_CommsConsole.GetFloatMenuOptions: post: aRandomKiwi.MFM.Building_CommsConsole_GetFloatMenuOption_Patch+GetFloatMenuOptions.Listener
  23. Building_Door.get_BlockedOpenMomentary: post: GiddyUpCore.Harmony.Building_Door_get_BlockedOpenMomentary.Postfix
  24. CaravanEnterMapUtility.Enter: TRANS: GiddyUpRideAndRoll.Harmony.CaravanEnterMapUtility_Enter.Transpiler
  25. CaravanTicksPerMoveUtility.GetTicksPerMove: PRE: GiddyUpCaravan.Harmony.CaravanTicksPerMoveUtility_GetTicksPerMove.Prefix TRANS: GiddyUpCaravan.Harmony.CaravanTicksPerMoveUtility_GetTicksPerMove.Transpiler
  26. Caravan_PathFollower.CostToMove: post: GiddyUpCaravan.Harmony.Caravan_PathFollower_CostToMove.Postfix
  27. DebugWindowsOpener.DevToolStarterOnGUI: TRANS: HugsLib.Patches.DevToolStarterOnGUI_Patch.ExtendButtonsWindow
  28. DebugWindowsOpener.DrawButtons: TRANS: HugsLib.Patches.DebugWindowsOpener_Patch.DrawAdditionalButtons
  29. Dialog_Options.DoWindowContents: TRANS: HugsLib.Patches.Dialog_Options_Patch.ReplaceModOptionsButton
  30. Dialog_Trade.CacheTradeables: post: aRandomKiwi.MFM.Dialog_Trade_Patch+CacheTradeables.Listener
  31. EditWindow_Log.DoMessagesListing: PRE: HugsLib.Patches.EditWindow_Log_Patch.ExtraLogWindowButtons
  32. FloatMenuMakerMap.AddHumanlikeOrders: TRANS: PickUpAndHaul.HarmonyPatches.FloatMenuMakerMad_AddHumanlikeOrders_Transpiler
  33. FloatMenuMakerMap.ChoicesAtFor: post: GiddyUpRideAndRoll.Harmony.FloatMenuMakerMap_ChoicesAtFor.Postfix
  34. Game.DeinitAndRemoveMap: post: HugsLib.Patches.Game_DeinitAndRemoveMap_Patch.MapRemovalHook
  35. Game.FillComponents: PRE: HugsLib.Patches.Game_FillComponents_Patch.GameInitializationHook
  36. Game.FinalizeInit: post: HugsLib.Patches.Game_FinalizeInit_Patch.WorldLoadedHook
  37. ITab_Pawn_Gear.DrawThingRow: TRANS: PickUpAndHaul.HarmonyPatches.GearTabHighlightTranspiler
  38. IncidentWorker_TraderCaravanArrival.TryExecuteWorker: TRANS: GiddyUpCaravan.Harmony.IncidentWorker_TraderCaravanArrival_TryExecuteWorker.Transpiler
  39. IncidentWorker_TravelerGroup.TryExecuteWorker: TRANS: GiddyUpCaravan.Harmony.IncidentWorker_TravelerGroup_TryExecuteWorker.Transpiler
  40. IncidentWorker_VisitorGroup.TryConvertOnePawnToSmallTrader: PRE: GiddyUpCaravan.Harmony.IncidentWorker_VisitorGroup_TryConvertOnePawnToSmallTrader.Prefix
  41. IncidentWorker_VisitorGroup.TryExecuteWorker: TRANS: GiddyUpCaravan.Harmony.IncidentWorker_VisitorGroup_TryExecuteWorker.Transpiler
  42. InteractionWorker_RecruitAttempt.DoRecruit: post: aRandomKiwi.MFM.InteractionWorker_RecruitAttempt_Patch+DoRecruit.Listener
  43. JobDriver.SetupToils: post: RunAndGun.Harmony.JobDriver_SetupToils.Postfix, GiddyUpRideAndRoll.Harmony.JobDriver_SetupToils.Postfix
  44. JobDriver_HaulToCell.MakeNewToils: post: PickUpAndHaul.HarmonyPatches.JobDriver_HaulToCell_PostFix
  45. JobDriver_Mount.FinishAction: post: GiddyUpRideAndRoll.Harmony.JobDriver_Mount_FinishAction.Postfix
  46. JobDriver_Mount.TryMakePreToilReservations: post: GiddyUpRideAndRoll.Harmony.JobDriver_Mount_TryMakePreToilReservations.Postfix
  47. JobDriver_Mounted.FinishAction: post: GiddyUpRideAndRoll.Harmony.JobDriver_Mounted_FinishAction.Postfix
  48. JobDriver_Mounted.shouldCancelJob: post: GiddyUpRideAndRoll.Harmony.JobDriver_Mounted_ShouldCancelJob.Postfix
  49. JobGiver_AIDefendPawn.TryGiveJob: PRE: AlphaAnimalRangeAttack.ARA_FightAI_Patch.Prefix
  50. JobGiver_DropUnusedInventory.Drop: PRE: PickUpAndHaul.HarmonyPatches.Drop_Prefix
  51. JobGiver_DropUnusedInventory.TryGiveJob: post: PickUpAndHaul.HarmonyPatches.DropUnusedInventory_PostFix
  52. JobGiver_Idle.TryGiveJob: post: PickUpAndHaul.HarmonyPatches.IdleJoy_Postfix
  53. JobGiver_Manhunter.TryGiveJob: PRE: AlphaAnimalRangeAttack.ARA__ManHunter_Patch.Prefix
  54. LanguageDatabase.SelectLanguage: PRE: HugsLib.Patches.LanguageDatabase_Patch.ForceRestartAfterLangChange
  55. LoadedModManager.ApplyPatches: PRE: ModCheck.VanillaPatching.Prefix post: ModCheck.VanillaPatching.Postfix TRANS: ModCheck.VanillaPatching.Transpiler
  56. LordToil_PrepareCaravan_Leave.UpdateAllDuties: PRE: GiddyUpCaravan.Harmony.Lordtoil_PrepareCaravan_Leave_UpdateAllDuties.Prefix
  57. MainMenuDrawer.MainMenuOnGUI: post: ModCheck.DoneLoading.Postfix
  58. Map.ConstructComponents: post: HugsLib.Patches.Map_ConstructComponents_Patch.MapComponentsInitHook
  59. Map.FinalizeInit: post: HugsLib.Patches.Map_FinalizeInit_Patch.MapLoadedHook
  60. MapComponentUtility.MapGenerated: post: HugsLib.Patches.MapComponentUtility_MapGenerated_Patch.MapGeneratedHook
  61. MassUtility.Capacity: post: GiddyUpCaravan.Harmony.MassUtility_Capacity.Postfix
  62. MedicalRecipesUtility.SpawnNaturalPartIfClean: post: QEthics.HarmonyPatches+SpawnNaturalPartIfClean_Patch.SpawnNaturalPartIfCleanPostfix
  63. MentalStateHandler.TryStartMentalState: post: aRandomKiwi.MFM.MentalStateHandler_Patch+TryStartMentalState.Listener, RunAndGun.Harmony.MentalStateHandler_TryStartMentalState.Postfix
  64. ModsConfig.RestartFromChangedMods: PRE: HugsLib.Patches.ModsConfig_RestartFromChangedMods_Patch.QuickRestartInDevMode
  65. Pawn.GetGizmos: post: RunAndGun.Harmony.Pawn_DraftController_GetGizmos_Patch.Postfix, GiddyUpRideAndRoll.Harmony.Pawn_GetGizmos.Postfix
  66. Pawn.Kill: post: aRandomKiwi.MFM.Pawn_Patch+Kill.Listener
  67. Pawn.TicksPerMove: post: RunAndGun.Harmony.Pawn_TicksPerMove.Postfix, [200]GiddyUpCaravan.Harmony.Pawn_TicksPerMove.Postfix
  68. Pawn.TryGetAttackVerb: PRE: AlphaAnimalRangeAttack.ARA__VerbCheck_Patch.Prefix
  69. PawnBanishUtility.ShowBanishPawnConfirmationDialog: PRE: aRandomKiwi.MFM.PawnBanishUtility_Patch+ShowBanishPawnConfirmationDialog.Listener
  70. PawnRenderer.DrawEquipmentAiming: PRE: CompOversizedWeapon.HarmonyCompOversizedWeapon.DrawEquipmentAimingPreFix
  71. Pawn_DrawTracker.get_DrawPos: post: GiddyUpCore.Harmony.Pawn_DrawTracker_get_DrawPos.Postfix
  72. Pawn_HealthTracker.MakeDowned: post: aRandomKiwi.MFM.Pawn_HealthTracker_Patch+MakeDowned.Listener, GiddyUpCore.Harmony.Pawn_HealthTracker_MakeDowned.Postfix
  73. Pawn_HealthTracker.SetDead: post: GiddyUpCore.Harmony.Pawn_HealthTracker_SetDead.Postfix
  74. Pawn_InventoryTracker.Notify_ItemRemoved: post: PickUpAndHaul.HarmonyPatches.Pawn_InventoryTracker_PostFix
  75. Pawn_JobTracker.DetermineNextJob: post: GiddyUpCore.Harmony.Pawn_JobTracker_DetermineNextJob.Postfix, GiddyUpCaravan.Harmony.Pawn_JobTracker_DetermineNextJob.Postfix, GiddyUpRideAndRoll.Harmony.Pawn_Jobtracker_DetermineNextJob.Postfix
  76. Pawn_JobTracker.Notify_MasterDraftedOrUndrafted: PRE: GiddyUpCore.Harmony.Pawn_JobTracker_Notify_MasterDraftedOrUndrafted.Prefix
  77. Pawn_JobTracker.StartJob: PRE: GiddyUpCore.Harmony.Pawn_JobTracker_StartJob.Prefix
  78. Pawn_PlayerSettings.GetGizmos: PRE: GiddyUpCore.Harmony.Pawn_PlayerSettings_GetGizmos.Prefix
  79. Pawn_RotationTracker.UpdateRotation: PRE: GiddyUpCore.Harmony.Pawn_RotationTracker_UpdateRotation.Prefix
  80. PlayDataLoader.DoPlayLoad: post: HugsLib.Patches.PlayDataLoader_Patch.InitModsHook
  81. Recipe_InstallNaturalBodyPart.ApplyOnPawn: post: QEthics.HarmonyPatches+ApplyOnPawn_Patch.ApplyOnPawnPostfix
  82. Root.Update: post: HugsLib.Patches.Root_Patch.UpdateHook
  83. Root_Play.SetupForQuickTestPlay: TRANS: HugsLib.Patches.RootPlay_TestPlay_Patch.InjectCustomQuickstartSettings
  84. SelfDefenseUtility.ShouldFleeFrom: PRE: GiddyUpCore.Harmony.SelfDefenceUtility_ShouldFleeFrom.Prefix
  85. Thing.get_DefaultGraphic: post: CompOversizedWeapon.HarmonyCompOversizedWeapon.get_Graphic_PostFix
  86. TraderCaravanUtility.GetTraderCaravanRole: post: GiddyUpCaravan.Harmony.TraderCaravanUtility_GetTraderCaravanRole.Postfix
  87. TransferableOneWayWidget.DoRow: TRANS: GiddyUpCaravan.Harmony.TransferableOneWayWidget_DoRow.Transpiler
  88. TransferableOneWayWidget.FillMainRect: post: GiddyUpCaravan.Harmony.TransferableOneWayWidget_FillMainRect.Postfix
  89. TransferableUtility.TransferAsOne: post: GiddyUpCaravan.Harmony.TransferableUtility_TransferAsOne.Postfix
  90. UIRoot.UIRootOnGUI: post: HugsLib.Patches.UIRoot_Patch.OnGUIHook
  91. Verb.TryCastNextBurstShot: TRANS: RunAndGun.Harmony.Verb_TryCastNextBurstShot.Transpiler
  92. Verb.TryStartCastOn: PRE: RunAndGun.Harmony.Verb_TryStartCastOn.Prefix
  93. VerbProperties.AdjustedAccuracy: post: GiddyUpCore.Harmony.VerbProperties_AdjustedAccuracy.Postfix, RunAndGun.Harmony.VerbProperties_AdjustedAccuracy.Postfix
  94. WorkGiver_Train.JobOnThing: PRE: GiddyUpCore.Harmony.WorkGiver_Train_JobOnThing.Prefix
  95. Harmony versions present: UnlimitedHugs.HugsLib, com.rimworld.modcheck, mehni.rimworld.pickupandhaul.main, KongMD.QEE, com.github.rimworld.mod.AlphaAnimalRangeAttack, rimworld.randomKiwi.MFM, HugsLib.RunAndGun, HugsLib.GiddyUpCore, HugsLib.GiddyUpCaravan, HugsLib.GiddyUpRideAndRoll; rimworld.jecrell.comps.oversized
  97. Platform information: (hidden, use publishing options to include)
  99. Log file contents:
  100. Initialize engine version: 5.6.5f1 (2cac56bf7bb6)
  101. GfxDevice: [Renderer information redacted]
  102. Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly
  103. Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorldWin64_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.dll into Unity Child Domain
  104. Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorldWin64_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll into Unity Child Domain
  105. Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorldWin64_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp.dll into Unity Child Domain
  106. Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorldWin64_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.UI.dll into Unity Child Domain
  107. Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorldWin64_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.Networking.dll into Unity Child Domain
  108. Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorldWin64_Data\Managed\NAudio.dll into Unity Child Domain
  109. Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorldWin64_Data\Managed\NVorbis.dll into Unity Child Domain
  110. Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorldWin64_Data\Managed\TextMeshPro- into Unity Child Domain
  111. WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Hidden/VR/BlitCopyFromTexArray' - Pass '' has no vertex shader
  112. WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Hidden/VR/BlitCopyFromTexArray' - Setting to default shader.
  113. desktop: 1920x1080 60Hz; virtual: 3840x1183 at 0,-103
  114. RimWorld 1.0.2282 rev726
  116. [HugsLib] version 6.1.3
  118. DependencyChecker!
  120. Parsed 0.01 as int.
  122. Parsed 0.01 as int.
  124. Parsed 0.01 as int.
  126. Parsed 0.01 as int.
  128. Parsed 0.01 as int.
  130. Parsed 0.01 as int.
  132. Parsed 0.01 as int.
  134. Parsed 0.01 as int.
  136. Could not resolve cross-reference: No Verse.SoundDef named X_AdestoryerHit found to give to Verse.StuffProperties Verse.StuffProperties (using undefined sound instead)
  138. Could not resolve cross-reference: No Verse.SoundDef named X_VdestoryerHit found to give to Verse.StuffProperties Verse.StuffProperties (using undefined sound instead)
  140. Translation data for language English has 5 errors. Generate translation report for more info.
  142. PickUpAndHaul v0.1.0.5ΒΌ welcomes you to RimWorld with pointless logspam.
  144. [HugsLib] initializing GiddyUpCore, GiddyUpCaravan, RunAndGun, GiddyUpRideAndRoll
  146. Unloading 5 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
  148. Unloading 40 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 10362.
  149. Total: 99.335487 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.446469 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.841923 ms MarkObjects: 97.992149 ms DeleteObjects: 0.054337 ms)
  151. Loading game from file Isin Orderly Alliance with mods Core, 1279012058, 818773962, 1216999901, 1828462622, 1253251478, 1204108550, 1331961995, 1814383360, 1787359789, 1821617793, 1823548713, 705924057, 1823549410, 733997423, 1832318107
  153. Cleaned up 107 depricated records from Giddy-up!
  155. Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
  157. Unloading 0 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 17010.
  158. Total: 177.107590 ms (FindLiveObjects: 1.320995 ms CreateObjectMapping: 2.246537 ms MarkObjects: 173.464890 ms DeleteObjects: 0.074562 ms)
  160. TryMakePreToilReservations() returned false right after TryTakeOrderedJob(). This should have been checked before. job=HaulToContainer (Job_199729) A=Thing_Steel31507 B=Thing_Blueprint_Hopper49258 C=Thing_Blueprint_Wall48314
  162. Object with load ID Job_250871 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  164. Object with load ID Job_250871 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  166. Object with load ID Job_250871 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  168. Object with load ID Job_250871 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  170. Object with load ID Job_250871 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  172. Object with load ID Job_250871 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  174. Object with load ID Job_250871 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  176. Object with load ID Job_250871 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  178. Object with load ID Job_250871 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  180. Object with load ID Job_250871 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  182. Object with load ID Job_250871 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  184. Object with load ID Job_250871 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  186. Object with load ID Job_250871 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  188. Object with load ID Job_250871 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  190. Object with load ID Job_250871 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  192. Object with load ID Job_250871 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  194. Object with load ID LogEntry_2094846_1934 is referenced (xml node name: combatLogEntry) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  196. Object with load ID LogEntry_2094907_1944 is referenced (xml node name: combatLogEntry) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  198. Object with load ID LogEntry_2095149_1966 is referenced (xml node name: combatLogEntry) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  200. Object with load ID Job_250871 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  202. Object with load ID Job_250871 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  204. Object with load ID Job_250871 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  206. Object with load ID Job_250871 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  208. Object with load ID Job_250871 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  210. Object with load ID Job_250871 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  212. Object with load ID Job_250871 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  214. Object with load ID Job_250871 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  216. Object with load ID Job_250871 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  218. Object with load ID Job_250871 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  220. Object with load ID Job_250871 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  222. Object with load ID Job_250871 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  224. Object with load ID Job_250871 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  226. Object with load ID Job_250871 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  228. Object with load ID Job_250871 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  230. Object with load ID Job_250871 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  232. Object with load ID Job_250871 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  234. Object with load ID Job_250871 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  236. System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  237. at aRandomKiwi.MFM.Utils.processMercGear (Verse.Pawn p, MercenaryType type, Int32 gear, Int32 intGearColor) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  238. at aRandomKiwi.MFM.IncidentWorker_Raid.TryExecuteWorker (RimWorld.IncidentParms parms) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  239. at RimWorld.IncidentWorker.TryExecute (RimWorld.IncidentParms parms) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  240. at RimWorld.Storyteller.TryFire (RimWorld.FiringIncident fi) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  241. at RimWorld.Storyteller.StorytellerTick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  242. at Verse.TickManager.DoSingleTick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  244. Object with load ID Thing_Human79063 is referenced (xml node name: pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  246. Object with load ID Job_250871 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  248. Object with load ID Thing_Human121127 is referenced (xml node name: otherPawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  250. Object with load ID Thing_Human79063 is referenced (xml node name: pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  252. Object with load ID Job_250871 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  254. Object with load ID Thing_Human121127 is referenced (xml node name: otherPawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  256. Object with load ID Thing_Human79063 is referenced (xml node name: pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  258. Object with load ID Job_250871 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  260. Object with load ID Thing_Human121127 is referenced (xml node name: otherPawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  262. Unloading 3 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
  264. Unloading 13567 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 16386.
  265. Total: 199.903519 ms (FindLiveObjects: 1.380464 ms CreateObjectMapping: 3.141288 ms MarkObjects: 161.585892 ms DeleteObjects: 33.788929 ms)
  267. Loading game from file Autosave-3 with mods Core, 1279012058, 818773962, 1216999901, 1828462622, 1253251478, 1204108550, 1331961995, 1814383360, 1787359789, 1821617793, 1823548713, 705924057, 1823549410, 733997423, 1832318107
  269. Could not resolve reference to object with loadID Thing_Human79063 of type Verse.Thing. Was it compressed away, destroyed, had no ID number, or not saved/loaded right? curParent=Verse.LookTargets curPathRelToParent=/targets/0
  271. Could not resolve reference to object with loadID Thing_Human79063 of type Verse.Thing. Was it compressed away, destroyed, had no ID number, or not saved/loaded right? curParent=Verse.LookTargets curPathRelToParent=/targets/0
  273. Could not resolve reference to object with loadID Thing_Human79063 of type Verse.Pawn. Was it compressed away, destroyed, had no ID number, or not saved/loaded right? curParent=RimWorld.TaleData_Pawn curPathRelToParent=
  275. Could not resolve reference to object with loadID Thing_Human79063 of type Verse.Thing. Was it compressed away, destroyed, had no ID number, or not saved/loaded right? curParent=RimWorld.Verb_MeleeAttackDamage(HeadClaw/Thing_Megaspider42927_0_Slash) curPathRelToParent=/currentTarget
  277. Could not resolve reference to object with loadID Job_250871 of type Verse.AI.Job. Was it compressed away, destroyed, had no ID number, or not saved/loaded right? curParent=GiddyUpCore.Storage.ExtendedPawnData curPathRelToParent=
  279. Could not resolve reference to object with loadID Thing_Human121127 of type Verse.Pawn. Was it compressed away, destroyed, had no ID number, or not saved/loaded right? curParent=RimWorld.DirectPawnRelation curPathRelToParent=
  281. Pawn Anri has relation "Spouse" with null pawn after loading. This means that we forgot to serialize pawns somewhere (e.g. pawns from passing trade ships).
  283. Cleaned up 220 depricated records from Giddy-up!
  285. Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
  287. Unloading 0 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 23429.
  288. Total: 229.303818 ms (FindLiveObjects: 2.712629 ms CreateObjectMapping: 2.668254 ms MarkObjects: 223.887619 ms DeleteObjects: 0.034413 ms)
  290. System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  291. at aRandomKiwi.MFM.Utils.processMercGear (Verse.Pawn p, MercenaryType type, Int32 gear, Int32 intGearColor) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  292. at aRandomKiwi.MFM.IncidentWorker_Raid.TryExecuteWorker (RimWorld.IncidentParms parms) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  293. at RimWorld.IncidentWorker.TryExecute (RimWorld.IncidentParms parms) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  294. at RimWorld.Storyteller.TryFire (RimWorld.FiringIncident fi) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  295. at RimWorld.Storyteller.StorytellerTick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  296. at Verse.TickManager.DoSingleTick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  298. Object with load ID Job_965871 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  300. Object with load ID Job_968192 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  302. Object with load ID Job_982232 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  304. Object with load ID Job_970615 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  306. Object with load ID Job_979965 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  308. Object with load ID Job_986977 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  310. Object with load ID Job_986315 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  312. Object with load ID Job_993725 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  314. Object with load ID Job_989805 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  316. Object with load ID Job_986977 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  318. Object with load ID Job_986315 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  320. Object with load ID Job_993725 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  322. Object with load ID Job_989805 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  324. Object with load ID Job_986315 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  326. Object with load ID Job_993725 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  328. Object with load ID Job_989805 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  330. Object with load ID Job_999781 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  332. Object with load ID Job_986315 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  334. Object with load ID Job_993725 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  336. Object with load ID Job_989805 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  338. Object with load ID Job_999781 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  340. Object with load ID Job_986315 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  342. Object with load ID Job_1010186 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  344. Object with load ID Job_1012211 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  346. Object with load ID Job_1004964 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  348. Object with load ID Job_989805 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  350. Object with load ID Job_999781 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  352. Object with load ID Job_986315 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  354. Object with load ID Job_1025471 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  356. Object with load ID Job_1004964 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  358. Object with load ID Job_989805 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  360. Object with load ID Job_999781 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  362. Object with load ID Job_986315 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  364. Object with load ID Job_1043225 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  366. Object with load ID Job_1055510 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  368. Object with load ID Job_1004964 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  370. Object with load ID Job_1049304 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  372. Object with load ID Job_1062370 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  374. Object with load ID Job_986315 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  376. Object with load ID Job_1077807 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  378. Object with load ID Job_1055510 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  380. Object with load ID Job_1004964 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  382. Object with load ID Job_1049304 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  384. Object with load ID Job_1092307 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  386. Object with load ID Job_986315 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  388. Object with load ID Job_1093954 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  390. Object with load ID Job_1079311 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  392. Object with load ID Job_1049304 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  394. Object with load ID Job_1092307 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  396. Object with load ID Job_986315 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  398. Object with load ID Job_1093954 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  400. Object with load ID Job_1049304 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  402. Object with load ID Job_1140909 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  404. Object with load ID Job_1123024 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  406. Object with load ID Job_1145979 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  408. Object with load ID Job_1093954 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  410. Object with load ID Job_1134172 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  412. Object with load ID Job_1049304 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  414. Object with load ID Job_1157258 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  416. Object with load ID Job_1165284 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  418. Object with load ID Job_1167369 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  420. Object with load ID Job_1093954 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  422. Object with load ID Job_1167346 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  424. Object with load ID Job_1049304 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  426. Object with load ID Job_1182600 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  428. Object with load ID Job_1165284 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  430. Object with load ID Job_1178271 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  432. Object with load ID Job_1093954 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  434. Object with load ID Job_1178454 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  436. Object with load ID Job_1184882 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  438. Object with load ID Job_1182600 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  440. Object with load ID Job_1165284 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  442. Object with load ID Job_1191020 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  444. Object with load ID Job_1184882 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  446. Object with load ID Job_1182600 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  448. Object with load ID Job_1200506 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  450. Object with load ID Job_1200926 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  452. Object with load ID Job_1201647 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  454. Object with load ID Job_1184882 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  456. Object with load ID Job_1182600 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  458. Object with load ID Job_1200506 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  460. Object with load ID Job_1203160 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  462. Object with load ID Job_1201647 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  464. Object with load ID Job_1184882 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  466. Object with load ID LogEntry_4256498_6023 is referenced (xml node name: combatLogEntry) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  468. Object with load ID LogEntry_4256619_6025 is referenced (xml node name: combatLogEntry) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  470. Unloading 3 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
  472. Unloading 9664 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 21445.
  473. Total: 205.631256 ms (FindLiveObjects: 1.416689 ms CreateObjectMapping: 3.962684 ms MarkObjects: 178.343460 ms DeleteObjects: 21.906912 ms)
  475. Loading game from file Isin Orderly Alliance with mods Core, 1279012058, 818773962, 1216999901, 1828462622, 1253251478, 1204108550, 1331961995, 1814383360, 1787359789, 1821617793, 1823548713, 705924057, 1823549410, 733997423, 1832318107
  477. Could not resolve reference to object with loadID Thing_MineableComponentsIndustrial137008 of type Verse.Thing. Was it compressed away, destroyed, had no ID number, or not saved/loaded right? curParent=Verse.LookTargets curPathRelToParent=/targets/0
  479. Could not resolve reference to object with loadID Job_1182600 of type Verse.AI.Job. Was it compressed away, destroyed, had no ID number, or not saved/loaded right? curParent=GiddyUpCore.Storage.ExtendedPawnData curPathRelToParent=
  481. Could not resolve reference to object with loadID Job_1200506 of type Verse.AI.Job. Was it compressed away, destroyed, had no ID number, or not saved/loaded right? curParent=GiddyUpCore.Storage.ExtendedPawnData curPathRelToParent=
  483. Could not resolve reference to object with loadID Job_1203160 of type Verse.AI.Job. Was it compressed away, destroyed, had no ID number, or not saved/loaded right? curParent=GiddyUpCore.Storage.ExtendedPawnData curPathRelToParent=
  485. Could not resolve reference to object with loadID Job_1201647 of type Verse.AI.Job. Was it compressed away, destroyed, had no ID number, or not saved/loaded right? curParent=GiddyUpCore.Storage.ExtendedPawnData curPathRelToParent=
  487. Could not resolve reference to object with loadID Job_1184882 of type Verse.AI.Job. Was it compressed away, destroyed, had no ID number, or not saved/loaded right? curParent=GiddyUpCore.Storage.ExtendedPawnData curPathRelToParent=
  489. Could not resolve reference to object with loadID LogEntry_4256498_6023 of type Verse.LogEntry. Was it compressed away, destroyed, had no ID number, or not saved/loaded right? curParent=(Bruise body ticksSinceCreation=41486) curPathRelToParent=
  491. Could not resolve reference to object with loadID LogEntry_4256619_6025 of type Verse.LogEntry. Was it compressed away, destroyed, had no ID number, or not saved/loaded right? curParent=(Bruise neck ticksSinceCreation=41365) curPathRelToParent=
  493. Cleaned up 171 depricated records from Giddy-up!
  495. Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
  497. Unloading 0 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 28097.
  498. Total: 272.141113 ms (FindLiveObjects: 2.400191 ms CreateObjectMapping: 3.920120 ms MarkObjects: 265.774902 ms DeleteObjects: 0.045582 ms)
  500. Could not reserve Thing_MealFine195660(current stack count: 1) (layer: null) for Lyall for job Ingest (Job_1230382) A=Thing_MealFine195660 (now doing job Ingest (Job_1230382) A=Thing_MealFine195660(curToil=5)) for maxPawns 1 and stackCount -1. Existing reserver: Muffins doing job Ingest (Job_1230694) A=Thing_MealFine195660 (toilIndex=4)
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