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Feb 17th, 2020
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  1. My previous experience as a staff member was on Para Network. It was map 3 and 4 of para, so this was very long time ago! How I got staff? A staff manager named Sqar told me to apply because I'm always active in chat, and active on the server on general. Once I have applied on the forums of Para, Many staff members vouched my application. I got positive replies on my application and got staff a day or two later. Back on map 3 and 4 of para when you apply and get accepted you get Mod right away. But limited perms. First day I got mod I banned at least 5 players off the server because they were hacking. I'd say that I did a great job being a mod on Para. Many players respected my decisions and I was very lenient with players. Not too lenient though.
  3. KhaozPvP, a server ran by my close friends a while back, who I don't keep in touch anymore due to the fact that they've turned into hackers. I ain't tryna get you know.... known for that type of stuff. But the server got up to around 10-35 people on the server daily. Sometimes the server will have a bad day and not get much players on. The server lasted for around 3-4 months with players. The first 2 months only 10-35 players would log on, but as a month went by 20 more players would join in and make factions, get started up, Buy ranks and stuff like that. I was Admin on this server and did various types of server events such as an LMS, KoTH, Team Deathmatches up to 5 players, and Drop Parties every time there are 35 players logged on. Sadly the server the server started dying and many players stopped playing on it even if they were donors.
  5. Oni-HCF, a server which I was a senior mod on. Sadly the server had to shut down due to lack of funding. And not many players played on it.
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