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Nov 12th, 2013
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  1. Kingdom Hearts 1.5 General Tips:
  2. --------------------------------
  3. Kingdom Hearts Final Mix:
  5. Picking Up - Sword, Shield, or Staff?:
  6. Honestly there is no real reason to ever pick the sword (There actually isn't any reason to pick the shield either but we'll get into that). What you pick WILL determine what you get when leveling up though.
  8. If you are going for a 100% run then pick the Staff as that will give you the strongest end-game Sora. Picking the Staff will grant you two extra MP throughout the game that is otherwise impossible to get. The attack or defense you lose by picking Staff can easily be made up by synthesizing Power Ups and Defense Ups.
  10. Picking Shield will grant you two extra item slots that you can otherwise not get while leveling up. The game is however still manageable to do without them of course. You will lose out on two extra MP by picking the Shield.
  12. Picking Sword gives you one extra item slot for picking it meaning you lose the second extra item slot from not picking Shield and you also lose out on the two extra MP because it's not the Staff.
  14. Giving Up - Sword, Shield, or Staff?:
  15. Always give up the sword. There really isn't any reason to use it besides getting some flashy attacks earlier than Shield and Staff. You will lose out on some attack power at the start but that can be made up by synthesizing Power Ups.
  17. Giving up the Shield will lower the defense you start the game at. This can however be made up with synthesizing Defense Ups.
  19. Giving up the Staff will make you lose out on two MP permanently meaning you will never be able to have max MP as it can not be synthesized. The higher your MP the stronger your magic, magic attacks (Sonic Blade, Ars Arcanum, etc), and your summons will be.
  21. Leveling Curve - Dawn, Midday, Or Dusk?
  22. To choose your leveling curve you will be asked questions by Tidus, Selphie, and Wakka when you first meet them. Never pick Midday as it is completely useless.
  24. To pick Dawn you must answer the top most question that all three ask. Picking Dawn will make it so that you will get to levels 1-40 faster than all the other leveling curves. However, once at level 40, Dawn takes the longest out of all the curves to reach level 100 meaning you will need the most experience out of all three to get to level 100 by picking Dawn. If you just want to run through the game then this is recommended. You are usually around level 50 or so for the final boss battles.
  26. To pick Midday you must choose the second answer that all three present. Picking Midday grants you nothing. You will go from level 1 to level 100 and the same pace with no speed up or slowdown.
  28. Picking Dusk will have you answering the third option for all three questions. With Dusk you level slow from levels 1 to level 40. After that you will level faster all the way to level 100. Picking Dusk means that you have to get the least amount of experience out of the three leveling curves making it the fastest way to get to level 100.
  30. So if you wanted the strongest Sora the fastest you would pick Staff and choose Dusk as your leveling curve.
  32. Getting 100 hits on the Pink Agaricus:
  33. No Hole:
  35. Hole in floor:
  38. Synthesizing:
  40. Guide to Exclusive Final Mix Heartless:
  41. (Please note that this video shows the Japanese names of the drops)
  43. Leveling:
  44. -If you need to level up after you seal Hollow Bastion, farm the hotel in Traverse Town -> two rooms in the hotel -> outside alley.
  46. -To defeat the Ice Titan just block his shards at the right time and they'll all hit his face, don't cast Aero on yourself, it'll make the shards unblockable. If you have all four Tech Boost equipped it is a nice place to grind levels.
  48. -If you need to get your whole party to level 100, finish the Hades Cup, then do the solo challenge with Sora, then do the time trial challenge and you will have the Rock Titan unlocked. Choose him as an opponent and fight him over and over. Remember to equip a ton of Experience increasing and Tech Boost stuff.
  50. Misc Tips:
  51. -If you're having problems with Sephiroth or Unknown, there's a cheap tactic you can use to destroy them. Ask in the thread only as a last resort and we'll tell you.
  52. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  53. Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories:
  55. About Cards:
  57. Getting to know your cards:
  59. All Cards (Sora):
  63. Every enemy Sora fights has a corresponding card to get except the Darkball. Riku can not change his deck and everything else should come to him naturally, except for the rare Random Joker Map Card. You'll just have to be lucky to get that one.
  65. Leveling:
  66. -Unlike Kingdom Hearts Final Mix, in Re:Chain of Memories you get to choose what to level up when you do level up. For Sora, if a sleight is available you should always pick it. For Riku, if AP is available you should always choose to increase it.
  68. If you choose to level up to level 99 then go to Castle Oblivion and level up there. For Sora, having a Bouncywild card in your deck will also make things easier as the card's effect draws all experience and cards to you so you don't have to run around for them. For Riku, use the Lexaeus card and then spam sleights when enemies use cards to go into Dark Mode. The Lexaeus card makes finishing blows have a chance to activate Warp while still giving you all of their experience. In Dark Mode, jumping and then attacking counts as a finishing blow. Use these videos for guidance:
  73. Misc Tips:
  74. -Never put a card that has an elemental attribute in your deck (example: Spellbinder, One Winged Angel, Diamond Dust). You will only end up healing enemies a lot.
  76. -As Sora, once you start getting Key to Rewards cards, drop everything you are currently doing and start going to previous floors and opening their Key to Rewards doors up so you can get enemy cards and sleights you otherwise would not get.
  78. -To make sure you are getting the most out of each world as Sora, create two Calm Bounty rooms in each world as well as opening the Key to Rewards door.
  80. -As Sora make sure to HIT EVERYTHING after you have cleared the room of all Heartless. Breaking and hitting things will give you HP Orbs, Moogle Points, and even extra cards to use for your deck. If you happen to hit something and any of these come out when initiating a battle they will be forever gone once the battle is over. The only things that drop in rooms when playing as Riku are HP Orbs.
  81. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  82. Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days:
  84. Days is nothing but a movie in 1.5. To make sure you see all the scenes press "Play" at the main menu. You can even skip all the scenes if you want. After everything is done you will unlock the Extras menu and will be able to see Roxas's Diary. Read everything here then press Triangle to view all the Secret Reports. Make sure to read all of these as well. After that "Characters" should pop up under Roxas's Diary under Extras. Look at all of these and you should have every trophy for Days.
  86. Getting all the trophies in Days will make it so that in Re:CoM when you open a Key to Rewards door there will be two treasure chests inside instead of just one. If you have already opened all the Key to Rewards doors in Re:CoM prior to this then they will all come back once you have all the trophies in Days so you can get the rewards from completing Days.
  87. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  88. Also, always remember: GET UP ON THE HYDRA'S BACK!
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