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  1. /******************************************************************************
  2. * *
  3. * PROJECT : EOS Digital Software Development Kit EDSDK *
  4. * NAME : EDSDK.h *
  5. * *
  7. * *
  8. *******************************************************************************
  9. * *
  10. * Written and developed by Canon Inc. *
  11. * Copyright Canon Inc. 2006-2007 All Rights Reserved *
  12. * *
  13. *******************************************************************************
  14. * File Update Information: *
  15. * DATE Identify Comment *
  16. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *
  17. * 06-03-16 F-001 create first version. *
  18. * *
  19. ******************************************************************************/
  21. #ifndef _EDSDK_H_
  22. #define _EDSDK_H_
  25. #ifdef __cplusplus
  26. extern "C" {
  27. #endif
  30. #ifdef __MACOS__
  31. #include<CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
  32. #else
  33. #include <windows.h>
  34. #endif
  37. #include "EDSDKTypes.h"
  38. #include "EDSDKErrors.h"
  40. #if defined( BUILD_EDSDK_DLL )
  42. #else
  44. #endif
  46. #define oldif 0
  49. /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  52. /******************************************************************************
  53. *******************************************************************************
  54. //
  55. // Basic functions
  56. //
  57. *******************************************************************************
  58. ******************************************************************************/
  61. /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  62. //
  63. // Function: EdsInitializeSDK
  64. //
  65. // Description:
  66. // Initializes the libraries.
  67. // When using the EDSDK libraries, you must call this API once
  68. // before using EDSDK APIs.
  69. //
  70. // Parameters:
  71. // In: None
  72. // Out: None
  73. //
  74. // Returns: Any of the sdk errors.
  75. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  76. EdsError EDSAPI EdsInitializeSDK();
  78. /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  79. //
  80. // Function: EdsTerminateSDK
  81. //
  82. // Description:
  83. // Terminates use of the libraries.
  84. // This function muse be called when ending the SDK.
  85. // Calling this function releases all resources allocated by the libraries.
  86. //
  87. // Parameters:
  88. // In: None
  89. // Out: None
  90. //
  91. // Returns: Any of the sdk errors.
  92. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  93. EdsError EDSAPI EdsTerminateSDK();
  96. /******************************************************************************
  97. *******************************************************************************
  98. //
  99. // Reference-counter operating functions
  100. //
  101. *******************************************************************************
  102. ******************************************************************************/
  105. /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  106. //
  107. // Function: EdsRetain
  108. //
  109. // Description:
  110. // Increments the reference counter of existing objects.
  111. //
  112. // Parameters:
  113. // In: inRef - The reference for the item.
  114. // Out: None
  115. //
  116. // Returns: Any of the sdk errors.
  117. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  118. EdsUInt32 EDSAPI EdsRetain( EdsBaseRef inRef );
  121. /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  122. //
  123. // Function: EdsRelease
  124. //
  125. // Description:
  126. // Decrements the reference counter to an object.
  127. // When the reference counter reaches 0, the object is released.
  128. //
  129. // Parameters:
  130. // In: inRef - The reference of the item.
  131. // Out: None
  132. // Returns: Any of the sdk errors.
  133. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  134. EdsUInt32 EDSAPI EdsRelease( EdsBaseRef inRef );
  137. /******************************************************************************
  138. *******************************************************************************
  139. //
  140. // Item-tree operating functions
  141. //
  142. *******************************************************************************
  143. ******************************************************************************/
  146. /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  147. //
  148. // Function: EdsGetChildCount
  149. //
  150. // Description:
  151. // Gets the number of child objects of the designated object.
  152. // Example: Number of files in a directory
  153. //
  154. // Parameters:
  155. // In: inRef - The reference of the list.
  156. // Out: outCount - Number of elements in this list.
  157. //
  158. // Returns: Any of the sdk errors.
  159. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  160. EdsError EDSAPI EdsGetChildCount( EdsBaseRef inRef,
  161. EdsUInt32* outCount );
  164. /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  165. //
  166. // Function: EdsGetChildAtIndex
  167. //
  168. // Description:
  169. // Gets an indexed child object of the designated object.
  170. //
  171. // Parameters:
  172. // In: inRef - The reference of the item.
  173. // inIndex - The index that is passed in, is zero based.
  174. // Out: outRef - The pointer which receives reference of the
  175. // specified index .
  176. //
  177. // Returns: Any of the sdk errors.
  178. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  179. EdsError EDSAPI EdsGetChildAtIndex( EdsBaseRef inRef,
  180. EdsInt32 inIndex,
  181. EdsBaseRef* outRef );
  184. /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  185. //
  186. // Function: EdsGetParent
  187. //
  188. // Description:
  189. // Gets the parent object of the designated object.
  190. //
  191. // Parameters:
  192. // In: inRef - The reference of the item.
  193. // Out: outParentRef - The pointer which receives reference.
  194. //
  195. // Returns: Any of the sdk errors.
  196. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  197. EdsError EDSAPI EdsGetParent( EdsBaseRef inRef,
  198. EdsBaseRef* outParentRef );
  201. /******************************************************************************
  202. *******************************************************************************
  203. //
  204. // Property operating functions
  205. //
  206. *******************************************************************************
  207. ******************************************************************************/
  210. /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  211. //
  212. // Function: EdsGetPropertySize
  213. //
  214. // Description:
  215. // Gets the byte size and data type of a designated property
  216. // from a camera object or image object.
  217. //
  218. // Parameters:
  219. // In: inRef - The reference of the item.
  220. // inPropertyID - The ProprtyID
  221. // inParam - Additional information of property.
  222. // We use this parameter in order to specify an index
  223. // in case there are two or more values over the same ID.
  224. // Out: outDataType - Pointer to the buffer that is to receive the property
  225. // type data.
  226. // outSize - Pointer to the buffer that is to receive the property
  227. // size.
  228. //
  229. // Returns: Any of the sdk errors.
  230. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  231. EdsError EDSAPI EdsGetPropertySize( EdsBaseRef inRef,
  232. EdsPropertyID inPropertyID,
  233. EdsInt32 inParam,
  234. EdsDataType* outDataType,
  235. EdsUInt32* outSize );
  238. /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  239. //
  240. // Function: EdsGetPropertyData
  241. //
  242. // Description:
  243. // Gets property information from the object designated in inRef.
  244. //
  245. // Parameters:
  246. // In: inRef - The reference of the item.
  247. // inPropertyID - The ProprtyID
  248. // inParam - Additional information of property.
  249. // We use this parameter in order to specify an index
  250. // in case there are two or more values over the same ID.
  251. // inPropertySize - The number of bytes of the prepared buffer
  252. // for receive property-value.
  253. // Out: outPropertyData - The buffer pointer to receive property-value.
  254. //
  255. // Returns: Any of the sdk errors.
  256. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  257. EdsError EDSAPI EdsGetPropertyData( EdsBaseRef inRef,
  258. EdsPropertyID inPropertyID,
  259. EdsInt32 inParam,
  260. EdsUInt32 inPropertySize,
  261. EdsVoid* outPropertyData );
  264. /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  265. //
  266. // Function: EdsSetPropertyData
  267. //
  268. // Description:
  269. // Sets property data for the object designated in inRef.
  270. //
  271. // Parameters:
  272. // In: inRef - The reference of the item.
  273. // inPropertyID - The ProprtyID
  274. // inParam - Additional information of property.
  275. // inPropertySize - The number of bytes of the prepared buffer
  276. // for set property-value.
  277. // inPropertyData - The buffer pointer to set property-value.
  278. // Out: None
  279. //
  280. // Returns: Any of the sdk errors.
  281. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  282. EdsError EDSAPI EdsSetPropertyData( EdsBaseRef inRef,
  283. EdsPropertyID inPropertyID,
  284. EdsInt32 inParam,
  285. EdsUInt32 inPropertySize,
  286. const EdsVoid* inPropertyData );
  289. /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  290. //
  291. // Function: EdsGetPropertyDesc
  292. //
  293. // Description:
  294. // Gets a list of property data that can be set for the object
  295. // designated in inRef, as well as maximum and minimum values.
  296. // This API is intended for only some shooting-related properties.
  297. //
  298. // Parameters:
  299. // In: inRef - The reference of the camera.
  300. // inPropertyID - The Property ID.
  301. // Out: outPropertyDesc - Array of the value which can be set up.
  302. //
  303. // Returns: Any of the sdk errors.
  304. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  305. EdsError EDSAPI EdsGetPropertyDesc( EdsBaseRef inRef,
  306. EdsPropertyID inPropertyID,
  307. EdsPropertyDesc* outPropertyDesc );
  310. /******************************************************************************
  311. *******************************************************************************
  312. //
  313. // Device-list and device operating functions
  314. //
  315. *******************************************************************************
  316. ******************************************************************************/
  319. /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  320. //
  321. // Function: EdsGetCameraList
  322. //
  323. // Description:
  324. // Gets camera list objects.
  325. //
  326. // Parameters:
  327. // In: None
  328. // Out: outCameraListRef - Pointer to the camera-list.
  329. //
  330. // Returns: Any of the sdk errors.
  331. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  332. EdsError EDSAPI EdsGetCameraList( EdsCameraListRef* outCameraListRef );
  335. /******************************************************************************
  336. *******************************************************************************
  337. //
  338. // Camera operating functions
  339. //
  340. *******************************************************************************
  341. ******************************************************************************/
  344. /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  345. //
  346. // Function: EdsGetDeviceInfo
  347. //
  348. // Description:
  349. // Gets device information, such as the device name.
  350. // Because device information of remote cameras is stored
  351. // on the host computer, you can use this API
  352. // before the camera object initiates communication
  353. // (that is, before a session is opened).
  354. //
  355. // Parameters:
  356. // In: inCameraRef - The reference of the camera.
  357. // Out: outDeviceInfo - Information as device of camera.
  358. //
  359. // Returns: Any of the sdk errors.
  360. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  361. EdsError EDSAPI EdsGetDeviceInfo( EdsCameraRef inCameraRef,
  362. EdsDeviceInfo* outDeviceInfo );
  365. /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  366. //
  367. // Function: EdsOpenSession
  368. //
  369. // Description:
  370. // Establishes a logical connection with a remote camera.
  371. // Use this API after getting the camera's EdsCamera object.
  372. //
  373. // Parameters:
  374. // In: inCameraRef - The reference of the camera
  375. // Out: None
  376. //
  377. // Returns: Any of the sdk errors.
  378. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  379. EdsError EDSAPI EdsOpenSession( EdsCameraRef inCameraRef );
  382. /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  383. //
  384. // Function: EdsCloseSession
  385. //
  386. // Description:
  387. // Closes a logical connection with a remote camera.
  388. //
  389. // Parameters:
  390. // In: inCameraRef - The reference of the camera
  391. // Out: None
  392. //
  393. // Returns: Any of the sdk errors.
  394. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  395. EdsError EDSAPI EdsCloseSession( EdsCameraRef inCameraRef );
  398. /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  399. //
  400. // Function: EdsSendCommand
  401. //
  402. // Description:
  403. // Sends a command such as "Shoot" to a remote camera.
  404. //
  405. // Parameters:
  406. // In: inCameraRef - The reference of the camera which will receive the
  407. // command.
  408. // inCommand - Specifies the command to be sent.
  409. // inParam - Specifies additional command-specific information.
  410. // Out: None
  411. //
  412. // Returns: Any of the sdk errors.
  413. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  414. EdsError EDSAPI EdsSendCommand( EdsCameraRef inCameraRef,
  415. EdsCameraCommand inCommand,
  416. EdsInt32 inParam );
  419. /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  420. //
  421. // Function: EdsSendStatusCommand
  422. //
  423. // Description:
  424. // Sets the remote camera state or mode.
  425. //
  426. // Parameters:
  427. // In: inCameraRef - The reference of the camera which will receive the
  428. // command.
  429. // inStatusCommand - Specifies the command to be sent.
  430. // inParam - Specifies additional command-specific information.
  431. // Out: None
  432. //
  433. // Returns: Any of the sdk errors.
  434. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  435. EdsError EDSAPI EdsSendStatusCommand(
  436. EdsCameraRef inCameraRef,
  437. EdsCameraStatusCommand inStatusCommand,
  438. EdsInt32 inParam );
  441. /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  442. //
  443. // Function: EdsSetCapacity
  444. //
  445. // Description:
  446. // Sets the remaining HDD capacity on the host computer
  447. // (excluding the portion from image transfer),
  448. // as calculated by subtracting the portion from the previous time.
  449. // Set a reset flag initially and designate the cluster length
  450. // and number of free clusters.
  451. // Some type 2 protocol standard cameras can display the number of shots
  452. // left on the camera based on the available disk capacity
  453. // of the host computer.
  454. // For these cameras, after the storage destination is set to the computer,
  455. // use this API to notify the camera of the available disk capacity
  456. // of the host computer.
  457. //
  458. // Parameters:
  459. // In: inCameraRef - The reference of the camera which will receive the
  460. // command.
  461. // inCapacity - The remaining capacity of a transmission place.
  462. // Out: None
  463. //
  464. // Returns: Any of the sdk errors.
  465. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  466. EdsError EDSAPI EdsSetCapacity( EdsCameraRef inCameraRef,
  467. EdsCapacity inCapacity );
  470. /******************************************************************************
  471. *******************************************************************************
  472. //
  473. // Volume operating functions
  474. //
  475. *******************************************************************************
  476. ******************************************************************************/
  479. /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  480. //
  481. // Function: EdsGetVolumeInfo
  482. //
  483. // Description:
  484. // Gets volume information for a memory card in the camera.
  485. //
  486. // Parameters:
  487. // In: inVolumeRef - The reference of the volume.
  488. // Out: outVolumeInfo - information of the volume.
  489. //
  490. // Returns: Any of the sdk errors.
  491. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  492. EdsError EDSAPI EdsGetVolumeInfo( EdsVolumeRef inVolumeRef,
  493. EdsVolumeInfo* outVolumeInfo );
  496. /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  497. //
  498. // Function: EdsFormatVolume
  499. //
  500. // Description:
  501. // Formats volumes of memory cards in a camera.
  502. //
  503. // Parameters:
  504. // In: inVolumeRef - The reference of volume .
  505. //
  506. // Returns: Any of the sdk errors.
  507. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  508. EdsError EDSAPI EdsFormatVolume( EdsVolumeRef inVolumeRef );
  511. /******************************************************************************
  512. *******************************************************************************
  513. //
  514. // Directory-item operating functions
  515. //
  516. *******************************************************************************
  517. ******************************************************************************/
  520. /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  521. //
  522. // Function: EdsGetDirectoryItemInfo
  523. //
  524. // Description:
  525. // Gets information about the directory or file objects
  526. // on the memory card (volume) in a remote camera.
  527. //
  528. // Parameters:
  529. // In: inDirItemRef - The reference of the directory item.
  530. // Out: outDirItemInfo - information of the directory item.
  531. //
  532. // Returns: Any of the sdk errors.
  533. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  534. EdsError EDSAPI EdsGetDirectoryItemInfo(
  535. EdsDirectoryItemRef inDirItemRef,
  536. EdsDirectoryItemInfo* outDirItemInfo );
  539. /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  540. //
  541. // Function: EdsDeleteDirectoryItem
  542. //
  543. // Description:
  544. // Deletes a camera folder or file.
  545. // If folders with subdirectories are designated, all files are deleted
  546. // except protected files.
  547. // EdsDirectoryItem objects deleted by means of this API are implicitly
  548. // released by the EDSDK. Thus, there is no need to release them
  549. // by means of EdsRelease.
  550. //
  551. // Parameters:
  552. // In: inDirItemRef - The reference of the directory item.
  553. //
  554. // Returns: Any of the sdk errors.
  555. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  556. EdsError EDSAPI EdsDeleteDirectoryItem( EdsDirectoryItemRef inDirItemRef );
  559. /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  560. //
  561. // Function: EdsDownload
  562. //
  563. // Description:
  564. // Downloads a file on a remote camera
  565. // (in the camera memory or on a memory card) to the host computer.
  566. // The downloaded file is sent directly to a file stream created in advance.
  567. // When dividing the file being retrieved, call this API repeatedly.
  568. // Also in this case, make the data block size a multiple of 512 (bytes),
  569. // excluding the final block.
  570. //
  571. // Parameters:
  572. // In: inDirItemRef - The reference of the directory item.
  573. // inReadSize -
  574. //
  575. // Out: outStream - The reference of the stream.
  576. //
  577. // Returns: Any of the sdk errors.
  578. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  579. EdsError EDSAPI EdsDownload( EdsDirectoryItemRef inDirItemRef,
  580. EdsUInt32 inReadSize,
  581. EdsStreamRef outStream );
  584. /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  585. //
  586. // Function: EdsDownloadCancel
  587. //
  588. // Description:
  589. // Must be executed when downloading of a directory item is canceled.
  590. // Calling this API makes the camera cancel file transmission.
  591. // It also releases resources.
  592. // This operation need not be executed when using EdsDownloadThumbnail.
  593. //
  594. // Parameters:
  595. // In: inDirItemRef - The reference of the directory item.
  596. //
  597. // Returns: Any of the sdk errors.
  598. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  599. EdsError EDSAPI EdsDownloadCancel( EdsDirectoryItemRef inDirItemRef );
  602. /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  603. //
  604. // Function: EdsDownloadComplete
  605. //
  606. // Description:
  607. // Must be called when downloading of directory items is complete.
  608. // Executing this API makes the camera
  609. // recognize that file transmission is complete.
  610. // This operation need not be executed when using EdsDownloadThumbnail.
  611. //
  612. // Parameters:
  613. // In: inDirItemRef - The reference of the directory item.
  614. //
  615. // Out: outStream - None.
  616. //
  617. // Returns: Any of the sdk errors.
  618. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  619. EdsError EDSAPI EdsDownloadComplete( EdsDirectoryItemRef inDirItemRef );
  622. /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  623. //
  624. // Function: EdsDownloadThumbnail
  625. //
  626. // Description:
  627. // Extracts and downloads thumbnail information from image files in a camera.
  628. // Thumbnail information in the camera's image files is downloaded
  629. // to the host computer.
  630. // Downloaded thumbnails are sent directly to a file stream created in advance.
  631. //
  632. // Parameters:
  633. // In: inDirItemRef - The reference of the directory item.
  634. //
  635. // Out: outStream - The reference of the stream.
  636. //
  637. // Returns: Any of the sdk errors.
  638. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  639. EdsError EDSAPI EdsDownloadThumbnail( EdsDirectoryItemRef inDirItemRef,
  640. EdsStreamRef outStream );
  643. /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  644. //
  645. // Function: EdsGetAttribute
  646. //
  647. // Description:
  648. // Gets attributes of files on a camera.
  649. //
  650. // Parameters:
  651. // In: inDirItemRef - The reference of the directory item.
  652. // Out: outFileAttribute - Indicates the file attributes.
  653. // As for the file attributes, OR values of the value defined
  654. // by enum EdsFileAttributes can be retrieved. Thus, when
  655. // determining the file attributes, you must check
  656. // if an attribute flag is set for target attributes.
  657. //
  658. // Returns: Any of the sdk errors.
  659. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  660. EdsError EDSAPI EdsGetAttribute( EdsDirectoryItemRef inDirItemRef,
  661. EdsFileAttributes* outFileAttribute );
  664. /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  665. //
  666. // Function: EdsSetAttribute
  667. //
  668. // Description:
  669. // Changes attributes of files on a camera.
  670. //
  671. // Parameters:
  672. // In: inDirItemRef - The reference of the directory item.
  673. // inFileAttribute - Indicates the file attributes.
  674. // As for the file attributes, OR values of the value
  675. // defined by enum EdsFileAttributes can be retrieved.
  676. // Out: None
  677. //
  678. // Returns: Any of the sdk errors.
  679. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  680. EdsError EDSAPI EdsSetAttribute(
  681. EdsDirectoryItemRef inDirItemRef,
  682. EdsFileAttributes inFileAttribute );
  685. /******************************************************************************
  686. *******************************************************************************
  687. //
  688. // Stream operating functions
  689. //
  690. *******************************************************************************
  691. ******************************************************************************/
  694. /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  695. //
  696. // Function: EdsCreateFileStream
  697. //
  698. // Description:
  699. // Creates a new file on a host computer (or opens an existing file)
  700. // and creates a file stream for access to the file.
  701. // If a new file is designated before executing this API,
  702. // the file is actually created following the timing of writing
  703. // by means of EdsWrite or the like with respect to an open stream.
  704. //
  705. // Parameters:
  706. // In: inFileName - Pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies
  707. // the file name.
  708. // inCreateDisposition - Action to take on files that exist,
  709. // and which action to take when files do not exist.
  710. // inDesiredAccess - Access to the stream (reading, writing, or both).
  711. // Out: outStream - The reference of the stream.
  712. //
  713. // Returns: Any of the sdk errors.
  714. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  715. EdsError EDSAPI EdsCreateFileStream(
  716. const EdsChar* inFileName,
  717. EdsFileCreateDisposition inCreateDisposition,
  718. EdsAccess inDesiredAccess,
  719. EdsStreamRef* outStream );
  722. /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  723. //
  724. // Function: EdsCreateMemoryStream
  725. //
  726. // Description:
  727. // Creates a stream in the memory of a host computer.
  728. // In the case of writing in excess of the allocated buffer size,
  729. // the memory is automatically extended.
  730. //
  731. // Parameters:
  732. // In: inBufferSize - The number of bytes of the memory to allocate.
  733. // Out: outStream - The reference of the stream.
  734. //
  735. // Returns: Any of the sdk errors.
  736. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  737. EdsError EDSAPI EdsCreateMemoryStream(
  738. EdsUInt32 inBufferSize,
  739. EdsStreamRef* outStream );
  742. /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  743. //
  744. // Function: EdsCreateStreamEx
  745. //
  746. // Description:
  747. // An extended version of EdsCreateStreamFromFile.
  748. // Use this function when working with Unicode file names.
  749. //
  750. // Parameters:
  751. // In: inURL (for Macintosh) - Designate CFURLRef.
  752. // inFileName (for Windows) - Designate the file name.
  753. // inCreateDisposition - Action to take on files that exist,
  754. // and which action to take when files do not exist.
  755. // inDesiredAccess - Access to the stream (reading, writing, or both).
  756. //
  757. // Out: outStream - The reference of the stream.
  758. //
  759. // Returns: Any of the sdk errors.
  760. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  761. EdsError EDSAPI EdsCreateFileStreamEx(
  762. #ifdef __MACOS__
  763. const CFURLRef inURL,
  764. #else
  765. const WCHAR* inFileName,
  766. #endif
  767. EdsFileCreateDisposition inCreateDisposition,
  768. EdsAccess inDesiredAccess,
  769. EdsStreamRef* outStream );
  772. /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  773. //
  774. // Function: EdsCreateMemoryStreamFromPointer
  775. //
  776. // Description:
  777. // Creates a stream from the memory buffer you prepare.
  778. // Unlike the buffer size of streams created by means of EdsCreateMemoryStream,
  779. // the buffer size you prepare for streams created this way does not expand.
  780. //
  781. // Parameters:
  782. // In: inUserBuffer - Pointer to the buffer you have prepared.
  783. // Streams created by means of this API lead to this buffer.
  784. // inBufferSize - The number of bytes of the memory to allocate.
  785. // Out: outStream - The reference of the stream.
  786. //
  787. // Returns: Any of the sdk errors.
  788. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  789. EdsError EDSAPI EdsCreateMemoryStreamFromPointer(
  790. EdsVoid* inUserBuffer,
  791. EdsUInt32 inBufferSize,
  792. EdsStreamRef* outStream );
  795. /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  796. //
  797. // Function: EdsGetPointer
  798. //
  799. // Description:
  800. // Gets the pointer to the start address of memory managed by the memory stream.
  801. // As the EDSDK automatically resizes the buffer, the memory stream provides
  802. // you with the same access methods as for the file stream.
  803. // If access is attempted that is excessive with regard to the buffer size
  804. // for the stream, data before the required buffer size is allocated
  805. // is copied internally, and new writing occurs.
  806. // Thus, the buffer pointer might be switched on an unknown timing.
  807. // Caution in use is therefore advised.
  808. //
  809. // Parameters:
  810. // In: inStream - Designate the memory stream for the pointer to retrieve.
  811. // Out: outPointer - If successful, returns the pointer to the buffer
  812. // written in the memory stream.
  813. //
  814. // Returns: Any of the sdk errors.
  815. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  816. EdsError EDSAPI EdsGetPointer(
  817. EdsStreamRef inStream,
  818. EdsVoid** outPointer );
  821. /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  822. //
  823. // Function: EdsRead
  824. //
  825. // Description:
  826. // Reads data the size of inReadSize into the outBuffer buffer,
  827. // starting at the current read or write position of the stream.
  828. // The size of data actually read can be designated in outReadSize.
  829. //
  830. // Parameters:
  831. // In: inStreamRef - The reference of the stream or image.
  832. // inReadSize - The number of bytes to read.
  833. // Out: outBuffer - Pointer to the user-supplied buffer that is to receive
  834. // the data read from the stream.
  835. // outReadSize - The actually read number of bytes.
  836. //
  837. // Returns: Any of the sdk errors.
  838. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  839. EdsError EDSAPI EdsRead(
  840. EdsStreamRef inStreamRef,
  841. EdsUInt32 inReadSize,
  842. EdsVoid* outBuffer,
  843. EdsUInt32* outReadSize );
  846. /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  847. //
  848. // Function: EdsWrite
  849. //
  850. // Description:
  851. // Writes data of a designated buffer
  852. // to the current read or write position of the stream.
  853. //
  854. // Parameters:
  855. // In: inStreamRef - The reference of the stream or image.
  856. // inWriteSize - The number of bytes to write.
  857. // inBuffer - A pointer to the user-supplied buffer that contains
  858. // the data to be written to the stream.
  859. // Out: outWrittenSize - The actually written-in number of bytes.
  860. //
  861. // Returns: Any of the sdk errors.
  862. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  863. EdsError EDSAPI EdsWrite(
  864. EdsStreamRef inStreamRef,
  865. EdsUInt32 inWriteSize,
  866. const EdsVoid* inBuffer,
  867. EdsUInt32* outWrittenSize );
  870. /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  871. //
  872. // Function: EdsSeek
  873. //
  874. // Description:
  875. // Moves the read or write position of the stream
  876. (that is, the file position indicator).
  877. //
  878. // Parameters:
  879. // In: inStreamRef - The reference of the stream or image.
  880. // inSeekOffset - Number of bytes to move the pointer.
  881. // inSeekOrigin - Pointer movement mode. Must be one of the following
  882. // values.
  883. // kEdsSeek_Cur Move the stream pointer inSeekOffset bytes
  884. // from the current position in the stream.
  885. // kEdsSeek_Begin Move the stream pointer inSeekOffset bytes
  886. // forward from the beginning of the stream.
  887. // kEdsSeek_End Move the stream pointer inSeekOffset bytes
  888. // from the end of the stream.
  889. //
  890. // Returns: Any of the sdk errors.
  891. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  892. EdsError EDSAPI EdsSeek(
  893. EdsStreamRef inStreamRef,
  894. EdsInt32 inSeekOffset,
  895. EdsSeekOrigin inSeekOrigin );
  898. /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  899. //
  900. // Function: EdsGetPosition
  901. //
  902. // Description:
  903. // Gets the current read or write position of the stream
  904. // (that is, the file position indicator).
  905. //
  906. // Parameters:
  907. // In: inStreamRef - The reference of the stream or image.
  908. // Out: outPosition - The current stream pointer.
  909. //
  910. // Returns: Any of the sdk errors.
  911. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  912. EdsError EDSAPI EdsGetPosition(
  913. EdsStreamRef inStreamRef,
  914. EdsUInt32* outPosition );
  917. /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  918. //
  919. // Function: EdsGetLength
  920. //
  921. // Description:
  922. // Gets the stream size.
  923. //
  924. // Parameters:
  925. // In: inStreamRef - The reference of the stream or image.
  926. // Out: outLength - The length of the stream.
  927. //
  928. // Returns: Any of the sdk errors.
  929. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  930. EdsError EDSAPI EdsGetLength(
  931. EdsStreamRef inStreamRef,
  932. EdsUInt32* outLength );
  935. /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  936. //
  937. // Function: EdsCopyData
  938. //
  939. // Description:
  940. // Copies data from the copy source stream to the copy destination stream.
  941. // The read or write position of the data to copy is determined from
  942. // the current file read or write position of the respective stream.
  943. // After this API is executed, the read or write positions of the copy source
  944. // and copy destination streams are moved an amount corresponding to
  945. // inWriteSize in the positive direction.
  946. //
  947. // Parameters:
  948. // In: inStreamRef - The reference of the stream or image.
  949. // inWriteSize - The number of bytes to copy.
  950. // Out: outStreamRef - The reference of the stream or image.
  951. //
  952. // Returns: Any of the sdk errors.
  953. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  954. EdsError EDSAPI EdsCopyData(
  955. EdsStreamRef inStreamRef,
  956. EdsUInt32 inWriteSize,
  957. EdsStreamRef outStreamRef );
  960. /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  961. //
  962. // Function: EdsSetProgressCallback
  963. //
  964. // Description:
  965. // Register a progress callback function.
  966. // An event is received as notification of progress during processing that
  967. // takes a relatively long time, such as downloading files from a
  968. // remote camera.
  969. // If you register the callback function, the EDSDK calls the callback
  970. // function during execution or on completion of the following APIs.
  971. // This timing can be used in updating on-screen progress bars, for example.
  972. //
  973. // Parameters:
  974. // In: inRef - The reference of the stream or image.
  975. // inProgressCallback - Pointer to a progress callback function.
  976. // inProgressOption - The option about progress is specified.
  977. // Must be one of the following values.
  978. // kEdsProgressOption_Done
  979. // When processing is completed,a callback function
  980. // is called only at once.
  981. // kEdsProgressOption_Periodically
  982. // A callback function is performed periodically.
  983. // inContext - Application information, passed in the argument
  984. // when the callback function is called. Any information
  985. // required for your program may be added.
  986. // Out: None
  987. //
  988. // Returns: Any of the sdk errors.
  989. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  990. EdsError EDSAPI EdsSetProgressCallback(
  991. EdsBaseRef inRef,
  992. EdsProgressCallback inProgressCallback,
  993. EdsProgressOption inProgressOption,
  994. EdsVoid* inContext );
  997. /******************************************************************************
  998. *******************************************************************************
  999. //
  1000. // Image operating functions
  1001. //
  1002. *******************************************************************************
  1003. ******************************************************************************/
  1006. /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1007. //
  1008. // Function: EdsCreateImageRef
  1009. //
  1010. // Description:
  1011. // Creates an image object from an image file.
  1012. // Without modification, stream objects cannot be worked with as images.
  1013. // Thus, when extracting images from image files,
  1014. // you must use this API to create image objects.
  1015. // The image object created this way can be used to get image information
  1016. // (such as the height and width, number of color components, and
  1017. // resolution), thumbnail image data, and the image data itself.
  1018. //
  1019. // Parameters:
  1020. // In: inStreamRef - The reference of the stream.
  1021. //
  1022. // Out: outImageRef - The reference of the image.
  1023. //
  1024. // Returns: Any of the sdk errors.
  1025. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  1026. EdsError EDSAPI EdsCreateImageRef( EdsStreamRef inStreamRef,
  1027. EdsImageRef* outImageRef );
  1030. /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1031. //
  1032. // Function: EdsGetImageInfo
  1033. //
  1034. // Description:
  1035. // Gets image information from a designated image object.
  1036. // Here, image information means the image width and height,
  1037. // number of color components, resolution, and effective image area.
  1038. //
  1039. // Parameters:
  1040. // In: inStreamRef - Designate the object for which to get image information.
  1041. // inImageSource - Of the various image data items in the image file,
  1042. // designate the type of image data representing the
  1043. // information you want to get. Designate the image as
  1044. // defined in Enum EdsImageSource.
  1045. //
  1046. // kEdsImageSrc_FullView
  1047. // The image itself (a full-sized image)
  1048. // kEdsImageSrc_Thumbnail
  1049. // A thumbnail image
  1050. // kEdsImageSrc_Preview
  1051. // A preview image
  1052. // kEdsImageSrc_RAWThumbnail
  1053. // A RAW thumbnail image
  1054. // kEdsImageSrc_RAWFullView
  1055. // A RAW full-sized image
  1056. // Out: outImageInfo - Stores the image data information designated
  1057. // in inImageSource.
  1058. //
  1059. // Returns: Any of the sdk errors.
  1060. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  1061. EdsError EDSAPI EdsGetImageInfo( EdsImageRef inImageRef,
  1062. EdsImageSource inImageSource,
  1063. EdsImageInfo* outImageInfo );
  1066. /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1067. //
  1068. // Function: EdsGetImage
  1069. //
  1070. // Description:
  1071. // Gets designated image data from an image file, in the form of a
  1072. // designated rectangle.
  1073. // Returns uncompressed results for JPEGs and processed results
  1074. // in the designated pixel order (RGB, Top-down BGR, and so on) for
  1075. // RAW images.
  1076. // Additionally, by designating the input/output rectangle,
  1077. // it is possible to get reduced, enlarged, or partial images.
  1078. // However, because images corresponding to the designated output rectangle
  1079. // are always returned by the SDK, the SDK does not take the aspect
  1080. // ratio into account.
  1081. // To maintain the aspect ratio, you must keep the aspect ratio in mind
  1082. // when designating the rectangle.
  1083. //
  1084. // Parameters:
  1085. // In:
  1086. // inImageRef - Designate the image object for which to get
  1087. // the image data.
  1088. // inImageSource - Designate the type of image data to get from
  1089. // the image file (thumbnail, preview, and so on).
  1090. // Designate values as defined in Enum EdsImageSource.
  1091. // inImageType - Designate the output image type. Because
  1092. // the output format of EdGetImage may only be RGB, only
  1093. // kEdsTargetImageType_RGB or kEdsTargetImageType_RGB16
  1094. // can be designated.
  1095. // However, image types exceeding the resolution of
  1096. // inImageSource cannot be designated.
  1097. // inSrcRect - Designate the coordinates and size of the rectangle
  1098. // to be retrieved (processed) from the source image.
  1099. // inDstSize - Designate the rectangle size for output.
  1100. //
  1101. // Out:
  1102. // outStreamRef - Designate the memory or file stream for output of
  1103. // the image.
  1104. // Returns: Any of the sdk errors.
  1105. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  1106. EdsError EDSAPI EdsGetImage(
  1107. EdsImageRef inImageRef,
  1108. EdsImageSource inImageSource,
  1109. EdsTargetImageType inImageType,
  1110. EdsRect inSrcRect,
  1111. EdsSize inDstSize,
  1112. EdsStreamRef outStreamRef );
  1115. /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1116. //
  1117. // Function: EdsSaveImage
  1118. //
  1119. // Description:
  1120. // Saves as a designated image type after RAW processing.
  1121. // When saving with JPEG compression,
  1122. // the JPEG quality setting applies with respect to EdsOptionRef.
  1123. //
  1124. // Parameters:
  1125. // In:
  1126. // inImageRef - Designate the image object for which to produce the file.
  1127. // inImageType - Designate the image type to produce. Designate the
  1128. // following image types.
  1129. //
  1130. // kEdsTargetImageType - Jpeg JPEG
  1131. // kEdsTargetImageType - TIFF 8-bit TIFF
  1132. // kEdsTargetImageType - TIFF16 16-bit TIFF
  1133. // inSaveSetting - Designate saving options, such as JPEG image quality.
  1134. // Out:
  1135. // outStreamRef - Specifies the output file stream. The memory stream
  1136. // cannot be specified here.
  1137. // Returns: Any of the sdk errors.
  1138. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  1139. EdsError EDSAPI EdsSaveImage(
  1140. EdsImageRef inImageRef,
  1141. EdsTargetImageType inImageType,
  1142. EdsSaveImageSetting inSaveSetting,
  1143. EdsStreamRef outStreamRef );
  1146. /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1147. //
  1148. // Function: EdsCacheImage
  1149. //
  1150. // Description:
  1151. // Switches a setting on and off for creation of an image cache in the SDK
  1152. // for a designated image object during extraction (processing) of
  1153. // the image data.
  1154. // Creating the cache increases the processing speed, starting from
  1155. // the second time.
  1156. //
  1157. // Parameters:
  1158. // In: inImageRef - The reference of the image.
  1159. // inUseCache - If cache image data or not
  1160. // If set to FALSE, the cached image data will released.
  1161. // Out: None
  1162. //
  1163. // Returns: Any of the sdk errors.
  1164. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  1165. EdsError EDSAPI EdsCacheImage( EdsImageRef inImageRef,
  1166. EdsBool inUseCache );
  1169. /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1170. //
  1171. // Function: EdsReflectImageProperty
  1172. // Description:
  1173. // Incorporates image object property changes
  1174. // (effected by means of EdsSetPropertyData) in the stream.
  1175. //
  1176. // Parameters:
  1177. // In: inImageRef - The reference of the image.
  1178. // Out: None
  1179. //
  1180. // Returns: Any of the sdk errors.
  1181. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  1182. EdsError EDSAPI EdsReflectImageProperty( EdsImageRef inImageRef );
  1186. /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1187. //
  1188. // Function: EdsCreateEvfImageRef
  1189. // Description:
  1190. // Creates an object used to get the live view image data set.
  1191. //
  1192. // Parameters:
  1193. // In: inStreamRef - The stream reference which opened to get EVF JPEG image.
  1194. // Out: outEvfImageRef - The EVFData reference.
  1195. //
  1196. // Returns: Any of the sdk errors.
  1197. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  1198. EdsError EdsCreateEvfImageRef (
  1199. EdsStreamRef inStreamRef,
  1200. EdsEvfImageRef *outEvfImageRef ) ;
  1204. /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1205. //
  1206. // Function: EdsDownloadEvfImage
  1207. // Description:
  1208. // Downloads the live view image data set for a camera currently in live view mode.
  1209. // Live view can be started by using the property ID:kEdsPropertyID_Evf_OutputDevice and
  1210. // data:EdsOutputDevice_PC to call EdsSetPropertyData.
  1211. // In addition to image data, information such as zoom, focus position, and histogram data
  1212. // is included in the image data set. Image data is saved in a stream maintained by EdsEvfImageRef.
  1213. // EdsGetPropertyData can be used to get information such as the zoom, focus position, etc.
  1214. // Although the information of the zoom and focus position can be obtained from EdsEvfImageRef,
  1215. // settings are applied to EdsCameraRef.
  1216. //
  1217. // Parameters:
  1218. // In: inCameraRef - The Camera reference.
  1219. // In: inEvfImageRef - The EVFData reference.
  1220. //
  1221. // Returns: Any of the sdk errors.
  1222. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  1223. EdsError EdsDownloadEvfImage ( EdsCameraRef inCameraRef,
  1224. EdsEvfImageRef inEvfImageRef ) ;
  1228. /******************************************************************************
  1229. *******************************************************************************
  1230. //
  1231. // Event handler registering functions
  1232. //
  1233. *******************************************************************************
  1234. ******************************************************************************/
  1237. /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1238. //
  1239. // Function: EdsSetCameraAddedHandler
  1240. //
  1241. // Description:
  1242. // Registers a callback function for when a camera is detected.
  1243. //
  1244. // Parameters:
  1245. // In: inCameraAddedHandler - Pointer to a callback function
  1246. // called when a camera is connected physically
  1247. // inContext - Specifies an application-defined value to be sent to
  1248. // the callback function pointed to by CallBack parameter.
  1249. // Out: None
  1250. //
  1251. // Returns: Any of the sdk errors.
  1252. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  1253. EdsError EDSAPI EdsSetCameraAddedHandler(
  1254. EdsCameraAddedHandler inCameraAddedHandler,
  1255. EdsVoid* inContext );
  1258. /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1259. //
  1260. // Function: EdsSetPropertyEventHandler
  1261. //
  1262. // Description:
  1263. // Registers a callback function for receiving status
  1264. // change notification events for property states on a camera.
  1265. //
  1266. // Parameters:
  1267. // In: inCameraRef - Designate the camera object.
  1268. // inEvent - Designate one or all events to be supplemented.
  1269. // inPropertyEventHandler - Designate the pointer to the callback
  1270. // function for receiving property-related camera events.
  1271. // inContext - Designate application information to be passed by
  1272. // means of the callback function. Any data needed for
  1273. // your application can be passed.
  1274. // Out: None
  1275. //
  1276. // Returns: Any of the sdk errors.
  1277. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  1278. EdsError EDSAPI EdsSetPropertyEventHandler(
  1279. EdsCameraRef inCameraRef,
  1280. EdsPropertyEvent inEvnet,
  1281. EdsPropertyEventHandler inPropertyEventHandler,
  1282. EdsVoid* inContext );
  1285. /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1286. //
  1287. // Function: EdsSetObjectEventHandler
  1288. //
  1289. // Description:
  1290. // Registers a callback function for receiving status
  1291. // change notification events for objects on a remote camera.
  1292. // Here, object means volumes representing memory cards, files and directories,
  1293. // and shot images stored in memory, in particular.
  1294. //
  1295. // Parameters:
  1296. // In: inCameraRef - Designate the camera object.
  1297. // inEvent - Designate one or all events to be supplemented.
  1298. // To designate all events, use kEdsObjectEvent_All.
  1299. // inObjectEventHandler - Designate the pointer to the callback function
  1300. // for receiving object-related camera events.
  1301. // inContext - Passes inContext without modification,
  1302. // as designated as an EdsSetObjectEventHandler argument.
  1303. // Out: None
  1304. //
  1305. // Returns: Any of the sdk errors.
  1306. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  1307. EdsError EDSAPI EdsSetObjectEventHandler(
  1308. EdsCameraRef inCameraRef,
  1309. EdsObjectEvent inEvnet,
  1310. EdsObjectEventHandler inObjectEventHandler,
  1311. EdsVoid* inContext );
  1314. /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1315. //
  1316. // Function: EdsSetCameraStateEventHandler
  1317. //
  1318. // Description:
  1319. // Registers a callback function for receiving status
  1320. // change notification events for property states on a camera.
  1321. //
  1322. // Parameters:
  1323. // In: inCameraRef - Designate the camera object.
  1324. // inEvent - Designate one or all events to be supplemented.
  1325. // To designate all events, use kEdsStateEvent_All.
  1326. // inStateEventHandler - Designate the pointer to the callback function
  1327. // for receiving events related to camera object states.
  1328. // inContext - Designate application information to be passed
  1329. // by means of the callback function. Any data needed for
  1330. // your application can be passed.
  1331. // Out: None
  1332. //
  1333. // Returns: Any of the sdk errors.
  1334. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  1335. EdsError EDSAPI EdsSetCameraStateEventHandler(
  1336. EdsCameraRef inCameraRef,
  1337. EdsStateEvent inEvnet,
  1338. EdsStateEventHandler inStateEventHandler,
  1339. EdsVoid* inContext );
  1342. /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  1343. EdsError EDSAPI EdsCreateStream(EdsIStream* inStream, EdsStreamRef* outStreamRef);
  1345. /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1346. //
  1347. // Function: EdsGetEvent
  1348. //
  1349. // Description:
  1350. // This function acquires an event.
  1351. // In console application, please call this function regularly to acquire
  1352. // the event from a camera.
  1353. //
  1354. // Parameters:
  1355. // In: None
  1356. // Out: None
  1357. //
  1358. // Returns: Any of the sdk errors.
  1359. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  1360. EdsError EDSAPI EdsGetEvent();
  1362. #ifdef __cplusplus
  1363. }
  1364. #endif
  1367. #endif /* _EDSDK_H_ */
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