

Feb 9th, 2014
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  1. Hey guys. I created this chat because in the near future I'll be reaching out to people who may be interested in some projects I'll be doing. Promise I won't do this mass-chat again, but felt it was easier than re-explaining myself so many times. Feel free to close it or respond/challenge/ask questions at any time.
  3. So for the last few years I've been working on soundportal, and in recent times started over with a new framework I built called CPath which is not yet released. A lot of my claims call for rather boastful and tall orders of programming work and soundness. I can say that I've gotten rather far already in this development and that I know nothing will convince anyone of anything until the moment they see it already done and working, so that has to come first. I would certainly appreciate being told if anything I've thought of isn't actually novel, sound, or maybe its just plain stupid. This is what I'm going to be doing with my life for the forseeable future.
  5. In the coming months I'll be releasing a music software platform i've been working on for a few years similar to Valve's Steam but for software products like VSTI and Cubase. It will provide automated product installation, updates, dep verification, packaging, etc as well as a source-control system for project. The software will be free, as will 'forever' Amazon s3 backups up to 5gb per users (according to my calcs). Revenue streams will be available from both the markups on products and additional features/backup space increases. A privately owned database feature will be available for unlimited backups for their projects out of reach of this software or platform (if the company goes dark, the software still works and projects can never be lost). There are other features I won't get into, and I'm hoping to blow away the competition, if there is any (I know of only a few).
  7. The reason I'm reaching out is because I've decided that this software will have no profit motive, be at all times democratically controled down to minute details, and provide a task-based contribution system that pays out via bitcoin or paypal, adjusted over time. All site income and transactions will be completely transparent with the only exception being user privacy. Site profit revolves into the task system, and hopefully the system will become self-sustainable over time (assuming programming tasks are getting done enough). Therefore at some point in the future I'll be reaching out for people to join this community (even if only just to check it out for a sec) and hopefully contribute/benefit. Contributions will be everything from programming to product management and entry (bring devs onboard and get a % for your task) to forum moderation (yup). Task rates are set based on demand and discussion.
  9. If this model proves stable, I will release it with an impossibly strict license: If you use it to manage your company, you must use the task system for payroll, and follow any other requirements. Any company that does not which to comply will have the option of getting the full dev license, but otherwise they have to follow the rules to continue getting updates. I'm not concerned with piracy.
  11. The big picture points for this model are:
  12. - No such thing as 'boss'. No one is ever in charge. Software rules. Conflicts and challenges are all handled publically, and user reputation is extremely emphasized. Of course this is the long term goal, not the initial implementation.
  13. - No such thing as 'admin' or forum rights. Moderation provides a financial incentive as well as a financial disincentive for anyone trying to sneak something by. Such actions should be treated as rare and unfortunate. All users that have any kind of financial stake in their user reputation will learn the lesson on how to behave in a forum quickly (my theory).
  14. - No such thing as private data (outside of user privacy concerns), secret dealings.
  15. - (Theory) Basing currency on bitcoin (transparently) will help companies stay alive during market crashes, as the task/reputation system will be trustworthy and all tasks are recorded and can be retro modified
  16. - (Theory) With the lack of rank and file heirarchy, the company would have the potential to beat out competitors due to increased efficiency, response time, and the lack of risk that comes with power/ego/corruption of those who would sit on their power and salaries and contribute not. In fact, according to my rules, I may myself be shoved out if I prove to be too detrimental to the established goals.
  17. - (Theory) A prospective employee, depending on the circumstances, may be able to sign up, perform tasks, and get paid in minutes all with minimal interaction with others (and no HR process), assuming the task is ratified as having been done correctly.
  18. - (Theory) This framework should be somewhat future-proof if the task-based development theory can really be stable, since the incentives to keep it up will never go away
  19. - (Theory) Moderation/Admin access will eventually be a think of the past. Wiki has proven the case for crowd-sourced self-government. It's really just a matter of striking the right balance and staying open to change
  21. The next big project will be a restaurant platform based on this one. It will follow the same principles, which means no difference between users and chefs save that chefs achieved the authorization to utilize the chef stations. Chefs provide their own menues/delivery strategies. Customers are given incentives to clean after themselves, not require waiters, order before showing up, or even providing 'portions' to charity/need interfaces. There's obviously a lot to explain with this one too. I would like to actually open a restaurant in the right location in the near future and try all this out.
  23. So that's that. Feedback is appreciated. I'll be reaching out for help in doing a kickstarter (for PR not money), design stuffs, and general task/organization/testing etc
  25. CPath is a PHP framework (sorta similar to symfony or other such frameworks but different in scope) that focuses on aggressive refactoring, unification of interfaces and site features, (hopefully) high standards of strong type checking, coding concepts, automation, etc etc. I plan to build everything I make with it going forward (and certainly believe PHP is a solid choice for this).
  26. Soundportal will have an closed beta with the kickstarter that will allow donators to have immediate access depending.
  28. Personally I'm swamped so my focus will be almost entirely on software until its stable enough to float on it's own. So yeah, not asking for any help just yet, but I would eventually like to start a group for people who are interested (that I can trust) to contribute towards this goal. With this kind of project, the task/rep system will ensure those who contribute get their fair share of the rewards.
  30. So thats what I'm up to. Thanks for reading if you did.
  32. -Ari
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