
16 Lesta Nediam LNC2017-07-30 0140 +Flat Earth Scientist

Jul 29th, 2017
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  1. Lesta Nediam LNC2017-07-30 0140 +Flat Earth Scientist
  4. __
  6. +Flat Earth Scientist __ You are always asking Lesta questions but it's never to arrive at any kind of understanding. As a flat Earther do you not assert that "NASA" *must* fake every image of the Earth from space *because* the Earth is flat?
  9. __________
  10. 2017-07-30 0250
  12. +Flat Earth Scientist __ I am sure you would agree that with ignorance it is possible to "prove" as true any false claim! If I understand what you are saying - no genuine photo of a round Earth from space is possible *because* the Earth is flat. Therefore every image of the Earth from space showing it to be round *must* necessarily be faked.
  14. So far you are being civil, reasonable, logical and consistent. I hope it continues when you answer the following question: Would you agree that *if* space agencies *could* provide a genuine photo (i.e., one that doesn't better resemble artwork) of a _round_ Earth from space they *would have* done so by now?
  17. __________
  18. 2017-07-30 0415
  20. +Flat Earth Scientist __ If there is footage of me setting my mailbox on fire but my mailbox remains perfectly intact then *that* would be "sufficient proof" (in lie system parlance) that the footage *must* be fraudulent _even though_ it appears *perfectly real*.
  22. You bring up something interesting, though. Do you suppose that space agencies only provide photos of Earth from space that better resemble artwork (e.g., when compared to equivalent photos of the Moon) because *that's the best they can do* - or do you suppose it's possible for space agencies to present fake _but perfectly realistic_ images? (Like your mailbox example.)
  24. In other words - do you think the population is given "artwork" because that's the best that space agencies can manage or do you think it is possible we _could_ be shown something perfectly realistic but are instead given "artwork" *deliberately*?
  29. __________
  30. 2017-07-30 0600
  32. +Flat Earth Scientist __ If the photos of Earth from space possessed the same "realness" that can be readily seen in photos of the Moon do you think there would be fewer flat Earth proponents? I say there would be - allow me to explain. How fortunate it is for the flat Earth movement that they can line up a series of "Earth from space" photos and say, _"Look! They're nothing but artwork!"_ whereas all it would take is *just one photo* to have undeniable "realness" and that would no longer be possible (because there'd be an exception).
  34. With a single photo depicting *perfect realism* (like a photo of the Moon) Flat Earthers would *no longer* be able to say "it's *all* artwork". The fact all of the Earth from space photos better resemble artwork than perfect realism is what catches a lot of open-minded people's attention with regard to flat Earth.
  36. And so a good quality photo of Earth from space which has "realness" would absolutely undermine and slow down the flat Earth movement whereas the "artwork photos" we are presented with serve only to benefit the spread of flat Earth.
  38. Although "they" may not care about "realism" because "sheeple will eat up whatever they spit out" - if space agencies have the ability to fake photos that are "perfectly realistic" then the fact they don't means we are being shown "artwork" intentionally.
  40. But do you really think space agencies are intentionally showing "artwork" instead of "realism" because they *want* people to stop believing that the Earth is round?! That does not stand up to scrutiny! After all - if the reason for putting globes into classrooms is to convince the "sheeple" that the Earth is a ball (when really it's flat) then presenting "artwork" only makes sense *if it's not possible for space agencies to make fake images that possess "perfect realism"*.
  42. Would you be so kind as to share your thoughts with regard to these things.
  46. __________
  47. 2017-08-01 2135
  49. +Flat Earth Scientist __ Sure - humans make mistakes. When I talk about the lie system not making "mistakes" I am referring to the kind of mistakes which _necessarily prove_ an event or claim to have been fabricated in a way that "normal people" cannot reasonably deny (i.e., there is no rational "plausible explanation" to reject it).
  51. Because the unqualified word "mistake" can be confusing I often need to refer to these kinds of mistakes as *"fatal mistakes"*. Pranksters, criminals and amateurs can be expected to make "fatal mistakes" when deceiving the population _but not the lie system._
  53. What is an example of a "fatal mistake"? An example of a "fatal mistake" would be if an astronaut were to be seen juggling fruit aboard the "ISS" (and the *context* for the juggling was *"real/serious"* and not a prank/trick) then that would be a "fatal mistake".
  55. It would be a "fatal mistake" because there can be no demonstrations of gravity in a permanent weightless environment. The "astronaut" simply *cannot be where he or she is alleged to be* and no "normal person" can invent a reasonable "plausible explanation" for it. In that situation every "normal person" would be able to recognise that they are witnessing deceit.
  57. It is natural and common for people like you with an *incorrect understanding* of the lie system to feel as though "fatal mistakes" are made and can be observed.
  59. It is natural and common for people like you with an *incorrect understanding* of the lie system to feel as though the lie system is "sloppy" and can be outsmarted.
  61. The lie system is not sloppy and nor can it be outsmarted. All that can be done is to *accurately describe* the lie system and when *enough people* have become familiar with its protocols it will be rendered ineffective. Whether you help or hinder with that process is up to you.
  63. Of the hundreds to thousands of conspiracy videos which purport to show "100% PROOF CASE CLOSED!" for allegedly staged events *not a single one* presents _*actual proof*_ that *necessarily proves* an event to have been staged.
  65. Every single time the "proof" turns out to be a mistake on the part of the conspiracy theorist _and not_ the lie system. Every proposed "fatal mistake" is either incorrect or can be dismissed with a "plausible explanation" that does not rely on magical thinking or fantasy.
  67. Just because something "feels like" proof of a "mistake" is not good enough. The lie system can have a pretend victim smile right into the camera - _but that is not a "fatal mistake"._
  69. When you want to see something as fake then that is how you will perceive it - _even if it is real._ When you want to see mistakes then you will perceive mistakes - _even when there are none._
  71. Everyone who genuinely claims to believe that the Earth is flat is suffering from a self-induced psychosis. If you are a genuine person - _and you say you are_ - then you are experiencing a self-induced psychosis.
  73. You are aimlessly wandering the lie system's labyrinth _without any hope for escape_ and that's because you are not yet willing or able to let go of preexisting *false* beliefs and begin seeking true things for true reasons. For that is the only way to reliably arrive at the truth of a matter.
  78. ____________________________________________________________
  79. My name is Lesta Nediam and I am cracking reality like a nut.
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  90. What does not exist - exists to exist.
  91. What exists - exists to always exist.
  92. As it is written - so it is done.
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