
Group 80: Session 13 (cont.)

Mar 27th, 2014
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  1. [17:37] <~Radio|GM> --- Group 80: The Coltifornia Campaign ---
  2. [17:37] <~Radio|GM>
  3. [17:37] <~Radio|GM> --- Session 13 (cont.) ---
  4. [17:37] <~Radio|GM>
  5. [17:37] <~Radio|GM> Start running, everypony. Start running and don’t look back.
  6. [17:37] <~Radio|GM> It’s coming.
  7. [17:38] <~Radio|GM>
  8. [17:38] <~Radio|GM> ---
  9. [17:38] <~Radio|GM>
  10. [17:38] <~Radio|GM> The game reconvenes with Lysander the bird, and his appearance in front of Zemblanity. Silk_Rose, Dumisani, Chasseuse, and Limuko have their own business to attend to.
  11. [17:38] <~Radio|GM>
  12. [17:38] <~Radio|GM> --- Session Begins ---
  13. [17:38] <~Radio|GM>
  14. [17:38] <~Radio|GM> Lysander repeats his words calmly, talons tightening around the wood of the chair where he is perched. "Yes, my dear. You are being hunted."
  15. [17:40] * Zemblanity narrows her eyes again. "Then allow me to repeat: Why? We've done nothing wrong."
  16. [17:42] <~Radio|GM> Lysander fixes a beady eye upon Zemblanity. "You and your friends have been noticed. There are ones who know you are looking for the missing mare. They don't want you to go any further than you already have."
  17. [17:43] * Zemblanity fixes an amber eye back on Lysander. "And, can you tell us why they don't?"
  18. [17:44] * Silk_Rose eyes the bird. "Now, to make it clear... Is this... drunken night on the town in Las Pegasus, running from the Guard hunted, or spent the night with a Tenpony mare's stallion, better ditch Manehatten until the bounty blows over hunted?
  19. [17:45] <~Radio|GM> Lysander chuckles at Zemblanity's query. "Let me answer your question with another question, first. Tell me, what do you know so far about the missing mare?"
  20. [17:45] * Chasseuse turns to leave, having just finished her conversation with Flaxseed. Now, she trots outside, searching for any of her friends.
  21. [17:46] <~Radio|GM> To Silk_Rose, he replies. "The sort of hunted that will almost certainly end with you dead. That's what."
  22. [17:47] <Zemblanity> Zemblanity tells him /literally/ everything she knows. The notes, the Almond Butter situation, Dusty, everything. In a curt, hushed tone, of course. She concludes with. "But you know all of this, don't you?" She doesn't seem to buy that they'd actually be killed.
  23. [17:47] <~Radio|GM> Chasseuse finds herself in the courtyard, alone. Dumisani aside, she doesn't find anypony else.
  24. [17:49] * Chasseuse purses her lips. Best thing to do is wait. With a shrug, Chasseuse finds a comfortable place to sit in plain sight so that the others may see her.
  25. [17:50] <~Radio|GM> Lysander lifts a wing and gently rubs a beak against his feathers. "Yes, yes. Of course I do. And I'm also here to warn you that you're delving into something rather big."
  26. [17:53] * Silk_Rose smirks. " 'Big'? We've had our fair share of 'big'. Well, more like 'monstrous', but why mince words?"
  27. [17:54] <Zemblanity> Zemblanity nods slowly. "Let's cut to the chase, then. Since you seem to know everything about our situation, and what we're dealing with, and show willingness to help us, what would you have us do?"
  28. [17:54] <~Radio|GM> "Because, my dear, they're already here."
  29. [17:55] <~Radio|GM> To Zemblanity, he turns and clicks a beak. "It isn't my place to speak about all of that now, nor is there time. But I can tell you that leaving the fort wold be a good start."
  30. [17:57] * Zemblanity mutters a low 'of course it isn't.' Before standing up, she says to Lysander. "I don't suppose you could stay a while, to at least prove to the others that, when we say a talking bird told us to leave, we're not sounding crazy."
  31. [17:58] <~Radio|GM> Lysander chuckles. "That, I can do. But I believe Martha's already trying to round up your friends as we speak."
  32. [17:59] * Silk_Rose gives a quick glance toward Zemblanity, then back to the bird. "Uh... that's a name. Mind telling us who it belongs to?"
  33. [18:00] <~Radio|GM> "My sister, that's who. Another raven? Perhaps you've seen her flying about this past day?"
  34. [18:02] * Zemblanity returns Rose's glance. "Uhuh... Can't say I have... Anyway, we should be going. You know, fleeing for 'our lives' and whatnot."
  35. [18:03] <~Radio|GM> "Then let's find your friends. Come, let's go." With that, he takes wing and gently flies out of the patch in the roof. "Meet me by the well!" He calls down.
  36. [18:05] * Zemblanity heads for the door, nodding for Silk_Rose to come with her.
  37. [18:06] * Silk_Rose trots along behind. "So... taking directions from a bird. Not the /worst/ we've listened to, at least?"
  38. [18:07] <~Radio|GM> As Zemblanity and SIlk_Rose head out, they can clearly see Chasseuse and Dumisani waiting patiently.
  39. [18:08] * Zemblanity shakes her head. "Not like in Persepolis... with that cactus? But in all seriousness..." She turns to wave at Dumisani and Chasseuse, turning in their direction. "I'm not entirely sold on his advice."
  40. [18:11] * Chasseuse smiles, trotting towards the two mares. "'Ave you found anyzing out?"
  41. [18:14] * Zemblanity rubs the back of her neck errantly. "A talking raven told us that we're being hunted, in danger of being killed, and that we need to leave the Fort immediately. Before you tell me how insane that sounds, I know it is. However, he's promised to meet us at the well, to talk."
  42. [18:15] * Silk_Rose snickers. "We're not drunk, I promise. Well, maybe just a little bit. Not enough for hallucinations, though!"
  43. [18:19] * Chasseuse blinks. "I...see." She shrugs. "Well, lead on zen."
  44. [18:20] * Zemblanity does just that. Two things then occur to her: she has no idea where the well is, and that zebra is missing. "Where is your zebra friend?"
  45. [18:22] * Chasseuse shakes her head. "Not sure."
  46. [18:25] * Zemblanity , through clenched teeth, admits that she's not sure where she's going. "This bird mentioned that his 'sister' was rounding you all up already. Seems that's not the case."
  47. [18:26] * Silk_Rose grins and steps up next to Chasseuse. "He seemed to be eyeing you back when we all ate together. I'm sure if you show off a bit, he'll come running!"
  48. [18:27] * Chasseuse blushes at Silk's comment. "...Show off?"
  49. [18:27] * Zemblanity can't help but smirk. "I think your friend might have the /slightest/ bit of a crush on you."
  50. [18:28] <~Radio|GM> That well looks awfully lonely.
  51. [18:28] * Chasseuse coughs and shakes her head. "Zat is... unimportant right now."
  52. [18:30] * Zemblanity eventually, through dumb luck, navigates to the well. "Unimportant as it may be, it's very obvious."
  53. [18:30] * Silk_Rose grins. "Yes, show off. Strut your stuff. Flaunt your assets. He'll just /know/ you're doing it, and come running to watch."
  54. [18:36] <~Radio|GM> The bird is indeed there, perched on the edge of the well.
  55. [18:38] * Zemblanity presents Lysander to those waiting with her, introducing him. "So, tell them what you told Rose and I."
  56. [18:38] <~Radio|GM> The bird turns, looking to Chasseuse and Dumisani. "Ah, good of you to come." He turns to them in kind. "It is good to see you."
  57. [18:48] * Chasseuse tries to ignore Silk_Rose, though her blush is still clearly present. Chasseuse instead turns her attention to the bird and quirks her head. "A talking bird?" She blinks. "I suppose it is good to see you as well."
  58. [18:50] <~Radio|GM> Lysander nods. "Charmed." He turns to Zemblanity and Silk_Rose. "Now, I'm sure you've met Martha by now, haven't you?"
  59. [18:51] * Zemblanity shakes her head. "Unless your talking raven sister is invisible, we haven't. Don't tell me that she's missing, too."
  60. [18:52] * Silk_Rose only takes the blushing as encouragement. She looks to the bird. "You sure we have to leave right away? Our friend here--" At this she grabs Chasseuse around the shoulders with her foreleg, pulling her closer. "--could really use one more night." She gives Chasseuse a wink.
  61. [18:53] * Chasseuse 's blush only deepens, reddening her white coat! "I do not need ano'zer night!"
  62. [18:53] <~Radio|GM> Lysander doesn't seem at all amused by this display, but he turns sharply to Zemblanity. "What do yoy mean, you haven't? Has she not met you?"
  63. [18:54] * Zemblanity looks to all of her companions, rolling her eyes a little at Rose and Chasseuse. "Not to my knowledge."
  64. [18:54] * Silk_Rose gives Chasseuse a predatory grin. "Ooooh, you'd rather go for 'The Minutemare'?"
  65. [18:55] * Chasseuse huffs. "I am not zat kind of mare! I barely know ze zebra!"
  66. [18:57] <~Radio|GM> Lysander just seems to frown, if birds could do such a thing. "Where is she? She should be here by now..." He lifts his head up. "And that zebra...where is he?"
  67. [18:59] * Zemblanity sighs slightly. "We don't know. None of us have seen him."
  68. [19:01] * Silk_Rose only grins wider. "Ohhh, I gotcha. He's got the hots for you, but you're more of a mare's mare? I'd offer to hook you up with Zemmy, but I think she's not into mares."
  69. [19:02] * Zemblanity grinds her teeth for a moment. "Rose. That's enough. This /could/ be important."
  70. [19:02] <Chasseuse> "I meant zat I need to know a pony... or zebra before... zat." Chasseuse can see that this is only getting worse. She knows what to do, and that is silence! The mare turns away from Silk_Rose with a huff.
  71. [19:03] <~Radio|GM> Lysander frowns. "Excuse me. I need to find out what's going on." He takes wing and flutters off.
  72. [19:03] * Silk_Rose rolls her eyes. "You two are no fun. Fine. I'll just sit here and enjoy... the view."
  73. [19:11] * Zemblanity watches him leave, blinking a few more times. And where the devil is Limuko?
  74. [20:52] <Radio|GM> The group where Chasseuse, Zemblanity, Silk_Rose, and Lysander sit are soon greeted by the sight of a familiar zebra coming to their direction, along with another large raven.
  75. [20:53] * Limuko appears to have a smile on his face that only a zebra with CHA of 10 could do. "Hello there friends. Limuko was not sure why he had been missing from you most of this time."
  76. [20:54] * Zemblanity kicks around some dirt as she waits for Lysander to return. Once she finally sees Limuko, she sighs a little. "Uhuh..."
  77. [20:55] <Radio|GM> It isn't much later when Lysander returns, looking relieved at the sight of the other raven. "Oh, thank goodness, Martha. You're safe!"
  78. [20:55] <Radio|GM> Martha preens calmly. "Why wouldn't I be?"
  79. [20:56] * Limuko trots up to his companions as he speaks. "Limuko believes from what raven friend had told him is that we are in great danger."
  80. [21:01] * Zemblanity nods slowly. "We heard the same thing from this raven. How do we all feel about that?"
  81. [21:01] * Silk_Rose eyes Limuko with a predatory grin. If Chasseuse wouldn't play along...
  82. [21:02] <Limuko> "Limuko suggests that we leave immediately. Limuko does /not/ want to get killed by whatever ponies are out to kill us." The zebra said. He then took notice in Silk_Rose's look at him ... He attempted to ignore her for now before his zebra hormones reacted.
  83. [21:05] * Zemblanity stretches a little, getting ready for their flight, then. "Then we should waste no time. Of course, if we had information, we could probably avoid future altercations." She shoots a glance at the two ravens. "But apparently, we can't know more, it seems."
  84. [21:19] <Radio|GM> Lysander and Martha shake their heads as one. Martha opens her beak to speak. "Now, it's more important to get going. You have a job to do, you'd probably get on that. Teh important thing is to get out of the Fort."
  85. [21:21] * Limuko nods. "Limuko understands. Usual entrance and exit could have ponies looking to kill us waiting."
  86. [21:23] * Zemblanity considers that. "I doubt that... They've been working a cover long enough... no sense blowing it in full view of Dusty and his guards. Starting a battle here is suicide."
  87. [21:24] <Limuko> "No, nothing like that. But they could follow us until we were at distance." Limuko suggested.
  88. [21:26] <Zemblanity> "The downside with living in a fort... only four exits. Four possibly means of escape." She mutters.
  89. [21:26] * Silk_Rose rolls her eyes. "Time's wasting! Why did we want to stay here anyway? We're supposed to be making it big!" She suddenly gives a big grin. "Besides... I have ways of making us... inconspicuous.
  90. [21:26] <Radio|GM> Lysander and Martha tilt their heads as one and look to Silk_Rose. "You do?"
  91. [21:27] * Limuko looked at Silk_Rose oddly. "Limuko has no idea what you mean by that."
  92. [21:27] * Chasseuse blinks at Silk_Rose. -That- mare can be inconspicuous?
  93. [21:28] * Silk_Rose lights her horn, casting a spell for emphasis. In a moment, her colors change! She is now a pale blue coated mare with a sea green mane.
  94. [21:28] * Zemblanity smiles slightly. She /had/ brought Rose on board for a reason.
  95. [21:29] * Limuko put a hoof to his chin. "Hmm ... but Limuko is striped, would spell cover stripes? It would matter not if he is purple or periwinkle."
  96. [21:31] * Silk_Rose rolls her eyes. She casts the spell on Limuko. Who needs to mask them when she can make the coat the same color as the stripes?
  97. [21:32] * Limuko examined himself, seeing himself completely white now. It felt strange being another color, but Limuko gave a smile. "Well that helps Limuko then!"
  98. [21:33] * Chasseuse quirks her head. "Do you 'ave enough energy to use zat spell on all of us?"
  99. [21:34] * Zemblanity removes her headwrap and discretely hides the symbols on her barding. "The usual, then?" She asks, wrapping her weapons in her cloak. She shakes out her mane a little.
  100. [21:37] * Limuko then looked at his old tribal armor. "Hmm. Limuko does look obvious as zebra with this on." He said.
  101. [21:39] * Silk_Rose grins wide as she turns to Zemblanity and Chasseuse. "Don't you worry about me. I might need to take a nap later, but I can get us all ready to go." She can't help but give them both a grin as she casts on each in turn. Zemblanity and Chasseuse soon match each other, and the general consensus is... pink. Pink coat, and a lighter pink mane for both, with slight differences in shade. She keeps up her smile as she says, "You'll have to
  102. [21:39] * Silk_Rose ...she says, "You'll have to decide which one of you is Bubblegum, and which is Cerise. Don't forget to act sisterly!" Even in this, her teasing doesn't end.
  103. [21:40] * Limuko turns to the ravens. "Should Limuko risk being exposed to conveal fact that Limuko is zebra?" He asked them.
  104. [21:40] <Limuko> And he was refering to his tribal armor.
  105. [21:41] * Zemblanity coughs a little. "My accents are a little rusty, Rose... I'm not sure if I can pull of being a sibling to a Prench mare."
  106. [21:41] * Chasseuse blinks, looking down at her hoof to see... pink. So much pink. She looks to Zemblanity to see another blotch of pink. "Did you not say inconspicuous? Zis is ra'zer... brazen."
  107. [21:41] <Radio|GM> The two ravens turn their heads away, but a giggle still escapes Martha's beak.
  108. [21:44] * Limuko cocked his head at Martha. He decides to shrug. Perhaps he could convince others that he was a pony tribal ... there were pony tribals no?
  109. [21:44] * Silk_Rose smirks. "That's the point! It's called 'hiding in plain sight'. And, for the next 15 minutes, it's Sea Mist." Lastly... she eyes Dumi. "Now this... might be a problem. A pink rhino is still a rhino. Any ideas from you guys? And remember, we're on a time limit, now."
  110. [21:45] * Limuko taps a hoof once again to his chin. "Hmm ... could you not make her green and we'd call her our dragon?"
  111. [21:46] * Silk_Rose snickers at that. "Somehow, I don't have the best confidence in that."
  112. [21:48] * Zemblanity is going to have to make Silk_Rose change her coat color. Anyone who talked to them would immediately know they weren't sisters!
  113. [21:49] * Chasseuse shrugs, looking to Zemblanity. "So zen... I suppose I shall be Bubblegum, if you would like to be Cerise?"
  114. [21:49] <Limuko> "And who would Limuko be?" He asked Silk_Rose.
  115. [21:54] * Zemblanity shrugs. "Cerise it is."
  116. [21:55] * Silk_Rose thinks for a few moments before she hesitantly suggests, "I dunno... something with snow? You could be an albino, maybe? What do you call an albino zebra?"
  117. [21:56] <Limuko> "Hmm ... Theluji is zwahili for snow, but that would be zebra name, and would give away Limuko."
  118. [21:58] <Radio|GM> Martha pipes in. "What about 'Rime'?"
  119. [21:58] * Zemblanity looks Dumisani over. "If we do her up with a saddle... she could pass as a one-headed Brahmin..."
  120. [21:58] * Silk_Rose smirks and thwaps Limuko's flank with her tail. "I've got some bad news then, your cover's already blown."
  121. [21:59] * Silk_Rose elaborates with, "I can't change cutie marks, or uh, I guess glyphmarks? You're stuck with your butt art."
  122. [22:00] * Limuko blushes as he backs away from the group. "Limuko could get some clothes to cover it up!" He said in a higher and embrassed tone.
  123. [22:00] * Zemblanity nudges Limuko. "Also, it would help to not announce your name like that, if you can help it."
  124. [22:01] * Limuko backs away before Zemblanity could even touch him. "It is habit Limuko made since parents and other ponies got his name wrong."
  125. [22:02] * Zemblanity nods slowly. "Well, sure, but it's going to compromise us if you keep saying it."
  126. [22:04] <Limuko> "Oh no no no no no. Limuko never said that it would prevent him from not doing it." He attempts to change his voice, but doesn't manage quite well to do so. "Like this. I'm sure nopony could take notice when I'm not speaking my name all the time."
  127. [22:05] * Silk_Rose does like Zemblanity's idea, though. She casts the spell, changing Dumi to brahmin-color! Once the spell ends, she needs to brace herself against the rhino's side. Just a little vertigo from overexerting herself... nothing to worry about. As long as she takes it easy for a while. "...Whew. Alright. That's all of us... We need to get moving /now/. Clock is ticking..." She gives Limuko a quick glance. "Might be best if you just... made
  128. [22:06] <Silk_Rose> "Might be best if you just... made like a mime? Or you could be some kinda priestly monktype. Vow of silence, and all that."
  129. [22:06] <Silk_Rose> which one of you is Bubblegum, and which is Ce
  130. [22:06] <Silk_Rose> [redact dumb copypaste]
  131. [22:07] * Limuko shrugs. "Limuko supposes he can do that." He said now speaking normally in third person.
  132. [22:09] * Silk_Rose takes a few more seconds to rest against their 'brahmin', before returning to standing on her own accord. "Alright... let's get out of here. Cerise? Lead the way."
  133. [22:10] * Zemblanity makes a start for the gate. "Right away, Sea Mist."
  134. [22:10] * Chasseuse trots next to Cerise.
  135. [22:11] * Silk_Rose sticks next to Dumi, acting as if she were leading her along behind the others.
  136. [22:12] * A_Random_Mime appears to be completely silent now, but still smiles.
  137. [22:13] * Bubblegum trottrottrots!
  138. [22:13] * Cerise puts on an uncharacteristic, enthusiastic smile and heads for the main gate.
  139. [22:14] * A_Random_Mime acts like a pony who's following the gang ... which he is doing right now.
  140. [22:16] <Radio|GM> The main gate is still guarded by those two psychic twins.
  141. [22:17] * Cerise casually strolls past, unless she's interrupted.
  142. [22:18] <Radio|GM> The twins don't seem to say anything for now...
  143. [22:19] * Sea_Mist follows, 'brahmin' in tow.
  144. [22:20] <Radio|GM> Again, the twins make no move to stop them.
  145. [22:20] * A_Random_Mime is just a random mime as he follows the group.
  146. [22:22] <Radio|GM> Only now, as the last one exits the gate and the door is shut, do the twins speak, in unison.
  147. [22:22] <Radio|GM> "Good luck."
  148. [22:23] * A_Random_Mime continues to be what his name suggests as he continues to follow the group, not saying a word.
  149. [22:24] * Cerise offers only a bubbly, slightly-southern 'Thank ya both!' as she leaves.
  150. [22:25] <Radio|GM> "Good luck", they voice again.
  151. [22:27] <~Radio|GM> --- End Session ---
  152. [22:27] <~Radio|GM> All characters gain 250 XP
  153. [22:28] <~Radio|GM> Sea_Mist gains 30 extra XP for her creative thinking!
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