
Auction House announcement.

Oct 5th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. Communication and radios devices across the universe suddenly go quiet as a subtle *Chi-ka-chi-ka-chi-ka* noise is heard, reminding few of a train. A raspy voice with a western accent that seemed to date back a distant era seemed to come alive for this moment. "Violence... murder.. savagery.. Such fragile things yet where is there profit in a dead man?"
  3. "An alternative to such tasteless etiquette, HelmerFall offers it. Let rumors spread.. Let it be KNOWN!That when the air of slavery echos off the tongue.. even newborns will know that thou speaks of HelmerFall. My Fellow Congregation.. I offer you HelmerFall's Auction house."
  5. The mysterious speaker's voice would fade off into a buzzing noise as devices returned to normal as if nothing happened. All who heard it would have some degree of understanding that prisoner's of war or people kidnapped could be sold off in an Auction house on desert within the bounds of HelmerFall.
  7. (Only live players. No NPCs)
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