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- #===============================================================================
- # Uses a different move depending on the environment. (Hidden Power)
- # This is the Touhoumon variant of the move
- # NOTE: This code does not support the Gen 5 and older definition of the move
- # where it targets the user. It makes more sense for it to target another
- # PokΓ©mon.
- #===============================================================================
- class Battle::Move::UseMoveDependingOnEnvironmentThmn < Battle::Move
- def callsAnotherMove?; return true; end
- def pbOnStartUse(user, targets)
- @npMove = :TRIATTACK18
- case @battle.field.terrain
- when :Electric
- @npMove = :THUNDERBOLT18 if GameData::Move.exists?(:THUNDERBOLT18)
- when :Grassy
- @npMove = :ENERGYLIGHT18 if GameData::Move.exists?(:ENERGYLIGHT18)
- when :Misty
- @npMove = :LUNATIC18 if GameData::Move.exists?(:LUNATIC18)
- when :Psychic
- @npMove = :MANABURST18 if GameData::Move.exists?(:MANABURST18)
- else
- try_move = nil
- case @battle.environment
- when :Grass, :TallGrass, :Forest, :ForestGrass
- try_move = :ENERGYLIGHT18
- when :MovingWater, :StillWater, :Underwater
- try_move = :HYDROPUMP18
- when :Puddle
- try_move = :MUDDYWATTER18
- when :Cave
- try_move = :ROCKSLIDE18
- when :Rock, :Sand
- try_move = :EARTHPOWER18
- when :Snow
- try_move = :BLIZZARD18
- when :Ice
- try_move = :ICEBEAM18
- when :Volcano
- try_move = :LAVAPLUME
- when :Graveyard
- try_move = :SHADOWBALL18
- when :Sky
- try_move = :AIRSLASH18
- when :Space
- try_move = :DRACOMETEOR18
- when :UltraSpace
- try_move = :MANABURST18
- when :Fantasia
- try_move = :MYRIADDREAMS
- end
- @npMove = try_move if GameData::Move.exists?(try_move)
- end
- end
- def pbEffectAgainstTarget(user, target)
- @battle.pbDisplay(_INTL("{1} turned into {2}!", @name, GameData::Move.get(@npMove).name))
- user.pbUseMoveSimple(@npMove, target.index)
- end
- end
- #===============================================================================
- # Inflict a random status condition on a foe (50%)
- # Drop a random stat by 1 (25%)
- # (Spiral Abyss)
- #===============================================================================
- class Battle::Move::SpiralAbyss < Battle::Move
- end
- #===============================================================================
- # Two turn move. On turn one, enter charge state. On second turn, attack with a
- # 50% chance to paralyze the foe.
- # If charge is broken, disable the attacker's move.
- # (Prohibatory Signboard)
- #===============================================================================
- class Battle::Move::ProhibatorySignboard < Battle::Move
- def pbDisplayChargeMessage(user)
- user.effects[PBEffects::ProhibSign] = true
- @battle.pbCommonAnimation("ProhibSign", user)
- @battle.pbDisplay(_INTL("{1} dropped a sign in front of them and begun charging up!", user.pbThis))
- end
- def pbDisplayUseMessage(user)
- super if !user.effects[PBEffects::ProhibSign] || !user.tookMoveDamageThisRound
- end
- def pbMoveFailed?(user, targets)
- if user.effects[PBEffects::ProhibSign] && user.tookMoveDamageThisRound
- @battle.pbDisplay(_INTL("{1}'s sign was ignored and trampled over!", user.pbThis))
- return true
- end
- return false
- end
- end
- #===============================================================================
- # Hits X times, where X is the number of fainted Pokemon or Puppets in
- # in the user's party (not including partner trainers). Fails if X is 0.
- # Base power of each hit depends on the base Attack stat for the species of that
- # hit's participant. (Walpurgis Night)
- #===============================================================================
- class Battle::Move::WalpurgisNight < Battle::Move
- def multiHitMove?; return true; end
- def pbMoveFailed?(user, targets)
- @beatUpList = []
- @battle.eachInTeamFromBattlerIndex(user.index) do |pkmn, i|
- next if
- @beatUpList.push(i)
- end
- if @beatUpList.length == 0
- @battle.pbDisplay(_INTL("But it failed!"))
- return true
- end
- return false
- end
- def pbNumHits(user, targets)
- return @beatUpList.length
- end
- def pbBaseDamage(baseDmg, user, target)
- i = @beatUpList.shift # First element in array, and removes it from array
- atk = @battle.pbParty(user.index)[i].baseStats[:ATTACK]
- return 10 + (atk / 10)
- end
- end
- #===============================================================================
- # Apply attraction regardless of gender/alignment.
- # (Enchantiing Cone)
- #===============================================================================
- class Battle::Move::EnchantingCone < Battle::Move
- end
- #===============================================================================
- # Clears all stat changes on hit.
- # (Fae Trickery)
- #===============================================================================
- class Battle::Move::FaeTrickery < Battle::Move
- # Clear Smog does this.
- end
- #===============================================================================
- # If move is successful, it steals the stat changes of the foe for itself,
- # then sets up Substitute.
- # If the user is asleep, then the move will instead heal HP equal to half
- # the damage dealt and set up Aurora Veil.
- # (Ultimate Dream)
- #===============================================================================
- class Battle::Move::UltimateDream < Battle::Move
- def ignoresSubstitute?(user); return true; end
- def pbCalcDamage(user, target, numTargets = 1)
- if target.hasRaisedStatStages?
- pbShowAnimation(@id, user, target, 1) # Stat stage-draining animation
- @battle.pbDisplay(_INTL("{1} stole the target's boosted stats!", user.pbThis))
- showAnim = true
- GameData::Stat.each_battle do |s|
- next if target.stages[] <= 0
- if user.pbCanRaiseStatStage?(, user, self)
- showAnim = false if user.pbRaiseStatStage(, target.stages[], user, showAnim)
- end
- target.statsLoweredThisRound = true
- target.statsDropped = true
- target.stages[] = 0
- end
- end
- super
- end
- end
- #===============================================================================
- # If the move connects, boost user's stats by +2, then apply Protect and Endure.
- # (All the Myriad Dreams of Paradise)
- #===============================================================================
- class Battle::Move::MyriadDreams < Battle::Move
- end
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