
Strawberry Gunge\

May 21st, 2017
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  1. Susan took a deep breath as she strolled unto the fairground's. The laughter of children filled the air as they rushed from one point to the other. Craftsmen stood by there booths, hawking there homemade wares. And tanned farmers, dressed in old cotton shirts and overalls stood by baskets of garden fresh fruits. Crude hand painted sighns stood by his wicker weaved basket. The baskets held a treasure of fresh fruits and veggies. Lush, scarlet red strawberries chief among them.
  3. Releasing her deep breath, Susan started to stroll toward the old man, she knew as 'Strawberry Princess' she was required to 'Taste Test' everything and give it her offical seal of approvel. She was also 'Allowed' and to demand samples too. And by 'Allowed' she was allowed to ask very nicely for a sampling of there fresh produce.
  5. “Hey there princess.” The farmer called out in a deep southern draw. “You looking might nice in your dress there.” The man's accent was thick and corse. The words seemed to tumble out of his mouth and onto the ground in front of him.
  7. “Hello there good sir.” Susan said with a gentle smile as she gathered up side of her dress and offered a small curtsey to the man. To be extra cute she even bashed her eyelash's at him.
  9. “Mighty fine day.” He said reaching down into one of the buckets. After a minute of searching around, he dug out a perfectly colored strawberry. With a kind smile, he offered it to her.
  11. “Fresh from the garden.” He said with a wink.
  13. “Thank you sir.” Susan said as she took the strawberry from his hand. Grinning ear to ear she bite down upon it. A soft purr filled the air around her as she took another bite, followed by another. It was like biting into a tiny piece of heaven.
  15. “Its very good, thank you for sharing.” Susan said as she took the final bite from the lush red fruit.
  17. “Nothing to it, my grandfather taught me everything. You know Madison was once toted as the 'Strawberry Capitol of the Word' back when there was nothing but a railroad running through here. No highway's and the roads where nothing but hogtrails that turned to mud when it rained too hard.” He said smiling a little.
  19. Susan nodded her head along with the man's words as she slowly reached over and took another berry from the basket. Smiling she pushed the whole berry into her mouth and swallowed. These tiny berries where like a little taste of heaven in a bite size serving.
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