
Exovaryn Haruke: First Oracle Use

Apr 12th, 2015
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  1. The Harukean had no part in the quarrel betwixt the other two, rather taking his time to think to himself, idling in a relatively awkward fashion-- Inverted eyes nigh dazed in their still stare into the horizon. Everything at the moment was internal, not even batting an eye towards the two...
  3. What came to mind, were not potential ways to aid others nor build the faction as he previous spoke of prior, but to bulken himself up to greater stature.
  5. He had only recently managed to activate the mark, after the seal placed by Malik was broken of course...
  7. However, he had nothing to use it on.. He had adequete knowledge as to how it worked, the focus upon it and others lead to the ability to pull in energies from others. It worked something like a gateway, collecting the mana present--
  9. Though, such was troubling without something or someone to test it o-
  10. It clicked, and as it did a grin surfaced across his visage. Slowly he turned, still shrouded in the Occultic cloak, and slowly approaching the duo with an odd sense of appeasement struck across his face. However, this was not because of what was going on, but what he had intended to do with the both of them...
  12. "You two..." He addressed them directly, "I wish.. To test something.." He started off bluntly. "I need the assistance of both of you, or rather, a bit of your energy. A piece of your circuit to be exact." He rested his right hand upon his chest, where an illuminated transmunic formation rested upon his flesh, emanating a soft saffron: The Oracle's Mark, Active with the presence of Cosmic magic to aid in the transition.
  14. The method was rather strange for some, focusing on personages akin to a magi's own towards the stars, allowing one to pull energies from them, and harbinge it within his own vessel. "Can you two do that?" He asked, "If need be, I can aid the both of you in the process."
  15. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
  16. Her eyes on Tertius, god he just knew the best ways to flirt with her, it was wonderful! Her right eye lightly glowing a deeper red shade, staring into his an odd tugging on his mind but it fades quickly, thought he desire to just not think and punch her did come to mind. She turns to the Haruke who spoke, cracking her neck, "OH?" she said, grinning wider, turning to Tertius, "You don't fuckin mind, do ya? Unless you're a little bitch about it..." She teased, nudging him in a... non-violent way what so ever, it was actually almost friendly in nature. True to herself, Sune didn't beat on Tertius cause she wanted to cause him great harm, sure painw as pleasure, but she knew people had to recover otherwise sh'ed kill em!
  18. She turned back to Haruke, clicking her tongue, "Mmm by all means, boss-man, cha got in mind- oh..." She paused, her smile fading, quickly at that, almost looking to change her mind, before grinning wide, "I've no idea what the fuck that is, but sure! I don't give a flying fuck, long as it's fun! Or painful... or BOTH!" She cried out, almost hopping up and down with joy.
  19. (Sune Loviatar)
  20. His line of sight obscured, peering into the eyes of the detestable little harlot. She continues to press him, he had half a mind to raise a hand to her - Striking her down yet again seemed like a promising prospect, one that would have been carried out, if not for the sudden approach of Exovaryn. At the sight of his companion, a look of dumb-founded misbelief is seen on his face, he blinks, once, twice. The flames around him dying down to a flicker, his form no longer covered by their corruping embrace.
  22. Scales find their way receding into skin, blood still running, a grit of teeth for a moment; the act of this normal at this point in the Drakan's life, the sudden pain caused by his instant return to reality - Pulled from Sune, he takes in what had been overlooked the moment he had come into contact with the Witch. "You need mana, is that what you mean?" Answering his request with a question, curious as to what kind of help was needed of him; on board of course, it being Exovaryn that had asked it of him. He saw little reason to refuse - asking for the sake of knowing, it would change little if he were not afforded an explanation.
  24. A nudge from Sune, it earns her a glance, a flaring of teeth, lips parted slightly to reveal jagged dentition to the girl; her luck was being pushed, and he had little patience after the sudden assualt on his face.. again. "Right.. You have my help, either way. If you truly need it; show me what to do." Instinctively, he holds a hand out towards Exovaryn, not sure why he does it; unaware of how one would go about transferring mana, he made a guess that it would involve direct contact - A similar application utilized to coat one's weapons in mana, as explained by Sareen.
  25. (Tertius Kyros)
  26. "Good." He answered, "All I need you to do, is release your mana in any form you know possible." He requested, let it surge, but not in form. I'd prefer not having your magic casted on me." He gave a single nod before coming before the two of them, extend arms out to me, and allow your mana to flow freely... I will do the rest." He stated in a calm tone.
  28. "If need be, place your hand upon the mark to maximize the effect. Though, I doubt such will be the case." With such said and done, the mark's glow intensified, leaving the feeble pry upon the magical circuits that was both Sune's and Tertius' own. However, it was far from strong to rip the mana right from their person's and required some aid on their behalfs, considering the Harukean requested that they provided their mana through relinquishing it from its embodied prism.
  29. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
  30. She smirked a bit, her water flowing around her turning red, clicking her tongue and grasping his arm, her blood flowing into his arm and connecting, flowing constantly but not going anywhere as mana began to flow into him, her eyes looking into his, grinning wide. She had not hesitation, had to ill desires, had no doubts, she usually udnerstood what was going on but she prefered to let things just... happen... this, was one of those things. Haruke could KILL her now and she'd be totally happy with her choice. No point living if you hide from your choices and try to invert them, make them not apply, rule it lawful or unlawful.
  32. No. She wanted things to FLY. She did have her own bit fo code but it was as loosely tied together as teh stitching on a zombie arm. Her eyes peering into Haruke's still, grinning, the red one glowing brightly but he would feel nothing from it, it simply glowed. Her body trembling as the mana flowed in freely, "By all means, Boss'man..." She cooed.
  33. (Sune Loviatar)
  34. The task seeming simple enough, the expension of mana, leaving behind the actual applying of magicks. He nods, understanding his role in this, he flexes fingers for a moment, letting joints pop, and loosen. An exhale his eyes are shut for a moment; immersing himself within his core - The swirl of occultic miasma festering within, a dark lure tugging at him as he digs.. going ever deeper, the screams of those tormented in the past fill his mind.
  36. The whisperings of Acrux; serving to allow him an anchor - An easier means of digging deep, he sends a command through himself, generating from deep within; the primal call to arcana, an expungence of power. His hand clasped around Exovaryn's, grip tightening, eyes flutter open, heavily lid, he peers through narrowed slits, remnants of light pouring in - The mark upon him glowing brilliantly; iridiscent, it threatens to blind for a moment, serpentine pupils narrow of their own volition.
  38. Adhering to commands, he does as instructed. Allowing for mana in it's purest form to seep through him; tainted with the faint whispers of occult influence, the close proximity of Acrux carrying with it such an effect; powers magnified by it, the release of souls in recent time aiding those dabbling in the darker of mystical arts.
  40. He does not release grip, letting it flow, directing it towards Exovaryn; cognitive practice applied, a mental strain placed on him; vein throbbing in skull, clearly visible - A look of physical ailment for the moment. He allows this to continue for a moment, giving trickles at first, steadily opening what he could; ushering forth a great flow, the valve only tilted, in the end, a cascading rush of untapped power bubbles to the surface.
  41. (Tertius Kyros)
  42. The pull was met with something anchor its grasp upon, both Tertius and Sune were targeted in this endeavor, especially when their circuits provided themselves open enough for the Oracle's Mark to siphon at them. At first, it was nothing of note, but with the prodding sensations growing stronger and the flux of one's essence losing stability to the soul within it latched upon, those with second thoughts on the subject were denied with the misfortunate that was Exovaryn's hastened operation.
  44. The contorted essences were once stretched, but now they were outright torn from the soul. This, blessed those before him with the excruciating sensation of a portion of their very embodiment, ripping from their soul. It was not that of the soul directly, nor anything of true lethality-- Instead, a chunk of their reserves, manifested into translucent stream of sapphire that lined up from their extended appendages, if not chest and ended up flooding across the surface of the Harukean's chest.
  46. The mana was pulled in, concentrated, and rewarded the Harukean with a brief azure illumination midst his flight, empowering his aura with the excess mana of his volunteering comrades!
  47. "That... Feels..." The skeleton physique that shaped the Harukean's body seemed to inflate, beefing up at the arm regions, bulging midst the once-ribbed abdominal region, and temporarily puffed up down the legs as well.
  48. The empowerment complemented his anatomy very well...
  50. Little did he know, that the Harukean symbiote within was breaking down the mana fed to it, magnifying his occultic powers portrayed on the surface, which in turn, governed the powers he casted before the eyes of others he happened across.
  52. ".....Great..." He spoke in a soothed tone, ecstatic in the wake of surmounting potence, captured from Tertius and Sune. Though, it was a painful experience, such was to be expected for a first-time attempt. However, it was during this very same attempt, that the power did not live long either. The Harukean symbiote, overly ravenous, burned out the consumed reserve in a matter of seconds, reducing the impressive power jump back to his normal stature in no time...
  54. Though his magical potence had reverted, physicality died down only slightly, showing signs of permanent growth thanks to the feeding.
  55. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
  56. Her eyes watched,t he red one glowing, it started off tingly, interesting, not really...exciting. Though it quickly grew fromt hat, her eyes wide, the pain, unlike anything else she'd felt before simply due to the fact that she'd never had mana stripped from her. It was like having one's bone marrow stripped form them and in rapid succession, from all over the body. She screamed, but that smile only grew wide, an open mouthed grin even, screaming adn holding onto him with both hands as her mana drained directly fromh er now, laughign and howling in pain, a mixture of oddities coming from the girl, her body vibrating wildly before him, churing and burning, mana flowing into him.
  58. SHe screamed so loud, her body spasming, turning from mist to whole form in random portions of her body, blood spewing from her wounds that she had from before, screaming out and a mix of moans in there. Her red eye glowing brightly as she used the last of her mana to heal herself before letting go, falling back and howling a weird mix of screams and laughs and moans, just this concoctions of weird animalistic noises, "KRAUS FUCK" She cried, trembling ont he ground, looking like someone who just got really strung out on cocaine or some such.
  59. (Sune Loviatar)
  61. The process subtle at first glance, a sudden deterrent appearing on this road; a flare from the marking etched into Exovaryn's chest. A tugging against his form, yet his body remains position - Despite the immense pull, physical form remains rooted, unwavering in the face of such adversity.
  63. He fails to realize at first what exactly was happening, the tug was very real; tearing at him ona deeper level, threatening to take from him the very thing that made him what he was, who he was. His source of mana extracted, a paled blue, it rises from his extended appendage; a wince, a grit of teeth, he feels as though he could double over. Free hand is urged to move, an attempt to quell the fires roaring in the one clasped by Exovaryn, but to no avail; his body is not his to command at the moment.
  65. Undergoing this ordeal, having agreed to it, the child was not ready for the grim weight that it would thrust upon him - His very essence, the rawest of mana, straight from the depths of his core is culled form it's nest, siphoned, and added to the Harukean male's own. Blinding pain seeps through him, vision blurring, bits, and pieces, of blurred images, and dazzling lights seen overheard; an attempt to keep his head level, met with screams of agonizing torture at every step.
  67. "AUUWAAAGGAAHH!!" Voice cracking, the pre-pubescent Drakan screams at the tops of his lungs, a guttural cry, a faint hitn of a roar present; calling card to Ryuin, scales are pressed to the surface, manifesting over his body uncontrollably for the most part. Instinctive actions in hopes of protection, it does nothing for him. Another form of pain to add to what he had to experience.
  69. As it nears it's end, the siphoning complete, the Haruke satiated; he topples. Falling to the floor, he lays there, arm still outstretched, ragged breathes drawn, remnants of scales flex as he does so, as if breathing within; reptilian features are made apparent. The narrowing of pupils, dialated beyond belief, a hiss unheard since the times of his childhood; reversions to times of peace forced.
  71. He can not move to face Exovaryn for the moment, optics darting every which way, he is little more than a dried up lizard.
  72. (Tertius Kyros)
  73. Well, with the act completed and the Harukean effectively 'fed', the mark grew crippled of its glow, reverting to its inane state. The process wasn't supposed to be painful, but the slight outcome that was of his physical benefit was something that came through excessive and sudden growth he simply wasn't ready for. He wasn't one motivated to apologize for the pain inflicted uopn his friends, for their volunteered for his own aid, nor did he go about to request the state of them prior.
  75. What he -did- get quite well, was how he likely felt to all but Sune, whom reacted quite strange in comparison to Tertius, is only other test subject for this usage of the mark. Did she like the pain? Such was alittle more than obvious at the point, though there was room for further question and curiousity.
  76. Perhaps it simply had an odd effect on her? He couldn't be too sure...
  78. Tertius' screams on the otherhand lacked the tone of which he could suspect masochism having taken place, leaving him to confirm his initial assumptions with Asune. Alas, the experience was over... Perhaps, the next time would warrant a smoother and easier transition amongst those about his setting.
  79. "That was glorious... The mark works, but I need to work on it later on... It could be of much use in the future."
  81. "...I suppose that is all from me, for now... Later on, I'll where efforts can be placed for future progress." He referenced to the group he attempted to brew. "I have meditations to tend to..." With that, he began his ascension, rising off to soar over the canopy line of nearby forestry.
  82. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
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