
Throuple takes on nude drawing

Dec 6th, 2017
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  1. Alexithymiaa: -Quinn stood in her private bathroom clad in only her panties and her chiffon robe. She'd pulled her hair down and blown it out so it was extra fluffy and wavy because good body is important for sketching, no pun intended. Except pun intended. Applying a glaze of baby pink gloss to her lips, she puckered them at her reflection in the mirror, trying to primp as much as possible because she was honestly nervous to be drawn topless because it's kind a vulnerable state and stuff. She let out a small sigh, tugging the front of her robe closed over the breasteses.-
  2. Tsaaq: ((So hawt.))
  3. Covet: Thorn was kicked back on Quinn's bed with his arms behind his back. He was just in his gym shorts, because he didn't really know what to wear for this, and figured since they sit low enough on his hips they'd be fine for Penelope, but still comfortable for Quinn as well. He was just whistling while he waited for the girls.
  4. Tsaaq: Penelope walked out of her bedroom with her sketch book and knocked on the door of Quinn's room. "Are you two ready?" She asked as she leaned against the door.
  5. Alexithymiaa: -Hearing the knock on her door, she turned and stepped out of the bathroom with her robe closed over her chest, glancing over to Thorn hanging out on the bed before pursing her lips and calling out to Penelope. "Yes, I think we're ready." She walked over to the bed and took a seat gingerly, crossing one leg over the other before looking at him. "You look very casual."-
  6. Covet: "You can come in. I'm ready, but Quinn's still in- He looked up as she came out looking her over, as she walked over to the bed and sat down, " that alright? I don't have fancy pretty things like you two have. Who's idea was the fuzzy robe?" He asked looking between the two of the girls.
  7. Tsaaq: "Great." She said as she went to walk into the room and smiled at the two of them. "You both look absolutely ravishing." Penelope said as she went to sit down on the ottoman near Quinn's bed as she looked them over carefully. She opened her sketchbook to a clean page. "It's perfect. Very natural."
  8. Alexithymiaa: "Oh, it was mine. But you look fine. You look good." She said softly as she looked down at her robe, holding it closed with her hand. She smiled at Penelope coming in to take a seat, quickly running her fingers down through her hair. "How do you want us?"-
  9. Covet: Thorn looked at Quinn, directing his attention at her face, "So do you." He continued to lay on the bed, looking relaxed and comfortable. "Pose us, oh masterful artist. I'm only sad you can't lay here with us." He told her with a soft frown.
  10. Tsaaq: She shook her head at Thorn and she snickered. "I'll be joining you when I'm finished." She declared. "Just lay together, be natural. Whatever position that feels right. So right that you'd fall asleep like the other night" She instructed. She took out her pencil and her hand hovered over the page.
  11. Alexithymiaa: -She kicked off her shoes and slid backward across the bed toward Thorn, moving in close to him before finally letting go of the front of her robe. She lowered her head down onto his chest, her hair pooling around them as she slid her body up against him and draped her arm over his stomach, making herself comfortable. "How is this?"-
  12. Covet: Thorn smiled and watched Quinn as she got comfortable, "Alright, you better." He said to Penelope, then let his hand rest on Quinn's head as he closed his eyes, "This... this is great, I could have passed out like thirty minutes ago. Now, I've just got a comfy sexy blanket." He said with a grin.
  13. Tsaaq: "Perfect." Penelope answered as she began to sketch their bodies carefully, tilting her head as she dragged her pencil across the page. "As long as you're comfortable the better the picture will come out."
  14. Alexithymiaa: -She started to laugh at his remarks, lifting her head a bit to rest her chin on him instead so she could look at his face. "Why do I feel as though you've been deviantly plotting to get us both naked since day one?"-
  15. Covet: "I'm with you two. Of course I'm comfortable." He said looking over at Penny with a grin, then let his hand rub down Quinn's back. "Deviantly? No..." He said trailing off, but then cleared his throat, "I have been rather patient, it was bound to happen eventually. Now I just have to get you both naked at the same time." He teased.
  16. Tsaaq: She shook her head as she carefully sketched, looking at the two of them and smiling. "You've only seen me topless. Not naked. So don't get too cocky." Penelope said with a raise of her eyebrow.
  17. Alexithymiaa: "You seem awfully sure of yourself for someone who hasn't past second base." She spoke in a teasing manner because she just had to match him at this point, unable to hide the amusement from her face. She glanced over at Penelope with a grin. "Besides, maybe we'd rather be naked together without you. Ever think of that?"-
  18. Covet: "Pfft, I'm a patient guy. I haven't made any demands, and I'm looking at the bright side of these things." He said then looked at the both of them with a frown, "Hey.. hey now that's not very fair...This is supposed to be an equal relationship here, ladies."
  19. Tsaaq: She smirked at Quinn and winked at her. "She does have softer fuller curves. I wouldn't mind that." She replied. She shook her head at Thorn. "Oh fine. May we be naked with each other before we're all naked together?" Penelope asked sarcastically, still drawing.
  20. Alexithymiaa: "I'm really just looking at this from the very same point of view, really. You and I have made out, and you and Penelope have made out. But have Penelope and I gotten the opportunity to make out? Nooo... therefore this isn't equal and we should be making up for loss time in the form of being naked together, without you." She spoke curtly before flashing him a wide grin, honestly just trying to tease and get a rise out of him.-
  21. CovetCovet Whisper: "What? No. That means that you two anc make out. Not get naked. I want to be involved in the nakedness too." He said giving them both a dirty grumpy look. "I hope my face is messing up your drawing." He shot at Penny, then stuck his tongue out, and ruffled Quinn's hair in the same motions.
  22. Covet: *can
  23. Tsaaq: She rolled her eyes. "It isn't." She called out. "I've already started to draw you silly man." Penelope said to him. "You're ruining nothing." She let out a sigh. "Well we have to be topless while making out then." Penelope stated. "That's fair."
  24. Alexithymiaa: "Absolutely fair." She smirked, moving her hands to flatten her hair after Thorn rustled it. She turned to look down at Thorn, tipping her head to one side. "Would you be upset if Penelope and I took our relationship to the next level before you did?"-
  25. Covet: "Fine, topless making out is fine, and yes I would be upset if you two moved to the next step without me. I feel like I should be a part of that, at least get to watch." He said with a pout.
  26. Tsaaq: "I don't know..." Penelope trailed off. "Would you be alright with him watching us?" She asked Quinn, her eyes still on the page. "This is coming out so lovely." She smiled.
  27. Alexithymiaa: "I think I would be a little uncomfortable just being watched. I'd feel scrutinized, regardless of the intent. I think it's much more enjoyable for everyone involved if no individual is merely sitting and watching." She turned her head into Thorn, brushing her lips over his before going in for the kiss. She held his lips there for a moment before sitting up, extending her hand out toward Penelope. "Come join us."-
  28. Covet: "I can't wait to see it." Thorn said with a smile, then looked at Quinn as she taunted him then kissed him leaning up to kiss her back as she pulled back to invite Penelope over. He used his finger to beckon her over as he let a hand slide around Quinn's torso underneath her robe.
  29. Tsaaq: Penelope put down her pencil down and gently shut her sketch book. She smiled as she stood up and took off her shoes and stripped down to her underwear so she could crawl onto the bed with them. Her fingers intertwined with Quinn's before she placed a kiss on both of their lips. "I'll show you when I'm finished with the shading." She sighed.
  30. Alexithymiaa: "But we don't want to waittt." She said with a bit of a whine, leaning into Penelope's kiss before lowering herself back down to lay on Thorn and be comfortable. She adjusted the boobs because those things get in the way sometimes, putting her head back down.-
  31. Covet: "Be patient Quinn. It'll be worth it." He told her giving her a smack on the butt, as he kissed Penny back, then watched Quinn adjust her boobs against him then laid back down.
  32. Tsaaq: "Thank you!" She said to Thorn and went to smile as she laid her head on his chest. "Sometimes you're useful Thorny." She smiled, cozying up to Quinn as she nuzzled Thorn's chest
  33. Alexithymiaa: "Hey... none of that. There will be no ganging up on anyone else." She spoke shortly, leaning over to closer her mouth onto Thorn's lips. "Shhhhhhh. Sh." She flinched when he smacked her butt, letting out a short squeak and then nuzzling back down to get comfortable with the three.-
  34. Covet: "What do you mean, you two gang up on me all the time." He said after Quinn kissed him again. He chuckled then wrapped his arms around them both pulling them close to his self. "Shhh is right, it's bed time."
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