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teaching game at the chess club

a guest
Oct 11th, 2010
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  1. (;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[13]HA[5]KM[0.50]GN[teaching game at the chess club]PW[AmbyR00]PB[Go beginner]AB[dd][jd][gg][dj][jj]RE[W+38.50]
  2. ;W[cc]
  3. ;B[dc]
  4. ;W[cd]
  5. (;B[db]
  6. ;W[de]
  7. (;B[da]
  8. ;W[kc]
  9. (;B[jc]
  10. ;W[kd]
  11. (;B[je]
  12. ;W[ke]
  13. ;B[jf]
  14. ;W[kf]C[White is building a great wall and securing territory. There's a slight danger of getting closed in, but white is already "peeking" around the corner on the other side.]
  15. ;B[jb]
  16. ;W[ck]
  17. ;B[kg]
  18. ;W[lg]
  19. ;B[mg]C[White is happy and thanks for the prisoner.]
  20. ;W[lf]
  21. ;B[mf]C[Yum yum.]
  22. ;W[mh]
  23. ;B[jg]
  24. ;W[li]
  25. ;B[kj]
  26. (;W[lj]C[White moves too small, it's easy to block and secure.]
  27. ;B[lk]
  28. ;W[mk]
  29. ;B[ml]
  30. ;W[mj]
  31. ;B[ll]
  32. ;W[dk]C[These kinds of moves can not go un-answered.]
  33. (;B[hg]
  34. ;W[cj]
  35. ;B[ej]
  36. ;W[ed]
  37. (;B[di]
  38. ;W[ci]
  39. (;B[ig]C[A bit too small. Should go for bigger points.]
  40. ;W[dh]
  41. (;B[ij]C[Small, again.]
  42. (;W[fe]
  43. (;B[ja]C[Small move.]
  44. ;W[ek]
  45. ;B[fj]
  46. ;W[fk]
  47. ;B[gk]
  48. ;W[gj]
  49. (;B[gl]
  50. ;W[fi]
  51. ;B[hj]
  52. ;W[gi]
  53. ;B[hi]
  54. ;W[fc]
  55. ;B[gh]
  56. ;W[gd]C[White is playing very small.]
  57. (;B[fh]
  58. ;W[ei]
  59. ;B[gm]
  60. ;W[hc]C[White is dancing in blacks area in small steps. And D11 is almost dead. Last chance for black to make a saving move.]
  61. (;B[ff]
  62. ;W[ib]C[Black D11 died here.]
  63. ;B[id]
  64. ;W[eb]
  65. ;B[lb]C[After some discussion, black decided to take my advice and try reducing by invasion.]
  66. ;W[kb]
  67. ;B[ka]
  68. ;W[lc]
  69. (;B[ma]
  70. ;W[mc]
  71. (;B[la]
  72. ;W[kh]
  73. ;B[jh]
  74. ;W[ki]
  75. ;B[ji]
  76. ;W[gf]
  77. ;B[dm]
  78. (;W[fl]C[White made a mistake. Black is sure to exploit. Not bad!]
  79. ;B[fm]
  80. ;W[el]
  81. ;B[em]
  82. ;W[cl]
  83. ;B[cm]
  84. ;W[bl]
  85. ;B[bm]
  86. ;W[al]
  87. ;B[ga]C[This came as a suggestion from a chess player who was watching the game. As having never played go before, he had no idea this move would really work, but it was a good idea anyway.]
  88. (;W[ea]
  89. ;B[ia]
  90. ;W[gb]
  91. ;B[ha]
  92. ;W[cb]
  93. ;B[fg]
  94. ;W[ef]
  95. ;B[eg]
  96. ;W[dg]
  97. ;B[hf]
  98. ;W[ge]
  99. ;B[he]
  100. ;W[hd]
  101. ;B[hb]
  102. ;W[ic]
  103. ;B[fa]
  104. ;W[fb]
  105. ;B[]C[The end. The game was practically over, and moreover it was abruptly stopped by a phonecall from my wife. We had run out of wok veggies. I ended up going to the grocery.]
  106. ;W[ca]
  107. ;B[]
  108. ;W[]TW[aa][ba][da][ab][bb][db][ac][bc][dc][ec][gc][ad][bd][dd][fd][ld][md][ae][be][ce][ee][le][me][af][bf][cf][df][mf][ag][bg][cg][mg][ah][bh][ch][lh][ai][bi][di][mi][aj][bj][dj][ej][fj][ak][bk]TB[ie][if][hh][ih][ii][hk][ik][jk][kk][hl][il][jl][kl][hm][im][jm][km][lm][mm]C[White: 47 territory + 10 captures + 0.5 komi = 57.5
  109. Black: 19 territory + 0 captures = 19.0
  111. White wins by 38.5])
  112. (;W[ia]C[This would have foiled the plan. I showed the both outcomes, and we decided to continue from E13.]))
  113. (;W[cl]))
  114. (;B[df]
  115. (;W[cf]
  116. ;B[dg]
  117. ;W[cg]
  118. ;B[eh]
  119. ;W[ef]
  120. ;B[eg]
  121. ;W[ee]
  122. ;B[he]
  123. ;W[gf]
  124. ;B[fg]
  125. ;W[ge]
  126. ;B[hf])
  127. (;W[mb]
  128. ;B[la]
  129. ;W[eg]
  130. ;B[ef]
  131. ;W[cf]
  132. ;B[dg]
  133. ;W[cg]
  134. ;B[fg]
  135. ;W[eh]
  136. ;B[ee]
  137. ;W[ce]
  138. ;B[ge]
  139. ;W[fd]
  140. ;B[hd])))
  141. (;B[mb]
  142. ;W[mc]
  143. ;B[la]))
  144. (;B[ga]))
  145. (;B[ga]
  146. ;W[fb]
  147. ;B[fa]
  148. ;W[gb]
  149. ;B[ha]
  150. ;W[hb]
  151. ;B[ia]
  152. ;W[ea]
  153. ;B[eb]))
  154. (;B[gi]C[Only move.]))
  155. (;B[gc]C[Still time to connect.]
  156. ;W[ec]
  157. ;B[eb]
  158. ;W[fc]
  159. ;B[fb]
  160. ;W[gd]
  161. ;B[hc]
  162. ;W[hd]
  163. ;B[id]))
  164. (;W[ec]C[White could go for kill here. Getting late, and D11 can prove problematic.]
  165. ;B[eb]
  166. ;W[fb]
  167. ;B[fa]
  168. ;W[ga]
  169. ;B[ea]
  170. ;W[gb]))
  171. (;B[eh]
  172. ;W[dg]
  173. ;B[eg]
  174. ;W[ef]
  175. ;B[ff]
  176. ;W[fe]
  177. ;B[ge]
  178. ;W[gd]C[Small moves, but effective for white. If black were to take C6 the tables are turned.])
  179. (;B[ee]
  180. ;W[fe]
  181. ;B[ef]
  182. ;W[df]
  183. ;B[eg]
  184. (;W[dg]
  185. ;B[eh]C[Might possibly work.])
  186. (;W[eh]
  187. ;B[fh]
  188. ;W[dg]
  189. ;B[fd]
  190. ;W[ec]
  191. ;B[fc]
  192. ;W[eb]
  193. ;B[fb]
  194. ;W[ea])))
  195. (;B[gc]C[Bigger points.]
  196. (;W[ec]
  197. ;B[eb]
  198. ;W[fb]
  199. ;B[fc]
  200. ;W[gb]
  201. ;B[hb]
  202. ;W[cb]
  203. ;B[fa]C[Like this...])
  204. (;W[eb]
  205. ;B[ec]
  206. ;W[fb]
  207. ;B[fc]
  208. ;W[gb]
  209. ;B[hb]
  210. ;W[hc]
  211. ;B[hd]C[Like this...]))
  212. (;B[lb]C[Bigger points.]
  213. ;W[kb]
  214. ;B[ka]
  215. ;W[lc]
  216. ;B[mb]
  217. ;W[mc]
  218. ;B[la]C[Reduction.])
  219. (;B[ch]
  220. ;W[bh]
  221. ;B[cg]
  222. ;W[bg]
  223. ;B[cf]
  224. ;W[bf]
  225. ;B[ce]C[I think MASSIVE points here.]
  226. (;W[ee]
  227. ;B[gc])
  228. (;W[ee]
  229. (;B[bd]
  230. (;W[bc]
  231. ;B[be]
  232. ;W[fb]
  233. ;B[ac]
  234. ;W[ab]
  235. ;B[ad])
  236. (;W[cb]
  237. ;B[bc]
  238. ;W[ca]
  239. ;B[bb]))
  240. (;B[bd]
  241. ;W[be]
  242. ;B[bc]
  243. ;W[cb]
  244. ;B[bb]
  245. ;W[ca]))))
  246. (;B[gb]C[Should secure some territory and saves the D11 group. G11 could work too, giving more points.]))
  247. (;B[ek]
  248. ;W[ej]
  249. ;B[di]
  250. ;W[fk]
  251. ;B[el]
  252. ;W[fj]
  253. ;B[fl]
  254. ;W[gl]
  255. ;B[gk]
  256. ;W[hl]
  257. ;B[dl]
  258. ;W[hj]C[The fight is fierce.]))
  259. (;W[lk]
  260. ;B[lj]
  261. ;W[mj]
  262. ;B[kk]
  263. ;W[ll]
  264. ;B[kl]
  265. ;W[km]
  266. ;B[jm]
  267. ;W[lm]
  268. ;B[il]C[Compared to M4, here white reduced 7 more points from black and gained 3. M3 would have gained white 10 more points.]))
  269. (;B[ke]
  270. ;W[le]
  271. ;B[kf]
  272. ;W[lf]
  273. ;B[kg]
  274. ;W[jb]
  275. ;B[ib]
  276. ;W[kb]
  277. ;B[hc]C[Joseki... But could be better to make it horizontal.]))
  278. (;B[kd]
  279. ;W[jc]
  280. ;B[ic]
  281. ;W[ib]
  282. ;B[hc]
  283. ;W[hb]
  284. ;B[gc]
  285. ;W[ld]
  286. ;B[le]
  287. ;W[lc]
  288. ;B[kf]C[Maybe even like this.]))
  289. (;B[gc]C[Extend & secure territory.]))
  290. (;B[ce]
  291. ;W[be]
  292. ;B[cf]
  293. ;W[bf]
  294. ;B[cg]
  295. ;W[db]
  296. ;B[eb]
  297. ;W[cb]
  298. ;B[fc]C[3-3 Joseki]))
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