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Anon's Compa Story

a guest
May 29th, 2016
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  1. The small apartment is filled with the scent of a home cooked meal, just like something you would've seen on Christmas when you were a child.
  2. Compa calls out to you while skipping up to you, practically jumping into a hug.
  3. "Anon, I made you dinner desu~!"
  4. She lightly tugs out your left arm, taking your side and buries it in her sizable woolen clad chest with your hand about at her soft belly, your hand is trapped by both of hers while she is happily jittering about something that happened at the hospital today. The kitchen is spotless, excepting the absurd quantity of food the girl cooked; she tugs you into a nook in the wall that acts as a seat for the small dinner table you have.
  5. The table is overloaded with mashed potatoes & gravy, piping hot with little flecks of pepper and potato skin, a roast chicken filled with stuffing smelling strongly of herbs and onion, a giant pitcher of Iced tea and a few bowls of boiled and steamed vegetables with generous amounts of butter, salt and pepper.
  6. You turn to look at her face: beaming with pride and pretty clear that she wants some approval of the feast she assembled.
  7. "It looks delicious darling-"
  8. You start to speak though cut off by some kind of thought in your head. Her eyes are filled with adoration, while it's debatable if she remembers what today is, you do. Its your first anniversary, and despite being almost 2 years since you met, those soft eyes always melt any stress from the workday off.
  9. You pull her head to your chest, hardened from what seems like an eternity of labor, her being shorter than you by about a foot makes this easy. Her ear is to your heart for a moment and you realize that you both are slowly sliding deeper into the small nook. The typically clumsy and oblivious nurse nuzzles you a little bit, her breath feeling like a small jet of a sauna every time she exhales.
  10. Her actions pull nearly a 360 as she quickly remembers that she cooked all this food for you and pulls you back in front of your plate. She blushes heavily as she says:
  11. "I-I-I remember what today is anon, it's our anni-verse-airy yes-u?"
  12. Her English is still shoddy sometimes, but you place a hand on her head and slide a few fingers through her long hair, smoothly sliding down and putting your arm around her, again pulling her close. Distinct from the room, her hair smells like fresh bread, vanilla, cocoa butter and a whiff of disinfectant.
  14. It's a good night ahead of you.
  16. You figure that you can stay up a bit longer than usual, it is the weekend. There is a small covered deck on the side of your apartment, the loveseat on it nearly takes up the whole space. Nestled into each other and the corner, it doesn’t seem like it's possible to snuggle any closer to the ball of wool and love that you would travel to the ends of the earth for.
  17. The sky dimly light with the glow of the moon and the light pollution is the backdrop to Compa returning with 2 giant fleece blankets. She settles back into her position as quick as she can wrap the two of you together. You assume that she would be trying to pull some clothes off of you discreetly; rather you hear the soft exhale of a sleeping girl. The weight of 22 hours awake quickly falls upon you and you soon follow her in action.
  19. Your eyes peel open to a sun the color of grapefruit, and an even brighter smile resting right on your chest.
  20. “Sorry anon, it was just so comfy~” she says, pushing on your chest as she pulls her face up to yours for a kiss. You take some initiative and get her into your arms quickly,, it’s just a quick peck but after bit of lingering and a few more, increasingly long kisses, she finally gets up and groggily ventures into the kitchen to grab a drink.
  21. “Order up!” she cries out, wearing a folded and taped magazine on her head like some old school fast food restaurant worker.
  22. A pot of black coffee and 2 black teas to share, a wonderful start to a weekend. The peace of the early morning, despite the surprisingly little fatigue, with Compa is fantastic. She pours nearly half her mug full of creme and tops it off with coffee and a few spoonfuls of sugar. She sets the cup lower in her grasp, coming to rest in her lap and leans her head onto your shoulder, asking what you want for breakfast.
  24. A perfect morning for the perfect weekend.
  26. A knock at the door, quick and repeated before the doorbell sounds like someone hooked up a motor to it for such an ear piercing, machine gun like chiming to occur. Compa nearly throws her cup at the window in shock and forgives for splashing coffee on the small table and the your pants while trying desperately to soak up the coffee from her own skirt and leg warmers with a pile of assorted napkins and tissues.
  28. Answering the door was up to you, and whoever decided to mess up your day with your wife was in for quite the treat.
  30. As soon as you touch the doorknob, Neptune falls through the door as of tired and out-of-patience friends Noire, IF, Uni and Nepgear follow through.
  32. You sigh, it couldn’t be helped if Neptune was involved. Uni has a delighted expression but doesn’t speak as Nepgear, Noire and IF congratulate you and Compa on 2 years together. You want to know what the young CPU Candidate has to say, but she quickly spits out a nearly unintelligible string of words while pointing at the 9mm Browning Hi Power pistol in the leather shoulder holster you have hung up near your coat.
  33. Finally able to speak again, Uni manages to say with quite a bit of stuttering:
  35. “I-I-t’s not like I want to shoot it or anything, don’t get the wrong idea but lets go to the range someday!”
  37. Why she was being tsundere to a married man was beyond your capacity for thought, but you figured it was better to just not question this type of thing.
  39. Compa appears to already be over having her drink spilt all over her legs and nearly crushes the unexpecting Neptune in a hug. Neptune congratulates Compa as well, but asks the significantly taller and heavier girl to get off of her. Noire sighs, wrangling the overly enthusiastic Neptune back into reality after helping her up. Iffy offers to buy the group breakfast at a local place, the offer is accepted and Compa runs back to your room to get a new skirt and leg warmers before heading out.
  41. As long as it was legal where you went, you conceal carried when going places with Compa. You did not know how you got to this world, but the scarring on your body told you that it was was not peaceful, and that however it happened resulted in your death on the previous world. Your well worn leather work coat was one of Compa’s favorite clothing items you could wear. She said it was like armor, and as long as she had your leather clad upper body to grasp onto, she was never scared. Iffy proposed that they give it some status effects but Compa insisted that it go unchanged. You realized that it was likely Uni had some kind of “operator” crush on you or something but brushed the idea off as the dainty Compa took your hand on the sidewalk, the two of you a bit behind the others. She smiled and unusually pulled out a small band and put her hair into a tail that rested on her front.
  43. “I thought that you would want me to look cute, onee-chan~” she whispered into your ear.
  45. You pulled up her held hand and placed a kiss on the top of it, insisting that she was always cute, even if she had just gotten done working out or out of the shower.
  47. Like all things the two of you did together, the time passed quickly but like molasses at the same time. Life just felt like it flowed together, like an old river in some low lands. In no time at all, you were sharing a cheesy imitation 50’s diner chrome and faux red leather bench with her and IF, a tremendous pile of pancakes covered in whipped cream and fruit between you and Compa. It was almost dream-like, and even though she was good mannered and kind, she could be quite the stubborn and outgoing individual. She slyly stabbed a piece and fed it to you, intentionally getting creme on your cheek just so she could get a quick little kiss in. The others spoke, and you and Compa interjected and conversated but you don’t remember much of what happened, just a dazed, joyful feeling, like being woken up by the sun when camping. It was an all too familiar feeling for you, and this little nurse happily chattering away was the cause.
  48. You snapped out of it as you saw the serious glance Noire made at IF, who relaxed a bit and asked if you and Compa would assist them in clearing out a nearby area of monsters, even though it was the weekend. The pause from you being unable to speak with a mouthful of pancakes was quickly taken as refusal but you apologized and told them that if Compa wanted to, you were more than ready to go along. You whispered over to Compa that the two of you could share a sleeping bag which caused her immediate approval.
  50. “Anything for my friends!” the ecstatic nurse said with a giant smile.
  52. It wasn’t a particularly long hike, the landmasses in this world were much smaller than the ones back home. The small party you were part of included resident CPU candidate Nepgear and the maker IF. Iffy was leading you and Compa on foot while Gear looked for potential traps or mini-bosses. Whatever the case, Gear returned as your party hit the edge of the field, commenting on only a few smaller Dragon types. Iffy commented that she had never seen you and Compa fight on the same field before and she was excited to see your tag/coupling abilities. One of her many phones light up as she said this, and she picked up her phone,retrieved and downloaded the memo all on muscle memory. Her face could nearly be seen steaming as she scrolled through, apparently holding back a scream as she tried to put on a calmer face to address you.
  53. “Your strength, speed and vitality stats are borderline transformed full fledged CPU, and the rest are on par with a typical CPU Candidate , such as Uni.”
  54. You remembered at that moment that these girls did not see men very often, and the few they had seen were weak office worker types. That 66% muscle mass advantage of being a male really made it look like you crushed the stats, when really you were just a normal working man.
  55. Either way, the Invader and dogoos were coming and you hadn’t had some target practice in a couple weeks. Compa quickly jumped back into a support position as you straightened up for a few shots, landing all but 2. A quick mag change from your reserve on the opposite side of the shoulder holster and the process repeated, though you only missed once this magazine. You were using 15 round magazines with a modified follower, so they were nearly flush as a 13 round would be. The field was nearly clear by the time your entry was done so you left it up to Iffy and Gear to clear the rest as you sat down on a nearby log to reload magazines.
  56. You were quite focused on reloading, the adrenaline of being in this sort of situation never really got old and as Compa happily skipped over to you she battered a few Plant types out of the roster of monsters they had to kill as the fiends were sneaking up to you. Tripping on something, Compa yelped and collapsed onto you, and didn’t seem to mind so much that there was a scattered pile of 9mm cartridges that had quickly found uncomfortable spots to be between you two and all around on the ground.
  57. You pushed her up while getting up, a surprisingly smooth motion for the pair that Neptune had called “The Clumsy Couple” and despite trying to get back into the action before the transformed Gear wiped everything out, Compa sticks to you and traps you in a deep embrace. She nudges your head with her fluffy hairband and tells you to get them, handing you a tremendous hunting knife.
  58. How and why she had the knife was another mystery of the world, but you decided it best to help Gear finish the field.
  59. Gear turned back into her normal self as the “Quest Complete” sound played on her phone, Iffy snuck in a quick picture and hug with Gear, but quickly hopped over to Compa with a pretty badly cut arm. The squad nurse chastised the ever tomboyish IF for such recklessness, insisting that “she could never forgive IF or a Mr. Monster who got her Iffy-chan hurt” IF thought it was pretty cool to have war wounds and to have fought with you and Gear at the same time, remarking that you were likely as good as Uni with a gun.
  61. Nepgear was hungry from the transformation and battle, so your party quickly set up camp on the border between the forests and field where you had entered on the trail, letting Compa takeover a dutch oven and fire, quickly provided the group with a deep dish pizza piled high with cheeses and preserved meats with fresh grilled vegetables on the side. Night fell quickly, time passing in an instant with such good company and food. Nepgear flew home, Iffy set up a hammock under a large tree, Compa and you shared a small tent.
  62. With no rainfly on the tent, and sharing a sleeping bag, the two of you stared up into the developing night sky, the stars ablaze and a nearly full moon lighting up your faces. Compa’s eyes light up with the moon, showing the innumerable little dashes of color that made her eyes such a lovely reddish-pink. Interactions like this were quicksand to your heart, trapping you in a sort of trance. Time didn’t pass like this, the colors in her eyes seemed to swirl and dazzle, even changing just with each breath and shiver of the cool night.
  63. You laid there for a bit, just gazing into those eyes, her face turned red as she slid her usual sweater off and began to fiddle with your clothes.
  65. Morning came too early for you two, the beauty had refused you much opportunity to sleep, and you shared a set of dark rings under your eyes and a soft scent of two intertwined bodies.
  67. She sat up, pulling her plain white underwear on, sliding into the sweater. You stopped her there and kept her in the tent for a bit longer, holding her soft body close, the sweater and breasts acting as a pillow for the longest five minutes you ever experienced as you listened to the quick thump of her heart, stealing a kiss and cuddling for a while before you threw on some jeans and a shirt.
  69. IF was still essentially paralyzed by sleep, drooling a bit on her thin blanket and pillow turning into a panic attack when you and Compa flipped her over into the grass.
  71. Rubbing her bruised head, she complained that she “could’ve gotten up on her own” and “wasn’t some lazy bum like Nep Nep”, but continued to pout a bit until Compa was done frying up cheese eggs and potatoes in bacon grease with some strips off to the side. Iffy insisted she “was just a little hungry” and that this “was a bad idea, they could attract bears or other scavengers” even as she shoved down golden brown potatoes, crispy on the outside and soft white on the inside covered in cheese and herbs smelling mainly like rosemary and onion. You mused that “an army runs on its stomach” as the diminutive adventurer ran through a plate of perfectly folded eggs oozing cheese and bacon. Compa loved to see people enjoy her food and for her best friend this was no exception. Compa even tried to get the soon comatose girl to try some dutch oven cooked bread that had been turned into fry toast with copious amounts of jelly and butter.
  73. You helped IF pick up her stuff and Compa with the tent and backpacks. Compa cheerily walked down the trail, a skip in her step as she sung some poorly thought up song about Onee-chan and her doing something. IF trudged along, nursing what could only be described as a food hangover and making occasional uncomfortable noises. Eventually, both of them returned to a more normal condition and Compa took your side, holding your right arm in a firm grip with both of hers. Iffy moved a bit faster than you two at this point and was a bit ahead. Compa stopped you and reached into her giant C belt pocket, retrieving an ornate envelope with your name in loose, intricate cursive taking up a good portion of the geometric center of the decorations on the parcel.
  74. She nudged you and said:
  76. “Open it onee-chan~, It’s my other present to you this weekend!” with a giant smile.
  78. You couldn’t tell that face no, and opened it carefully to not ruin the delicate paper. It was written in the same style as your name on the front, it took a bit to understand the beautiful, feminine cursive. The letter lengthily thanked you for your forwardness, strength, care and endless faith in both of your dreams. Compa beamed, nearly glowing with enthusiasm as she waited for your response. The lady desired a response, and there was no thought in your response. You gave her a great bear hug, lifting her off the ground, watery eyes and a simple thank you. You couldn’t tell how long you just held her in a nearly crushing grip. Your mind wandered in this frame of time, asking what she meant in that letter.
  80. A calm quiet memory of helping a girl in a nurse’s uniform up who had just fallen, a delightful reaction and interaction that stole your breath, and a lock of eyes that prompted you to ask for some more information. So many things in your mind that it felt like a great river, slow and powerful. A common thread of no sound in the memories, just visions of the past; you remembered a nervous first impression on both of your parts, quickly made comfortable by your shared or complimenting traits and demeanors. Carnival rides and dinners, walks and picnics, all sorts of small meets any time that your busy schedules would fit, just for another moment to hold each other for another minute before returning to your respective homes. No matter how much work they piled on you two, you could always seem to find, even if only passing in a store to hold hands and get groceries or kiss in an elevator.
  82. You opened your watery eyes to see a smiling IF further up the trail and in your arms there was a wife with a smile that took up what seemed like her entire face, even with tears of joy streaming.You set her down, and she gasped, finally stopping a laughing/sobbing combination and you let her put a sloppy kiss on your cheek. Even for that quick kiss you can feel her tremble, even though being the wonderful heart of her group of friends, you got the feeling that she never let anyone know fully how she felt until now. Though you had a creeping idea that she got Histoire’ s help to write out something so well, Compa was always surprising you with skills that seemed out of the blue or entirely out of her typical range of skills.
  84. Now just to get back home, and enjoy the rest of your weekend.
  87. ===========================================================================
  89. You were a bit scruffy from the trip, but you didn’t mind all that much. What did matter was the gentle pressure of a loosely curling rose colored head of hair and the woman clinging to your side, gently resting her head on your upper arm. Even through your jacket and over the racket of the checkout line you were waiting in, you could hear the soft breathing and feel the minute movements Compa was making. Her eyes fluttered a bit then closed and you felt a bit more of a lean from the lady. A few grade school aged girls were watching in varied states of awe and teasing as if treating another person so nicely was an event or something. You prodded Compa with your elbow a bit as the line started to move again and you were soon enough on your way home, even if you were having far too nice of a time for waiting in a line.
  91. After unpacking your equipment and putting all the groceries away, you settled into the small couch under the window in the small living room. Your eyes quickly felt heavy and you settled in for a nap.
  93. You woke up to a soft nudge and a smiling face. Compa pushes you up and over on the couch, settling down to eat a small lunch with you, just a few sandwiches and with some Salt & Pepper kettle chips. She hands you a glass of water as you finish and again settles her head on you, this time able to get onto your shoulder. Her hands are together in her lap, and she comfortably exhales as you put an arm around her. You firmly grasp beneath her opposite shoulder, squeezing her arm a bit. She doesn’t seem to mind that it’s Sunday and you just relax for a while.
  95. Like anyone would expect, there’s nothing to watch on TV and Compa’s drowsy eyes eventually command your attention. You turn to face her, pulling back your arm to caress her face, a thumb under her jaw and 2 fingers calmly stroking her cheek. She stays like this for a bit and you shift up to her head, softly massaging her scalp and running a few fingers through her hair. Compa presses on your chest with both arms and comes to lay on top of you, resting on your chest with her head pressing into your jaw. The soft clothed and bodied lady is like a heavy pillow on your chest and you feel her generous thighs grip you almost like a young girl holding a gigantic stuffed animal. Her breathing turns to a soft pant, when you lock eyes again she just softly smiles. She says as she turns away:
  97. “I would cuddle all day if I could, do you agree Onee-chan desu~?”
  99. No objections on your part besides having to get things done; you pull out your phone and setup an alarm for tomorrow. A quick lever press and the couch is a small bed and Compa pulls the soft fleece blanket off the back of the couch and wraps you two in it. The only thing between you two is her plain white underwear and your boxers and plain t shirt, but sleep quickly takes hold of both of you.
  100. You didn’t mind waking up at 3 in the morning but Compa’s dream had different ideas for you. As you attempt to smoothly leave her relaxed asleep hug, she pulls you back in, burying your face in her great cotton clad chest. Prodding her awake, she blushes with a somewhat mischievous smile and holds you there a bit longer before letting you out.
  102. The workday passes like a dream as far as Mondays tend to go. You can’t wait to see what Compa again and what she will have ready for dinner tonight.
  104. As usual, you open the door to a “Welcome home honey” from Compa but for once unusually don’t see her. She turns the corner in a apron with “Kiss the Cook” on it and some frilly edges. Her clothing looks different from usual under it and you expect some sort of surprise. What she made was just a normal steak dinner, but she remarks that there is dessert. You hadn’t smelled anything walking in, but she takes your hand and walks you into the living room. She pulls of the apron to reveal a white tank top with a red heart in the middle of it, but what commands your attention is the frilly black bra underneath. It takes all of her heart to explain through embarrassment that she had an “un-appropriate dream” last night but what happened was too good to not share with you. Her face was almost totally red and in her seat her arms were stiff with her hands on the couch between her legs.
  106. You were bright faced soon enough as well, but because of holding back a bit of laughter. Compa was so innocent that even explaining her thoughts on something like this came out exceptionally cute and you got the gist of what she wanted. She wanted you to suckle, almost like a feeding baby. The moment you started she started to make little squeaking noises, her face completely flushed and biting the knuckle of her thumb. You swapped sides and she cried out a bit, her body tensing up as you continued even as she collapsed into a fit of pleasure, having your way with her as she became available again.
  108. Compa washed your back in the shower and went to lay down before you. She was wearing some cute red reading glasses as she scanned through various medical data packets and studies sitting on top of the covers. You pulled her under and told her that it was ok to bring stuff like earlier up with you, just to do it in private. She settled into your arms and fell asleep leaving you to turn off her bedside light and settle down as well.
  110. Weeks passed like a blink and you realized as you checked your bank account on Friday that soon enough you and Compa would be able to own a place soon enough. Fall was approaching, Planeptune was very temperate so it never got truly cold like Lowee.
  112. You used a week of vacation time to spend some time with Compa, the two of you had been slaving away at your respective jobs so that you could move out of the giant city to where you could enjoy nature a bit more. Normally, you would be on lunch by this time but rather it was a Monday where you just woke up. Your loose t-shirt had a small FN logo on the breast and you wore some old but clean boxers afterall, no one but Compa was around and you wandered into the kitchen to get a cup of coffee. You went to the window as the pot brewed and saw an overcast sky with rain in some places. Soon enough your groggy brain had a steaming cup of coffee and you stopped as you entered back in the doorway of the bedroom, hearing the patter of rain on the windows and deck. Compa was still asleep and you watched her for a bit, her delicate abdomen rising and falling with each soft breath. In her sleep she blushed a bit and put a hand to her cheek, soon returning it to her pillow and rolling over. She took a deep breath and rolled back over, rubbing her eyes, yawning and stretching out her legs and arms. Her soft creme colored nightgown was the only thing she wore besides some normal white panties.
  114. She quickly realized that you were watching her and slid out of the bed to give you a quick hug. You saw the expression in her face change a bit and she put her arms on your shoulders, got on her tip-toes and pulled your head to hers, laying on a great kiss, shuddering a bit as she pulled away and laid a finger on her own lips. She playfully took your mug and made sure to drink from the side you had been but nearly choked when she realized it was black coffee. She pulled you along to get her typical girly cup of coffee, full of creme and sugar, soon pulling you over to the couch in front of the window.
  116. You heard her barefeet wander around a bit and she entered the living room wrapped in a blanket and holding her mug, pausing only to wrap you up with her on the couch. She turned a bit and laid her forehead on your shoulder, asking what you wanted to do today. You paused for a good while, trying to think; you ended up just kissing the top of her head and following with a soft pat and massage. Her eyes closed as you methodically rubbed her scalp, every movement of your hand loosened the rest of her body, and soon she swayed with your hand. You let your hand fall onto her shoulder, asking her what she wanted on her waffles.
  118. She exhaled softly and said “Strawberries and whip cream please~”
  120. You got up and started mixing up batter, retrieving the griddle and starting them, setting a timer before returning to Compa. She was playing with a stray lock of hair browsing a catalogue of home decorations and furnitures, in particular the “Pillows and Blankets” section. She perked up a bit as you returned with steaming hot waffles and sprayed the whip cream on in front of her. You set the plate on the coffee table and sat down with her, eating on some waffles similarly hot but covered in melted butter and syrup. As you finished and took her plate back to the kitchen, thunder cracked and the rain picked up quite a bit. Your lady was sitting with her knees on the couch and arms on the window sill. She was watching the few cars on the street, a nice faded smile on her face. Laying your arms over her shoulders softly, you told her to put on some clothes, and grabbed your keys.
  122. You took her hand and walked her down the stairs, her rubber raincoat making all sorts of noise as she tromped down the stairs in boots. You stopped her, offered some flats and took the boots in your arm. You pressed ahead to get the car started, to let the car warm up, after all it was carbureted. Your car was a gloss black 1979 Chevrolet Camaro, with a custom built 454 big block and a roots style supercharger.
  124. The soft sound of the wiper blades pushing the water off the window soothed you, just as Compa’s small hand on yours as you pushed it through the gears of the 4 speed manual. The rumble of the big block through performance exhaust turned into a fierce roar as you laid on the gas, echoing off the buildings filling the now empty streets. You slowed back down, approaching an intersection while braking and downshifting. The 500~ rpm idle of the supercharged big block sounded almost like a choking giant, and it happily obliged to run at standard speeds again. Getting onto a freeway, you let the engine do its holy duty, ripping up to 3400 then 4000 rpm in 4th gear in a heartbeat. You figured it best to slow down a bit before the next offramp, even if you had married one of the best friends of the resident CPU. You could feel Compa’s heartbeat from her hand, and she said:
  126. “Scary and fun at the same time, Scarefun?”
  128. You cracked a smile, even if the joke was awful and she asked if it was about time to go home. You hadn’t realized it had been almost two hours.
  130. The soft patter of the rain continued even though the wipers ceased working as you pulled into your usual spot, picking up and carrying Compa to your apartment, an expression of glee and adoration in her eyes. You teased her a bit, making fun of her oversized raincoat and kissing her neck a few times before setting her on the couch, again wrapping her up in a giant blanket. You took off your coat and CC, joining her. She turned again, this time burying you in her sweater clad body, you could see that she wanted to say something, and she soon acted on this.
  132. “That was great! Onee-chan is the bestest dater in the world!”
  134. You insisted it just what you should do on a rainy day, but the adoring girl in her blurted out:
  136. “I love being with you, it doesn’t matter where we are, where we go or what we’re doing, lets just always treat each other like this~”
  138. Her hand instinctively moved to her collar, fingers slightly closed and she gave you a beaming smile; eyes closed and everything. She slid back and laid down on the couch, her warm, generous, vanilla colored thighs on your lap, still holding your hand with hers. You softly gripped her just above the hip with your free hand and put yourself alongside her, she surprises you, rubbing her nose on yours. She pulls off your shirt, as well as her sweater, squishing into you with her sizeable upper body, quickly warming the nearly non-existent space between you two underneath the blanket. Her arms somehow get under yours, her hands softly rubbing your back. Its pretty clear to you that the girl is enjoying feeling your hardened body as she turns her head away, a soft gleam of lust in her eyes and a nice blush below them.
  139. She brushed some hair back and brought her hand to below her ear, explaining to you shyly:
  141. “I saw Neptune and Noire do this, forgive me if I mess up…”
  143. Her lips approach yours, sofly linking and tasting like fresh fruit as she slyly angles her head and forces you to open your jaw more, softly pressing her tongue into yours and your mouth. She quickly pulls back, surprising you. Her whole face is bright red and she is covering her mouth with a hand. You go to ask what’s wrong but the moment you open your mouth she’s back, gasping for breath in between movements. She finally pulls away, visibly shaking and nervously biting on her thumb’s knuckle. She barely squeaks out:
  145. “You-u-u ta-a-aste l-l-like peppermint, onee chan…”
  147. You sneak a hand under her bra, calmly massaging her, tenderly starting on the other side as well. She yelps, staying bright red and gasping for air. You felt warm, shaky hands in your boxers, and she had a lusty, victorious look on her flushed face. Quickly the both of you were a shuddering mess collapsed on each other, Compa shakily wiping up a mess she had in her hands and on her exposed ivory belly once she had somewhat recovered. She asks if she did well, and you can only respond with a yes, still staring at the ceiling. She watches your satisfied face for a while, soon leaving to finish cleaning up and then to offer some ideas for dinner.
  149. Though it was pretty late as far as your schedules usual went, Compa insisted on actually cooking and asked you for help doing prep work. You might’ve taken advantage of the comment on her apron a few times but you were soon done cutting and peeling vegetables, and Compa soon shoved a chicken pot pie into the oven. It was a weird spot to wait, but you sat next to her, back to the sink’s cupboard. She held you left hand in her lap with both of hers, feeling all the worn skin, scars and marks. Her expression changed into a calm smile as she rubbed your ring finger and ring. She softly brought your hand to her heart, letting you feel her relaxed beat. She dropped your hand as her phone rang, rushing to answer it. Iffy wanted to know if you two were available on your vacation for a visit.
  151. As Compa pulled the pie out of the oven, filling the room with the scent of roast chicken and vegetables, the doorbell rang. You invited Iffy inside, whose coat was soaked. Compa retrieved an old sweater and practically forced it onto her friend. IF just wanted to see how you guys were doing and some dinner, saying that she had to leave town tomorrow for some more high risk guild work.
  153. IF was a good girl, even if she acted very upright and official, she cared deeply for Compa and was one of the first people you had talked to when you were going to propose. IF told you that if you hurt Compa she would hunt you down, you reassured her that nothing bad would happen and when you told her that you wanted to propose, IF cried more tears of joy than Compa did. Iffy’s crash pad apartment in Planeptune was a spartan dwelling you had only been in twice. You offered to help IF spruce the place up when she got back and to call if she needed help. You let the girl run off on her next adventure and turned to face Compa, who had a distraught look on her face, something you had only seen after a patient had died at the hospital or one of her friends was badly hurt.
  154. You asked her if she wanted to cuddle, and she brightened up for just long enough to get you to the bed, trapping you in a death grip, howling about how worried she was that you would get hurt at work or worse. The tears falling on your face in between bouts of crying and worry was a unique experience. You gripped her, getting a stout hold on both her upper and lower back. No matter how you tried to assuage her fears, she cared too much to not worry. You tried the last thing you could think of to get her to listen, and rolled on top of her, stopping her crying with a deep kiss, using her own trick she used earlier. She was not nearly strong enough to hold you off of her. If you not had your arms behind her she would’ve not been able to breath. It wasn’t like she cared about breathing right now though, even as you tried to pull away her teeth caught your lower lip for a moment, tenderly nibbling as she pulled you in for another round.
  155. When she finally pulled away, she was gasping for air, holding her face with one hand, trying to explain between gulps of air that “if this was a dream someone should wake her up”. You gave a playful little slap to the hand on her face and kissed her forehead, saying that this wasn’t a dream. After saying this, her face flushed again, and she was down to her underwear again, pressing her body onto yours in as many ways as she could, her breasts flattened against her by your chest and legs wrapped around your lower back.
  156. You were impressed by her energy, but you held her like that, explaining with detail everything you could think of to press away her deep fears. As hard as it was to focus like this, you powered through, and if anything this just worsed her arousal. She tried her best, but couldn’t help her state, especially when you were being exactly the man she fell in love with. Every action you made increased her grind on you, eventually forcing you to capitulate and allow her some fun.
  158. You woke up still joined at the hip, and she stared into your eyes with the happiest look you had seen in a long time. She said that she understood why you watched her sleep, and assured you that any of her doubts were well and mended. You wrapped the girl in your leather jacket, telling her that you didn’t need it anymore. She pressed her nose into it and took a great whiff, relaxing in satisfaction. She was naked besides that but took advantage of the time to hop around the house, you were impressed again, her E cups were quite heavy to have bouncing around freely.
  160. Compa told you that she didn’t want to wear anything but your coat today, and flopped onto the couch. It was nearly a dress her size, so you just let her be. She folded back the sleeves and wrapped around you, pressing the unzipped front onto you. You tickled her belly and she fell back laughing as you took advantage of her availible “hand-holds” and sank into a deep embrace, her kisses tasting like maple syrup from breakfast. You gave her strict orders to put on some underwear so you wouldn’t have to wash the coat, which she grumpily obeyed. It was adorable to see her in such an unfitting piece of clothing,she zipped it up just enough to hide her underwear, the lower edge a good halfway down her thigh and pulling on her usual stockings and boots for the bottom. You took a picture, when Compa saw it she melted in place, telling you that she would wear something this cute for you whenever you wanted.
  162. Compa pressed the excessively long sleeve to her cheek and said in the most adorable voice:
  163. “I love you onee-chan desu~”
  165. You weren’t sure, but to your understanding, a Maker could only reproduce if they had enough material reserves and the proper environment (market) to justify making a local “child” studio. The idea popped into your head because for the past couple weeks, Compa had been extremely touchy and took every opportunity to get the two of you naked. You figured that it was just a false alarm and that she would return to normal when you bought your house. When you had finally decided on the place to buy, she already seemed more relaxed. You had put a good chunk of money down on the purchase and Compa increasingly reverted to a more conservative attitude. As always, she wanted to cuddle, but managed to keep it “kid friendly” significantly more. With almost 5 more days of time off, you had plenty of time to move your few belongings to the new location. It was a small house, you were sure that between the two of you, it would be more than enough. Even though most everything you owned was in boxes stacked in the living room, there was a bit left at the apartment. When you returned for the final trip, Compa settled onto the couch, giving herself a giant hug. She said that she would miss all the memories that you two had made in this small apartment, and you took the last things down to your work truck. She was sitting upright on the couch, staring at a small piece of paper, the last thing in the room besides her and the couch.
  166. She crumpled it and jogged down the stairs, hopping into the passenger seat of the single cab Chevy, happily sliding over to the center, and watching the sun fade away for the last time from this place. She leaned on you, gripping your hand in hers and didn’t let go until the ball of fire had dipped below the horizon.
  168. This was what you lived for, with the people you would die for.
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