
Ryken-Berkoff Wedding pt 2

Nov 1st, 2017
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  1. Covet: Cadence was looking around for Steph, Hunting her down across the dancefloor she walked over to her and took her hand, "While I have a moment, can I steal you away, I've only had Mimosas tonight so far and well they made it to my bladder." She said "I don't want to pee on my dress." // Felix was standing next to Steph, and eyeballed Cadence as she came up, "Duty calls? I guess I can go get some food while you take care of that."// Kelsey was walking over to the bar, hoping to get a drink before checking out the food situation while everyone was mingling and what not.
  2. Alexithymiaa: "I can't get over how absolutely gorgeous this place is." She said to Felix right before Cadence walked up. She raised her brows, starting to walk with her without hesitation, calling back over her shoulder to Felix. "Right! Be right back." She turned and headed across the venue in the direction of the bathrooms. "I don't know how the hell you're drinking mimosas after last night." // Bryan had already made a beeline for the food, a plate in one hand that he was sticking out to every server to load up their respective dishes onto it, his beer in the other hand as he sipped away. // Brad stepped out of the bathroom, adjusting his tie uncomfortably to keep it from strangling him because he was seriously not into this. He spotted Kelsey across the room and made his way over to the bar, resting his elbow on the surface. "How long do I have to wear this tie for?"-
  3. Covet: "Nerves trump alcohol, I also didn't have as much as you did last night." She told her as they ran along to the bathroom walking inside to the large handicap stall, because more space, "I just need you to hold all of this, while I take care of the rest of this."// Felix quickly followed up behind Bryan filling his plate up with foods too. "Have you seriously not stopped drinking?" // Kelsey laughed at him and looked at his tie, "I guess, if you want you can take it off, you can. I imagine people are going to be a bit more casual now." she told him.
  4. Alexithymiaa: "Remind me that I'm an idiot next time, will you?" She asked as she followed Cadence into the stall. She looked over the dress trying to figure out the best tactic to gather the material before wrapping it in her arms and bunching it all together. "Okay go. Hurry." // "No." Bryan spoke without hesitation, eyeing the server loading his plate with the spaghettis. "I'm celebrating. It's not too often one of your best friends gets married. Also I took an entire week off of work. Both good reasons to celebrate." // Didnt need to tell him twice. Brad quickly loosened the tie around his neck, letting it hang all sloppy and whatnot while still actually being tied. "Oh thank god. That thing is like a nuse. Why is this socially acceptable dress?"-
  5. Covet: Cadence got herself situated on the toilet, and looked up to the sky with a sigh of relief while she peed. "That's so much better.... Sorry Dick, you're not an idiot, you were clearly just enjoying yourself. I wanted to, but I wanted to enjoy myself more tonight." She said as she finished her business and stood up, to readjust. // Felix nodded his head at Bryan, "I'll give you that one, An entire week? Gonna take that long for you to recover..." He said with a chuckle enjoying the potatoes, because Steph doesn't eat potatoes so he was going to enjoy it while he could. // "Oh I'm sure that it wasn't that bad." Kelsey said as she got herself a Long Island from the bar. "You intending to get a drink before we go hit up the food?"
  6. Alexithymiaa: -Once Cadence stood up, she let the dress fabric fall, fluffing it for her and making sure it was laying properly around her. "Totally an idiot. But it's okay, I've accepted it. I've also decided that my hangover is not going to get in the way of me catching your bouquet. Because I am prepared to tackle bitches if I have to." // "Nah, I'm a pro at this. I used to do this shit all the time before everyone needed me for something." He glanced at Felix's plate in admiration before shoving his toward the potato server as well. "Fill me up." // "It's that bad." Brad retorted, looking over the bartender a moment to decide if he wanted a beer or if he just wanted the bartender's ass. "Can I have a beer, please?" He asked him before looking to Kelsey.-
  7. Tsaaq has joined the chat
  8. Covet: "Determination huh?" Cadence said with a laugh, "You realize you're going up against Hayley, and possibly Bliss, even though that's pretty much a sure thing between the two of them." She said as she went to wash and dry her hands. // Felix laughed, "Well, good thing you're a pro. Someday your liver is going to hate you. He said walking around until he found a place to sit down and enjoy his food, until he saw Steph come back out. // "You're so dramatic." Kelsey said with a laugh. Watching hime eyeball the bartender, "You missed out on quite the show at the bachelorette party last night." // Eli had walked over to the bar to get himself a beer, letting other people look into the food situation.
  9. Alexithymiaa: "Bliss is engaged! Catching the bouquet is for unmarried bitches. She doesn't get to play, and I could totally take Hayley. I have to. Because I'm going to win." She smirked as Cadence finished up in the bathroom, turning to walk out with her. "Now get your ass out there and find your husband. I think your dance is coming up." She gave Cadence a playful shove before wandering off to find where Felix and Bryan had gone off to, moving up to stand next to their table, immediately covering her mouth when her stomach flipped at the sight of their food. "Ugh..." // Bryan followed Felix to the table with his plate, taking a seat down and immediately digging into his food. "Eh, my whole body hates me, what's one more part?" He asked as he shoveled in the spaghettis. // Brad took his beer from the bartender before perking up, his full attention on Kelsey now. "Oh yeah? And tell me what exactly I missed, because now I'm definitely intrigued." // Adam had been scanning the food, a plate in hand as he carefully selected his meal for the night.-
  10. Tsaaq: Remy came back from his cigarette with his parents, grandparents. "Alright. Time to dance with my bride." He cheered, running towards the inside and looking around at the crowd. // Hayley was with the muscians, setting up her keyboard for her performance. She saw Adam looking at the food from afar but she was too nervous for foods yet. // Bliss walked up behind Eli to scare him. "Wasn't the ceremony beautiful?" She asked dreamily.
  11. Covet: "Don't have to tell me twice." She said with a grin, "Gah.. Husband... I love it!" She said with an excited squeal, then picked her dress up a bit so she could head back into the hall and hunt Remy down, seeing him run in a head of her she made her way over to him, and grabbed his arm, "Hello Husband, I was just looking for you."// Felix took a bite of his potatoes and looked at Bryan, letting the words come out of his mouth before thinking about it, "Yeah, some of them so much they don't want to be a part of it anymore." // Eli jumped a little then turned around seeing Bliss, "Yes, it was. Very well worded on everyone's parts. Would you like something to drink, My Love?" // Well, there was lots of bulge in tiny shiny underwear." She told him then gave a Wave to Bliss and Eli.
  12. Alexithymiaa: -Steph raised her brows when she heard Felix's comment, immediately lifted her hand to slap him in the back of the head. "Do you have literally no tact? This is why we can't have nice things." // Bryan just slowly shook his head, staring across the table at Felix. "If I weren't too busy eating with this fork, I'd stab you with it instead, asshole." // Brad smirked slowly, taking a quick sip of his beer. "Sounds like some place we need to return to, together. Where exactly did you guys go? Because obviously it's some place I need to be." // Finishing up loading up his plate, Adam turned and walked over to find an empty table, setting his plate down and taking a seat so he could begin eating before the reception craziness got in the way of dinner.-
  13. Tsaaq: "Hello Wife." Remy greeted with a smirk, he was sniffing his suit to see if the scent of cigarette smoke lingered on him. "You ready?" He went into the center of the dance floor and saw Skyy with the DJ getting the music started. Remy put his hand on the small of her back and began to slowly turn her. "Sorry I've never been a good dancer..." Remy trailed off with a shrug. // Hayley walked away from her keyboard once it was set up and went to sit across from Adam. "Hey." She said with a smile. // She sighed again. "It was wonderful!" She cheered. She waved in return to Brad and Kelsey. "I was expecting as much from Remy though. He is a writer after all." She shrugged. "A drink sounds wonderful."
  14. Tsaaq: ((
  15. Tsaaq: ((reception playlist!))
  16. Covet: "I am." She told him as she walked out onto the floor with him, wrapping her arms around his neck, leaning into him as she turned with him, "Stop, you're as perfect as I need you to be." She told him, giving him a kiss as they danced. "Is Hayley doing something tonight too?" She asked him.// He coughed not expecting Steph to come up behind him and smack him on the head, "What? Too soon?" He asked with a smirk, because it was still funny to him, then looked across at Bryan,offering a verbal trade "You can make a deaf joke at me later?" // Eli ordered something sweet and fancy for Bliss, then nodded his head, "Yeah, I was not expecting that from him, I knew he was a writer, but I don't think I've actually ever gotten a chance to hear or read his work until tonight. // "We went to the remodled and reopened Doll House. It was ladies night, and it was a fantastic night indeed." Kelsey said with a grin, taunting Brad.
  17. Alexithymiaa: "A lifetime is too soon, Arizona." She snapped back at him, crossing her arms over her chest before looking up to watch Cadence and Remy dance, all expression of irritation slipping from her face to be replaced with awe. "You're lucky they're having their first dance right now and are completely adorable." // Bryan rolled his eyes, taking another sip of his beer. "I was going to do it regardless of your permission so...." He trailed off, shrugging his shoulders before shoveling more food into his mouth. // Brad laughed, slipping his arm around Kelsey's waist and turning to watch Remy and Cadence dancing in the middle of the room. "Sounds like we need to pay them a visit over there sometime soon. You think Ozzie and Katie would want to go?" He asked. // Adam looked up from cutting his food, sending Hayley a smile. "Hey. Don't they look great together?" He asked, gesturing toward the happy couple dancing together. "This is such a nice wedding. Definitely the nicest wedding I've ever been to."-
  18. Tsaaq: Remy smiled down at her."I'm nowhere near perfect." He replied with a small shake of his head. "So Skyy says. Apparently they've concocted some type of thing in of our love." He shrugged. "It's pretty nice if you think about it." Remy whispered, taking her hand and guiding her into a spin. // Hayley looked over at Remy and Cadence and smiled a moment before slouching in her seat. "Yeah." She said. "What other weddings have you been to?" Hayley asked him skeptically. // "So? What's your verdict." Bliss asked with a grin as she took her drink. She turned to watch the newly weds and began to sniffle. "So wonderful." She said with excitement. "Don't you think?"
  19. Covet: "It is, I'm excited to see what they've done." She said the smile consistent on her face as she kept watching him,"Should we go steal your parents to the dance floor? Tyler's too busy with food to care for a dance. He did his job." Cadence said rolling her eyes.// "Oh... uh.. my bad. Thank god for distractions though." Felix said as he continued eating, "You still under a no spin rule?" Felix asked Steph as he gave Bryan a thumbs up.// "My Verdict is, I'm highly impressed, and feel like I better get on my own if I expect to hold a candle to that." He said and nodded his head, "It is, are you sniffling?"// "Probably, Well, Katie might be iffy on it, but It'd be a fun time regardless." Kelsey said with a smile, watching Cadence and Remy, while she swayed a bit to the song.
  20. Alexithymiaa: -Her eyes slowly dropped down from Cadence and Remy onto Felix, a small smile sliding over her lips. "We can amend that to no fast spinning if that's your way of asking me to dance." // "If you're going to dance, you better make it quick because I want to make my amazing speech soon and you fucks need to be paying attention to me." He shot back with just a bit of slurred speech, shoving a potato into his mouth. // brad pulled Kelsey in close to his set, setting his beer down on the bar. "I agree on the fun night thing. I think we should ask them. Although when were we going to do karaoke? We're going to need to line up a few nights of babysitting for all of our fun nights we have planned." He let out a laugh, taking her hand and beginning to lead her out onto the dance floor. // "Well I guess I've only been to a couple, one of which I actually remember." Adam corrected, setting his fork down on the edge of his plate. "My moms second cousin got married when I was about twelve or so. It was a nice wedding, but it wasn't anything like this."-
  21. Tsaaq: He laughed. “It makes me regret cursing him out when I first found out he was Hayley’s DNA dad…” He said. “And fucking on his desk.” He began to smile at Cadence again before nodding at his parents. “I think Jacque is already on the case.”// “I was supposed to go to my Uncle Solomon’s wedding but… I was busy having a mental breakdown…” She trailed off. “I guess Remy and Cadence are what those relationship goals memes are about now.” She shrugged.// “It’s just so lovely! I’ve known them both for so long. It’s so nice to see.” Bliss sighed and sipped her drink. “I took a few writing courses with Remy so I was aware of his talents.” She laughed. “I’m sure you’ll do just as amazingly if not better. You have your own way with words my love.” // Jaqueline dragged Sasha to the dance floor and went to twirl around in circles with him while laughing. “Congrats you two.” She called out, forcing herself into whatever conversation Remy and Cadence were having. // Sasha waited until the end of the song and went to awkwardly shuffle in Cadence’s direction. “Mind if I cut in?” He asked with a chuckle. // James Jr fastened the middle button of his suit jacket. He casually strolled up to his brother. “Remiel claims you’ll be coming home after the wedding. I wonder what caused his change of heart?” // Eugene was watching Cadence and Remy dance with his lips pursed. He saw James Jr walk up beside him and he turned to face him. “Spending time with Hayley and Remy. Boy are they fucked up people.” He muttered. // Grace quickly walked over to her siblings. “Oh?” She smirked. “Jom deo malhaejwo.”(Tell me more)
  22. Covet: "Thank you Jacque, Couldn't have done it without you guys." She said then looked at Sasha,"Not at all, anything for my official Father in law." Cadence said letting go of Remy as she started dancing with Sasha, "I feel I should probably tell you Thank you, for helping create such an amazing Husband for me."// "Yes it is, and no fast spinning, Got it." He said standing up to take her out to the floor, waving Bryan off, "Don't worry it'll be fine"// "I appreciate the hope you have in me, My Love. Would you like to have a dance?" Eli offered a hand to her so they could go out to the dance floor.// Kelsey followed Brad out to the dance floor, "Yes, that would be good so I can let Holly know in advance. She'd probably be willing to take Lulu on occasion too, Completely compensated of course." She said as she danced along with him.
  23. Alexithymiaa: -Steph took Felix's hand and walked out to the dance floor with him, stepping in close and putting her hand on his shoulder. moving to the music, she looked up at him, sending him a smile. "You know... I never would have taken Cadence and Remy for the type to pick a big glamorous wedding. It's absolutely gorgeous, but I never thought it would be their thing." // Bryan picked up his beer, shoving up from the table and grabbing a knife to repeatedly tap it against his glass because he was done waiting to say whatever he wanted to say, making his way over to take the microphone when it was finally his turn to make a speech. THE speech, as far as he was concerned. Tapping a finger against the end, he brought it up to his mouth. "I know a bunch of people are kind of nervous for me to talk in front of so many people, but guess what? I'm going to do it anyway so you can shove it." He took a quick swig of his beer before clearing his throat and speaking again into the microphone. "I've known Remy and Cadence a long ass time. Remy is like the brother I never had, and Cadence is like the sister I always had and never wanted. But that's just it, they're like family even though they do a bunch of shit to piss me off all the time. Although I guess that's what family is for, right?" He asked with a chuckle, his eyes darting around the room before continuing. "I remember when they first got together. I'm pretty sure it was just about the sex, which is fine. Everyone needs sex, so good for them. But the fact that it grew to be even more than just sex? Well that's love." He smiled his drunken goofy smile, waving off a guest who was trying to approach him to stop him from saying anything else. "And furthermore! No one else would love one another like these two, because I've heard some stories... shit I've heard some stories and these freaks deserve each other." He said with another laugh before finally giving up the microphone to be ushered off as he laughed hysterically at his own speech that he pulled out of his ass on the spot. // "Ah...." Adam settled into silence a little awkwardly, his attention lifting when he heard the familiar clanging of the glass for speeches. His face dropped when he heard Bryan begin to talk, kind of just staring in horror. // Brad nodded. "Probably a good idea. I'm glad you found Holly. She's going to make things easier for you." He said with a smile, continuing to twirl her around, but not without listening to Bryan's speech in complete agony because he cant believe anyone gave him a fucking microphone.-
  24. Tsaaq: Remy went to offer his hand to his mother and pulled her in for a dance. “I love you ma.” Remy whispered to her before going to spin Jacque. He stopped dancing to look at Bryan and groaned internally. He clapped anyways because at least he fucking tried. “Thanks.” He forced out, gritting his teeth. // She noticed him go quiet and pouted. Hayley went to look at Bryan while listening to his speech. She began to frown widely. “Uh…” // “You’ll find your words.” She kissed Eli’s cheek. “I would love to dance.” She stopped to hear the speech and immediately turned to Eli. “So preapproved speeches sound good?” She asked with her eyebrows raised. //“You’re welcome kid.” She said before shaking her head at Remy. “No? Really?” She asked sarcastically. Because from the minute Remy was born he was a fuckin’ mama’s boy. “If Grandma In or Grandma Leah starts to harass you guys just fucking book.” She instructed. “They’re already talking about great grandkids.” Jacqueline pursed her lips. “Well, you certainly… You said it man.” She awkwardly forced out as well. // “He wasn’t always so great but you really grinded him up into a fine texture…” Sasha smiled at his fucking weed metaphor. “Picked out his seeds. I should be thanking you. Even though you punched me.” He teased her. After hearing Bryan he cackled. “Do I get to make a speech like that?” //“Yeah…” James Jr rose an eyebrow. “We already knew he was a drug addict, sexual deviant and criminal. How much worse could it be?” He chuckled with a skeptical look. // “Yeah well. We didn’t know Hayley was gross too. Remember that time she was kidnapped? Well apparently that wasn’t the first time she got raped or whatever. It happened another time several months earlier. She was pregnant.” Eugene said, his eyes widening a moment. // She did that fucking annoying high pitched girl giggle that I’m pretty sure most of those preppy bitches are faking at James Jr’s burn. Grace gasped and put her hand over her mouth as if Eugene’s confession was about to make her faint or some shit. “Neon! Geojismalhagoiss-eo!” (You lie!) She gasped with a pout, looking taken aback. //
  25. Covet: Cadence cringed a little remembering hitting Sasha, "I'm still very very sorry about that. But if it meant all this wouldn't have happen, then I'm only so sorry." She told him appreciating his weed reference.Cadence heard the glass tapping then Bryan starting to talk. She walked over to Remy and just kind of stared at Bryan, trying not to think about all of Remy's family that was getting way more of a look into their lives than they needed to right now. Hearing Sasha, she laughed, "Well it can't get any worse than that."// "Yeah? I dunno, I think everyone deep down wants at least one glamerous event in their life. You should hear the plans for my funeral. There's fireworks involved." He said with a smirk, then turned to see Bryan with a mic, getting everyone's attention, "Oh god, please tell me you have something to say as damage control for when this is over." He said softly to her.// Eli leaned over to Bliss, "I promise, My dad won't be nearly that embarassing as my Best Man."//Kelsey heard Brad, but she was just staring at Bryan and shaking her head, "Someone should have cut him off yesterday. Then again, I'm pretty sure a more honest speech was never given." She added with a laugh."I hope he makes it home alive."
  26. Alexithymiaa: "I am not at all surprised by this." She said with a laugh, giving a small shrug. "Honestly? As nice as this is, I wouldn't want something like this. I'd want something a lot smaller. Quieter..." She trailed off and looked over at Bryan, wincing hard. "Well... on the bright side... any speech I make after that, will look like the Gettysburg Address..." She leaned in to kiss Felix on the cheek before walking over to where Bryan had been. Taking a deep steadying breath because nervous as fuck, she pursed her lips, turning to look at everyone staring back at her, swallowing hard. "It took me a long time to find the right words to say to two of my best friends who've decided that today, October thirty first, two thousand seventeen would be the first day of the rest of their lives together. At first I thought that I should go the funny route and go on about the crazy adventures Cadence and I have been on, or some of the ridiculously hilarious things Remy has said, but obviously Bryan had that covered." She glanced over at Bryan who was just cackling to himself and finishing off his beer before she continued. "And then I figured I could go the sentimental route, and talk about how long we've all been friends, and how the two of you have been like a family to me. How I've never seen two people so compatible before and how truly inspirational they are and how much I look up to them." She blinked back the tears forming in her eyes, clearing her throat. "But Cadence swore she'd kick my ass if I made her cry and ruin her make up, so I couldn't go there either. So basically what I'm left with is a huge congratulations to the gorgeous bride and handsome groom, and I think I speak for everyone in this room when I say that I wish you the best of luck in your new life together as a married couple." She lifted her wine glass into the air for cheers before taking a quick sip and relinquishing the microphone. // Bryan snickered to himself as he stood to watch Steph's speech, sucking down the rest of his beer. // Brad just slowly shook his head. "I can't believe they let him finish that speech. Although on the bright side, Steph went second so maybe no one will remember his, only hers." // Adam just blinked. "Well that was... a speech..." He said before listening to Steph's and smiling because it was nice.-
  27. Tsaaq: Remy’s eyes were still a bit wide. “Alright, thank you Bryan.” He said loudly. Remy started to smile again as he applauded. “Thank you so much Steph.” He said as he put his arm around Cadence. // She turned Adam and went to reach for his plate since his ass wasn’t eating anyways. Hayley cheeks were full from food but she still liked the speech. // Bliss nodded her head at Eli and kissed his cheek again. “Preapproved speeches.” She laughed as she repeated her words. Bliss began to cry because of fucking Steph. “Oh my goodness.” // “I like her, that one was nice.” Jacque smiled. // “You wanna bet?” Sasha asked Cadence. James Jr’s pale face went even paler at the news. “Ah.” He whispered. “And where’s the baby?” He interrogated, hovering over his younger brother and looking past at him at Hayley and Adam. // “Hayley lost the baby.” Eugene answered. “Her mom and dad don’t even know about it. She said it was guys at her school.” // “It was more than one guy?” Grace asked with her eyes wide. Her sensibilities offended. // James Sr walked up behind his children, hearing the tail end of the conversation about Hayley’s baby, and her parents. “Her mother and father don’t even know about what?” He asked in a scolding manner. “My children are not gossiping at their blood’s wedding. Are they?”
  28. Covet: "Oh god..."Cadence said the looked at Remy, "I think I might have accidentally suggested your Dad outdo Bryan. I'm sorry in advance." She said with a whisper and clapped, when Steph was finished, "Thank you, my make up appreciates it too. You're the best Steph." she said. "Any more speeches? Or should we go about throwing some objects at some people?"// Just because it's quiet and low key doesn't mean it can't be fancy as fuck." He told her then smiled at her speech, toasting a glass of water as she finished.// Eli leaned into her kisss, and nodded, then handed Bliss his pocket square thingy for her tears, smiling at how caught up she was in all of this, it was sweet and adorable to him. // Kelsey nodded, "We can only hope, though.. Bryan's was pretty memorable."
  29. Alexithymiaa: -Walking back over to Felix, she leaned in close to his ear, dropping her voice. "Be honest. Was that completely awful?" She asked before smiling over at Cadence. "Yes. Throw objects at people." // Bryan headed over toward the bar to get himself another beer, leaning heavily on the counter to support himself because drunk and leg. // "I'll cross my fingers." He gave Kelsey butt a quick swat. "I think Cadence is going to throw the bouquet. You need to bring this home for us. Represent, Kels." // Adam smiled as he watched Hayley eat his food, despite it being his food, it was nice to see her with such a healthy appetite. "So... your whole family is here?"-
  30. Tsaaq: “Why?” Remy asked with a sigh. “What the hell?” He chuckled. “Is there anything else we need to have done?” He asked. // “Yeah but they’re distracted… Cause its Remy’s day. So nobody will bother us about anything.” She answered after swallowing and taking more spaghetti. “Nobody is gonna try to talk to me about stuff or anything. So you’re safe.” // Bliss watched the couple then gave Steph a thumbs up. “Tonight has been so lovely.” She said. //Eugene gulped at the sound of his father’s voice. He looked between his brother and sister. // “Dad… There’s something Aunt Jacque should know.” James Jr immediately said, pulling James Sr with him as he went to spill the fuckin’ beans. // Professor Skyy immediately ran over to put his mouth to the mic. “Hayley Berkoff… Remy’s sister, has prepared a performance in honor of the occasion.”
  31. Covet: "After this performance, I'll throw the bouquet for the girls, you can dip your head under my skirt and give hope to some poor single sucker out there." She said with a laugh to Remy, giving him a kiss."Maybe give Bryan a second chance?"// Felix pulled her in and listened to her words, "No that was amazing, very sincere." He told her kissing the top of her head."Go get them flowers, I'll try my best for the garter."// Eli smiled at Bliss then looked up towards the Stage, excited to see Hayley performing something unexpected. "Oh, Hayley's doing something. That's great!" // Kelsey squeaked and headed over to a side of the dance floor where Steph was already waiting, then glanced at the stage clapping out as she heard Hayley was supposed to go up to the stage. "Yay Hayley!!"
  32. Alexithymiaa: -Steph let out a laugh, nudging Felix. "We're winners. We totally got this." She sent him a wink and stepped over to the side to stand next to Kelsey, directing her attention to the stage to watch for Hayley's performance. // Brad clapped for Hayley, sipping on his beer and hanging back by the bar to stay out of the way for the throwing of the flowers. // Adam clapped for Hayley, knowing ahead of time she'd prepared a little performance for Remy and Cadence. "I'm not too worried. Now get on up there and show everyone how amazing you are."-
  33. Tsaaq: Remy nodded, noticing his parents standing alongside he and Cadence. Patiently waiting on the performance. // Hayley got up from her seat. “Flatterer.” She said, leaning over to kiss his cheek before making her way to the keyboard. “Remy and Cadence, I’m so happy to see you guys happy.” Hayley said as she took the mic. “I dabble in medlies. Most people who know me know this already. I put together this one with the help of Professor Skyy with Remy and Cadence in mind. For my older relatives who don’t know this band in particular just take into consideration the lyrics to understand the significance to their relationship… And to everyone else who knows the words feel free to sing along.” She smiled before clearing her throat. “Where is your boy tonight? I hope he is a gentleman. Maybe he won’t what I know, you were the last thing about this side of town…(” Hayley sang before putting her fingers to the keys of the keyboard. // Bliss gasped. “Oh my goodness! I know this song.” She said, but genius, you’ll know all of them.
  34. Covet: Cadence smiled and held Remy close, mouthing the lyrics as Hayley played, Her eyes watering. She was super proud of her as she played, listening to the lyrics. When she was finished she cheered out and walked over to give her a hug, "Thanks Hayley, That was amazing." She sniffled and wiped her eyes, "I should have given you the no tears warning too." Now who's ready to catch a bouquet? She asked walking over to the girls, "Everyone gets fair warning, I'm not responsible if Steph takes you out." She told them as she turned around and went to toss the boquet over her head, and up in the air.// Listening to the song, Felix clapped his hands, because that was pretty impressive, he'd never heard Hayley play anything before.// Eli leaned over to Bliss, "So, do you think we can hire her for our wedding too?, Because I'm pretty sure I need to insist that she does." // Kelsey was getting all sniffly again at the song as she stood next to Steph.
  35. Alexithymiaa: -Steph clapped for Hayley's song, knowing all the words of course. When Cadence announced the bouquet toss, she moved over with the group of women who were now all huddling together, putting her hands up as she watched the flowers soar through the air, jumping up in an attempt to snatch them before anyone else. // Bryan was over by the bar straight up doing shots now that all his responsibilities of the night were over. // brad smiled as he watched Hayley, clapping when she was finished because he also liked the FOB. // Adam stood to his feet, beginning to walk toward the dance floor to watch her better, his hands in his pockets as he just sort of beamed proudly at her.-
  36. Tsaaq: Remy went to take Cadence’s hand with a smile, squeezing it as he looked at her face then to Hayley. “I love this.” He said with a smile. He only let go of Cadence to give Hayley her hug as well. “Great job kid.” He congratulated. “Really?” He asked Cadence. “It’s flowers.” // She went to hug Cadence then Remy. “It’s always my pleasure guys. I’m glad you liked it… I was hoping you did.” She completely forgot about the toss. She went to stand with the group and lifted her hands exasperatedly. // “What medley would she do for us?” Bliss asked once it was done, another well done compilation. “We can definitely recruit her.” // Sasha whistled and clapped loudly, cause both his babies were making him proud. “Who the hell is Professor Skyy?” Sasha leaned in to ask Jacque. // Jacqueline shrugged and turned her body once she felt the tap. “What James?” She asked once she saw her brother. // “We’ve got to talk… it’s about your daughter.” James Sr. said, before waving James Jr away from him. “Get out of my sight.” He whispered.
  37. Covet: "They are flowers with a meaning... And Steph's on a mission." Cadence said as she watched Steph take over that, because nobody else had a chance. She clapped then looked at Remy, "Just like you taking the garter on my thigh off is part of this whole ritual. C'mon." She said as she had a chair brought out and sat down on it, pulling her skirt up a bit, "Hands or teeth?" She asked him with a smirk, Keep a good aim too. //Eli kept his arm around Bliss, watching the girls fight for flowers, then, //Felix, went and stood over with I'm assuming Adam, Brad and a couple other single dudes, He clapped his hands and called out to Remy, "I'm open! I'm open!" // Eli kept an arm wrapped around Bliss, "Oh I'm sure we could find one, Maybe something My chemical romance related?" He told her pressing a kiss to her head.// Kelsey was also flailing her arms, but wasn't about to get in Steph's way either. She laughed when it was all said and done
  38. Alexithymiaa: -Steph just grabbed that shit and hugged it to her chest, smiling widely as she stepped to the side to watch Remy remove Cadence's garter. Once it was all said and done, she went back to dancing with Felix to dance the night away, yay. // Bryans dead. // Brad walked out with the other guys, actually making an attempt to catch the garter, but not too much because thats a lot of work. He didnt care that much. // Adam had made his way out but seriously didnt want the garter at all so he didnt even put his hands up before going back to mingling and eating and stuff.-
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