
Delphi Backstory

Sep 26th, 2015
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  1. ~Delphi Nychta~
  3. 'Alone.'
  5. 'It's so dark. Why am I alone?'
  7. The sounds of chains clanking pulls him back to reality. His eyes open and he sees a poorly lit chamber, smoldering torches on the walls. He feels a weight on his wrists, a small metallic sound fills the room as he tries to move.
  9. 'Pain... so much pain'
  11. The light in the room brightens slightly. A torch at the edge of the chamber was just lit. The light burns into his vision, rest of the torches come alight as well.
  13. 'Where... am I...'
  15. His eyes open fully, exposing to the boy a dank cavern, with a few other people; women and girls. The boy coughs a bit, before attempting to speak.
  17. "H-hello?" he says, before breaking out into more coughing. His lungs felt as though they were ablaze, and his body ached even further. One of the women speaks up, "Shush child, you don't want them to hear us."
  19. The boy falls silent. He slumps over, feeling the cold earth against his naked form. His eyes begin to close, whether with exhaustion or disbelief he could not tell.
  21. ~~~~~~~~
  23. "Oi, get up you twit." A man towered over the boy's frail form. He looked to his left and right, and there was no one where the women once were.
  25. "Heh, get up or we're cutting off your legs." The boy slowly stood, but fell over quickly thereafter.
  27. "Tch, what a waste of a slave," the man kicks him while he's on the floor, "Couldn't even hold down his meals. Now look at you, you're barely concsious!"
  29. The boy gets picked up by his hair and dragged out of the room by the slaver. As the he gets dragged along, limply, they pass an open door. The boys eyes open fully, as he suddenly sees what has befallen him. In the room before him, he sees the lifeless, naked, bodies of women and young girls that were raped and deemed not fit for slavery. Body after body, thrown on the pile. The eyes of girls he knew, women he saw around town, all of them empty, broken, and lifeless. They stared at him, as he saw a similar room open up for him.
  31. "NO! DON'T KILL ME!" He starts screaming, his shrill voice startling the slaver, if only momentarily. The man then smiles, letting go of the boy's hair, before swiftly picking him up and throwing him into the room.
  33. (Text with * denotes it's spoken in a merfolk/languages the boy does not understand)
  35. "*Oh my, I didn't think they'd offer me such a delicious morsel.*" A scaled creature sat in a pool of water towards the middle of the room, his shark-like teeth gleeming in the dim light.
  37. "Well boy, you're mine." The merfolk grabs the boy's long hair and pins him to the ground. An sudden and intense pain overcomes the boy, as the creature thrusts his member into the small boy. The clammy webbed fingers groping his body, as the creature continues to rape him.
  39. "*What beautiful tears. Give me all of your anguish, I relish in this.*" With vacant eyes, the boy stares off into the distance.
  41. Off into the distance, where he sees a girl, who seems familiar to him. Her hair is the same deep brown as the boy's. Similar frail build. She stares at him, before saying, "This could have been you, had fate been less cruel. You have such a beautiful body. But you're stuck being a man. Embrace me, and we can leave this place, together. You need only speak my name."
  43. "*Yes, please! Take me away!*" the boy yells out, in a tongue he doesn't understand. The merfolk slows down, in confusion, unsure of the language he just heard. The boy feels the grip loosen.
  47. The boy gets out, if only for the moment, turning to face the Merfolk man.
  49. "I've had just enough of you. *Come forth o ender of fate. The sister of death. I summon thee, come. ATROPOS!*"
  51. Energy drained from the boy, as the incantation left him. He slumps to the ground, watching as a Gate appears before him. Looking back at him through the gate was an abomination. Something so foul it nearly made the boy vomit. But he endured, because he knew that this creature would help him escape. Out of the gate stepped a four armed skeleton, armed in each hand. It walked over to the merfolk slowly, as though savoring it's fear.
  53. "Kill him, we're leaving," commanded the boy. The creature spun its blades through the helpless creature, and returned to the boy's side, as they strode out the door, and killed everyone that attempted to come near him as he walked into the sunlight.
  55. ~~ 8 YEARS LATER ~~
  57. "Aww, are you lost little girl?" The man looks down expectantly at the half-elf girl. She looks up at him vacantly, and then at her surroundings.
  59. "Woops, I accidentally got lost. I guess I stopped paying attention."
  61. The man stops and thinks for a moment, before saying, "Say, how about I help you get home. Sound good?"
  63. "Thank you mister, I'd appreciate it." She gives him a smile, just as vacant. The two begin walking together, and it wasn't long before the man realized that it was suddenly him that was lost. As they walk down into an alleyway, he turns to the girl and asks, "Are you sure that this is the--" before getting cut off. Where the girl once stood, there was a large skeleton, wielding swords. The man took a step back, in fear, suddenly realizing his back was to a wall.
  65. "Thanks Atropos! <3" The girl steps out from behind the skeleton, clothing removed.
  67. "Now mister, lets see how you enjoy me."
  69. "Who... who are you..."
  71. "Does it really matter? For now, you can call me Delphi. I hope you aren't as pathetic as you look."
  73. He takes off the man's pants, does his work, and walks away.
  75. "Atropos, honey, would you mind cleaning up?"
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