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a guest
Jul 26th, 2017
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  1. Dx80 - In use byte
  2. Dx81 - Main ID
  3. Dx82 - Sub ID
  4. Dx84 - Enemy stage (For example, 09 in a stalfos is walk, 0A is prepare jump, 0B is jumping)
  5. Dx86 - Movement timer (How long to walk in a direction unless hits a collision)
  6. Dx89 - Movement direction. 00 = up, 08 - right, 10 = down, 18 = left
  7. Dx8B - Y
  8. Dx8D - X
  9. Dx9A - Not sure, but if < 80, enemy disappears
  10. Dx9B - Palette echo
  11. Dx9C - Palette
  12. DxA1 - Sprite index (current step)
  13. DxA2 - Lower byte of data
  14. DxA3 - Upper byte of data
  15. DxA4 - If bit 7 is set, the enemy is vulnerable
  16. DxA6 - Collision height radius
  17. DxA7 - Collision width radius
  18. DxA8 - Damage that gets dealt (FF - [value])
  19. DxA9 - Health - A level 1 sword deals 2 damage
  20. DxAE - Frozen timer (boomerang hit)
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