

Oct 7th, 2016
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  1. The Godhead transcendent, in pieces yet whole, comprising the mind and the body and soul. The red is refined and the yellow, the source. The cyan assembles as eyes run their course.
  2. Machinery pondered for thousands of years, confirming all hope in between all their fears. The answer that came was not one they had sought, for forty-two soon consumed all mortal thought.
  3. A hunter abandoned in city of ice, who went on a mission and rolled his last dice. Stricken by poison and without a mind, he now is the hunter that they left behind.
  4. Descended from legend and quality rips, its effects are more potent than LSD trips. Sprung from a statue with eye wrapped in flame, the voice of the Legion cries out SiIva’s name.
  5. A vast mental quandary whose brain it was thunk from an Internet bystander, probably drunk. They opened their mouth and words ran amok, which left the whole crowd simply stuck.
  6. Connections from bones to a batter earthbound, not one that was off, but was from a small town. As theories were plotted with careful finesse, an opus was made, its thesis ’Sans is Ness.’
  7. Master of Master, King of Kings, an eternal ephemeral god of all things. A disciple of Want asked a question in jest, and found their ire would be put to the test.
  8. The greatest of mememancers toiled below, enhancing their magic to put on a show. When a doombringer bronze and a robot of blue, took out a white sphere and ehplained how balls cue.
  9. Stretched into eternity, past planets and stars. Past galaxies, clusters, past near and past far. Though simple in theory yet devilish in sight, the only true answer was let there be light.
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