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ACNH EventFlow 1.6.0/1.7.0 diff

a guest
Sep 24th, 2021
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  1. diff -r 1.6.0/AI_NPC_Indoor.evfl.txt 1.7.0/AI_NPC_Indoor.evfl.txt
  2. 52a53,57
  3. > flow Carnival():
  4. >     if (EventFlowSystemActor.GlobalEventNow('Carnival', 'cMainOnly', false)) and (MainNpc.CheckNpcSchedule('cCarnival')):
  5. >         MainNpc.NpcChangeAIState('cBlockWander', 'NNPC_Talk_Sequence', 'Root', '', true, true)
  6. >         EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  7. >
  8. 76,77c81,83
  9. <     if (EventFlowSystemActor.GlobalEventNow('HarvestFestival', 'cMainOnly', false)) and (EventFlowSystemActor.EventCheck('HarvestFestival') == 1) and (MainNpc.CheckNpcSchedule('cHarvestFestival')):
  10. <         if (MainNpc.NpcCheckStateSelectTiming('cTalkEnd')) and (MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcTemp:TalkEndWait']):
  11. ---
  12. >     if (EventFlowSystemActor.GlobalEventNow('HarvestFestival', 'cMainOnly', false)) and (MainNpc.CheckNpcSchedule('cHarvestFestival')):
  13. >         MainNpc.SetDefaultWaitAs('cDefault')
  14. >         if MainNpc.NpcCheckStateSelectTiming('cTalkEnd'):
  15. 79d84
  16. <             MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcTemp:TalkEndWait'] = false
  17. 104,105c109
  18. <         run Halloween()
  19. <         run Harvest()
  20. ---
  21. >         run SeasonEvent()
  22. 181a186,190
  23. >
  24. > flow SeasonEvent():
  25. >     run Halloween()
  26. >     run Harvest()
  27. >     run Carnival()
  28. diff -r 1.6.0/AI_NPC_Outdoor.evfl.txt 1.7.0/AI_NPC_Outdoor.evfl.txt
  29. 112a113,137
  30. > flow Carnival():
  31. >     switch MainNpc.DevideCarnivalEventState():
  32. >         case 0:
  33. >             MainNpc.NpcChangeAIState('cCarnivalWanderWait', '', '', '', false, true)
  34. >             EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  35. >         case 1:
  36. >             MainNpc.SetNpcFeel('cHappy', -1)
  37. >             MainNpc.NpcChangeGoToDestinationState('cGoToDestination', '', '', '', false, true, 4, -1, -1)
  38. >             EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  39. >         case 2:
  40. >             if System.EventFlags['cLand:CarnivalEventPlazaNpcWander']:
  41. >                 MainNpc.NpcChangeAIState('cCarnivalWanderWait', '', '', '', false, true)
  42. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  43. >             else:
  44. >                 MainNpc.SetNpcFeel('cNormal', -1)
  45. >                 MainNpc.NpcChangeAIState('cCarnivalPlazaWait', '', '', '', false, true)
  46. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  47. >         case 3:
  48. >             MainNpc.SetNpcFeel('cHappy', -1)
  49. >             MainNpc.NpcChangeGoToDestinationState('cGoToDestination', '', '', '', false, true, 2, -1, -1)
  50. >             EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  51. >         case 4:
  52. >             MainNpc.NpcChangeAIState('cCarnivalWanderWait', '', '', '', false, true)
  53. >             EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  54. >
  55. 120,121c145,150
  56. <             if (MainNpc.NpcCheckStateSelectTiming('cChangeMainPlayer')) and (MainNpc.CheckCurrentNpcAIState('cHarvestDemoAction') == 0):
  57. <                 run Sub_Event321()
  58. ---
  59. >             MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcSave:HarvestDemoStateNow'] = false
  60. >             if not MainNpc.NpcCheckStateSelectTiming('cOther'):
  61. >                 MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcSave:HarvestDemoEndWait'] = false
  62. >             elif MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcSave:HarvestDemoEndWait']:
  63. >                 MainNpc.NpcChangeAIState('cHarvestDemoEnd', 'NNPC_Talk_Sequence', '', '', false, false)
  64. >                 run Sub_Event280()
  65. 129c158,159
  66. <             run Sub_Event321()
  67. ---
  68. >             MainNpc.NpcChangeAIState('cHarvestDemoAction', 'NNPC_Talk_Sequence', '', '', false, true)
  69. >             run Sub_Event280()
  70. 382,384c412
  71. <             if (System.EventFlags['cLand:HarvestProgress'] >= 4) and (EventFlowSystemActor.EnvHourCompare(0, -1, true, true) == 0):
  72. <                 MainNpc.SetNpcFeel('cHappy', -1)
  73. <             else:
  74. ---
  75. >             if System.EventFlags['cLand:HarvestProgress'] < 4:
  76. 385a414,415
  77. >             else:
  78. >                 MainNpc.SetNpcFeel('cHappy', -1)
  79. 496a527
  80. >     run Carnival()
  81. 532,535d562
  82. <
  83. < local flow Sub_Event321():
  84. <     MainNpc.NpcChangeAIState('cHarvestDemoAction', 'NNPC_Talk_Sequence', '', '', false, true)
  85. <     run Sub_Event280()
  86. Only in 1.7.0: AI_NPC_Pck.evfl.txt
  87. Only in 1.6.0: AI_NPC_Quest_VisitN.evfl.txt
  88. Only in 1.6.0: AI_NPC_Quest_VisitP.evfl.txt
  89. diff -r 1.6.0/Demo_PublicAnnouncement_21_CmnEvChk.evfl.txt 1.7.0/Demo_PublicAnnouncement_21_CmnEvChk.evfl.txt
  90. 33,35c33,35
  91. <             elif (SubflowResults@2[0] == 0) and (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:TownNewsHeardShopOpen1Flag']):
  92. <                 if System.EventFlags['cLand:MarketOpen1stDay1']:
  93. <                     SubflowResults[7] = 1
  94. ---
  95. >             elif SubflowResults@2[0] == 0:
  96. >                 if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:TownNewsHeardShopOpen1Flag']:
  97. >                     run CmnPhoneCallImmQ()
  98. 37,40c37,43
  99. <                     SubflowResults[7] = 2
  100. <                 System.EventFlags['cPlayer:TownNewsHeardShopOpen1Flag'] = true
  101. <                 run CmnPhoneCallImmQ()
  102. <                 SubflowResults[4] = 1
  103. ---
  104. >                     if System.EventFlags['cLand:MarketOpen1stDay1']:
  105. >                         SubflowResults[7] = 1
  106. >                     else:
  107. >                         SubflowResults[7] = 2
  108. >                     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:TownNewsHeardShopOpen1Flag'] = true
  109. >                     run CmnPhoneCallImmQ()
  110. >                     SubflowResults[4] = 1
  111. 155,162c158,166
  112. <     run CmnMoveInChk()
  113. <     run CmnFacilitiesChk()
  114. <     run CmnMoveOutChk()
  115. <     run CmnFoxVisitChk()
  116. <     if SubflowResults@2[0] == 0:
  117. <         run ChkOfficeNews()
  118. <     else:
  119. <         run SzaNoNewsNmlChk()
  120. ---
  121. >     if not System.EventFlags['cLandTemp:ReserveMemErrorReenter']:
  122. >         run CmnMoveInChk()
  123. >         run CmnFacilitiesChk()
  124. >         run CmnMoveOutChk()
  125. >         run CmnFoxVisitChk()
  126. >         if SubflowResults@2[0] == 0:
  127. >             run ChkOfficeNews()
  128. >         else:
  129. >             run SzaNoNewsNmlChk()
  130. diff -r 1.6.0/Demo_PublicAnnouncement_50_CmnGEventInfo.evfl.txt 1.7.0/Demo_PublicAnnouncement_50_CmnGEventInfo.evfl.txt
  131. 0a1,9
  132. > flow Carnival_Sza():
  133. >     if (EventFlowSystemActor.GlobalEventNow('Carnival', 'cMainOnly', false)) and (EventFlowSystemActor.EventCheck('Carnival') == 1):
  134. >         run Conjunction_Sza()
  135. >         # Festivale will be happening all day today. I want everyone to go out and show off your best dance moves!
  136. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:008_11_01', false)
  137. >         System.EventFlags['cLand:TownNewsHeardEventStarted'] = true
  138. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:AnnounceCarnival'] = true
  139. >         SubflowResults[15] = 1
  140. >
  141. 347a357
  142. >         run Carnival_Sza()
  143. diff -r 1.6.0/Demo_PublicAnnouncement.evfl.txt 1.7.0/Demo_PublicAnnouncement.evfl.txt
  144. 36a37
  145. >         EventFlowSystemActor.MessageSuspend()
  146. 46,47c47,48
  147. <     EventFlowSystemActor.MessageSuspend()
  148. <     System.EventFlags['cLand:PAnnounceToday'] = true
  149. ---
  150. >         EventFlowSystemActor.MessageSuspend()
  151. >         System.EventFlags['cLand:PAnnounceToday'] = true
  152. 57d57
  153. <     System.EventFlags['cLand:PAnnounceCeremony1st'] = true
  154. 64a65,66
  155. >         EventFlowSystemActor.MessageSuspend()
  156. >         run Skip_TkkFirstLive()
  157. 65a68
  158. >         System.EventFlags['cLand:PAnnounceCeremony1st'] = true
  159. 68,69d70
  160. <         elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:TownNewsHeard1st']:
  161. <             run Demo_PublicAnnouncement_00_Cmn::Root()
  162. 71,83c72,87
  163. <             run Demo_PublicAnnouncement_13_Sza_Once::TownNews_Heard1stTime()
  164. <             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:TownNewsHeard1st'] = true
  165. <     EventFlowSystemActor.MessageSuspend()
  166. <     System.EventFlags['cLand:PAnnounceToday'] = true
  167. <     if not System.EventFlags['cLand:TkkFirstLiveReserved']:
  168. <         run Skip_TkkFirstLive()
  169. <     elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:TkkFirstLiveJoined']:
  170. <         run Skip_TkkFirstLive()
  171. <     else:
  172. <         EventFlowSystemActor.WaitFrame(10)
  173. <         EventFlowSystemActor.BGMPropertyControl(51)
  174. <         EventFlowSystemActor.SoundDuckingOff(21)
  175. <         EventFlowSystemActor.SystemRequestChangeStage('cMainFieldFirstLive', 'cNormalFader', 'cNormalFader', 'cBlack', 0.5, 0.5)
  176. ---
  177. >             if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:TownNewsHeard1st']:
  178. >                 run Demo_PublicAnnouncement_00_Cmn::Root()
  179. >             else:
  180. >                 run Demo_PublicAnnouncement_13_Sza_Once::TownNews_Heard1stTime()
  181. >                 System.EventFlags['cPlayer:TownNewsHeard1st'] = true
  182. >         EventFlowSystemActor.MessageSuspend()
  183. >         System.EventFlags['cLand:PAnnounceToday'] = true
  184. >         if not System.EventFlags['cLand:TkkFirstLiveReserved']:
  185. >             run Skip_TkkFirstLive()
  186. >         elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:TkkFirstLiveJoined']:
  187. >             run Skip_TkkFirstLive()
  188. >         else:
  189. >             EventFlowSystemActor.WaitFrame(10)
  190. >             EventFlowSystemActor.BGMPropertyControl(51)
  191. >             EventFlowSystemActor.SoundDuckingOff(21)
  192. >             EventFlowSystemActor.SystemRequestChangeStage('cMainFieldFirstLive', 'cNormalFader', 'cNormalFader', 'cBlack', 0.5, 0.5)
  193. 86,89c90,94
  194. <     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:AmountHeardPublicAnnouncement'] += 1
  195. <     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:TownNewsReserve'] = false
  196. <     System.EventFlags['cLandTemp:ReserveAfterHookPublicAnouncement'] = true
  197. <     run Demo_PublicAnnouncement_Process::Root()
  198. ---
  199. >     if not System.EventFlags['cLandTemp:ReserveMemErrorReenter']:
  200. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:AmountHeardPublicAnnouncement'] += 1
  201. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:TownNewsReserve'] = false
  202. >         System.EventFlags['cLandTemp:ReserveAfterHookPublicAnouncement'] = true
  203. >         run Demo_PublicAnnouncement_Process::Root()
  204. diff -r 1.6.0/NNPC_ApproachF_MoveinGift.evfl.txt 1.7.0/NNPC_ApproachF_MoveinGift.evfl.txt
  205. 57c57
  206. <         # RANDOM: [A|An]<125:0:0000>! I made it back on m… // <50:3><125:0:0000>! I made that! It's m…
  207. ---
  208. >         # RANDOM: [A|An]<125:0:0000>! I made it back on m… // [A|An]<125:0:0000>! That I made! Making…
  209. diff -r 1.6.0/NNPC_FreeEF.evfl.txt 1.7.0/NNPC_FreeEF.evfl.txt
  210. 13c13
  211. <             if (not System.EventFlags['cLand:AnyGlobalEventFinished']) and (not EventFlowSystemActor.EnvCheckBetweenDate(10, 26, 10, 30, 'cLastGrowUpTime')) and (not EventFlowSystemActor.CheckNearEvent(5, 'HarvestFestival', 1, false)) and (not EventFlowSystemActor.CheckNearEvent(5, 'XmasEve', 1, false)):
  212. ---
  213. >             if (not System.EventFlags['cLand:AnyGlobalEventFinished']) and (not EventFlowSystemActor.EnvCheckBetweenDate(10, 26, 10, 30, 'cLastGrowUpTime')) and (not EventFlowSystemActor.CheckNearEvent(5, 'HarvestFestival', 1, false)) and (not EventFlowSystemActor.CheckNearEvent(5, 'XmasEve', 1, false)) and (not EventFlowSystemActor.CheckNearEvent(5, 'Carnival', 1, false)):
  214. diff -r 1.6.0/NNPC_GE_Conv_KO.evfl.txt 1.7.0/NNPC_GE_Conv_KO.evfl.txt
  215. 36c36
  216. <         # <20:2:cd04>But aren't those good things? How's that bonkers? WHAT IS BONKERS?!
  217. ---
  218. >         # <20:2:cd04>But isn't that a good thing? How's that bonkers? WHAT IS BONKERS?!
  219. diff -r 1.6.0/NNPC_GEvent_BirthdayN_G.evfl.txt 1.7.0/NNPC_GEvent_BirthdayN_G.evfl.txt
  220. 34c34
  221. <             run Sub_grp_Event9()
  222. ---
  223. >             run Sub_Event36()
  224. 39c39
  225. <             run Sub_grp_Event9()
  226. ---
  227. >             run Sub_Event36()
  228. 43,55c43,44
  229. < local flow Sub_grp_Event8():
  230. <     switch EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious3(true, 3):
  231. <         case 0:
  232. <             # Did you give <115:1:cd00> your present, <110:4>? Make sure you don't forget! Because I'd forget, a huh huh huh.
  233. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/GEvent/BO_GEvent_BirthdayN_G:010', true)
  234. <         case 1:
  235. <             # I get all nervous when I give a present, because I worry it might not be a hit. But you got nothing to worry about! Your present will for sure be a h…
  236. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/GEvent/BO_GEvent_BirthdayN_G:011', true)
  237. <         case 2:
  238. <             # You know how they say presents should be something you would want for yourself? I dunno if <115:1:cd00> wants a 10-pound bag of <135:7:cd00>- flavore…
  239. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/GEvent/BO_GEvent_BirthdayN_G:012', true)
  240. <
  241. < local flow Sub_grp_Event9():
  242. ---
  243. > local flow Sub_Event36():
  244. >     run ValentineChk()
  245. 71a61,93
  246. >
  247. > local flow Sub_grp_Event8():
  248. >     switch EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious3(true, 3):
  249. >         case 0:
  250. >             # Did you give <115:1:cd00> your present, <110:4>? Make sure you don't forget! Because I'd forget, a huh huh huh.
  251. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/GEvent/BO_GEvent_BirthdayN_G:010', true)
  252. >         case 1:
  253. >             # I get all nervous when I give a present, because I worry it might not be a hit. But you got nothing to worry about! Your present will for sure be a h…
  254. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/GEvent/BO_GEvent_BirthdayN_G:011', true)
  255. >         case 2:
  256. >             # You know how they say presents should be something you would want for yourself? I dunno if <115:1:cd00> wants a 10-pound bag of <135:7:cd00>- flavore…
  257. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/GEvent/BO_GEvent_BirthdayN_G:012', true)
  258. >
  259. > flow ValentineChk():
  260. >     if (EventFlowSystemActor.TermEventNow('Valentine', false)) and (EventFlowSystemActor.HaveValentineItem()) and (not MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:ValentinePresentFlag']):
  261. >         run NNPC_Talk_General::PresentAvailable_Chk()
  262. >         if (MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:ReceivedFirstPresent']) and (MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:FriendshipBecomeAcqH']):
  263. >             switch EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious3(true, 3):
  264. >                 case 0:
  265. >                     # I wanna have a birthday party just like this! With all my favorite foods, and my friends too! Oh! Maybe I could even move my birthday to Valentine's …
  266. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/GEvent/BO_GEvent_BirthdayN_G:020', false)
  267. >                 case 1:
  268. >                     # <50:3><115:1:cd00> is having a real good Valentine's Day, huh? And it's [his|her] birthday too! That's even better, <110:6>!
  269. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/GEvent/BO_GEvent_BirthdayN_G:021', false)
  270. >                 case 2:
  271. >                     # What happens if <115:1:cd00> gets too old to fit all the candles on one birthday cake? Would [he|she] just put candles on [his|her] Valentine's Day c…
  272. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/GEvent/BO_GEvent_BirthdayN_G:022', false)
  273. >             if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
  274. >                 run NNPC_Select_Present::Valentine()
  275. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  276. >             else:
  277. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.WaitFrame(1)
  278. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  279. diff -r 1.6.0/NNPC_GEvent_BirthdayN_H.evfl.txt 1.7.0/NNPC_GEvent_BirthdayN_H.evfl.txt
  280. 9c9,18
  281. <     MainNpc.SetItemToNpcStockList(0, 1)
  282. ---
  283. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.TermEventNow('Valentine', false):
  284. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.MultiItemSelectInclude(14029, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 'cItemSelect'):
  285. >             MainNpc.RegistValentinePresentInfo()
  286. >             MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:ValentinePresentFlag'] = true
  287. >         elif EventFlowSystemActor.MultiItemSelectInclude(13488, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 'cItemSelect'):
  288. >             MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:ValentinePresentFlag'] = true
  289. >         else:
  290. >             MainNpc.SetItemToNpcStockList(0, 1)
  291. >     else:
  292. >         MainNpc.SetItemToNpcStockList(0, 1)
  293. 188a198
  294. >         run ValentineChk()
  295. 314c324
  296. <             # Ooooooooo is that [a|an]<125:0:0000>? I thought I smelled yumminess! Thanks, <110:3>.
  297. ---
  298. >             # Oooooo, did you bring me something yummy? Could it be…my favorite? [A|An]<125:0:0000>? Thanks, <110:3>.
  299. 315a326,331
  300. >     elif (EventFlowSystemActor.TermEventNow('Valentine', false)) and (EventFlowSystemActor.MultiItemSelectInclude(13488, 14029, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 'cItemSelect')):
  301. >         MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:IsReceiptWrappingItem'] = true
  302. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.MultiItemSelectInclude(14029, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 'cItemSelect'):
  303. >             MainNpc.RegistValentinePresentInfo()
  304. >         # Wait! Hang on! Whoa! You got me [a|an]<125:0:0000>?! Wow! You remembered my birthday! I usually get forgotten with all the Valentine's Day stuff goin…
  305. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/G4_An/GEvent/AN_GEvent_BirthdayN_H:036', false)
  306. 317c333
  307. <         # Ooh, wow! You got me [a|an]<125:0:0000>! I have one already, but this is just… It's just real awesome that you know what I like.
  308. ---
  309. >         # Ooh, wow! You got me [a|an]<125:0:0000>! It's funny because I already have [a|an]<125:0:0000>! But it's also awesome that you know what I like, <110:…
  310. 406a423,443
  311. >
  312. > flow ValentineChk():
  313. >     if (EventFlowSystemActor.TermEventNow('Valentine', false)) and (EventFlowSystemActor.HaveValentineItem()) and (not MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:ValentinePresentFlag']):
  314. >         run NNPC_Talk_General::PresentAvailable_Chk()
  315. >         if (MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:ReceivedFirstPresent']) and (MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:FriendshipBecomeAcqH']):
  316. >             switch EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious3(true, 3):
  317. >                 case 0:
  318. >                     # It's so rad everyone came out for my birthday today. Or…maybe they're only here to exchange valentines? Nah, it's gotta be for me. I mean, just LOOK …
  319. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/G4_An/GEvent/AN_GEvent_BirthdayN_H:101', false)
  320. >                 case 1:
  321. >                     # I wanna see everyone rockin' out like it's both your best buddy's birthday AND Valentine's Day…'cause it is!
  322. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/G4_An/GEvent/AN_GEvent_BirthdayN_H:102', false)
  323. >                 case 2:
  324. >                     # Having my birthday on Valentine's Day kinda rocks, honestly. Double parties are a total blast! Bwa ha ha!
  325. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/G4_An/GEvent/AN_GEvent_BirthdayN_H:103', false)
  326. >             if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
  327. >                 run NNPC_Select_Present::Valentine()
  328. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  329. >             else:
  330. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.WaitFrame(1)
  331. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  332. Only in 1.7.0: NNPC_GEvent_Carnival.evfl.txt
  333. diff -r 1.6.0/NNPC_GEvent_Countdown.evfl.txt 1.7.0/NNPC_GEvent_Countdown.evfl.txt
  334. 68c68
  335. <                 # It's time! Do you have your party popper ready, <110:3>?!<10:7:00780000>
  336. ---
  337. >                 # It's time! Do you have your light stick ready, <110:3>?!<10:7:00780000>
  338. 71c71
  339. <                 # So it's three…two…one…zero and then we pop the party poppers, yeah? A huh huh, I can't wait.<10:7:00780000>
  340. ---
  341. >                 # So it's three…two…one…zero and then we wave the light sticks, yeah? A huh huh, I can't wait.<10:7:00780000>
  342. 228c228
  343. <     if EventFlowSystemActor.EventCheck('Countdown') == 1:
  344. ---
  345. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.EventCheck('Countdown') in (1, 2):
  346. 243a244
  347. >         MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcSave:WoreNewYearHat'] = true
  348. 254a256
  349. >         MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcSave:WoreNewYearHat'] = true
  350. 267a270
  351. >         MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcSave:WoreNewYearHat'] = true
  352. 278a282
  353. >         MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcSave:WoreNewYearHat'] = true
  354. diff -r 1.6.0/NNPC_GEvent_Harvest.evfl.txt 1.7.0/NNPC_GEvent_Harvest.evfl.txt
  355. 410d409
  356. <                 MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcTemp:TalkEndWait'] = true
  357. diff -r 1.6.0/NNPC_Quest_CatchFishInsect_Begin.evfl.txt 1.7.0/NNPC_Quest_CatchFishInsect_Begin.evfl.txt
  358. 29c29
  359. <                     MainNpc.QuestStartOpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Quest/BO_Quest_CatchFishInsect_Begin:104', false, false)
  360. ---
  361. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Quest/BO_Quest_CatchFishInsect_Begin:104', false)
  362. 40c40
  363. <                     MainNpc.QuestStartOpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Quest/BO_Quest_CatchFishInsect_Begin:106', false, false)
  364. ---
  365. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Quest/BO_Quest_CatchFishInsect_Begin:106', false)
  366. 53c53
  367. <                     MainNpc.QuestStartOpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Quest/BO_Quest_CatchFishInsect_Begin:204', false, false)
  368. ---
  369. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Quest/BO_Quest_CatchFishInsect_Begin:204', false)
  370. 64c64
  371. <                     MainNpc.QuestStartOpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Quest/BO_Quest_CatchFishInsect_Begin:206', false, false)
  372. ---
  373. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Quest/BO_Quest_CatchFishInsect_Begin:206', false)
  374. 105c105
  375. <             # Didja know horned beetles wrestle each other? It'd be cool to see them training for a match.… Can you catch one for me? Any kind of horned beetle is …
  376. ---
  377. >             # Didja know horned beetles wrestle each other? It'd be cool to see them training for a match… Can you catch one for me? Any kind of horned beetle is c…
  378. diff -r 1.6.0/NNPC_Quest_CatchFishInsect_End.evfl.txt 1.7.0/NNPC_Quest_CatchFishInsect_End.evfl.txt
  379. 40c40
  380. <             # I really  want a dragonfly! They fly real fast, so make sure you sneak up, like, reaaal slow.
  381. ---
  382. >             # I really want a dragonfly! They fly real fast, so make sure you sneak up, like, reaaal slow.
  383. 228c228
  384. <                 # A huh huh huh! Here ya go! [A|An]<125:4:0000>!<10:4> From me to you! Me to you.
  385. ---
  386. >                 # A huh huh huh! Hope you like it. It's [a|an]<125:4:0000>!
  387. diff -r 1.6.0/NNPC_Reaction_First_Acquaintance.evfl.txt 1.7.0/NNPC_Reaction_First_Acquaintance.evfl.txt
  388. 163c163
  389. <         # Hey… You're… I know you…um… <50:3><110:4>, right? Sorry, my brain isn't plugged all the way in right now. I have a cold. I moved here the other day, …
  390. ---
  391. >         # Hey… You're… I know you…um… <50:3><110:4>, right? Sorry, my brain isn't plugged all the way in right now. I have a cold. Well, I live here now, but I…
  392. 171a172,182
  393. > flow A421():
  394. >     if MainNpc.NpcIsQuestClient('cSick', false, false):
  395. >         # Hey… You're… I know you…um… <50:3><110:4>, right? Sorry, my brain isn't plugged all the way in right now. I have a cold. Well, I live here now, but I…
  396. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_First_Acquaintance:424', false)
  397. >     elif (not MainNpc.NpcLivingDays(1)) and (MainNpc.NpcIsMovingRoom() == 0):
  398. >         # It's <110:4>! Remember that time we met? I kinda do! It's me! <110:10>! Remember? <110:10>? That's me! I didn't know you lived on ISLAND! I just move…
  399. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_First_Acquaintance:421', false)
  400. >     else:
  401. >         # Huh? <50:3><110:3>?! What the heck are you doing here? YOU live here on ISLAND? Oh man, no way! Me! Too! I'm so happy we live on the same island now,…
  402. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_First_Acquaintance:422', false)
  403. >
  404. 180a192,193
  405. >             else:
  406. >                 run A421()
  407. diff -r 1.6.0/NNPC_Select_Etc.evfl.txt 1.7.0/NNPC_Select_Etc.evfl.txt
  408. 1,3d0
  409. < flow Bouquet_Chk():
  410. <     MainNpc.Dummy('部屋に飾る的なアクション')
  411. <
  412. 68,81d64
  413. <
  414. < flow Opposite_Sex():
  415. <     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Select/BO_Select_Present:516', false)
  416. <     MainNpc.NpcDelivery(3, '"Default"')
  417. <     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Select/BO_Select_Present:517', false)
  418. <     MainNpc.NpcAddFriendship(2)
  419. <     run Bouquet_Chk()
  420. <
  421. < flow Same_Sex():
  422. <     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Select/BO_Select_Present:514', false)
  423. <     MainNpc.NpcDelivery(3, '"Default"')
  424. <     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Select/BO_Select_Present:515', false)
  425. <     MainNpc.NpcAddFriendship(2)
  426. <     run Bouquet_Chk()
  427. diff -r 1.6.0/NNPC_Select_Furniture.evfl.txt 1.7.0/NNPC_Select_Furniture.evfl.txt
  428. 6a7,10
  429. > flow Bouquet_Chk():
  430. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.MultiItemSelectInclude(14029, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 'cItemSelect'):
  431. >         MainNpc.RegistValentinePresentInfo()
  432. >
  433. 65a70,80
  434. > flow Opposite_Sex():
  435. >     run ValentineItem_Chk()
  436. >     # Huh? But why would you get me [a|an]<125:0:0000>? Oh! It's Valentine's Day! Riiiiiiiight… Sorry, I was just surprised. But it's a good surprised. Lik…
  437. >     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Select/BO_Select_Present:514', false)
  438. >     MainNpc.NpcDelivery(3, '"Default"')
  439. >     EventFlowSystemActor.SystemDeletePlayerItem('cItemWindowSub', 1)
  440. >     # You're the best! Happy Valentine's Day, <110:3>!
  441. >     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Select/BO_Select_Present:515', false)
  442. >     MainNpc.NpcAddFriendship(2)
  443. >     run Bouquet_Chk()
  444. >
  445. 83a99,109
  446. > flow Same_Sex():
  447. >     run ValentineItem_Chk()
  448. >     # Huh? But why would you get me [a|an]<125:0:0000>? Oh! It's Valentine's Day! Riiiiiiiight… Sorry, I was just surprised. But it's a good surprised. Lik…
  449. >     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Select/BO_Select_Present:516', false)
  450. >     MainNpc.NpcDelivery(3, '"Default"')
  451. >     EventFlowSystemActor.SystemDeletePlayerItem('cItemWindowSub', 1)
  452. >     # You're the best! Happy Valentine's Day, <110:3>!
  453. >     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Select/BO_Select_Present:517', false)
  454. >     MainNpc.NpcAddFriendship(2)
  455. >     run Bouquet_Chk()
  456. >
  457. 86a113,129
  458. >
  459. > flow ValentineItem_Chk():
  460. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.MultiItemSelectInclude(14029, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 'cItemSelect'):
  461. >         MainNpc.SetDeliveryItemAtRandom(14029, false, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
  462. >     else:
  463. >         MainNpc.SetDeliveryItemAtRandom(13488, false, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
  464. >
  465. > flow ValentinePresent():
  466. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerGender() == 0:
  467. >         if MainNpc.CheckNpcLook() in (0, 1, 2, 3):
  468. >             run Opposite_Sex()
  469. >         else:
  470. >             run Same_Sex()
  471. >     elif MainNpc.CheckNpcLook() in (0, 1, 2, 3):
  472. >         run Same_Sex()
  473. >     else:
  474. >         run Opposite_Sex()
  475. diff -r 1.6.0/NNPC_Select_Present.evfl.txt 1.7.0/NNPC_Select_Present.evfl.txt
  476. 2c2
  477. <     if (EventFlowSystemActor.MultiKindItemSelectIncludeChoice4('cItemSelect', 4, 'Flower', '', '') in (1, 2, 3)) or (EventFlowSystemActor.MultiKindItemSelectInclude('Ftr', 'DoorDeco', 'Music', '', '', '', '', '', 'cItemSelect')) or (EventFlowSystemActor.MultiKindItemSelectInclude('Net', 'Watering', 'FishingRod', 'FierworkHand', '', '', '', '', 'cItemSelect')) or (EventFlowSystemActor.MultiKindItemSelectInclude('Tops', 'OnePiece', 'Cap', 'Accessory', 'Umbrella', '', '', '', 'cItemSelect')):
  478. ---
  479. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.MultiKindItemSelectIncludeChoice4('cItemSelect', 4, 'Flower', '', '') in (1, 2, 3):
  480. 4,7c4,10
  481. <     elif EventFlowSystemActor.MultiKindItemSelectInclude('Helmet', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'cItemSelect'):
  482. <         switch MainNpc.NpcIsAbleEquipSelectItem():
  483. <             default:
  484. <                 return
  485. ---
  486. >     else:
  487. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.MultiKindItemSelectInclude('Ftr', 'DoorDeco', 'Music', '', '', '', '', '', 'cItemSelect'):
  488. >             if not ((EventFlowSystemActor.MultiItemSelectInclude(13488, 14029, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 'cItemSelect')) and (EventFlowSystemActor.TermEventNow('Valentine', false))):
  489. >                 MainNpc.SetItemToNpcStockList(0, 1)
  490. >         else:
  491. >             if (EventFlowSystemActor.MultiKindItemSelectInclude('Net', 'Watering', 'FishingRod', 'FierworkHand', '', '', '', '', 'cItemSelect')) or (EventFlowSystemActor.MultiKindItemSelectInclude('Tops', 'OnePiece', 'Cap', 'Accessory', 'Umbrella', '', '', '', 'cItemSelect')) or ((EventFlowSystemActor.MultiKindItemSelectInclude('Helmet', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'cItemSelect')) and (MainNpc.NpcIsAbleEquipSelectItem())) or (EventFlowSystemActor.MultiKindItemSelectInclude('Shoes', 'Socks', 'Bottoms', 'Bag', 'Helmet', '', '', '', 'cItemSelect')):
  492. >                 MainNpc.SetItemToNpcStockList(0, 1)
  493. 12a16
  494. > entrypoint Event25:
  495. 18c22
  496. <         if EventFlowSystemActor.UISelectedItemIsWrapping('cItemSelect'):
  497. ---
  498. >         if (EventFlowSystemActor.UISelectedItemIsWrapping('cItemSelect')) and (not EventFlowSystemActor.MultiKindItemSelectInclude('DummyWrappingOtoshidama', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'cItemSelect')):
  499. 55,77c59,77
  500. <                                     if EventFlowSystemActor.MultiKindItemSelectInclude('Ftr', 'DoorDeco', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'cItemSelect'):
  501. <                                         run NNPC_Select_Furniture::Furniture()
  502. <                                         run Select_Finish()
  503. <                                     elif EventFlowSystemActor.MultiKindItemSelectInclude('Sculpture', 'SculptureFake', 'Picture', 'PictureFake', '', '', '', '', 'cItemSelect'):
  504. <                                         run NNPC_Select_Furniture::Art()
  505. <                                         MainNpc.SetItemToNpcStockList(0, 1)
  506. <                                         run Select_Finish()
  507. <                                     elif EventFlowSystemActor.MultiKindItemSelectInclude('Fossil', 'FossilUnknown', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'cItemSelect'):
  508. <                                         run NNPC_Select_Furniture::Fossil()
  509. <                                         run Select_Finish_Disappear()
  510. <                                     elif EventFlowSystemActor.MultiKindItemSelectInclude('Net', 'Watering', 'FishingRod', '', '', '', '', '', 'cItemSelect'):
  511. <                                         run NNPC_Select_Tool::Useful()
  512. <                                         run Select_Finish()
  513. <                                     elif EventFlowSystemActor.MultiKindItemSelectInclude('Axe', 'Slingshot', 'ChangeStick', 'Timer', 'Shovel', '', '', '', 'cItemSelect'):
  514. <                                         run NNPC_Select_Tool::Nouse()
  515. <                                         run Select_Finish_Disappear()
  516. <                                     elif EventFlowSystemActor.MultiKindItemSelectInclude('Umbrella', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'cItemSelect'):
  517. <                                         run NNPC_Select_Tool::Umbrella()
  518. <                                         run Select_Finish()
  519. <                                     elif (not EventFlowSystemActor.MultiKindItemSelectInclude('Tops', 'OnePiece', 'Cap', 'Accessory', '', '', '', '', 'cItemSelect')) and (not EventFlowSystemActor.MultiKindItemSelectInclude('Helmet', 'Bottoms', 'Socks', 'Shoes', 'Bag', '', '', '', 'cItemSelect')):
  520. <                                         switch EventFlowSystemActor.MultiKindItemSelectIncludeChoice5('cItemSelect', 5, 'Money', 'Trash', 'TurnipExpired', 'Music'):
  521. <                                             case 0:
  522. <                                                 run NNPC_Select_Etc::Etc()
  523. ---
  524. >                                     if EventFlowSystemActor.MultiItemSelectInclude(13488, 14029, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 'cItemSelect'):
  525. >                                         if EventFlowSystemActor.TermEventNow('Valentine', false):
  526. >                                             MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:ValentinePresentFlag'] = true
  527. >                                             run NNPC_Select_Furniture::ValentinePresent()
  528. >                                             run Select_Finish()
  529. >                                         else:
  530. >                                             run NNPC_Select_Furniture::Furniture()
  531. >                                             run Select_Finish()
  532. >                                     else:
  533. >                                         if EventFlowSystemActor.MultiKindItemSelectInclude('Ftr', 'DoorDeco', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'cItemSelect'):
  534. >                                             run NNPC_Select_Furniture::Furniture()
  535. >                                             run Select_Finish()
  536. >                                         else:
  537. >                                             if EventFlowSystemActor.MultiKindItemSelectInclude('Sculpture', 'SculptureFake', 'Picture', 'PictureFake', '', '', '', '', 'cItemSelect'):
  538. >                                                 run NNPC_Select_Furniture::Art()
  539. >                                                 MainNpc.SetItemToNpcStockList(0, 1)
  540. >                                                 run Select_Finish()
  541. >                                             elif EventFlowSystemActor.MultiKindItemSelectInclude('Fossil', 'FossilUnknown', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'cItemSelect'):
  542. >                                                 run NNPC_Select_Furniture::Fossil()
  543. 79,84c79,101
  544. <                                             case 1:
  545. <                                                 run NNPC_Select_Etc::Money()
  546. <                                             case 2, 3:
  547. <                                                 run NNPC_Select_Etc::Garbage()
  548. <                                             case 4:
  549. <                                                 run NNPC_Select_Etc::Music()
  550. ---
  551. >                                             elif EventFlowSystemActor.MultiKindItemSelectInclude('Net', 'Watering', 'FishingRod', '', '', '', '', '', 'cItemSelect'):
  552. >                                                 run NNPC_Select_Tool::Useful()
  553. >                                                 run Select_Finish()
  554. >                                             elif EventFlowSystemActor.MultiKindItemSelectInclude('Axe', 'Slingshot', 'ChangeStick', 'Timer', 'Shovel', '', '', '', 'cItemSelect'):
  555. >                                                 run NNPC_Select_Tool::Nouse()
  556. >                                                 run Select_Finish_Disappear()
  557. >                                             elif EventFlowSystemActor.MultiKindItemSelectInclude('Umbrella', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'cItemSelect'):
  558. >                                                 run NNPC_Select_Tool::Umbrella()
  559. >                                                 run Select_Finish()
  560. >                                             elif (not EventFlowSystemActor.MultiKindItemSelectInclude('Tops', 'OnePiece', 'Cap', 'Accessory', '', '', '', '', 'cItemSelect')) and (not EventFlowSystemActor.MultiKindItemSelectInclude('Helmet', 'Bottoms', 'Socks', 'Shoes', 'Bag', '', '', '', 'cItemSelect')):
  561. >                                                 switch EventFlowSystemActor.MultiKindItemSelectIncludeChoice5('cItemSelect', 5, 'Money', 'Trash', 'TurnipExpired', 'Music'):
  562. >                                                     case 0:
  563. >                                                         run NNPC_Select_Etc::Etc()
  564. >                                                         run Select_Finish_Disappear()
  565. >                                                     case 1:
  566. >                                                         run NNPC_Select_Etc::Money()
  567. >                                                     case 2, 3:
  568. >                                                         run NNPC_Select_Etc::Garbage()
  569. >                                                     case 4:
  570. >                                                         run NNPC_Select_Etc::Music()
  571. >                                                         run Select_Finish()
  572. >                                             else:
  573. >                                                 run NNPC_Select_Equipment::Root()
  574. 86,88d102
  575. <                                     else:
  576. <                                         run NNPC_Select_Equipment::Root()
  577. <                                         run Select_Finish()
  578. 152a167,172
  579. >
  580. > flow Valentine():
  581. >     # RANDOM: Huh? What is it? // Huh? Do I get something? // Ooh! What are you giving me?
  582. >     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Select/BO_Select_General:003', true)
  583. >     EventFlowSystemActor.UIItemSelectWindowHandling(65534, '', '', '', 'cValentine', false)
  584. >     run Event25()
  585. diff -r 1.6.0/NNPC_Talk_GEvent.evfl.txt 1.7.0/NNPC_Talk_GEvent.evfl.txt
  586. 45a46,47
  587. >             case `Unknown9`:
  588. >                 run NNPC_GEvent_Carnival::Root()
  589. diff -r 1.6.0/Obj_RcoMachine_AmiiboCall.evfl.txt 1.7.0/Obj_RcoMachine_AmiiboCall.evfl.txt
  590. 27c27
  591. <         # RANDOM: I'm <110:10>! What ya need? I'm real bo… // Hello! This is <110:10>. Thanks for the… // Hi! It's <110:10>! What's up? Hi, by th… // Hi! It's lovable <110:10>! It's so exci…
  592. ---
  593. >         # RANDOM: I'm <110:10>! Whaddaya need? I'm real b… // Hello! This is <110:10>. Thanks for the… // Hi! It's <110:10>! What's up? Hi, by th… // Hi! It's lovable <110:10>! It's so exci…
  594. diff -r 1.6.0/Obj_RcoMachine_Amiibo.evfl.txt 1.7.0/Obj_RcoMachine_Amiibo.evfl.txt
  595. 170c170
  596. <     # Would you like to use a different amiibo to invite someone else to the campsite?
  597. ---
  598. >     # Do you want to use a different amiibo to invite someone else to the campsite?
  599. diff -r 1.6.0/Obj_RcoMachine_MileExchange.evfl.txt 1.7.0/Obj_RcoMachine_MileExchange.evfl.txt
  600. 157a158,168
  601. > flow MileExchange_MyDesignShowcase():
  602. >     Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_RcoMachine:590', false)
  603. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
  604. >         EventFlowSystemActor.MessageSuspend()
  605. >         EventFlowSystemActor.SonkatsuBuyDone(false)
  606. >         run Cmn_AppUpdateDemo()
  607. >         run RecipeReceiveing2_End()
  608. >         EventFlowSystemActor.ReservePlayerMutterDemo('Get_MydesignShowcase', 'cNowDemoEnd', 'Player_GetDemo_MileExchange', true)
  609. >     else:
  610. >         run ReChangeItem()
  611. >
  612. diff -r 1.6.0/Player_GetDemo.evfl.txt 1.7.0/Player_GetDemo.evfl.txt
  613. 88c88
  614. <     if (Player.PlayerGetDemoCheckItem('cSnowCrystal')) or (Player.PlayerGetDemoCheckItem('cSakurapetal')) or (Player.PlayerGetDemoCheckItem('cAutumnLeaf')):
  615. ---
  616. >     if (Player.PlayerGetDemoCheckItem('cSnowCrystal')) or (Player.PlayerGetDemoCheckItem('cSakurapetal')) or (Player.PlayerGetDemoCheckItem('cAutumnLeaf')) or (Player.PlayerGetDemoCheckItem('cFeather')):
  617. diff -r 1.6.0/Player_GetDemo_MileExchange.evfl.txt 1.7.0/Player_GetDemo_MileExchange.evfl.txt
  618. 78a79,83
  619. > flow Get_Emoticon_ByBook():
  620. >     # Whoa, I learned some new Reactions! I can press  to see all of them and choose how to express myself.
  621. >     Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSys/SYS_Player:210_14', false)
  622. >     run UploadEmoticon()
  623. >
  624. diff -r 1.6.0/Player_SmaphoNavigation.evfl.txt 1.7.0/Player_SmaphoNavigation.evfl.txt
  625. 213c213
  626. <             # RANDOM: ‹What's all this nonsense 'bout free re…
  627. ---
  628. >             # RANDOM: ‹Oh, and about this freebie? Dream on i…
  629. diff -r 1.6.0/SNPC_dod_AirPort.evfl.txt 1.7.0/SNPC_dod_AirPort.evfl.txt
  630. 5,6c5,10
  631. <     run EntryPoint_PreProcedure(ContinueAS=true)
  632. <     EventFlowSystemActor.WaitFrame(40)
  633. ---
  634. >     fork:
  635. >         branch:
  636. >             run EntryPoint_PreProcedure(ContinueAS=true)
  637. >             EventFlowSystemActor.WaitFrame(40)
  638. >         branch:
  639. >             EventFlowSystemActor@Net.NetEndSessionVillage('cEndVillageSession', false)
  640. 8d11
  641. <     EventFlowSystemActor.NetEndSessionVillage('cEndVillageSession', false)
  642. 31c34,40
  643. <         EventFlowSystemActor.NetDestroySessionVillage('cDestroyVillage', false)
  644. ---
  645. >         fork:
  646. >             branch:
  647. >                 run EntryPoint_PreProcedure(ContinueAS=true)
  648. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.WaitFrame(40)
  649. >             branch:
  650. >                 EventFlowSystemActor@Net.NetDestroySessionVillage('cDestroyVillage', false)
  651. >         run EntryPoint_PostProcedure()
  652. 50,51c59,64
  653. <     run EntryPoint_PreProcedure(ContinueAS=true)
  654. <     EventFlowSystemActor.WaitFrame(40)
  655. ---
  656. >     fork:
  657. >         branch:
  658. >             run EntryPoint_PreProcedure(ContinueAS=true)
  659. >             EventFlowSystemActor.WaitFrame(40)
  660. >         branch:
  661. >             EventFlowSystemActor@Net.NetEndSessionVillage('cEndVillageSession', false)
  662. 53d65
  663. <     EventFlowSystemActor.NetEndSessionVillage('cEndVillageSession', false)
  664. Only in 1.7.0: SNPC_pck.evfl.txt
  665. diff -r 1.6.0/SNPC_pyn_01_EasterPreVisit.evfl.txt 1.7.0/SNPC_pyn_01_EasterPreVisit.evfl.txt
  666. 47c47
  667. <             # Did I make myself clear? Yes? No? Maybe so? Hmm. How about this… There are six types of eggs hidden around the island, you see. So wonderful ol' you …
  668. ---
  669. >             # Did I make myself clear? Yes? No? Maybe so? Hmm. How about this… There are 6 types of eggs hidden around the island, you see. So wonderful ol' you sh…
  670. 67c67
  671. <         # Did I make myself clear? Yes? No? Maybe so? Hmm. How about this… There are six types of eggs hidden around the island, you see. So wonderful ol' you …
  672. ---
  673. >         # Did I make myself clear? Yes? No? Maybe so? Hmm. How about this… There are 6 types of eggs hidden around the island, you see. So wonderful ol' you sh…
  674. diff -r 1.6.0/SNPC_pyn_02_EasterDay.evfl.txt 1.7.0/SNPC_pyn_02_EasterDay.evfl.txt
  675. 187c187
  676. <         # …Do you understand what I'm trying to say? You can still hunt for eggs on this special day! Use your time wisely, and try to find the six types of eg…
  677. ---
  678. >         # …Do you understand what I'm trying to say? You can still hunt for eggs on this special day! Use your time wisely, and try to find the 6 types of eggs…
  679. 215c215
  680. <         # Did I make myself clear? Yes? No? Maybe so? Hmm. How about this… There are six types of eggs hidden around the island, you see. So wonderful ol' you …
  681. ---
  682. >         # Did I make myself clear? Yes? No? Maybe so? Hmm. How about this… There are 6 types of eggs hidden around the island, you see. So wonderful ol' you sh…
  683. 247c247
  684. <     # Did I make myself clear? Yes? No? Maybe so? Hmm. How about this… There are six types of eggs hidden around the island, you see. So wonderful ol' you …
  685. ---
  686. >     # Did I make myself clear? Yes? No? Maybe so? Hmm. How about this… There are 6 types of eggs hidden around the island, you see. So wonderful ol' you sh…
  687. diff -r 1.6.0/SNPC_rcm_00_Common.evfl.txt 1.7.0/SNPC_rcm_00_Common.evfl.txt
  688. 16a17,41
  689. > flow End_Shopping():
  690. >     run CmnCloseShoppingUI()
  691. >     if not System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:RcmBoughtGrocery']:
  692. >         EventFlowSystemActor.WaitFrame(5)
  693. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.ShopLevel() == `InResServiceTent`:
  694. >             # Ah, changed your mind? Please let me know if there's anything else I can help with!
  695. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:903_01', true)
  696. >             run SNPC_rcm::Rcm_SeqClose()
  697. >         else:
  698. >             if System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:RcmShopshelfCheck']:
  699. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.CloseMarketShowcase()
  700. >             # I'll be here if you need anything else.
  701. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:903_02', false)
  702. >             run SNPC_rcm::Rcm_SeqClose()
  703. >     elif EventFlowSystemActor.ShopLevel() == `InResServiceTent`:
  704. >         # Thank you! Please don't hesitate to ask me for assistance.
  705. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:903_03', false)
  706. >         run SNPC_rcm::Rcm_SeqClose()
  707. >     else:
  708. >         if System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:RcmShopshelfCheck']:
  709. >             EventFlowSystemActor.CloseMarketShowcase()
  710. >         # Thank you!__ ...thank you!__
  711. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:903_04', false)
  712. >         run SNPC_rcm::Rcm_SeqClose()
  713. >
  714. 61a87,88
  715. >         elif EventFlowSystemActor.MultiKindItemSelectInclude('DummyHowtoBook', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'cItemSelect'):
  716. >             run SNPC_rcm_16_BuyHowToBook::Root()
  717. 72,94c99
  718. <         run CmnCloseShoppingUI()
  719. <         if not System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:RcmBoughtGrocery']:
  720. <             EventFlowSystemActor.WaitFrame(5)
  721. <             if EventFlowSystemActor.ShopLevel() == `InResServiceTent`:
  722. <                 # Ah, changed your mind? Please let me know if there's anything else I can help with!
  723. <                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:903_01', true)
  724. <                 run SNPC_rcm::Rcm_SeqClose()
  725. <             else:
  726. <                 if System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:RcmShopshelfCheck']:
  727. <                     EventFlowSystemActor.CloseMarketShowcase()
  728. <                 # I'll be here if you need anything else.
  729. <                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:903_02', false)
  730. <                 run SNPC_rcm::Rcm_SeqClose()
  731. <         elif EventFlowSystemActor.ShopLevel() == `InResServiceTent`:
  732. <             # Thank you! Please don't hesitate to ask me for assistance.
  733. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:903_03', false)
  734. <             run SNPC_rcm::Rcm_SeqClose()
  735. <         else:
  736. <             if System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:RcmShopshelfCheck']:
  737. <                 EventFlowSystemActor.CloseMarketShowcase()
  738. <             # Thank you!__ ...thank you!__
  739. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:903_04', false)
  740. <             run SNPC_rcm::Rcm_SeqClose()
  741. ---
  742. >         run End_Shopping()
  743. 240a246,255
  744. >         if (EventFlowSystemActor.MultiFromItemSelectInclude('Carnival', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'cItemSelect')) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:EnableEmoticonUI']) and (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:BuyReactionBook17']) and (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcmChkCarnivalFtr']):
  745. >             if EventFlowSystemActor.CheckNearEvent(0, 'Carnival', 0, false):
  746. >                 # Ah! I should inform you that this particular item was inspired by today's Festivale event. And…if you're interested, we have a collection of Reaction…
  747. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:3004', false)
  748. >             else:
  749. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.SetTagFromSystem(0, 'cCarnivalMonth', 'cDegit', '', 0)
  750. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.SetTagFromSystem(0, 'cCarnivalDay', 'cDegit', '', 0)
  751. >                 # Ah! I should inform you that this item was inspired by the upcoming Festivale event on <90:35:cd00> <90:36:cd00>! And…if you're interested, we have a…
  752. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_00_common:3002', false)
  753. >             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcmChkCarnivalFtr'] = true
  754. 271c286
  755. <         if EventFlowSystemActor.MultiKindItemSelectInclude('DummyRecipe', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'cItemSelect'):
  756. ---
  757. >         if (EventFlowSystemActor.MultiKindItemSelectInclude('DummyRecipe', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'cItemSelect')) or (EventFlowSystemActor.MultiKindItemSelectInclude('DummyHowtoBook', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'cItemSelect')):
  758. Only in 1.7.0: SNPC_rcm_16_BuyHowToBook.evfl.txt
  759. diff -r 1.6.0/SNPC_rco_10_Common_MoveNpcFacility.evfl.txt 1.7.0/SNPC_rco_10_Common_MoveNpcFacility.evfl.txt
  760. 213d212
  761. <     DynamicCast_LandReadjustNpc.ChangeClothForVisitQuest(false, true)
  762. diff -r 1.6.0/SNPC_rco_96_PlayerMoving.evfl.txt 1.7.0/SNPC_rco_96_PlayerMoving.evfl.txt
  763. 10a11,22
  764. > flow EndwithoutBackupOtherP():
  765. >     # Thank you for being patient. It appears everything is ready for <115:0:cd00>'s big move! Please wish <115:0:cd00> the best on their new adventure!
  766. >     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_95_PlayerMoving:1006_01', false)
  767. >     run Event77()
  768. >
  769. > flow EndwithoutSavedatabackup():
  770. >     # Thank you so much for being patient. Everything is ready! I'm sure you'll have lots of fun at your new home. Do take care, hm, PLAYER?
  771. >     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_95_PlayerMoving:1006', false)
  772. > entrypoint Event77:
  773. >     EventFlowSystemActor.NetMoveSessionFinalize()
  774. >     run Seq_ExitHome()
  775. >
  776. 32c44,98
  777. <         run SkipNoticeWrongNA()
  778. ---
  779. > entrypoint Event60:
  780. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerMoveValidateDestinationIsland():
  781. >             # It seems <140:23:cd00>'s system is ready to accept someone.
  782. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_95_PlayerMoving:1005', false)
  783. >             EventFlowSystemActor.MessageSuspend()
  784. >             if SubflowResults@2[1] == 0:
  785. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.SetTagMainPlayerName(1, 0)
  786. >             else:
  787. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.SetTagFromUIResult(0, 'cVillagerPlayerNameD')
  788. >             # The target Nintendo Switch system does not have save data for the Animal Crossing: New Horizons game. If you continue the moving process, <115:0:cd00…
  789. >             EventFlowSystemActor.OpenMessageWindow('Dialog/DIALOG_Msg:9111', false)
  790. >             if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
  791. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.NetMoveSessionFinalize()
  792. >                 run Cancel_Moving()
  793. >             else:
  794. >                 # Yes, yes! It appears we can continue the process of moving a player to <140:23:cd00>'s system.
  795. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_95_PlayerMoving:1005_00', false)
  796. >                 run Event67()
  797. >         else:
  798. >             EventFlowSystemActor.SetTagMoveOutLandName(0)
  799. >             # It looks like someone can move over to <115:2:cd00>, which is on <140:23:cd00>'s system! Shall we continue with moving a player to <115:2:cd00>?
  800. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_95_PlayerMoving:1005_01', false)
  801. >             if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
  802. > entrypoint Event67:
  803. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.MessageLockNext(2)
  804. >                 # Now performing the moving process. Please wait. Do not touch .
  805. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSys/SYS_Network:204', false)
  806. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.NetMoveFinishWait()
  807. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.MessageSuspend()
  808. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.MessageUnlockNext()
  809. >                 if EventFlowSystemActor.CheckErrorType(2):
  810. >                     if SubflowResults@2[1] == 0:
  811. >                         # Hm? It seems we've run into some connection trouble. I'm sorry, but for now let's go back to the title screen.
  812. >                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_95_PlayerMoving:1024', false)
  813. >                         EventFlowSystemActor.NetMoveSessionFinalize()
  814. >                         run SNPC_rco_92_OtherSettings::Seq_Close()
  815. >                     else:
  816. >                         # Hm? We've run into some connection trouble. I'm sorry, but I'll need you to close the game and start over.
  817. >                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_95_PlayerMoving:1024_01', false)
  818. >                         EventFlowSystemActor.NetMoveSessionFinalize()
  819. >                         run Seq_ExitHome()
  820. >                 elif SubflowResults@2[1] != 0:
  821. >                     if SubflowResults@2[2] == 0:
  822. >                         run EndwithoutBackupOtherP()
  823. >                     else:
  824. >                         run UploadBackupAsyncTo()
  825. >                 elif SubflowResults@2[2] == 0:
  826. >                     run EndwithoutSavedatabackup()
  827. >                 else:
  828. > entrypoint Event229:
  829. >                     run UploadBackUpAsync()
  830. >                     run Seq_ExitHome()
  831. >             else:
  832. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.NetMoveSessionFinalize()
  833. >                 run Cancel_Moving()
  834. 115,139c181
  835. <     EventFlowSystemActor.MessageLockNext(2)
  836. <     # Now performing the moving process. Please wait. Do not touch .
  837. <     EventFlowSystemActor.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSys/SYS_Network:204', false)
  838. <     EventFlowSystemActor.NetMoveFinishWait()
  839. <     EventFlowSystemActor.MessageSuspend()
  840. <     EventFlowSystemActor.MessageUnlockNext()
  841. <     if not EventFlowSystemActor.CheckErrorType(2):
  842. <         if SubflowResults@2[1] == 0:
  843. <             # Thank you so much for being patient. Everything is ready! I'm sure you'll have lots of fun at your new home. Do take care, hm, PLAYER?
  844. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_95_PlayerMoving:1006', false)
  845. <         else:
  846. <             # Thank you for being patient. It appears everything is ready for <115:0:cd00>'s big move! Please wish <115:0:cd00> the best on their new adventure!
  847. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_95_PlayerMoving:1006_01', false)
  848. <         EventFlowSystemActor.NetMoveSessionFinalize()
  849. <         run Seq_ExitHome()
  850. <     elif SubflowResults@2[1] == 0:
  851. <         # Hm? It seems we've run into some connection trouble. I'm sorry, but for now let's go back to the title screen.
  852. <         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_95_PlayerMoving:1024', false)
  853. <         EventFlowSystemActor.NetMoveSessionFinalize()
  854. <         run SNPC_rco_92_OtherSettings::Seq_Close()
  855. <     else:
  856. <         # Hm? We've run into some connection trouble. I'm sorry, but I'll need you to close the game and start over.
  857. <         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_95_PlayerMoving:1024_01', false)
  858. <         EventFlowSystemActor.NetMoveSessionFinalize()
  859. <         run Seq_ExitHome()
  860. ---
  861. >     run Event67()
  862. 206a249,252
  863. >     if (EventFlowSystemActor.BackupAgentExist()) and (not EventFlowSystemActor.SaveIsEnabledBackupSetting()) and (EventFlowSystemActor.BackupAgentIsMainPlayer()) and (not EventFlowSystemActor.SaveCompareBackupAgentNSAID()):
  864. >         # As a final step in the transfer process, your backed-up save data will be updated. An internet connection is required to back up save data.
  865. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Dialog/DIALOG_Msg:9113', false)
  866. >         SubflowResults[2] = 1
  867. 343,368c389
  868. <     if EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerMoveValidateDestinationIsland():
  869. <         # It seems <140:23:cd00>'s system is ready to accept someone.
  870. <         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_95_PlayerMoving:1005', false)
  871. <         EventFlowSystemActor.MessageSuspend()
  872. <         if SubflowResults@2[1] == 0:
  873. <             EventFlowSystemActor.SetTagMainPlayerName(1, 0)
  874. <         else:
  875. <             EventFlowSystemActor.SetTagFromUIResult(0, 'cVillagerPlayerNameD')
  876. <         # The target Nintendo Switch system does not have save data for the Animal Crossing: New Horizons game. If you continue the moving process, <115:0:cd00…
  877. <         EventFlowSystemActor.OpenMessageWindow('Dialog/DIALOG_Msg:9111', false)
  878. <         if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
  879. <             EventFlowSystemActor.NetMoveSessionFinalize()
  880. <             run Cancel_Moving()
  881. <         else:
  882. <             # Yes, yes! It appears we can continue the process of moving a player to <140:23:cd00>'s system.
  883. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_95_PlayerMoving:1005_00', false)
  884. <             run MovingProcessStart()
  885. <     else:
  886. <         EventFlowSystemActor.SetTagMoveOutLandName(0)
  887. <         # It looks like someone can move over to <115:2:cd00>, which is on <140:23:cd00>'s system! Shall we continue with moving a player to <115:2:cd00>?
  888. <         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_95_PlayerMoving:1005_01', false)
  889. <         if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
  890. <             run MovingProcessStart()
  891. <         else:
  892. <             EventFlowSystemActor.NetMoveSessionFinalize()
  893. <             run Cancel_Moving()
  894. ---
  895. >     run Event60()
  896. 444a466,486
  897. >
  898. > flow UploadBackUpAsync():
  899. >     EventFlowSystemActor.NetMoveSessionFinalize()
  900. >     EventFlowSystemActor.MessageLockNext(2)
  901. >     # Connecting to the internet to update your save data backup… Do not touch .
  902. >     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSys/SYS_Save:014', false)
  903. >     EventFlowSystemActor.SaveUploadBackup()
  904. >     if not EventFlowSystemActor.SaveIsUploadedBackup():
  905. >         EventFlowSystemActor.MessageSuspend()
  906. >         EventFlowSystemActor.MessageUnlockNext()
  907. >         # Your backup has been updated.
  908. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSys/SYS_Save:015', false)
  909. >     if SubflowResults@2[1] == 0:
  910. >         # Thank you so much for being patient. Everything is ready! I'm sure you'll have lots of fun at your new home. Do take care, hm, PLAYER?
  911. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_95_PlayerMoving:1006', false)
  912. >     else:
  913. >         # Thank you for being patient. It appears everything is ready for <115:0:cd00>'s big move! Please wish <115:0:cd00> the best on their new adventure!
  914. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_95_PlayerMoving:1006_01', false)
  915. >
  916. > flow UploadBackupAsyncTo():
  917. >     run Event229()
  918. diff -r 1.6.0/SNPC_tap.evfl.txt 1.7.0/SNPC_tap.evfl.txt
  919. 873a874,876
  920. >         switch EventFlowSystemActor.CheckErrorType(2):
  921. >             default:
  922. >                 return
  923. diff -r 1.6.0/System_BootSequence.evfl.txt 1.7.0/System_BootSequence.evfl.txt
  924. 78c78,80
  925. <     if not EventFlowSystemActor.HasMovedOneSaveData():
  926. ---
  927. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.HasMovedOneSaveData():
  928. >         run Sub_Event0(BGUIOn=BGUIOn)
  929. >     else:
  930. 79a82,87
  931. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.SaveProcIsSuccess():
  932. >             run Sub_grp_Event5(BGUIOn=BGUIOn)
  933. >         else:
  934. >             run Sub_Event0(BGUIOn=BGUIOn)
  935. >
  936. > local flow Sub_Event0(BGUIOn: bool):
  937. 82,91c90,97
  938. <         if not EventFlowSystemActor.SaveIsNotFound():
  939. <             if EventFlowSystemActor.SaveIsBroken():
  940. <                 run Broken(BGUIOn=BGUIOn)
  941. <             else:
  942. <                 run UnexpectedError(BGUIOn=BGUIOn)
  943. <         elif not EventFlowSystemActor.HasMovedOneSaveData():
  944. <             EventFlowSystemActor.SaveSimpleLoad('cMovedOne')
  945. <             EventFlowSystemActor.BeginAsMovedOne(false)
  946. <             # Player data for an in-progress move from another island was detected. The moving process will now resume.
  947. <             EventFlowSystemActor.OpenMessageWindow('Dialog/DIALOG_Msg:8021', false)
  948. ---
  949. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.SaveIsNotFound():
  950. >             if not EventFlowSystemActor.HasMovedOneSaveData():
  951. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.SaveSimpleLoad('cMovedOne')
  952. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.BeginAsMovedOne(false)
  953. >                 # Player data for an in-progress move from another island was detected. The moving process will now resume.
  954. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.OpenMessageWindow('Dialog/DIALOG_Msg:8021', false)
  955. >         else:
  956. >             run Sub_grp_Event5(BGUIOn=BGUIOn)
  957. 102a109,114
  958. >
  959. > local flow Sub_grp_Event5(BGUIOn: bool):
  960. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.SaveIsBroken():
  961. >         run Broken(BGUIOn=BGUIOn)
  962. >     else:
  963. >         run UnexpectedError(BGUIOn=BGUIOn)
  964. diff -r 1.6.0/System_GrowUp.evfl.txt 1.7.0/System_GrowUp.evfl.txt
  965. 35a36
  966. >     System.EventFlags['cLand:GrowUpAfterPatch1_7'] = true
  967. diff -r 1.6.0/System_SaveDataRestoring.evfl.txt 1.7.0/System_SaveDataRestoring.evfl.txt
  968. 17a18,19
  969. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.SaveRegisterBackupAgent()
  970. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.SaveSimpleSave('cAll')
  971. diff -r 1.6.0/System_ServerRegistration.evfl.txt 1.7.0/System_ServerRegistration.evfl.txt
  972. 35a36
  973. >         EventFlowSystemActor.MessageLockNext(1)
  974. diff -r 1.6.0/Tutorials_Prologue1_Charactermaking_PlayerMoving.evfl.txt 1.7.0/Tutorials_Prologue1_Charactermaking_PlayerMoving.evfl.txt
  975. 128,129c128,129
  976. <                         # And there we go! The moving process is complete!
  977. <                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue1_Airport:2006', false)
  978. ---
  979. >                         # And there we go! The moving process is complete! However, there is one tiny detail to wrap up regarding your old home, so please wait one moment…__ .…
  980. >                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('Tutorials/Tutorials_Prologue1_Airport:2010', false)
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