
This Doesn't Feel Like Me 32

Nov 28th, 2017
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  1. app tl text bellow. not accurate at all. worse slang chapter ..ever!
  3. recap where fmc tells gangster to let her know of who's better or that(see last sum). gman asks fmc of whom is she speaking of and fmc goes how he doesn't even know the name of the woman he raped, and goes 'her name was Jeong Soo-jin '(notsure about the name). fatty is all 'what rape'. fatty prbly goes in idk might tell her how 'what is this rape talk' and how he doesn't remember or dismisses it(slang..). face palm from rapist and he goes how he lived and heard a lot but he a sir. he then asks fmc if she knows about it herself(notsure or if she knows about what happened, cause fb after).
  5. flashback and rapist kinda goes for her to sleep but bend her legs/put some strength a little. stuff about her tightness. more idk about her pussy hole. him being gentle to her or her to him. stuff about her warmth, if she wanted to do it with him. more commentary from him how it feels and asks if he already came or that. mom asks if mc/child is still alive. he says smth about mc, maybe how he got hurt. mom cusses rapist and kinda asks if he kills mc(notsure of the tone or direction .. or threat to rapist). then she asks how if he kills him what she should do and how she had smth to tell him(rapist or mc ..idk and cries here). mom yells that again 'what she should do if mc is dead' or idk and rapist goes show she should have told the kid that before. rapist talking about either witnesses and killing mc or rape and how he wants to do it now..idk. mom asks if rapist remembers smth related to her face and then how it/she looks exactly like her.
  7. fb over and rapist kinda remembers how it was good and idk..gets delirious a bit. calls that past a ended event. he asks if this is her plan/or her sisters as in dead mom/red.. (idk maybe related to mc's dad and that ..).
  9. red goes 'it's all a lie'. and then dad asks 'what' and red goes how it all a lie what dad is looking at. red tells dad how her face has had surgery. dad goes 'good' and red asks what is it, and dad goes how the surgery was done well. red insists that she isn't joking or that and dad goes how he doesn't care. how no matter what past, even if he hears it, things wont change and how he likes the red from now. red insists dad hears her story.
  11. rapist comments on the softness of her boobs. he compliments her more. fmc tells him to stop the bs and put it in. he goes 'yeah?' and reminds her how she isn't wet and how it would hurt. she tells him not to worry that it's moist inside or will get wet when he goes in ..idk. rapist goes more how he likes what he sees from her back. how she's all shaved and stuff. fmc tells him he's noisy and to put it in already and how with this he will have an extra felony on his head. fmc goes: violence(mc hurt face here), rape, oh.. and the last, murder! she goes more in how Jeong Soo-jin made it happen and not Song Ha-yeon(idk maybe) and how it's him. she goes how at first the plan(to take care of smbdy ..idk how) wasn't as it's now, and how sue-jin wasn't he lucky type. how when fmc saw it she had a change of mind/plan. and how sue-jin was never the type of girl to fuck with a guy like him/rapist. here fatty gets triggered and calls her a bitch and asks if she ants him to split her open. rapist prbly takes issue in how she knows that towards him. how if she has proof and cusses her some more. fmc denies having proof. rapist kinda goes all chill here with surprise. fmc goes how instead of that, there is a witness. rapist tells her not to bullshit. he kinda tells her wait for it how he will mess her up soon enough. he kinda asks her who is it/what is she talking about and if she tries to avoid rape/being hurt with this(notsure ..). tbc...
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