
philosophy at hux

Jun 13th, 2016
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  1. He was allowed to lead armies because of his ability to earn the faith and trust of his soldiers, <i>without</i> being raised in conditioning to remove free will; his ability to read and analyze a battle situation; and his ability to immediately react and adapt his behavior to capitalize on his enemies' weaknesses. It was, more often than not, effective. So how about doing the same, Hux? How about not just being versed in strategy, but having the flexibility to invent unexpected tactics on the spot? How about starting with a plan of action that hasn't repeatedly proven itself to be a failure? How about realizing that giant battle stations <i>are</i> large sinks of time, resources, and money that can cripple operations elsewhere? How about understanding that such a weapon inherently unbalances the world around it, and that the universe itself will eventually act to correct it?
  3. Because it wasn't <i>just</i> Solo's skill and recklessness, or <i>just</i> Finn's information. It took the Resistance, people connected not by unnatural coercion but by free will, by the natural flow of the universe. It took Poe, not just in combat, but enabling Finn to discover his free will, and who gave BB-8 the information that set so much in motion. It took Leia searching for that key to find her brother. Even Ben's actions so long ago laid the foundations. Each link formed, between individuals, between groups, created that unstoppable wave to the destruction of the Starkiller, as they did the Death Stars before them.
  5. Calling it the march of history denies coincidence. Dismissing it as coincidence denies the power the web of life creates. And in this case of the Starkiller, it ignores the lost girl from the desert planet who is the nexus of so many the connections which destroyed the station--and the strength in her that both enabled them and supported her. It is a web that linked her to Luke himself, despite obscurity and entire star systems.
  7. That flow created by by life of the galaxy linked together is no coincidence. It is the universe itself expressing itself in what has a remarkably descriptive name. It is a lesson demonstrated time and again that no technological monstrosity can compare to the power of the Force.
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