

May 2nd, 2019
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  1. on first join:
  2. set the join message to "&b&l%player%&r&lさんが&d&l初参加&r&lです"
  3. teleport player to {SSP}
  4. set {%uuid of player%::rank} to 1
  5. set {%uuid of player%::lv} to 1
  6. set {%uuid of player%::AP} to 100
  7. set {%uuid of player%::maxXP} to 100
  8. set {%uuid of player%::XP} to 0
  9. set rf max hp of player to 100
  10. set health of player to max health of player
  11. set player's scaled health to 10
  12. set {%uuid of player%::maxMP} to 100
  13. set {%uuid of player%::MP} to 100
  14. set {%uuid of player%::money} to 0
  15. set {%uuid of player%::money} to 0
  16. command /reset-lv <player>:
  17. permission: Admin
  18. trigger:
  19. set {%uuid of arg%::rank} to 1
  20. set {%uuid of arg%::lv} to 1
  21. set {%uuid of arg%::AP} to 1
  22. set {%uuid of arg%::maxXP} to 100
  23. set {%uuid of arg%::XP} to 0
  24. set rf max hp of arg to 100
  25. set health of arg to max health of player
  26. set arg's scaled health to 10
  27. set {%uuid of arg%::maxMP} to 100
  28. set {%uuid of arg%::MP} to 100
  29. command /reset-money <player>:
  30. permission: Admin
  31. trigger:
  32. set {%uuid of arg%::money} to 0
  33. every 0.2 seconds:
  34. loop all players:
  35. set {_h} to floor(health of loop-player*2)
  36. set {_m} to floor({%uuid of loop-player%::MP})
  37. set action bar of loop-player to "&c&lHP<%{_h}%/%max health of loop-player*2%> &3&lMP<%{_m}%/%{%uuid of loop-player%::maxMP}%> &a&lXP<%{%uuid of loop-player%::XP}%/%{%uuid of loop-player%::maxXP}%>"
  38. command /set-spawn-point:
  39. permission: Admin
  40. trigger:
  41. set {SSP} to player's location
  42. send "&e%player's location%をspawn pointにしました"
  43. on join:
  44. set the join message to "&b%player%&rさんが&eログイン&rしました"
  45. set player's scaled health to 10
  46. teleport player to {SSP}
  47. on quit:
  48. set the quit message to "&b%player%&rさんが&cログアウト&rしました"
  49. on block damage:
  50. player != op
  51. cancel event
  52. on damage:
  53. if damage was caused by fall:
  54. cancel event
  55. on respawn:
  56. teleport player to {SSP}
  57. set player's scaled health to 10
  58. on heal:
  59. cancel event
  60. on join:
  61. set tab header to "&3WukkitCraft%nl%&bMinigames now out!" and footer to "&b----------" for player
  62. on death of player:
  63. force event-player to respawn
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