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May 23rd, 2018
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  1. ;Protection. Preporuchitelno da ne gi mahate!
  2. autobuyfix_connor.amxx
  3. fullupdate.amxx
  4. anti_fullupdate.amxx
  5. ;KRAI na protekciite (:
  7. ; Admin Base - Always one has to be activated
  8. std_admin_color_chat.amxx
  9. restrictWeaponsGround.amxx
  10. //rs_swearfilter.amxx
  11. crx_advmute.amxx
  12. gag_system.amxx
  13. //amx_gag.amxx
  14. //RegisterSystem.amxx
  15. //advanced_bans.amxx
  16. //advanced_bans_sql.amxx
  17. admin.amxx ; admin base (required for any admin-related)
  18. ;admin_sql.amxx ; admin base - SQL version (comment admin.amxx)
  20. ; Basic
  21. admincmd.amxx ; basic admin console commands
  22. adminhelp.amxx ; help command for admin console commands
  23. adminslots.amxx ; slot reservation
  24. multilingual.amxx ; Multi-Lingual management
  26. ; Menus
  27. menufront.amxx ; front-end for admin menus
  28. cmdmenu.amxx ; command menu (speech, settings)
  29. plmenu_ab_base.amxx
  30. plmenu.amxx ; players menu (kick, ban, client cmds.)
  31. ;telemenu.amxx ; teleport menu (Fun Module required!)
  32. mapsmenu.amxx ; maps menu (vote, changelevel)
  33. pluginmenu.amxx ; Menus for commands/cvars organized by plugin
  35. ; Chat / Messages
  36. adminchat.amxx ; console chat commands
  37. antiflood.amxx ; prevent clients from chat-flooding the server//
  38. scrollmsg.amxx ; displays a scrolling message
  39. imessage.amxx ; displays information messages
  40. adminvote.amxx ; vote commands
  42. ; Map related
  43. //nextmap.amxx ; displays next map in mapcycle
  44. //mapchooser.amxx ; allows to vote for next map
  45. timeleft.amxx ; displays time left on map
  47. ; Configuration
  48. pausecfg.amxx ; allows to pause and unpause some plugins
  49. statscfg.amxx ; allows to manage stats plugins via menu and commands
  51. ; Counter-Strike
  52. restmenu.amxx ; restrict weapons menu
  53. //statsx.amxx ; stats on death or round end (CSX Module required!)
  54. miscstats.amxx ; bunch of events announcement for Counter-Strike
  55. ;stats_logging.amxx ; weapons stats logging (CSX Module required!)
  57. ; Enable to use AMX Mod plugins
  58. ;amxmod_compat.amxx ; AMX Mod backwards compatibility layer
  60. ; Custom - Add 3rd party plugins here
  61. crx_command_restrictions.amxx
  62. //admin_check.amxx
  63. galileo.amxx debug
  64. //amxx_piss.amxx
  65. resetscore.amxx
  66. c4timer.amxx
  67. automatic_knife_duel.amxx
  68. VehicleRealKiller.amxx
  69. QuakeSounds.amxx
  70. abd.amxx
  71. AdminPrefixes_WHITE_CHAT.amxx
  72. admins-with-vip.amxx ; VIP on who is with flag b
  73. //GHW_GHR.amxx
  74. //crx_becomevip.amxx
  75. //amx_adminmodel.amxx ; skins of those who have flag b
  76. statsx_shell.amxx
  77. grenade_trail.amxx
  78. vip_exstras.amxx ; grenades to those who have flag b
  79. unstick_player.amxx
  80. //amx_heconc.amxx
  81. chicken_bombs.amxx
  82. //amx_show_ip.amxx
  83. GHW_Message_Disp.amxx
  84. //amx_chicken.amxx debug
  85. smokegrenademodes.amxx
  86. amx_parachute.amxx debug
  87. permanent_message.amxx
  88. gamenamechanger.amxx
  89. teamknifes.amxx ; knife skins for those who have flag b
  90. //plugin_controller.amxx
  91. //amx_timeleft_message.amxx
  92. //kdf.amxx
  93. lastmanbets_noprizes.amxx
  94. walkguard.amxx
  95. reconnect_features.amxx
  96. //mapsinfo.amxx
  97. PhAFK.amxx
  98. ut_revive.amxx
  99. func_vehicle_respawn_fix.amxx
  100. amx_advanced_weaprest.amxx
  101. slots_reservation.amxx
  102. atac.amxx
  103. trail_menu.amxx
  104. plugin_trail.amxx
  105. //SantaHat.amxx
  106. //simpletk.amxx
  107. //vip_info.amxx
  108. //user_flags_control.amxx
  109. amx_gore_ultimate.amxx
  110. ASP.amxx
  111. //support_info.amxx
  112. //amxx_dimension.amxx
  113. //rr_dimension_main.amxx
  114. crx_simplemenu.amxx
  115. blockmaker_v4.01.amxx
  116. radio.amxx
  117. //radio_steam.amxx
  118. //admin_info.amxx
  119. napalm_nades.amxx
  120. freeammo.amxx
  121. jetpack.amxx
  122. //zombie_tank.amxx debug
  123. //rules.amxx
  124. bad_camper.amxx
  125. //weapon_replacement.amxx
  126. realnadedrops.amxx
  127. //nademodes.amxx
  128. //campmeter.amxx
  129. //voteban.amxx
  130. multijump.amxx
  131. //nightdm.amxx
  132. //pause_metamod.amxx
  133. //swear_filter.amxx
  134. //admin_glow.amxx
  135. //leader_glow.amxx
  136. potti.amxx
  137. //cut_the_right.amxx
  138. speclist.amxx
  139. //GMST_Precache-Manager.amxx
  140. //real_admin_skins.amxx
  141. //--==Christmas Update==--
  142. //present.amxx
  143. //RealSantaHat.amxx
  144. //winter_environment.amxx
  145. //crx_snow.amxx
  146. alt_end_round_sounds(beta).amxx
  147. //rainysnowy.amxx
  148. //ny_countdown.amxx
  149. //ny_snow.amxx
  150. //--==Christmas Update==--
  151. //swear_replacement.amxx
  152. spec_banner_ads.amxx
  153. amx_demorecorder.amxx
  154. WeaponTrail.amxx
  155. //Hats_fixed.amxx
  156. amx_pm.amxx
  157. //quiz.amxx
  158. ejaculate.amxx
  159. amx_exec.amxx
  160. sank_sounds.amxx
  161. //hats.amxx
  162. //ColoredSmoke.amxx
  163. //unlimited_nades.amxx
  164. //amx_advanced_hp_ap.amxx
  165. showip.amxx
  166. //voteban1_2.amxx
  167. //weapon_m79.amxx
  168. crx_fast_knife.amxx
  169. crx_gospec.amxx
  170. crx_gametracker.amxx
  171. crx_randomhp.amxx
  172. crx_motdcommands.amxx
  173. crx_admingroups.amxx
  174. fireworks2.amxx
  175. //VIP.amxx
  176. //lagmenu.amxx
  177. weaponsByThePro.amxx
  178. //gags.amxx
  179. //crx_blockcmds.amxx
  180. crx_team_advantage.amxx
  181. crx_remove_immunity.amxx
  182. custom_shop.amxx
  183. dice_main.amxx
  184. ////roll_the_dice.amxx debug
  185. models_menu.amxx
  186. //entities_resources_replacement.amxx
  187. //crx_c4timer.amxx
  188. //crx_chatmanager.amxx
  189. //crx_demorecorder.amxx
  190. FITH_REMOVER.amxx
  191. //cs_team_semiclip.amxx
  192. //scm_traceline_fix.amxx
  193. //scm_entity_editor.amxx
  194. //hackera457_maprate.amxx
  195. //simple_glow_menu.amxx
  196. ptb.amxx
  197. Map_Spawns_Editor.amxx
  198. //admincomplaint.amxx
  199. //restrictWeaponsBuy.amxx
  200. //removeweapons.amxx
  201. //force_round_end.amxx
  202. mdbBansEN.amxx
  203. //crx_knife_models.amxx
  204. //kamikaze_rocket.amxx
  205. //xredirect.amxx
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