
"Ink It, Black"

Oct 10th, 2017
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  2. Synopsis: An Inkling boy reflects on his time with GrizzCo as the boat drives him and his crew to their next shift.
  4. Two years have passed since that fateful day. Two years since I heard the advert on the screen. β€œWhy not?” I thought. I needed the money, so I walked into the GrizzCo office.
  5. I close my eyes, and I can return to my first shift, my first contact with the enemy.
  7. Greener than a spring meadow, there I am, blind dropped into the breach. Before I know it, they come, arising from the depths like the legions of hell itself. A tide of flesh, crawling over itself in the bid for my blood. Then came the bosses; twisted, yet beautiful apparitions of metal being piloted through the air, armoured behemoths launching bombs as the salmon in their crude cars bore down upon me.
  8. It is only as you crawl across the edge of a straight razor you find out who you truly are. And as I fell, I discovered I had wings.
  10. As the Salmonoids fell before me, night turned into day, and day turned into night. A job became a passion, and their battalions became sport.
  11. Within three months I’d made employee of the month, a prestigious title for the FNG.
  13. I have seen their strongest phalanx together, a living wall advancing from the beaches. I have seen their mothership light up the skies with her otherworldly glow. I have faced down the berserk horde as the glowflies swarmed me and my team. I have tasted of their poison rain and stood fast against their machines. I have held back the night. I have lived, and died, and lived again a thousand times over. I have waltzed with Death, and I have smiled every second of it.
  15. They are rage, without mercy. We are nothing to them except bacteria to be disinfected, a disease to be purged from this land. They know no pity, remorse, or fear. They act without hesitation, without judgement. There will be no words, no treaties, no bargains nor covenants. The only language they care for is violence.
  17. Suits me just fine. Come and have a go if you think you’re hard enough!
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