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- # Contributor: Filip <fila pruda com>
- # Contributor: Cagnulein <cagnulein at tin dot it>
- # Contributor: CountMurphy <spartan1086 at gmail>
- pkgname=phpsysinfo
- pkgver=3.4.1
- pkgrel=1
- pkgdesc="PHP script that displays information about the host being accessed."
- arch=('any')
- license=('GPL2')
- url=""
- backup=(etc/webapps/phpsysinfo/phpsysinfo.ini
- etc/webapps/phpsysinfo/.htaccess)
- depends=('php')
- optdepends=('lm_sensors: for providing temperature')
- source=("$pkgver.tar.gz")
- md5sums=('942270c1a57ad24117f068c0a30ea2bc')
- package() {
- _destdir="$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/phpsysinfo"
- _destdir_etc="$pkgdir/etc/webapps/phpsysinfo"
- install -dm755 "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps"
- cp -r "phpsysinfo-$pkgver/" "$_destdir"
- #config
- install -dm755 "$pkgdir/etc/webapps/phpsysinfo"
- mv "$_destdir/" "$_destdir_etc/phpsysinfo.ini"
- ln -s "/etc/webapps/phpsysinfo/phpsysinfo.ini" "$_destdir/phpsysinfo.ini"
- mv "$_destdir/.htaccess" "$_destdir_etc/.htaccess"
- ln -s "/etc/webapps/phpsysinfo/.htaccess" "$_destdir/.htaccess"
- # apache
- cat > "$_destdir_etc/apache.example.conf" <<EOF
- Alias /phpsysinfo "/usr/share/webapps/phpsysinfo"
- <Directory "/usr/share/webapps/phpsysinfo">
- AllowOverride All
- Options FollowSymlinks
- Require all granted
- php_admin_value open_basedir none
- </Directory>
- }
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