
3/646 HCP AT (reagent pasta, no goth, soulcrushing RNG)

Feb 1st, 2015
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  1. NEW Accordion Thief Hardcore not defined ASCENSION STARTED 20150129
  2. ------------------------------
  4. This log was created by the Ascension Log Visualizer 3.7.1.
  5. The basic idea and the format of this parser have been borrowed from the AFH MafiaLog Parser by VladimirPootin and QuantumNightmare.
  7. [code]===Day 1===
  9. [0] Ascension Start [0,0,0]
  10. +> [0] Got gremlin juice, resolution: be smarter, resolution: be smarter, resolution: be wealthier
  11. +> [0] Got ten-leaf clover
  12. -> Turn [0] Fist Turkey
  13. [1] Sloppy Seconds Diner [1,14,3]
  14. +> [1] Got bottle of rum
  15. -> Turn [1] Reanimated Reanimator
  16. [2-8] The Sleazy Back Alley [9,20,40]
  17. +> [2] Got Handsome Devil
  18. +> [6] Got spider web
  19. +> [8] Got resolution: be feistier
  20. => Level 2 (Turn 3)! (2/5/5)
  21. [9] Chateau Painting [1,4,13]
  22. +> [9] Got inkwell
  23. => Level 3 (Turn 9)! (3/6/8)
  24. [10] The Sleazy Back Alley [3,3,41]
  25. +> [10] Got dirty hobo gloves
  26. [11-15] 8-Bit Realm [35,28,65]
  27. +> [11] Got resolution: be wealthier
  28. +> [12] Got resolution: be stronger
  29. +> [15] Got ten-leaf clover
  30. *> [13] Started hunting Blooper
  31. => Level 4 (Turn 15)! (7/8/13)
  32. [16] Guano Junction [0,0,0]
  33. +> [16] Got Golden Light, sonar-in-a-biscuit, sonar-in-a-biscuit
  34. [17] The Beanbat Chamber [4,7,13]
  35. +> [17] Got enchanted bean, sonar-in-a-biscuit
  36. }> [17] Disintegrated beanbat
  37. [18-24] 8-Bit Realm [45,38,128]
  38. [25] The Spooky Forest [3,8,7]
  39. [26-27] The Outskirts of Cobb's Knob [14,14,14]
  40. +> [26] Got pulled yellow taffy
  41. [28-35] 8-Bit Realm [62,52,155]
  42. +> [35] Got resolution: be luckier
  43. => Level 5 (Turn 32)! (12/13/20)
  44. [36-41] The Boss Bat's Lair [54,79,104]
  45. +> [36] Got resolution: be sexier
  46. o> Ate 1 fortune cookie (1 adventures gained) [0,0,0]
  47. [42-44] The Outskirts of Cobb's Knob [18,26,64]
  48. +> [42] Got chef's hat
  49. +> [43] Got resolution: be sexier
  50. -> Turn [44] Fist Turkey
  51. [45] The Boss Bat's Lair [12,11,185]
  52. +> [45] Got Boss Bat britches
  53. o> Drank 1 CSA scoutmaster's (12 adventures gained) [27,30,28]
  54. => Level 6 (Turn 45)! (17/18/29)
  55. [46-52] The Dark Heart of the Woods [56,45,131]
  56. +> [50] Got Agitated Turkey
  57. +> [51] Got Agitated Turkey
  58. [53-60] The Dark Neck of the Woods [53,53,168]
  59. +> [53] Got ruby W
  60. +> [54] Got Agitated Turkey
  61. +> [60] Got Agitated Turkey
  62. *> [54] Started hunting Hellion
  63. -> Turn [60] Gelatinous Cubeling
  64. [61-62] The Outskirts of Cobb's Knob [5,7,16]
  65. [63] The Dark Neck of the Woods [0,0,0]
  66. [64-67] The Outskirts of Cobb's Knob [17,15,57]
  67. +> [66] Got Knob Goblin firecracker
  68. +> [67] Got Knob Goblin encryption key, pulled orange taffy
  69. o> Ate 1 Hell ramen (23 adventures gained) [27,28,29]
  70. [68-70] The Dark Neck of the Woods [12,19,52]
  71. +> [69] Got dodecagram
  72. [71-74] The Dark Heart of the Woods [23,24,73]
  73. [75] Cobb's Knob Kitchens [14,18,33]
  74. #> [75] Semirare: Knob Goblin Elite Guard Captain
  75. +> [75] Got Knob Goblin elite helm, Knob Goblin elite pants, Knob Goblin elite polearm
  76. [76-80] The Spooky Forest [51,42,102]
  77. -> Turn [77] Reanimated Reanimator
  78. [81-85] The Dark Heart of the Woods [35,42,85]
  79. +> [84] Got pulled blue taffy
  80. +> [85] Got box of birthday candles
  81. => Level 7 (Turn 84)! (24/25/40)
  82. [86-88] The Dark Elbow of the Woods [18,25,145]
  83. o> Used 1 astral energy drink (21 adventures gained) [0,0,0]
  84. [89-90] The Spooky Forest [10,10,20]
  85. +> [90] Got mosquito larva
  86. [91-95] The Dark Elbow of the Woods [53,33,114]
  87. [96-104] The Defiled Niche [87,89,316]
  88. o> Drank 1 CSA cheerfulness ration (5 adventures gained) [50,42,53]
  89. o> Ate 1 Hell ramen (24 adventures gained) [26,23,26]
  90. *> [98] Started hunting dirty old lihc
  91. [105-108] The Daily Dungeon [28,26,67]
  92. o> Used 1 tonic djinn [0,0,61]
  93. [109-111] The Defiled Niche [40,45,193]
  94. [112-114] Cobb's Knob Kitchens [0,0,0]
  95. +> [112] Got Cobb's Knob lab key
  96. -> Turn [114] Fist Turkey
  97. [115] Cobb's Knob Barracks [0,0,317]
  98. +> [115] Got Knob cake, pulled red taffy
  99. => Level 8 (Turn 115)! (29/30/54)
  100. [116-119] The Dark Elbow of the Woods [23,34,68]
  101. +> [119] Got eldritch butterknife
  102. o> Drank 2 snifter of thoroughly aged brandy (12 adventures gained) [0,38,0]
  103. o> Drank 1 water purification pills (9 adventures gained) [25,26,33]
  104. [120-123] The Goatlet [46,33,341]
  105. +> [121] Got glass of goat's milk, goat cheese
  106. +> [122] Got glass of goat's milk, goat cheese
  107. +> [123] Got Ambitious Turkey, Handsome Devil, Vicar's Tutu, cap gun
  108. +> [123] Got glass of goat's milk, goat cheese, pulled blue taffy, pulled orange taffy
  109. +> [123] Got pulled orange taffy, pulled violet taffy, resolution: be sexier, resolution: be sexier
  110. +> [123] Got resolution: be smarter, ten-leaf clover
  111. o> Drank 1 Ambitious Turkey (8 adventures gained) [24,30,33]
  112. *> [121] Started hunting dairy goat
  114. ===Day 2===
  115. Adventure count at day start: 105
  116. Current meat: 656
  118. [124] Itznotyerzitz Mine [7,11,27]
  119. #> [124] Semirare: 7-Foot Dwarf Foreman
  120. +> [124] Got 7-Foot Dwarven mattock, Golden Light, miner's helmet, miner's pants
  121. o> Ate 1 fortune cookie (1 adventures gained) [0,0,0]
  122. [125-134] Itznotyerzitz Mine (in Disguise) [0,0,102]
  123. +> [127] Got chrome ore
  124. +> [128] Got chrome ore
  125. +> [131] Got asbestos ore
  126. +> [133] Got asbestos ore
  127. +> [134] Got asbestos ore, resolution: be kinder
  128. -> Turn [133] Reanimated Reanimator
  129. [135-145] Lair of the Ninja Snowmen [112,114,267]
  130. +> [135] Got empty meat tank, frigid ninja stars, tires
  131. +> [136] Got pulled green taffy
  132. +> [145] Got anticheese
  133. -> Turn [145] Fist Turkey
  134. [146] The Daily Dungeon [8,7,37]
  135. +> [146] Got pulled blue taffy, pulled indigo taffy
  136. [147-156] The Defiled Nook [119,139,401]
  137. +> [147] Got evil eye, skeleton bone, smart skull
  138. +> [148] Got Ambitious Turkey, loose teeth
  139. +> [149] Got skeleton bone, smart skull
  140. +> [150] Got evil eye, loose teeth, loose teeth, skeleton bone
  141. +> [151] Got evil eye, skeleton bone, smart skull
  142. +> [152] Got Ambitious Turkey, evil eye, skeleton bone
  143. +> [153] Got skeleton bone, smart skull
  144. +> [154] Got evil eye, loose teeth, skeleton bone
  145. +> [155] Got evil eye, loose teeth, loose teeth
  146. +> [156] Got skeleton bone, skeleton bone, skeleton bone
  147. [157-159] The Daily Dungeon [15,17,50]
  148. [160] Chateau Painting [6,11,27]
  149. +> [160] Got Lady Spookyraven's necklace, ghost of a necklace
  150. [161] The Shore, Inc. Travel Agency [0,0,72]
  151. [164] The Haunted Gallery [39,12,32]
  152. [165-168] The Shore, Inc. Travel Agency [0,0,238]
  153. => Level 9 (Turn 168)! (36/37/68)
  154. [171] Hippy Camp [12,10,27]
  155. +> [171] Got Ambitious Turkey, filthy corduroys, filthy knitted dread sack
  156. }> [171] Disintegrated filthy hippy Vegan chef
  157. [172-179] The Obligatory Pirate's Cove [78,68,113]
  158. +> [174] Got stuffed shoulder parrot
  159. +> [175] Got eyepatch
  160. [180-182] The Haunted Gallery [19,38,82]
  161. [183] The Haunted Bathroom [30,15,33]
  162. [184] The Obligatory Pirate's Cove [0,0,17]
  163. [185-187] The Haunted Gallery [21,38,63]
  164. +> [187] Got Lady Spookyraven's dancing shoes
  165. [188-192] The Obligatory Pirate's Cove [21,51,60]
  166. +> [188] Got bottle of rum
  167. +> [192] Got swashbuckling pants
  168. [193-197] Barrrney's Barrr [57,67,241]
  169. +> [194] Got Ambitious Turkey, bottle of rum, bottle of rum
  170. +> [197] Got bottle of rum
  171. [198] The Haunted Bedroom [5,10,97]
  172. [199-203] The Haunted Bathroom [44,45,98]
  173. +> [200] Got Ambitious Turkey, fancy bath salts
  174. -> Turn [200] Reanimated Reanimator
  175. [204-210] Barrrney's Barrr [87,101,220]
  176. +> [204] Got bottle of rum
  177. +> [205] Got bottle of rum
  178. +> [206] Got bottle of rum, bottle of rum
  179. +> [209] Got bottle of rum
  180. [211] Cap'm Caronch's Map [15,18,33]
  181. [213-214] The Infiltrationist [0,0,0]
  182. [215-221] Barrrney's Barrr [0,0,0]
  183. [222-223] The Haunted Bathroom [30,25,54]
  184. +> [223] Got Lady Spookyraven's powder puff
  185. [224-235] The Haunted Bedroom [182,177,664]
  186. +> [226] Got Lord Spookyraven's spectacles
  187. +> [228] Got disposable instant camera
  188. +> [235] Got Lady Spookyraven's finest gown
  189. o> Ate 2 Hell ramen (62 adventures gained) [53,52,57]
  190. [236-241] The Haunted Ballroom [159,143,234]
  191. [242-243] The Spooky Forest [25,28,46]
  192. [244-246] The Defiled Cranny [39,43,97]
  193. o> Drank 5 Ambitious Turkey (36 adventures gained) [111,118,142]
  194. [247-255] The Spooky Forest [60,77,172]
  195. +> [247] Got tree-holed coin
  196. +> [249] Got spooky sapling
  197. +> [251] Got Spooky-Gro fertilizer
  198. o> Drank 1 CSA cheerfulness ration (5 adventures gained) [41,49,51]
  199. => Level 10 (Turn 255)! (49/50/85)
  200. [256-280] The Penultimate Fantasy Airship [264,287,624]
  201. +> [257] Got soft green echo eyedrop antidote
  202. +> [259] Got metallic A, photoprotoneutron torpedo
  203. +> [260] Got resolution: be more adventurous, titanium assault umbrella
  204. +> [263] Got soft green echo eyedrop antidote
  205. +> [264] Got soft green echo eyedrop antidote
  206. +> [265] Got Tissue Paper Immateria
  207. +> [266] Got soft green echo eyedrop antidote
  208. +> [267] Got soft green echo eyedrop antidote
  209. +> [268] Got soft green echo eyedrop antidote
  210. +> [269] Got soft green echo eyedrop antidote
  211. +> [270] Got soft green echo eyedrop antidote
  212. +> [271] Got resolution: be feistier
  213. +> [272] Got soft green echo eyedrop antidote
  214. +> [273] Got Tin Foil Immateria
  215. +> [275] Got Gauze Immateria
  216. +> [276] Got Plastic Wrap Immateria
  217. +> [278] Got soft green echo eyedrop antidote
  218. *> [263] Started hunting Quiet Healer
  219. &> 1 / 1 free retreats
  220. [281-284] The Spooky Forest [23,38,89]
  221. +> [284] Got Spooky Temple map
  222. [285-286] The Penultimate Fantasy Airship [10,17,38]
  223. +> [285] Got soft green echo eyedrop antidote
  224. +> [286] Got S.O.C.K.
  225. o> Used 1 astral energy drink (32 adventures gained) [0,0,0]
  226. [287-296] The Defiled Alcove [117,130,271]
  227. +> [287] Got rusty grave robbing shovel
  228. +> [289] Got loose teeth
  229. +> [296] Got loose teeth
  230. [297] The Defiled Cranny [22,21,61]
  231. [298] The Hidden Temple [215,211,507]
  232. #> [298] Semirare: Baa'baa'bu'ran
  233. +> [298] Got stone wool, stone wool
  234. o> Drank 1 CSA scoutmaster's (12 adventures gained) [26,27,26]
  235. o> Ate 1 fortune cookie (1 adventures gained) [0,0,0]
  236. o> Drank 1 water purification pills (9 adventures gained) [26,27,39]
  237. [299] Haert of the Cyrpt [48,23,2444]
  238. +> [299] Got Half a Purse, Knob mushroom, Knob mushroom, Knoll mushroom
  239. +> [299] Got Knoll mushroom, chest of the Bonerdagon, pulled blue taffy, pulled blue taffy
  240. +> [299] Got pulled blue taffy, pulled blue taffy, pulled blue taffy, pulled blue taffy
  241. +> [299] Got pulled orange taffy, pulled violet taffy, pulled yellow taffy, resolution: be feistier
  242. +> [299] Got resolution: be happier, resolution: be happier, resolution: be more adventurous, resolution: be sexier
  243. +> [299] Got resolution: be sexier, resolution: be sexier, resolution: be sexier, resolution: be sexier
  244. +> [299] Got resolution: be smarter, resolution: be smarter, resolution: be smarter, resolution: be stronger
  245. +> [299] Got resolution: be stronger, resolution: be wealthier, resolution: be wealthier, resolution: be wealthier
  246. +> [299] Got skull of the Bonerdagon, ten-leaf clover, vertebra of the Bonerdagon
  247. o> Used 1 chest of the Bonerdagon [150,150,195]
  248. o> Used 1 twinkly wad (1 adventures gained) [8,10,10]
  249. => Level 11 (Turn 299)! (57/59/107)
  251. ===Day 3===
  252. Adventure count at day start: 162
  253. Current meat: 2078
  255. o> Used 1 astral energy drink (29 adventures gained) [0,0,0]
  256. [300-305] The Castle in the Clouds in the Sky (Basement) [81,73,212]
  257. +> [300] Got heavy D, original G
  258. +> [301] Got massive dumbbell
  259. #> Turn [300] pulled 18 puppet strings
  260. [306-316] The Castle in the Clouds in the Sky (Ground Floor) [183,165,486]
  261. +> [309] Got plot hole
  262. [317-325] The Castle in the Clouds in the Sky (Top Floor) [113,104,302]
  263. +> [320] Got awful poetry journal, thin black candle
  264. +> [325] Got ten-leaf clover
  265. [326] The Smut Orc Logging Camp [0,0,0]
  266. [327-334] Twin Peak [83,94,240]
  267. *> [329] Started hunting elephant (meatcar?) topiary animal
  268. [335] The Enormous Greater-Than Sign [16,8,36]
  269. [336-354] The Black Forest [233,331,558]
  270. +> [338] Got Ambitious Turkey
  271. +> [339] Got adder bladder, sunken eyes
  272. +> [340] Got Golden Light, broken wings
  273. +> [345] Got Ambitious Turkey
  274. +> [349] Got blackberry galoshes
  275. -> Turn [336] Fist Turkey
  276. [355] The Shore, Inc. Travel Agency [0,0,0]
  277. o> Drank 1 Agitated Turkey (6 adventures gained) [19,14,20]
  278. [358-363] The Hole in the Sky [154,143,330]
  279. +> [359] Got Ambitious Turkey
  280. +> [361] Got Ambitious Turkey
  281. [364] The Daily Dungeon [13,5,64]
  282. +> [364] Got Ambitious Turkey
  283. [365-371] The F'c'le [107,104,158]
  284. +> [365] Got ball polish
  285. +> [367] Got mizzenmast mop
  286. +> [370] Got rigging shampoo
  287. -> Turn [370] Reanimated Reanimator
  288. [372-378] The Poop Deck [113,115,239]
  289. [379-384] Belowdecks [112,128,245]
  290. +> [382] Got snakehead charrrm
  291. +> [384] Got snakehead charrrm
  292. *> [382] Started hunting gaudy pirate
  293. [385-395] Inside the Palindome [117,148,357]
  294. +> [386] Got photograph of God
  295. +> [387] Got photograph of an ostrich egg
  296. +> [389] Got ketchup hound, photograph of a dog, stunt nuts
  297. +> [393] Got photograph of a red nugget
  298. *> [389] Started hunting Bob Racecar
  299. [396] The Daily Dungeon [14,14,18]
  300. [397-398] The Hole in the Sky [36,47,89]
  301. +> [398] Got star chart
  302. [399-402] Whitey's Grove [38,51,111]
  303. +> [400] Got bird rib
  304. +> [402] Got lion oil
  305. [403-404] The Haunted Ballroom [6,17,35]
  306. &> 1 / 1 free retreats
  307. [405] The Haunted Wine Cellar [23,19,39]
  308. +> [405] Got bottle of Chateau de Vinegar
  309. *> [405] Started hunting possessed wine rack
  310. [406-412] The Haunted Laundry Room [114,165,262]
  311. +> [412] Got blasting soda
  312. *> [406] Started hunting the cabinet of Dr. Limpieza
  313. [413] The Haunted Boiler Room [15,17,43]
  314. +> [413] Got wine bomb
  315. [414-415] The Hidden Temple [0,0,0]
  316. [418-424] The Hidden Park [55,58,122]
  317. +> [420] Got bowling ball
  318. +> [422] Got book of matches
  319. +> [423] Got half-size scalpel
  320. [425] An Overgrown Shrine (Northwest) [0,0,0]
  321. [426] An Overgrown Shrine (Southwest) [0,0,0]
  322. [427] An Overgrown Shrine (Northeast) [0,0,0]
  323. [428] An Overgrown Shrine (Southeast) [0,0,0]
  324. [429-430] The Hidden Hospital [36,30,78]
  325. [431] The Hidden Bowling Alley [20,22,26]
  326. => Level 12 (Turn 431)! (70/73/125)
  327. [432] Frat House [17,13,28]
  328. +> [432] Got beer helmet, bejeweled pledge pin, distressed denim pants
  329. }> [432] Disintegrated Catching Some Zetas
  330. [433] Hippy Camp [23,19,35]
  331. +> [433] Got round purple sunglasses
  332. [434-439] Wartime Hippy Camp (Frat Disguise) [94,87,210]
  333. +> [438] Got reinforced beaded headband
  334. &> 1 / 1 free retreats
  335. [440] Next to that Barrel with Something Burning in it [14,17,29]
  336. +> [440] Got molybdenum hammer
  337. [441-442] Out by that Rusted-Out Car [33,28,60]
  338. +> [442] Got molybdenum screwdriver
  339. [443-445] Over Where the Old Tires Are [51,44,90]
  340. +> [445] Got molybdenum crescent wrench
  341. [446-448] Near an Abandoned Refrigerator [44,41,104]
  342. +> [448] Got molybdenum pliers
  343. [449-456] Sonofa Beach [115,57,41]
  344. +> [456] Got barrel of gunpowder
  345. &> 1 / 1 free retreats
  346. [457-464] The Hidden Bowling Alley [155,162,280]
  347. +> [457] Got bowling ball
  348. +> [459] Got bowling ball
  349. +> [461] Got bowling ball
  350. +> [463] Got bowling ball
  351. [465-466] The Daily Dungeon [10,8,25]
  352. +> [466] Got Boris's key, Jarlsberg's key, Sneaky Pete's key
  353. [467-474] The Hidden Apartment Building [144,135,322]
  354. *> [467] Started hunting pygmy shaman
  355. *> [472] Started hunting pygmy witch accountant
  356. [475-476] The Hidden Office Building [38,35,86]
  357. +> [476] Got barrel of gunpowder
  358. [477] The Hidden Apartment Building [11,19,48]
  359. +> [477] Got Vicar's Tutu
  360. o> Ate 1 This Charming Flan (14 adventures gained) [12,0,0]
  361. o> Ate 1 Xiblaxian ultraburrito (23 adventures gained) [50,50,55]
  362. o> Ate 1 grue egg omelette (27 adventures gained) [40,45,40]
  363. [478-486] The Hidden Office Building [138,141,332]
  364. [487] The Castle in the Clouds in the Sky (Top Floor) [0,0,0]
  365. #> [487] Semirare: All The Rave
  366. [488] A Massive Ziggurat [45,25,93]
  367. [489-494] Tavern Cellar [44,41,92]
  368. +> [494] Got Typical Tavern swill, Typical Tavern swill, Typical Tavern swill
  369. [495] The Shore, Inc. Travel Agency [0,0,112]
  370. [498-507] The Arid, Extra-Dry Desert [193,167,361]
  371. +> [499] Got barrel of gunpowder
  372. +> [500] Got bronzed locust
  373. +> [506] Got worm-riding manual page
  374. +> [507] Got worm-riding manual page (3)
  375. [508] Lord Spookyraven [77,63,172]
  376. +> [508] Got Mega Gem
  377. [510-513] Mist-Shrouded Peak [53,55,133]
  378. +> [510] Got yeti fur
  379. +> [511] Got yeti fur
  380. +> [512] Got yeti fur
  381. +> [513] Got Groar's fur, ten-leaf clover
  382. [514] The Oasis [0,0,0]
  383. [515-524] The Arid, Extra-Dry Desert [166,167,413]
  384. +> [516] Got worm-riding manual page (2)
  385. +> [518] Got worm-riding manual page (3)
  386. +> [520] Got worm-riding manual page (2)
  387. +> [521] Got barrel of gunpowder
  388. +> [522] Got worm-riding manual page (2)
  389. +> [524] Got worm-riding manual page (2)
  390. [525-529] The Oasis [76,68,144]
  391. +> [528] Got drum machine
  392. +> [529] Got stone rose, worm-riding hooks
  393. [530] Throne Room [22,24,52]
  394. +> [530] Got Crown of the Goblin King
  395. [531-535] The Upper Chamber [63,58,131]
  396. &> 1 / 1 free retreats
  397. [536] ice sculpture [18,24,37]
  398. +> [536] Got barrel of gunpowder
  399. o> Drank 2 Agitated Turkey (13 adventures gained) [22,32,39]
  400. [537-546] The Middle Chamber [201,191,476]
  401. +> [537] Got tomb ratchet
  402. +> [538] Got tomb ratchet
  403. +> [539] Got tomb ratchet
  404. +> [540] Got tomb ratchet
  405. +> [541] Got tomb ratchet
  406. +> [543] Got tomb ratchet
  407. +> [544] Got tomb ratchet
  408. +> [545] Got tomb ratchet
  409. +> [546] Got A-Boo clue, tomb ratchet
  410. *> [537] Started hunting tomb rat
  411. [547-550] A-Boo Peak [40,50,108]
  412. +> [547] Got A-Boo clue
  413. +> [549] Got A-Boo clue
  414. +> [550] Got A-Boo clue
  415. [551-555] Oil Peak [75,84,184]
  416. [556] The Hatching Chamber [28,15,47]
  417. [557] The Feeding Chamber [23,21,47]
  418. [558-559] Twin Peak [28,31,80]
  419. *> [559] Started hunting bearpig topiary animal
  420. [560] rusty hedge trimmers [0,0,0]
  421. [561] Twin Peak [18,20,31]
  422. [562] rusty hedge trimmers [0,0,0]
  423. +> [562] Got bullet-proof corduroys
  424. o> Drank 1 Ambitious Turkey (7 adventures gained) [30,29,20]
  425. [566-576] The Themthar Hills [226,233,520]
  426. [577] Chateau Painting [33,17,38]
  427. [578] The Lower Chambers (Token/Empty) [0,0,0]
  428. [579] The Lower Chambers (Rubble/Bomb) [0,0,0]
  429. [580] The Lower Chambers (Empty/Rubble) [0,0,0]
  430. +> [580] Got Golden Light, Vicar's Tutu
  431. [581-587] Ed the Undying [206,180,411]
  432. [588] The Royal Guard Chamber [23,10,41]
  433. }> [588] Disintegrated filthworm royal guard
  434. [589] The Filthworm Queen's Chamber [25,13,38]
  435. [590-624] The Battlefield (Frat Uniform) [512,473,1230]
  436. +> [620] Got gas balloon
  437. o> Drank 4 Ambitious Turkey (29 adventures gained) [74,86,106]
  438. => Level 13 (Turn 606)! (89/90/148)
  439. [625] The Big Wisniewski [75,64,145]
  440. +> [625] Got pulled red taffy
  441. [626-629] A-Boo Peak [28,22,27]
  442. o> Used 1 Knob Goblin steroids [0,0,-16]
  443. o> Used 1 cold wad (1 adventures gained) [26,16,9]
  444. o> Used 1 hot wad (1 adventures gained) [25,9,17]
  445. o> Used 1 sleaze wad (1 adventures gained) [14,14,33]
  446. o> Used 1 spooky wad (1 adventures gained) [10,28,20]
  447. o> Used 1 stench wad (1 adventures gained) [18,25,10]
  448. o> Used 1 twinkly wad (1 adventures gained) [9,10,11]
  449. [630-631] Fastest Adventurer Contest [45,36,79]
  450. [632] Strongest Adventurer Contest [25,17,52]
  451. [633-635] Hottest Adventurer Contest [68,47,121]
  452. [636] The Hedge Maze [0,0,0]
  453. [637] The Hedge Maze (Room 4) [0,0,0]
  454. [638] The Hedge Maze (Room 7) [0,0,0]
  455. [639] The Hedge Maze (Room 9) [0,0,0]
  456. [640] Tower Level 1 [23,11,32]
  457. [641] Tower Level 2 [22,18,44]
  458. &> 3 / 3 free retreats
  459. [642] The Castle in the Clouds in the Sky (Ground Floor) [0,0,0]
  460. [643] Tower Level 3 [57,59,160]
  461. +> [643] Got ten-leaf clover
  462. [644] The Castle in the Clouds in the Sky (Basement) [0,0,0]
  463. +> [644] Got lowercase N
  464. [645] Tower Level 5 [58,51,113]
  465. [646-647] The Naughty Sorceress' Chamber [123,125,289]
  467. Turn rundown finished![/code]
  470. ----------
  471. The Battlefield (Frat Uniform): 35
  472. The Penultimate Fantasy Airship: 27
  473. The Spooky Forest: 23
  474. 8-Bit Realm: 20
  475. The Arid, Extra-Dry Desert: 20
  476. Barrrney's Barrr: 19
  477. The Black Forest: 19
  478. The Dark Heart of the Woods: 16
  479. The Obligatory Pirate's Cove: 14
  480. The Haunted Bedroom: 13
  481. The Castle in the Clouds in the Sky (Ground Floor): 12
  482. The Daily Dungeon: 12
  483. The Dark Elbow of the Woods: 12
  484. The Dark Neck of the Woods: 12
  485. The Defiled Niche: 12
  486. Inside the Palindome: 11
  487. Lair of the Ninja Snowmen: 11
  488. The Hidden Office Building: 11
  489. The Outskirts of Cobb's Knob: 11
  490. The Themthar Hills: 11
  491. Twin Peak: 11
  492. Itznotyerzitz Mine (in Disguise): 10
  493. The Castle in the Clouds in the Sky (Top Floor): 10
  494. The Defiled Alcove: 10
  495. The Defiled Nook: 10
  496. The Middle Chamber: 10
  497. The Hidden Apartment Building: 9
  498. The Hidden Bowling Alley: 9
  499. A-Boo Peak: 8
  500. Sonofa Beach: 8
  501. The Haunted Ballroom: 8
  502. The Haunted Bathroom: 8
  503. The Hole in the Sky: 8
  504. The Sleazy Back Alley: 8
  505. Ed the Undying: 7
  506. The Boss Bat's Lair: 7
  507. The Castle in the Clouds in the Sky (Basement): 7
  508. The F'c'le: 7
  509. The Haunted Gallery: 7
  510. The Haunted Laundry Room: 7
  511. The Hidden Park: 7
  512. The Poop Deck: 7
  513. The Shore, Inc. Travel Agency: 7
  514. Belowdecks: 6
  515. Tavern Cellar: 6
  516. The Oasis: 6
  517. Wartime Hippy Camp (Frat Disguise): 6
  518. Oil Peak: 5
  519. The Upper Chamber: 5
  520. Cobb's Knob Kitchens: 4
  521. Mist-Shrouded Peak: 4
  522. The Defiled Cranny: 4
  523. The Goatlet: 4
  524. Whitey's Grove: 4
  525. Chateau Painting: 3
  526. Hottest Adventurer Contest: 3
  527. Near an Abandoned Refrigerator: 3
  528. Over Where the Old Tires Are: 3
  529. The Hidden Temple: 3
  530. Fastest Adventurer Contest: 2
  531. Hippy Camp: 2
  532. Out by that Rusted-Out Car: 2
  533. rusty hedge trimmers: 2
  534. The Hidden Hospital: 2
  535. The Infiltrationist: 2
  536. The Naughty Sorceress' Chamber: 2
  537. A Massive Ziggurat: 1
  538. An Overgrown Shrine (Northeast): 1
  539. An Overgrown Shrine (Northwest): 1
  540. An Overgrown Shrine (Southeast): 1
  541. An Overgrown Shrine (Southwest): 1
  542. Cap'm Caronch's Map: 1
  543. Cobb's Knob Barracks: 1
  544. Frat House: 1
  545. Guano Junction: 1
  546. Haert of the Cyrpt: 1
  547. ice sculpture: 1
  548. Itznotyerzitz Mine: 1
  549. Lord Spookyraven: 1
  550. Next to that Barrel with Something Burning in it: 1
  551. Sloppy Seconds Diner: 1
  552. Strongest Adventurer Contest: 1
  553. The Beanbat Chamber: 1
  554. The Big Wisniewski: 1
  555. The Enormous Greater-Than Sign: 1
  556. The Feeding Chamber: 1
  557. The Filthworm Queen's Chamber: 1
  558. The Hatching Chamber: 1
  559. The Haunted Boiler Room: 1
  560. The Haunted Wine Cellar: 1
  561. The Hedge Maze: 1
  562. The Hedge Maze (Room 4): 1
  563. The Hedge Maze (Room 7): 1
  564. The Hedge Maze (Room 9): 1
  565. The Lower Chambers (Empty/Rubble): 1
  566. The Lower Chambers (Rubble/Bomb): 1
  567. The Lower Chambers (Token/Empty): 1
  568. The Royal Guard Chamber: 1
  569. The Smut Orc Logging Camp: 1
  570. Throne Room: 1
  571. Tower Level 1: 1
  572. Tower Level 2: 1
  573. Tower Level 3: 1
  574. Tower Level 5: 1
  579. ----------
  580. Spooky Forest: 23
  581. Tavern quest: 6
  582. Bat quest: 8
  583. Cobb's Knob quest: 17
  584. Friars' quest: 39
  585. Pandamonium quest: 0
  586. Defiled Cyrpt quest: 37
  587. Trapzor quest: 30
  588. Orc Chasm quest: 24
  589. Airship: 27
  590. Giant's Castle: 29
  591. Pirate quest: 56
  592. Black Forest quest: 19
  593. Desert Oasis quest: 26
  594. Spookyraven First Floor: 0
  595. Spookyraven Second Floor: 36
  596. Spookyraven Cellar: 10
  597. Hidden City quest: 48
  598. Palindome quest: 16
  599. Pyramid quest: 25
  600. Starting the War: 9
  601. War Island quest: 68
  602. DoD quest: 1
  603. Daily Dungeon: 12
  607. PULLS
  608. ----------
  609. Pulled 18 puppet strings
  613. LEVELS
  614. ----------
  615. Hit Level 1 on turn 0, 0 from last level. (0.0 substats / turn)
  616. Combats: 0
  617. Noncombats: 0
  618. Other: 0
  619. Hit Level 2 on turn 3, 3 from last level. (8.3 substats / turn)
  620. Combats: 3
  621. Noncombats: 0
  622. Other: 0
  623. Hit Level 3 on turn 9, 6 from last level. (6.5 substats / turn)
  624. Combats: 4
  625. Noncombats: 2
  626. Other: 0
  627. Hit Level 4 on turn 15, 6 from last level. (17.5 substats / turn)
  628. Combats: 6
  629. Noncombats: 0
  630. Other: 0
  631. Hit Level 5 on turn 32, 17 from last level. (13.6 substats / turn)
  632. Combats: 16
  633. Noncombats: 1
  634. Other: 0
  635. Hit Level 6 on turn 45, 13 from last level. (33.9 substats / turn)
  636. Combats: 13
  637. Noncombats: 0
  638. Other: 0
  639. Hit Level 7 on turn 84, 39 from last level. (19.5 substats / turn)
  640. Combats: 31
  641. Noncombats: 7
  642. Other: 0
  643. Hit Level 8 on turn 115, 31 from last level. (39.0 substats / turn)
  644. Combats: 23
  645. Noncombats: 8
  646. Other: 0
  647. Hit Level 9 on turn 168, 53 from last level. (34.2 substats / turn)
  648. Combats: 33
  649. Noncombats: 6
  650. Other: 10
  651. Hit Level 10 on turn 255, 87 from last level. (29.9 substats / turn)
  652. Combats: 60
  653. Noncombats: 24
  654. Other: 0
  655. Hit Level 11 on turn 299, 44 from last level. (81.6 substats / turn)
  656. Combats: 35
  657. Noncombats: 9
  658. Other: 0
  659. Hit Level 12 on turn 431, 132 from last level. (36.4 substats / turn)
  660. Combats: 95
  661. Noncombats: 32
  662. Other: 0
  663. Hit Level 13 on turn 606, 175 from last level. (35.9 substats / turn)
  664. Combats: 140
  665. Noncombats: 28
  666. Other: 0
  669. Total COMBATS: 490 (75.7%)
  670. Total NONCOMBATS: 127 (19.6%)
  671. Total OTHER: 10 (1.5%)
  675. STATS
  676. ----------
  677. Muscle Myst Moxie
  678. Totals: 8952 9008 23708
  679. Combats: 7659 7717 21277
  680. Noncombats: 350 283 1182
  681. Others: 0 0 102
  682. Eating: 208 198 207
  683. Drinking: 475 548 590
  684. Using: 260 262 350
  687. Top 10 mainstat gaining areas:
  689. Haert of the Cyrpt 48 23 2444
  690. The Battlefield (Frat Uniform) 512 473 1230
  691. From consumables 943 1008 1147
  692. The Arid, Extra-Dry Desert 359 334 774
  693. The Haunted Bedroom 187 187 761
  694. The Penultimate Fantasy Airship 274 304 662
  695. The Black Forest 233 331 558
  696. The Themthar Hills 226 233 520
  697. The Defiled Niche 127 134 509
  698. The Hidden Temple 215 211 507
  703. ----------
  704. Need to gain level (last is total): 10 39 105 231 441 759 1209 1815 2601 3591 4809 6279 21904
  709. ----------
  710. Reanimated Reanimator : 398 combat turns (81.2%)
  711. Fist Turkey : 80 combat turns (16.3%)
  712. Gelatinous Cubeling : 12 combat turns (2.4%)
  717. ----------
  718. 75 : Knob Goblin Elite Guard Captain
  719. 124 : 7-Foot Dwarf Foreman
  720. 298 : Baa'baa'bu'ran
  721. 487 : All The Rave
  726. ----------
  727. 13 : Blooper
  728. 54 : Hellion
  729. 98 : dirty old lihc
  730. 121 : dairy goat
  731. 263 : Quiet Healer
  732. 329 : elephant (meatcar?) topiary animal
  733. 382 : gaudy pirate
  734. 389 : Bob Racecar
  735. 405 : possessed wine rack
  736. 406 : the cabinet of Dr. Limpieza
  737. 467 : pygmy shaman
  738. 472 : pygmy witch accountant
  739. 537 : tomb rat
  740. 559 : bearpig topiary animal
  745. ----------
  746. 17 : beanbat
  747. 171 : filthy hippy Vegan chef
  748. 432 : Catching Some Zetas
  749. 588 : filthworm royal guard
  754. ----------
  755. 536 : lobsterfrogman
  758. Familiar copy usage:
  759. 9 : writing desk
  760. 145 : ninja snowman assassin
  761. 456 : lobsterfrogman
  766. ----------
  767. 8 / 8 free retreats overall
  770. 257 : The Penultimate Fantasy Airship -- Protagonist
  771. 404 : The Haunted Wine Cellar -- skeletal sommelier
  772. 439 : Next to that Barrel with Something Burning in it -- vegetable gremlin
  773. 456 : The Hidden Bowling Alley -- pygmy orderlies
  774. 534 : The Upper Chamber -- tomb servant
  775. 641 : The Castle in the Clouds in the Sky (Ground Floor) -- Procrastination Giant
  776. 641 : The Castle in the Clouds in the Sky (Ground Floor) -- Possibility Giant
  777. 641 : The Castle in the Clouds in the Sky (Ground Floor) -- Renaissance Giant
  782. ----------
  786. CASTS
  787. ----------
  788. Cast 416 cadenza
  789. Cast 63 accordion bash
  790. Cast 57 summon resolutions
  791. Cast 39 summon taffy
  792. Cast 33 the polka of plenty
  793. Cast 30 smooth movement
  794. Cast 29 fat leon's phat loot lyric
  795. Cast 29 ur-kel's aria of annoyance
  796. Cast 28 the sonata of sneakiness
  797. Cast 18 summon smithsness
  798. Cast 17 bawdy refrain
  799. Cast 14 the ode to booze
  800. Cast 14 transcendent olfaction
  801. Cast 12 throw frostball
  802. Cast 11 the moxious madrigal
  803. Cast 7 steal accordion
  804. Cast 7 the power ballad of the arrowsmith
  805. Cast 5 the magical mojomuscular melody
  806. Cast 4 suspicious gaze
  807. Cast 3 advanced saucecrafting
  808. Cast 3 cletus's canticle of celerity
  809. Cast 3 pastamastery
  810. Cast 3 summon confiscated things
  811. Cast 3 summon geeky gifts
  812. Cast 3 wink at
  814. ------------------
  815. | Total Casts | 851
  816. ------------------
  818. ------------------
  819. | Total MP Spent | 3720
  820. ------------------
  824. MP GAINS
  825. ----------
  826. Total mp gained: 7107
  828. Inside Encounters: 6765
  829. Starfish Familiars: 0
  830. Resting: 0
  831. Outside Encounters: 136
  832. Consumables: 206
  834. Level 2:
  835. Inside Encounters: 4
  836. Starfish Familiars: 0
  837. Resting: 0
  838. Outside Encounters: 0
  839. Consumables: 0
  840. Level 3:
  841. Inside Encounters: 85
  842. Starfish Familiars: 0
  843. Resting: 0
  844. Outside Encounters: 0
  845. Consumables: 0
  846. Level 4:
  847. Inside Encounters: 72
  848. Starfish Familiars: 0
  849. Resting: 0
  850. Outside Encounters: 0
  851. Consumables: 0
  852. Level 5:
  853. Inside Encounters: 119
  854. Starfish Familiars: 0
  855. Resting: 0
  856. Outside Encounters: 0
  857. Consumables: 0
  858. Level 6:
  859. Inside Encounters: 362
  860. Starfish Familiars: 0
  861. Resting: 0
  862. Outside Encounters: 0
  863. Consumables: 0
  864. Level 7:
  865. Inside Encounters: 402
  866. Starfish Familiars: 0
  867. Resting: 0
  868. Outside Encounters: 0
  869. Consumables: 0
  870. Level 8:
  871. Inside Encounters: 569
  872. Starfish Familiars: 0
  873. Resting: 0
  874. Outside Encounters: 0
  875. Consumables: 0
  876. Level 9:
  877. Inside Encounters: 600
  878. Starfish Familiars: 0
  879. Resting: 0
  880. Outside Encounters: 0
  881. Consumables: 0
  882. Level 10:
  883. Inside Encounters: 454
  884. Starfish Familiars: 0
  885. Resting: 0
  886. Outside Encounters: 0
  887. Consumables: 0
  888. Level 11:
  889. Inside Encounters: 2862
  890. Starfish Familiars: 0
  891. Resting: 0
  892. Outside Encounters: 0
  893. Consumables: 20
  894. Level 12:
  895. Inside Encounters: 1108
  896. Starfish Familiars: 0
  897. Resting: 0
  898. Outside Encounters: 4
  899. Consumables: 66
  900. Level 13:
  901. Inside Encounters: 128
  902. Starfish Familiars: 0
  903. Resting: 0
  904. Outside Encounters: 132
  905. Consumables: 120
  910. ----------
  911. Adventures gained eating: 176
  912. Adventures gained drinking: 163
  913. Adventures gained using: 89
  914. Adventures gained rollover: 219
  916. Ate 4 Hell ramen (109 adventures gained) [106,103,112]
  917. Ate 3 fortune cookie (3 adventures gained) [0,0,0]
  918. Ate 1 This Charming Flan (14 adventures gained) [12,0,0]
  919. Ate 1 Xiblaxian ultraburrito (23 adventures gained) [50,50,55]
  920. Ate 1 grue egg omelette (27 adventures gained) [40,45,40]
  922. Drank 11 Ambitious Turkey (80 adventures gained) [239,263,301]
  923. Drank 3 Agitated Turkey (19 adventures gained) [41,46,59]
  924. Drank 2 CSA cheerfulness ration (10 adventures gained) [91,91,104]
  925. Drank 2 CSA scoutmaster's (24 adventures gained) [53,57,54]
  926. Drank 2 snifter of thoroughly aged brandy (12 adventures gained) [0,38,0]
  927. Drank 2 water purification pills (18 adventures gained) [51,53,72]
  929. Used 3 astral energy drink (82 adventures gained) [0,0,0]
  930. Used 2 twinkly wad (2 adventures gained) [17,20,21]
  931. Used 1 cold wad (1 adventures gained) [26,16,9]
  932. Used 1 hot wad (1 adventures gained) [25,9,17]
  933. Used 1 sleaze wad (1 adventures gained) [14,14,33]
  934. Used 1 spooky wad (1 adventures gained) [10,28,20]
  935. Used 1 stench wad (1 adventures gained) [18,25,10]
  937. Used 1 Knob Goblin steroids [0,0,-16]
  938. Used 1 chest of the Bonerdagon [150,150,195]
  939. Used 1 tonic djinn [0,0,61]
  943. MEAT
  944. ----------
  945. Total meat gained: 121991
  946. Total meat spent: 90075
  948. Level 1:
  949. Meat gain inside Encounters: 6
  950. Meat gain outside Encounters: 2520
  951. Meat spent: 754
  952. Level 2:
  953. Meat gain inside Encounters: 59
  954. Meat gain outside Encounters: 0
  955. Meat spent: 0
  956. Level 3:
  957. Meat gain inside Encounters: 0
  958. Meat gain outside Encounters: 0
  959. Meat spent: 24
  960. Level 4:
  961. Meat gain inside Encounters: 57
  962. Meat gain outside Encounters: 0
  963. Meat spent: 122
  964. Level 5:
  965. Meat gain inside Encounters: 3576
  966. Meat gain outside Encounters: 1195
  967. Meat spent: 112
  968. Level 6:
  969. Meat gain inside Encounters: 1976
  970. Meat gain outside Encounters: 2022
  971. Meat spent: 1274
  972. Level 7:
  973. Meat gain inside Encounters: 1036
  974. Meat gain outside Encounters: 23
  975. Meat spent: 500
  976. Level 8:
  977. Meat gain inside Encounters: 705
  978. Meat gain outside Encounters: 4387
  979. Meat spent: 7868
  980. Level 9:
  981. Meat gain inside Encounters: 3594
  982. Meat gain outside Encounters: 2485
  983. Meat spent: 1859
  984. Level 10:
  985. Meat gain inside Encounters: 6620
  986. Meat gain outside Encounters: 4010
  987. Meat spent: 1640
  988. Level 11:
  989. Meat gain inside Encounters: 23119
  990. Meat gain outside Encounters: 4584
  991. Meat spent: 16218
  992. Level 12:
  993. Meat gain inside Encounters: 30740
  994. Meat gain outside Encounters: 23260
  995. Meat spent: 14388
  996. Level 13:
  997. Meat gain inside Encounters: 1017
  998. Meat gain outside Encounters: 5000
  999. Meat spent: 45316
  1004. ----------
  1005. Spent 20 turns in the 8-Bit Realm
  1006. Fought 6 bloopers
  1007. Fought 2 bullet bills
  1008. Spent 0 turns in the Goatlet
  1009. Fought 0 dairy goats for 0 cheeses and 0 glasses of milk
  1010. Spent 0 turns in the Haunted Ballroom and found 0 Curtains
  1011. Fought 0 Zombie Waltzers and found 0 Dance Cards
  1012. Spent 0 turns in the Haunted Gallery and found 0 Louvres
  1013. Spent 0 turns in the Haunted Bathroom and found 0 noncombats
  1014. Garnishes received: 0
  1015. Coconuts: 0
  1016. Umbrellas: 0
  1017. Ice Cubes: 0
  1018. Number of lost combats: 0
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