

Jan 2nd, 2019
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  1. Name: Karen Leze
  3. Gender: Female
  5. Height: 5'6"
  7. Age: 17
  9. Appearance:
  11. Rather short she is, blue eyed and with blond hair that ends with a red tint. Her hair is sort of messy, although it goes right to the back with some of it over her chest. It's somewhat long but not too long and ends in somewhat of an even manner. She wears a sort of vest with a sweater underneath it, the sweater is not hooded and a light red in color, the vest is of a dark green color with various swirling designs on it. She wears light brown shoes, with white laces.
  13. Personality:
  15. She's rather joyful, curious, friendly to some extent, and never really lets down her joyfulness down. It can become somewhat annoying at times, though she is always friendly to those who treat her so. She can become hyper upon meeting new people, sometimes asking too many questions of others, and speaks rather fast occasionally. Once befriended she is a rather loyal companion, cross that loyalty or threaten her friends, she's still going to act 'kind' but in a creepy manner, she never shows hostility to anyone or anything, but deep down of course she feels anger and hate just like anyone else, she just does a really good job at hiding it and prefers to let her actions speak louder than her words, in possible combat situations. She often gets bored, and is often looking around in places she probably shouldn't.
  17. She speaks in a constantly cheerful and happy tone most times, even in situations where it wouldn't be appropriate. As she gets to know people she will calm down, gradually. It is rare to see her act anything but cheerful. She does her best to spread happiness where she goes
  19. Items:
  21. She has a flying christasy sled, which she uses to fly about the sky with and tosses candy out of a bag to those who she flies over. The sled is a dark red in color and lined with a white border with horizontal stripes of green, blue and yellow on the white. The seats are extremely floofy and can fit up to 3 people.
  23. The candy bag is special, it is endless and supplies all sorts of candies, allowing her to throw out handfuls without any sort of regard.
  25. She also has a rainbow bladed knife which has a salmon red tint, which can cut through pretty much anything as if it is like air. The knife's hilt has a dark green color along the hilt which sparkles...perhaps a bit too much. She keeps it in her coat at all times.
  27. Backstory/World:
  29. After a strange comet struck her home world of Kiamore around 100 years ago, some people started to act strangely. As the weeks went on after this impact, people started to act more a bit more cheery and happy, it also brought a degree of magic into the world, though magic is separate from technology as it can't be harnessed in great extents or be fused with technology, only for simple spells. It was also called 'the Christmas Comet' which struck roughly round the area of the planet's north pole. Afterwards throughout the next years there were apparent sightings of Santa Klaus, later it was confirmed that he is, infact a real being. Along with Santa Klaus, there were rumors that a being known as "North Wind" who 'assumed control of the northern wind', such stories are not believed by most, though the winters after the impact were undeniably more severe.
  31. The severe winters caused people to work together in the long winters, often forming strong family bonds throughout communities and towns to keep going through the long harsh winters. This is where Christmas became rather important, as it was a way to cheer people up and get them through the long harsh winters. Technology is similar to the modern day minus commodities such as the internet and television don't exist as such things would be disrupted by the harsh winters and snows of the planet. Karen's family was no exception to it.
  33. Karen herself is one of those who takes what had happened to heart and every Christmas everyone in town gathers around to tell stories about that comet that struck the north pole and brought this all into motion. She was especially a rather good one, and always behaved well, resulting in her not getting any coal under the christmas tree. She seeks to venture to the North Pole one day, to even see what is really going on there, however, it would be a rather long journey there...
  35. Abilities:
  37. She's capable of enchantment and created her items with enchantment. These enchantments are often rather minor and relate to quantities / qualities of things of which is already there, though she created her magic carpet with a special enchantment that allows her to fly while near or with a certain item.
  39. Her other main ability is called Cherashole Flash, it's a flash of pink and yellow with a bit of white. This flash is brilliant however it is not a normal flash. It starts out as a small orb and gradually grows, as if a normal flash in slow motion. The brightness stays the same and the area just gets larger over time. It takes 5-10 seconds for it to become an actual flash, growing from the size of a small orb, then fizzling out once a certain point is reached.
  41. Light constructions are also what she can create, these constructions are merely to show off or entertain people but they can be used to scare or intimidate people if need be.
  43. She can speed herself up suddenly and be more agile for a period of time. The period depends on her focus and effort she is willing to put into it.
  45. Combat Prowess:
  47. Karen has no real combat skills, however she is rather fast and agile, and would likely use those in combat if need be, and make things up on spot.
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