

Nov 24th, 2021
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  1. Known pipe types:
  2. wglGraphicsPipe
  3. (all display modules loaded.)
  4. PandaNode models
  5. ModelRoot RT_UrbanA.egg
  6. PandaNode
  7. PandaNode curves
  8. NurbsCurve, order 4, 43 CV's. t ranges from 0 to 1.
  9. CV's:
  10. 0) 821.406 228.397 0, weight 1
  11. 1) 836.468 547.44 0, weight 1
  12. 2) 838.972 859.613 -0.384946, weight 1
  13. 3) 793.75 1400.41 0.255458, weight 1
  14. 4) 628.221 1714.8 -0.895427, weight 1
  15. 5) 230.345 2148.08 -0.706864, weight 1
  16. 6) -83.819 2599.23 0.772508, weight 1
  17. 7) -709.026 2982.66 -1.03816, weight 1
  18. 8) -1114.8 3238.02 2.60785, weight 1
  19. 9) -1384.31 2943.69 -0.462906, weight 1
  20. 10) -730.219 2515.94 0.457617, weight 1
  21. 11) -727.901 2086.57 -1.31416, weight 1
  22. 12) -1394.26 2023.27 0, weight 1
  23. 13) -1813.6 2008.25 0.739627, weight 1
  24. 14) -2448.21 1963.62 0.0681901, weight 1
  25. 15) -2003.2 1161.32 -1.04149, weight 1
  26. 16) -1693.54 552 -0.240217, weight 1
  27. 17) -1573.46 363.77 -1.90656, weight 1
  28. 18) -1412.03 321.597 2.42959, weight 1
  29. 19) -663.903 397.673 0.199969, weight 1
  30. 20) -99.3801 453.18 -5.67324, weight 1
  31. 21) 98.3582 973.535 0, weight 1
  32. 22) 457.566 866.548 0.064711, weight 1
  33. 23) 457.885 -38.5056 0.0651585, weight 1
  34. 24) 179.622 -182.627 -0.0657376, weight 1
  35. 25) 409.903 -511.061 0, weight 1
  36. 26) 517.443 -2065.83 0, weight 1
  37. 27) 505.164 -2500.14 0, weight 1
  38. 28) 479.892 -2727.39 0, weight 1
  39. 29) 578.258 -2893.08 0, weight 1
  40. 30) 1421.03 -2942.76 0, weight 1
  41. 31) 1779.22 -3295.85 0, weight 1
  42. 32) 2197.49 -2925.96 0, weight 1
  43. 33) 1577.93 -2684.97 0, weight 1
  44. 34) 1935.81 -2300.17 0, weight 1
  45. 35) 1444.95 -2038.96 0, weight 1
  46. 36) 939.518 -1982.82 0, weight 1
  47. 37) 936.448 -1117.51 0, weight 1
  48. 38) 817.485 -677.307 -2.74724, weight 1
  49. 39) 1125.98 -673.707 0.0643469, weight 1
  50. 40) 1044.5 -123.916 1.29739, weight 1
  51. 41) 778.263 -175.914 2.13194, weight 1
  52. 42) 821.406 228.397 0, weight 1
  53. Knots: 0 0 0 0 0.025 0.05 0.075 0.1 0.125 0.15 0.175 0.2 0.225 0.25 0.275 0.3 0.325 0.35 0.375 0.4 0.425 0.45 0.475 0.5 0.525 0.55 0.575 0.6 0.625 0.65 0.675 0.7 0.725 0.75 0.775 0.8 0.825 0.85 0.875 0.9 0.925 0.95 0.975 1 1 1 1
  54. NurbsCurve, order 4, 43 CV's. t ranges from 0 to 1.
  55. CV's:
  56. 0) 832.72 294.022 0, weight 1
  57. 1) 778.263 -175.914 2.13194, weight 1
  58. 2) 1044.5 -123.916 1.29739, weight 1
  59. 3) 1125.98 -673.707 0.0643469, weight 1
  60. 4) 817.485 -677.307 -2.74724, weight 1
  61. 5) 936.448 -1117.51 0, weight 1
  62. 6) 939.518 -1982.82 0, weight 1
  63. 7) 1444.95 -2038.96 0, weight 1
  64. 8) 1935.81 -2300.17 0, weight 1
  65. 9) 1577.93 -2684.97 0, weight 1
  66. 10) 2197.49 -2925.96 0, weight 1
  67. 11) 1779.22 -3295.85 0, weight 1
  68. 12) 1421.03 -2942.76 0, weight 1
  69. 13) 578.258 -2893.08 0, weight 1
  70. 14) 479.892 -2727.39 0, weight 1
  71. 15) 505.164 -2500.14 0, weight 1
  72. 16) 517.443 -2065.83 0, weight 1
  73. 17) 409.903 -511.061 0, weight 1
  74. 18) 179.622 -182.627 -0.0657376, weight 1
  75. 19) 457.885 -38.5056 0.0651585, weight 1
  76. 20) 457.566 866.548 0.064711, weight 1
  77. 21) 98.3582 973.535 0, weight 1
  78. 22) -99.3801 453.18 -5.67324, weight 1
  79. 23) -663.903 397.673 0.199969, weight 1
  80. 24) -1412.03 321.597 2.42959, weight 1
  81. 25) -1573.46 363.77 -1.90656, weight 1
  82. 26) -1693.54 552 -0.240217, weight 1
  83. 27) -2003.2 1161.32 -1.04149, weight 1
  84. 28) -2448.21 1963.62 0.0681901, weight 1
  85. 29) -1813.6 2008.25 0.739627, weight 1
  86. 30) -1394.26 2023.27 0, weight 1
  87. 31) -727.901 2086.57 -1.31416, weight 1
  88. 32) -730.219 2515.94 0.457617, weight 1
  89. 33) -1384.31 2943.69 -0.462906, weight 1
  90. 34) -1114.8 3238.02 2.60785, weight 1
  91. 35) -709.026 2982.66 -1.03816, weight 1
  92. 36) -83.819 2599.23 0.772508, weight 1
  93. 37) 230.345 2148.08 -0.706864, weight 1
  94. 38) 628.221 1714.8 -0.895427, weight 1
  95. 39) 793.75 1400.41 0.255458, weight 1
  96. 40) 838.972 859.613 -0.384946, weight 1
  97. 41) 836.468 547.44 0, weight 1
  98. 42) 832.72 294.022 0, weight 1
  99. Knots: 0 0 0 0 0.025 0.05 0.075 0.1 0.125 0.15 0.175 0.2 0.225 0.25 0.275 0.3 0.325 0.35 0.375 0.4 0.425 0.45 0.475 0.5 0.525 0.55 0.575 0.6 0.625 0.65 0.675 0.7 0.725 0.75 0.775 0.8 0.825 0.85 0.875 0.9 0.925 0.95 0.975 1 1 1 1
  100. NurbsCurve, order 4, 6 CV's. t ranges from 0 to 0.0337267.
  101. CV's:
  102. 0) 881.465 241.462 0, weight 1
  103. 1) 882.49 251.083 0, weight 1
  104. 2) 901.272 587.746 -0.00187172, weight 1
  105. 3) 898.621 807.306 -0.258868, weight 1
  106. 4) 882.462 1074.65 -0.149915, weight 1
  107. 5) 871.487 1139.35 -0.118119, weight 1
  108. Knots: 0 0 0 0 0.000243115 0.025 0.0337267 0.0337267 0.0337267 0.0337267
  109. NurbsCurve, order 4, 6 CV's. t ranges from 0 to 0.038349.
  110. CV's:
  111. 0) 747.457 258.221 0, weight 1
  112. 1) 745.769 284.591 0, weight 1
  113. 2) 766.542 538.352 -0.0145607, weight 1
  114. 3) 772.57 777.179 -0.269949, weight 1
  115. 4) 747.196 1052.42 -0.106662, weight 1
  116. 5) 731.521 1140.45 -0.0641526, weight 1
  117. Knots: 0 0 0 0 0.0020018 0.025 0.038349 0.038349 0.038349 0.038349
  118. ModelNode start_pos_1 T:m(pos 840.471 264.249 0.0137626 scale 8.752)
  119. ModelNode start_pos_2 T:m(pos 821.664 264.249 0.0137626 scale 8.752)
  120. ModelNode start_pos_3 T:m(pos 802.79 264.249 0.0137626 scale 8.752)
  121. ModelNode start_pos_4 T:m(pos 786.431 264.249 0.0137626 scale 8.752)
  122. ModelNode lap_start T:m(pos 831.694 265.02 0 scale 8.752)
  123. ModelNode lap_start_rev T:m(pos 831.694 265.02 0 scale 8.752)
  124. ModelNode lap_middle T:m(pos 297.044 -328.556 0 scale 8.752)
  125. ModelNode lap_quarter_2 T:m(pos 1545.49 -3091.01 0 scale 8.752)
  126. ModelNode lap_quarter_1 T:m(pos -1097.8 2065.57 0 scale 8.752)
  127. CollisionNode collision1 (324 solids) (hidden)
  128. GeomNode ground3 (1 geoms: S:(TextureAttrib))
  129. NurbsCurve, order 4, 5 CV's. t ranges from 0 to 0.0697658.
  130. CV's:
  131. 0) 871.487 1142.53 -0.118119, weight 1
  132. 1) 860.802 1269.1 -0.0588261, weight 1
  133. 2) 789.276 1572.41 0.0986716, weight 1
  134. 3) 740.064 1625.03 -0.364246, weight 1
  135. 4) 641.765 1762.11 -0.546877, weight 1
  136. Knots: 0 0 0 0 0.05 0.0697658 0.0697658 0.0697658 0.0697658
  137. NurbsCurve, order 4, 6 CV's. t ranges from 0 to 0.105551.
  138. CV's:
  139. 0) 643.639 1763.72 -0.546877, weight 1
  140. 1) 600.124 1807.51 -0.59524, weight 1
  141. 2) 384.851 2069.08 -0.845732, weight 1
  142. 3) 162.774 2350.66 -0.755761, weight 1
  143. 4) 6.31342 2542.42 -0.372078, weight 1
  144. 5) -38.3343 2589.79 -0.283085, weight 1
  145. Knots: 0 0 0 0 0.075 0.1 0.105551 0.105551 0.105551 0.105551
  146. NurbsCurve, order 4, 5 CV's. t ranges from 0 to 0.141647.
  147. CV's:
  148. 0) -20.7333 2570.84 -0.283085, weight 1
  149. 1) -125.938 2688.3 -0.257986, weight 1
  150. 2) -269.213 2789.52 0.488078, weight 1
  151. 3) -566.236 2974.16 -0.0611261, weight 1
  152. 4) -690.439 3050.01 -0.18512, weight 1
  153. Knots: 0 0 0 0 0.125 0.141647 0.141647 0.141647 0.141647
  154. NurbsCurve, order 4, 10 CV's. t ranges from 0 to 0.278001.
  155. CV's:
  156. 0) -685.024 3047.3 -0.18512, weight 1
  157. 1) -752.883 3091.2 -0.686751, weight 1
  158. 2) -983.408 3234.49 -1.43473, weight 1
  159. 3) -1253.75 3220.11 3.95719, weight 1
  160. 4) -1376.6 2866.11 -0.100051, weight 1
  161. 5) -859.991 2501 0.457617, weight 1
  162. 6) -754.056 2122.86 -1.31416, weight 1
  163. 7) -1371.97 2100.11 -0.385463, weight 1
  164. 8) -1638.04 2085.71 -0.014947, weight 1
  165. 9) -1687.9 2081.34 0.0231459, weight 1
  166. Knots: 0 0 0 0 0.15 0.175 0.2 0.225 0.25 0.275 0.278001 0.278001 0.278001 0.278001
  167. NurbsCurve, order 4, 6 CV's. t ranges from 0 to 0.344504.
  168. CV's:
  169. 0) -1674.36 2082.7 0.0231459, weight 1
  170. 1) -1881.96 2060.24 0.30235, weight 1
  171. 2) -2210.46 2049.36 0.712757, weight 1
  172. 3) -2375.84 1852.84 0.117389, weight 1
  173. 4) -2288.3 1570.32 -0.512503, weight 1
  174. 5) -2207.26 1423.78 -0.647088, weight 1
  175. Knots: 0 0 0 0 0.3 0.325 0.344504 0.344504 0.344504 0.344504
  176. NurbsCurve, order 4, 6 CV's. t ranges from 0 to 0.375606.
  177. CV's:
  178. 0) -2229.39 1396.49 -0.647088, weight 1
  179. 1) -2209.39 1354.04 -0.685009, weight 1
  180. 2) -2091.58 1112.15 -0.833112, weight 1
  181. 3) -1954.51 842.98 -0.50083, weight 1
  182. 4) -1871.87 684.105 -0.658722, weight 1
  183. 5) -1869.93 680.377 -0.662683, weight 1
  184. Knots: 0 0 0 0 0.35 0.375 0.375606 0.375606 0.375606 0.375606
  185. NurbsCurve, order 4, 6 CV's. t ranges from 0 to 0.428209.
  186. CV's:
  187. 0) -1848.21 686.583 -0.662683, weight 1
  188. 1) -1769.41 547.228 -0.822021, weight 1
  189. 2) -1680.63 357.89 -1.87151, weight 1
  190. 3) -1520.1 265.019 1.16973, weight 1
  191. 4) -1328.88 266.176 1.38808, weight 1
  192. 5) -1299.78 266.983 1.41743, weight 1
  193. Knots: 0 0 0 0 0.4 0.425 0.428209 0.428209 0.428209 0.428209
  194. NurbsCurve, order 4, 10 CV's. t ranges from 0 to 0.583574.
  195. CV's:
  196. 0) -1299.78 265.348 1.41743, weight 1
  197. 1) -1138.87 286.636 1.55895, weight 1
  198. 2) -684.343 317.969 -0.0513164, weight 1
  199. 3) -62.8358 400.575 -5.44784, weight 1
  200. 4) 151.658 911.018 0.275307, weight 1
  201. 5) 351.121 781.803 -0.37036, weight 1
  202. 6) 388.425 34.6879 -0.145703, weight 1
  203. 7) 177.531 -136.714 -0.0851471, weight 1
  204. 8) 193.228 -267.405 -0.0362821, weight 1
  205. 9) 208.291 -331.542 -0.0343387, weight 1
  206. Knots: 0 0 0 0 0.45 0.475 0.5 0.525 0.55 0.575 0.583574 0.583574 0.583574 0.583574
  207. NurbsCurve, order 4, 5 CV's. t ranges from 0 to 0.616614.
  208. CV's:
  209. 0) 206.067 -322.647 -0.0343387, weight 1
  210. 1) 234.302 -414.416 -0.0300839, weight 1
  211. 2) 320.206 -666.323 -0.00609009, weight 1
  212. 3) 381.669 -1286.08 -0.00123286, weight 1
  213. 4) 394.939 -1568.12 -0.00041356, weight 1
  214. Knots: 0 0 0 0 0.6 0.616614 0.616614 0.616614 0.616614
  215. NurbsCurve, order 4, 8 CV's. t ranges from 0 to 0.714057.
  216. CV's:
  217. 0) 394.939 -1560.91 -0.00041356, weight 1
  218. 1) 408.423 -1724.96 0, weight 1
  219. 2) 445.706 -2272.92 0, weight 1
  220. 3) 404.966 -2629.16 0, weight 1
  221. 4) 416.613 -2802.41 0, weight 1
  222. 5) 550.041 -2938.75 0, weight 1
  223. 6) 859.085 -2966.41 0, weight 1
  224. 7) 982.862 -2995.84 0, weight 1
  225. Knots: 0 0 0 0 0.625 0.65 0.675 0.7 0.714057 0.714057 0.714057 0.714057
  226. NurbsCurve, order 4, 9 CV's. t ranges from 0 to 0.85.
  227. CV's:
  228. 0) 984.904 -2995.84 0, weight 1
  229. 1) 1293.86 -3038.5 0, weight 1
  230. 2) 1423.18 -3091.14 0, weight 1
  231. 3) 1875.87 -3379.45 0, weight 1
  232. 4) 2228.77 -2889.4 0, weight 1
  233. 5) 1709.24 -2708.91 0, weight 1
  234. 6) 2011.6 -2232.04 0, weight 1
  235. 7) 1662.86 -2086.61 0, weight 1
  236. 8) 1479.09 -2014.25 0, weight 1
  237. Knots: 0 0 0 0 0.725 0.75 0.775 0.8 0.825 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85
  238. NurbsCurve, order 4, 7 CV's. t ranges from 0 to 0.924898.
  239. CV's:
  240. 0) 1485.76 -2018.69 0, weight 1
  241. 1) 1427.01 -1996.8 0, weight 1
  242. 2) 1253.82 -1921.93 0, weight 1
  243. 3) 1031.47 -1812.35 0, weight 1
  244. 4) 1014.24 -1177.15 0, weight 1
  245. 5) 953.465 -864.71 -1.82406, weight 1
  246. 6) 948.889 -795.719 -1.82085, weight 1
  247. Knots: 0 0 0 0 0.857226 0.875 0.9 0.924898 0.924898 0.924898 0.924898
  248. NurbsCurve, order 4, 7 CV's. t ranges from 0 to 1.
  249. CV's:
  250. 0) 951.061 -804.406 -1.82085, weight 1
  251. 1) 960.239 -795.743 -1.82083, weight 1
  252. 2) 1031.32 -726.323 -1.81385, weight 1
  253. 3) 1205.97 -772.466 0.0643469, weight 1
  254. 4) 1103.29 9.0037 1.29739, weight 1
  255. 5) 809.097 -215.927 0, weight 1
  256. 6) 881.465 247.816 0, weight 1
  257. Knots: 0 0 0 0 0.925 0.95 0.975 1 1 1 1
  258. NurbsCurve, order 4, 6 CV's. t ranges from 0 to 0.123714.
  259. CV's:
  260. 0) 529.922 1650.51 -0.635068, weight 1
  261. 1) 529.362 1651.27 -0.63615, weight 1
  262. 2) 450.585 1756.91 -0.786174, weight 1
  263. 3) 222.275 2029.02 -0.667633, weight 1
  264. 4) -18.4191 2351.18 0.216557, weight 1
  265. 5) -153.479 2481.59 0.215825, weight 1
  266. Knots: 0 0 0 0 0.0751785 0.1 0.123714 0.123714 0.123714 0.123714
  267. NurbsCurve, order 4, 6 CV's. t ranges from 0 to 0.156901.
  268. CV's:
  269. 0) -153.479 2481.59 0.215825, weight 1
  270. 1) -160.804 2488.67 0.215785, weight 1
  271. 2) -311.564 2631.6 0.188957, weight 1
  272. 3) -530.194 2766.9 -0.568024, weight 1
  273. 4) -730.157 2896.36 0.103433, weight 1
  274. 5) -771.898 2922.51 0.273846, weight 1
  275. Knots: 0 0 0 0 0.125 0.15 0.156901 0.156901 0.156901 0.156901
  276. NurbsCurve, order 4, 9 CV's. t ranges from 0 to 0.292103.
  277. CV's:
  278. 0) -771.898 2922.51 0.273846, weight 1
  279. 1) -881.303 2991.07 0.720745, weight 1
  280. 2) -1096.54 3120.52 2.19688, weight 1
  281. 3) -1178.75 2915.47 -0.437344, weight 1
  282. 4) -620.182 2497.63 0.432348, weight 1
  283. 5) -717.931 2026.69 -1.24159, weight 1
  284. 6) -1247.99 1971.55 -0.13074, weight 1
  285. 7) -1586.91 1930.4 0.404052, weight 1
  286. 8) -1714 1930.4 0.404052, weight 1
  287. Knots: 0 0 0 0 0.175 0.2 0.225 0.25 0.275 0.292103 0.292103 0.292103 0.292103
  288. NurbsCurve, order 4, 6 CV's. t ranges from 0 to 0.337645.
  289. CV's:
  290. 0) -1714 1933.51 0.404052, weight 1
  291. 1) -1782.45 1928.3 0.447637, weight 1
  292. 2) -1979.9 1900.26 0.55413, weight 1
  293. 3) -2202.56 1896.39 0.168928, weight 1
  294. 4) -2090.81 1607.45 -0.305943, weight 1
  295. 5) -2080.49 1491.43 -0.43524, weight 1
  296. Knots: 0 0 0 0 0.3 0.325 0.337645 0.337645 0.337645 0.337645
  297. NurbsCurve, order 4, 5 CV's. t ranges from 0 to 0.370065.
  298. CV's:
  299. 0) -2052.57 1494.53 -0.43524, weight 1
  300. 1) -2001.12 1387.7 -0.561578, weight 1
  301. 2) -1835.04 1084.19 -0.817406, weight 1
  302. 3) -1726.42 874.782 -0.567193, weight 1
  303. 4) -1673.68 775.855 -0.574963, weight 1
  304. Knots: 0 0 0 0 0.35 0.370065 0.370065 0.370065 0.370065
  305. NurbsCurve, order 4, 6 CV's. t ranges from 0 to 0.425.
  306. CV's:
  307. 0) -1717.22 754.067 -0.574963, weight 1
  308. 1) -1690.52 712.349 -0.571268, weight 1
  309. 2) -1650.25 576.349 -0.782235, weight 1
  310. 3) -1543.73 439.478 -2.65099, weight 1
  311. 4) -1477.74 403.051 1.10031, weight 1
  312. 5) -1286.49 410.407 1.26156, weight 1
  313. Knots: 0 0 0 0 0.375 0.4 0.425 0.425 0.425 0.425
  314. NurbsCurve, order 4, 10 CV's. t ranges from 0 to 0.581483.
  315. CV's:
  316. 0) -1289.45 410.407 1.26156, weight 1
  317. 1) -1142.14 426.822 1.42588, weight 1
  318. 2) -579.671 474.55 -1.18932, weight 1
  319. 3) -132.366 579.379 -4.54815, weight 1
  320. 4) -25.8984 1044.06 0.473921, weight 1
  321. 5) 531.902 976.913 0.0611377, weight 1
  322. 6) 543.182 -43.6624 0.0615605, weight 1
  323. 7) 338.151 -150.709 -0.0315743, weight 1
  324. 8) 347.373 -270.122 -0.0343841, weight 1
  325. 9) 358.216 -314.499 -0.033601, weight 1
  326. Knots: 0 0 0 0 0.45 0.475 0.5 0.525 0.55 0.575 0.581483 0.581483 0.581483 0.581483
  327. NurbsCurve, order 4, 5 CV's. t ranges from 0 to 0.619473.
  328. CV's:
  329. 0) 355.992 -310.051 -0.033601, weight 1
  330. 1) 377.323 -383.099 -0.0313644, weight 1
  331. 2) 455.988 -602.127 -0.00398349, weight 1
  332. 3) 511.793 -1249.08 -0.00050593, weight 1
  333. 4) 539.653 -1565.59 -0.000111851, weight 1
  334. Knots: 0 0 0 0 0.6 0.619473 0.619473 0.619473 0.619473
  335. NurbsCurve, order 4, 8 CV's. t ranges from 0 to 0.709976.
  336. CV's:
  337. 0) 539.653 -1565.77 -0.000111851, weight 1
  338. 1) 535.043 -1647.11 0, weight 1
  339. 2) 577.554 -2057.91 0, weight 1
  340. 3) 587.491 -2409.29 0, weight 1
  341. 4) 535.09 -2701.37 0, weight 1
  342. 5) 649.208 -2818.46 0, weight 1
  343. 6) 933.936 -2844.94 0, weight 1
  344. 7) 1011.98 -2856.14 0, weight 1
  345. Knots: 0 0 0 0 0.625 0.65 0.675 0.7 0.709976 0.709976 0.709976 0.709976
  346. NurbsCurve, order 4, 9 CV's. t ranges from 0 to 0.846409.
  347. CV's:
  348. 0) 1012.89 -2856.32 0, weight 1
  349. 1) 1142 -2885.2 0, weight 1
  350. 2) 1468.56 -2902.96 0, weight 1
  351. 3) 1727.2 -3167.05 0, weight 1
  352. 4) 2053.46 -2958.51 0, weight 1
  353. 5) 1537.99 -2745.12 0, weight 1
  354. 6) 1828.17 -2313.11 0, weight 1
  355. 7) 1600.78 -2203.17 0, weight 1
  356. 8) 1462.06 -2157.36 0, weight 1
  357. Knots: 0 0 0 0 0.725 0.75 0.775 0.8 0.825 0.846409 0.846409 0.846409 0.846409
  358. NurbsCurve, order 4, 8 CV's. t ranges from 0 to 0.927973.
  359. CV's:
  360. 0) 1466.87 -2162.17 0, weight 1
  361. 1) 1443.61 -2155.3 0, weight 1
  362. 2) 1160.87 -2011.07 0, weight 1
  363. 3) 868.803 -2006.63 0, weight 1
  364. 4) 891.759 -1251.83 0, weight 1
  365. 5) 783.8 -796.441 -1.83326, weight 1
  366. 6) 813.529 -714.805 -1.70544, weight 1
  367. 7) 819.307 -707.677 -1.68136, weight 1
  368. Knots: 0 0 0 0 0.85 0.875 0.9 0.925 0.927973 0.927973 0.927973 0.927973
  369. NurbsCurve, order 4, 6 CV's. t ranges from 0 to 1.
  370. CV's:
  371. 0) 824.118 -700.46 -1.68136, weight 1
  372. 1) 864.227 -644.393 -1.44929, weight 1
  373. 2) 1042.79 -601.158 0.970781, weight 1
  374. 3) 973.204 -239.354 0.945395, weight 1
  375. 4) 673.364 -243.807 1.35055, weight 1
  376. 5) 749.165 253.41 0, weight 1
  377. Knots: 0 0 0 0 0.95 0.975 1 1 1 1
  378. NurbsCurve, order 4, 5 CV's. t ranges from 0 to 0.075.
  379. CV's:
  380. 0) 731.521 1124.57 -0.0641526, weight 1
  381. 1) 729.803 1213.43 -0.0270504, weight 1
  382. 2) 687.418 1460.28 0.0478215, weight 1
  383. 3) 603.613 1597.07 -0.483537, weight 1
  384. 4) 541.088 1664.86 -0.635068, weight 1
  385. Knots: 0 0 0 0 0.05 0.075 0.075 0.075 0.075
  386. PandaNode prop_safe_zone_tunnel
  387. PandaNode short_tunnel
  388. GeomNode tunnel_ceiling (1 geoms: S:(TextureAttrib))
  389. GeomNode tunnel_walls (1 geoms: S:(TextureAttrib))
  390. GeomNode s_tunnel_ceiling_2 (1 geoms: S:(TextureAttrib))
  391. GeomNode s_tunnel_walls_2 (1 geoms: S:(TextureAttrib))
  392. GeomNode safe_zone_entrance_front (1 geoms: S:(TextureAttrib))
  393. GeomNode safe_zone_entrance_front1 (1 geoms: S:(TextureAttrib))
  394. GeomNode polySurface1 (3 geoms: S:(TextureAttrib))
  395. GeomNode polySurface2 (3 geoms: S:(TextureAttrib))
  396. GeomNode polySurface3 (2 geoms: S:(TextureAttrib))
  397. GeomNode finishline (1 geoms: S:(TextureAttrib TransparencyAttrib))
  398. PandaNode group1
  399. PandaNode [cam]
  400. CollisionNode track_10 (13 solids) (hidden)
  401. GeomNode (1 geoms: S:(CullBinAttrib TextureAttrib))
  402. PandaNode [cam]
  403. CollisionNode track_11 (13 solids) (hidden)
  404. GeomNode (1 geoms: S:(CullBinAttrib TextureAttrib))
  405. PandaNode [cam]
  406. CollisionNode track_12 (13 solids) (hidden)
  407. GeomNode (1 geoms: S:(CullBinAttrib TextureAttrib))
  408. GeomNode sidewalk10 (1 geoms: S:(ColorAttrib CullBinAttrib TextureAttrib)) [cam]
  409. GeomNode sidewalk11 (1 geoms: S:(ColorAttrib CullBinAttrib TextureAttrib)) [cam]
  410. PandaNode group3
  411. PandaNode [cam]
  412. CollisionNode track_13 (14 solids) (hidden)
  413. GeomNode (1 geoms: S:(CullBinAttrib TextureAttrib))
  414. PandaNode [cam]
  415. CollisionNode track_14 (14 solids) (hidden)
  416. GeomNode (1 geoms: S:(CullBinAttrib TextureAttrib))
  417. PandaNode [cam]
  418. CollisionNode track_15 (14 solids) (hidden)
  419. GeomNode (1 geoms: S:(CullBinAttrib TextureAttrib))
  420. GeomNode sidewalk12 (1 geoms: S:(ColorAttrib CullBinAttrib TextureAttrib)) [cam]
  421. GeomNode sidewalk13 (1 geoms: S:(ColorAttrib CullBinAttrib TextureAttrib)) [cam]
  422. GeomNode sidewalk14 (1 geoms: S:(ColorAttrib CullBinAttrib TextureAttrib)) [cam]
  423. PandaNode group4
  424. PandaNode [cam]
  425. CollisionNode track_16 (14 solids) (hidden)
  426. GeomNode (1 geoms: S:(CullBinAttrib TextureAttrib))
  427. PandaNode [cam]
  428. CollisionNode track_17 (14 solids) (hidden)
  429. GeomNode (1 geoms: S:(CullBinAttrib TextureAttrib))
  430. PandaNode [cam]
  431. CollisionNode track_18 (14 solids) (hidden)
  432. GeomNode (1 geoms: S:(CullBinAttrib TextureAttrib))
  433. GeomNode sidewalk15 (1 geoms: S:(ColorAttrib CullBinAttrib TextureAttrib)) [cam]
  434. GeomNode sidewalk16 (1 geoms: S:(ColorAttrib CullBinAttrib TextureAttrib)) [cam]
  435. PandaNode group5
  436. PandaNode [cam]
  437. CollisionNode track_19 (10 solids) (hidden)
  438. GeomNode (1 geoms: S:(CullBinAttrib TextureAttrib))
  439. PandaNode [cam]
  440. CollisionNode track_20 (10 solids) (hidden)
  441. GeomNode (1 geoms: S:(CullBinAttrib TextureAttrib))
  442. PandaNode [cam]
  443. CollisionNode track_21 (10 solids) (hidden)
  444. GeomNode (1 geoms: S:(CullBinAttrib TextureAttrib))
  445. GeomNode sidewalk17 (1 geoms: S:(ColorAttrib CullBinAttrib TextureAttrib)) [cam]
  446. GeomNode sidewalk18 (1 geoms: S:(ColorAttrib CullBinAttrib TextureAttrib)) [cam]
  447. PandaNode group6
  448. PandaNode [cam]
  449. CollisionNode track_22 (17 solids) (hidden)
  450. GeomNode (1 geoms: S:(CullBinAttrib TextureAttrib))
  451. PandaNode [cam]
  452. CollisionNode track_23 (17 solids) (hidden)
  453. GeomNode (1 geoms: S:(CullBinAttrib TextureAttrib))
  454. PandaNode [cam]
  455. CollisionNode track_24 (17 solids) (hidden)
  456. GeomNode (1 geoms: S:(CullBinAttrib TextureAttrib))
  457. GeomNode sidewalk19 (1 geoms: S:(ColorAttrib CullBinAttrib TextureAttrib)) [cam]
  458. GeomNode sidewalk20 (1 geoms: S:(ColorAttrib CullBinAttrib TextureAttrib)) [cam]
  459. PandaNode group7
  460. PandaNode [cam]
  461. CollisionNode track_25 (24 solids) (hidden)
  462. GeomNode (1 geoms: S:(CullBinAttrib TextureAttrib))
  463. PandaNode [cam]
  464. CollisionNode track_26 (24 solids) (hidden)
  465. GeomNode (1 geoms: S:(CullBinAttrib TextureAttrib))
  466. PandaNode [cam]
  467. CollisionNode track_27 (24 solids) (hidden)
  468. GeomNode (1 geoms: S:(CullBinAttrib TextureAttrib))
  469. GeomNode sidewalk21 (1 geoms: S:(ColorAttrib CullBinAttrib TextureAttrib)) [cam]
  470. GeomNode sidewalk22 (1 geoms: S:(ColorAttrib CullBinAttrib TextureAttrib)) [cam]
  471. PandaNode group8
  472. PandaNode [cam]
  473. CollisionNode track_28 (26 solids) (hidden)
  474. GeomNode (1 geoms: S:(CullBinAttrib TextureAttrib))
  475. PandaNode [cam]
  476. CollisionNode track_29 (26 solids) (hidden)
  477. GeomNode (1 geoms: S:(CullBinAttrib TextureAttrib))
  478. PandaNode [cam]
  479. CollisionNode track_30 (26 solids) (hidden)
  480. GeomNode (1 geoms: S:(CullBinAttrib TextureAttrib))
  481. GeomNode sidewalk23 (1 geoms: S:(ColorAttrib CullBinAttrib TextureAttrib)) [cam]
  482. GeomNode sidewalk24 (1 geoms: S:(ColorAttrib CullBinAttrib TextureAttrib)) [cam]
  483. PandaNode group9
  484. PandaNode [cam]
  485. CollisionNode track_4 (17 solids) (hidden)
  486. GeomNode (1 geoms: S:(CullBinAttrib TextureAttrib))
  487. PandaNode [cam]
  488. CollisionNode track_5 (17 solids) (hidden)
  489. GeomNode (1 geoms: S:(CullBinAttrib TextureAttrib))
  490. PandaNode [cam]
  491. CollisionNode track_6 (17 solids) (hidden)
  492. GeomNode (1 geoms: S:(CullBinAttrib TextureAttrib))
  493. GeomNode sidewalk6 (1 geoms: S:(ColorAttrib CullBinAttrib TextureAttrib)) [cam]
  494. GeomNode sidewalk7 (1 geoms: S:(ColorAttrib CullBinAttrib TextureAttrib)) [cam]
  495. PandaNode group10
  496. PandaNode [cam]
  497. CollisionNode track_7 (11 solids) (hidden)
  498. GeomNode (1 geoms: S:(CullBinAttrib TextureAttrib))
  499. PandaNode [cam]
  500. CollisionNode track_8 (11 solids) (hidden)
  501. GeomNode (1 geoms: S:(CullBinAttrib TextureAttrib))
  502. PandaNode [cam]
  503. CollisionNode track_9 (11 solids) (hidden)
  504. GeomNode (1 geoms: S:(CullBinAttrib TextureAttrib))
  505. GeomNode sidewalk8 (1 geoms: S:(ColorAttrib CullBinAttrib TextureAttrib)) [cam]
  506. GeomNode sidewalk9 (1 geoms: S:(ColorAttrib CullBinAttrib TextureAttrib)) [cam]
  507. PandaNode group11
  508. GeomNode sidewalk2 (1 geoms: S:(ColorAttrib CullBinAttrib TextureAttrib)) [cam]
  509. PandaNode [cam]
  510. CollisionNode track_1 (14 solids) (hidden)
  511. GeomNode (1 geoms: S:(CullBinAttrib TextureAttrib))
  512. PandaNode [cam]
  513. CollisionNode track_3 (14 solids) (hidden)
  514. GeomNode (1 geoms: S:(CullBinAttrib TextureAttrib))
  515. PandaNode [cam]
  516. CollisionNode track_2 (13 solids) (hidden)
  517. GeomNode (1 geoms: S:(CullBinAttrib TextureAttrib))
  518. GeomNode sidewalk3 (1 geoms: S:(ColorAttrib CullBinAttrib TextureAttrib)) [cam]
  519. PandaNode bridge_road
  520. PandaNode [cam]
  521. CollisionNode bridge_ground1 (28 solids) (hidden)
  522. GeomNode (1 geoms: S:(ColorAttrib CullBinAttrib TextureAttrib))
  523. GeomNode sidewalk4 (1 geoms: S:(ColorAttrib CullBinAttrib TextureAttrib)) [cam]
  524. GeomNode sidewalk5 (1 geoms: S:(ColorAttrib CullBinAttrib TextureAttrib)) [cam]
  525. PandaNode bridge2
  526. GeomNode polySurface6 (3 geoms: S:(ColorAttrib TextureAttrib))
  527. GeomNode polySurface5 (3 geoms: S:(ColorAttrib TextureAttrib))
  528. GeomNode polySurface7 (1 geoms: S:(ColorAttrib TextureAttrib))
  529. GeomNode polySurface8 (3 geoms: S:(TextureAttrib TransparencyAttrib))
  530. GeomNode pSphere1 (1 geoms: S:(TextureAttrib))
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