

Nov 29th, 2016
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  1. @KEEMSTAR This seems like a weird hting, but I just want to rage for a bit. Either at you, or the culture of idiots that think bullying is a great thing. It's not trolling, is bullying. Let's get that right out of the way. did you know, that all your content, your videos, your interviews and whatnot, all you're doing is feeding into the positive feedback for negative content? It's the truth, I'm sorry, but this is one opinion you can't interrupt. Ha! Text beats voice everytime! Thanks colossal, you beautiful bastard you.
  3. Anyways, to my point, Trolling is a lesser form of bullying, where thep oint is to trigger a persons anger in any which way, as a person who grew up getting bullied, and sometimes dishing ito ut, I can honestly say that it's a giant waste of time. Yes, there's the argument that life itself is theculmination of whoever's at the top of the foodchain, but that's when everything was trying to kill us. And yeah, there's a bunch of arguments that states that bullying weeds out the weak fro mthe strong. but that's where those you, and those like you, who deemed those like me, and me, duh, as weak, get stronger. We are each strong in our own unique ways, you're greatat stuffing popcorn down your gullet, either because you're too lazy to make a proper meal, or eat before you sit down to play "Angry Dr. Phil" with thei nternet, or it mightb e because somewhere in your mind, eating popcorn subtly tricks your mind into thinking it's watching a movie.
  5. I'm surprised you don't have a soda and plate of nachos incase one of your callers mentions something that you might consider a "Touchdown" The point remains that you have a massive audience, and there are those that take after your Youtube Persona, or the thing that people witness you as. Alpha male, Strong, Jock, whatever you want to descirbe yourself as, you should try to reformat your show to be less antagonistic, and I'm sure there are parts where you're genuinely nice to people, but only to those that fall in line with what you, and those like you, call entertainment.
  7. this isn't an SJW post, this isn't a threat, or anything like that, just commentary of content that is massively devise in such a way as to cause a rift between you and your daughter later on down the line. Daniel, I want to be honest with you here, no more jokes, or psychological jabbings that go over your head. I'm speaking to the part of you that doesn't stream and has a healthy relationship with reality. Later on down the line, your daughter will have questions. Those questions aren't for me to guess at, but rather, for the two of you to discuss amongst yourself. the questions I want to ask you are these:
  9. 1. Have you raised your daughter to be someone that others can one day, hopefully look up to?
  10. 2. Do you ever talk about work when she's around, to let her have a better understanding of the benefits of what you do?
  11. 3. Do you worry about how your daughter will perceive you after she learns about the scope of your work?
  13. there are many questions you might be asking yourself, and I hope, that you can find it in your mind to try and steer away from this darkness that seems to be enveloping your show. And all it takes is just a simple change of clothing choice. you studio is white, and the colors white and blue together are known to have positive effects on the mind, such as sending the message of hope and prosperity. think about it.
  15. After, you are you, and I am me. So, we are both strong and weak in different areas.
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