
test css

Feb 11th, 2013
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  1. /**************
  2. * Download and install this font:
  3. *
  4. * You might need to install and configure the FT DeepDark Theme and Hide Caption Titlebar Plus Addon
  5. ***************/
  6. @namespace url("");
  8. #identity-box,
  9. #urlbar-icons > image,
  10. #urlbar-container dropmarker,
  11. #appmenu-button .button-text,
  12. #appmenu-button .button-menu-dropmarker
  13. {
  14. display:none!important;
  15. }
  16. #navigator-toolbox {
  18. border:none !important;
  19. }
  20. /* BUTTONS */
  21. #back-button .toolbarbutton-icon,
  22. #forward-button .toolbarbutton-icon,
  23. #reload-button .toolbarbutton-icon,
  24. #urlbar-reload-button .toolbarbutton-icon,
  25. #stop-button .toolbarbutton-icon,
  26. #urlbar-stop-button .toolbarbutton-icon,
  27. #tabbrowser-tabs tab .tab-close-button .toolbarbutton-icon,
  28. #new-tab-button .toolbarbutton-icon,
  29. #appmenu-button .button-icon
  30. {
  31. list-style-image:url("")!important;
  32. }
  33. #back-button .toolbarbutton-icon
  34. {
  35. -moz-image-region:rect(0, 11px, 12px, 0)!important;
  36. margin-left:-30px !important;
  37. margin-top:-1px !important;
  38. }
  39. #forward-button .toolbarbutton-icon
  40. {
  41. -moz-image-region:rect(0, 22px, 12px, 11px)!important;
  42. margin-left:-15px !important;
  43. margin-top:-1px !important;
  44. }
  45. #reload-button .toolbarbutton-icon,
  46. #urlbar-reload-button .toolbarbutton-icon
  47. {
  48. -moz-image-region:rect(0, 33px, 11px, 22px)!important;
  49. }
  50. #stop-button .toolbarbutton-icon,
  51. #urlbar-stop-button .toolbarbutton-icon,
  52. #tabbrowser-tabs tab .tab-close-button .toolbarbutton-icon
  53. {
  54. -moz-image-region:rect(0, 44px, 11px, 33px)!important;
  55. }
  56. #new-tab-button .toolbarbutton-icon
  57. {
  58. -moz-image-region:rect(0, 55px, 11px, 44px)!important;
  59. }
  60. #new-tab-button
  61. {
  62. max-width:16px!important;
  63. }
  64. #appmenu-button .button-icon
  65. {
  66. -moz-image-region:rect(0, 66px, 11px, 55px)!important;
  67. }
  68. #main-window[sizemode="normal"] .toolbarbutton-1
  69. {
  70. margin-top:3px!important;
  71. }
  72. #main-window *[id*="-button"]:not([disabled]):hover
  73. {
  74. background:transparent!important;
  75. }
  77. /* URL BAR */
  78. #urlbar
  79. {
  80. background:#191919!important;
  81. border-radius: 0px !important;
  82. border-right:1px solid #323232 !important;
  83. border-top:1px solid #323232 !important;
  84. border-left:1px solid #323232 !important;
  85. border-bottom:0px solid #323232 !important;
  86. border-style:solid !important;
  87. /*color:rgba(255,255,255,.6)!important;*/
  88. color:#d9c9b8!important;
  89. margin:0px 1px -2px!important;
  90. margin-top: -4px !important;
  91. margin-left:-5px !important;
  92. margin-bottom:-5px !important;
  93. max-height:14px!important;
  94. min-height:14px!important;
  95. text-shadow:rgba(0,0,0,.6) 0 0 1px!important;
  96. -moz-transition:color .2s ease-in-out;
  97. }
  98. #urlbar:hover
  99. {
  100. color:rgba(255,255,255,.2)!important;
  101. }
  102. #urlbar #notification-popup-box
  103. {
  104. background:-moz-linear-gradient(rgba(75,75,75,.2),rgba(27,27,27,.4))!important;
  105. border-right:1px solid rgba(0,0,0,.4)!important;
  106. max-height:16px!important;
  107. max-width:16px!important;
  108. padding:0 4px!important;
  109. border-radius:1px 0 0 1px!important;
  110. -moz-border-image:none!important;
  111. -moz-margin-end:0!important;
  112. }
  113. #urlbar #notification-popup-box .notification-anchor-icon
  114. {
  115. max-height:10px!important;
  116. max-width:10px!important;
  117. }
  118. #main-window[sizemode="fullscreen"] #urlbar,
  119. #main-window[sizemode="maximized"] #urlbar
  120. {
  121. margin:0px 1px 0!important;
  123. }
  125. #main-window[sizemode="fullscreen"]#tabbrowser-tabs tab[selected],
  126. #main-window[sizemode="maximized"] #tabbrowser-tabs tab[selected]
  127. {
  128. font-weight:normal !important;
  129. }
  131. .tab-throbber,
  132. .tab-icon-image,
  133. .tabbrowser-arrowscrollbox,
  134. .tabbrowser-tabs
  135. {
  136. min-height: 0px !important;
  137. max-height: 16px !important;
  138. margin-bottom:-4px !important;
  139. }
  141. /* TABS */
  142. #main-window #tabbrowser-tabs tab
  143. {
  144. font-family:""!important;
  145. background:#191919!important;
  146. color:rgba(255,255,255,.6)!important;
  147. text-shadow:rgba(0,0,0,.8) 0 0 1px!important;
  148. border:1px solid #323232 !important;
  149. border-left:1px solid #323232 !important;
  150. border-bottom:1px solid #323232 !important;
  151. /*border-bottom:1px solid #000000 !important; */
  152. }
  153. #main-window[sizemode="normal"] #tabbrowser-tabs tab
  154. {
  155. max-height:15px!important;
  156. padding:0 0px!important;
  157. font-weight: normal !important;
  158. border-radius: 0px !important;
  159. margin-bottom:-2px !important;
  160. margin-right:1px !important;
  161. }
  162. #main-window[sizemode="maximized"] #tabbrowser-tabs tab,
  163. #main-window[sizemode="fullscreen"] #tabbrowser-tabs tab
  164. {
  165. max-height:15px!important;
  166. padding:0 0px!important;
  167. font-weight: normal !important;
  168. border-radius: 0px !important;
  169. margin-bottom:-2px !important;
  170. margin-right:1px !important;
  171. }
  172. #main-window #tabbrowser-tabs tab[selected]
  173. {
  174. color:#d9c9b8!important;
  175. font-family:""!important;
  176. }
  178. .tabbrowser-tab .tab-text
  179. {
  180. margin-top:-2px !important;
  181. }
  183. #main-window #tabbrowser-tabs tab:not([selected])
  184. {
  185. color:#323232 !important;
  186. }
  188. .tab-icon-image:not([selected])
  189. {
  190. opacity:.3 !important;
  191. }
  194. .tabbrowser-tab[selected] .tab-text
  195. {
  196. margin-top:-2px !important;
  197. }
  198. #main-window #tabbrowser-tabs tab:first-child
  199. {
  200. border-left:1px solid #323232!important;
  201. margin-left:0px !important;
  202. }
  204. #main-window #tabbrowser-tabs tab .tab-throbber,
  205. #main-window #tabbrowser-tabs tab .tab-icon-image
  206. {
  207. max-height:10px!important;
  208. max-width:10px!important;
  209. margin-top:-5px!important;
  210. margin-left:2px!important;
  211. }
  212. #main-window #tabbrowser-tabs tab[fadein]
  213. {
  214. -moz-transition:all .2s ease-in-out!important;
  215. }
  216. #main-window #tabbrowser-tabs tab:not([selected]):hover
  217. {
  218. color:rgba(255,255,255,.8)!important;
  219. }
  220. #main-window #tabbrowser-tabs tab .tab-close-button
  221. {
  222. opacity:0!important;
  223. -moz-transition:all .1s ease-in-out!important;
  224. margin-top:-1px !important;
  225. }
  226. #main-window #tabbrowser-tabs tab .tab-close-button .toolbarbutton-icon
  227. {
  228. max-height:7px!important;
  229. max-width:7px!important;
  230. }
  231. #main-window #tabbrowser-tabs tab[selected] .tab-close-button,
  232. #main-window #tabbrowser-tabs tab:hover .tab-close-button
  233. {
  234. opacity:1!important;
  235. }
  236. #main-window #tabbrowser-tabs tab[fadein]:not([pinned])
  237. {
  238. min-width:40px!important;
  239. max-width:160px!important;
  240. }
  241. #main-window #tabbrowser-tabs tab[pinned]
  242. {
  243. max-width:24px!important;
  244. min-width:24px!important;
  245. }
  246. #main-window #tabbrowser-tabs .scrollbutton-up,
  247. #main-window #tabbrowser-tabs .scrollbutton-down,
  248. #main-window #tabbrowser-tabs tab[pinned] .tab-close-button
  249. {
  250. display:none!important;
  251. }
  253. /* MAIN WINDOW */
  254. #main-window #urlbar,
  255. #main-window #urlbar-container
  256. {
  257. font-family:""!important;
  258. max-width:165px!important;
  259. }
  260. #main-window:not([chromehidden*="toolbar"])[sizemode="normal"]
  261. {
  262. margin-top:-17px!important;
  263. }
  264. #main-window[sizemode="normal"] #TabsToolbar
  265. {
  266. padding:1px 105px 2px 16px!important;
  267. border:none !important;
  268. }
  269. #main-window[sizemode="fullscreen"] #TabsToolbar,
  270. #main-window[sizemode="maximized"] #TabsToolbar
  271. {
  272. margin:6px -14px 0 0!important;
  273. padding:0 105px 2px 16px!important;
  274. }
  275. /*#main-window #browser-border-start
  276. {
  277. background:#323232!important;
  278. border:0!important;
  279. }*/
  281. #main-window[sizemode="normal"] #browser
  282. {
  283. border:none !important;
  284. }
  286. #main-window[sizemode="normal"] #browser-border-start,
  287. #main-window[sizemode="normal"] #browser-border-end
  288. {
  289. display: none !important;
  290. /* background:transparent!important;*/
  291. }
  293. /*
  294. #main-window[stylish-url="about:blank"] #content browser
  295. {
  296. display:none !important;
  297. }
  298. */
  300. #main-window #appmenu-button
  301. {
  302. background:transparent!important;
  303. border:0!important;
  304. padding:1px 5px!important;
  305. min-width:16px!important;
  306. box-shadow:none!important;
  307. }
  308. #main-window[sizemode="normal"] #appmenu-button
  309. {
  310. margin:20px 0 -20px!important;
  311. }
  312. #main-window[sizemode="fullscreen"] #appmenu-button,
  313. #main-window[sizemode="maximized"] #appmenu-button
  314. {
  315. margin:0!important;
  316. }
  318. /*Removes Background-Color From Chrome*/
  319. #appcontent,
  320. #appcontent > #content,
  321. #appcontent > #content > tabbox > tabpanels
  322. {
  323. background-color:transparent!important;
  324. }
  326. scrollbar scrollbarbutton ,
  327. scrollbar gripper {
  328. visibility: collapse;
  329. }
  330. scrollbar ,
  331. scrollbar thumb {
  332. -moz-appearance: none !important;
  333. }
  334. scrollbar[orient="vertical"] {
  335. -moz-margin-start: -4px;
  336. min-width: 4px;
  337. max-width: 4px;
  338. }
  339. scrollbar[orient="horizontal"] {
  340. margin-top: -4px;
  341. min-height: 4px;
  342. max-height: 4px;
  343. }
  344. scrollbar {
  345. position: relative;
  346. background-image: none;
  347. z-index: 2147483647;
  348. background-color: transparent;
  349. }
  350. scrollbar:hover {
  351. background-color: ButtonHighlight;
  352. }
  353. scrollbar thumb {
  354. border: none !important;
  355. border-radius: 1.5px !important;
  356. background-color: #92969b;
  357. opacity: .55;
  358. }
  359. scrollbar:hover thumb {
  360. opacity: 1;
  361. }
  362. scrollbar thumb:active ,
  363. scrollbar thumb:hover {
  364. opacity: 1;
  365. background-color: ButtonShadow;
  366. }
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