
30 years of celibacy

Jul 14th, 2015
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  1. >You are Anon
  2. >Former resident of planet Earth
  3. >Current resident of Equestria
  4. >A place filled with talking horses and magic
  5. >And today you discovered an interesting rule in magic
  6. >Back in your world there is a saying on the internet that if you remain of virgin for thirty years, you become a wizard
  7. >Here, it is true
  8. >"It's common fact here, Anon. Don't citizens in your world become wizards after 30 years of celibacy?"
  9. ""
  10. >"Then why are you still a maiden, Anon?"
  11. "Well, I haven't had much luck and...tell me more about wizards"
  12. >" reality, every pony can become a wizard, regardless if they are an unicorn or not. Unicorns normally use magic for trivial things, but wizards are much more powerful. Rumours say that they can move mountains and crack the sea. Miracle workers as a whole"
  13. "I, can I become a wizard?"
  14. >"You should be able to. No reason not to. But I doubt you can succeed"
  15. "What? Why?"
  16. >"Sexual lust is something that eats everypony from the inside. Why do you think everybody is so friendly? Most ponies I know have a book where they rate their friends if they want to have sex with them or not"
  17. "Huh?"
  19. >"Platonic sex is a thing here, Anon. You can ask a close friend to have sex with you and there is a high chance they will say "yes""
  20. "Well, I've managed to go on this long. I think I can handle a few more years"
  21. >"I envy you humans. Sex is not as desirable to you"
  22. "I would disagree"
  23. >"I would disagree even more."
  24. "Are you planning to be a wizard?"
  25. >"Yes, definitelly. Control over space and time and all that neat stuff. I would very much like to be one, yes"
  26. "OK, let's do it. We will become wizards together. After we achieve wizardry, we can have all the sex we want, right?"
  27. >"Oh, yes."
  28. "Sweet."
  29. >And so you began your years long existence without touching that horse pussy
  30. >Twilight continued to struggle with her urges
  31. >To make sure neither of you have intercourse, you suggested making purity rings
  32. >Every time you felt the want, you'd look at your rings and remind yourself of your goals
  33. >Wizards
  35. >To become a wizard, one must be a virgin
  36. >That means that masturbation is A-OK
  37. >You'd schedule circle jerk sessions with Twilight, giving each other a handy one for maximum pleasure
  38. >You limited your social circles as much as you could
  39. >She would only hang out with her five other friends
  40. >You'd hang out with some of your guy friends
  41. >Twilight has researched different anaphrodisiacs and has managed to make a certain breed of cannabis that erases all sexual needs for a couple of days
  42. >You'd have sessions in which you'd get high, not have sex, eat junk food and talk about stuff
  43. >Your favorite topic was the wizard clothes
  44. >You were going to wear a black robe, either with your suit underneath or naked with just male strap socks and pointed shoes with bells on them
  45. >You'll have a hood and a wizard's hat and you will change them according to how you felt like
  46. >She says that she would just wear a cape with a hood
  47. >She didn't have much of a fashion sense
  48. >Days went on, weeks, moths, even years
  49. >Finally the dream of being a wizard was achievable was just a week away
  50. >It's a good thing that you shared the same birthday with Twilight
  51. >Seven days are left
  53. >You get up, wash up, get dressed and head to visit your soon to be wizard colleague
  54. >You knock on the door and spike answers
  55. >He has grown up over time
  56. "Hello, buddy. Can I come in"
  57. >"I don't think it's a good idea" - he answers in a cracking, teenage voice
  58. "What? Why?"
  59. >"You see..."
  60. "SPIKE, BRING ME MORE KUSH!" - he is interrupted by a yell
  61. >He goes inside and you follow him
  62. >He get's some from Twilight's stash and you both go into her room
  63. >What you see is a grotesque visage of your friend
  64. >Sweaty, her hair in shambles, smoking from a hookah and furiously masturbating
  65. "Um...Twilight?"
  67. "Twilight, stay calm, we can handle this together"
  68. >She looks at you and throws herself towards your crotch, trying to undo your belt
  69. >"Come on, Anon! We are friends! We are the best of friends! We've known each other for so long! Let's shag!"
  70. >You are disgusted
  71. "Unhand me vile temptress!"
  72. >You give her the back of your hand and send her flying to the wall
  73. "We have been working so hard for this and I'm not going to let you ruin it for any of us. Spike, get some ropes and fill the bath with water"
  75. >You manage to tie up Twilight with the help of Spike
  76. "Now Twilight, what we are about to do is for your own good"
  77. >You get her to the bathroom
  78. >The tub is filled with water
  79. >Cold as ice
  80. >You put her inside and she screams from the sudden change of temperature
  81. "Now you are going to stay here until the end of the week. Spike will bring you food each day. We are gonna get through this. Don't worry"
  82. >You close the doors, silencing her yells
  83. >"Is this really a good idea, Anon?"
  84. "Sure it is. What can go wrong?"
  85. >"What if she escapes? There is a window in there"
  86. "Well, seal it off. Do I have to explain everything to you?"
  87. >"No, but..."
  88. "Trust me, everything will work out just perfectly. I'm going to go explain the situation to our friends, so they'll be ready when the time comes. In the mean time, I'm trusting her in your capable claws."
  89. >"Thanks..."
  90. >You leave and go around town explaining to ponies how Twilight has become a sex-crazed maniac, ready to rape on sight
  92. >Six days are left
  93. >By now everybody who needs to know is informed of the situation
  94. >You've talked it over with Pinkie and she agreed to throw the party in Twilight's bathroom
  95. >All the rest are a little doubtful of the situation, but are on board
  96. >You give a final check of the wizard notes Twilight gave you, just to make sure you haven't left anything out
  97. >30 years of celibacy
  98. >Super powers
  99. >Mastering and enhancing abilities through meditation, studying yadayadayada
  100. >Kick ass wizard attire
  101. >Everything is good
  102. >You just hope everything goes as planned
  103. >You continue on your day as usual
  105. >Five days left
  106. >Today you decide to help out Spike
  107. >He has barely gotten any sleep these few nights
  108. >You tag him out
  109. >You go into the bathroom with a bowl of cereal
  110. >Twilight is just sitting there, a moist mess
  111. "Say aaa"
  112. >You feed her spoon by spoon
  113. "How you holding up, champ?"
  114. >"Good"-she barely answers with a gritty and quiet voice
  115. "I know this is hard for you, but it's all for the best"
  116. >"I know"
  117. >You continue to feed her
  118. >"I'm glad I have a friend like you, who'd stay by me and risk everything" - she answers as her eyes water up
  119. >She never blinks and just stares at the water
  120. >Poor thing
  121. >Come to think of it, you were a little rough with her
  122. >And putting her in a bathtub was a bit cruel and unusual
  123. >You have to make it up to her
  124. "Twilight, when this is all over..."
  125. >She finally looks at you
  126. ''...I will have sex with you'
  127. >"Really, you mean it?"
  128. "I do. I've put you through so much, I should make it up to you"
  129. >"Thank you, Anon. I can't believe you'd go with such a thing"
  130. "Hey, what are friends for?"
  131. >You continue to feed her in silence
  133. >One day left
  134. >The week passed right by
  135. >You are lying in bed staring at the ceiling
  136. >A lot of thoughts go through your mind
  137. >It's finally here
  138. >The day you've been waiting for so long
  139. >Ultimate power
  140. >Meditation, learning, yadayadayada
  141. >Kick ass robes
  142. >But a strange question comes up to you
  143. >Where does she go to the bathroom?
  144. "OH GOD!"
  146. >You took out Twilight out of the tub so Spike can drain it
  147. >It seems to be that Twilight has gotten a little cold because of her 6 day soak and hasn't noticed the smell
  148. >Spike on the other hand is so sleep deprived that he barely notices anything
  149. >It's a shame really, but he is the best man for the job
  150. >She wouldn't have sex with her brother/pet/servant
  151. >And it would have been too much of risk to come back again
  152. >Spike told you how she got all restless when you left the other day
  153. >Laughing and crying and what not
  154. >Psychological warfare is a dangerous thing
  155. >After Spike changed the water, you put her back in
  156. >You give her a shower, cleaning her filthy fur
  157. >Spike cleans the bathtub from all the soap
  158. "Are you ready Twilight? Tomorrow is our big day"
  159. ">I am, Anon. I hope you are as well"
  160. >You smile
  161. "Of course"
  162. >"You won't give yourself up too easily, I hope"
  163. >Wow
  164. >This girl is into some stuff
  165. "I won't"
  166. >"And post-sex?"
  167. >Post-sex?
  168. >Cuddling?
  169. >Sure, no problem
  170. "Won't be a problem"
  171. >"I'm glad"
  172. >After the conversation, you tell Spike that he can have a break
  173. >You were going to guard Twilight until the birthday party
  175. >The day has come
  176. >Today you will be a wizard
  177. >And today you will get laid
  178. >Twilight didn't give you any trouble during the night
  179. >You fed her breakfast in the morning
  180. >Cleaned her mane a bit a left her
  181. >You went down to Sugar Cube Corner to help Pinkie Pie with the cake
  182. >You went to Rarity to take your measures for your robe and wizard hat
  183. >You went down to Applejack to pick up the cider
  184. >Today was going to be a good day
  185. >Everypony on guest list was coming
  186. >Not a big guest list, so it wasn't that much of a problem
  187. >You finally decided that a party in the bathroom won't be such a good idea so you changed the location to the main hall and waited until you both clocked 30
  188. >Which was at the exact same time!
  189. >What a coincidence!
  190. >You helped Rainbow Dash and Big Mac to set the table in the room
  191. >You helped Fluttershy with the the dishes and utensils
  192. >Everything was going according to plan
  193. >Five minutes to wizardring!
  194. >It's time to let the succubus out
  195. >You go into the bathroom
  196. >Twilight is just sitting there, staring into the water
  197. "Hey, there Twili. You ready for your big day?"
  198. >She doesn't move
  199. "Time for you to master the arcane arts and have to equal"
  200. >No answer
  201. >You go in a bit closer
  202. "Is everything fine?"
  203. >"Everything is fine, Anon. I'm just glad that I have a friend like you and I wouldn't want to lose you"
  204. "Hey now, I am right he..."
  205. >You couldn't finish your sentence
  206. >You were knocked back by a wave of magic
  207. >Twilight is free
  208. >And she is staring at you with a lustful smile
  209. >You look at your watch
  210. >2 minutes until wizard
  211. >"You know, Anon, this whole time in the bathtub did a number on me. I was practically in shambles. I even forgot I was Celestia's pupil! I couldn't be held back by ropes!"
  212. "Now Twilight, think about what you are doing. We've worked to hard on this. You can let it just go toy waste"
  213. >No answer
  214. >She just takes small steps towards you
  215. >1 minute until wizard
  216. >No reasoning with her
  217. >You get up and exit the door
  219. >You run as fast as you can
  220. >This castle is enormous
  221. >You didn't go back to the party
  222. >There were too many stallions there
  223. >If it wasn't you, it would have been someone else
  224. >At least now she has only you as a target
  225. >You enter a room and hide under a bed
  226. >30 seconds until wizard
  227. >Twilight enters
  228. >You hold your breath
  229. >You hear the hoofsteps go right past you
  230. >Silence
  231. >These are the longest 20 seconds of your life
  232. >
  233. >
  234. >
  235. >The bed flew right through the window
  236. >Twilight is engulfed in a purple aura of lusting madness
  237. >Tentacles spew out of it and grab your arms and legs, while others rip off your shirt and start undoing your belt buckle
  238. >She takes off your pants
  239. >Because of Murphy's law your member is at full power
  240. >She's on top of you
  241. "Twilight! Don't do this!"
  242. >She doesn't answer
  243. >5 seconds until wizard
  244. >She's over you
  245. >4 seconds until wizard
  246. >She's aligning herself
  247. >3 seconds until wizard
  248. >She licks her lips
  249. >2 seconds until wizard
  250. >She's about to come down
  251. >1 second until wizard
  252. >You feel the touch of flesh
  254. >She freezes
  255. >You can't move either
  256. >The both of you are engulfed in a yellow light
  257. >You feel new found power coursing through your veins
  258. >You feel able to lift mountains, split seas
  259. >You are a wizard
  260. >You look at Twilight
  261. "Did...did it just happen"
  262. >"I-I think so"
  263. >You look at your watch
  264. >You are thirty years old
  265. >Thirty years of celibacy finally paid off
  266. >Just in the nick of time
  267. >And now it's time
  268. >You take Twilight and pin her to the ground to ravage her
  269. >She offers no resistance
  270. >It's all very grotesque and biological
  271. >This was sex
  272. >You've never felt anything like it
  273. >It was incredible
  274. >After you do the deed a couple of times with your wizard colleague, she light's up a cigarette
  275. "So Twilight. Ready to go to the party?"
  276. >"Yeah, just need to do the first thing in my wizardring life"
  277. "What's that?"
  278. >"Increase my strenght"
  279. "Ah, meditation"
  280. >"Sure, that too"
  281. >"And eat your heart"
  282. >What?
  283. "What?"
  284. >"What? It's the easiest and most effective thing on the list. Din't you read it? Meditation, studying, eating an assortment of herbs, drinking milk and honey every day, eating the hearts of other wizards...I thought you read my notes?"
  285. "Well I did but..."
  286. >"Why do you think I was so willing to waste the opportunity of wizardry? Sure, I did go a little sex-mad but you are also my friend, Anon"
  287. "Can't you just...not do it?"
  288. >"Sorry, the wizard world is a very hostile place. Wizards don't have a lot of empathy and I risk you trying to eat my heart one day"
  289. "You're messed up!"
  290. >"Hey! It's not my fault you have a bad reading comprehension"
  291. >And so
  292. >You finally became a wizard
  293. >You finally had sex
  294. >Unfortunately you died in the process
  295. >After eating your heart, Twilight flew away and began to master her newfound skills, challenging other wizards
  296. >With time, after Celestia's rule, she rose to power bringing a new age of prosperity in a bloody wake of cardiac gauges
  297. >She honors you to this day by wearing a suit underneath her wizard cape
  299. >Everything turned out for the best, excluding your current status
  301. Duh Ent
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